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> FLUENT WITH e FRIENDS Vocab Review MP3 & PDF Masterclass Download Vocab Review MP3 Download Option 2 Ethan 4) Hey, this is Ethan. This is a simple sample of the vocabulary MP3 breakdown included with each lesson of our Fluent with Friends course. The goal is to give you some extra practice with the most important words, so you never forget them — ina convenient format that you can listen to while you're in your car, at the store, walking your dog, etc. This will actually be for all 3 clips that you are getting with the mini-course this week. So, if some of the vocabulary still doesn’t seem familiar, don’t worry, you can actually use this all week long, with all of the lessons. The total length of this vocabulary review is normally around 10 minutes, covering examples from the entire episode, but because the scenes we're covering in this Masteclass series are just a portion of the first episode, it will be shorter. Also, make sure you check out the PDFs that come along with the lesson. Let's get started! 1. Come on! (Joey) Joey: Come on, you're going out with the guy. There's gotta be something wrong with him. Definition: Come on is used to convince a person to change their attitude or position. Example: Come on, we've got so much homework already. Please don't give us a paper to write too. 2. A Date (Monica) Monica: Okay, everybody relax, this is not even a date. It’s just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. Definition: So a date is when two people often go out to dinner, go to see a movie, or something else like this, to get to know each other romantically. It can be used to describe both the event of going to do something with this person, and also the person themself. Example: Do you have a date for Friday night? 3. All of a Sudden / It Turns Out (Chandler) Chandler: All of the sudden, the phone starts to ring. And it turns out it’s my mother, which is very very weird, because she never calls me. All of a Sudden Definition: All of a sudden is an expression we use commonly when something happens quickly and unexpectedly. We can also say, all the sudden. Example: The sky was clear, but then all the sudden, it started to rain, and | didn’t have an umbrella. It Turns Out Definition: Turn out means that something results in a specific way. Example: t turns out I can't make it to the dinner on Friday night. Note: The total length of this vocabulary review is normally around 10 minutes, covering examples from the entire episode. But, because the scenes we're covering in this masterclass series are just a portion of the first episode, it willl be shorter. Also, make sure you check out the PDFs that come along with this lesson 4. Stuff (Monica) Monica: Carol moved her stuff out today. Definition: Stuff is another common way to say “things.” Example: | have some stuff | have to do this afternoon. 5. Leave Me Alone (Ross) Ross: No, No, don’t! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? Definition: To leave something or somebody alone means to stop bothering or annoying someone. Example: You better leave your brother alone. 6. To Hell with Somebody (Ross) Ross: To hell with her. She left me. Definition: To hell with somebody is an exclamation we can say to say that you don't care about a person, or you hope that something bad happens to them. Example: To hell with my boss. He's a jerk. 7. Out Loud (Chandler) Chandler: Sometimes | wish | was a Lesbian. Did | say that out loud? Definition: To say something out loud or read something out loud means that you say it with your voice rather than in your head, so that people can hear. Example: Alright, Jim, could you read page 5 out loud for the class? 8. Gravy Boat/ Gorgeous/ Turned On (Rachel) Rachel: | was looking at this gravy boat, this really gorgeous lamoge gravy boat, when all of a sudden-- sweet 'n low?-- I realized that | was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry. Gravy Boat Definition: Gravy boat is a sort of bowl that we use on the table to serve gravy, which is a thick liquid sauce that is made from vegetables or from meat- for example, beef gravy or turkey gravy, and will pour it on top of different types of food. Gorgerous Definition: Gorgerous is something that is really beautiful. Example: She looks gorgeous in that dress. To Be Turned On Definition: Turned on by something means that you are sexually excited by something. 9. Freak Out/ It Hit Me (Rachel) Rachel: And then | got really freaked out. And that's when it hit me, how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato head. To Freak Out Definition: To freak out means that you get really scared or anxious and you start to panic. Example: I’m freaking out about the exam this Friday. “It hit me” Definition: It hit me means that you have a sudden realization of something. Example: It just hit me that | left the oven on at home, and I have to go now. 10. Wonder/ Drift Apart (Rachel) Rachel: | started wondering why am I doing this, and who am | doing this for? So anyway, | just didn’t know where to go, and | know that you and | have kind of drifted apart, but you're the only person | knew who lived here in the city. To Wonder Definition: To wonder is to think deeply or philosophically about something. Example: | wonder if Barcelona will win the soccer match. To Drift Apart Defin in: To drift apart is to slowly become more distant from someone. Example: He and his brother drifted apart, but they just had a reunion last year, and now they're getting along much better. Alright, | hope you enjoyed this lesson, and I'll see you soon! FLUENT WITH eo@® RIENPS

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