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Chapter II


This chapter will present review of related literature and studies culled by the researcher

that support the current study.

Review of Related Literature

Sinulog Festival

The Sinulog is a reflection of the devotion and undying faith of the Cebuanos to

the Sñr. Sto. Niño; and this devotion has been passed on from generation to generation.

Which resulted to its annual festivity every third Sunday of January. Despite the fact that

we are celebrating it’s 454th anniversary, its origin is still a mystery to the thousands of

devotees of the Child Jesus. Many people are confused to the actual number of years of

this celebration and thought that this year is going to be the 497 th, making it 500th years

in the year 2021 (Ulbata, 2019). Sinulog is a dance ritual in honor of the miraculous

image of the Santo Nino. The dance moves to the sound of the drums and this

resembles the current (Sinulog) of what was then known as Cebu's Pahina River. Thus,

in Cebuano, they say it's Sinulog. More than just the meaning of the word is the

significance of the dance.

The Festival of Sinulog is more experience in Bula General Santos City and

Cebu City because they have more activities and people want to experience happiness.
Historical Study

Historians now say that Sinulog, which is of pagan origin, is the link between the

country's pagan past and its Christian present (Orosa, 2014). Street dancers in vibrant

costumes, floats, higantes, and thousands of revelers from across the globe will fill the

streets today for the Sinulog Festival. But apart from the merrymaking are the traditions

that have been inculcated in Cebuano’s, be it completing the nine-day novena mass,

attending the solemn procession, or many other ways the faithful express devotion to

the Holy Child Jesus, Señor Sto. Niño . As we say, “Pit Señor,” which by the way, is a

short form of “Sangpit Señor,” let’s take a look at Sinulog Festival traditions that our

readers have been practicing over the years (Tabaque, 2018).

The Historical Study is more lesson about the Sinulog and the History is there for

you to read and learn about how important they are and to know a lot of different

designs and programs and you can see a lot of displays and carry to Sto. Nino.

Faith in Devotion

The study intended to divulge the Señor Santo Niño devotees' lived experiences

in a fluvial parade as a component of the celebration of Cebu City's Sinulog Festival.

Devotion to the Santo Nino (Holy Child), an image of Jesus as a small boy typically

dressed as a king, is a mainstay of Philippine Catholic life. Devotions to him are part of

every parish’s life, and in some places a major feast of the year. Some image of Santo

Nino is found in almost every Filipino home, because Filipino’s believe that the Santo

Nino is their protector and has the power to grant and answer their prayers. The oldest

and most popular Santo Nino image is the Santo Nino of Cebu. That image is
particularly revered by Cebuano’s, people from the region in and around the City of

Cebu, where the Spaniards set up the first colonial capital. (Landy,2019).

Faith is a relationship and trust God because the Sinulog Festival is about the

Sto. Nino and the Christian life is dependent upon faith.


This utilized a phenomenological studies design of the respondents' narratives

on their lived experiences in the Sinulog Fluvial Parade. A bracketing process was

adapted to separate the researcher's perspective from the respondents' lived

experiences. Fluvial Parade espoused a significant celebration in the lives of the many

devotees of Señor Santo Niño. Emotional bliss and peace of mind are evident in their

faces as they welcomed Señor Santo Niño in his coming through his short voyage. They

come to witness this event as a means of taking part in the celebration, expressing their

gratitude to all the blessings, good health and many opportunities they have received,

self-commitment and strong devotion to the child Jesus Christ. Fluvial parade

showcased the Cebuano faith and tradition i.e. uniquely animistic and ritualistic Filipino

(Ibones, 2016).

Experiences of Sinulog is lot a activities and truly lived and more blessing and

many opportunities.

Hope of Sinulog

Never loose hope. You can loose everything you own, but never surrender your

hope. Hope for a better tomorrow hope for a better world hope for the future, there is
always hope. Sinulog a story of how by turning to good you can overcome the bad in

life. .The worship of nature and gratitude for what is provided with its Christian present

centered around Santo Nino.(travel, 2016).

Hope is trusting yourself and God because you need to be a better for the future.

Hope is a kindness on yourself.


Street dancers in vibrant costumes, floats, higantes, and thousands of revelers

from across the globe will fill the streets today for the Sinulog Festival. But apart from

the merrymaking are the traditions that have been inculcated in Cebuano’s, be it

completing the nine-day novena mass, attending the solemn procession, or many other

ways the faithful express devotion to the Holy Child Jesus, Senor Sto. Nino. As we say,

‘’Pit Senor,’’ which by the way, is a short form of ‘’ Sangpit Senor,’’ let’s take a look at

Sinulog Festival traditions that our readers have been practicing over the years.

( tabaque, 2018).

Tradition is belief or a behavior the symbolic significance with origins in the past.


Culture has always been part of human existence. It is a system of learned and

shared practices wherein people interact with each other over the course of

generations. The cultures in which we grow up directly influence how we view and

distinguish ourselves from other people. Thus, our way of embracing our own ethnic,
religious and cultural heritage promote a sense of belongingness and play a vital role in

shaping our own identify. This identification gratifies the human needs and provides an

avenue for the people to work closer together. (Ibones, 2016).

Culture is have different ethnic, religious and the Sinulog culture is more people

want to celebrate this festival because they want to share the food from the different


Preserving the Sinulog

The Sinulog Grand Parade last Sunday was a huge success by any measure. A

record 2.5 million people, according to police estimates, went out to join the celebration.

The Cebuano’s whose devotion to the Senor Sto. Nino as shown in the hundreds of

thousands who showed up for the religious activities and other events leading to the

grand parade and street parties. The contributed to having more people, young and old,

showing up for the sinulog. It inspires confidence to see literally even to ensure that no

harm will come to people in the procession and parade routes. (Manticajon,2019).

Cebuano Heritage

Heritage, loosely defined, refers to ‘’ that which people wish to save for the

future’’ (Howard, 2010). In practical terms, heritage represents the present consumption

of a product of the past whose value was not necessarily intended when it was originally

produced. In this description, heritage has either implicit or explicit value, which is

relative to or ascribed by the people who have entitlement to that product of the past.

This entitlement can be held by those in diaspora or away from their home country.
Heritage is inevitably contested, and is experienced differently by different individuals

and groups.

Inspiration Festival

Mind Mingle Inspirational Festival is the mega event we pour buckets of

inspiration into your mind, body and soul. Amazing guest speakers, thinkers, creators

and abstract minds are all gathering together for this event of a complete mind boost.

Mingle with some of the most fascinating educators from India and around the world.


More people inspired the Sinulog Festival because it’s all about Sto.Nino and this

festival is fascinating all the people and inspired the God.

Review of Related Studies

The study of Maiquez (2016), Sinulog Festival is related to the present study a

fiesta that happens annually in the city and island-province of Cebu, Philippines every

December-January. It is a massive pilgrimage to the Santo Niño or the religious image

of Christ figured as a child king and a tourist event full of dancing and festive

performances. In this essay, I examine a small portion of this festival or the parade to

interpret flow. The concept of flow in academic terms is fluid and multifaceted, having

been construed in a number of ways in the social sciences and the humanities. Various

studies have also cited flow as an explanation of mobility between transnational places.

In this paper, I examine and locate flow not through global and transnational

perspectives but within a localized and micro-perspective of performance studies and

auto-ethnography. I suggest that flow in the Sinulog parade is an engaged participation

and witnessing of people emplaced and performing in this event. This form of engaged

participation and witnessing reveals a complex sociality by a performing public during a

sacred and festive event within Cebu, Philippines.

The study of. Reynaldo Inocian (2017), the Tradition of Sinulog Festival is related

to the present study. This study analyzed the evolutionary transition of the Sinulog-

based dance in Cebu, Philippines. It also sought to: contrast the traditional Sinulog

Dance and the contemporary Sinulog-based dance in terms of the dance steps,

musicality, ritual, costumes, and the reason or purpose of dancing; identify the effects of

the changes in the Sinulog-based dance in the tourism industry of Cebu City as a

whole; generate a theory which serves as framework of the evolutionary transition of the

Sinulog-based dance. A collective case study design with naturalistic observation was

utilized. The transition of the traditional Sinulog dance to the contemporary Sinulog

dance was ignited by the change of external factors indicated in the Theory of Cultural

Transition. The traditional Sinulog dance was on the brink of extinction without the help

of certain individuals and organization who took part in preserving this potential cultural

heritage, as a response to the essentialist challenge posed by the cultural heritage

advocates. The contemporary Sinulog dance transcended to a new culture after the

Sinulog was obliterated to a more progressivist view of change to increase tourist

attraction catapulted to a more commercialized endeavor for tourism and business

development opportunities. Keywords: Sinulog Dance; Sinulog Dance Ritual;

Modernization; Tradition; Culture.

The study of tagpuno,(2016), Sinulog Fluvial Parade, is related to the present

study. The study intended to divulge the Señor Santo Niño devotees’ lived experiences

in a fluvial parade as a component of the celebration of Cebu City’s Sinulog Festival.

This utilized a phenomenological studies design of the respondents’ narratives on their

lived experiences in the Sinulog Fluvial Parade. A bracketing process was adapted to

separate the researcher’s perspective from the respondents’ lived experiences. Fluvial

Parade espoused a significant celebration in the lives of the many devotees of Señor

Santo Niño. Emotional bliss and peace of mind are evident in their faces as they

welcomed Señor Santo Niño in his coming through his short voyage. They come to

witness this event as a means of taking part in the celebration, expressing their

gratitude to all the blessings, good health and many opportunities they have received,

self-commitment and strong devotion to the child Jesus Christ. Fluvial parade

showcased the Cebuano faith and tradition i.e. uniquely animistic and ritualistic Filipino.

Señor Santo Niño symbolized as the giver of strength and the source of support among

the devotees. As a whole, fluvial parade epitomized love, peace and unity, which

heaved the Cebuano’s to unconditional faith, as loyal devotees of the Holy Child Jesus.

It is recommended that organizers of the annual fluvial parade will retain the best

features of the celebration and will continue to find better ways to improve or

disseminate information for wider participation and preservation of this unique Cebuano

Christian heritage.

The study of Tsabalala (2010), entitled praise and worship, is related to the

present study. The present study explores the role of ‘praise and worship’ activities in
the spiritual well-being of a select group of Pentecostal youth. Forty youth members

completed an adapted version of the Spiritual well-being Scale (SWBS) and a

questionnaire. In addition to ranking ‘praise and worship’ activities, they were asked

about the roles that involvement in the youth group, Praise and worship activities and

Music in the youth group play in their experience of Spiritual well-being On the praise

and worship activities, they ranked ‘Prayer’ as the most important activity with keeping

‘Silence’ as least important.

The study of Borkakoty (2014), entitled Cultural Festival, is related to the present

study. Festival are integral to culture .Culture formats festival, reflecting tradition, belief

and faith of the communities in its celebration. Festival brand communities, display

culture in all forms, preserve ethnicity and identity that create potential for tourism

markets. Tourism is gaining momentum across the globe owing to growing subsets of


This study of Frey, Bruno. (2019), entitled Challenges of Sinulog, is related to the

present study. Thousands of festivals take place every year, especially in the tourist

season. The boom in music festivals poses a challenge to art economists because of

the glaring contrast with the serious financial problems faced by theatres, opera houses,

and orchestras with fixed venues. Festivals attract new groups of consumers. For

tourists, attendance at festivals is a small proportion of total holiday expenditures, and

demand people are not driven away by higher entry prices. Festivals benefit from the

support of business which benefit from the media attention produced. They have lower
production costs, offer more opportunities for artistic creativity, and are less restricted by

regulations than are fixed venues. However, these advantages are unlikely to persist in

the future.. Frey, Bruno. (2019). Festivals. 10.1007/978-3-030-15748-7_8. Thousands of

festivals take place every year, especially in the tourist season. The boom in music

festivals poses a challenge to art economists because of the glaring contrast with the

serious financial problems faced by theatres, opera houses, and orchestras with fixed

venues. Festivals attract new groups of consumers. For tourists, attendance at festivals

is a small proportion of total holiday expenditures, and demand people are not driven

away by higher entry prices. Festivals benefit from the support of business which benefit

from the media attention produced. They have lower production costs, offer more

opportunities for artistic creativity, and are less restricted by regulations than are fixed

venues. However, these advantages are unlikely to persist in the future.

The study of Kuligowski, Waldemar. (2019), entitled Future Festival, is related

to the present study. Festivals have become one of the most significant and expansive

elements of cultural policy, as well as a popular expression of cultural practices in

Central Europe. The classic concepts (Durkheim, Mauss, Caillois, etc.) are no longer

sufficient for its adequate understanding. While conducting ethnographic fieldwork on

music festivals, I noticed the great importance of what, following Florian Znaniecki, can

be described as the “axionormative order”. Participants at music festivals strongly

identify with the festival as a specific brand: with the idea, message and visual

symbolism, and sometimes also with activities associated with the festival that are

social or political in nature. To use Znaniecki's terminology, festival “axionormative

orders” are important factors that both attract participants and encourage their
identification. The rhetoric of festival organizers increasingly contains assertions that

certain festivals are organized “in contrast” to others. I would like to examine how

different axionormative orders are internalized by participant’s three music festivals:

Guča Trumpet Festival in Serbia, Jarocin Rock Festival in Poland and O.Z.O.R.A.

Festival in Hungary. I suggest that the future of music festivals will be the so-called

“festivals with the message”.. Kuligowski, Waldemar. (2019). "They sold the festival

out!". Axionormativity as a Future of Festivals.

This study of Oracion (2013), entitled Sinulog Festival of Overseas, is related to the

present study. The Sinulog Festival is a festival originating in Cebu City in the

Philippines, celebrating the Cebuanos’ conversion to Roman Catholicism; it is held on

the third Sunday of January and honors the Santo Niňo— the Santo Niňo de Cebú—or

Holy Child Jesus. The festival is well- known for its street parade, and especially for its

exuberant dancing. Sinulog, which comes from the Cebuano root word sulog, or water

current, is a description of the forward-backward bodily movement of dancers which

mimics the flow of the water current in time with the beat of a drum or drums (de la

Calzada 1965 as cited in Bautista 2010: 220). Over the years, the Sinulog Festival has

become staged in a variety of different overseas locales.1 In Hong Kong it is conducted

by overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who are mostly domestic helpers. This report

examines the Sinulog Festival in Hong Kong, exploring a cultural heri- tage that crosses

borders, physically and socially, and considers how its meanings have changed in its

Hong Kong context.

Definition of terms
The following important terms are defined to have a common understanding

about the study.

Sinulog Festival. Conceptually, is an annual cultural and religious Festival (Wikipedia).

Operationally, Sinulog Festival is celebrating Of Sr. Sto Niño for his contribution the

needs of the people of Bula General Santos City and also our mandaragat

Faith in Devotion. Conceptually, is an annual cultural and religious Festival

(Wikipedia). Operationally, Faith in Devotion the faith of Bula, residence in their

Devotion to Sr. Sto.Nino, General Santos City.

Lived Experience. Conceptually, refers to a representation of the experience and

choices of a given person, and the knowledge that they gain from these experience and

choices (Oxford). Operationally, refers to the experience of Sr. Sto. Nino devotees in the

celebration of Sr. Sto. Nino.

Chapter III
This chapter presents the methodology and the procedures used in completing

the study. It includes the research design, research subject, research locale, the

instruments used, and the data gathering procedures.

Research Design

The researchers used qualitative research design specifically Historical Study to

determine the lived experience of Sinulog Festival.

“Qualitative research is a primary exploratory research. It is used to gain an

understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into

the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypothesis for potential qualitative research.

Qualitative research is also used to uncover trends in though and opinions, and dice

deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or

semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups (group

discussion), individual interviews, and participation/observation. Sample size is typically

small, and the key informant are selected to fulfill a given quota” (Defranzo,2011)

According to Condon, Coulson (2017) stated that qualitative research method

can be useful in providing in- depth information to understand the target behaviors. It

can be used either single data time-point( like interviews or focused groups conducted
only once with the target population to understand the target behavior at the start of

invention process) or an iterative data collection approach over multiple time-points

during this process to understand the behavioral patterns of target behaviors that are

likely to change regularly.

Research locale
The research locale of this study conducted in the selected place in General Santos City
Sampling Design

In this study, the researchers used non-probability sampling which is availability

and purposive design. As pointed out by Ochoa (2017) availability sampling is used

quite frequently that involves selecting samples from the population. Individuals are

selected for the research not because they meet some statistical criterian, but because

they are readily available. This convenience always translates to easy operation and

low sampling cost.

“A purposive sample is non-probability sample that selected based on

Characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is

also known as judge mental, selective sampling ‘’(Crossman,2018).

Research Subject

The key informants of the study were the selected respondents who are the

people who live longer in Bula that is well-suited in the criteria. The researchers choose

the following key informants based purposively on the following criteria. First, the

respondents must be female or male who currently live her in General Santos City.

Next, he should experience 2-3 years not live her in Bula. The respondents must be 20-

35 years old and finally, he must live in General Santos City.

Research Instrument

The research instrument be used in this study was in-depth interview. As

definition given by Steber (2017),In-depth interview which are sometimes called as

depth interviews or by its acronym IDI, are a qualitative data collection method that

involves direct, one-on-one engagement which the participation of individual is involved.

In-depth interviewing can occur during face-to-face or in some cases over the phone. In

the other side, it can provide and deliver reliable information but the interviewer must be
highly skilled to prevent data loss. The interview guide was composed of fifteen(15)

significant question which proved information about the problems and experiences of

the unmarried tricycle drivers.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers used interview and in-depth interview


The researchers ask permission by giving a letter to the Practical Research 1

teacher for the conducting of research about the Historical Study of Sinulog Festival.

The researchers found the key informants based on the criteria that they set and

these are 20-35 years old, the people how they longer live in Bula.

The researchers make sure that the identity of the two key informants is

restricted from the public. Together with the results, topics, and discussions is also kept

in the community.

The researchers used the one-on-one interview where the interviews ask

questions to the key informants and they have to answer give their honestly answer.

Afterwards, the researchers consolidated all the data through interpreting the

information given by the respondents and analyze the data.

Data Analysis
Qualitative analysis used to interpret the data and synthesized them into themes

to facilitate understanding the historical of the study. Theincludes analyzing and

organizing the data and breaking them into manageable units so that it is easy to

comprehend and synthesize them to get hypothesis and to create the insights of


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