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Code: 9402602 ROS B.Tech Ill Year |! Semester (R09) Supplementary Examinations December 2016 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks 1 Form the Yeus for the given network by singular transformation: Element | Positive sequence reactance 12 it 23 jo4 24 jo2 34 jo2 34 j0.8 45 0.08 2 Build Zyus for the 3-bus system connection given as: Element | Bus code | Impedance 1 12 jot 2 12 0.25 3 13 iat 4 23 jot 3. (a) Explain in detail the classification of buses in load flow problem, {b) The converged load flow solution is available how do you determine the slack bus complex power injection and system total loss. 4 Derive necessary expressions for the off-diagonal and diagonal elements of the sub-matrices «Jt, J2, J3 and JA for carrying out a load flow study on power system by using N-R method in polar form, 5 Draw the pu impedance diagram for the system shown in figure below. Choose base MVA as 100 MVA and base KV as 20 KV. 120 ohms 90 MA 1s kV K=9% S0MVA 80 MVA 80 MvA 20KV 20/200 KV 200 Kv/20 KV X=9% — X226% 200KV,AAMWHj6aMVAR Ya o5e Contd. in page 2 Page 4 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner 6 7 Code: 9402602 ROS fa) ) ALG fault occurs at point F cn the system shown in figure below. Find fault current. 70st yor A Yo oY Xo=0.05 x,=X, XieKe%x025 = 005 Xy 2% =0.3;%)=05 Define: () Steady state stability limit, (i) Dynamic state stability limit. Transient state stability limit. Derive steady state stabilty limit of a line with generalized circuit constants of A, B, C and D if sending end and receiving end voltages are Vs and Va. For the system shown in figure below, a 3 phase fault occurs at the middle of one of the transmission lines and is cleared by simultaneous opening of circuit breakers at both ends. If initial power of generator is 0.8 pu, determine the critical clearing angle. Vo = 120 02 ©— jor. jor Ie" = 1.03 pu 4 x" =0.3 pu Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 9802602 RO9 B.Tech Ill Year Il Semester (RQ) Supplementary Examinations May/June 2017 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks 1. (@) What is a primitive network and represent its forms? Prove Yous = ATIY]A using singular transformation. (b) Form the ¥p,,; for the given network in table. Element | R.p.u | Xp.u 1-2 0.05 | 0.15 13. 0.10 | 0.30 23 0.15 | 0.45 24 01 | 0.30 0.05 2 (a) Explain the algorithm for the addition and removal of lines in power system. ©) two Bus system nas Zp. =[/822 !285 lou an impedance 2b =}0.06 pus connected between buses 1 and 2, what is the new Zpys 3 Derive the basic equations for load flow studies and also write the assumptions and approximations to get the simple equations. 4 Consider the single line diagram of a power system shown in below. Take bus-1 as slack bus and the Yous matrix is given below. 2-j15 -14+J6 -15+/8 Yous=| 14/6 4-f10 -3+/6 -15+j8 -3+j6 5-J6 ‘Scheduled generation and loads are as follows: Generation | Load ‘Assumed bus voltages Bus no. [yw | MVAR | MW [ MVAR 7 ao joo |o | 40aqo0 2 0 fo | 260 [180 |4.04)0.0 3 400-70 [50 [20 —11.0440.0 Using Newton-Raphson method, obtain the bus voltages at the end of ‘st iteration. 1 2q ots Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 902602 Rog Obtain pu impedance diagram of the power system of figure below. Choose base quantities as 15 MVA and 33 KV. Generator: 30 MVA, 10.5 KV, X" = 1.6 ohms. Transformers 1 & T2: 15 MVA, 33/11 KV, X = 15 chms referred to HV transmission line: 20 ohms/phase, Load: 40 MW, 6.6 KV, 0.85 laging pf. hb load For the system shown in figure below. A LLG fault occurs at point F. Find fault current. . x 7 0.25 A salient pole synchronous generator is connected to an it expression for electrical power output of the generator and draw p — 5 curve, Explain step-step method of solving the swing equation. Also write assumptions made, Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 13402604 R13 B.Tech Ill Year Il Semester (R13) Supplementary Examinations December 2017 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 (a) (b) {e) (a) (e) 0) (9) (h) @ wo (a) (b) 3 (a) (o) PART—A (Compulsory Question) ‘Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) Compare NR method and fast decoupled load flow method. How transient stability stucies are analyzed? Mention the cifferent types of reactors. ‘Why symmetrical component transformation is power invariant? ‘Why phase shift comes into picture in sequence voltages and currents? ‘What is the necessity of load flow studies? ‘What is meant by sparsity? How are buses classified? ‘Why equal area criterion is not used for steady-state problem? ‘What are the applications of equal area criterion? PART-B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) Con) Define incidence matrix and write the procedure to obtain bus incidence matrix. Formulate element node incidence matrix, bus incidence matrix, primitive admittance mattix and Yous For the power system network shown in figure below. Take reactance of each element j0.2 pu. Load ‘White the procedure for the modification Z-Bus matiix for the addition of element from a new bus to reference with relevant equations. ‘Obtain the bus impedance matrix of the power system shown in figure below. Take reactance of each line as j0.3 p.u eee Ee cs Li L4 o Contd. in page 2 Page 113 Scanned with CamScanner (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) R13 UNF Discuss the principle of symmetrical components. Derive the necessary equations to convert: {() Phase quantities into symmetrical components, {ii) Symmetrical components into phase quantities. The phase currents described by a three-phase system are fy =(3+J1.5).ly=(3—J3) and 1. = ("3.75 + 2.5). Calculate the sequence components of the currents. OR Derive the expression for Fault current for Double line to Ground fault of an unloaded synchronous. generator. ‘A.20000 kVA, 3-phase, 11 kV alternator is connected a 20000 kVA 11/132 kV transformer to a 3-phase bus. The reactance of generator is 50% and that transformer is 5% on their own kVA base. Another 30000 kVA, 3-phase, 11 KV alternator having 65% reactance is connected through @ 30000 kVA, 5% reactance, 11/32 kV transformer to the same bus. Find: (i) Short circuit MVA for a fault on the bus. (i) Fault current. (ii) Distribution of fault current between the generators Derive static load flow equations. Explain load flow solution using Gauss-Seidel method with relevant equations. OR Explain Gauss-Seidel method algorithm with an without PV buses. ‘A 3-bus power system is shown in figure below. The relevant pu line admittance are indicated on the diagram and the bus data are given in table. Determine the voltages at buses 2 and 3 using G-S method for 1* iteration. Also find the line flow solution. Take « = 1.6. BusNo| Type | Generation Bus voltage Py, Qc | P| #1 o 4 _| Slack bus - ~ fee 4.02 | 0° 2 | PObus | 025 | 0.15/05 | 025 - : 3 | Pabus 0 0 fos! os - - Contd. in page 3 Page 2 of 3 Scanned with CamScanner R13 8 (a) Explain Newton Rapsons method using polar coordinates. (b) Figure given below, shows a 3-bus system. The series impedance and shunt admittance of each line are 0.026 + j0.11 pu and j0.04 pu respectively. The bus specification and power input, etc, at the buses is as under: BusNo| Type Py G P,_1@, [Bus voltage 1 [Slack bos | Unspectiod [Unspectied [1.0 [0.5] 1.0340 2 | PQbus | 15 — [Unspecfied| 0 | 0 | V=103 3 PQbus 0 0 | 4.2/05| Unspecified For bus 2 the minimum and maximum reactive power limits are 0 and 0.8 pu. (i) Find PS, 03, P2, Q8. (ii) Find U°] Slack Bus a 2 1.S+iQc2 1.24J0.5 PQ Bus PV Bus OR 9 (a) Explain fast decoupled load flow with relevant equations. (6) Compare different load flow methods 10 (8) Derive power flow equation and draw power angle diagram for a 2-machine system with negligible losses. (b) Find the steady state stability limit of a power system consisting of a generator of direct axis reactance of 0.6 pu connected to an infinite bus through a series reactance of 1.0 pu. The terminal voltage of the machine is held constant at 1.1 pu and the voltage of the infinite bus 1.0 pu. OR 11 (a) Explain clearly the equal area criterion for studying the transient stability of a power system (b) A balanced 3-phase fault occurs at middle point of line 2 when the power transfer is 1.5 pu in the system of figure given below. Take £ = 1.2, V = 1, Xq= 0.2, X= Xz = 04 DU, Determine whether the system is stable for a sustained fault (i) The fault is cleared at 5 = 60°. Is the system stable? If so, find the maximum rotor swing, (ii) Find the critical clearing angle. i us Vib tt - (nfinite Bus Page 3 of 3 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 13402604 R13 B.Tech Ill Year II Semester (R13) Supplementary Examinations December 2016 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART-A (Compulsory Question) 1 ‘Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) (a) Define the terms tree and basic cutest. (b) What is bus incidence matrix? (©) Write load flow equations in polar form. (d) Write the generator bus data needed for load flow. (e) Compare G ~ § and N~R methods in terms of programming ease and convergence characteristics. (f) Write power mismatch equations in N -R method, (g)_ Give the expression for short circuit capacity at a bus. (bh) Name any two types of reactors, () Define power system stability. (What are the assumptions made while solving the swing equation? PART-B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) ‘UNIT 2 Construct the bus impedance matrix for the network shown below. All impedances are shown in p.u. 504, joa ® @ jus 506 = j015 oR 3 Detive the maditication of Zu. for addition of an element between two old buses. 4 the algorithm for load flow solution using Gauss Seidel method. Draw a flow chart representing the method oR 5 (a) Give the load flow solution using Gauss — Seidel method to include P — V buses. (b) What is acceleration factor? How is it to be implemented? (Nir 6 Derive the expressions for all Jacobian elements of NR method for load flow solution in polar coordinates. OR 7 Explain decoupled and fast decoupled methods with necessary equations. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 13402604 R13 (Un 8 (a) Define positive, negative and zero sequences. {b) A three phase balanced load with a self impedance of Z, and mutual impedance Z, is connected in star. ‘An impedance Z, is connected between the neutral and the ground. Find the sequence impedance matrix. oR 9 ‘A 20 MVA, 13.8 KV generator has a direct ~ axis subtransient reactance of 0.25 p.u. Its negative sequence reactance is 0.35 pu and zero sequence reactance is 0.1 pu. The neutral of the generator is, grounded. Find the fault current, line-to-ground voltages and line-to-line voltages. (UNIT =V) 10 What is transient stability? How equal ~ area criterion is useful in the assessment of transient stability of the system? OR "1 Derive an expression for ctitical clearing angle. Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 13402604 R13 B.Tech Ik Year ll Semester (R13) Regular & Supplementary Examinations May/June 2017 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART-A (Compulsory Question) 1 ‘Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) (a) Define bus-incidence matrix. (b) State branch impedance matrix. (c) Weite applications of reactor. (2) What do you understand by short circuit kva? (e) State the necessity for power flow studies. () Write about voltage controlled bus, (g) Explain in brief the importance of triangutar decomposition. (h) Write about differences between Gauss-Seidel! and Newton Raphson methods, ()) White about factors affecting the transient stability. () Define about synchronizing coetticient PART-B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) Conr=1) 2 (@) Derive bus admittance and bus-impedance matrices by singular transformation. (b) For the network shown figure below form bus incidence matrix, branch path incidence matrix and loop incidence matrix by choosing a tree 1,2, @ } 4 1s ~ oO @® @® oR 3 Derive the necessary expressions for building up of Zyus when: (a) New element is added. (b) New element is added between two existing buses. Assume mutual coupling between added element ‘and elements in the partial network. UNIT. 4 (a) Howare reactors classified? Explain the merits and demerits of different types of system protection using reactors. (b) There are two generating stations each which as estimated short circuit KVA of 5000 KVA and 6000 kVA respectively. Power is generated at 9 kV. If these two stations are interconnected through a reactor with a reactance of 0.3 ohms, what will be the short circuit kVA at each station? OR 5 (a) Discuss about the significance of per unit system. (b) A power plant has three generating units each rated at 7500 kVA with 15% reactance. The plant is protected by tie-bar system with reactance rated at 7500 MVA and 6%, determine the fault kVA when a short circuit occurs on one of the sections of bus bars. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 13402604 6 (a) 0) 7 (a) ) 10 (a) (0) 1 @ (b) R13 (UNIT — WI Derive and explain about static load flow equations Draw flow chart and explain Gauss Seidel method of load flow solution. OR Define and discuss briefly about active and reactive powers. Explain about sparsity and its applications in power flow stu Explain the Newton-Raphson method of load flow solution, using Cartesian coordinates, deriving necessary expressions, OR Discuss and write the algorithm of fast decoupled load flow solution deriving necessary expressions. UNIT Vv State and derive swing equation. ‘Ac4 pole synchronous generator supplies over a short line a load of 6 MW to a load bus, The maximum steady state capacity of the transmission line is 110 MW, determine the maximum sudden inerease in the load that can be tolerated by the system without stability OR Explain about various applications of equal area criterion The power angle characteristic fora synchronous generator supplying infinite bus is given by P, = 1.25siné. Constant H is 5 sec and initially it is delivering a load of 0.5 p.u. Determine the critical clearing angle. Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 15402603 R15 B.Tech Ill Year I! Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2018/19 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART-A (Compulsory Question) 1 ‘Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) (a) Define Cut set and Tie set. (b) Define primitive network. {c) Write the equation for the bus admittance matrix (8) _Listthe vatious types of shunt and series fautts. (e) Whats the need for load flow study? (1) What is the need for slack bus? (g) List the quantities specified and the quantities to be determined from load flow study for various types of buses. (h) How the convergence of N-R method is speeded up? (i) Define swing curve. What is the use of swing curve? () Give the expression for critical clearing time. PART-B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNF 2. (a) Derive the formuta for Zi. using building algorithm if the element is a branch with mutual coupled to other element. (b) Describe the procedure for modifications of Zju. when a line with mutual impedance is added. OR 3 Determine the incidence matrices A, A’, B, B', C, C’ and K. From that verify the following relations for ‘shown in figure below, take 1 as reference bus: (i) Gy=-B,7. (i) AyKT= U. 3 4 C__J 1 2 Four bus system UNF 4 (a) Show that the per unit equivalent impedance of a two winding transformer is the same whether the ccaloulations is made from H.V side or the LLV side. (b) Explain the comparison between p.u system and actual system in power system, OR 5 (a) What's the importance to study the short circuit analysis? Discuss the possible causes of short circuits in the power system, (b) Determine short circuit MVA at the bus bars of a generating station 400 MVA and other station is 200 MVA. The generated voltage of each station is 12 kV. Also find the possible short circuit MVA at each station when they are linked by an inter connected cable with a reactance of 0.6 ©. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner 10 " Code: 15402603 R15 (a) (b) fa) (b) fa) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) fa) (b) (UNIT — Explain the necessity of power flow studies in power system and list out the power flow methods. Explain computation of losses and injected power (real and reactive power) in a load flow study and erive its equations, oR ‘Write short notes on data for power flow studies. ‘Write an algorithm for Gauss Seidel load flow method when P-V buses are present (UNIT —W Formulate the N-R load flow problem with respect to rectangular form. Explain its solution. ‘Wit the advantages and disadvantages of N-R method over Gauss Seidel! ethos, OR ‘With neat flow chart, explain the computational procedure for load flow solution using fast decoupled method when the system contains all types of buses, ‘What is Jacobian matrix? How the elements of Jacobian matrix are computed? ‘UNIT Explain the classical methods for improving power system stabil ‘A.20 MVA, 50 Hz generator delivers 20 MW over a double circuit line to an infinite bus. The generator has kinetic energy of 2.52 MJ/MVA at rated speed. The generator transient reactance is Xj= 0.30 pu. Each transmission circuit has R = 0 and a reactance of 0.2 pu on a 20 MVA base. & = 1.1 pu and infinite bus voltage V = 1 pu. A three phase short circuit occurs at the midpoint of one of the transmission lines. plot swing curves with fault cleared by simultaneous opening of breakers at both ends of the line at 25 cycles. oR Explain equal area criterion with respect to stability with neat sketch. Explain critical clearing time and critical clearing angle by deriving its expressions. Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 15402603 R15 B.Tech Ill Year Il Semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations May/June 2019 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART-A (Compulsory Question) 1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) (a) Whatis the difference between bus admittance matrix and bus impedance matrix? (b) What is meant by primitive network? (0) Ifthe Base voltage is 11000 V and Base kVA is 106, What is the Base impedance? (d)_ What are the methods to reduce the short circuit current? (e) 1s a direct solution possible for a load flow problem? If not, give reasons. (f) Define controtied bus and PQ bus (g)__List out the elements of Jacobian Matrix. (h) What is the purpose of Slack bus? (Define transient stability limit (What is meant by critical clearing angle? PART-B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT 1 2 With the use of Graph Theory concepts, explain the following matrices: (a) Element node incidence matrix A. (b) Bus incidence matrix A. OR 3 Determine Zaus for the network shown in figure below where all impedances are represented in p.u jo.3 4 (a) Draw the relationship between the phase components and the sequence components. (b) What are symmetrical components? Explain the symmetrical component transformation, OR 5 Derive the necessary formulae for analysis of a power system subjected to unsymmetrical short Circuits. Also, give the step by step procedure for applying these formulae. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Code: 15402603 R15 10 "1 UNT Derive the basic equations for the load flow study using Gauss-Seidal method and explain the tollowing: (i) Acceleration factor. (i) Convergence criteria. (ii) Handling of PV buses. OR A three bus power system is shown below and the values af line admittances are in p.u. ‘The corresponding data given in the table. Determine the voltages at buses 2 and 3 after 1" iteration using Gauss-Seidal method. Take the acceleration factor a = 1.6. UNIT—1V) Explain the detailed procedure for a Newton — Raphson method-based solution of a power system network when PV buses are present with a flow chart. Also, give the necessary formulae. OR ‘The figure given below shows a three-bus power system. Bus (1) slack bus Espestos = 1.0520° Bus (2) PV bus [Elypcted = 1.0 p.U. Pe = 3p.u. Bus (3) PQ bus P = 4p.u., Q, = 2p.u, Carry out one iteration of load flow solution by Newton-Raphson method, Take Q limits of generators as 0.1

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