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Chi Harris 1

Lesson Plan
Teacher: Ms. Harris
Grade: Kindergarten
Content Area: Math 

1. Content and Standards:

PA State Standard:
 CC.2.1 K.A.2: Apply one-to-one correspondence to count the number of objects.
 CC 2.1 K.B.1: Use place-value to compose and decompose numbers within 19.
2. Prerequisites:
a. Students can count to 10 with accuracy.
b. Students can count objects and know matching numbers within 10.
c. Students can add and subtract within 10.
3. Essential Questions:
a. How are numbers organized in groups of 10?
4. Materials and Equipment:
 Zoom Room
 White Board
 Dry Erase marker
 PowerPoint
5. Instructional Objective:
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. match a picture showing 10 and some more to a teen number.
6. Instructional Procedures:
a. Before:
a) Greet students as they come in.
b) Talk about the materials they need for today’s lesson. Tell the students
that they will need the whiteboards and markers for this lesson.
c) Read the “I can” statements.
d) Review class rules using motions. Have students follow your motion.
e) For Calendar time we will review the month of the year, day of the week,
and the year.
f) Then, we will look at a new pattern for March and remind them that we
guessed what pattern would come next. Let’s see if we were right!
g) We will watch a months of the year video. Have students repeat after each
month while they are watching the video. Tell students that you want to
see their lips moving.
Chi Harris 2

h) Next, we will review counting by counting the days of school with our
caterpillar. Have two students count 10 numbers each up to 20. Explain
counting by 10’s and have students count by 10’s by saying the numbers
in the white circle up to 100. Have students whisper count from home
while the teacher is counting from 100 to today’s number.
b. During:
a) Let’s Review: Review 4 addition and subtraction problems with Mario
characters. Students will write the whole sentences on their whiteboards.
Check their answers and call out students to answer.
b) Brain Break: Watch a video “Numbers in the Teens…They start with a 1”.
Tell students that we will learn teen numbers and listen for the same
number that is in all teen numbers.
c) Ask the question after the video. Call out a student to answer.
d) What are teen numbers? Teen numbers are between 10 and 20. They are
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Have students point to each number and
whisper them from home as I say it aloud.
e) Show numbers 1-10 on top and 11-20 on the bottom. Call out a couple of
students to count from 1 to 10. Ask students what they notice about teen
numbers. Call out a couple of students for their observation. Count the
numbers 11 to 20 together.
f) Tell students that Teen numbers can be described as “ten and some more”.
For example, 10 and 1 more is 11. Ask students what number is for the
filled out ten-frame. Highlight it and ask students to answer using their
fingers. Ask students what is 10 and 2 more. What about 10 and 3 more?
10 and 5 more?
g) Ask: Look at these ten frames. What is 10 and 7 more? Write the number
in the chat box.
h) Let’s Practice with Mario: Show two ten frames showing 10 and 1 more
with each number on top of each frame with Mario characters. Ask how
many? Students can type it in the chat box or on their whiteboard. Call out
a student to answer.
i) Repeat the steps to 10 and 5 more. After students answer, show a slide
with “Level Up” reward to boost motivation.
j) Repeat the steps from 10 and 6 more to 10 and 10 more. After students
answer the last one, show the screen that has “Course Clear!” on it. Give
students round of applause.
c. After:
a) Go over the “I can” statement to let students know what they have learned.
b) Exit Ticket: Show two ten frames with Mario characters. Ask: How many?
Write down the teen number on your whiteboard to match the picture.
Have them hold it up after 10 seconds. Check their answers and put the
answer on the screen.
Chi Harris 3

c) Tell students that they have done an awesome job and they have reached
the Bowser’s Castle!
d) You’ve got a Multi Moon for completing the tasks! Tell students that they
can head out or stay to show their Mario related objects.
e) Summarizing Strategy: Student's ability to identify teen numbers
(Formative) Student's ability to match pictures showing 10 and some more
to teen numbers (Summative) Exit Ticket (Summative)
7. Assessment:
a. Summarizing Strategy: Student's ability to identify teen numbers (Formative) Student's
ability to match pictures showing 10 and some more to teen numbers (Summative)

b. Exit Ticket (Summative)

8. Differentiated Instruction: The teacher will be modeling and use repetition when
needed to meet the needs of the challenged learners during the lesson. Learning coaches
are present during the lesson and they will help out throughout the lesson to help

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