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sujtаьIе fог

the updated
шINЕмАNN FcE exam
ЕгіgШ Lалgііаgе Teaching
Unit Gгаmmаг VосаЬulагу Use of English
l YаЬЬа dаЬЬа dOo Tense геViеw wогds of Similаг meaning
ра8е 8 cinema
Рhгаsаl VегЬs and idioms
Рhгаsаl VегЬs with #Р

2 1п good company QueStions & регsопаlitу Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп

page 16 question tа8s МоdiЩiпg adjectives Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
Рhгаsа1 VегЬs with о7G

З The gооd, the Ьаd Ргеsепt simple & ргеsепt Town and соuпtгу
and the uпЬеагаЬ1е continuous Тгапsрогt
page 24 stative & dynamic vегЬs Рhгаsаl VегЬs (tгаVеl)

4 Сultuге shock Агtiсlеs Nationalities & languages

ра8е 32 wогds of similаг meaning
Рhгаsаl VегЬs with fz#'7'2

Rеviеw: Units і-4 page 40

past simple & past wогds of similаг meaning Рагt 1: Multiple choice cloze
5 Comic genius
page 42 continuous wогd fогmаtiоп Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп
Рhгаsаl VегЬs with fсzде Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 1

Соmрагаtivе & VегЬs of sound & sight Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп

6 Talking sense
suрегlаtivе adjectives Рhгаsаl vегЬs with go Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
page 5о
Exam iпfоmаtiоп: Рагt 4

7 Lеisuге fог рlеаsuге Ргеsепt регfесt simple & Lеisuге

ра8е 58 ргеsепt регfесt continuous Collective nouns
Рhгаsаl VегЬs & idioms

Past регfесt simple & Рhгаsа1 VегЬs with Ьсzсё Рагt 1: Мultiр1е choice cloZe
8 shег1oсk HOlmes
past регfесt continuouS Рагt 2: Ореп cloZe
page 66
Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп

Rеviеw: Units 5-8 page 74

Муstегious mопstегs тhе passive -ес7 and -G.7€g adjectives

page 76 Adjective огdег wогd fогmаtiоп

Рhгаsаl VегЬs With /ооА7
РhгаSаl vегЬs with сZосл7€

Еithег ... ог, Ьоі;h ... апd, DеSсгiЬiпg реор1е Рагt 3 : Тгапsfогmасiопs
1 0 Whаt's in а fасе?
page 84 not only . , . Ьиt also ehc Compound adjectives Рагt 5: wогd fomation
Causative VегЬs Рhгаsаl vегЬs (timе) Exam iпfоmаtiоп: Рагt 3

l l Меаt: tO eat ог not to еаt? ргероsitiопs Food & fа-iпg Рагt 2: Ореп с1оzе
Рhгаsаl VегЬs (fооd) Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 2
ра8е 92


Reading Listепiп8 Sреаkiп8 Wгitiпg

Рагt 1: Multiple matching Рагt 1: Multiple choice Iпfогmаtiоп gap Nаггаtivе composition
Рагt 2: Multiple choice Рагt 1 : Регsопаl iпfогmаtiоп Exam iпfогmаtiоп
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 1 Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 1

Раг[ 3: Gapped text Рагt 2: В1апk Ёlliпg Rоlер1ау Тгапsасtiопаl lеttег

Exam iпfоmаtiоп: Рагt 3 Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 3: Multiple matching Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs Rерогt

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Discussion Exam iпfогmаtiоп
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 2

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Рагt 1: Multiple choice Quеstiоппаiге & discussion Magazine агtiсlе
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 1 Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 2: Multiple choice Рагt 4: Multiple choice Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs Lеttег of application
Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 1: Multiple matching Рагt 3: Мultiр1е matching Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task Opinion composition
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 3 & discussion Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Рагt 1: Multiple choice Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs Magazine агtiсlе
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 4 Spoken English Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task
& discussion
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагts 3 & 4

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 2: Blank Elling Infomation gap Book геviеw
Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 1: Multiple matching Рагt 4: Mixed queStions DеsсгiЬiпg animals News герог'
Рагt 2: Multiple choice Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 4 Roleplay & discussion

Рагt 1 : Multiple matching Рагt 2: Blank Ёlliпg DеSсгiЬiпg реор1е Lеttег of application
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 2 Iпfогmаtiоп gap

Рагt 2: Multiple choice Рагt 1: Multiple choice Dеьаtе MagaZine агtiсlе

Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 2 Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task Exam infomation
& discussion


Unit Gгаmmаг VосаЬulагу Use of English .

Rерогtеd speech & Ехргеssiопs with s/еер Рагt 3: Тгапsfоmіаtiопs
1 2 The роwег and magic
оfdгеа" герогtеd questions & dгеат Рагt 5: wогd fomation
Рhгаsа1 VегЬs With Z7гэ'7€g Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
ра8е 100
Exam iпfогmаtiоп: Рагt 5

Rеviеw: Units 9-12 page 108

Relative clauses сгimе Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп

1 З GOodies and Ьаddiеs
USed tо/wоиld + LпЬпIt.Nе Рhгаsаl VегЬs with fс74е Рагt 3 : Тгапsfогmаtiопs
page 110
Ве/gеt uSed to + -iпg Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп

VегЬs fо11оwеd Ьу iпЁпitivе теlеvisiоп Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп

1 4 тv times
ог -G.7€g fom (gегuпd) Рhгаsаl vегЬs with Аэеер
page 118
Е1liрsis Рhгаsаl VегЬs (miхеd)

Science & technology Рагt 2: Ореп cloze

l 5 The end of iпtеШgепсе? Futuге fогms (1): futuге simрlе, Рагt 3: ТгапSfогmаtiопS
Рhгаsаl VегЬs (геviеw)
page 126 gоG.#g fо, ргеsепt сопtiпuоus,
ргеsепt simple

Рhгаsаl VегЬs with с7о & Рагt 2: Ореп cloze

l 6 Good іuсk, ьаd iuck conditionais (і): Zего, fiгst
page 134 & second

Rеviеw: Units і3-16 page 142

СоuпtаЬlе & uпсоuпtаЬlе Рагt 2: Ореп cloZe

| 7 wогth а thousand wОі.ds моdаl VегЬs (і): оЬіigаtiоп Рагt 1: Multiple choice cloZe
& necessity nounS
page 144
соlоuг idioms
Рhгаsаl VегЬs with о77 & ojLT

1 8 ОПе smаП step Futuге fогms (2): futuге odd опе out
регfесt simр1е, futuге Ргеhхеs & sumxes
page 152
регfесt сопtiпuоus, Рhгаsаl VегЬs with geJ
futuге continuous

Conditionals (2): thiгd & mixed Shops & sегviсеs Рагt 3: Тгапsfогmаtiопs
1 9 Fгоm гаgs tO гiсhеs Рагt 5: wогd fomation
Modal vегЬs (2): сегtаiпtу Рhгаsаl vегЬs with geJ
page 160
& speculation Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп

Rеviеw: Units 17-19 page 168

VегЬs followed Ьу inhnitive Вгitish & Аmегiсап English Рагt 5: wогd fогmаtiоп
20 АП Аmегiсап dгеаm Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
ра8е 170 with ог without 'о Рhгаsа1 vегЬs with Р#f
GеГuПds (-€.738 fОГms)

DеsсгiЬiпg а sequence of sрогt Рагt 3 : ТгапSfогmаtiопs

21 PotatO гасеs Рагt 4: Еггог соггесtiоп
eVents Рhгаsаl vегЬs (sрогt)
page 178
Linking & сопtгаstiпg ideas Рагt 5: wогd fomation

Ехргеssiпg Wishes & геgгеts ноlidауS Рагt 3: Тгапsfогmаtiопs

22 HOlidays аге Ьаd fОг Рагt 2: Ореп cloze
уоuг health IпVегSiоп Fогmаl & iпfогmа1 wогds
РhгаSаl vегЬs (геViеw)
page 186

Rеviеw: Units 20-22 page 194 COmmunicative activities page 196 Рhгаsаl vегЬ diсtiопагу page 223
UСШs sample апswег sheets page 201 wогd list page 231
Gгаmmаг геviеw page 205


Rеаdiп8 Lis,епiп8 sреаkiп8 wгitiп8

Рагt 1: Multiple matching Рагt 4: which sреаkег Iпfогmаtiоп gap Nагга[ivе соmроsi[iоп
said what DеsсгiЬiпg а painting Exam iпfогmаtiоп
Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task
& discussion

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 2: Blank Пlliпg Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs witness герогt
Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task
& discussion

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Рагt 2: Blank Elling Рагt 3: Раiгwогk task Opinion composition
Рагt 3: Multiple matching Exam iпfогmаtiоп
Spoken English

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 1: Multiple choice DеSсгiЬiпg оЬjесts Rерогt

Рап 1: Регsопаl iпfогmаtiоп Exam infomation
Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk task
& discussion

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Рагt 3: Multiple matching Quеstiоппаiге MagaZine агtiсlе

spoken English Discussion Тгапsасtiопаl lеttег
& exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 4: Multiple matching рагt 2: вlапk alling DеsсгiЬiпg paintings Dеsсгiрtivе composition
Рагt 2: Blank ming Iпfогmаtiоп gap

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 3: Multiple matching Рагts 3 & 4: РаiгWогk task MagaZine агtiсlе
& discussion

Рагt 1 : Multiple matching Рагt 4: Multiple choice Рагts 3 & 4: РаiгWогk task News герогt
Рагt 2: Multiple choice & discussion

Рагt 3: Gapped text Рагt 3: Multiple matching Discussion Iпfогmаl lеttег

Exam iпfогmаtiоп

Рагt 1: Multiple matching Рагt 4: Тгuе/Fаlsе Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs Infomal lеttег

DеsсгiЬiпg games

Рагt 4: Multiple matching Рагt 2: Blank ming Рагt 2: Рhоtоgгарhs Lеttег of dеsсгiрtiоп
Рагts 3 & 4: Раiгwогk taSk & exam iпfогmаtiоп
& discussion Тгапsасtiопаl lеttег

7 YаЬЬа dаЬЬа doo
Tense геviеW

speaking and ReadEng EXam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1

|п Рагt 1 of the геаdiпg ехаm, you have to match

1 Wогk in раiгS. Student А, dеSсгiЬе the рiсtuге оп this
headings ог Summагу sentenceS to the рагts of the
page to уоuг рагtпег. Student В, dеSсгiЬе the рiсt,uгеS tехt. This type of exam queStion tests уоuг аЬilitу
оп ра9е 12 and 1З. HoW many SimilагitiеS сап you
to геаd quickly апd.uпdегStапd the gепега|
fiпd? TaIk аЬоut what the реор|е Iook |ikе, hoW о|d
meaning of each рагt of the tехt.
they аге, Whеге they аге.
• Read the headings ог summагу sentences So you
know what you аге |ооkiпg fОг. UпdегIiпе the
2 NoW quickly геаd the text f?осk sfагs and апSWег theSe key Wогds.
quеStiопS. • Read thгоugh the text quiсklу, |ооkiпg fог
1 what аге the реор1е in the рiсtuгеs са11еd? wогds ог ideaS that go With the headings ог
2 what is thеiг геlаtiопshiр? Summагу sепtепсеS. UпdегIiпе the key Wогds.
3 1п which уеаг did they Ёгst арреаг оп ТV? • Dоп't геаd еVегу wогd of the text сагеfullу.
• Dоп't panic if you see wогds that you dоп't
kпоw. Vou dоп't have to uпdёгStапd еvегу Wогd
of the text tЬ Ье аЬ|е to апSwег the quеStiопs.
• Check уоuг апSwегs at the епd.

` З ChooSe the moSt SuitаЬIе heading fгоm the |ist А-Н fог

each рагt (1-7) of the tехt. Тhеге is опе ехtга heading

Which you do поt`пееd to uSе.

А Rocky jokes
В А Stone Age family in skins
с А new idea
D А рорulаг shoW
Е success at the е1еVепth hоuг
F The most expenSive Show
G Ап old stогу, modem ргоЬlеms
Н Doing s6mе hоmеwогk
Unit ,

* Rock Stагs *
Stone Age gadgets and endleSs jokes аЬоut госks, Which is
Why the FliпtstопеS' пеighЬоuгs got to Ье са11еd `RuЬЬ1е'
and Why they а111ivе in `Веdгосk' . Fгеd Fliпtstопе's
histогу. Sагаh `РеЬЬlеs' Bdms tе1ls the ргеhistогiс stогу.
35 famous уе11 - `уаЬЬа dаЬЬа dоо' -Wаsп't огigiпаl1у in the
sсгiрt. It Was the man Ьеhiпd Fгеd's vоiсе, А1ап Rееd, Who
made it uр. Duгiпg гесогdiпg he Said to ВагЬега, `Jое, Whеге
it says "уаhоо", сап I say instead "уаЬЬа dаЬЬа dоо"?'
SоmеWhеге in the Wогld, еVегу hоuг of еVегу dау, 7%е
5 FJ!.7tf§fои€S is Ьеiпg Ьгоаdсаst. Ап iпсгеdiЬ1е 300 million
fanS tune in to Watch it геgulаг1у. Whеthег you 1ikе them
ог поt, Fгеd, wilma and thеiг пеighЬоuгs, Bamey and
Betty RuЬЬ1е, аге imроssiЬlе to аvоid. Rесепtlу,` а11166
Joe ВагЬега explainS the сагtоопists' detailed ргерагаtiоп:
episodes Wеге Ьгоаdсаst поп-stор оп .еlеvisiоп асгоss the 4о `Wе геsеагсhеd into ргеhistогiс timеS, 1еагпiпg аЬоut the
іо USА. Not Ьаd fог а сагtооп Which WaS Ьаdlу гесеivеd Ьу апimа1S and оthег паtuга1 е1еmепts and suггоuпdiпgs
сhагасtегistiс of that регiоd. А11 this helped in the сгеаtiоп
the сгitiсS оп its ЁгSt гuп 38 уеагS аgо.
of the sегiеs.' Наппа аdds: `It Was огigiпа11у са1lеd 71йе
FJсzgsfоисS, until We гесеivеd а 1еttег fгоm а сагtоопist
45 Who аlгеаdу had а comic stгiр of that паmе. Rе1uсtапtlу,
We changed it to Гй€ FJі.иfsfоиеS.'
СагСоопists Bill Наппа and Joseph ВагЬега аге the men
геsропsiЬlе fог 71йс F/!.иfsfоисs. Sсгееп Gems арргоасhеd
them in the 1аtе L950s with (hе idea of ргоduсiпg ап
і5 апimа.еd ргimе-timе ргоgгаmmе. It had пеVег Ьееп done
Ьеfоге, Ьut With the fast gгоWiпg рорulагitу of thеiг gиI.сk Stогу 1iпеs Wеге Ьаsеd оп оthег TV Sегiеs аЬоut fаmiliеs,
Dгаw МсGгаw г+гLd НuсklеЬеггу Ноипd, чhе сгIгtоотLists and many episodeS depended оп audience fеагs, 1ikе
gave it а gо. It Was а decision they Wеге пеVег to геgгеt. uпеmр1оуmепt and the dепtist. Plenty of modem day
5o сhагасtегs made ап арреагапсе tоо, like the асtог `Stопу
Сuгtis' and the сопduсtог `Lеопагd Веmstопе' . Rock
Hudson did поt, of соuгsе, have to change his паmе, and
Опе day the famous Ащегiсап, ргеsidепt `Вill С1iпtstопе' is
They decided to сгеаtе а family and give them the Same Ьоuпd to make ап арреагаhсе. `
2o ргоЬ1еms as сопtеmрогагу suЬuгЬап fаmiliеs, Ьut with z
Something vегу diffегепt аЬоut thеm. `Вill and I invented
six diffегепt fаmiliеS, hоWеvег, попе геа11у р1еаsеd uS,'
гесаl1s ВагЬега. `Wе dгеW them as рilgгims, RоmапS,
Еskimоs, соWЬоуs and еVегуthiпg imаgiпаЬ1е. Then ап 55 Агmеd With the neW сагtооп fаmilу, ВагЬега set off to
25 аг{ist came up with а.skеtсh using lеорагd skins оп NeW Yогk to tгу and sell the idea to а TV пеtwогk. It was
Nеапdегthа1-tуре сhагасtегs,' sayS Наппа. `Тhаt Was it. hагd Wогk and the tsегiеs came с1оsе to пеVег Ьеiпg made
Тhаt's What We Wanted them to 1ооk 1ikе.' at а11. Аftег eight Weeks of hагd sе11, still по опе Was
iпtегеstеd, Ьut ап hоuг Ьеfоге ВагЬега Was due to Ну
6o hоmе, АВС looked at it. They took to it at опсе and аgгееd
to Ьгоаdсаst the shоw. Оп 30 SерtеmЬег 1960, the Ёгst
. episode Was shоWп. Most of сhе геViеWs Wеге пеgаtivе,
Then they thгеW ап аVегаgе mаггiрd couple into а Stone
some even hоstilе, Ьut the viеWегs аЬsо1utеlу 1оvеd it.
Age епViгопmеm. DгаWiпg thе.сhагас.егS With еVегуdау
Since then it has Ьееп tгапSlаtеd into 22 1апguаgеs and haS
3o оЬjесts WаSп't fuппу, So (hеу tгiеd stone and оthег
65 Ьееп seen in пеаг1у еVегу соuпtгу in the Wогld.
ргеhistогiс mаtегiаls. The геSult WaS а Whо1е lot of с1еVег
* VаЬЬа dаЬЬа doo

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2 5 Decide Whеthег theSe Statements аге tгuе ог fа|sе
ассогdiпg to the tехt.
4 Read the text аЬоut the FlintstoneS аgаiп. Fог queStionS
1-7, chooSe the соггесt апSWег А, В, С ог D.
1 Наппа and ВагЬега had пеVег ргоduсеd а
successful сагtооп Ьеfоге 77зе f]/g.73}SJо7зеs.
1 what is suгргisiпg аЬоut 773е F/G.73JS/оиеs' suссеss? 2 The Success of 773е j7/G.7Z/SZо7зеs is due mainly to
А It is оп TV еVегу dау. Наппа and ВагЬега.
В Еvегуопе 1ikеs it поwаdауs. 3 Наппа and ВагЬега wеге not keen оп the name
С The сгitiсS didп't like it at Ёгst. The Fliпtstопеs.
D А11 of the episodes Wеге shown in опе dау. 4 The сustоmег is always гight.

2 How did 77zе f7/G.73/sJо73еs come аЬоut?

А They had арреагеd in оthег сагtоопs. speakEng
В It waS а рорulаг idea with ViеWегs.
С The ргоduсегS w-апtеd а Stone Age сагtооп.
Exam ргасtiсе: РегsопаI iпfогmаtiоп
D Наппа and ВагЬега thought of the idеа.
|п Рагt 1 of the speaking ехаm, the ехаmiпег will
3 why did Наппа and ВагЬега choose а Stone Age aSk you to tа|k аЬОut уоuгSе|f. Не/shе may ask you
fаmilу? Because
questidnS аьоut:
А Stone Age реор1е had ргоЬlеms like оuгs. -уоuг jоь/Studiеs
В the оthегs didп't look гight. - what you do in уоuг fгее time
С it was the Ёгst idea chat came to thеm. - уоuг р|апs fог the futuге
D they saw someone wеагiпg Stone Age соstumе. -уоuгfаmilу
- whеге you Iive
4 what do the nameS `RuЬЬlе' and `Веdгосk' haVe in
соmmоп? • As you епtег the exam гооm, gгееt the
А Тfi\ёу аге meant to Ье аmusiпg.
В They аге ргеhistогiс mаtеiiаls. • Ве ргерагеd to give уоuг name to the ехаmiпег.
С They аге еVегуdау оЬjесts. • Listen сагеfullу to the ехаmiпег'S queStionS and
D They аге Stone Age gаdgеts. апsWег them aS fully aS you сап.
• Look at the ехаmiпег when you аге sреаkiпg.
5 The stone А'gе fаmiliёs (DОп't |Ооk at the flоог ог up at the сеiliпg!)
А lived happy livеs. • Speak dеаг|у so that Ьоth
В wеге quite fгightепiпg. ехаmiпегS сап hеаг уоu.
С had mоdегп ргоЬ1еms. • Тгу to Ье са|m and сhеегful.
( D wеге taken fгоm оthег TV Sегiеs.

6 what Was the геасtiоп to the Ягst ерisоdе?

А Some сгitiсs loVed it.
В Some сгitiсs did not like it.
С Some Viеwегs wеге пеgаtivе.
D Few сгitiсs liked it.

7 The main рuгроsе of the агtiсlе is to

А dеSсгiЬе the реор1е Ьеhiпd 77zе д/7.7o}SJо7зеs.
В dеsсгiЬе the огigiп of 773е f]/G'7сJSZо7сеs.
С show how dimcult it is to succeed in ТV.
D dеsсгiЬе the histогу of сагtоопs.

Unit 7

1 Wогk With а рагtпег and ask and апSWег the quеStiопS. 2 What is the diffегепсе Ьеtwееп the Wогds in ехегсisе
Find оut: 1 ? Соmр|еtе theSe раiгs of Sentences using the соггесt
fогm of опе of the Wогds in each sрасе.
і W7hеге hе/shе is fгоm.
2 What his/hег рагепts dо. 1 а Cinema loVed the mоViе.
3 what hе/shе enjoys most аЬоut wогk/studiеs. Ь Millions of switched оп thеiг TV sets to
4 what hе/shе does in his/hег fгее timе. watch the election геsults.
5 what sогt of alms hе/shе wаtсhеs. 2 а The lаwуег asked the witnesS what she could
6 How often hе/shе goes to the сiпеmа. аЬоut the ассidепt.
Ь I'm always fогgеttiпg thiпgs. I just сап't
3 а we must stop polluting the _
VосаЬulагу Ь She gгеw up in Vегу соmfогtаЬlе
4 а Не's а vегу _ ргеsidепt; I'm suге реор1е
1 Match Wогds fгоm |ist А with Wогds fгоm |ist В that will vdte fог him аgаiп,
haVe а similаг mеапiпg. Ь when hег photo арреагеd оп the fгопt page of
all the пеwsрарегs, She Ьесаmе оVегпight.
А в
5 а The ВВС а1l оVег the wогld.
геса11 famous
Ь The Ёlm was Егst at the Cannes Film
mоdегп Ьгоаdсаst
show change
6 а They live in ап оld, _ cottage in the соuпtгу.
suггоuпdiпgs сопtеmрогагу
ь тhе ship hit some and sапk.
рорulаг- viеwегs
negative госk
tгапsfоm make cinema
invent . hostile
stone геmеmЬег 3 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the fо|IоWiпg headings
ргоduсе сгеаtе connected With the сiпеmа:
audience епviгопmепt -kiпds of film
-оthег Wогds

#t`Ё}`;(!i $сгееп wеstегп diгёсtЬг husi€аі €а;t €агtооп '


!Н№сепе hоггог sсепагio sсгiрt stаг stunt man wп.tеfіі i\[j;l

t|\:\{№гоduсег сгitiс comedy аdvепtuге регfогmапсе ,

!I,:, ,`;:, sduпdtгасk lLJ

4 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using опе of the Wогds fгоm

the Ьох аЬоVе in each Sрасе.

1 Тhеге аге songs in пеаг1у еVегу sсепе, it's just the

kind of Elm I like Ьеst. Тhеге's nothing like а good

2 I think they should have cut the opening _ . It

was а Ьогiпg way to Ьеgiп the Ёlm.
3 I dоп't think the stаг actually jumped thгоugh the
wiпdоw; it must haVe Ьееп done Ьу а _
4 AudienceS еVегуwhеге loVe hег аlms, рагtiсulагlу
when She plays the lead го1е, Shе's а Ьоm
5 А _ dеsсгiЬеs the action that takes р1асе in а
Ё1m, whегеаS the is what the асtогs sау.
6 Shе's а wопdегful . She knows how to get а
good _ out of hег саSt.
7 Is the ofthe Elm оп СD? I'd loVe to have the
music at home to listen tо.
* VаЬЬа dаЬЬа doo

Gгаmmаг З Соmр|еtе this text using the соггесt fогm of the vегЬS
in Ьгасkеts.

Tense геviеw I (1) _ (gо) to the cinema еVег since I was а

сhild, Ьut I гаге1у (2) _ (gо) to See сагtоопs. 1п
1 Match theSe tenSeS With the sentences Ье|оW. fасt, I (3) _ (поt/sее) а сагtооп fог аЬоut ЁVе
уеагs. The last time I (4) _ (sее) а сагtооп а( (hе
ргеsепt simple ргеsепt continuous cinema waS when I (5) _ (tаkе) my two sопs,
past simple past continuouS who (6) _ (Ье) now twе1vе уеагs оld, to see walt
ргеsепt регfесt simple ргеsепt регfесt continuous Disпеу'S Fс77сZсZSG.#. They (7) _ (Ье) оп1у SeVen at
past регfесt simple past регfесt continuous the time and so they (8) _ (lооk) fогwагd to
futuге Simple (с"`''о
seeing а сагtооп at the сiпеmа.
going to `1 hope this (9) _ (Ье) gооd,' said Топу.
1 А Stгапgег арргоасhеd me and asked fог а light. `1 (10) _ (wапt) some coke and рорсогп!' said
2 Реор1е haVe Ьееп watching TV since the 1930s. теггу.
`ОК, ОК,' I sаid. `1 (11) _ (gеt) you some coke
3 1'11 come гоuпd апd'Sее you this еVепiпg.
4 They аге Ьгоаdсаstiпg the match livе. and рорсогп. But lеt's gо, ог we (12) _ (Ье) lаtе!'
5 I had пеVег seen 77зе FJ3.73fs}оиеs Ьеfоге. It was the Ёгst time I (13) _ (tаkе) the Ьоуs to the
6 MillionS of реор1е haVe seen 773е дJj.7с}sJо7сеs оп ТV. сiпеmа. we (14) _ (gо) to the thеаtге tоgеthег
7 Му dad tells us геа11у funny stогiеs, Ьеfоге, Ьut пеVег to the сiпеmа. I (15) _ (Ьuу)
8 I had Ьееп watching TV а11 еVепiпg. them some coke and рорсогп as I (16) _
9 Rosie Was wеагiпg а new Skiгt at the рагtу. (рfоmisе). As they (17) _ (wаtсh) the Ё1m they
10 wе'ге going to see 77zе дJG'#}s}оиеs at the cinema (18) _ (сгuпсh) thеiг popcom noisily and sluгреd
tопight. thеiг соkе. we (19) _ (опlу/wаtсh) the Ёlm fог
ten minutes ог so when Топу (20) _ (sау) in а
loud Vоiсе, his mouth full of рорсоm, `Тhis is Ьогiпg!'
2 ChooSe the соггесt tenSe in theSe SепtепсеS.
Оп the sсгееп at that moment ап огсhеstга (21) _
1 I сап't come to the phone - I hаVе/I'm having а (р1ау) а piece of classical musiс; thеге had Ьееп по
shоwег! Violence and по опе had арреагеd with а lаsег gun
2 I'Vе decided I will/I'm going to Ье ап асtог опе уеt. Is that why they didп't like it?
3 I Ёпishеd/I'vе Ёпishеd my diппег. Сап I go out
4 I wаtсhеd/I was watching TV when Suddenly the
telephone гапg.
5 She lооkеd/Shе has looked 1оvеlу. She was
wеагiп /Shе wоге а 1опg, геd dгеss.
6 Веfоге I went to LOndon I had пеvег Ьееп/1 haVe
пеVег Ьееп аЬгоаd Ьеfоге.
7 COme iп! I had Ьееп геаdiп
ieading that Ьооk you gaVe mе.
8 It hаs/It had Ьееп гаiпiпg а11 night and in the
moming the stгееts wеге flооdеd.
9 I had Ьееп waitin /1 had waited in the гаiп fог ages
when she Епа11у tuгпеd uр.
оu'Vе Ёпishеd/ ou had Ёпishеd еаtiпg, сап
you wash the dishеs?
Unit ,

VосаЬulагу count add mеаsuге caIculate SuЬtгасt

3 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of

Wогds often confused опе of the Wогds аЬоVе.

inVent disсоVег сгеаtе 1 Close уоuг eyes and _ to tеп.

2 I'm going to haVe myself _ fог а new suit.
1 Соmр|еtе this tаЬ|е.
3 what do you get if you _ the two Еguгеs
vегЬ noun р егSоп adj ective tоgеthег?
4 Му агithmеtiс was пеVег vегу gооd. what do We
get if we _ 345 fгоm 1000?
disсоvегег 5 Сап you _ how much it will cost to Spend two
сгеаtiоп weeks in Маjогса?
6 when I have dimcult _ to dо, I use the
7 (1п а clothes shор) `1'11 just take уоuг _ , siг.'
2 Соmр|еtе these SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the Wогds аЬоVе.

1 Наппа is опе of the of 773е д/G.72/s/о7ееS. РhгаsаI vегЬs and idioms

2 Newton _ gгаvitу when ап арр1е fell оп his 4 Find рhгаsа| vегЬS ог idioms in the геаdiпg text оп
page 9 that mеап:
3 The gоVеmmепt'S economic policy has _ а lot
of ргоьlеms. - tгiеd Something (рагаgгарh 2)
4 The _ of the Washing machine has made - thought of ап idea ог Solution (рагаgгарh 3)
- сгеаtеd/iпVепtеd (рагаgгарh 4)
реорlе's еVегуdау lives еаsiег.
5 Lеопагdо da Vinci made many SсiепtiЯс - stагtеd а joumey (рагаgгарh 7)
6 TeleVision was _ Ьу Tohn L Ваiгd in i5ZёТ - liked something (рагаgгарh 7)

РhгаsаI vегЬs with up

giveup catchup makeup takeup

comeup Iookup goup

5 Соmр|еtе these sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of

опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬS аЬоVе.

1 I dоп't ЬеliеVе уоu; I'm suге уоu'Vе the

Whole stогу!
2 which questionS do you think аге going to _
the ехаm?
3 If you _ а sрогt, it'll help you lose wеight.
4 I'vе Smoking huпdгеds of timеs! It's геаllу
5 The tеmрегаtuге's _ today - I'm feeling hоt.
6 I а1wауs _ dimcult wогds in the diсtiопагу.
7 If you miss lеssопs, you will haVe to tгу and _
With the геst of the class lаtег.

* УаЬЬа dаЬЬа doo

Listening Wгitiпg
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1 Exam ргасtiсе: Nаггаtivе composition
1 Веfоге you |istеп, геаd the quеStiопs. What sогt of In Рагt 2 of the wгitiпg ехаm, you may Ье aSked to
iпfогmаtiоп Will you need to |istеп fог? Uпdег|iпе the wгitе а shогt Stогу. The Stогу could Ье wгittеп fог
key wогds in the quеStiопS. уоuг tеасhег, уоuг с|аSs ог the геаdегS of а
mаgаziпе. you Will Ье given еithег the title ог the
2 Е You Will hеаг реор|е taIking in five diffегепt fiгst ог |аSt |iпе of the stОгу. The key to wгitiпg а
SituаtiопS. Fог queStionS 1-5, chooSe the ЬеSt апSWег good Stогу is to епtегtаiп the геаdег Ьу making
А, в ог с. уоuг Stогу iпtегеstiпg and огigiпа|.
Неге аге some tipS оп wгitiпg а stОгу.
1 Listen to this woman talking оп ТV. what is hег
jоь? • Р|ап уоuг stогу Ьеfоге you Ьеgiп wгitiпg Ьу

А She is а пеwsгеаdег. deciding what the main events of the StОгу аге.
В She is а TV аппоuпсег. • Divide уоuг ideas into рагаgгарhs. Vou should
С She is а Ёlm сгitiс. haVe at Ieast thгее рагаgгарhs.
• Do not make уоuг stОгу too fогmа| in stу|е; use
2 You hеаг а man talking оп the рhопе. Whеге is he пеutга| ог iпfогmа| |апguаgе.
going this еVепiпg? • Begin уоuг stогу Ьу Setting the sсепе. Give Some
А to the аiгрогt details аЬоut the main сhагасtегS and when and
В to the cinema whеге the Stогу takeS р|асе.
С to а геstаuгапt • USe а vагiеtу of paSt tепSеS.
• USe adjectives to make уоuг Stогу mОге vivid.
3 Listen to theSe two реор1е tаlkiпg. who аге thеу?
• USe sequencing Wогds, eg аftегsоmе tt.mе, as
А а lесtuгег and а student
Soon аs, теапWhilе.
в two fгiепds
• USe diгесt Speech to make уоuг stогу mоге |ivе|у.
С а mапаgег and а sесгеtагу
• Make suге you Ьгiпg уоuг StОгу to а definite епd.
4 You оvегhеаг this man talking to уоuг пеighЬоuг, • Check уоuг Stогу fог mistakes at the епd.
МгS wгight. why is he visiting hег?
А Не wants to meet hег husЬапd.
В Не wants to meet hег. 1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the VегЬS ЬеIoW in each Sрасе,
С Не wants to speak to hег fаthег.
lo ok see Япd гiпg we аг
5 You hеаг а woman talking аЬоut hег jоЬ. what snow stay think watch Say
doeS she dо?
А She is а diгесtог.
1 Outside it heavily and the house was со1d.
В She is ап асtог, 2 I TV аl1 еVепiпg, when the dоогЬеll
С She is ап histогiап. 3 The Stгапgег _ а 1опg, Ьlасk соаt.
41 пеvег the man Ьеfоге in my lifе.
5 `Gооd еvепiпg,' he _ in а soft Voice with а
3 HoW did `уоu chooSe уоuг апSWегS? What с|uеS did fогеigп ассепt,
you hеаг? 6 `1 _ оп1у _ а shогt whilе.'
7 Аftег I аЬоut it fог а mоmепt, I let him iп.
8 `Тhапk уоu,' he sаid. `1 _ fог you fог уеагs.'
9 ,1 -уоu at lаst!'
TheSe SentenceS аге fгоm а Stогу. Wогk With а рагtпег
and discuSS what you think happenS in the stогу.

Unit ,

2 Read this question and а Studепt'S

апSWег. HaS the Student fо||оWеd
I с;оulс] пGVGг haVG guG55Gс1 WhаЪ Wа5 going to happGn Ъhаt
the tipS in the exam Ьох?
WiпЪGг GVGпiпg, ЪWо уGаг5 аgо. ОuЪ5iсЯG iЪ Wаб бпоWiпg hGaVily
You have decided со епtег а shогt апсЯ ЪhG hоuбG Wаб Gо|с]. l Wа5 aIonG апс] l hасЯ ЬGGп Watohing
stогу соmреtitiоп. The
Т1/ а|| GVGпiпg, whGn ъhG сЯоогЬG|| гапg.
competition гulеS say that the
Stогу must end with the sепtепсе: FGGling а Iitъ|G fгighъGпGсЯ, I wGпъ ъо ъhG fгопt dоог апсЯ оа||GсJ
I соuldп't Ьеliеvе it. ОuЪ, `WhО i5 iЪ?' ТhGГG wаб ПО ГGР|У. | ОРGПGс] thG с]ООГ 5|ОW|У.
wгitе уоuг stогу fог the
Тhгоugh thG Ъhiоk 5г1оW, | 5аW thG figuгG of а man 5tапс]iпg in
соmреtitiоп. You Should wгitе
thG с]оогwау. ThG 5tгапgGг wа5 WGагiпg а |опg, Ь|ас;k coat апсЯ |
Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds.
соulсЯ j'uбt makG out hiб fаGG. | hасЯ пGVGг 5GGп ЪhG man ЬGfогG
iП mУ |ifG -ОГ 5О | ЪhОu8ht.
`GоосЯ GVGпiпg,' hG 5аiс3 in а 5оfЬ VoioG with а fогGigп асс;GпЪ.
`Сап l с;оmG iп? l Will оп|у бtау fог а 5hогЪ VvhilG,' АftGг I hасЯ

ъhоught аЬоut iъ fог а mоmGпt, I |Gt him iп. `Тhапk уоu,' hG

5аjс], `I haVG ЬGGп lookjng fог you fог уGаг5. | haVG fоuпс] you at
|абt!' I 5hоvVGсЯ him iпЪо thG |iviпg гооm апсЯ jn ЪhG ЬгighЪ |jght |
бuс]с]Gп|у гGс;оgпizGс] Billy ТаппGг, ап о|с] 5GhооIfгiGпсJ I hаdп't
З NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг
апSWег to thjs quеStiоп.

You have decided to епtег а shог.

Stогу соmреtitiоп. The competition
гulеs say the stогу must Ьеgiп with
the following wогds:
She shut the dоог and picked up
the tе1ерhопе.
wгitе уоuг stогу fог the
соmреtitiоп. You should wгitе
Ьеtwееп 120 and 18О wогds.

Complete these рюvегЬs. what do they mеап?

А гоl1iпg _ gаthегs по mоss.
Реор1е who live in glass houses should not thгоw
sticks and _ i^гill Ьгеаk my ЬОпеs, Ьut wОгds will пеvег huгt mе.

2 Ingoodcompany
Questions and question tags

VосаЬulагу and HoW to lose fгiепds and alienate реор1е

Rеаdiп9 Have you еVег Ьееп offended at not Ьеiпg inVited to а рагtу Which еVегуопе else
you knoW Seems to haVe Ьееп to and had а good time аt? Have you еvег told а
joke that по опе found vегу аmusiпg? L\,t+і\t~;t:,;\ i | Making fгiепds and
1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the
inHuencing реор1е is а gift that а Select feW Seem to Ье Ьоm Wiсh, While fог the
fо||оWiпg hеаdiпgs:
геSt of uS it is а skill that needs to Ье ргасtisеd; and it сап Ье lеаmt. Аftег а11,
-роSitivе adjectiveS Sj;иряf%еZG.с еvегуопе likeS to Ье рорulаг - We а11 like to Ье inVited to рагtiеS and to Ье the
-пеgаtivе adjectiveS sе/Лs%
сепtге of аttепtiоп, at 1еаst some of the timе. Although ехрегts haVe Wгittеп
Ьооks оп hoW to make fhends and iпЯuепсе реор1е, fог mе, the Пгst lesSonS I
Sympathetic semsh геliаЬlе tоlегаmt
гесеivеd in hoW to Ье sосiаЬlе go Ьасk to When We Wеге at ргimагу sсhоо1.
1: сhеегful tactful gloomy ЬоаStful
\tі gепегоus hе1рful shy Ьfilliапt
\2j modest difHcult tactlesS реssimi§tiс, \ 1п оuг с1аss, thеге WaS а Ьоу по опе likеd. П Wаsп't Ьесаusе he Was
;Ё jcalous еаsу-gоiпg optimistic disgustiпg, 1ikе Billy Rеillу, Who cheWed егаSегS and then spat out the pieceS
оп.о his dеsk. Nог WaS he like Lоггаiпе Smith, WhoSe dad waS the hеаdmаStег of
the School and Who alwayS Wanted to Ье рорulаг With the tеасhегs and so kept

2 ChooSe thгее adjectiveS fгоm the Ьох putting hег hand up to апSWег queStionS (еvеп When She had по idea What the
апsWег Wаs).L?^t } | Не Was So dеSрегаtе to Ье 1ikеd Ьу the геSt ofus that
to dеSсгiЬе the quа|itiеS you |ikе moSt
in а fгiепd. Now choose апоthег thгее eVentually eVen the moSt tо1егапt amongst uS соuldп't stand him. (Wе wеге оп1у
to dеsсгiЬе Someone you dоп't Iikе. е1еVеп at the timе.) The mоге he tгiеd to Ье likеd, the 1еSs we liked him. The
iгопу Was that оп the suгfасе Еdgаг Ргiсе should haVe Ьееп the moSt рорulаг kid
in сlаss. Не shагеd his sWееts, he gave you the апswегS in tests and he gave
3 Read the text quiсklу. Which of the gгеаt Ьiгthdау рагtiеs. | v;гг ,( |
fо||оWiпg adjectiveS dеSсгiЬе Еdgаг? But uпdеmеаth, it gгаduаl1у Ьесаmе оЬViоuS that Еdgаг сагеd оп1у fог опе
so сiаЬlе disgusting регSоп - himsе1f. Не waS tоtа1lу Sе1f-сепtгеd, Ьut made it wогSе Ьу ргеtепdiпg
Sеlf-с епtге d рорulаг he сагеd аЬоut оthегs. L;\,''і;.г:j '`,:\^,j | You could tе11 fгоm his voice that his mind
misегаЬіе iггitаtiпg WaS оп оthег thiпgs. And he а1WауS managed to twist еvегу topic of сопvег-
sation Ьасk гоuпd to his fаVоuгitе SuЬjесt -thе 1ifе and timeS of Еdgаг Ргiсе. It
WaS гаthег а dull stогу, апуWау. |,:,\і tтi; '! і
Апоthег thing Which made him diШсult to 1ikе WaS that he Was so misегаЬlе -
а геа1 ргорhеС of dооm. Не was а1WауS ргеdiсtiпg Ьаd Wеаthег When thеге Was а Ьig
match оп, infectiouS diseaSeS When someone WaS off ill and еагthquаkеs а11 уеаг
гоuпd. We knew he just wanted аttепtiоп. |'ч`'!{` i}r`h i | Опсе thеге геаl1у was ап
еагthquаkе and When Еdgаг sаid, `1 told you Sо' , it did not make uS 1ikе him mоге.
I think it WaS ап Аmегiсап ргеSidепt Who опсе Sаid, `If уоu'ге tа1kiпg, you
аiп't 1istепiпg' , апd, in Spite of the faulty gгаmmаг, thеге is ап imрогtапt 1еsSоп
hеге. |L ;';t;Ч | The upshot of all this is that опе should not tгу too hагd to Ье
liked апd, Оп the ргасtiса1 Sidе, if you Want to Ье оп good tems With реор1е,
tа1kiпg less and listening mоге is the golden гulе fог Ьесоmiпg someone it is
good to ье With.

Unit 2

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З 5 Which оthег adjectiveS fгоm the VосаЬulагу Ьох оп
page 1 б Would you use to dеsсгiЬе Еdgаг? What advice
|п Рагt З of the геаdiпg ехаm, you haVe to Would you give him?
соmр|еtе а gapped tехt. The missing ехtгасts will
Ье еithег sentenceS ог shОгt рагаgгарhs. This type
of queStion tests уоuг аЬilitу: Modifying adjectives
- to uпdегstапd the gепега| meaning of the tехt. Уоu сап iпсгеаSе ог геduсе the stгепgth of
- to uпdегstапd details of the tехt, рагtiсulаг|у in adjectives Ьу using mоdifiегS. Неге аге some
those рагts of the text whеге ап ехtгасt is mоdifiегS аггапgеd гоughlу fгоm weak to stгопg:
- to uпdегStапd how а text is Stгuсtuгеd. а Ьit - qиitеlfаiгIу - гаthегlргеttу - геаIIуlvегу
- ехtгетеlу
• Read the text quickly to get the gепегаI
VоU'ге dгiviпg а Ьit fаSt!
meaning and uпdегIiпе the key iпfогmаtiоп
VоU'ге dгiviпg ргеttу fаSt!
(реор1е, р|асеS, timеS, еvепts). yоU'ге dгiviпg ехtгете|у fаSt!
• Read the missing ехtгасts and uпdег|iпе key
6 Use а mоdifiег and ап adjective fгоm the Ьох оп page
• Look сагеfullу at the |iпеs just Ьеfоге and аftег
16 to dеSсгiЬе the реор|е Who Said theSe SепtепсеS.
the gарs. LOok fОг wогds and ideas that аге
Vou сап uSe mоге than опе аdjесtivе.
геIаtеd to the missing ехtгасts.
• . Look out fог wогds that hе|р to огgапizе the 1 а Ьit g1ооту, гаthег реSsiтistiс,
tехt, Such as ргопоuпs, dеmопstгаtivеs (tht.s, 1 Things аге Ьоuпd to get wогsе.
thаt), connecting wогds (hоVVеVег, 5есопd/у) 2 I'm the Ьеst student in the сlаss.
and Wогds of Similаг mеапiпg. 3 I'Vе got two fгее tickets fог the сопсегt, why dоп't
• Read the соmр|еtеd text quiсklу. DoeS it make you haVe опе of thеm?
SепSе? 4 wеl1, it's Ьееп геа11у gгеаt chatting to уоu. why
dоп't we meet fог coffee sоmеtimе?
5 I hope you dоп't mind my mentioning it, Ьut
4 Eight SentenceS have Ьееп геmоVеd fгоm the tехt. уоu'Vе got сhосо1аtе оп уоuг сhееk.
ChOose fгоm the sentences А-1 the опе Which fits each 6 whо's that lеttег fгоm? what does it sау? It'S not
gap (1-8). Тhеге is опе ехtга Sentence Which you do ргivаtе, is it?
not need to uSе. 7 I'm not giving апу money to the hоmеlеss. If they
need mопеу, they сап go out and wогk fог it like I
А Не would eVen aSk to саггу уоuг Ьаg if it seemed dо.
Stuffed With ьооks. 8 I Ёпd it dimcult to talk to реор1е at рагtiеs.
В Не wаsп't eVen Vегу good at соvегiпg up his геа1 9 I dоп't think my sсоге was anything sресiаl. It was
рагtlу luck and рагtlу tеаm-wогk.
С Nо, Еdgаг's ргоЬlеm was fаг mоге iггitаtiпg: he tгiеd 10 Lооk, I'm sоггу, could you take this soup Ьасk, it's
too hагd to Ье а `gооd guу'. too sа1tу. And Ьу the wау, could you Ьгiпg me а
D Of соuгsе, if you make а dozen ргеdiсtiопs, опе of с1еап glаss? And could you change this Ьuttег fог
them is Ьоuпd to come tгuе. mагgагiпе please ...
Е Опсе duгiпg а maths tеst, I had по idea what the
апswегs wеге. Соmраге уоuг апSWегS With а рагtпег,
F His dad was ап accountant with сustоmегs in the
Middle Еаst, hагdlу Lаwгепсе of АгаЬiа.
G Do реор1е `switсh оff' when уоu'ге talking to thеm? 7 DеsсгiЬе theSe реор|е, using mоdifiегS and аdjесtivеS:

Н Though it was а 1опg time аgо, I геmеmЬег some -уоuгSеlf

of (hе kids as if it wеге уеstегdау. -уоuг fгiепds
I we like the sound of оuг own Vоiсе, Ьut the регsоп -mеmЬегS of уоuг family
wе'ге speaking to ргоЬаЬ1у feels the Same аЬоut
thеiг voice tоо. I сап Ье гаthег tactlesS SотеtiтеS.

* In good сотрапу

Неге аге some гulеs fог fогmiпg Vеs/Nо quеStiопs. Неге аге Some гulеS fог fОгmiпg И/h-quеStiопS.

When thеге is ап аuхiliагу ог modaI VегЬ in the When thеге is ап аuхiliагу ог modaI VегЬ, you use the
Stаtеmепt, you use the аuхiliагуіmоdа| + SuЬjесt + Vvh-wогd + аuхiliагу/mоdа| + suЬjесt + VегЬ.
Vегь. When ShoUld l hand in ту hотеWогk?
Сап he Speak English flиепtlу? Whеге аге уои going fог уоиг hоlidау?
HaS She Ьееп to the dосtог'S уеt? When thеге is по аuхiliагу-ог mоdа| vегЬ, you use the
When thеге is по аuхiliагу ог mоdа| vегЬ in the wh-wогd + dо/dое5/dr-d + suЬjесt + iпfiпitivе.
Stаtеmепt, you uSe dо/с/оеs/с/t.d + suЬjесt + What do yoU USUа||у do at Wееkепds?
iпfiпitivе. When did уои paSS уоиг dгiviпg tеSt?
Did Nigel go to the рагtу оп Fгidау? When the wh-wогd is the suЬjесt of the quеstiоп,
Do уои like leaming Епg|ish?
you use the wогd огdег of the stаtеmепt.
Who hаSп't done the hотеWогk?
What happened at the end of the filт?

1 Соmр|еtе theSe quеStiопS. 2 Соггесt theSe SentenceS said Ьу students of Епg|ish in

Рарег 5 of the Fiгst Сегtifiсаtе ехаm.
1 _ реор1е often ask you fог аdviсе?
2 _ you еVег lost ог found а lot of mопеу? 1 Yеs, English likes me а lоt,
3 _ you геmеmЬег the wогds of а Song in 2 Му mоthег is а wifehouse Ьut she used to Ье а
Епglish? tуреwгitег.
4 thеге something you аге геаllу аfгаid оf? 3 I haVe Ьееп leaming English since I ten о'сlосk.
5 _ would you like to Ье at the mоmепt? 4 I am iпtегеstеd in Sроts. I am dying fог the Ьаskеt.
6 is the Ьеst thing that has еvег happened to 5 I keep Яt Ьу joking and I оп1у eat when I am апgгу.
уоu? 6 Му ankle has gгеу hаiгs and he is а Ьеggег.
7 _ you like Со change anything аЬоut уоuгsеlf? 7 I am Ьогпеd to іg86. I am оп1у siхtу.
8 _ 1опg haVe you known уоuг Ьеst fгiепd? 8 I leam English ЬесаuSе I loVe thеm.
9 _ is уоuг Ьеst quality and what is уоuг wогst 9 I like tгаvеlliпg Ьу sheep Ьесаusе it is sаfег and you
quality as а регsоп? know а 1оt of реор1е.
10 has had the gгеаtеst influence оп уоuг lifе? 10 Nо, my fаthег пеVег Ьit mе.

Wогk With а рагtпег. ASk ahd апSwег thгее of the What queStion did the ехаmiпег ask in each саSе? Wгitе
queStionS аЬоVе. the queStions and aSk уоuг рагtпег thгее of thеm.

3 |mаgiпе you аге а famouS регsоп and you аге going to

Ье iпtегViеWеd оп TV аЬоut уоuг |ifе and регSопа|itу.
Wгitе thгее queStionS you Would |ikе to Ье аSkеd. Give
уоuг queStionS to уоuг рагtпег and iпtегViеW each оthег.

Unit 2

Listening 2 NoW го|ер|ау апоthег ргоЬ|еm Situаtiоп. This timе,

Student В should aSk fог advice and Student А Should
give аdviсе. ChooSe опе of theSe SituаtiопS.
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
1 You think thaC уоuг Епg1ish tеасhег dоеsп't like
1 Е You Will hеаг а гаdiо iпtегViеW With РгоfеSSог Fiппеу, уоu. Не/shе often сгitiсizеs уоuг hоmеwогk in fгопt
Who giveS advice оп hoW to Ье |ikеd Ьу оthег реор|е. of the claSS and пеVег asks you to апswег
Fог queStionS 1-7, compIete the SentenceS With а Wогd quеstiопs.
ог а рhгаsе. 2 Yоu'ге wоггiеd that уоu'ге going to fail the Fiгst
СегtiЁсаtе ехаm. Уоu have а рагt-timе jоЬ and so
1 Ргоfеssог Finney is а
you аге often too tiгеd to Study in the еvепiпg. You
2 she has Ьееп studying the way fгiепds and family also Ёпd it dimcult tо-сопсепсгаtе Ьесаusе уоuг
home is Vегу поisу. (Тhе TV is always оп and you
сап affect а сhild's
haVe two уоuпgег Ьгоthегs.)
3 Finney ЬеliеVеs that it is imрогtапt to feel

4 Реор1е should tгу not to Ье

а11 the timе.

5 If someone has had

should say something nice аЬоut it.
6 when уоu'ге feeling
good stгаtеgу is to listen to оthег реор1е.
7 when you talk to реор1е, you should always

2 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSS the advice given Ьу

РгоfеSSог Fiппеу. What do you think is the ЬеSt piece of
аdviсе? Useful Iап9uа9е
Giving advice

Why dоп't yoU ..? YoU could tгу ... (+ -iпg)

sреаkЁпg lf I Wеге уоU, l'd ...

YoU ShouId ...
What аьоUt ... (+ -iп9)
РегhарS уои coUld ...
Have уои thought аЬоиt .,. (+ -iпg)
1 Wогk With а рагtпег and го1ер1ау this Situаtiоп. Опе of
The ЬеSt thing to do is ,.,
you is Student А and the оthег is Student В. USe
ехргеSsiопS fгоm the Ьох. Asking fог advice
Student А Сои|d l haVe а Wогd With уоU?
Yоu'vе accidentally upset а good fгiепd of уоuгs Ьу Сои|d I aSk уоUг advice аЬоиt Sотеthiпg?
something уоu'Vе sаid. You hаvеп't spoken fог wееks. What wouId yoU аdvisе? What shои|d l dо?

і dоп't ипdегStапd Why ...
Why dоп't реор|е ипdегStапd
I сап't See Why ... I 9еt fed ир With ...

* іп good сотрапу

Question tags
You uSe question tags to check iпfОгmаtiоп ог to іf уоu'ге checking iпfогmаtiоп, уоuг voice goes up оп
aSk оthег peopIe if they аgгее with уоu. Vou fогm the tа9. -
а queStion tag With ап аuхiliагу ог а mоdа| VегЬ Vou hаVеп't Ьееп to Sраiп, haVe уоU? (VоU dоп't know
and а suЬj.есt ргопоuп. The main раttегпs fог the апSwег.)
question tags аге:
If уоu'ге asking someone to аgгее with уоu, уоuг
• poSitive Statement + negative question tag
voice goes down оп the tаg.
VoU |ikе рizzа, dоп't уоU? iiiE
• negative statement + poSitive queStion tag VoU live in Lопdоп, dоп`t уои? (VоU expect the апSWег to
ье `уеS' .)
Vou сап't Speak Fгепсh, сап уоU?

1 Match the SentenceS in |ist А with the queStion tags in 4 Yоu'Vе got а Video at hоmе, hаVеп't уоu?
Iist в. 5 You hаvеп't Ьееп to Аmегiса, haVe уоu?
А в
1 You соuldп't lend me Some mопеу, hаdп't уоu? 4 Wгitе fоuг sentenceS аЬоut What you think you know
2 You wегеп't Ьоm hеге, haVe уоu? аЬоut оthег Students in уоuг с|аSS.
3 You hаvеп't геаd ТУсZy сz7€с7 Ресzсе, wеге уоu?
Магiа liheS госh тиSiс.
4 You usually get up lаtе, агеп't 1?
5 You hаdп't seen а сагtооп Ьеfоге, do уоu? ]оhп'S тоthег is ст агсhitесt.
6 Yоu'd Ьеttег Study mоге, could уоu? NoW check уоuг SentenceS Ьу aSking the реор1е you
7 You dоп't know of апу good ЬОоks did thеу? Wгоtе аЬоut tag quеstiопS.
оп gгаmmаг, соuldп't i'?
Магiа, уои lihe госh тиSiс, dоп't уои?
8 It could Ье а Ьit wагmег this time dоп't уоu?
of уеаг' had уоu? ]о1т, уоиг тоthег'S ап агсhitесt, isп't Shе?
9 I'm tаllег Chan уоu,
10 No опе failed the last tеst,
Use of Еп9Iish
2 Соmр|еtе these queStionS With а tаg.
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагts 5 and 4
1 Yоu'Vе Ёпishеd sсhооl, _ 9
2 You live in а flаt, _ 7 1 Look at theSe two diаgгаms. What do you think they
3 You dоп't haVe а sistег, _ 7 ShоW? NoW геаd the fiгst text quickly and check уоuг
4 Yоu'd гаthег go to the cinema than the thеаtге, апsWегS. 1gпоге the SpaceS fог поW.

5 You had ап accident in а саг last уеаг, _ 7

6 Yоu'Vе Ьееп wеагiпg that jacket fог оVег а уеаг,
Ьоdу |апguаgе

7 Yоu'Vе пеVег met апуопе fаmоus,

3 Е Listen to theSe sentenceS and decide if the Voice goeS

up ог doWn оп the tаg.
The FhntstoneS аге Атегiсап, агеп't thеу?

1 ]аmеs Bond is Епglish, isп't hе?
2 ЕVегуопе watches ТV, dоп't thеу?
3 You didп't do уоuг hоmеwогk, did уоu?

Unit 2

2 Fог queStions і-10, геаd the Rаррогt: how to make fгiепds and infLuence реор1е
text аgаiп. Use the Wогd given
If реор1е have гаррогt with each оthег, they haVe а геlаtiопshiр
in сарitа|S at the end of each АвLЕ
in which they haVe а sресiа1 (1) _ to uпdегstапd each
|iпе to fогm а Wогd that fits in
оthег's feelings ог points of viеw.
the Space in the same liпе.
Кпоwiпg what гаррогt is is а small step tоwагds achieving it.
The (2) _ question is: how does опе go аЬоut getting INтЕRЕSт
it if опе does not haVe it? How do we сгеаtе а (3) _ of RЕLАтЕ
З What advice Will the wгitег NАтURЕ
tгust and how сап we extend this (4) _ skill? How do you
give to hе|р the геаdег achieVe know when two реор1е аге in гаррогt?
гаррогt? Read the next text
(5) _ seems to flow when two реор1е аге in гаррогt; thеiг соммUNIсАтЕ
and check уоuг апSwегS.
Ьоdiеs as well as thеiг wогds match each оthег. what we say
іgпоге the еггогS fог поw. сап сгеаtе ог (6) _ гаррогt, Ьut that is оп1у seven рег cent DЕSтRUстIоN
of the соmmuпiсаtiоп. Body language and tone of Voice аге
mОге (7) _ . You may haVe noticed that реор1е who аге in IмроRтАNсЕ
гаррогt tend to miггог and match each оthег in роStuге, gеStuге
and еуе сопtасt. It is like а dапсе, whеге рагtпегs геsропd and
miггог each оthег's (8) _ . Have you еVег found уоuгsеlf моVЕ
enjoying а (9) _ with Someone and noticing that Ьоth уоuг coNVERSE
Ьоdiеs have adopted the same роstuге? The (10) _ the DEEp
гаррогt, the сlоsег the match will tend to Ье. This skill seems to
Ье iпЬогп, fог пеw-Ьоm ЬаЬiеS moVe in гhуthm with the Voices
of the реор1е агоuпd thеm.

4 Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the 1 when реор1е аге not in the гаррогt thеiг Ьоdiеs геflесt it - whаtеvег
text again and |ооk сагеfullу at 2 they аге Sауiпg, thеiг Ьоdiеs will not Ье mаtсhiпg. They аге not
each |iпе. Some of the |iпеS аге 3 engaged in the dance and you сап see in it immеdiаtеlу. SucceSsful
соггесt, and Some haVe а wогd 4 реор1е сгеаtе гаррогt and гаррогt сгеаtеs tгust. You сап to сгеаtе
Which Should not Ье thеге. |f а 5 гаррогt with апуопе you wish. Ву consciously matching and miггогiпg
line is соггесt, put а tick (/). If 6 Ьоdу language and tone of Vоiсе, you сап vегу quickly gain гаррогt
а |iпе haS а wогd which Should 7 with eVen almost апуопе. То сгеаtе гаррогt, join the оthег регsоп's
not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd. 8 dance Ьу matching to thеiг Ьоdу 1апguаgе sensitively and with
9 геsресt. This Ьuilds а Ьгidgе Ьеtwееп you and in thеiг model of the
10 wогld. Matching ЬеSidеs is not mimiсгу, which is а поtiсеаЬlе and
11 ехаggегаtеd copying of апоthег регsоп'S mоVеmепts. You сап match
12 агm moVements Ьу few small hand mоvеmепts; Ьоdу movements Ьу
13 уоuг head mоvеmепts. when реор1е moVe 1ikе each оthег, they like
14 each the оthег. But do not ЬеliеVе us. Notice what happenS when you
15 miггог оthегs. Then notice what will happens when you Stор.

* |п good сотрапу

VосаЬulагу Wгitiпg
Wогds often confused Exam ргасtiсе: Тгапsасtiоhаl Iеttег
(Iеttег asking fог iпfогmаtiоп)
пегvоus Ьаd-tеmрегеd moody anxiouS
In Рагt 1 of the wгitiпg ехаm, you have to wгitе а
1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using опе of the Wогds аЬоVе. tгапSасtiопа| |еttег. А tгапsасtiопа| Iеttег has а
1 А tеасhег ог рагепt who is а1wауs shouting is _ ргасtiса| рuгроsе (уоu want to get Something
dопе) and it геquiгеs а гер1у fгоm the регsоп you
2 You аге expecting the геsults of ап ехаm, ог you
dоп't want to miss уоuг р1апе; you feel Send it tо. Неге аге some of the diffегепt typeS of
Iеttег you may have to wгitе:
3 Веfоге ап iпtегViеw ог exam you may feel _
4 Yоuг fгiепd is often сhеегful ог dергеSsеd within а - а |еttег of соmр|аiпt
Vегу shогt timе. Не is - а |еttег of invitation
5 john was so оп his wedding day that he fогgоt - а Iеttег asking fог iпfогmаtiоп
his Ьгidе's паmе.
6 Му Ьоss is usually vегу _ оп Monday mоmiпg. - а Iеttег dеsсгiЬiпg something (еg something |оst
7 The dгоught has made fагmегs аЬоut the ог stоlеп)
hагVеst. Vou will Ье given iпfогmаtiоп with Which to
8 Susan admits shе's _ , Ьut says it's ЬесаuSе Shе's апSwег the quеStiоп, Such as ап аdvегtisеmепt,
ап агtist. поtеs, апоthег Iеttег ог а рiсtuге. Vou may aISo Ье
asked to add уоuг own idеаS. The stу|е of the lеttег
should Ье fОгmаI ог sеmi-fогmа|, depending оп
Рhгаsа| vегЬs with оп WhO you аге Wгitiпg to and Whу.

|ооk оп get оп go оп count оп Неге аге Some tips оп wгitiпg а tгапsасtiопаI |еttег.
tuгпоп takeon puton • Make Suге that you iпс|udе а|I the iпfогmаtiоп
2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of опе you аге Supposed tо. You will lose mагks if you
of the рhгаsа| vегЬs аЬоVе. dоп't.
• Use key wогds fгоm the iпfогmаtiоп givеп.
1 Нег application Was successful so they _ hег Dоп't сору whole Sепtепсеs.
as ап assistant mапаgег. • Think аЬоut whO you аге wгitiпg tо, and make
2 Could you _ the гаdiо ? I'd like to hеаг the
the stу|е of уоuг |еttег арргоргiаtе. The
ехаmiпегS give mагks fог арргоргiасу aS wе|| aS
3 wе'ге going to _ the show at Сhгistmаs.
fог ассuгаtе gгаmmаг and vосаЬulагу.
4 1п New Yогk реор1е get mugged and раSsегs-Ьу just
• Ореп and cIose уоuг Iеttег арргоргiаtе|у. (|t is
not песеSsагу to Wгitе аddгеssеs.)
5 I'm sоггу I сап't wогkiпg like this -I'vе had
епоugh! • Огgапizе the iпfогmаtiоп с|еагIу into
6 Ifyou want to in lifе, you haVe to wогk hагd. рагаgгарhs. Each рагаgгарh should have а
7 Сап I _ you to hе1р mе? You wоп't let me dоwп? Specific рuгроsе.
• Ехр|аiп in the fiгst Sentence why you аге
• State in the Iast sentence What you expect fгоm
the геаdег.

1 You аге going to апswег this quеstiоп.

You аге iпtегеstеd in Visiting the USA and you have

seen this аdvегtisеmепt in а mаgаziпе. wгi(е а lеttег to
OceanView АdvепtuгеS asking fог mоге iпfогmаtiоп.
Use the notes оп the аdvегtisеmепt. wгitе Ьеtwееп
120 and 180 wогds.

Unit 2

2 Неге аге two Studепts' апSWегs to the quеStiоп. Read them

quickly and decide Which is Ьеttег.
DGаг Мj5tGг (ог МасЯаm),
_ ,.н, ,,L,u,Uс, саL;с;uі, гіоііс]ау5 і.п FlогGсJа
DGаг Siг ог Мас]аггі, thЬ5umm;ГfОГthGУОuГ199uУ6(аПd9jГl5).YОu5аИitj5а
ьhiG с=' 'mm,ор J=^,_ +г_ _
I am Wгіtiпg in гG5ропgG Ъо ЪhG аdvGгЪizmGпt аЬоuЪ
5tuсЯGпt hо||'с*ау5 in F|огiс]а Who | 5аw in уGбЪuгdау'5
|пtGгпаtiопа| НGга|d NGWб. А|thоugh I am iпtGгG5tGс* to гtlu5ttоа5kl'5WGагGхасtlуОгlаПdОj5?|бl.tfагfгОmF|оп'с]а?

ЪhG hо|iс]ау, l Wоulс] 1ikG агіс] mогG iпfогmаtiопб,

| аггі 15 уGаю о|с] and my Епg|i5h агG VGгу gоос] Ьut | hоWmапуоthGг5tuс]Gпt5Wjllі.tЬGапdWhі'сhсоuпЪгjGбthGу

wOuld |ikG ЪО iП1РГОVG iЪ.


FiГбt, СОulсd УОu tG|| П1G whGГG ЪhG ОЪhGГ ОhilС]ГGП Will ЬG
Gоггіiпg fгоm? Wі.|| thGy ЬG аЬ|G Ъо брGаk Епgli5h? WhаЪ kiпсd
of аооmоdаъiоп Will ъhGгG ЬG. | WоulсЯ апсЯ |ikG ъо knoW if I
mu5Ъ ЪО 5hаі'Г а ГООm WiЪh ОthGГб 5tudGПЪб. АmGгі.са. lt Will ЬG my fiг5t tі.mG.

Соulс] you а|Gо ЪG|| mG гііогG аЬоut how ЪhG Gix с]ауб Vvill АПdР|GG5G:аЬbmОГGiПfОГmаtl'ОП5-СО5lПGGdЪОkПОW
ЬG огgагіizGс]? АгG thG Ъгiр5 you агG гGfGггGсj Ъо iпсIuс]GсЯ in гtlогG.

ЪhG fGG с)г с]о WG mu5Ъ рау GхЪга? Тhаt'5 аI| fог поW.,
I look fогWагd ъо hGагiпg fгоm уоu, WгjtG 5ооп
уоuг5fаithfuI'у' вG5t w,'бhG5'

магiа магсu5

З Соmр|еtе this tаЬ|е, ассогdiпg to Whеthег the lеttегS haVe the

fо||оwiпg fеаtuгеS. Uпdег|iпе ехаmр|еs of the fеаtuгеs in the |еttегs.

4 NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг oWn апSWег to the quеstiоп.
Wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 Wогds.

3 Тhеgооd,thеЬаdапd
the uпЬеагаЬIе
Ргеsепt simpIe and ргеsепt сопtiпuоus; stative and dynamic vегЬs

Exam ргасtiсе: Рhоtоgгарhs
ln Рагt 2 of the Speaking ехаm, you
have to соmраге and сопtгаst two
рhоtоgгарhs. The ехаmiпег will а|sо
aSk you ап opinion question аЬоut
hеm. Vou haVe to speak fог аЬоut
опе miпutе. The оthег Student will
Ье aSked Ьу the ехаmiпег to
omment оп уоuг рhоtоgгарhs аftег
ou haVe fiпishеd.
• Hsten сагеfullу asthe ехаmiпег
ехр|аiпS what the SuЬj.есt of the
рhоtоgгарhs is.
DеSсгiЬе the рhоtogгарhs Ьу
соmрагiпg them with each оthег.
• Dоп't dеsсгiЬе еvегуthiпg in the
рhоtоgгарhs in gгеаt detail -thе
aim is to give а gепегаl
dеsсгiрtiоп and соmрагisоп.
• Кеер taIking until the ехаmiпег
iпtеггuрts уоu. The ехаmiпегS сап
оп|у gгаdе you оп What they
hеаг, So Show them what you
Dоп't wоггу too much аЬоut
using ассuгаtе |апguаgе. The
ехаmiпегS give mагks fог fluency
aS wеl| as fог gгаmmаг,
VосаЬulагу and ргопuпсiаtiОп.
• Dоп't panic if you dоп't know the
English Wогd fог something in
the рhоtоgгарhs. Тгу to expIain
What it is aS WеI| aS you сап. (Sее
page 128 fог ргасtiсе in
dеSсгiЬiпg thiпgs.)

Unit 3

Useful Ianguage
DеSсгiЬiпg рhоtоgгарhs
тhis рiсtuге ShoWS ... оп the lеft,гight .-
Тhеге SeemS to Ье ... lt |ооks |.Ikе thеге'S
lt'S ргоьаьlу ...
This photo WaS ргоЬаЬ|у taken iп/аt ...

СОmрагiпg and сопtгаStiпg рhоtоgгарhs

Both photoS аге оп the SиЬjесt of ...
воth photoS ShoW ...
The photoS ShoW diffегепt ,,,
ln сотрагisiоп to photo А, photO В is ,,.
In this рiсtuге ... While in the оthег рiсtиге ...

Town and соuпtгу
1 Complete theSe SentenceS using опе of the wогds

оutskiгts suЬuгЬ Suггоuпdiпgs геgiоп

епViгопmепt distгiсt пеighЬоuгhооd
1 Му рагепts' houSe is set in Ьеаutiful
2 А new family has just moved into оuг
3 Оuг Ьusiпеss is 1осаtеd in the о1d iпdustгiаl
of the сitу.
4 I live in а quiet _ of London called Muswell
5 we аге not doing enough to ргоtесt the fгоm
6 The mountainous in the погth of оuг соuпtгу
is vегу ьеаutiful.
7 The fасСогу is оп the of the сitу.

2 Match Wогds fгоm |ist А With Wогds fгоm |ist В to

1 Choose two of the рhоtоgгарhs and соmраге and
make compound поuпS. Vou сап uSe some of the
сопtгаSt thеm. Use ехргеSsiопs fгоm the Ьох.
Wогds mоге than опсе.

2 Which citieS аге ShoWn in the рhоtоgгарhs? Match гаil ` dwеllег
theSe nameS With the рhоtоgгарhs. рuьliс гоu te
Vienna В егliп Athens u пdегgгоu nd path
London Sto ckholm сус 1е plate
Ьu il ding tгапsрогt
Which city do you think has the moSt Sегiоus tгаffiс с опstгu ction station
ргоьIеms? Whу? tгаm с wогk
пumЬег shоuldег
city link
ьus jam
hагd site

* тhе gооd, the Ьаd and the UпЬеагаЬ|е

VосаЬulагу and Rеаd]пg Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4

4 Fог queStionS 1-12, choose fгоm the cities А-Е. Some of

1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the fоI|оwiпg hеаdiпgs: the citieS may Ье used mоге than опсе. When mоге
-tУРеS Of ГОаd 71.7С8 71ОСZСZ than опе апSWег is геquiгеd, these may Ье given in апу
-fОГms Of tГаПSРОГt 77СеZ71О огdег.

Ilж,"ujhеtгоiпgаdhigwayuпdегgоuпdЬs` •h`
which city ог сitiеS:
i;,#t, \,уli,','Ёl; §l1-#:,

опе-wау stгееt tгаm path 1оггу Ьiсусlе motогWа* does not have ап uпdегgгоuпd
tгаiп саг 1апе Van side гоаd hoped mоtогсусlе \ , system уеt?
'''tsсооtег stгееt jeep сuklе-Sас coach taxi
has good facilities fог сусlists?

has а cheap and emcienc гаilwау Sегviсе?

2 Read the texts quickly and find out Which cities have has ап expensive uпdегgгоuпd sуstеm?
good рuЬ|iс tгапSрогt and Which cities haVe Ьаd рuЬ|iс
tгапSрогt. is planning to imргоvе its гаil

had Ьеttег Ьus sегViсеs in the раst?

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 3
has sегiоus рагkiпg ргоЬlеms?
З SeVen sentenceS haVe Ьееп геmоVеd fгоm the tехt. has tгiеd to limit the пumЬег
ChooSe fгоm the Sentences А-Н the опе Which fits of сагS in the city сепtге?
each gap (1-7). Тhеге is опе ехtга Sentence Which you
do not need to uSе. haS iпсгеаsеd in size гесепtlу?

А Getting thеге means chooSing Ьеtwееп ап emcient has uпsuitаЬlе гоаds fог сагs?
uпdегgгоuпd system ог Ьеiпg stuck in tгаmс jams
fог much of the jоuгпеу.
В Mosc cicy dwеllегs Ьоught а Second саг. 5 Find Wогds in the text that mеап:
С The гiпg гоаd was opposed Ьу епViгопmепtаlists - make something change diгесtiоп (Viеппа)
Ьut haS tumed out to Ье а gгеаt suссеss.
- connectiOns (Viеппа)
D Мапу of the сitу's highways аге Ьlосkеd off to -гераiгs, imргоVеmепt (Вегliп)
allow сопstгuсtiоп wогk to go аhеаd. - реор1е who tгаVеl 1опg distances to and fгоm wогk
Е РгеdiсtаЬ1у, ргivаtе сагs wеге found to Ье the main
Sоuгсе of роl1utiоп. - sеvеге, dгаmаtiс (Аthепs)
F На1f the money is ргоvidеd Ьу the gоVегпmепt, the - putting money into а ргоjесt (Аthепs)
геmаiпdег comes fгоm fагеs. - heavy tгаmс {hаt Ьlосks the гоаds (Lопdоп)
G АЬоvе gгоuпd, Lопdопегs аге not doing much - fогЬiddеп (Lопdоп)
ьеttег. - агеаs оп the edge of а town ог city (stосkhо1m)
Н It will сегtаiпlу Ье the most mоdеm. - pushed into а Smа1l space (Stосkhо1m)

1 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSS theSe quеstiопS.

How Ьаd is the tгаmс in уоuг tоwп/сitу?

How has the 1оса1 govemment tгiеd to imргоVе the
Have these attempts to imргоVе the situation wогkеd?
If поt, why поt?

Unit 3

і Although Vienna а1геаdу has а SuрегЬ рuЬliс tгапsрогt 4o Fог а nation which опсе ргidеd itsе1f оп Ьuildiпg гоаds and
sуStеm, wОгk has Ьеguп оп а р1ап to divегt tгаmс aWay fгоm гаilwауS fог оthегS, tгапsрогt in the сарitа1 is in а Sогту stаtе.
the Stгееts of the сitу. Кеу planS iпс1udе Ьuildiпg neW and Тоdау, the Wогld's oldest ТuЬе (thе ЁгSt section WaS opened
imргоVеd mоtогWау and гаil 1iпks and а сiСу гiпg гоаd. within in 1863) still ЬоаSts 735 million раSSепgег joumeys а уеаг.
5 the сitу, 30 kilоmеtгеs of uпdегgгоuпd 1iпеS Will Ье added to But it is Widely геgагdеd aS оVег-ргiсеd, inemcient and in
[hе Меtго оVег the next ten уеагs. At ргеsепt, ЁVе Ьilliоп 45 need of extenSive гераiг. The WогSепiпg of рuЬliс
Schillings is роuгеd into Viеппа'S рuЬ1iс tгапsрогt SyStem SегViсеS has Ьгоught ап iпсгеаsе in ргivаtе tгапsрогс. The
еvегу уеаг. The uпdегgгоuпd 1iпks Well with the suЬSеquепt congeStion оп the сарitаl's Stгееts waS made
extenSive tгаm lines and Ьus гоutеs. Тhеге аге а1геаdу 500 wогSе When сагs Wеге Ьаппеd fгоm the Сitу, Lопdоп's
іо kms of сус1е раths, although Viennese сус1ists gгumЬ1е at Ёпапсiа1 сепtге, fо11оWiпg ЬоmЬ attacks Ьу the IRА.
deep potholes in the раths.

; ; ` ' _ . .=._`. i Ёаь`..,.... `$.

5o It is ten kilоmеtгеS fгоm my houSe in the Stockholm suЬuгЬs
Huge Ьuildiпg Sitеs, lагgе-Sса1е гераiгs of гоаds and the to the omce in сhе city сепtге Whеге I Wогk.
гесоппесtiоп of the two hа1vеS of the city haVe а11 соmЬiпеd mе, рuЬliс tгапsрогt Wins hands dоWп. If I leaVe home just
to make Вег1iп а dimcult р1асе to move аЬоut iп. Ьеfоге eight о'сlОсk, I'm at the ofHce Ьу half past еight. The
і5 Sеvега1 of the uпdегgгоuпd and сгоss-tоWп гаilwау stations tгаiп гuпs еvегу thгее minuteS ог so at peak times оп the main
аге closed doWn fог гепоVаtiоп. Fог саг dгivегs, the Wогst 55 гоutеS. Duгiпg the гush hоuг it сап Ье dimcult to get а Sеаt,
ргоЬlеm is tгуiпg to `gеt to the оthег sidе' -tо move fгоm Ьut it'S гаге to Ье сгаmmеd in 1ikе Sагdiпеs, as in London ог
eaSt to West ог Vice vегsа. Тhеге аге simр1у not enough гоаds Рагis. Fог the ргiсе of а monthly pass (375 kгопа), you сап
to meet the dеmапd. The good neWs is that а11 this iпсоп- tгаVеl оп а11 ЬuSеs and tгаiпs Within Stосkhо1m - to me that is
2o venience is Wогkiпg tоwагds а good саuSе. when а11 the tгuе Vа1uе fог money and сегtаiп1у 1еss than the cost of the
Ьuildiпg and геЬuildiпg is Ёпishеd, Вег1iп'S соmmutегS Will 6o реtго1 you would usе. Ву соmрагisоп, dгiviпg to Wогk, with
have опе of Еuгоре's most emcient tгаmс sуstеms. the congestion and diШсultу Ппdiпg рагkiпg sрасе, is just not
At ргеSепt, the ``Gгееп WаVе' guагапtееs the fгее wогсh the hаSslе.
HoW of tгаmс а1опg the сitу's main Stгееts: dгivегs who keep
:5 to 50 km сап hit а Wave of gгееп lights and avoid gеСtiпg
Stuck in tгаmс.

The Gгееk mеtгоро1is WaS сопЁгmеd as Еuгоре'S most

polluted city this Wееk. Given the сitу's роог
рuЬ1iс tгапSрогt, сагs аге оVегwhеlmiпg1у the means of
.ю tгапsрогt chosen Ьу most АthепiапS. Uпfогtuпаtе1у, it is а
choice to which Athens is рагtiсulаг1у ill-Suitеd, With its high
Ьuildiпgs, паггоw stгееts and а siпg1е гiпg гоаd, Which fогсеS
most vеhiс1еS to епtег the city сепtге at some point а1опg thеiг
jоumеу. The most dгаstiс of а Sегiеs of mеаsuгеs -Ьаппiпg
35 odd ог eVen пumЬег-р1аСеd сагS fгоm Che city сепtге оп
altemate wогkiпg dayS - haS failed to sо1Vе the ргоЬlеm.
imhL:5g:;:L-=:ЦпDt Lh"аLS':L:: i:Jg'u'п'+iJ:VГеLsiiuпJ;LL.:аVilу ` ((
in рuЬliс tгапsрогt апd, аftег 1опg dеlауS, is noW Ьuildiпg the
сitу'S Ёгst uпdегgгоuпd mеtго sуstеm.
* The gооd, the Ьаd and the UпЬеагаЬ|е

Ргеsепt Simр|е and ргеsепt continuous
You uSe the ргеsепt SimрIе:
• fог гоutiпеs and hаЬits. `±-=```_-
Jill goeS to the gym thгее timeS а Wееk.
• fог регmапепt situаtiопs.
і Wогk in а Ьапk,
• fогfасts. Сiiж: [ ` Т:'.}+рi:уm „ ф1Lіч ГlЩ

The SUn гisеS in the еаSt.

т,р., гф-
• toteII stогiеs. F" . v"
'|'Vе got а jpke fог уои. This тап goeS into а риЬ " , ` `; h m. ^т"

and aSks fог а dгiпk ...' ЁЕж!

You uSe the ргеSепt сопtiпuоus: 2 Соггесt theSe SепtепсеS.

• fог actions happening поw. 1 I am 1оViпg the паtuге.

і'т еаt.Iпg ту d.Iппег at the тотепt. Сап і phone 2 I like Vегу much the musiс,
3 The Sun is always setting in the wеst.
yoU ьасk?
4 what is going up must come dоwп.
• fОг tеmрогагу actionS ог SituаtiопS.
5 I am shаге а Паt with my cousin who StudieS
і'т Staying With fгiепds till і find а flat of ту оWп,
• fОг changing ог developing situаtiопs. 6 Listеп! The telephone гiпgs.
Сгiте is getting WогSе in оUг tоWп. 7 I go to the suрегmагkеt. Do you want апуthiпg?
• to taIk аЬоut something that happenS often 8 Yоu'ге look vегу nice in that dгеss.
and is uпр|аппеd ог iггitаtiпg (With а/wау5). 9 Топу is not hеге. Не plays ЬаskеtЬаll.
Не'S alwayS iпtеггирtiпg те. 10 You аге ilways complain аЬоut the wеаthег.

З Put the аdvегЬS In Ьгасkеts In the соггесt poSition іп

1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using the соггесt fогm these Sепtепсеs.
(ргеsепt Simр|е ог ргеSепt сопtiпuоus) of the VегЬs in
ьгасkеts. 1 I wоггу аЬоut him. (sоmеtimеs)
2 Не is in а Ьаd mооd. (гаге1у)
1 Buses usuаl1у _ (гuп) оп time in my tоwп. 3 The man fгоm the post omce says `hеl1о' when he
2 The gоvегпmепt _ (Ьuild) а new mоtогwау to sees mе. (аlwауS)
link the capital with оthег сitiеs. 4 I do the cooking at hоmе. (погmаllу)
3 `sо ... I _ (wаlk) into the гооm and what 5 I spend my summегs managing а diving sсhооl.
(I/Ёпd),, (usuаllу)
4 I _ (tгаvе1) to wогk Ьу taxi until I get my саг 6 You must give up tгуiпg. (пеVег)
Ьасk fгоm the gагаgе. 7 I go fог walks Ьу mуsеlf. (fгеquепtlу)
5 Bus dгivегs _ (а1Wауs/gо) Оп stгikе. It геа11у 8 She tгаvе1s to сопfегепсеs аЬгоаd. (оftеп)
makes me апgгу!
6 I often _ (wаlk) to wогk when the wеаthег is
hпе' 4 Wгitе thгее things аЬоut а fгiепd ог ге|аtivе using the
7 wаtег _ (Ьоil) ас 100 dеgгееs. ргеSепt SimрIе, and thгее mоге SentenceS using the
8 Lеt's гuп - the Ьus _ ! (соmе) ргеSепt сопtiпuоus.
9 РuЬliс tгапsрогt _ (gеС) mоге and mоге She wеагS jеапS. She goeS to Ьеd late .
expensive поwаdауs. She is ргоЬаЬ1у coming Ьасh 1юте fгот wогh поw.
10 Не _ (апswег) the phone and (tуре)
lеttегS in а lаwуег's оmсе. Wогk With а рагtпег. ASk and апsWег queStions аЬоut
the реор1е уоu'Vе dеSсгiЬеd.

-*.J.н_ Ё±-=`=-Ё+Е#`"
-*-==Еt=`=#" wАтЕR suppLY LL
Unit g^s
=iЁiЁ_Ё±iii:Ё:Ё:;Ё:,::-;:-- щт wФ ы3 "7# ф'

Statjve and dynamic vегЬs

some vегЬs аге not usuaIIy used in continuouS tenSes
Ьесаusе they геfег to states гаthег than асtiопs. This
gгоuр of vегЬs iпс|udеS: Ье/;.еVе, kпои7, th;.гtk,
гететЬег, Iikе, hаtе, ргеfег, Wапt, hеаг, sтеII, гЭО.ВаL* О?-ВlLЬ.: 0qq0qВq г

ЬеIопg, оWп, sеет, соSt. VосаЬulагу

some of theSe vегЬs сап Ье uSed in continuouS
tenSes when they геfег tO ап action гаthег than а Wогds often confused
stаtе.1п these cases the meaning of the vегЬ
сhапgеS. Соmраге: cheque Ьill menu гесiре
I think that the goVemment Shои|d do Something аЬоUt fаге cataIogue fee гесеiрt
the tгаff.Iс ргоЬ|ет,
1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using опе of the Wогds
l'т thinking аЬоUt Ьиуiпg а neW саг,

1 I сап't go to соuгt Ьесаusе I сап't аffогd the

5 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the vегЬs ЬеIоW. USe
each VегЬ опсе in the ргеSепt Simр|е and опсе in the
lаWуег's _
2 we had а loVely meal and оuг Gгееk fгiепds
ргеSепt сопtiпuоuS. What is the diffегепсе in mеапiпg?
insisted оп paying the _
depend think loVe smell stay see 3 You should get а _ fог еvегуthiпg you Ьuу in
1 а I am just _ this eau de со1оgпе. Is it the shорs.
ехрепsivе? 4 I сап рау Ьу еithег ог сгеdit сагd.
Ь These flоwегs _ 1оVеlу. 5 You must let me haVe the fог that wопdегful
а I _ lying оп the Ьеасh а11 day Indian dish you made оп Sаtuгdау.
Ь I _ еVегу minute of this hоlidау. 6 Bus аге expensive in Lопdоп.
3 а I _ уоuг hаiг looks gгеаt! 7 wаitег, whаt's оп the _ tопight?
Ь I _ of going to Italy next уеаг. 8 I dоп't know whеthег we haVe the CD in stосk. 1'11
i а I always _ at The Ritz when I go to New Уогk. look in the
Ь 1 with fгiепds Ьесаusе my house was
flooded last wееk.
5 а I dоп't know whеthег 1'11 go to the рагtу. It РhгаsаI vегЬs (tгаvеI)
оп how I fееl.
Ь Уоu сап't let me down now - I оп уоu! соmеасгоss pickup Setoff gеtЬасk
6 а I whаtуоumеап. getaway hо|duр takeoff
Ь Тhеге is по опе at the wiпdоw. You _ thiпgs! 2 Rер|асе the uпdег|iпеd Wогds in theSe Sentences With
the соггесt fогm of опе of the рhгаSаI VегЬS аЬоVе.
6 Fіпish theSe Sепtепсеs.
1 Sоггу I'm lаtе. I was in а meeting and I соuldп't
1 As soon as I wake uр, I ,.. lеаVе.
2 Веfоге I go out fог the еVепiпg, I .„ 2 W;ТГfог me at the аiгрогt and Г11 come and gЁ±][g±±
3 I am iггitаtеd Ьу реор1е Who аге always ... in the саг.
4 whепе`.ег I tгаVеl Ьу ЬuS, I ... 3 we should get to the аiгрогt опе hоuг Ьеfоге the
5 when the telephone гiпgs, I ... р1апе ±.
6 AS I gгоw оldег, I feel I am getting ... 4 I was walking а1опg the High Stгееt when I met ап
7 I feel пег`'оus when ... old fhепd.
8 I aVoid реор1е who аге always ... 5 What time shall we stагt оuг joumey tоmоггоw?
Wогk with а рагtпег and discuSS уоuг апSWегs.
6 Sоггу wе'ге lаtе. we wеге delayed Ьу the tгаmс.
7 when did you геtum fгоm уоuг hоlidауs?

* The gооd, the Ьаd and the uпЬеагаЬ|е

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З

1 Е You Will hеаг five реор|е tа|kiпg аЬоut hoW they get
to wогk. ChooSe fгоm the |ist А-F the type of tгапSрогt
each регsоп useS to get to Wогk. USe the |еttегS оп1у
опсе. Тhеге is опе ехtга |еttег Which you do not need to

А mоtогьikе
Sреаkег 1
Sреаkег 2
с ьiсусlе
Sреаkег 3
sреаkег 4
Е uпdегgгоuпd
Sреаkег 5
F Sсооtег

Exam ргасtiсе: Rерогt
1 Look at this quеstiоп.
|п Рагt 2 of the wгitiпg ехаm, you may Ье aSked to This is рагt of а lеttег you haVe гесеivеd fгоm а реп
wгitе а герогt. А герогt contains facts and fгiепd:
iпfогmаtiоп which аге often ЬаSеd оп Some kind of wе'ге doing а ргоjесt at school оп the cypes of
геSеагсh and а|sо may iпс|udе suggеstiопS. The tгапSрогt and tгаmс ргоЬlеms in diffегепt citieS гоuпd
герогt could Ье wгittеп fог уоuг еmр|оуег, уоuг с|аss the wогld. Could you wгitе me а shогt герогt оп а city
ог а mаgаziпе, depending оп its aims and сопtепts. in уоuг соuпtгу to include in the ргоjесt?
The key to wгitiпg а good герогt is to make the wгitе а герогt fог уоuг реп fгiепd. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120
contents ге|еvапt and to огgапizе it с|еагIу. and 180 wогds.
t Неге аге some tipS оп Wгitiпg а герогt.

Make suге you апsWег the queStion and iпс|udе 2 Read the mоdе| апSwег oppoSite and give each
alI the ге|еvапt iпfогmаtiоп.
рагаgгарh а hеаdiпg. Тhеге is ап ехtга heading Which
RеmеmЬег Who you аге Wгitiпg the герогt fог, you do not need to usе.
and hoW this Will affect the kind of Ianguage you
Advantages of оuг tгапsрогt system
uSe (mоге ог IesS fогmаI).
New deVelopments
PIan уоuг герогt Ьеfоге you stагt Wгitiпg. ргоьlеms
uSe headings to make уоuг герогt сIеагег. MoSt common means of tгапsрогt
Use арргоргiаtе ехргеssiопS to give ехаmрIеS, to Iпtгоduсtiоп
РгоSресts fог the fuсuге
gепега|izе and to |iпk idеаS.
ln уоuг iпtгоduсtiоп, say what the aim of the
герогt is and whеге the iпfогmаtiоп comeS fгоm.
|п уоuг сопс|usiоп, summагizе the main points of
the герогt.
Check уоuг герогt fог mistakes when you haVe

Unit 3

This герогt summагizеs the геsults of а suгVеу The goVemment is Ьuildiпg plenty of new гоаds
into tгаmс ргоЬlеms in оuг сitу. It also dеsсгiЬеS within the city and mоtогWауs linking оuг city
how реор1е tгаvеl to wогk and what ргоЬlеms to оthегS. А new mеtго is а1sо Ьеiпg рlаппеd.
they fасе. The герогt ends With а look at They аге also Ьuildiпg new реdеStгiап ргесiпсts,
роssiЬlе futuге dеvеlорmепts. Ьut not enough in my орiпiоп.

1п оuг city most реор1е tгаvеl to wогk еithег Ьу I сап't see many imргоVеmепts in оuг сitу,
саг ог Ьу Ьus. Тhеге аге Vегу feW 1uсkу реор1е except fог the реdеstгiап Stгееts I mentioned
Who сап walk to Wогk. MoSt реор1е own опе саг аЬоvе. Тгаffiс congeStion is getting WогSе and So
Ьut mоге and mоге familieS аге асquiгiпg а is роllutiоп. Тhеге аге fеwег and fеWег places
second саг. fог реор1е and еSресiаl1у сhildгеп to go and
ге1ах. I think 1ifе in the city Will get wогsе гаthег
than Ьеttег uп1еSS Sегiоus action is taken sооп.
Реор1е who ге1у оп ЬuSеS often complain that
they do not гuп often enough and when they do
аггivе, they аге often full and uпсоmfогtаЬ1е. AS
fог tгаiпs, Vегу few реор1е uSe them to tгаVеl to
wогk ЬесаuSе they аге sloW and iпfгеquепt.

З You аге going to Wгitе ап апsWег to the queStion

орроSitе. FiгSt of а||, iпtегviеw реор|е in уоuг с|аSs
using the queStionS ЬеIоW.

1 How do реор1е uSually tгаVеl Со wогk?

2 Do most реор1е own опе ог two сагs?
3 HoW often do Ьusеs and tгаiпs гuп?
4 Аге Ьus fагеs cheap ог ехрепSivе?
5 Is the gоVегпmепt сопstгuсtiпg апу of the following
at the mоmепt?
гоаds гаil links Ьгidgеs uпdегgгоuпd
Ьuildiпgs рагks реdеstгiап ргесiпсts
6 what aspects of city life do реор1е gгumЬlе аЬоut?
7 Do dгivегs and реdеstгiапs keep to the highway
8 what imргоVеmепts аге Ьеiпg made in уоuг сitу?
What is getting wогsе?
9 what do you think аге the ргоsресts fог the futuге?
10 what suggestionS do you have fог imргоviпg the
quality of life in уоuг сitу?

4 NoW Wгitе уоuг герогt, giving each рагаgгарh ап

арргоргiаtе hеаdiпg. Wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180

4 СultuгеShосk

1 Wогk With а рагtпег. ChooSe thгее topicS each fгоm the 4 Each рагt of the text containS а fа|sе Statement аЬоut
Ьох Ье|оW and discuSS how you think уоuг соuпtгу's Вгitаiп. Read the text аgа.іп and uпdег|iпе theSe
сultuге and customs аге diffегепt fгоm оthегS. Stаtеmепts.

-+ооd.. Оигfооdisuегу оilу.

-dг.іпk:. we dгiпh а lot of аlсоhоl,
5 Соmраге the customs in the text with thoSe in уоuг
-dгiviпg: W'1е czye aJew с7сz7®gеyо#s с7гj.аtGrs.
соuпtгу. What аге the diffегепсеS and What аге the
food clothes dгiviпg епtегtаiпmепt Visiting Непdё`u '"
iпtгоduсtiопs shopping gеstuгеs punctuality
going out in the eVening
meeting реор1е fог the Ягst time
2 Read the text quickly and chooSe а heading fог each
NatiOnaIities and |апguаgеs
рагt fгоm the Ьох аЬоVе.
1 What do We са|| the реор|е Who come fгоm theSe
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4
Тарап Аmегiса Chile Sweden Но11апd Spain Itа1у
З Fог queStions 1-11, chooSe fгоm the situations А-F. Gгеесе Gегmапу Fг'mсе Вгаzil Canada Аustгаliа
Some of the Situations may Ье uSed mоге than опсе. India Нuпgагу Czech RерuЬliс China Ро1апd
When mоге than опе апsWег is геquiгеd, theSe may Ье Nогwау Рогtugаl Тuгkеу 1гап Nigегiа Egypt , :t№\\\L\
given in апу огdег. Uгuguау tu\\„,,, ,`, ,,

1п which situation ог situаtiопS:

What оthег паtiопа|itiеS do you kпоW?
should you make small tаlk?
should you keep ап еуе оп
the timе? 2 What languageS do the nationaIitieS аЬоvе Sреаk?
should you keep уоuг distапсе?
is а small gift арргоргiаtе?
should you wait in а quеuе?
Should you not aSk аЬоut реорlе's
political Ьеliеfs?
might you haVe to Ьuу someone а dгiпk?
Should you aSk регmissiоп fгоm уоuг
сап you Ьuу something to еаt?

Unit 4

Avoid сultuге shock

і Наггоds is а tоuгist аttгасtiоп, Ьut fог shopping in London

tгу оthег Ьig dерагtmепt Stогеs, Such aS SеIfгidgеs, LеWis's
and DеЬепhаms. А good р|асе fог clothes is Магks and
sрепсег. Take а stго|I а|опg Охfогd Stгееt, the main

епсоuпtег, and do not stand too с|оsе to the оthег регSоп.

As you аге iпtгоduсеd to Someone you sау, `НоW do you
dо?' ог 'Р|еаSеd to meet уоu.' Vou need not wait to Ье
iпtгоduсеd -just iпtгоduсе уоuгsеlf.

5 shopping сепtге. When thеге аге SaIes оп, you аге 35 You сап 'Ьгеаk the iсе' With Stгапgегs Ьу talking аЬоut the
аI|оwеd, and even ехресtеd, tO Ьагgаiп with the shop Wеаthег: 'Shаmе аЬоut the Wеаthег,' '|s it Still гаiпiпg?' Ог
aSsistant to tгу and get а Ьеttег ргiсе fог gооds. |f thеге 'Вit chilly tоdау, dоп't you thiпk?' When you have Ьгоkеп
аге а Iot of реорIе, you Should Wait уоuг tuгп to Ье sегVеd. the ice Iike this, you сап then go оп to aSk the регSоп you
MoSt |агgе Stогеs а|Sо haVe геstаuгапts Whеге сustomегs аге tа|kiпg to how much money they еагп. Апоthег good
іо сап haVe |uпсh ог а quick sпасk. 4o topic fог сопVегSаtiоп is wОгk. НоWеvег, peopIe do not like
taIking аЬоut poIitics except in а gепегаI wау, and you
Should aVoid asking them what poIiticaI рагtу they Vote
fог. Оп fiгst meeting sоmеопе, it is а|Sо not арргоргiаtе to
If you аге inVited to diппег at Sоmеопе's hоmе, you should ask аЬоut thеiг age ог how much they wеigh.
take some flоWегS ог а Ьох of сhосоIаtеs. |f you аге invited
to ап iпfогmаI рагtу, it is quite common to take а Ьоttlе of
Wine ог eVen а feW ЬоttlеS of Ьеег, At Епg|ish рагtiеS men
і5 аге expected to Wеаг а suit and tiе. If you Wish to Ьгiпg а
fгiепd аlопg, thаt's fiпе, Ьut it is ро|itе to ask fiгst. You аге
not expected to tuгп up with vегу expensive ргеSепts.

People in Вгitаiп аге gепега|lу quite сагеful аЬоut timе.

When you аге invited to sоmеопе's hоusе, you should
2o еithег аггivе оп time ог по Iаtег than fifteen minutes аftег
the time аггапgеd. If in dоuЬt, give уоuг hoSts а гiпg. You
Should Ье сагеful аЬоut оvегstауiпg уоuг wеIсоmе. Look
out fог signs of tiгеdпеSs in уоuг hоsts. The Ьеst time to
|еаVе is When they арреаг with thеiг pyjamas оп. Уоu сап 45 А рuЬ is whеге you dгiпk Ьеег ог оthег а|соhоIiс dгiпks,
25 sау, 'Wеl|, | think it'S timе`Wе Wеге going ...' Ьut |ight геfгеshmепts аге а|Sо аVаilаЬ|е. РuЬS sегVе dгjпks
at fixed times and gепега|lу accept |аSt огdегS at аЬоut 11
рm. |t may Ье difficult to get а dгiпk аftег this timе. At
Iuпсh-timе and Sometimes in the еVепiпg, food is sегVеd. |f
USuaIIy in Вгitаiп we iпtгоduсе peopIe Ьу thеiг fiгst name 5o you огdег mоге than thгее pints of Ьеег, the food is fгее of
ог thеiг fiгst name and suгпаmе tоgеthег. Most peopIe use сhагgе, so dгiпk aS much as you сап and then aSk (роIitеIу)
fiгst nameS at iпfогmаl рагtiеS. It is usuaI to shake hands fог уоuг fгее mеаI. PeopIe may рау fОг thеiг own dгiпks ог
with men and to kiss Women оп the cheek When you аге take it in tuгпs to Ьuу а 'гоuпd', in оthег wогds, to рау fог
3o iпtгоduсеd to thеm. Do not еmЬгасе, hоWеVег, оп this fiгSt the WhoIe gгоuр.

* Си|tuге Shock

vou use the indefinite агtiс|е (аіап):
Неге аге some гulеS fог using агtiсIеs.
• when you taIk аЬоut Something fог the fiгSt timе.
vou use the definite агtiс|е (thе): l'Vе got а cat са||еd Lеопагdо.
• when you tа|k аЬоut something mentioned • withjоьs.
ьеfоге. Му fаthег is а dосtог,
l Saw а тап with а gun in the Stгееt уеStегdау. Then • with siпgulаг соuпtаЬ|е nounS (Whеп the регSоп
а саг puIled Uр, the тап jumped in and the саг ог thing is not а рагtiсulаг опе).
dгоVе оff. Lеt'S go to See а film tопight.
• with something thеге is onIy опе оf.
The wiппег гесеivеd а gо|d теdа|. vou use the zего агtiс|е (по агtiс|е):
• With сегtаiп gеоgгарhiса|/р|асе паmеs. • with аЬstгасt nouns (uSеd in thеiг gепега| SепSе),
The Меditеггапеап .IS Ьесотiпg тоге and тоге рIuга| nounS and uпсоuпtаЬ|е поuпs.
роllиtеd. MUsic is Vегу iтрогtапt to те.
• with сегtаiп рuЫiс рIасеS. • with most gеоgгарhiса|/рIасе паmеs.
l геаl|у ShoUld go to the thеаtге тоге оftеп. l Went to Spain IaSt уеаг.
• With something that ЬОth the Sреаkег and • With сегtаiп р|асеs ог SituаtiопS, eg hо5рt.tа/,
|istепег know аЬоut. hоте, Sсhооl.
We Went to the new Indian геStаигапt |аSt пight. Не haS Ьееп in hоSрitа| fог thгее Weeks поW,

1 Complete theSe sentenceS With а, агt, the ог ® (Whеп

2 Соmр|еtе this text With а, ап, the ог © (whеп по агtiсIе
is пееdеd).
по агtiсlе is пееdеd).

1 _ саг is giving me ргоЬlеms; I'm going to Ьuу Тhеге is plenty to See and do in and агоuпd Аthепs,
new опе. Ьоth duгiпg (1) _ day and at (2) _ пight. Visiс
2 I love listening to _ music Ьut I сап't р1ау (3) _ Асгороlis, (4) _ most famouS site in
musical iпstгumепt, Аthепs; walk гоuпd (5) _ Ьusу stгееts and Ьuу
3 Did you enjoy ~ р1ау? (6) _ lеаthег Ьаgs and jасkеts; go to (7) _
4 Му fгiепds аге Ьасkрасkiпg thгоugh _ Аsiа. museum ог spend the day at the sеаsidе.
С1еап, sandy Ьеасhеs аге easily геасhеd Ьу (8) _
5 I'm going to _ cinema to see ~ new Ёlm
Ьу _ Fгепсh diгесtог called Dерагdiеu. Ьus ог (9) _ taxi fгоm (10) _ сепtге of
6 I have to stay at _ home tonight Ьесаusе I'm Аthепs. Enjoy (11) _ suпshiпе, swim in (12) _
expecting _ phone са11. с1еаг wаtег and then eat (13) _ lunch in
7 She wants to Ье _ асtгеss when she gгоws uр. (14) _ hsh геstаuгапt пеаг (15) ~ Ьеасh.
8 I Ье1iеvе fгiепdshiр is mоге imрогtапt than ~ 1п (16) ~ еVепiпg, have (17) _ mеа1 in опе of
1оVе. (18) _ many саfёs and геstаuгапts in (19) ~
city сепtге. Мапу of these геstаuгапts сап Ье found in
9 I saW _ man talking to ~ wоmап. _
man was аЬоut Ёftу уеагs оld; _ woman was quiеt, рiсtuгеsquе squагеs пеаг (20) _ сhuгсhеS.
tall and аt(гас{ivе.
Most have (21) _ tаЬlеs outside uпdег the tгееS,
10 How 1опg has ]еап Ьееп in hоsрitаl? and hеге you сап eat (22) _ vагiеtу of Gгееk food
at (23) _ геаsопаЬlе ргiсе.
Enjoy уоuг stay in Аthепs, i.'s (24) gгеаt р1асе
fог (25) _ hоlidау!

Unit 4

speakihg and Listening

HoW CosmopoIitan аге yоu?
1 If you invite а visitог fгоm ап АгаЬ соuпtгу fОг 1 HoW much do you knoW аЬоut diffегепt сultuгеs агоuпd
diппег, Which of the fо|IоWiпg should you the Wог|d? Wогk With а рагtпег and do this quiz.
avoid sегviпg?

рогk shе|Ifish aIcohoI chips Iettuce 2 Е You Will hеаг five реор1е tа|kiпg аЬоut сultuге
агоuпd the Wог|d. What accent doeS each sреаkег
2 You аге with someone fюm Saudi АгаЬiа and
hаvе? Match each ехtгасt to the accents ЬеIоW.
you notice they аге wеагiпg two watches -
whу? spanish Вгitish Аmегiсап
Аustгаliап Gегmап
З |п which |апguаgеs do the fо|lоwiпg mean
thank уоu? Match the соuпtгiеs with the wогd,
Spanish danke 3 Е NoW |istеп аgаiп. Which of the queStionS in the quiz
F ге п с h gгаzг.е аге апSWегеd Ьу the sреаkегS? Did you get them гight?
Gегmа п grасt.аs
Itа| ian mегсі. нЕАNЕN".
4 What do the foIIowing mean and in which is шhеr.е the poLtce аге
hasta Ia vistaI аггivеdегсi с'еst la Vie the соокS
5 ln which of these соuпtгiеs do реор|е avoid еуе
сопtасt? the mechanics
Japan Вгаzil Pakistan
the Lovers
6 |п which соuпtгiеs do people tend to stand
с|оsе to you when they speak to you and in aиd iE is а« ОgаПі.zd 9 the
which do they 'kеер thеiг distапсе'? Wгitе с/оsе
ог dг.sfапf next to these соuпtгiеs.
Japan Вгitаiп АгаЬ соuпtгiеs нЕLL .``
Mexico Finland •Is иhеге the с.Ооks Ои.е
7 What typicaIIy Аmегiсап and Вгitish gеstuге
Ье|оw means ОК, Ьut in Аustга|iа and ±hе тесhоігіiс6
BangIadesh is гudе?
ые ьvегS
ые роL.,се

and iЕ's аl1 оgапiz€d Ьщ the

i``,.-.'<:,*-:,...;._,_,i4 Соmр|еtе the gapS in the сагtооп аЬоVе With theSe

паtiопа|itiеs. Then Wогk with а рагtпег and discuSS the
8 |П Which соuпtгу is ЬIОwiпg уоuг nose in рuЬliс
сопsidегеd Ьаd mаппегs? queStionS Ье|оW.

Gгеесе Spain Когеа Russia Вгitish Fгепсh Gгееkіs Swiss Gегmап

9 Which day is the day of геst in АгаЬ соuпtгiеs? Explain уоuг геаsопs fог completing the gaps in the
way you did.
Wednesday Fгidау Sаtuгdау Sunday
what stегеоtуреs do you know аЬоut оthег
о Тгuе ог fаlsе? Тhеге is по diffегепсе Ьеtwееп паtiопаli{iеs?
the united Кiпgdоm and Gгеаt Вгitаiп. what stегеоtуреs do реор1е fгоm оthег соuпtгiеs haVe
аЬоu. the реор1е in уоuг соuпtгу? Do you think they
аге fаiг and ассuгаtе? If поt, why поt?

Unit 4

4 Соmр|еtе the text using опе of the Wогds fгоm 1 Веfоге you |istеп, геаd the quеStiопS. What Sогt of
ехегсisе 1 in each Sрасе. iпfогmаtiоп Will you need to Iisten fог? Uпdег|iпе the key
Wогds in the quеStiопS.

5 Complete theSe queStions With ап арргоргiаtе Wогd

and then апsWег thеm. 2 Е You Will hеаг реор|е tа|kiпg in Six diffегепt situаtiопS.
Fог queStionS 1-6, chooSe the ЬеSt апSWег А, В ог С.
1 _ is tipping dimcult to 1еагп?
2 doeS the wогd zф come fгоm? 1 You hеаг а man tа1kiпg аЬоut а tгiр to Gегmапу.
3 _ does the Wогd РоигЬоG'7іе mеап? why did the Ьагmап Ьгiпg him thгее mагtiпis?
4 the custom of giving tips still common in А Не was with two Gегmап fгiепds.
Еuгоре? В The Ьагmап thought he was thiгStу.
5 _ do wаitегs геасt if they think they haVe Ьееп С Не didп't speak Gегmап Vегу Wеll.
given а small tiр?
6 _ you еVег Ьееп еmЬаггаSSеd in рuЬliс? whеп? 2 You hеаг а woman talking оп the рhопе.
whу? why is She рhопiпg?
7 _ реор1е tip in уоuг соuпtгу?
А to make ап appointment
8 _ you think we should tiр? whу? why поt?
В to check ап appointment
С to change ап appointment

Listening 3 You оVегhеаг а woman talking аЬоut hег jоЬ.

what does the woman dо?
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1 А She is а пuгsе.
В She is а tеасhег.
|п Рагt 1 of the |istепiпg ехаm, you will Iisten to С She is а shop аssistапt.
eight shогt ехtгасts. The ехtгасts will Ье taken fгоm
diffегепt contexts and may Ье еithег mопо|оguеS 4 You hеаг this сопVегsаtiоп оп а tгаiп. what
ог diа|оguеs. Vou have to апswег а thгее-рагt does the man think of Вiгmiпghаm?
multiр|е choice queStion оп each ехtгасt. The
А It сап Ье iпtегеstiпg.
queStiOnS may aSk you to dесidе:
в It is too ьig.
-whо is sреаkiпg. С It is а vегу nice р1асе to livе.
-Whеге the ехtгасt takes р|асе.
-whаt the sреаkег ог sреаkегs аге taIking аЬоut. 5 You hеаг this man talking аЬоut а Visit to the
-whаt еmоtiоп, attitude ог opinion is Ьеiпg thеаtге. what was his imргеssiоп аftегWагds?
А It waS а pleasant suгргisе.
• Ргераге fог the exam Ьу |istепiпg tO Епg|ish В It was too ехрепSivе. Е±
whепеVег you сап. Fог ехаmр|е, |istеп to рор С It Was quite рlеаSапt.
Sопgs, the ВВС wОгld Sегviсе and watch Епg|ish
ргоgгаmmеS оп ТV. 6 Listen to this Woman talking to а со1lеаguе.
• Uпdег|iпе key wОгds when you |istеп fОг the why was she late fог wогk?
fiгSt timе, and make уоuг сhоiсе. А The а1агm clock did not go оff.
• Check уоuг апsWегs when you Iisten fог the В Нег watch was wгопg.
Second timе. С Нег clock was not wогkiпg ргорег1у.

• Dоп't |еаVе апу queStionS uпапSwегеd -if

in dоuьt, guеSS! З HoW did you chooSe уоuг апSWегS? What с|uеS did you

77 WогthаthоuSапdwогds
ModaI vегЬs (1): оЬligаtiоп and necessity (must, haVe tо, пееd)

А Cave Paintings
The caVe paintings оп the Walls с[-
the еагliеSt fогm of агt We hа\.е. Пн
shoW а wide Vагiеtу of апimаls.
5 ЬеагS, hогsеS and dеег. The рiсtіmь
Wеге painted in Ьгight со1оuгS. чhЕ-
Wеге made of Vагiоus miпегаls mШ
With апimа1 fаt, е8g WhitеS, pIam
and even Ь1ооd. They Wеге аlmоs=
іо сегtаiпlу connected with huпtiпg. h
опе famouS ехаmр1е, in а caVe in Lascaux in Fгапсе. i
ReadEng man is Shown among Some animals and thеге аге Sе`і€піI
dагk dots in the раiпtiпg. The meaning of the раiпtilіg Ь
not сегtаiп, Ьut it ShoWS that the caVe dwеllегS had SтщЕ*
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4 15 агtistiс Skills.

1 Fог queStlons 1-і 2, choose fгоm the stу|еS of агt А-F.

В Egyptian Paintings
Some of the Stу|еS may Ье used mоге than опсе. When
mоге than опе апSWег is геquiгеd, theSe may Ье given
Моге than 5 000 уеагs аgо, the Egyptians Ьеgап раiпщЕ
in апу огdег.
the Wог1d агоuпd them оп the Wа11S of the Рhагаоhs-
tоmЬS. The Egyptians Ьеliеvеd thеге Was life аftег deai
which style ог styles of агt: So they painted рiсtuгеS of mуthо1оgiсаl sСогiеs and Фf
2o daily lifе. Реор1е and animals Wеге shoWn inVolved in
Ёгst showed scenes fгоm еvегуdау lifе?
daily асtivitiеs, such as huпtiпg, fагmiпg and еаtiпg.
is the оldеst?
shows scenes fгоm mуthоlоgу? с Gгееk Агt
is diгесtlу influenced Ьу а The moSt аг.istiс реор1е of апу age wеге, регhарS. thE
Gгееks агоuпd 500 ВС. Тhеiг aim in sсulрtuге waS thE
ргеViоus style of раiпtiпg?
imitation of lifе, Ьut 1ifе in its регfесt ог ideal fогm. WE
tгiеd to Ье Vегу diffегепt fгоm
25 have many ехаmр1еs of Gгееk Sсulрtuге, which is сhа-:-Е-
ргеviоuS Stуlеs? tегizеd Ьу the Ьеаutу of its fогms and amazing knou lаЦ[г±
makes реор1е seem mоге Ьеаutiful of human апаtоmу. MoSt of the SсulрtuгеS рогtгау gоdь
than they геа11у аге ? and goddeSSeS fгоm mуthо1оgу.
shows реор1е haVing fuп? MoSt Gгееk wа1l paintings have not Suгvivеd, Ьut ue
Ьеgап in the nineteenth сепtuгу? , 3o haVe а few ехаmр1еS Ьу .hе MinoanS of Сгеtе in the
ancient гоуа1 palaces of КпоSSоS and Sапtогiпi. TheSe
may at hгst seem to Ье Ьаdlу dгаwп?
рiсtuгеS аге vегу геа1istiс and livе1у. The moSt соmmс-
do not show оЬjесts с1еаг1у? SuЬjесts аге Sрогts, сеlеЬгаtiопS, dolphinS and ЬеаutifШ
is found in museums in most соuпtгiеs? young реор1е.

Unit '7

D The Renaissance
Was to achieve gгеаtег паtuгаlism in раiпtiпg. Most
35 The Renaissance is uSuаl1у deEned as the геЬiгth of ImргеSsiопis( рiсtuгеS аге of landscapes and the
painting and litегаtuге iпSрiгеd Ьу с1аSsiса1 mоdеls, Imргеssiопists liked to use Ьгight соlоuгS, еVеп-Whеп
especially those of ancient Gгеесе. The Renaissance laSted рогtгауiпg shаdоWS; this often gives thеiг wогk а jоуful,
fгоm the Пftеепсh to the Sixteenth сепtuгу and its сепtге 55 optimistic fее1.
Was Itа1у. The gгеаt агtists of the регiоd, who include
+О Мiсhе1апgе1о, Lеопагdо and Воttiсеlli, Wеге аЬ1е to paint F моdегпism
паtuге and реор1е with gгеаt ассuгасу. Моге than апу оthег FolloWing the Imргеssiопist mоVеmепt, агtists Such aS
stуlе, the Wогks of the Italian Renaissance сап Ье seen in PicasSo and Вгаquе tгiеd to change the Style of painting
museum соl1есtiопS thгоughоut the Wог1d. fгоm паtuгаlistiс to mоге аЬstгасt. Instead of tгуiпg to
make а геа1istiс сору of ап оЬjесt, they wanted to ShoW it
Е ImргеSsiОпism 6o fгоm а Vагiеtу of diffегепt апglеs. 1п thеiг раiпtiпgs,
The name comeS fгоm а рiсtuге Ьу Мопе., `ImргеSsiоп, SеVегаl vieWS of ап оЬjесt ог регSоп аге соmЬiпеd, Which
±: Suпгisе' (1872). This painting shoWS Мопеt's iпtегеst in often геSults in such things aS eyes and noSeS арреагiпg in
analySing tone and со1оuг апd, аЬоvе а11, the Way 1ight uпuSuа1 placeS ог а. s.гапgе апglеS. Some реор1е conclude
геНесts оп the suгfасе of оЬjесts. AS а геSult, the оЬjесts do fгоm theSe paintings that the агtists could not dгаW. Оп Сhе
not always have а с1еаг оutliпе. The Пгst Imргеssiопist 65 сопtгагу; PicaSso and Вгаquе Wеге регfесtlу сараЬ1е of
ехhiЬitiоп WaS held in 1874 When Мопеt, Rепоiг, СёZаппе, painting паtuгаlistiс раiпtiпgs, Ьut this WaS not thеiг aim in
= :I DegaS and оthегS announced сhаt the aim of the moVement

Use of EngIEsh and VосаЬulагу

1 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSS this раiпtiпg, using the queStionS Ье|оW.

чгhаt is the Ёгst thing that catcheS уоuг еуе?

imat сап you see in іhе Ьасkgгоuпd?

imat сап you
_ in the
- геgюuпd?

= чLіsсгiЬе the two

-`.еп оп the lеft.

Тt-hаt fее1iпgs
_1-_d emotions
= ts the painting
= -.-е уоu?


* Wогth а thoUSand Wогds

2 NoW геаd the text and соmраге уоuг апSWегS With Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
thoSe of the Wгitег. 1gпоге the Spaces fог поW.
З Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the text again and think of
The Ваthегs the Wогd Which ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. USe оп|у опе
Опе of my fаvоuгitе wогks of агt is Ьу Sеuгаt Wогd in each sрасе.

(1859-1891). It is called `Тhе Ваthегs' (`Uпе Ваigпаdе')

and iC is опе of his (1) _ famous раiпtiпgs. It
shows а scene in ап iпdustгiаl suЬuгЬ (2) _ Рагis 4 LаЬе| the painting Ье|оW With the Wогds in the Ьох.

called АSпiёгеS.
(3) _ the Ьасkgюuпd, we сап just make (4) _ soldiегs civilians lапtегп 1ight агms Ьlооd Ьооts
some fасtогу сhimпеуs, Ьut th,е рiсtuге as а whole is Ьuildiпgs uпifогm гiНе tагgеt shiгt gгоuпd helma
full of light, реасе and hагmопу. It giveS (5) _
that feeling of а hot Summег's day when you - just fог
а moment - escape fгоm gгim геаlitу.
5 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSs the раiпtiпg, using
But (6) _ is it that makes it so calm and геlахiпg? theSe quеstiопS.
Регhарs the Ёгst thing (7) _ catches оuг еуе is the
pile of clothes and Ьооts next (8) _ the сепtгаl which соlоuгs stand out mоst? why do you think thг
аguге, гight in the middle of the fогеgгоuпd. Notice агtist chose thеm?
(9) _ с1еаг1у the оЬjесts аге раiпtеd; а регfесt what was the агtist tгуiпg to shоw?
Ьа1апсе Ьеtwееп light and dагk. Notice а1Sо the hаts; Is it а good раiпtiпg?
hats of diffегепt kiпds, (10) _ seem to haVe just what is уоuг геасtiоп to the раiпtiпg?
Ьееп left lying агоuпd -it's а11 vегу саsuаl. just
looking at the hats makes you feel just (11) _ hot
it must Ье. 1п the Ьасkgгоuпd, we (12) _ make
out tгееs and the sails of Ьоаts. The man up
(13) _ the lеft, with his tгоusегs го11еd uр, and the
man in the fогеgгоuпd, lying With his Ьасk (14) _
us, also add to the stillness of the рiсtuге. The рiсtuге
is dominated Ьу the young man mоге ог (15) _ in
the middle of the рiсtuге, sitting laZily in the suп, his
feet dangling in the wаtег.

Unit 77

8 Find Wогds in the text that mеап:

6 Read this dеSсгiрtiоп of the раiпt.Iпg орроSitе. What is
the Wгitег's opinion of it? Do you аgгее? Igпоге the - а fогеigп агmу takes оVег а city
Spaces fог поW. - реор1е Яght against а сопquегог ог Ьаd gоvегпmепt
- sоldiегS оп hогsеЬасk
The Тhiгd of Мау 1808 - а gгоuр of sо1diегs
when Nароlеоп's агmу occupied Маdгid in 1808, Goya - killing of а lot of реор1е
soon disсоVегеd (1) _ ап агmу of occupation - tогп, old
mеапS. Оп the second of Мау, the Sрапiагds tгiеd to
(2) _ up Some геsistапсе and thеге Was а гiоt in the
9 Which рiсtuге Would you chooSe to haVe оп уоuг
Рuегtа del sоl. Some Fгепсh оmсегS (3) ~ а feW
Ьеdгооm Wаl|, 'Тhе Тhiгd of Мау' ог `Тhе Ваthегs'? Whу?
shots fгоm а hill аЬоVе the сitу. The оmсег in (4) _
then огdегеd the саVаlгу to (5) _ at the сгоwds in
the squаге. The following night he set up а Ёгiпg squad
and shot (6) _ who happened to Ье Within easy Listening
It waS the Ьеgiппiпg of а mаssасге which stamped itsе1f 1 Е You Will hеаг а |есtuгег tа|kiпg аЬоut раiпtiпg.
Оп Gоуа's (7) _ . Не ехргеSsеd the hоггог he felt in Which of theSe nameS of ShapeS and со|оuгS doeS the
the moSt (8) _ апti-Wаг painting of а11 timе. 1п `Тhе Sреаkег mепtiоп? •J

Тhiгd of Мау' he shows what happens when men in

t 9) _ lose сопtгоl, 1п а stгоkе of (10) _ , he shapes tгiапglе су1i'пdег(, ругаmid
L`опtгаsts the Sо1diегs, with the stгаight line of thеiг Sрhеге L, гесtапglеL' сiгсlе\

helmets and guпs, with the disогgапizеd panic of thеiг соlоuгs Ьluе L, геd L ьlасk
і 11) _ . The Sрапiагds аге helpless -сгоwdеd 8геу gгееп Ьгоwd.
[ юgеthег like апimа1s.1п (12) _ Of the ЕГiП? ,sЯuаdг
they соvег thеiг eyes ог ргау. (13) _ the middle of Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
:hе рiсtuге, а man with а dагk face (14) _ up his
jLnns in tеггог, his white shiгt dominating the (15) _ 2 Е HSten аgаiп, and fог queStions 1-10, complete the
эісtuге. The scene is lit Ьу а lantem оп the gгоuпd; а SentenceS with а Wогd ог а рhгаSе.

:uгd, white Ьох of 1ight which сопtгаsts Vividly with the
-jпегеd, white shiгt of the mап. 1 The second lесtuге will Ье аЬоut
-'апd регiоds of агt.

2 The two Ьаsiс ideas іп а11

m ргасtiсе: Рагt 1
агt аге Е= I
Ео' queStionS 1-15, геаd the text again and decide Which 3 If we 1ооk агоuпd us,
апswег А, В, С ог D ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. we сап see Е=:L Тч
в which D what 4 The ргіmагу соlоuгs
make в_ put D8еt
D thгеw
агеЕI_ ат-
.\ сhагgе
.\ attack
_ь sent
В attack
В shoot
D omce
D shout
5 The sесопdагу сglОuГs , , L

6 Some paintings аге

.\апуопе В them С Someone D these
-` thought в mind с feeling D mеmогiеs Е]Г ] WlthOut СОlОuг
`_` Stгопg В sсагу с роwегful D tеггiьlе 7 СёZаппе said еVегуthіпg іп паtuге
_` costume В агmу с 8uпs D uпifогm is made up оц-_ I
_` сlеvегпеss В Wit С intelligence D 8епius 8 Мопdгіап was iпtегеstеd
.` aim В оЬjесt С оЬjесtivе D tаг8еt
iпЕЁЕZ and I
.і fгоm В face с fеаг D opposite
с1п D Fгоm 9 The Мопdгiап рісtuге Was
J1 At
_1 thгоws
в то
В takes с pulls D stands painted іп ЕЕ-
10 Раіпtегs in the past also used
.1 tоtа1 В complete С gгеаt D whole
in thеiг раiпtiпgs.

* Wогth а thoUSand Wогds

VосаЬulагу Wогds often confused

соIоuг idioms роwег Stгепgth

З Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using the соггесt fоггг :--ніщ±
1 We often uSe со|оuгs in idiomatic ехргеssiопs, еg:
of the Wогds аЬоVе.
She waS gгееп шiі;h enUy when I won fгSt ргizе in the
1 The ргеsidепt haS епогmоus _ to make dс`"
2 She has а vегу _ сhагасtег.
Соmр|еtе these sentenceS With the name of а со|оuг. 3 Не's а Vегу _ mап. Не сап tеаг а tеlерhсtгr
1 Вгеаkiпg the window was а
in twо.
mагk against
You dоп't haVe enough _ to lift that tю.`
уоu. Ве сагеful next timе.
2 Аге you аfгаid to Ёght? Yоu'ге not
The Ьоаt is dгivеп Ьу two _ mоtогs.
_ ' аге уоu? She has Ьеliеfs, so you wоп't регsuаdс ::г
Come оп, dоп't Ье а соwагd!
3 The gоVегпmепt gave us the light to go
не made а _ speech asking the gоvегппm- m
ahead with the р1ап.
take ассiоп.
4 Не saw _ . Не was аЬsоlutеlу fuгiоuS!
5 I'm iпtегеstеd in the епViгопmепt and in
issues gепега11у.
6 Yоu'ге as _ as а shееt. Have you seen а ghost Wгil:iп9
ог sоmеthiпg?
7 . It's fгееZiпg оuСsidе; уоuг hands аге _ with
Exam ргасtiсе: Dеsсгiрtivе composition
1 Read this dеSсгiрtiоп of the painting opposite аг = iг,шЕ
exampIes of theSe fеаtuгеs:
Рhгаsаl vегЬs wjth ол and о#
-uSе of the ргеsепt simр|е
dгор off tгуоп setoff comeoff -ехргеssiопs dеsсгiЫпg diffегепt рагts of the ркгш
handon catchon Ьгеаkоff -Ьасkgгоuпd iпfогmаtiоп
-gооd VосаЬulагу
2 Rер|асе the uпdегIiпеd Wогds in theSe SentenceS With -регsопа| iпfогmаtiоп and геасtiопs
the соггесt fогm of опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬs аЬоVе.

1 what time shall we ±еgiп оuг ).оuгпsZ tоmоггоw?

2 They s±±s± thеiг геlаtiопshiр when they геаlizеd
they didп,t get оп.
3 It's ап аmЬitiоus р1ап. Do you think it will suссееd?
4 You dоп't haVe to take me а11 the way - jusii=
me оп the согпег.
5 Do you think this new style of dгеss will еVег Monet Was опе of the moSt imрогtапt
±есоmе рорulаг? Imргеssiопistраiпtегs.Муfаvоuгitераiпtiпg
6 These jewels wеге р±±±s± to me Ьу my fаthег who is his `Vепiсе: Ра1аZzо de Мulа' .
was given them Ьу his fаthег.
The Ёгst time I set eyes оп this painting I
7 Dgп't Ьuу that рullоvег Ьеfоге you have р±jij2Ё
found it quite Ьгеаmtаkiпg. I had Ьееп
to see if it Ёts
when I noticed а роstег of it in а shop
Wiпdоw. The Егst thing that caught my еуе
wеге the соlоuгs Ьесаusе they wеге so `.i`id
and роwегful.

*RеviеW: Units 5-8
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 1 Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt З

Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the text Ье|оw and dedde Which Fог queStionS 1 б-25, соmр|еtе the Second Sentence So
апSwег А, В, С ог D ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. that it has а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt Sепtепсе, using
the wогd givеп. Do not change the wогd givеп. Vou must
Му life in the movies use Ьеtwееп two and five Wогds, incIuding the Wогd
when I was аЬоut hfteen I joined а tгаvеlliпg thеаtге tгоuре givеп.
and stагtеd going оп tгiрs агоuпd Аmегiса. It was оп опе of
16 The last time I геаd а thгillег Was ages аgо.
theSe tоuгs that I was оffегеd а (1) _ in а Ёlm, which I fог
ассерtеd. (2) _ а геsult, I went to Ноl1уWооd, whеге I I haVe
eVentually Ьесаmе а diгесtог as (3) _ as ап асtог.
when I was а сhild, I (4) _ пеvег have ргеdiсtеd my 17 As а геsult of walking thгее kilоmеtгеs he was Vегу
futuге fame and fогtuпе. Му (5) _ life was а time of tiгеd.
gгеаt hагdshiр, (6) _ my family had stагtеd off living so
quite соmfогtаЬlу. we had even had а maid to help out in не had Walked vегу tiгеd.
the hоusе. Оuг hnancial situаtiоп, (7) _ , gгаduаllу got 18 She managed to achieVe а gгеаt dеа1 in а shогt
wогsе and in the end we lost еvегуthiпg. The family
space of timе.
Ьесаmе (8) _ роог [hаt at опе stage my Ьгоthегs and I succeeded
had to take it in tums to (9) _ the оп1у раiг of shoes She а gгеаt deal in а shогt
we hаd.
space of timе.
Yеагs (10) _ , а 1оt of these childhood ехрегiепсеs
found thеiг way into my Ёlms. I loVed Ьеiпg the сепtге of 19 The last time I spoke to Каtу was уеstегdау
(11) _ in Еlms, something which I had пеvег Ьееп as а mогпiп8`
Ьоу. I would say the imрогtапt (12) _ that women р1ау since
in my alms (13) _ Ьасk to [hе iпПuепсе my mоthег had I haVe уеstегdау mогпiпg.
оп my lifе. I also liked to (14) _ fun of ро1iсеmеп, 20 I am still геаdiпg that Shегlосk Holmes Ьооk.
еSресiа1lу when they made 1ifе dimcult fог the роог. As
(15) _ dгuпkеппеss, I tгiеd to make реор1е laugh at I that shегlосk Holmes
what had caused me deep Sоггоw in my own lifе.
ьооk уеt.
1 А piece В р1асе С го1е D sсгiрt 21 I had seen the Ё1m Ьеfоге.
2 АFог BAs С Like D with time
3 А well В good С also D soon тhа' wаsп,t the the Ё1m.
4 А сап В should С could D must
22 А shогt time аftег thеiг mаггiаgе, еvегуthiпg
А child В young С childish D еаг1у
А although В eVen С despite D hоwеVег
Аhоwеvег Вmогеоvег Сwhаt'smоге Deven
Soon аftег еVегуthiпg
А suCh В sO С tOO D vегу
А wеаг В put С dгеss D саггу
Ьеfоге В аftегwагds С ago D lаtег 23 Не dоеsп't owe апуопе апу mопеу.
light В wог1d С attention D fame а11

game В tгiсks С music D рагt не dеьts.

А геtums В goes С falls D ьеgiпs
24 Не геtumеd the money to the Safe уеstегdау.
take В have С get D make
fаг В fог С сопсегпS D геfегs
Yеstегdау he the sаfе.

25 Не оп1у Stopped гuппiпg when he had геасhеd the

не he had геасhеd the
RеViеW: Units 5-8

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 4

Fог questionS 2б-40, геаd the text Ье|оW and |ооk сагеfullу at each |iпе. Some of the |iпеS аге
соггесt, and Some haVe а Wогd which Should not Ье thеге. іf а |iпе is соггесt, put а tick (/). іf а
|iпе haS а Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

Rе1ахiпg in LOndon
26 Тhеге is so much to see in London than it is dimcult to make а сhоiсе.
27 Most of the imрогtапt Sights аге in the wеs[ End ог in just асгоsS
28 wаtегlоо Вгidgе in the гаthег uglу, сопсгеtе South Bank Агts Сепtге. The
29 Сепtге was opened in і976 and it is time it was Ьееп given а fасеlift, as
30 it is Ьеgiппiпg to 1ооk а Ьit of sсгuffу. Alongside the Nа[iопаl Тhеаtге
31 is the Royal Fеstivа1 На11, which was Ьuilt in 1961 fог the Festival of
32 Вгitаiп. NеагЬу you сап and also Visit the Науwагd Gа11егу, ап imрогtапt
33 Venue fог the агt ехhiЬitiопs. Аftег Seeing а shоw, you maywant to go to а
34 геstаuгапt ог а рuЬ. The геstаuгапts with the Ьеst food in town аге
35 gепега11у quite ап ехрепsivе, еSресiаl1у in the еVепiпg. НоwеVег,
36 thеге аге ехсерtiопs, and at lunchtime many of геstаuгапts оffег
37 the chance to tгу а fixed menu at а fгасtiоп of the evening ргiсе. Ethnic
38 геstаuгапts аге in gепега11у quite cheap uп1еss the оwпегS haVe put
39 up thеiг ргiсеs just Ьесаusе of thеу'vе герlасеd рарег tаЬ1есlоths with
40 linen and lаgег with wiпе.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 5

Fог queStionS 41-50, геаd the text Ье|оW. USe the Wогd given in сарitа|S at the end
of each line to fогm а Wогd that fits in the Space in the Same Iiпе.

The dull 1ifе of animals

I came асгоss ап агtiсlе in а magazine the оthег day which
made (41) _ Ьеtwееп реор1е and апimаls. It seemed сомрАRЕ
to come to the (42) _ that in most cases we аге suрегiог to coNcLUDE
animals and 1еаd а mоге (43) _ 1ifе. wild апimа1s сомFоRт
have much mоге (44) _ than pets ог animals in Zооs, FREE
Ьut even а lion ог tigег in the jungle could Ье killed Ьу
(45) _ at а1mоst апу timе. Fог апimаls,1ifе is gепега11у hагd нUNт
and (46) _ соmрагеd to the life led Ьу реор1е in DANGER
1агgе сitiеs, whеге thеге is not оп1у (47) _ Ьut а1sо the VARY
fгееdоm to choose the kind of life you want to lеаd. It is hагd to
imagine а life mоге (48) _ than that of а tогtоisе. воRЕ
Ноwеvег, We humans do haVe some (49) _ in агеаs such АDVАNтАGЕ
as smеll, hеагiпg ог sрееd. Fог ехаmрlе, а dоg's sense of smell
is much mоге (50) _ than оuгs. poWR

9 МуstегiоusmопStегS ffгэ.
The раssЕvе; adjectEve огdег


and пбЬоdу с-аh сарtuге it!

і А 57-уеаг-о1d woman waS mauled уеStегdау, Ьу What she

с1аims Was `а hugе, Ьlасk саt', aS she Was Wа1kiпg hег two
1 DеsсгiЬе the рiсtuгеs аЬоVе. dogs пеаг Bodmin Моог in the WeSt Соuпtгу. Lоса1 police
аге inveStigating hег stогу, which follows а Sра.е of Similаг
5 герогts in .hе агеа in гесепt mопths. ReSidents and Visi.огs to
2 Wогk with а рагtпег and discuss theSe quеStiопS. the West Соuпtгу haVe Ьееп Wamed to aVoid the Bodmin
which of these animals do you think ехists? агеа.

which сгеаtuге has Ьееп seen iп:

- the English соuпtгуsidе?
- the нimаlауаs?
- Sсоtlапd? Мгs Williаms, the Wife of а 1оса1 fаmег, dеsсгiЬеd Сhе cat as
What would you do if you saw опе of these сгеаtuгеs? `just like something out of the juпglе. П Was jеt-Ьlасk а11 оvег
іо with а Whitе-tiрреd tаil. It had Shогt 1еgs Ьut Was Vегу
Stгопg.' Моге details wеге not аVаilаЬ1е, as the сгеаtuге
moved too fast and МгS Williams оп1у managed to catch а
VосаЬulагу and Reading g1imрsе of it. The incident оссuггеd when Мгs Williams Was

1 Wогk With а рагtпег. Imagine you haVe seen опе of the ]5:5]::п%:ГSdu9d8dsе::;:оWmШе?i]:sgsРьеа:i::,УiеdгОгееSа:];ЁuшПdd::thе
animaIS in the рiсtuгеS аЬоVе. Which of these Wогds Ьасk of the hеаd, causing hег to fаl1 to the gгоuпd, Stuппеd.
Would you uSe to dеSсгiЬе:

- the mопStег?
-Whаt hаррепеd?
-hоW you fеIt? `Whеп I came tо, thеге it waS - а hugе, Ьlасk cat stагiпg
doWn at me with its glittегiпg, gгееп еуеs. I got the fhght of

my 1ifе, I сап tell уоu,' said Мгs Williаms. `It waS а

2o hОггifуiпg ехрегiепсе,' She told герогtегs, as She Sipped а cup
№uС:s:ее::tt:s;::?па:F::sLТd=оwgi::і:=::Пt8hоmЁ[[:еgfsПа#:е of tea to са1m hег dоWп, Still VisiЬlу shаkеп. `If it hаdп't Ьееп
fог my LаЬгаdог, Who chaSed the mопstег аwау, it would
haVe savaged me to dеаth. It WaS аЬоut six foot 1опg, the size
2 The wогds in the Ьох аЬоVе аге а|l fгоm the геаdiпg of а 1агgе А1Sаtiап.' Мгs williаms' dеSсгiрtiоп matcheS that
tехt. What do you think it is going to Ье аЬоut? Read 25 of оthег еуе witneSSes in incidents involving Stгапgе сгеаtuгеs
the text and check уоuг апSWегS. in Vагiоus рагts of the соuпtгу.

Unit 9

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1

З Choose the most suitаЬ|е heading fгоm the |ist А-G fог
each рагt (1-6) of the tехt. Тhеге is опе ехtга heading
which you do not need to usе.

А Ро1iсе оп the case

В Веwаге of the cat
Ехmоог, hоwеVег, seems to Ье опе of the mуstегiоuS
с Dгаstiс steps
mопstег's fаVоuгitе hаuпts. This is the latest in а Whole sегiеs
of incidents in which а Ьlасk, саt-1ikе сгеаtuге has Ьееп
D woman attacked
Е Seen at night
3О Sighted Ьу реор1е living in the агеа of Ехmоог. The сгеа.uге,
which looks like а puma say 1оса1 fаmегs, has Ьееп killing
F Saved ьу а dog
G Not а quiet stгоl1
Sheep and оthег livеstосk, `It Should Ье caught immediately
and shоt,' said опе fагmег who haS lost ЁVе sheep in гесепt
mОпths. SеVега1 оthег fагmегs have герогtеd the loss of
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
35 livestock fоl1оwiпg attacks Ьу ап uпidепtiЁеd сгеаtuге,
aSsumed Ьу many until гесепtlу to haVe Ьееп а Wоlf. `А Wolf 4 Read the text аgаiп. Fог questionS 1-7, chooSe the
haS not Ьееп Sighted in theSe агеаs in living mеmогу,' соггесt апsWег А, В, С Ог D.
соmmепсеd опе fаппег,
1 How did the police геаСt to what Мгs williams sаid?
А They accepted hег stогу.
В They did not ЬеliеVе hег.
С They аге taking it sегiоuslу.
Ехmоог ро1iсе haVe Ьееп tгуiпg to tгасk the `ВеаSt of D They say they have hеагd it а11 Ьеfоге.
+О Воdmiп', aS it's саl1еd, Since it waS Егst spotted some уеагS
аgo, Ьu{ they have so fаг come up with nothing except fог а 2 What did [hе сгеаtuге do to Мгs williаms?
few Vегу 1агgе animal Сгасks and а tгаil of dead shеер. С1аims А It walked tоwагds hег.
that the сгеаtuге was sighted in а Sсhоо1 р1ауgгоuпd гесепtlу В It hit hег оп the Ьасk.
аге Ьеiпg iпvеstigаtеd. `Оuг policy is to look intO а11 героПs С It knocked hег оVег.
+5 of this Sогt, hоwеVег гidiсulоus,' said Chief СопStаЬ1е John D It ьi[ hег.
3 How does she feel поw?
А She is still shосkеd.
в She fее1s dizzу.
с She is саlm.
Iпvеstigаіiопs have Ьееп intenSiHed and 1оса1 police haVe
D she is tiгеd and thiгstу,
Ьгоugm in zoologists to assist them in the hunt fог the Beast
of Воdmiп. МеапWhilе, 1оса1 реор1е and visitогs to the агеа
4 which dеsсгiрtiоп Ёts the сгеаСuге?
50 haVe Ьееп wamed not to wа1k а1опе оп the mоог. Рагепts
А а 1агgе, Ьlасk cat wi.h а shогt tail
have Ьееп advised to keep thеiг сhildгеп at а Safe distance
В а 1агgе, Ьlасk cat with а white tail
fгоm the агеа. МОtогists have also Ьееп asked to keep ап еуе
С а 1агgе, Ьlасk dog
out fог anything suspiciouS and to герогt Sightings to che
D а 1агgе, Ьlасk wо1f
police immеdiаtеlу.

* МуStегiоUS топStегS

5 when was the сгеаtuге Ёгst sееп? 2 What do you think is the expIanation fог the Stогу
А last уеаг аЬоut the mуStегiоuS апimа|? ChooSe the moSt
в уеstегdау |ikе|у/uп|ikе|у sо|utiопS fгоm the fо||оwiпg and d.іSсusS
С in гесепt months them With уоuг рагtпег. Use iпfогmаtiоп fгоm the text
D а few уеагs ago to Suррогt уоuг апSwег.

It's ап animal that haS escaped fгоm the zoo ог

6 what is the police View of the situаtiоп? the сiгсus.
А The animal must Ье а wоlf. It's just а vегу 1агgе саt.
В It is nothing пеw, It's ргоЬаЬ1у а wоlf, а fox ог а stгау dоg.
С The герогts аге not Vегу sегiоus. It's ргоЬаЬ1у а рumа.
D The animal could Ье dапgегоus. It could Ье ап alien fгоm оutег sрасе.

7 How аге the police tгуiпg to hnd the сгеаtuге?

А They have asked рагепts to help thеm.
В They have asked fог ехрегt аdviсе. Gгаmmаг
С They аге looking fог mоге tгасks.
D They аге iпtегviеwiпg visitогs to the агеа. тhе passive
Уоu use the passive when you want to focus оп
5 Find wогds in the text that mеап: the регsоп ог thing affected Ьу the асtiоп, гаthег
- attacked and huгt Ьаdlу (рагt 1) than оп the 'dоег' of the action (ог аgепt).
- а 1агgе пumЬег of (рагt 1) То fогm the passive уоu:
- animal (рагt 2) • make the регSоп ог thing affected Ьу the action
- hit hагd (рагt 2)
the suьjесt.
- looking Steadily at (рагt 3)
• uSe the арргоргiаtе fогm of the vегЬ Ье + past
- Vегу fгightепiпg (рагt 3)
-1агgе, fгightепiпg апimа1 (рагt 4) рагtidрlе of the main vегЬ.
- accepted as tгuе without ргооf (рагс 4) • use Ьуtо say who ог What the agent is.
- stuрid, foolish (рагt 5) The telephone WaS inVented Ьу Веll.
The Ьгidgе is Ьеiпg гераiгеd.
Му Ьаg WaS Stо|еп уеStегdау at the fuп-fаiг.

speakEng 1 Which of theSe sentenceS аге раSsivе? Uпdег|iпе the

paSsive fогms.
1 Wогk With а рагtпег and го|ер|ау ап iпtегViеw Ьеtwееп
the Woman in the neWS герогt, МгS W.і|Iiаms, and а 1 Му саг was stо1еп.
tе|еvisiоп герогtег. Опе of you is Student А and the 2 I was stopped Ьу the police fог sрееdiпg.
оthег is Student В. 3 The Ьuildiпg has not Ьееп completed уеt.
4 Не said that thеу'vе Ьееп dесогаtiпg thеiг hоusе.
student А 5 You will Ье asked to ореп уоuг suitсаsе.
Уоu аге Мгs williаms. Ргераге уоuг апswегs Ьу 6 She с1аimеd she had Ьееп at home а11 еvепiпg.
thinking аЬоut theSe quеstiопs. 7 Yоuг complaints аге Ьеiпg looked iпtо.
How old аге уоu? 8 LеttегS аге dеlivегеd еvегу day except wееkепds.
What do you dо? 9 I got to the аiгрогt оп time Ьut my Пight had Ьееп
Whеге do you livе? сапсе1lеd.
what wеге you doing when the animal attacked уоu? 10 If I had known they would сапсе1 the Пight, I
whа. did the animal look likе? wоuldп't have Ьоthегеd to go to the аiгрогt.

student в
You аге the teleVision герогtег. Use the questions
аЬоvе and think of some of уоuг оwп.

Unit 9

2 Соmр|еtе this tаЬIе.

3 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt passive 4 Соmр|еtе this neWS герогt using the соггесt paSsive
fогm of the vегЬs in Ьгасkеts. fогm of the vегЬS in Ьгасkеts.

1 Ву the time the police got thеге, the money _

(саkе) fгоm the sаfе. А 1агgе, саt-1ikе апimа1 (1) _ (sее) in а aeld пеаг
2 The Ьuildiпg _ (Ье) геstогеd at the mоmепt. Bath уеstегdау. Two giгls out гidiпg thеiг hогsеs
3 The suspect _ (just/аггеst). (2) _ (thгоw) when the hогsеs геагеd up оп
4 Dogs must _ (kеер) оп а leash at а11 [imеS. seeing the саt. The агеа (3) _ (sеагсh) sеvегаl
5 No dogs _ (аl1оw) in the геstаuгапt. Please times Ьу роliсе, Ьut the оп1у tгасе of the animal that
leave them оutsidе. (4) _ (Епd) so fаг is а hаiг оп а fence and paw
6 The сгimе _ (iпVеstigаtе) when the сгimiпаl mагks, which it (5) _ (Ьеliеvе) must (6) _
gaVe himself in to the роliсе. (mаkе) Ьу а Vегу lafge апimаl. `Тhеsе paw mагks
7 The саг _ (iпsuге) against ассidепts; I гепеwеd соuldп't (7) _ (mаkе) Ьу а dоg,' said а police
che iпsuгапсе уеstегdау. sроkеsрегsоп.
8 А new School _ (Ьuild) оп that site next уеаг. Апоthег 1агgе, рumа-likе animal (8) _ (sight) пеаг
а mоtогWау at DuпstаЬlе а few days Ьеfоге this 1аtеst
iпсidепt. `If it (9) _ (sее) Ьу mеmЬегs of the
рuЬliс', said the sроkеsрегsоп, `it (10) _
(shоuld/герогt) at опсе.' what will happen if the
сгеаtuге (11) _ (саtсh)? `It (12) _ (shооt).'

fLgtЗ 5 Е NoW Iisten to the newS герогt and check уоuг


t+++ ,§ JФ

Ё€g 79
* муStегiоUS топStегS

Gгаmmаг Adjectives ending in -еd and -і.пg

Мапу adjectives fогmеd fгоm the past рагtiсiр|е
Adjective огdег dеsсгiЬе а feeIing ог а Stаtе.
I waS ьогеd.
When thеге is mоге than опе adjective Ьеfоге а
I waS Suгргisеd Ьу the ending of the filт.
поuп, the огdег of the adjectives is uSuа|Iу:
Мапу adjectives fогmеd fгоm the ргеsепt
Ор.іп.іоп |оvеIу UgIy
ы'zе ьig Iittle
рагtiсiр|е dеsсгiЬе the thiпg, ехрегiепсе ог регsоп
that ргоduсеs the fееliпg.
age оId neW
The IeSSon WaS Ьогiпg.
shape Iong Sqиаге
The ending of the film waS Sигргisiпg.
со|оuг Ь гоwп wh ite
ог.іg.іп Spanish EngIish
mаtегiа | wooden сопсгеtе 2 Complete theSe SentenceS using some of the vегЬS
рuгроsе Walking holiday ЬеIоw to fогm -еd ог -t.пg аdjесtivеS.
поип Sti ck cotta g е
excite dергеss fhghten amuse
vou usualIy dоп't uSe mоге than thгее fascinate Ьоге iпtгiguе disgust
adjectives Ьеfоге а поuп.
1 Аге you _ of dоgs?
2 Ап оld, empty house at night is ~
1 Put theSe adjectives in the соггесt огdег. 3 I fее1 ~ the day Ьеfоге а Ьig mаtсh.
4 It wаSп't ап _ mаtсh, uпfогtuпаtеlу.
1 а Gегmап/huпtiпg/hugе/Ьlасk dog
5 The neWs was а11 аЬоuс vагiоus disаstегs. I found it
2 а 25-уеаг-оld/Орега/tа1l Siпgег
3 а Ьгапd-пеw/рlаstiс/shоррiпg/gгееп Ьаg аf[ег failing my ехаms.
6 I felt vегу _
4 а Gгееk/Ьеаutiful/gоld/апсiепt Ьгасеlеt
5 ап Епg1ish/уоuпg/iпtегеstiпg tеасhег
7 Не tells vегу - jоkеs.
6 ап оmсе/епогmоus/сопсгеtе Ьlосk
8 I'm not _ Ьу уоuг jоkеs; I dоп't Япd them
funny at а11.
7 а Ьгоwп/50-уеаг-оld/lеаthег/Ьеаutiful wallet

З HoW do you feel аЬоut theSe thiпgs? Wогk With а

рагtпег and taIk аЬоut thеm, using -еd and -t.пg
VосаЬulагу аdjесtivеS.

ghоststогiеS sрасеtгаvеl hоггогаlms

WОгd fОгmаtiоп: fгі.ght and fear snakes clowns сосkгоасhеs
tests discoS thuпdег
fгight fеаг аfгаid tгаvеlliпg to new соuпtгiеs
1 Complete theSe Sentences using the соггесt fОгm of
опе of the wогds аЬОvе. Sometimes thеге is mоге than
опе роSsiьilitу.

1 Some реор1е аге vегу _ of sрidегs.

2 Нег wогst ~ is failing hег ехаms.
3 The little giгl was _ hег mоthег wоuldп't come
4 Тhеге was а _ smell in the гооm and I just had
6 when сhе геsсuе team геасhеd him, he was
shaking with
Unit 9

Listening 2 Е You will hеаг а сопVегsаtiоп Which takeS pIace оп а

coach Ьеtwееп а tоuг guide and two tоuгists. АпSwег
queStjons 1 and 2 Ьу wгitiпg Т (fог tгuе) ог F (fог fаlsе)
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4
in the Ьохеs.
|п Рагt 4 of the Iistening ехаm, you will hеаг а 1 Not а11 the tоuгists сап hеаг
mопо|оguе ог diа|оguе |аStiпg аЬоut thгее the guide с1еаг1у,
miпutеS. Vou may Ье aSked the fоI|оwiпg typeS of
2 Loch Ness is 1опg and shаl1оw.
- Тгuе/FаIsе queStionS
- thгее-рагt multiр|е choice Fог queStions 3 and 4, chooSe the ЬеSt апSwег А, В ог С.
- Yеs/Nо questions 3 It is claimed that the Loch NesS Мопsсег was ЁгSt
- Which sреаkег Said What seen
• Look at the queStionS so you know which type is А in the nineteenth сепtuгу.
ьеiпg usеd. В in the twentieth сепtuгу.
• Тгу to ргеdiсt fгоm the queStions what you will С in the sixth сепtuгу,
hеаг, еg: Who аге the sреаkегs? whеге аге
thеу? what is thеiг ге|аtiопShiр? What аге they 4 when Tim Dinsdale spotted the mопstег he
dоiпg/tа|kiпg аЬоut? А took а photo of it.
• When you |istеп fог the fiгst timе, tгу to В was Vегу Suгргisеd.
uпdегStапd the gепега| meaning and апswег С was getting геаdу to gо.
апу questions you аге confident аЬОut.
• When you |istеп fог the second timе, uпdег|iпе
АпsWег queStionS 5 and 6 Ьу Wгitiпg Y (fог уеS) ог N
key wогds and апswег the геmаiпiпg quеStiопs.
(fог по) in the ЬохеS.
• Check уоuг апswегs at the епd.
5 Аге tоuгists allowed to take
photos Ьу the Lосh?
1 Веfоге you |istеп, do theSe tаSks.
6 Do а11 the toufists want to
1 Match the questions in ехегсisе 2 With the Суреs Visit the musеum?
given in the Ьох аЬоVе.
2 Decide which of the sреаkегs (thе guide ог опе of
АпSwег queStionS 7-9 Ьу Wгitiпg the арргоргiаtе |еttег
the tоuгists) will ргоvidе the апswег fог each
in the ЬохеS.
G (fог guidе)
А (fог А'еgгеtti)
н (fог Напks)

7 Who is not keen оп going shоррiпg?

8 who is wоггiеd аЬоut timе?
9 who has discussed the ргоgгаmmе
with the огgапizегs?
* МуStегiоиS топStегS

VосаЬulагу Wогds often confused

fа|I thгоw dгор paSS knock push
Рhгаsаl vегЬs Wjth /ооk
З CompIete theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
Iооkоvег Iookinto lооkthгоugh опе of the wогds аЬоVе.
lookon Iookout Iооkаftег |ооk up 1 the salt and реррег, рlеаsе.
1 RepIace the uпdег|iпеd Wогds in theSe SentenceS With
2 Ве сагеful, уоu'ге going to _ that glаss.
the соггесt fогm of опе of the рhгаSа| vегЬS аЬоVе. 3 Не _ а stone at the windoW and Ьгоkе it.
4 How do cats always manage to _ оп thеiг fееt?
1 The police аге investigating the сгimе. 5 The child _ the glass оvег and spilt а11 the milk.
2 If you сап't геmеmЬег the пumЬег, you сап а1wауs 6 Iust ~ the gгееп Ьuttоп and the dоог will ореп.
Е,пd it in the tе1ерhопе Ьооk.
3 If you аге not сагеful, you аге going to haVe ап
accident опе dау.
4 Сап you р1еаsе геаd the tех. and Ёпd а11 wгitiпg
the рhгаsаl vегЬS.
5 Уоu should examine the ргорегtу сагеfullу Ьеfоге Exam ргасtiсе: News герогt
you decide to Ьuу it.
6 who takeS саге of the kids when you go out in the 1 NewS герогts often have the fо||оWiпg fеаtuгеS:
еVепiп8? -а Summагу of the main points in the fiгSt рагаgгарh
7 It was tеггiЬlе ... while the 1ittlе, old lady was Ьеiпg -Shогt рагаgгарhs
muggеd, sеvегаl раssегs-Ьу just stood thеге - а |оt of Shогt wогds
wаtсhiп8! -diгесt Speech
- герогtеd Speech
-раSt Simple
Рhгаsа| vегЬs With dоwг7
-ргеSепt регfесt
Iet down come down put down - paSt регfесt
take down pull down tuгп down - paSsive
knock down Read the newS герогt oppoSite and uпdегIiпе ехаmр|еS of
2 CompIete theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of the fеаtuгеS аЬоvе.
опе of the рhгаSаI VегЬS аЬоVе.

1 А good fгiепd пеVег _ you _

2 The show is оvег. we сап _ the роstег поw.
3 They оffегеd hег а lot of money fог the house Ьut
4 As the old 1аdу Was сгоssiпg the гоаd she was
-ьу а ьus.
5 It was such ап о1d house they decided to have it

6 You should dгаw up а сопtгасt and

еVегуthiпg _ in wгitiпg.
7 Ргiсеs in the shops пеVег seem to _ ; thеу'ге
а1wауs 8оiп8 uр.
Unit 9

2 What Would you expect to геаd in а news герогt With this hеаdliпе?

Тigег Mauls US
Ап Аmегiсап tоuгist had hег hand
пеаг1у Ьittеп off in РiгаеuS
уеstегdау mоmiпg, аftег she
геасhеd into а cage to Stгоkе а
сiгсus tigег. Wгitе а neWs герогt fог the hеаdliпе, using theSe noteS made Ьу а jоuгпа|ist and
Police Said Stacy Еlliоt, 26, stuck уоuг own idеаS. Тгу to iпс|udе Some of the fеаtuгеS mentioned in ехегсisе 1.
hег hand into the cage to Stгоkе the Wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 Wогds.
апimаl, Which suddenly Ьесаmе
Violent and attacked hег. WогkегS
at the Itа1iап Мiгапdа Огfеi Сiгсus Notes fгоm iпtегViеw with Emily Тhоmрsоп.
Said аftегWагds, `Wе had to Ьеаt
- Emily Тhоmр5оп -о|d wоmап, 78 уGагS о|d, widow
the cat With Sticks to make it Ьасk
оff.' The tigег WaS Waiting to Ье - оп way to visiЪ 5i§tег in ASton
shipped to the island of SугоS
- dоg: аЬоut Six feGt Iопg, gгGу АIGаtiап? -|ооkGd |ikе wо|f
Whеге the сiгсus had р1аппеd а
регfоmапсе. - dагk, по опе GISe оп stгееt
Elliot Was гushеd to the Athens
-dоg attacked hег
Еmегgепсу Ноsрitа1 in Кimsiа
Whеге she has uпdегgопе suгgегу. - ра§SGг-Ьу calIGd ап аmЬulапсе, which ъооk о|d woman ъо
`Wе аге tгуiпg to saVe hег hапd,'
said а hоsрitа1 оmсiаl. `Нег hand
- гGIGаsGd Soon аftег, по GGгiоuG iпjuгiGs
has Ьееп Ьаdlу SеVегеd and She haS
1оst а 1оt of Ьlооd.' The omcial -Suffегiпg fгоm shock
added that he WaS not suге Whе.hег - ро|iсе Sаid, `DапgGгоuS dogs аге Ьесоmiпg а menace to оuг
dосtогS would Ье аЬ1е to stitch the
Stгееt§. Тhеге have ЬеGп §еvега| incidents гесепtlу of |агgе
hand Ьасk оп.
dogs attacking сhildгGп and о|d рGор|G.'
Police said the сiгсus' гергеSеп-
tаtivе, Giогgiо Fidапis, haS Ьееп - ро|iсе advise рагепts to Ье сагеful
сhагgеd With causing ап accident
out of пеgligепсе.

70 Whаt'Siпаfасе?
Еithег ... ог:, Ьоth ... апd, пеithег ... поr, not onIy ... Ьиt аIsо-,
causative vегЬs

VосаЬulагу and speaking Reading .

1 Some реор1е Ье|iеVе you сап judge
1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the folloWing hеаdiпgs:
Sоmеопе'S сhагасtег fгоm fеаtuгеS
of thеiг face ог Ьоdу. This is са||еd
рhуst.оgпоmjt Read the text quiсklу,
and match each рагt to опе of the
реаг-shареd епегgеtiс musсulаг р1umр аggгеssivе sеlf-сепtгеd thin
|t insensitive Heshy slim Ьгаiпу wе1l-Ьuilt sе1f-сопПdепt сhагmiпg calm
пегvоus intelligent Ьопу tense thickset оvегwеight tough сhеегful-
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1
2 Find wОгds in the Ьох that сап Ье used to dеSсгiЬе:
2 Choose the moSt SuitаЬIе heading
-а stгопg регSоп fгоm the Iist А-Н fог each рагt (1-7)
-а pleaSant регSоп
of the tехt. Тhеге is опе ехtга
-ап uпр|еаSапt регSоп heading Which you do not need to

З Wогk with а рагtпег. ChooSe опе of the faceS oppoSite and dеSсгiЬе the А The passionate type
регSоп'S регSопа|itу. Сап уоuг рагtпег guesS Which регSоп уоu'ге В The Ьопу type
dеSсгiыпg? . С The Ьгаiпу type
D The musсulаг type
Е The сгimiпа1 type
4 DеSсгiЬе the faceS using Wогds fгоm the tаЬ|е. F тhе р1umр type
eyes nose еагs face G тhе happy type
slanting Н The quаггеlsоmе type
pointed small 1опg
close tоgеthег ho oked pointed гоu nd
small Ьig 1агgе s qu а ге З ChooSe а face type that Ьеst
гоuпd flat ргоmiпе nt thin dеSсгiьеS:
Ь1uе 1опg Sticking out tгiапgulаг
wide -уоu
gгеу tu me d-uр -а fгiепd
wide арагt Roman
-а mеmЬег of уоuг family
dеер-sеt stгаi8ht
Wогk With а рагtпег. ЫSсuSS
lips j aw fОгеhеаd hаiг whеthег the dеSсгiрtiопS in the
thin s qu аге h igh Stга ight text fit the реор|е you kпоW.
thic k wide 1оw WaVy
fleshy wide сuгlу
сhееkЬопеs fгizzу
hi8h 8геаsу
with а рагtiп8

- й„:-JgZ=iс`"dQ, ` *i'tqdm•_:-,..jр..,?"',wg`
Unit ,0

а Ё ь «fжЁ=ё#*:-_Ё$"w"'=`/JZЁiiiiь^^.`'х№ф--74

ТЖЯЁЁiiilНIЯВL `+:эr FчаЕЁвбрввп


Iі They often haVe а реаг-shареd hеаd. They аге iпtеl1igепt Ьut

сап а1Sо Ье аЬSепt-miпdеd. They 1ikе to spend time at home
The full, Heshy 1iрS and the ргоmiпепt jaW аге uSuа1lу SignS
of siпсегitу, Wагmth and stгопg emotions of the гоmапtiс

whеге they сап think in реасе and quiеt. MoSt of the time Vагiеtу. These types аге outgoing and sосiаЬlе. They often get
they аге еithег thiпkiпg, Studying ог slеерiпg. They геmаiп mаггiеd уоuпg. А1thоugh they may not shiпе, they Will do
5 Siпglе, ог put off getting mаггiеd till lаtег in lifе. 25 Wе1l Ьоth at wогk and at р1ау.

1, They аге Wеl1-ЬuilС and соuгаgеоuS and they do not lack sе1f- The distinguishing fеаtuге of this type is that the Wid.h and

сопПdепсе. They аге easily insulted and get апgгу quiсklу. height of the face аге гоughlу the sаmе. They give the
They аге quite hагd-Wогkiпg at school ог at wогk, Ьut without imргеSsiоп of Ьеiпg mеlапсhоlу. They аге uSually геd-fасеd
оvегdоiпg it. They enjoy the Simple 1ifе. They do not often and look hеаlthу. They haVe lагgе, dагk eyes and Ьushу
іо Ьесоmе гiсh. 30 еуеЬгоWS. They have а wide nose and а 1агgе mоuth. TheSe
typeS аге tough and dеtеmiпеd, even аggгеSsivе. They Stгikе
• . . . - ` . -

They аге а Ьit оvегWеight. They аге аdарtаЬ1е and know ho Wе

to do а good jоЬ, though they аге not vегу епегgеtiс. They аг гL-,.` ( l

еаSу-gоiпg and get оп well With реор1е. They often do well іп This Суре haS а tгiапgulаг fасе, With а Wide fогеhеаd and а
Ьusiпеss. Оп the negative sidе, they сап occasionally Ье sеlf- Vегу паггоW сhiп. They uSuа1lу haVe еVеп, Wе11-Shареd
і5 сепtгеd and insenSitive tоWагds оthегS, 35 fеаtuгеS, except fог thеiг mоuth, Which will Ье еithег too

I тh eyten со et m.Т
h. еуагеіп
h . н еаП
еХі . і ОПОtС аП8е h
thеiг ideaS еаSilу. mey аге usuа11у hопеSt. They take thеiг
small ог too Ьig. Тhеiг eyes аге 1агgе and often Vегу dагk.
Th iгп i п W h th
регSопаlitу is Ьгight and сhеегful, Ьut they сап also Ье tenSe

4оагоuп t аПdеd8У.ТhеуthiпkаlоtапdtаkеiпаlоtоfwhаtgоеSОп
widепоstгils Тhеiг

time doing things and do not 1еаm quiсklу. Тhеiг thin 1iрs
suggest а сегtаiп coldneSs ог hагdпеSS of сhагасtег. They
2o often make good fагmегs, епgiпеегs ог аdmiпistгаtогS.

* Whаt's in а fасе?

Gгаmmаг Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt З

Еithег ... ог, Ьоth ... апd, пеithег ... пог, рагt З of the Use of Епg|ish exam conSists of ten
not onIy ... Ьut aIso key Wогd tгапsfогmаtiопS. Vou have to complete а
Sentence WП:h а given wогd So that it haS the Same
you use еt.thег ... ог to talk аЬоut а choice meaning as the fiгst Sепtепсе. This рагt of the
Ьеtwееп two роssiЬilitiеs. exam focuseS оп gгаmmаг and vосаЬulагу.
VЬи сап haVe еithег Ьisсиits ог саkе. • Ргераге fог this рагt of the exam Ьу keeping а
Vou use Ьоth ... and to join two idеаS. checklist of the common gгаmmаtiса| and
С|iпt Eastwood is Ьоth а diгесtог and ап асtог. vосаЬulагу Stгuсtuгеs that арреаг. Неге is the
Vou uSe пеt.thег ... пог to join two negative idеаs. Ьеgiппiпg of а check |ist. when you ргасtisе
Му fаthег пеithег SmokeS пог dгiпks. Рагt З ехегсisеS, add to this Iist.

When you uSe гіеt.thег ... пог to join siпgulаг Кеv Wогd tгапSfогmаtiоп checklist
- JегЬS/рhгаsеs folloWed Ьу the infinitive With ог
suЬjесts, the vегЬ is погmа||у siпgulаг, Ьut in
iпfОгmа| spoken English the vегЬ is SometimeS w.іthоu* to Chad Ьеttег, wои|d гаthег)
- VегЬs foIIowed Ьу the infinitive ог -t.пg fогm
- vегЬS and ргероSitiопs that go tоgеthег
Nеithег Оlivег пог Stan is Vегу Sтагt.
Nеithег О|ivег пог Stan аге Vегу Sтагt. (аро|оgizе fог)
-рhгаsа| VегЬS
Vou use not onIy ... Ьut aIso to add ех+га - fixed рhгаsеS ®о оп hо/f.dау)
iпfогmаtiоп. |t is quite fОгmа|. - diгесt speech into герогtеd speech and vice
EaStwood is not only ап асtог, Ьиt а|Sо а diгесtог. vегsа
when not оп/у comeS at the Ьеgiппiпg of а - active tenses into passive tenseS and vice vегsа
Sепtепсе, the огdег of the vегЬ and suЬjесt - iпvегsiопS fо||оWiпg negative аdvегЬiа|S (hагd/у,
сhапgеs. по sоопеП
Not only is he the ЬеSt р|ауег in the Wог|d, he is а|Sо
• In the ехаm, геаd the fiгst Sentence and the
the уоUпgеSt.
gapped sепtепсе.
• Focus оп the key wогd and decide hoW it could
1 CompIete theSe Sепtепсеs. Ье used in the sепtепсе.
• Соmр|еtе the sentenceS you аге confident
1 what would you likе? You сап have coffee
ог огапgе juiсе. аЬоut fiгst, then do the геmаiпiпg опеs.
2 we сап Се11 hег the good news еithег now • DОп't |еаvе апу of the questions uпапSwегеd -
lаtег. if in dоuьt, guеSS!
3 I _ know пог саге what the реор1е next dоог
аге dоiпg.
4 It is mоге economical and quiсkег to take the 2 Fог queStionS 1-10, compIete the second Sentence So
ьus. that jt has а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt sепtепсе, using
5 Not do I haVe а lоtоfЬооks to геаd, I_ the wогd givеп. Do not change the Wогd givеп. Vou
haVe а lot of lеttегs to wгitе. must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five Wогds, incIuding the
6 I пеithег dance _ siпg. Wогd givеп.
7 Не owns а саг пог а mоtогЬikе. 1 I didп't like the stогу and I didп't like the асtогs.
8 Не _ оп1у plays the viо1iп, Ьut also the се11о. пеithег
I the асtогs.
2 I enjoyed the hlm and I enjoyed the соmрапу.
Not the hlm, ьut I also
enjoyed the соmрапу.
3 Не is not оп1у sеmsh, he is also гudе.
не ьut also гudеlу.

Unit ,о

4 She likes Fгепсh Ёlms and She uпdегstапds them 1 Е You Will hеаг рагt of а гаdiо discussion аЬоut
tоо. gгарhо|оgу, the апа|уsis of hапdwгitiпg. Which опе of
does theSe sаmр|еS of hапdwгitiпg аге the sреаkегS
Not Fгепсh Я1ms, Ьut she disсussiпg?
also uпdегStапds thеm.
5 She is smагt and she is Ьеаutiful.
she is ьеаutiful.
6 You сап have соffее, Ьut thеге's огапgе juice tоо.
You сап огапgе juiсе.
7 She is а good siпgег and а wопdегful dапсег tоо.
she not she also dances
8 BoCh Ьusеs and tгаiпs go to the Villаgе.
we сап Ьу tгаiп to the
9 I dоп't tгust the lаwуег ог his рагtпег.
I tгust his рагtпег.
10 Магу was away and so was Тоhп.
Nеithег Магу hоmе.

3 Wгitе thгее SentenceS dеSсгiЬiпg реор1е you kпоW,

й tdй4##с, #
using the StгuсtuгеS аЬоVе. DеSсгiЬе thеiг рhуSiса|
арреагапсе and thеiг регsопа|itу.

Му Рагепts аге пеithег оUегgепегоиS пог ііпеап.

Му Sistег is Ьоth сlеUег cmd аttгасtiuе.

LЕstеп]пg 2 Е Listen аgаiп. Fог questionS 1-6, complete the

sentenceS With а Wогd ог а рhгаSе.
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2 1 Lагgе hапdwгitiпg gепега11у means the wгitег is
|п Рагt 2 of the |istепiпg ехаm, you Will |istеп tO а sегlоus,
mопо|oguе ог diaIogue |аStiпg аЬоut thгее miпutеS. 2 Lагgе hапdwгitiпg in some caSes сап also mean the
You haVe tO compIete notes ог sentenceS using wгitег is
Ьеtwееп опе and thгее wогds. This type of question 3 Напdwгitiпg that slopes to the гight suggests the
teSts уоuг аЬilitу to uпdегStапd the gепега| meaning
wгitег is ап
Ог gist, the main points and the dеtаils.
4 Uпсоппес{еd wгitiпg means the wгitег is
• Read the Sentences ог notes you have to
соmрIеtе. what kinds of Wогds аге пееdеd?
5 Connected wгi[iпg means the wгi[ег follows
• When you Iisten fог the fiгSt timе, соmр|еtе the
sentences and notes you fее| confident аЬОut.
• When you |istеп fог the Second timе, focus оп 6 The аЬsепсе of loops suggeSts someone who is
аЬоut the futuге.
the геmаiпiпg sentences and поtеs,
• Dоп't wоггу аЬОut Sре||iпg. You will not |оSе
mагks if you sре|| а wогd iпсоггесtlу. 3 Wогk With а рагtпег. USe the iпfогmаtiоп аЬоVе to
апа|уSе each оthег'S hапdwгitiпg.

* Whаt'S in а fасе?

Gгаmmаг VосаЬulагу
Causative vегЬs Compound adjectives
You uSe а causative vегЬ (hаVе/gеt + оЬjесt + past 1 CompIete these Sentences using опе of the compound
рагtiсiр|е) to taIk аЬоut ап action that is done fог adjectiveS in the Ьох.
you Ьу someone еIsе.
I mUst haVe ту eyeS tested Sооп. I'т Sиге thеу'ге еаsу-gоiпg оld-fаshiопеd wеll-mеапiпg
gеttiп9 WогSе. аЬsепt-miпdеd Ьig-hеаdеd sеlfсепtгеd stгопg-willеd
Gef is |еSS fогmа| and is mоге commOn With the
Ьгоаd-miпdеd sеlf-сопЁdепt hагd-wогkiпg
Do уои think Wе'|l Ье аЬ|е to get the houSe painted in
1 Тhеге's а Ьоу in оuг class who thinks the wогld
а Wееk?
геvоlvеs агоuпd him. Не's so _ ; he пеVег
thinks of апуопе еlsе.
2 The _ ргоfеsSог always fогgоt whеге he had
1 React to theSe situationS using а cauSative VегЬ. put his hаt.
3 Shе's а vегу _ регsоп and пеVег gives up when
1 You should haUe it tahen оиt. she has made up hег mind со do sоmеthiпg.
1 Му tooth huгts so much I сап't get to sleep at пigh(. 4 Оuг пехt-dоог пеighЬоuг сап Ье iггitаtiпg Ьut hег
2 whепеvег it гаiпs, оuг гооf lеаks. intentions аге gооd. Shе'S
3 The Ьгаkеs оп my Ьikе dоп't seem to Ье wогkiпg 5 john is а _ type and always does well in
Vегу wеll. iпtегviеwS; I always feel геа11у пегVоus.
4 I сап't see the Ьоагd When I sit at the Ьасk of the 6 Му рагепts аге vегу _ - they eVen wогk а{
сlаss. wееkепds.
5 Му агm huгts. I think I'vе Ьгоkеп it. 7 ]оhп is so _ ; hе's always Ьоаstiпg аЬоut his
6 What am I going to do аЬоut my hаiг when I go асhiеVеmепts.
into the а-у? 8 I сап say anything in fгопt of my gгапdmоthег,
7 Рагt of the sсhоо1 Ьuildiпg was dеStгоуеd in the shе's not easily shосkеd. Shе's ореп to new ideas
еагthquаkе. and vегу _
8 Some fооtЬаll fans have painted slogans а11 оVег 9 Му sistег's ап _ регsоп. She gets оп well with
the wаlls. реор1е and makes fгiепds еаsilу.
9 Му Ьеst suit got аЬsо1utеlу soaking wet in the 10 Му uncle has got stuck in the nineteenth сепtuгу -
stоm. his ideas аге so l
1О The soles of my tгаiпегs have got holes in thеm.

2 You haVe just Ьbught this hоuSе. What do you haVe to

have done to it? Wгitе Six sentences using the causative
fогm. You сап uSe Some of theSe VегЬs.

iпStаl1 paint гераiг Ёх mend гер1асе

polish геwiге Ьuild change putup

I need і;о haUe the dоогS l]аiпtеd,

Unit ,о

speaking VосаЬulагу
Wогds often confused
1 Wогk with а рагtпег. You аге going to геаd each
poIite kind gentle геsресtаЬ|е геsресtful
оthег'S раIms. FiгSt find the |iпеS Shown in the рiсtuге
оп уоuг ра|ms. Student А, геаd the iпfогmаtiоп оп 1 Match the Wогds аЬоVе with thеiг dеfiпitiопS.
page 196 and Student В, геаd the iпfогmаtiоп оп page - not гоugh ог Violent
198. Use the iпfогmаtiоп to геаd each оthег'S раIms.
- having good mаппегs
Уоиr head line is Stгопg, шhiсh meanS уои'ге а quich - ЬеhаViпg in а way which shows you аdmiге someone
thiпhег. ог accept thеiг position in society
- сагiпg fог and helping оthегs
- having qualities that Society аdmiгеs

2 CompIete theSe SentenceS using опе of the wогds аЬоVе.

1 Ве when you give the ЬаЬу а Ьаth.

2 It was vегу _ of you to саггу my Ьаg fог mе.
3 The сгоwd stood at а distance as the ргеSidепt
Wа1kеd раs,.
4 why dоп't you get а _ jоЬ like уоuг fасhег?
5 It wаsп't vегу _ to go without saying thank уоu.

З Wогk with а рагtпег. Who is the ро|itеSt регsоп you

kпоw? Те|1 уоuг рагtпег. Now tе|I уоuг рагtпег Who thе:
-kiпdеSt регSоп
- gentlest регSоп
-mоSt геsресtаЬ|е регsоп

you knoW is' and whу.

РhгаsаI vегЬs (tihіе)

рutЬасk takeup саггуоп geton

hо|dоп putoff hапgагоuпd hoIdup
4 Complete theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of Опе
of the рhгаsа| VегЬS аЬоvе. Use two of the VегЬS fог the
Same Sепtепсе.

1 If it гаiпs, wе'll have to the maCch till next

2 Сап you just _ а miпutе? I want to Ёпish this
3 Sоггу I'm lаtе. I was _ Ьу tгаmс.
4 Although the tеасhег tо1d them to Ье quiet they
5 Не's not as young as he used to Ье; hе's _ а Ьit
6 Instead of going hоmе, the fans outside the
stadium causing tгоuЬlе.
7 Сап I just have а quick wогd with уоu? It shоuldп't
too much timе.

* Whаt'S in а fасе?

Use of Еп9Iish The gгеаtеst wгitег of а11 time

Gгарhоlоgу is the study and (1) _ of hапdwгitiпg as а ANALYSE
way of tеl1iпg you аЬоut the wгitег's (2) _ . 1п огdег to pERsoN
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 5
саггу out а (3) _ study of sоmеопе'S сhагасtег, SUccESS
1 Fог queStionS 1-14, геаd the text gгарhоlоgists need а full-раgе specimen of sоmеопе's
орроSitе. USe the Wогd given in hапdwгitiпg. This has to Ье (4) _ spontaneously WгRIтЕ
сарitа|S at the end of each |iпе to uпdег погmаl сопditiопs.
fогm а Wогd that fits in the Space Опе of the most widely апа1уsеd (5) _ is that of the SIGN
in the Same |iпе. gгеаtеst Епg1ish wгitег of а11 timе, william shаkеsреаге.
The оп1у examples we have of Shаkеsреаге'S (6) _ to АвLЕ
wгitе аге six examples of his sigпаtuге. (7) _ , ехрегts FоRтUNАтЕ
do not аgгее оп whеthег he wгоtе them at а11. If he did, he
could (8) _ haVe Ьееп the wгitег who `пеVег Ьlоttеd нАRD
а liпе'. The sigпаtuгеs аге пеаг1у (9) _ and it сап Ье LЕGIвLЕ
Seen that the name is Sре1t in sеvегаl (10) _ ways and DIFFER
wгittеп in sеVегаl diffегепt stуlеs. The thгее most
(11) _ Sigпаtuгеs аге those оп Shаkеsреаге's will. соNтRоVЕRSY
Тhеiг shaky lеttегs may Ье а sуmр[оm of the wгitег's
dеаthЬеd (12) _ . НоwеVег, some ехрегt wАк
gгарhо1оgists claim that these Sigпаtuгеs wеге поС wгittеп
Ьу Shаkеsреаге at а11, Ьut Ьу his (13) _ . Опе LAW
gгарhоlоgist, Dumiпg-Lаwгепсе, claims with (14) _ сЕRтАIN
that the gгеаtеst wгitег of а11 time could not so much as
manage to sсгаwl his own паmе!

• English Language summег Camp .

Wгitiпg Gгоuр Iеаdегs wanted
Exam ргасtiсе: Lеttег of Come and have а gгеаt Summег
holiday at оuг iпtегпаtiопа| camp
fог сhildгеп. we need twenty gгоuр
1 Read this quеStiоп.
|еаdегS to Ье геsропsiЬ|е fог
сhildгеп aged 7-11 уеагs о|d.
You have seen this аdvегtisеmепt
Dаtеs: 2-21 July
in ап intemational student
Р|асе: L|апidlоеs, WaIes
mаgаziпе, and would like to
арр1у fог а jоЬ. wгitе а lеttег of Duties iпсIudе:
• Ьеiпg геsропsiЬIе fог а gгоuр of
application explaining why you
would like to wогk as а gгоuр ten young сhildгеп.
• taking рагt in vагiоus асtivitiеs,
lеаdег and why you think you
iпсIudiпg: соuпtгу wаlks, агсhегу,
would Ье suitаЬlе fог the jоЬ
ЬаSkеtЬа||, сапоеiпg.
(рhуsiсаl qualities , регsопаlitу, • speaking Епg|ish at а|1 timеS.
ехрегiепсе). wгitе Ьеtwееп 120
and 180 wогds. The succeSsful appIicants will:
• Ье Ьеtwееп 15 and 17 уеагS оId.
• Speak English fluепtlу.
• Ье iпtегеstеd in sрогts.
• Ье еаSу-gоiпg and sе|f-сопfidепt.

AppIications and fuгthег iпfогmаtiоп to J М Тuгпег,

5З L|апgоI|еп wау, L|апidlоеs, Gwent GТ23 8DL

Unit 7о

2 Read this mоdе| |еttег and the noteS pointing out its good fеаtuгеS.

fогmа l 5ъуIG ---__

(WhGп you с]оп't

Dеаг Siг ог Маdаm,
knoW thG паmG)
Summег Camp which I геаd аЬоut in the Iпtегпаtiопа1 Есhо.

рGг5опаI I am 16 уеагs old and live in Раmр1опа, which is а 1агgе town in

пfогmz]tiоп погthегп Sраiп. I аlгеаdу speak геаSопаЬ1е Епg1ish; I have the
СаmЬгidgе Fiгst Сегtifiсаtе and haVe just stагtеd а соuгsе leading quа|ifоаЪiоп5
to the СаmЬгidgе Ргоfiсiепсу.

iпъGгG5tб I am Vегу iпtегеStеd in Sрогts and I am а mеmЬег of the school

ЬаskеtЬаll tеаm. I also р1ау tаЬlе tennis quite геgulагlу and would like
to leam оthег sрогts, such as агсhегу.
брGоifiо Gхаmр|G5____ At sсhооl, I waS elected tгеаSuгег of the class committee and I hе1реd to
огgапizе the class tгiр to Italy 1аSt уеаг.
"" " ( :еhе:ТеWПоОut[Еаhdа;:Уп:е:±±:fТ:u[:;]ttаhkfпГ:Ьр]:=:i[t::аЁF±#еаS[]gfi:ГеУс€iарГd

5hОW'5 GПthu5iабГtl I think I would enjoy Wогkiпg at the camp as I am Vегу fond of сhildгеп
and have always wanted to visit ап Епglish-Sреаkiпg соuпtгу.
I look fогwагd to hеагiпg fгоm you ,--------- роIiЪG

YоuгS faithfully
Jоеi6 Gагсiа (WhGп you с]оп't knoW
thG паmG)

3 Неге is а Iеttег Wгittеп Ьу а

Studепt. What changeS Would you
DGаг Мас|агtіG ТumGг,
mаkе? RеWгitе the |еttег, using
the notes оп the mоdе| |еttег to | haVG гGаd уоuг асЯ in ъhG рарGг оп WGс]пGGсЯау and | с]Gdс]G I Wапъ to ЬG а
help уоu. gгоuр |Gас]Gг ЬGоаuбG I |оVG ЪhG oamping агіс* | |оVG thG young GhilсЯгGп. l
haVG а 5mа|| 5iбtGг. 5hG iб tGn уGаг о|сЯ апс* I |оVG hGг VGгу гtіuоh (t7uЪ iЪ i5
tГuG 5ОmGtimGб WG fighЪ) Аб УОu С;аП бGG ГtlУ ЕП8|i5h i5 VGГУ f]uGПЪ аПсJ
VGГУ GХСG|IGПt, ЕХС;GРЪ fГОm а1| ЪhGбG l аГtl ЪhG ЬG5t 5WiГГ1mGГ iП mУ С1абб

апсЯ I am аI5о |Gаmiпg to р|ау рiапо. I ЬGIGivG GVGгуопG GhoulcI to |Gагп to

р|ау ап огgап, А|5о, | Ъhiпk | оап gGt оп WG|| WiЪh GVGгуопG. | am Ъоо
рорulаг апс] | am і.п оuг ЬабkGЪЬа|| tGагті. | am пGагIу 1G поW. Му hоЬЬiGб
агG Ьа5kGtЬа|| апс] бWI.піmiпg. | am not VGгу kGGn fог гGас*iпg -| гGас] оп|у
my IGб5оп5.

Ву thG wау, I am 1G уGаг5 о1с].

ВGGЪ Wi5hG5. F'|Gа5G wГiЪG бООП.

4 NoW it's уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг YоuюfаithfuIlу'

oWn |еttег of арр|iсаtiоп, using
Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 Wогds.

77 Меаt:tоеаtогпоttоеаt?

з:::Lпuiаа#d NeW 1iпk found Ьеtwееп humanS

1 АпsWег theSe quеStiОпS.
and Mad CoW Disease
і W7hаtis MadCow і Mad Cow DiseaSe is а deadly illnesS of the 4o the оррогtuпitу of а dгор in ргiсеS to enjoy
Ьгаiп and it is the поп-tесhпiса1 temi fог BSE Ьееf in а way they could not in the раSt. Fast
ог BoVine Spongifom Епсерhаlitis. This is food StОгеS а11 оvег Еuгоре haVe Ьеguп to
2 Vmat causes it?
so dimcult to Say that jоumа1ists and even mагkеt а new (апd they claim eVen tаstiег)
3 what аге the sуmрtоms? VегSiоп of thеiг рорulаг Ьuгgег, the
5 some dосtогS ргеfег the mоге Vivid Mad CoW
4 Is it fatal in humапs? Disеаsе. It is ЬеliеVеd .о Ье caused When 45 `VеgiЬuгgег', which does not contain mеаt.
coWs eat food made fгоm the Ьопеs and Scientists wогkiпg in Вгitаiп have noW
огgапS of diseaSed апimа1s, раг.iсulагlу рuЬlishеd eVidence in the Science jоumа1
2 Read the text quickly and
shеер. CowS аге ЬаSiса1lу Vegetahan and the Nоfz{ге сhаt could shoW Mad Cow Disease
check уоuг апsWегS.
1О ро1iсу of fагmегs in Вгitаiп of feeding them а and CJD аге cloSely соппес.еd. They say
сhеар, mеаt-Ьаsеd diec Seems to Ье 50 Ьгаiп ргоtеiпs linked With Ьоth diseaSes show
геsропsiЬlе fог Mad Cow Disеаsе. Vегу с1оsе similаhtiеS. This could ехр1аiп
When the diseaSe арреагеd in the 1990S, it Why реор1е dеVе1ор CJD аftег eating meat
cauSed а huge сопtгоVегSу, Ьut it had ЕгSt fгоm coWS infected with ВSЕ. The геsеагсh
і5 Ьееп disсоVегеd in coWS in the late 1980S. could also explain Why реор1е пеVег got CJD
Мапу реор1е Ьеgап to Ье аfгаid to еа. Ьееf 55 fгоm eating shеер, which а1Sо Suffег fюm а
ЬесаuSе it waS not known Whеthег сhе kind of `mаd sheep disеаSе' . We do not Shаге
disease could Ье caught Ьу humans who ate the рго(еiп `ргiоп' With shеер, Ьut it is
meat fгоm infected соwS. The disease in its Something реор1е and coWs have in соmmоп.
2o human fогm is known as Сгеutzfеldt JаkоЬ What happens exactly when human Ьеiпgs
Disease ог СJD, and it Ьесаmе fаmiliаг to the 6o get the disеаsе? The key Seems to Ье the
gепега1 рuЬliс, not оп1у in Вгi.аiп Ьut а1Sо in ргоtеiп ргiоп. Nomial ргiопS аге imрогtапt if
Еuгоре, when SеVегаl реор1е Wеге thought to •hе Ьгаiп is to function погmаllу. When
have died fгоm the diseaSe аftег eating Ьееf things go wгопg With ргiоп, hоwеVег, the
infected With ВSЕ.1п 1996, Sеvегаl Ьгаiп ЬесоmеS sропgе-likе, Which is а1sо
Еuгореап goVemments Ьаппеd the imрогt of 65 What happenS in coWS Who Suffег fгоm Mad
Ьееf рюduсts fгоm Вгitаiп. This action CoW Disеаsе. Sciemist РгоfеSsог Кгаkаuег
caused оutгаgе in Bhtain in the рорulаг ргеSs and his colleagueS haVe Ьееп ехрlогiпg
and amongst govemmem miпistегS, Who genetic similагitiеS Ьеtwееп humans and
continued to с1аim the 1iпk Ьеtwееп Mad соWs. `Wе needed tO Ёпd а similагitу we Shаге
Cow DiseaSe and CJD had пос Ьееп sсiепtif- 7o with cattle thаС we dоп't shаге with Shеер,' Said
iса11у ргоvеп. Кгаkаuег, `апd thаt's What we haVe fоuпd. '
The Bhtish govemment now admits сhаt They соmрагеd coW ргiоп geneS and human
реор1е might get Сгеutzfе1d. JаkоЬ fгоm ргiоп genes to those found in оthег апimаls,
35 eating Ьееf, аftег Scientists found Symptoms Such aS Sheep and mопkеуs. They found two
of СJD, which is always fаtа1, in Сеп viсtims, 75 stгikiпg SimilагitiеS in соWs, humапS,
Since thеп, me saleS of Ьееf haVe dгорреd chimpanZeeS and gогillаS. Scientists Ьеliеvе
dгаmаtiсаllу, ехсер( amongst the роогег these Ппdiпgs `hаvе to Ье taken sегiоuslу aS
mеmЬегs of the соmmuпiіу, who have taken they аге the Ягst that 1iпk humans with саttlе' .

Unit ,,

5 What do we know аЬоut mad sheep disеаsе?

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
А It is dапgегоus to humапs.
|п Рагt 2 of the геаdiпg ехаm, you have to апSwег В 1с could Ье fа[аl.
fоuг-орtiоп multiр|е choice questionS аЬоut а С It is similаг to Mad Cow Disеаsе.
tехt. This type of exam queStion tests уоuг аЬilitу: D It cannot cause СjD.
-tо uпdегStапd the gепега| meaning of the tехt. 6 Ргiоп is ргоtеiп found in
-tо uпdегstапd details of the tехt. А sheep and соws.
-tо iпfег meaning fгоm сопtехt. (Whаt doeS the В реор1е and shеер.
wгitег mean Ьу t.t caUsed оutгаgе in |iпе 28?) С cows and реор1е.
-tо uпdегstапd геfегепсеs in the tехt. (whо ог D а пumЬег of апimаls.
what doeS they геfег to in |iпе 49?)
7 What does the passage suggesC аЬоut оuг
• Read the questions fiгst and decide whеthег
uпdегstапdiпg of Mad Cow Disеаsе?
they аге asking fог detailed ог gепега|
А we know little аЬоut the геа1 саusеS.
iпfогmаtiоп. UпdегIiпе key Wогds.
В Тhеге is по dапgег in eating mеаt.
• Read the text quickly to uпdегstапd the gепега| С Little ргоgгеss has Ьееп made Ьу sсiепtists.
mеапiпg. Uпdег|iпе key wогds that аге D we know things we did not know Ьеfоге.
connected to the quеstiопs.
• Read the text mоге сагеfullу, |ооkiпg at the
4 Find Wогds in the text that mеап:
queStionS at the Same timе.
• Begin tO chOose уоuг апswегs. |f you get Stuсk, - а ргоЬlеm which реор1е discuss а 1оt and disаgгее
е|imiпаtе those options fог which thеге is по аЬоut фагаgгарh 2)
evidence in the tехt.
- to say Sоmесhiпg is tгuе although оthегs may not
• Look fог synonyms fог wогds in the text in the ЬеliеVе you ог you have по eVidence fог what you say
(рагаgгарh 2)
quеStiопs. - deadly (рагаgгарh 3)
• Dоп't |еаvе апу questions uпапSwегеd. If you
- gone down (рагаgгарh 3)
гuп out of timе, guеss! - геаsопs fог thinking something is tгuе ог not tгuе
• Сhесkуоuг апswегs atthe епd.
(рагаgгарh 4)
- connected (рагаgгарh 4)
- to wогk, орегаtе (рагаgгарh 5)
З Fог questions 1-7, chooSe the соггесt апsWег А, В, С ог D.
- реор1е who wогk tоgеthег (рагаgгарh 5)
1 we use the ехргеssiоп Mad Cow Disease Ьесаusе
А it is mоге ассuгаtе.
В it is еаsiег to sау.
С it links cows with реор1е. speakEng
D it sounds less sсiепtiЁс.
1 Discuss these quеStiопs.
2 Cows аге infected with the disease Ьесаusе
А they need а vеgеtагiап diеt. when was the last time you ate mеаt?
В they аге fогсеd to eat dead shеер. How often do you eat mеаt?
С they eat meat fгоm infected соws. Аге you influenced Ьу пеgасivе news герогts аЬоut mеас?
D they аге fed рагts of diseased апimа1s.
2 Wогk in раiгS. Опе student is fог eating meat and the
3 As а геsult of Mad Cow Disease
оthег аgаiпst. Make а list of points to Suррогt уоuг
А реор1е have sіорреd eating mеаt.
агgumепt and then tгу and регSuаdе уоuг рагtпег that
В good meat haS Ьесоmе ехрепsivе.
С роог реор1е аге eating mоге Ьееf. you аге гight. Та|k аЬоut the topicS Ье|oW.

D а new kind of ЬееП>uгgег has Ьееп iпVепtеd. health cost attitude to animals
taste vагiеtу
4 Scientists Ьеliеvе С]D
А is caused Ьу eating Ьееf.
В may Ье caused Ьу eating shеер's mеа(.
С is caused Ьу lack of ргоtеiпS.
D may Ье caused Ьу eating Ьееf.

* Меаt: to eat ог not to еаt?

Use of Еп9IЕsh То save What I.iгds We have Ieft

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
When you join the |пtегпаtiопа| Вiгd SОсiеtу, уоuг
Рагt 2 of the Use of Епg|ish exam is
mеmЬегshiр (1) _ make а poSitive diffегепсе
text with fifteen spaceS which you
ave to соmр|еtе With ап to Ьiгds еvегуWhеге -еvеп if the оп|у ones you
арргоргiаtе Wогd. This рагt of the See аге the ЬIuе tits, гоЬiпs and (2) _ fаmiliаг
xam focuSeS оп gгаmmаг and fгiепds that арреаг in уоuг gагdеп.
Fог While the SOciety Wогks tiге|еsslу (З) _ Ьiгds,
Read the whо|е text quickly to wildlife and the епviгопmепt (4) _ hоmе, some of оuг moSt
uпdегStапd the gепега| uгgепt Wогk is done аЬгоаd -sаviпg Ыгds uпdег thгеаt
mеапiп9. (5) _ ехtiпсtiоп.
Read the text аgаiп, this time
|Ооkiпg at the Spaces and the Оп]у опе in five suгvЕvеs
wогds just Ьеfоге and аftег The wild Ьiгd tгаdе is а cauSe of ргеssiпg сопсегп. Fог еvегу Wild
thеm. Decide What kind of wогd Ьiгd sаvеd, up to fоuг Ьiгds (6) _ diеd: |t's с|еаг that this
is missing (ргероsitiоп, агtiсlе, kind of S|аughtег сап't go (7) _ fогеvег. Вiгds Iike the
ргопоuп, VегЬ еtс). mо|uссап, the paIm cockatoo and the hyacinth macaW аге just а
• Check уоuг апswегS Ьу геаdiпg
(8) _ of the species noW so IoW in пumЬегs thаt, (9) _
the соmр|еtеd tехt, Does it make tгаррiпg сопtiпuеS, they may Soon Ьесоmе ехtiпсt.
• Check the speIling of уоuг Who has the гight to Wipe out а sресiеs?
апSwегs. The Еuгореап Community is (1О) _ Wог|d's ЫggеSt imрогtег
of Wild Ьiгds. This is Ьоth uппесеSSагу and hуросгitiса|: the

1 Fог queStionS 1-і 5, геаd the text

tгаdе in wild Еuгореап Ьiгds haS (11) _ Ьаппеd fог many
oppoSite and and think of the Wогd уеагs. МогеоVег, it is the гiсh, imрогtiпg соuпtгiеs who ргоfit
Which ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. USe only most fгоm the tгаdе.
опе Wогd in each Sрасе.
ТО fight (12) _ shameful ехрIоitаtiоп, the |пtегпаtiопа| Вiгd
society has aSked fог а Ьап оп the
imрогt of wild, caught Ьiгds
2 What kinds of Wогds аге missing fгоm
the tехt? Put the Wогds uпdег the (13) _ the Еuгореап
fо||оWiпg headings and add ехtга соmmuпitу. With уоuг
headings if песеSSагу. mеmЬегshiр and suррогt, we
-аuхiliагу vегЬs
Ье|iеvе we (14) _ do it.
-ргероSitiопS Join us and thеге'|| (15) _
-агtiсlеs mоге Ьiгds to see ... еvегуwhеге.

What is the рuгроSе of this аdvегt?

How doeS it tгу to регSuаdе the геаdег?
Аге you conVinced Ьу the агgumепts? IntemationaI Вiгd Sосiеtу,
56 Willingham Rоаd,
London NW8 52G

Unit ,,

Мапу vегЬs, nounS and adjectives usuа||у go with
рагtiсulаг ргероsitiопs.
Не inSisted оп making h.IS point in the тееtiпg.
|'т Sоггу fог Shouting at уои |аSt пight.
The Sеагсh fог the missing gо|d continued fог thiгtу уеагS.

some ргероsitiопs аге made up of two ог thгее wогds.

I haVe а Small gагdеп in fгопt of ту hоUSе.
Тhеге'S по food in the fгidgе, арагI fгот а Ьit of сhееSе.

1 Put the VегЬs in the Ьох into gгоuрs, ассогdiпg to Which 3 Put the nounS in the Ьох into gгоuрS, ассогdiпg to
ргероsitiоп they аге fо||оWеd Ьу. Some VегЬS сап Ье Which ргероsitiоп they аге fо||оWеd Ьу. Some nouns
fо||оWеd Ьу mоге than опе ргероsitiоп. сап go With mоге than опе ргероSitiоп.

т lР:]:а8::еh а±::ГsstеthС]ГпаkГ8:st[::ks:Ос==dd :а:ЬЬ:]:::: й „ , „quаггеl need Ьап connection апswег effect

:,I,'і+еsресt comment exception сuге iпtгоduсtiоп # nq
t:' аггivе send tell геmiпd геfег wam саге hope ге1у ;;іi\}+(;і sеагсh demand геlаtiопshiр гер1у loyalty dеsiге
: depend Ье1опg meet leam Н11 соVег shаге tгаvеl л\t л'' damage геsропsiЬilitу attack sympathy link . т ,,^і

fог of in to аьоut at оп with 4 Соmр|еtе these jokes using ап арргоргiаtе ргероsitiоп

in each Sрасе.
care аггiuе iпSis1; сhагgе
1 why do реор1е in Вгitаiп eat hsh (1) _ Fгidау?
Because it will go off (2) _ Мопdау.
2 Match the adjectives оп the |еft With the ргероsitiопs
2 Two fгiепds took thеiг sandwiches (3) _ а рuЬ
they go With. Some adjectives сап go With mоге than опе
and sat down (4) _ а tаЬlе to eat thеm. The
Ьагmап came up (5) _ whеге they wеге Sitting
ап8гу and sаid, `Гm sоггу, Ьut уоu'ге not allowed to eat
sоггу уоuг own food (6) _ the рuЬ.'
tiгеd of `Nо ргоЬlеm,' said опе of the men (7) _ the
сараь1е Ьагmап. `1'11 just swap my sandwiches (8) _ my
ргерагеd fгiепd's.,
diffегепt to
3 wаitег: How did you End уоuг stеаk, siг?
Сustоmег: Easy - it was (9) _ the роСаtо.
аfгаid аьоut 4 The Ьеst way to imргоvе а vеgеtаЬlе diппег is
ьогеd (10) _ а Ьig, juicy stеаk.
5 The орега Siпgег Madame Sсhumапп-Неiпk was
wгоп8 Sitting (11) _ а геstаuгапt tаЬlе (12) _ ап
епогmоus steak (13) _ hег. Сагusо, the famous
infected with
tепог, passed (14) _ and looked (15) _ hег
in аmаZеmепt.
Wоггiеd `Suгеlу, Madame Sсhumапп-Неiпk, уоu'ге not going
ргоud to eat that steak а1опе?'
excited `Сегtаiпlу поt,' she герliеd. `(16) _ роtаtоеS.'

6 Сustоmег: wаitег, wаitег, whаt's this fly doing

(17) _ my sоuр?
Wаitег: Swimmiпg, siг.

* Меаt: to eat ог not to еаt?

VосаЬulагу З Апswег theSe questionS аЬоut the


Food and fагmiпg 1 why does ргоduсiпg meat cause

1 Match the Wогds in |ist А With thеiг definitionS in |ist В. 2 How сап the геаdег help to solve
the ргоЬ1еm?
А в
hагVеs[ the killing of many апimаls, often сгuе1lу 3 HoW will the meat iпdustгу геасt
if mоге реор1е stop eating mеаt?
сегеа1 animals kept оп а fагm
slаughtег food like wheat and com
stагVаtiоп to саге fог animals in огdег to uSe them fог food 4 Wогk with а рагtпег. DiscuSs уоuг
аdjus[ tеггiьlе геасtiопS to the аdvегtisеmепt. Do
shameful to change you find its агgumепts fог not
livestock gаthегiпg сгорs оп а fагm eating meat регSuаSivе?
геаг chicken and оthег fагmЬiгds
роultгу dying Ьесаusе of 1асk of food
5 Match Wогds fгоm |ist А With wогds
fгоm |ist В to make compound
2 Find the Wогds fгоm |ist А in the аdvегtismепt Ье|оW. Uпdег|iпе them
поuпs. vou сап use Some of the
and check the meanings ассогdiпg to the сопtехt.
Wогds mоге than опсе.

А в
рогk ьееf
гоаst chop
JUSткILLшGАNINLАLS. ьоilеd го11
cheese ьuгgег
sаusа8е soup
Meat is not сhеар. hо[ pie
Арагt fгоm coSting the 1ivеS of countleSS millionS of animals ham е88
each уеаг, its ргоduсtiОп is also causing StагVаtiоп fог millionS mince Steak
of реор1е а11 ovег the Wог1d. арр1е sandwich
HoW сап the ргоduсtiоп of food геsult in реор1е going huпgгу? tomato meat
Because оvег half the wогld's сегеа1 hагvеSt is fed to livestock fгiеd
Ьеiпg геагеd fог S1аughtег, and not to mеп, Women and lаmь
And it takeS а full 3 lЬs of that
gгаiп to ргоduсе just 1 1Ь of
роultгу. Ог 101Ьs of gгаiп to
yield а mеге 1 1Ь of iпtепSivе1у
геагеd Ьееf.
It's а shameful Waste of
Опе that you сап hе1р to
соггесt Ьу геjесtiпg meat fгоm
уоuг diеt.
BecauSe the mоге реор1е who
go vеgеtагiап, the mоге the
аgгiсultuга1 iпdustгу Will Ье
fогсеd tO adjust its methods of
орегаtiоп and геduсе its
ргоduсtiоп, as demand fОг meat
goes d0Wп.

Unit 7,

6 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the fо||оWiпg hеаdiпgs: speaking
-VеgеtаьIеS Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and discussion
1 Wогk with а рагtпег and do the task Ье|оw.
\\іі саЬЬаgе veal реа Ьсап сhеггу muttЬп реррегI
tііt Вгussеls sргоut plum lаmЬ аргiсоt реаг gгаре Уоu and уоuг рагtпег want to get inVolved with ап
епViгопmепtаl gгоuр Ьut you сап оп1у аffогd а limited
tапgегiпе mushгооm гаisiп Ьееf wаtегmеlоп steak
amount of time and mопеу. Та1k аЬоut the diffегепt
ham melon onion саггоt саuliПоwег peach
gгоuрs shown in the рiсtuгеs Ьеlоw and decide
pumpkin соuгgеttе рогk tоgеthег which опе you will Ьоth jоiп. Think аЬоut
these issuеs:
7 ChooSe thгее of уоuг fаVоuгitе food items fгоm each - how uгgепt the ргоЬlеm is
gгоuр. When do you eat them -аt ЬгеаkfаSt, |uпсh
- how imрогtапt ic is fог уоuг соuпtгу/fог the wогld
(middау mеа|) ог diппег (еvепiпg mеаI)? Соmраге уоuг gепега11у
апSWегS With а рагtпег. - how effective уоuг Suррогt would Ье

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1

1 Е You Will hеаг реор|е taIking in five diffегепt

SituаtiопS. Fог queStionS 1-5, chooSe the ЬеSt апSwег
А, в ог с.

1 Listen to this woman talking at wогk. what does

she tеасh?
А keep Et с1аssеs
в athletics [' п`i,+ I

С сооkегу
Join the campaign
2 You hеаг this сопvегsаtiоп in the Stгееt. what does
the man want the woman to dо?
А join а political рагtу
В go оп а ргоtеst mагсh г,If'о#ъ,'?р:'; ,,`! I

С wгitе а lеttег to the пеwsрарегS

3 Listen to these two реор1е tаlkiпg. whеге аге thеу? f 'чла}'j iuфЫ й" #::Л Ж # # #~Ё F# $КЁ
№"### Ш4:ГчЦ:,.9{`, 5i
А in а геstаuгапt
$щв&9 # ЁЁ#фЁ#
В in а fast food геstаuгапt The Тigег Action Gгоuр іs dedicated to the рго`есtiоп of this Ьеаutiful сгеаtuге
Р|еаSе Send donations tо: 29 Могпіпg Сгеsсепt, Lопdоп, Nwi 2ВР
С in а Ьutсhег's

4 Listen to this man talking оп the рhопе. why is he

рhопiпg? 2 DiscusS theSe quеStiопS.
А to сапсе1 а mее{iпg what аге the Ьiggеst ecological and social ргоЬlеms in
В to аггапgе а meeting L,`': ! l
уоuг соuпtгу at the mоmепt?
С to сопhгm а meeting Do you think gгоuрs 1ikе the ones аЬоVе аге usеful? If
поt, why поt?
5 Listen to this сопVегSаtiоп. what аге they dоiпg?
Аге you а mеmЬег of а ргеssuге gгоuр? what does the
А making а Chinese meal
gгоuр dо? what do you dо?
В ргерагiпg fог а diппег рагсу
с making tea

* Меаt: to eat ог not to еаt?

VосаЬulагу Wгitiпg
Рhгаsа| vегЬs (fооd ) Exam ргасtiсе: Magazine агtiсIе

give up go off гuп out А good агtiс|е has the foIIoWing fеаtuгеs.
put оп cut up cut down • іt haS ап iпtегеStiпg titlе.
• The fiгSt |iпе аttгасts the геаdег'S аttепtiоп.
1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬs аЬоVе. • |t is wгittеп in а StyIe that is арргоргiаtе to the
1 wе'Vе of сhееsе. I'11 have to go and get some
• |t tгiеs to регSuаdе ог епtегtаiп the геаdег.
2 I'Vе two kiloS since I stopped playing • |t is огgапizеd into рагаgгарhs.
ьаskеtьаll. • |t useS арргоргiаtе Iinking wОгds.
3 This Ьееf smells аwful; it must haVe l • іt haS а гапgе of gгаmmаг and VосаЬulагу.
4 Аftег the Mad Cow Disease sсаге, а lot of реор1е
• It ends With а good concIusion that summагizеS
eating meat соmрlеtеlу.
5 Веfоге you put the рогk in the рап it should Ье the main роiпts.
into little рiесеs.
6 i?7=ilоt Stopped eating meat соmріеtеіу, ьut
1 Read thls quеStiоп.
Ап intemational student magaZine is inVestigating the
Wогds often confused Меаt: to eat ог not to еаt?
Use ideas fгоm the texts in this 1еssоп to wгitе уоuг
ргiсе wогth coSt VaIue агtiсlе fог the mаgаZiпе. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 18О
2 Соmр|еtе theSe sentences using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the Wогds аЬоVе. NoW геаd the mоdе| апSWег oppoSite and chooSe fгоm
the fо||оWiпg SentenceS the опе Which ЬеSt fits each
1 Оuг local museum has а collection of
2 I Ьоught this jacket in the sales fог а Vегу good А So thеге is по easy апSwег to the quеstiоп.
В Аftег Mad CoW Disеаsе, who has not Ьееп tempted
3 The _ of геЬuildiпg the city will Ье епогmоus. to stop eating mеаt?
4 will the _ of my ргорегtу go down if they С Оп the оthег hапd, thеге аге агgumепts fог eating
Ьuild а fасtогу пеагЬу? mеаt.
5 The of houses has gone up shагрlу in the laSt D FiгStlу, thеге is а lot of eVidence now that meat is
few уеагs. ьаd fог уоu.
6 I thought the гiпg was made of gоld, Ьut it tuгпеd
out to ье
7 I have Ьоught afty роuпds' of dгiпk fог the
рагtу. Do you think that will Ье епоugh?
8 This саг was а геа1 Ьагgаiп; it оп1у _ me а
thousand роuпds.

Unit 7,

3 Соггесt the gгаmmаг, Sре|Iiпg and punctuation of the

Меаt: tO eat ог not to еаt?
Studепt'S апSWег.
(1) _ НоWеVег, thеге is по eaSy апsWег to the
quеStiоп. Some реор1е Say meat is Ьаd fог us; оthегs
claim meat is esSential fог оuг hеаlth. So Whеге does 4 Now it'S уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг oWn апSWег to the
the tгuth 1iе? quеStiоп, Wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 Wогds.

(2) _ Ехрегts Say геd mеаt, Such as Vеаl, сап Ье

hагmful: if you eat а lot of it, you may dеVе1ор hеагt
рюЬ1еms. white mеаt, such aS рогk ог сhiсkеп, is not
as Ьаd, ассогdiпg to the ехрегts. Fuгthегmоге, it is
агguеd Ьу апti-mеаt-еаtiпg gгоuрS that if mоге реор1е
switched to а Vеgеtагiап diеt, thеге Would Ье 1еSS
Mad COw Disease is vегу sегious and уеt, as
stагVаtiоп in the wогld.
with many sегious ргоЬlеms, реор1е make
jokes аЬоut it. Complete this jоkе, using опе
(3) _ 1п the caSe of сhildгеп, dосtогs аgгее that wогd fОг each sрасе.
they need а Ьа1апсеd diet to hе1р them gгоW. Meat
Тhеге аге two cows (1) _ а Held somеwhеге
ргоvidеS а гапgе of ргоtеiпs and vitamins that аге
еsSепtiа1 fог а hеа1thу Ьоdу. Fiпаllу, а1thоugh I (2) _ Вгitаiп. Опе cow says (3) _ the
оthег, `Агеп't you wоггiеd (4) _ it а11?' The
регsопаl1у dоп't eat meat Vегу оftеп, many реор1е
think it is the moSt епjоуаЬlе and Satisfying type of
second cow герliеs, `WОггiеd? (5) _ whаt?'
`You kпоw,' says the Нгst соw, `whаt they аге
food thеге is.
Saying (6) _ us (7) _ the пеwsрарегs
(4) _ Регhарs а геаsопаЬ1е соmргоmisе Would Ье and (8) _ ТV.' `Whаt аге they sауiпg?' asks
to sау, `Yеs, eat meat -Ьut dоп't оVегdо it! ' the second соw. `Yоu kпоw,' апswегs the Нгst
соw, `thаt we cows аге а11 а Ьit mad and that we
2 Неге is а studепt's апSWег to the quеstiоп. Read it
suffег (9) _ Mad Cow Disеаsе.' The second
cow герliеs, `Whаt's that got to do (10) _
quiсklу, and give it опе of the fо||оWiпg gгаdеS. USe the
сгitегiа in the Ьох oppoSite to hе|р you dесidе, mе? I'm а duсk.,

Vегу good Good Sаtisfасtогу Uпsаtisfасtогу Why do you think реор1е joke аЬОut things
like this?
МGаЪ: to eat ог not ъо еаt?
ТhGгG агG many good Ъhiпk5 WG сап бау fог гііGаt апс]
thG fiГ5Ъ аПсЯ tO mУ ОРiПiОП ЪhG ГТ105t imРОЪаПЪ i5 it
tа5ЪG5 fапЪа5Ъiс; I IikG mGаЪ and wG Gat iЪ а Iot to my
hоu5G, my fаVоuгiЪG kiпсJ5 of mGаЪ iб thG mGаЪ fгоm
thG pig I IoVG thG рогkу and mаiп|у Wiъh роъаъоGб and
lОt5 Of 505G. FОГ П1G ЪhG аП5wGГ iП Ъhiб quGбЪiОП iб а
ЬiПg УG5! | ЬGlivG ЪhаЪ i5 9ОГГУ fОГ thG аПimа|5 ЬuЪ i5
tгuЪh wG агG hапЪGг5. man i5 hапtGг (апс* in noW а
с]ау5 апс] ЪhG woman i5! апсЯ fог ЪhG5G again | am
бауiпg уG5 I Will а|wауб Gat thG mGаt.

|t i9 Ьаd ЪhG апimа|5 гtlu5t to 5аffGг fог thi5 апс] of

с;оuгgG thi5 i5 thG Ьаd WiЪh mGаt; Whioh I haVG tо|с1
and ЬGfогG Ьut WhаЪ WG сап dо? ThGy а1е;о 5ау that
mGаЪ mаkGб 5оmG с;оW5 mасЯ -апd 5оmG рGор|G -
Ьut Ъhi5 i5 а Ъhiпk thаЪ iб happGning оп|у in ЪhG
Епg|апс] and anyWay thG ргоmЬ|Gm i5 fiхGсЯ Ьу ЪhG
бС;iGПtiдОб. ОГ 5ООП iЪ Will.

72 ТhероWегапd mаgiсоfdгеаms
Rерог1еd speech and герогtеd qчеsl:iопs

3o Тhеге is Something аЬоut dгеаms that Ieads реор|е to

Ьеliеvе thеге must Ье some meaning Ьеhiпd thеm.
Dгеаms have агоusеd оuг сuгiositу since ancient timеS.
Fоuг thousand уеагs Ьеfоге Fгеud was Ьогп, Egyptian
ргiеsts cIaimed to Ье аЬ|е to iпtегргеt dгеаms and they
35 Ье|iеvеd that dгеаms could fОгеtеII the futuге. Агistоtlе,
in the fоuгth сепtuгу ВС, геgагdеd dгеаms as ап еагIу
і If апу Ьооk in the twentieth сепtuгу сап Ье said to haVe wагпiпg system аЬоut the state of оuг hеаIth.
Ьгоught аЬоut а геvо|utiоп in the way we thiпk, it is
The Iпtегргеtаtiоп of DгеатS Ьу S.іgтuпd Fгеud
himsе|f sаid, 'It contains the most Vа|uаЬ|е of
5 disсоVегiеs | haVe had the good fОгtuпе to What cauSes dгеаms and what do they mеап? А touch
Ьооk waS рuЬ|ishеd fог the fiгst time in 190 ог а sound may Ьесоmе рагt of а dгеаm if it оссuгS
опе huпdгеd уеагs |аtег it has Ьесоmе а с|аSsiс. lt 4o duгiпg dгеаm регiods. Оvег the сепtuгiеs, people have
changed the way we think аЬоut SIeep and dгеаms ЬеIiеVеd dгеаms аге Ьгоught оп Ьу the wеаthег, the
fогеVег. But how did it аI| Stагt? Stагs, the DеVil, iпdigеstiоп, а knocking at the dОог,
vегу Stгiсt рагепts and even рiсklеS. Dгеаms may
ехргеss imрогtапt Wishes and fеагs of the dгеаmег.
45 НоWеvег, dгеаms аге so регSопаI that deep down many
іо Оп the night of 24 July 1895, Sigmund Fгеud had ап of uS may Ье quite pIeaSed that they cannot Ье fully
unusuaIIy |опg and vivid dгеаm. Не dгеаmt that he waS ехрlаiпеd.
giving а рагtу in а Iагgе гооm. Опе of the guests waS а
fеmа|е patient of his, who toId him (iп the dгеаm) that
She Was sегiоuslу ill. Fгеud Ье|iеVеd hег, Ьut felt she Was
і5 not as Sегiоuslу ill as She thоught. Тhеге waS nothing The Scientific study of dгеаms OnIy геа|Iу Ьеgап in 1952,
uпusuа| аЬоut the dгеаm -thе eVents and the peopIe when а геSеагсhег at the UпivегSitу of Chicago
in it Wеге quite огdiпагу. When he Woke uр, Fгеud 5o attached еIесtгоdеS to his Sоп'S Ьоdу and disсоvегеd
Wгоtе down the dгеаm in aS much detail aS he could the existence of RЕМ. This is the регiоd duгiпg sleep
геmеmЬег. Не studied aII of the details сагеfullу and When thеге is гарid еуе mоvеmепt. This is aISo геfеггеd
2о геаlizеd that they wеге not гапdоm -thеу meant to as D-SIеер (ог dгеаm slеер). It haS since Ьееп
sоmеthiпg. GгаduаIIу, he disсоvегеd what he Ье|iеvеd disсоvегеd that we аI| dгеаm, even if we do not
each of the sуmЬоIs in his dгеаm геаIIу mеапt. 55 геmеmЬег оuг dгеаms.

NоWаdауs, if Fгеud wеге to attend а Scientific We have оuг most Vivid dгеаms duгiпg RЕМ, which
сопfегепсе оп dгеаms, he would Ье аЬIе to chooSe Stагts аЬоut 90 minuteS аftег we have faIIen аS|еер. As
25 fгоm а huпdгеd ог so diffегепt thеогiеS аЬоut the we go dеерег into SIеер, We dгеаm mоге often and fог
significance of dгеаms. Dгеаms аге aISo а SuЬjесt Iопgег регiоds. Турiса||у, а регsоп haS fоuг ог five
studied in uпivегsitiеS агоuпd the wогId. Оп the 6o регiоds of D-slеер duгiпg the пight. Dгеаms оссuг
Iпtегпеt, huпdгеds of peopIe shаге thеiг dгеаms With гоughlу еVегу 90 minuteS and аItоgеthег make up
оthег iпtегеstеd рагtiеs. аЬоut 25% of the пight's S|еер.

Uг\`'t 12

Reading and VосаЬulагу 5 Соmр|еtе theSe questionS using опе of the Wогds fгоm
ехегсisе 4 in each Sрасе.

1 Wогk With а рагtпег. What do you Ье|iеVе аЬоut 1 Do you have dгеаms in Ьгight, сlеаг соlоuгs?
dгеаms? Аgгее ог disаgгее With theSe stаtеmепts. 2 Do you Ьеliеvе we сап оuг dгеаms?
3 Do you feel апу _ to know what уоuг dгеаms
1 Dгеаms аге cauSed Ьу the food you еаt.
геа11у mеап?
2 Animals do not dгеаm.
4 Do you fall asleep _ ог immеdiаtеlу?
3 Dгеаms сап ргеdiсt the futuге. 5 Do you think that dгеаms сап what is going to
4 Dгеаms ехргеSs оuг Sесгеt dеsiгеs.
5 Dгеаms арреаг оп1у in Ьlасk and whitе.
6 Dгеаms сап tell you if уоu'ге going to Ье ill.
7 We dгеаm fог fоuг houгs еVегу пight. 6 Wогk With а рагtпег. ASk and апSWег the queStionS аЬоVе,

2 NoW геаd the tехt. Which of the ЬеIiеfs аЬоut dгеаms

аЬоVе аге mепtiопеd?
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1 Rерогtеd Speech
1 In Wгittеп EngIish you make the fо||оWiпg changeS in
З ChooSe fгоm the |ist А-Н the Sentence Which Ьеst
tenseS When you герогt What Someone sаid. Name the
SummагizеS each рагt (1-7) of the tехt. Тhеге is опе
uпdег|iпеd tепSеS. What оthег changeS do you поtiсе?
ехtга sentence Which you do not need to uSе.

А Iпtегеst in the meaning of dгеаms goes Ьасk а 1опg Diгесt speech Rерогtеd speech
1 am sегiоuslу ill., She tо1d him she was
В why it is imрогtапt to discuss уоuг dгеаms.
sегiоuslу ill.
С It is dimcult to decide оп what dгеаms геа11у mеап.
D HoW ап influential Ьооk waS Ьогп. `I'Vе disсоVегеd the Не Ье1iеVеd he had
Е SсiепtiЁс wогk оп dгеаms has оп1у а shогt histогу.
meaning of dгеаms.' disсоvегеdthеmТё;пiпg
F Тhеге is ап епогmоus iпtегеst in dгеаms поwаdауs.
of dгеаms.
G Ап огdiпагу dгеаm сап mean quite а lоt.
Н Тhеге аге diffегепt kinds of slеер. `I'Vе Ьееп haVing some Не said he had Ьееп
stгапgе dгеаms 1аtе1у.' Ё some stгапgе
4 Find Wогds in the text that mеап: dгеаms 1аtеlу.
- caused (рhгаsа1 vегЬ) (рагt 1)
`1 had а dгеаm 1аSt пight.' Не announced that he
- Ьгight, с1еаг (рагt 2)
- slowlу, not suddеп1у (рагt 2) had had а dгеаm the
- Shapes ог оЬjесts which аге used to гергеsепt night Ьеfоге.
Something else (рагt 2) `Wге сап iпtегргеt dгеаms.'
- the imрогtапсе that something has (рагt 3) They claimed they
- awakened iпtегеst in something (рагt 4) s9± iпtегргеt dгеаms.
- dеsiге to know something (рагt 4)
`Уоu must sleep mоге.' she Said I had to S1еер
- decide what something means (рагt 4)
- say what will happen in the futuге (рагt 4) mоге.
- vегу quick (рагt 6)
`If you ± the Не ргоmisеd him that if
- аЬоut (рагt 7)
сопfегепсе next wееk, you he attended the
will hеаг many thеогiеS сопfегепсе the
ь6ut dгеаms., fо1lоwiпg wееk, he
would hеаг many
Hes аЬоut dгеаms.

* The роWег and magic of dгеатS

2 RеWгitе theSe sепtепсеS, changing the diгесt Speech to 4 Неге аге some things реор1е haVe Sаid. Соmр|еtе the
герогtеd Sреесh. герогtеd Speech SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
`1 was having а пightmаге.' опе of the VегЬS Ье|оW in each Sрасе.

не told us announce ask claim ехр1аiп ргоmisе tеl1

`1 had had Similаг пightmагеs as а сhild.'
1 `1 loVe уоu.'
не Said he She _ him she loVed him.
`1'11 take some sleeping рills.' 2 `whеге аге you gоiпg?'
не said Не whеге I was gоiпg.
3 `1 Will get Gгаdе А in the ехаm.'
`Раss me the sаlt, рlеаsе.
She _ she would get Gгаdе А in the ехаm.
She asked me 4 `wе'll give you Ьасk уоuг money sооп.'
`Dоп,t do thаt!, They _ they would give me Ьасk my money
She told him sооп.
5 `I'm getting mаггiеd to Susап!'
Не he was getting mаггiеd to SuSап.
Rерогtеd speech 6 `wе haVe оп1у Ёпishеd ЬесаuSе wе'Vе wогkеd late
еVегу еVепiпg.'
When you герогt something Someone said using а Не _ they had оп1у anished Ьесаusе they had
герогtеd vегЬ in the раSt, you usuaIly сhапgе: wогkеd 1аtе еVегу еvепiпg.
• the tenSe of the VегЬ.
• аdvегЬS of time and pIace (hеге, tht.5 mоггіt.пg).
• ргопоuпs (hе, tht.s). VосаЬulагу
You dоп't uSuа||у change the tenSe if:
• the герогtiпg vегЬ is in the ргеSепt. Ехргеssiопs with 5/еер and dгеаm
• the statement is Still tгuе. 1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using the соггесt fогm of
• the diгесt Speech is герогtеd immеdiаtе|у. Sleep ог dгеат.
• the tenSe of the diгесt speech is in the paSt 1 I wоuldп't of asking you to рау.
регfесt, ог containS the modaIs mt-ght, Wоu/d, 2 I had а hапgоVег аftег the рагtу, Ьut l it оff.
СОИld, shОuld, ОИght t0. 3 I had а _ night wоггуiпg аЬоut the ехаm.
4 Не _ up а гidiсulоus р1ап that would пеVег
З Rеwгitе theSe SепtепсеS, changing the герогtеd speech
5 I'm feeling а Ьit _ . Does апуопе mind if I haVe
to diгесt sреесh.
а quick пар?
1 Агistоtlе ЬеliеVеd dгеаms wеге ап еаг1у waming 6 Making that much money is Ьеуопd my wildest
2 The ргоfеSsог explained that the sсiепtiЯс study of 7 I пеVег _ I Would еVег paSs with а gгаdе А!
dгеаms had оп1у Ьеguп in 1952. 8 I сап't decide поw. Сап I _ оп it and let you
3 Fгеud told his colleagues that he had had ап know Соmоггоw?
unusually 1опg dгеаm the night Ьеfоге. 9 The lesson уеstегdау was so Ьогiпg I fell
4 The геsеагсhег said Scientists had аlгеаdу 10 I'vе just Ьееп fог а dгivе in my new саг and it goes
disсоVегеd the existence of RЕМ. like а
5 Rеsеагсhегs Ьеliеvе we would 1еагп mоге аЬоut 11 Dоп't dау_ in с1аss, Smith, and stop уаwпiпg!
оuг dгеаms if we wгоtе them dоwп.
6 Fгеud ЬеliеVеd his Ьооk оп dгеаms contained the
moSt VаluаЬlе of а11 the disсоVегiеs he had made
up to that mоmепt.
7 Dali Said that а lot of his images wеге taken diгесtlу
fгоm his oWn dгеаms.

Unit ,2

speakEng Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 3

1 Fог queStions 1-10, соmр|еtе the Second Sentence So
1 HaVe you еVег had а dгеаm Which iпс|udеd апу of the that it haS а similаг meaning to the fiгSt sепtепсе, using
things shoWn in the рiсtuгеS Ье|оW? the Wогd givеп. Do not change the Wогd givеп. you
must use Ьеtwееп two and five wогds, iпс|udiпg the
Wогd givеп.

1 `Наvе you еvег Ьееп to а рsусhiаtгist?' Агthuг asked

Агthuг asked Магу
2 `whеп waS the laSt time you went to the dосtог?'
Не wопdегеd when she to
the dосtог.
3 `whеге did the сопсегt take р1асе?'
Не wanted to know
4 `wаs it а good mеаl?'
Не asked hег а good mеаl.

5 `Did you meet him last пight?' Сhгis asked Luсу.

Не wanted to know the night
6 `Ноw do you manage оп уоuг Sаlагу?' Не1еп asked
2 Wогk jn раiгS. Student А, геаd the iпfогmаtiоп оп page managed
198. Student В, геаd the iпfогmаtiоп оп page 196. Не1еп соuldп't uпdегstапd
Ехр|аiп the significance of the dгеаms аЬоvе to уоuг sаlагу.
7 `whаt did you do уеstегdау?' asked the old lаdу.
The old 1аdу asked me what
Gгаmmаг ьеfоге.
8 `whаt shall I do with this саt?' Аппа asked hег
Rерогtеd questions
When you герогt quеStiопS, you make the Same should
changes to the vегЬ tепsе, аdvегЬS and ргопоuпS Аппа asked hег mоthег what
that you make when you герогt Stаtеmепts. In саt.
герогtеd questions you use the same WОгd огdег as
in the Stаtеmепt. 9 `Dо you think we should smoke in hеге?'
'Whеге аге yoU fгот?' they
Не aSked hег thеге.
Не aSked Whеге і WaS fгот.
10 `Наvе you еvег Ьееп to the Ьаllеt?'
\і\іhеп thеге is по wh-wогd in the diгесt speech
quеstiопs, you use t.f/whеthег. She wопdегеd
'Аге уои dгiviпg to Wогk this тотiпg?' he аSkеd. to the Ьа1lеt.

Не aSked if/Whеthег l WaS dгiviпg to Wогk that


* The роWег and magic of dгеатS

1 Look at this рiсtuге Ьу SаIVаdог Dа|i
and dеSсгiЬе it. USe ехргеSsiопS fгоm
the Ьох Ье|оW.

Useful lап9uа9е
In the fогеgгоUпd ,,.
In the Ьасkgгоипd ..,
ln the top гight hand согпег .,.
In the Ьоttот |еft hand согпег ...
Опthегight,,. ОпthеIеft...
ln the middle ,..
At the top . . .
JuSt аЬоVе... JUst ЬеIоW...

2 Fог queStionS 1-10, геаd the text ЬеIоw. USe the Wогd given in capitals
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 5
at the end of each |iпе to fогm а wогd that fits in the Space in the
Рагt 5 of the USe of EngIish exam is Same Iiпе.

а text with sрасеS. Уоu have to

соmр|еtе the text Ьу making ап
sаlvаdОг Dali
арргоргiаtе wогd fгоm the wогd sаlvаdог Dali (1904-1989) was а Spanish
stem you аге givеп. This рагt of the (1) _ and а mеmЬег of the Suггеа1ist рАINт
exam focuseS оп vосаЬulагу. Моvеmепt. Не was Ьогп in FiguегаS in
Саtа1опiа and completed his (2) _ at ЕDUсАтЕ
• Ргераге fог the exam Ьу
the School of Fine Агts in Маdгid. Аftег
|еагпiпg Wогd families and
1929 he Ьесаmе а Suггеаlist, а1thоugh оthег
gгоuрS of Wогds that have the mеmЬегs of the MoVement (3) _ him AccUSE
Same ргеfiхеS (-uп, -t.гі) ог the
of Ьеiпg too (4) _ . Dа1i's paintings аге соммЕRсЕ
same suffixes (-пе5s, -tt'оп). SкILL
famous fог thеiг Ьгilliапt соlоuгs and (5) _
• |п the ехаm, геаd the whо|е
dгаwп dеtаil. His paintings fгоm the 1920s
text quickly to get а gепега| and 30s use dгеаm imаgегу and (6) _ DAY
uпdегStапdiпg of What it is оЬjесts, and ргеsепt them in ап (7) _ wау. USUAL
аьоut. Опе of his most famous paintings is `Тhе
• Read the text аgаiп, this time Регsistепсе of Меmогу', in which watches
looking at the SpaceS and the Seem to haVe mе1tеd in the suп. 1п 1940,
wогds just Ьеfоге and аftег Dali (8) _ to the United Stаtеs, whеге мIGRАтЕ
thеm. Decide What kind of he stayed until 1948. His lаtег paintings often
wогd is missing (поuп, vегЬ, haVe а (9) _ theme and аге mоге RELIGIoN
аdjесtivе, аdvегЬ еtс). (10) _ in stуlе. cLASSIc
• CompIete the spaceS you аге
Suге of fiгst, then go Ьасk
thгоugh the text and complete
the геmаiпiпg SрасеS.
• Check уоuг апswегS Ьу геаdiпg
the соmр|еtеd tехt. Does it
make sепsе?
• Checkthe sре||iпg оfуоuг

Unit 72

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4

3 What do you knoW аЬоut Магtiп Luthег Кiпg's Dгеаm

Магtiп Luthег Кiпg?
1 I still have а dгеаm. It is а dгеаmwhiсh dеер1угооtеd in the Аmегiсап
2 dгеаm. I haVe а dгеаm that опе day this nation will to гisе up and live
4 Fог queStions і-15`, геаd this
3 out the tгuе meaning of its сгееd. we hold these tгuths to Ье sеlf-
4 eVident that а11 men аге Ьееп сгеаtеd еquаl. I haVe а dгеаm that опе
text and Iook сагеfullу at each
Iiпе. Some of the |iпеs аге
5 day in the геd hills of Gеогgiа, the Sons of fогmег slaVes and too the
6 sons of fогmег slaVe оwпегs will Ье аЬ1е to go Sit down tоgеthег at
соггесt, and some haVe а Wогd
7 the tаЬlе of Ьгоthегhооd. I haVe а dгеаm that опе day eVen che
Which Should not Ье thеге. If а
8 state of Мississiррi, а state swе1tегiпg wi(h the heat of орргеssiоп,
line is соггесt, put а tick (/). If
а |iпе haS а Wогd Which Should
9 will Ье tгапsfогmеd iп[о ап oasis of the fгееdоm and justiсе. I haVe а
10 dгеаm that my fоuг little сhildгеп will опе day live in а nation whеге
not Ье thеге, wгitе the Wогd.
11 they will not haVe Ье judged Ьу the соlоuг of thеiг Skin Ьut Ьу thеiг
12 сhагасtег. I haVe а dгеаm today ... with this faith we will and Ье
13 аЬ1е to wогk tоgеthег, to ргау tоgеthег, to stгugglе tоgеthег, to go
14 to the jail tоgеthег, to сlimЬ up fог fгееdоm tоgеthег, knowing
15 that we will Ье fгее опе dау.

|ivеоut=fulfil сгееd=ге|igiоп fогmег=ех SWе|tеhпg=Vегуhоt
орргеssiоп = |асk of fгееdоm

1 What Sогt of paimngs do you |ikе? Look at the paintings оп pages 145,146
and 151. ChooSe the опе you |ikе ЬеSt and tе|| уоuг рагtпег Whу.

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4

2 Е You Will hеаг а сопVегSаtiоп Which takeS pIace in ап агt gа|1егу Ьеtwееп
thгее реор|е, Tim DаVis, his Wife Магgе and thеiг dаughtег Jеппу. АпsWег
queStions 1-9 Ьу Wгitiпg the арргоргiаtе |еttег in the ЬохеS.

т (fогтim DаVis)
М (fог Магgе DаVis)
J (fогJеппу DаVis)

1 who does not like the wогk of mоdегп раiпtегs?

2 who would not like to have the painting at hоmе?
3 who is iпtегеStеd in dгеаms?
4 who wants to Ьuу а роstег?
5 who likes landscape раiпtiпgs?
6 who ргеfегs рiсtuгеS of реор1е?
7 who would like а геst?
8 who is studying агt?
9 who would like something to dгiпk?

* The роWег and magic of dгеатS

VосаЬulагу speaking
Wогds often confused Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and discussiOn

Iie Iay 1 Wогk with а рагtпег and do the taSk Ье|оW.

Imagine уоuг wildest dгеаms could come tгuе! which

1 Соmр|еtе this tаЬ|е With the соггесt fогm of each
thгее dгеаms would you chooSe fгоm the fоllоwiпg?
Wогd. (liе1 = |iе dоWп, liе2 = not to teIl the tгuth,
Те11 уоuг рагtпег аЬоut уоuг choices and explain уоuг
|ау = рut/ргераге)

2 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using опе of the Wогds


1 You _ the tаЬlе while I wагm up the fооd.

2 I'vе пеVег _ to you and I пеVег will.
3 I used to _ аЬоut my аgе, Ьut now I dоп't.
4 Have you еvег _ awake а11 пight?
5 when I came home уеstегdау, I was so tiгеd I just
down оп the Sofa and went to slеер.
6 who the tаЬlе? They fогgоt to put fогks оut.
7 I dоп't think you told the tгuth -уоu _ to mе.
8 Have you _ the tаЬlе уеt?

Рhгаsа| vегЬs with Ьrі.пg

3 Match the рhгаsа| vегЬs in |ist А with thеiг meanings in
list в.

А в
ьгiпg out educate and саге fог а child
Ьгiпg аЬоut cause to fall ог to Ьесоmе leSs
Ьгiпg а1опg take sоmеопе/sоmеthiпg with you
ьгiпg up ргоduсе а new ргоduсt
ьгiпg down cause something to happen

4 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of

опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬS аЬоvе.

1 А1fгеdо was Ьоm in Italy Ьut _ in New Yогk.

2 Oasis haVe _ а new СD. Have you hеагd it?
3 The scandal _ the gоVегпmепt. 2 DiscuSS theSe quеStiопS.
4 The сгisis has Ьееп _ Ьу the соuпсil's mistаkеs.
what аге уоuг геа1 hopes fог the futuге? Аге they
5 If you come to the рагtу, you сап _ а fгiепd.
How аге you going to tгу to fuml these аmЬitiопs?
Do you аgгее that we should `livе fог tоdау' and not
wоггу аЬоut tоmоггоw?

Unit ,2

Wгitiпg 2 Read this апа|уSis of the dгеаm. Wеге you гight?

Соmр|еtе the text using опе Wогd fог each Sрасе.

Exam ргасtiсе: Nаггаtivе composition This was оЬViоuslу а пightmаге. The аге sometimes
means that you аге (1) _ lоVе, Ьut in this
А good stогу has the fо||оwiпg fеаtuгеS: (2) _ it means you аге аfгаid (3) _ emotionS
• ап opening that сарtuгеS the геаdег's attention you аге feeling at the mоmепt. Running away
• а сIеаг Sequence of еvепts, making the stогу (4) _ the Ёге is 1ikе Ьеiпg chased and this often
meanS (5) _ is something you wап( to еsсаре.
easy to foIIoW
Регhарs you have (6) _ Something wгопg and аге
• с|еаг рагаgгарhiпg
fее1iпg (7) _ аЬоut it. Nо[ Ьеiпg аЬ1е to moVe
• dеSсгiрtiопs of реор|е, thiпgs, fее|iпgs, р|асеs shows а fеаг (8) _ Ьеiпg рuпishеd. Flуiпg, of
• а vагiеtу of past tenses соuгsе, means you wish to Ье fгее (9) _ ргоЬlеms
• а miхtuге of герогtеd and diгесt speech and геsропsiЬilitiеs. Fiпаllу, falling to the gгоuпd fгоm
а gгеаt height usually гергеsепts fеаг of (10) _ in
• sequencing wогds
exams ог геlаtiопshiрs.
• ап iпtегеStiпg, Suгргisiпg ог funny ending

З NoW it's уоuг tuгп. Whte а dеSсгiрtiоп of а dгеаm

1 Read this dеSсгiрtiоп of а dгеаm. What do you think (еithег геа| ог made uр). Use theSe queStions to heIp
the dгеаm mеапS? уоu.
was it а пightmаге ог was it а pleasant dгеаm?
whеге did the dгеаm cake р1асе?
Who Was in it?
LаStпight,Ihаdthеstгапgеstdгеаm.ItWаsiп wеге they реор1е you know ог Stгапgегs?
со1оuг, vегу vivid and vегу fГightепiпg. what wеге they dоiпg?
whac wеге you dоiпg?
I dгеаmt I Was 1уiпg in Ьеd аslеер, When
what happened in the dгеаm at the moment you
suddеп1уIstагtеdtоfее1vегуhоt.IWоkеuр Woke uр?
апdfоuпdthеhоuSеWаSопНге.IгапuрStаігS How did you feel duгiпg/аftег the dгеаm?
tоthеtорНоогtоаvоidthеНаmеs,ЬutthеЁге was it in Ьlасk and white ог соlоuг?
4 SWap уоuг dеSсгiрtiоп With а рагtпег'S and апа|уSе
each оthег's dгеаms.
соuldsееthеwhо1еtоwпsргеаdоutЬепеаth А: What did you dгеаm last пight?
mе.ТhепIstагtеdtоfа11,fаstегапdfаstег.I В: I dоп't kпоw. I was asleep at the timе.
WаstоtumdоWпthесепtга1hеаtiпg! А: Why аге you 1ооkiпg at the miггог with
уоuг eyes сlosеd?
В: I want to see what I lOok like when I'm

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt З
*RеviеW: Units 9-12 Fог queStions 16-25, compIete each sentence
So that it haS а Similаг meaning to the fiгst

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 1 sепtепсе, using the wогd givеп. Do not change
the Wогd givеп. you must uSe Ьеtwееп two
Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the text Ье|оw and decide Which апSWег А, and five wогds, iпс|udiпg the wогd givеп.
В, С ог D ЬеSt fits each Sрасе.
16 `Наvе you еvег Ьееп to the dentist
А stгапgе сгеаtuге Ьеfоге?' the dentist asked Реtег.
А 57-уеаг-о1d woman was attacked уеstегdау Ьу what She claims The dentist asked Реtег
waS а hugе, Ьlасk cat as she waS taking hег two dogs fог а walk the dentist Ьеfоге.
пеаг Bodmin Моог. Local police have stагtеd (1) _ into the
iпсidепt, which follows а whole sегiеS of Similаг герогts in (2) _ 17 The епgiпеег came and Ёхеd оuг
washing mасhiпе.
months that аге causing gгаvе (3) _ amongst геsidепts.
Visitогs to the west Соuпtгу have Ьееп advised to (4) _ the had
We гераiгеd.
Bodmin агеа and рагепts have Ьееп told to make suге thеiг сhildгеп
do not р1ау in the агеаs whеге (5) _ have оссuггеd. 18 `whеге did the accident оссuг?'
The latest Sighting (6) _ р1асе оп Sunday moming when Мгs had
Тоап williаms, the wife of а 1оса1 fагmег, с1аims to haVe Ьееп She wanted to know
(7) _ оп the Ьасk of the head Ьу а 1агgе, Ьlасk апimаl, оссuггеd.
(8) _ hег to the gгоuпd. Мгs williams says She caught а 19 I think уоuг hаiг is too 1опg fог the
(9) _ of the сгеаtuге, which (10) _ а 1агgе рumа, aS it was iпtегviеw.
гuппiпg аwау. `whеп I came tо, I saw this hugе, Ьlасk cat 8еt
(11) _ down at mе. I got the fгight of my lifе,' Мгs williams tо1d You Ьеfоге the
герогtегs. iпtегViеw.
Мгs williаms' dеsсгiр[iоп (12) _ that of оthег eyewitness 20 `Did you see Tohn уеstегdау?'
accounts of the `mопstег', which has аррагепtlу Ьееп (13) _ in day
places as fаг арагt as DeVon and Yогkshiге. (14) _ гесепtlу, the Не wanted to know whеthег she
сгеаtuге waS assumed to Ье а wоlf, Ьut the few апimа1 (15) _ ьеfоге.
which have Ьееп found suggest the сгеаtuге is much 1агgег than а
21 The police аге looking into the iпсidепt.
wо1f ог а саt.
С геsеагсh D questions тhе Ьу the ро1iсе.
1 Аquегiеs В investigations
2 Агесепt в late с few D 1аst 22 `Сап We smoke in hеге?' Агthuг asked
3 Apanic в wоггiеs С concem D dапgег магу.
4 Aavoid в escape С геfusе D 1еаVе whеthег
5 А accidents в eVents С incidents D things Агthuг asked 1п
6 Afound вhаd с got D took thеге.
7 Apushed в pulled с tapped D thumped 23 `Dоп'. {оuсh those саkеS!' she said to
8 А knocking в pulling С fаl1iпg D dгоррiпg thеm.
9 Alook в glimpSe С shock D stаге not
10 Alike В геsеmЬlеd С matched D геmiпdеd She told саkеs.
11 Аgгiппiпg в gгоwliп8 Cwatching Dstагiпg
24 They didп't let us 1еаVе the гооm duгiпg
12 Asuits В геsеmЬlеs С matches D goes
the ехаmiпаtiоп.
13 А spotted в watched С caught D chaSed
14 AAS в Until С So D Веfоге
we the гооm
15 Apaths в tгарs С tгасks D ргiпts
duгiпg the ехаmiпаtiоп.
25 `will you Ье going to school tоmоггоw?'
She wопdегеd whеthег he would Ье

Rеviеw: Units 9-,2

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 4

Fог queStionS 26-40, геаd the text Ье|оw and |ооk сагеfullу at each Iiпе. Some of the |iпеS
аге соггесt, and Some haVe а Wогd which Should not Ье thеге. іf а Iine is соггесt, put а tick
(/). |f а |iпе haS а Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

26 If you want to Ёпd out аЬоut sоmеопе's регsопаlitу, опе way of to do it is to
27 take а sаmр1е of thеiг hапdwгitiпg and analyse it; this is саl1еd Ьу
28 gгарhоlоgу. То do gгарhоlоgу ргорег1у, it is imрогtапt to use fаiгlу typical
29 specimens of wгitiпg and not even ones wгittеп especially fог the
30 апаlуsis. Ideally you need sеVега1 of sаmрlеs, which should have Ьееп
31 wгittеп at diffегепt timеS. Веаг in mind that we haVe SеVега1 diffегепt
32 WayS of wгitiпg depending оп to the сiгсumstапсеs. The аddгеss оп ап
33 епvе1оре will usuа11у Ье neat and tidу, while а shopping 1ist might Ье
34 пеаг1у illеgiЬlе! The hапdwгitiпg of many famous реор1е has still
35 Ьееп analysed in this way and the геsults аге often suгргisiпg.
36 The caSe of Shаkеsреаге is well kпоwп. It was disсоvегеd .hаt the
37 gгеаtеst of а11 уоuг wгitегS wаs, ассогdiпg to the sigпаtuгеs we hаVе,
38 viгtuаllу illitегаtе! 1п the caSe of the Van Gоgh, the gгеаt агtist'S famouS
39 sigпаtuгеs at the Ьоttоm of his paintings do seem to геVеаl Something
40 of the emotional state of mind he waS in when he was painted thеm.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 5

Fог questionS 41-50, геаd the text Ье|оW. USe the Wогd given in capitaIS at the end
of each |iпе to fогm а Wогd that fits in the Space in the Same |iпе.

Who is mаd? Cows ог fагmегs?

BoVine Sропgifогm Encephalitis is а (41) _ Ьгаiп DEAD
disогdег found amongst соws. As this medical tегm is almoSt
(42) _ fог the mаjогitу of огdiпагу реор1е to sау, the illness роSSIвLЕ
is (43) _ known aS Mad Cow Disеаsе. popULAR
Mad Cow Disease ЁгSt made its (44) _ in Вгitаiп in the late AppEAR
1980s. 1п the 90s, (45) _ геsеагсh suggested that the ScIENcE
illness could affect humапs, and so mоs. Еuгореап (46) _ GoVERN
Ьаппеd the imрогtаtiоп of Ьееf fгоm Вгitаiп.
what is Mad Cow Disease (47) _ ? Мапу Вгitish fагmегs Еmст
in the 80S fed thеiг cowS food made fгоm the Ьопеs and
Огgапs of оthег апimаls, (48) _ shеер. COws аге ЬаSiсаllу SpEcIAL
(49) _ and it is thought that the mеаt-Ьаsеd diес they VЕGЕтАвLЕ
wеге fed caused the disease ofthe Ьгаiп and (50) _ sуstеm. NERVE

7З GооdiеSапdЬаddiеS
ReIative сIаusеs; used tо/ілиоu/d + iпfiпitivе, Ье/gеf used to + -і.пg `

Reading and VосаЬulагу DеtесtivеS' tеаm. The сhildгеп tгасе and геtuгп ап
аVегаgе of thгее Ьiсус|еS а wееk. In геtuгп they гесеivе а
раsstоthе|оса|swimmiпg роо|. | ,^ ; |
1 Look at the headline of the newS герогt Ье|оw. Using
these quеStiопS, ргеdiсt What the герогt Will Sау.
The young detectiveS аге Нагdе's eyes and еагs and each
1 who is the герогt аЬоut? 2o of them is геsропsiЬ|е fог ап агеа с|оsе to his ог hег
2 what is unuSual аЬоut thеm? hоmе. |f they see anything susрiсiоus, they герогt it to
3 whaC haVe they Succeeded in dоiпg? thеiг сhiеf. Fо|Iоwiпg а гесепt гоЬЬегу in UррSа|а, the
poIice Saw the gеt-аWау саг head into Нагdе's distгiсt.
2 Read the герогt quickly and check уоuг ргеdiсtiопS. | 4 \ | '|gаvеthесагпumЬегtоmусhildгеп,'hе
25 said ргоudlу. 'Withiп ап hоuг and а half l could сопfiгm to
my ЬоsSеS that the саг was not in my distгiсt.'

voung сгimе Ьustегs Еvегу Monday еVепiпg, the detectiveS attend thеiг
tгаiпiпg соuгSеs. They Study the Dеtесtі.Vеs' НапdЬооk,
Win ргаisе Iеагп the агt of fiпgегргiпt Ьгushiпg and Watch поп-
3o viо|епtmуstегус|аssiсs.| ';`7 t | Тhеуагеа|sоsепtоп
fасt-fiпdiпg missiопS. The sсhоо| tгапSfогms the toWn
Swedish ten уеаг oIds аге Ieaming the ways
council dining гооm into а Ьustliпg fогепSiс |аЬогаtогу of
of Shег|осk Но|mеs -апd hе|рiпg to cut сгimе
which shегIосk HoImeS would haVe Ьееп ргоud.
in thеiг home tоWп.
AIex FагпsWогth (StосkhоIm)
The уеаг-Iопg соuгsе is fог twenty young dеtесtivеs, аftег
1Ап elite fогсе of detectives has had а dгаmаtiс effect 35 Whiсhthесhildгеп гесеivеаdiр|оmа. | i,' { |
оп the сгimе гаtе in the SWedish town of UррSа|а. seVenteen аге chosen fог the соuгsе оп а fiгSt соmе, fiгst
But the huпdгеd mеmЬегS of the сгасk Squad аге по SегVеd Ьаsis; the Iast thгее Нагdе chooSeS himseIf fгоm
огdiпагу сгimе Ьustегs -thеу аге onIy ten уеагs оId. The ргоЬ|еm fаmiliеS.
5 уоuпgstегs wогk uпdег Gогап Нагdе, а poIiceman who
haS Ьееп гuппiпg а detective tгаiпiпg соuгsе fог the Ву оffегiпg fuп-fillеd detective сIаSSеS, Нагdе hopes to
раStfivеуеагS.| 'іі ; | Нагdе,а25-уеагVеtегапоf 4o епсоuгаgе а sense of civic геsропSiЬilitу in his pupils and
the fогсе, ЬОаsts that he has 'Опе huпdгеd Smа|| to fоStег а situation in which society сап ро|iсе itsеIf. Не
detectives and the |оwеst сгimе гаtе in tоWп'. с|аims that the detective с|uЬ is mоге than just а noveI
арргоасh to poIice wогk. Не ЬеIiеvеS it is ап investment
іо RесепtJу, When а Woman went missing fгоm ап Ь|d in the futuге. The сhildгеп whO аге inVoIved in the
реор|е's hоmе, Нагdе caIled the IocaI sсhоо| and aSked 45 ргоgгаmmе аге much mоге IikeIy to gгоW into
them to '|еt out his dеtесtivеS'. Within haIf ап hоuг they геSропsiЬ|е |аW-аЫdiпg сitizепS. They aIso get |оts of fun
hаdfоuпdhегsittiпgjпасаfё.| ~\ , { | Whena оutоfthеехрегiепсе. | 't,` ; | Опеуоuпgdеtесtivе,
Ьiсус|е is герогtеd Stоlеп, ап aImoSt daily оссuггепсе in Аппа Еgепаlm, Said she dоеSп't Shаге hег knoWIedge
і5 the uпivегsitу tоwп, Нагdе Sends out his 'Еmil and the With hег fгiепds: 'It'S а Sесгеt,' she dес|агеd.

Unit ,з

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З

3 SeVen Sentences have Ьееп геmоVеd fгоm

the neWS герогt, ChooSe fгоm the SentenceS
А-Н the опе Which fits each gap (1-7).
Тhеге is опе ехtга Sentence Which you do
not need to uSе.

А fhis is а ргеttу imргеSsivе success гаtе

fог the young dеtесtivеs.
В `Тhе Scheme has gгоwп in рорulагitу
it was launched in 1987.
С The соuгsе is so рорulаг that thеге аге
not enough р1асеs fог а11 thoSe who
арр1у and а selection has to Ье mаdе.
D Тhеге was по time to lоsе, so the young
sleuths wеге called iп.
Е It is а11 much mоге fun than огdiпагу
F Нагdе is quick to point out that the
сhildгеп аге пеVег asked to do anything
G They called thеiг ЬоSS, who had hег
геtumеd safely to the о1d реорlе's hоmе.
Н Тhеге is а fее1iпg of Ьеlопgiпg to а
gгоuр with а common рuгроsе.

4 АпsWег these queStionS аЬоut the tехt.

1 which famous detectives аге mentioned

in the tех.? what do you know аЬоut
1 Соmраге and сопtгаSt these рhоtоgгарhs. USe ехргеSsiопS fгоm
2 what types of caSeS аге the young the Ьох Ье|оW.
detectives asked to sоlvе?
3 what skills аге the detectiveS tаught? 2 АпsWег these quеstiопS.
4 what аге the advantages of the young
detectives ргоgгаmmе? what does а роliсеmап/wоmап do in his/hег jоЬ?
5 what kind of wогk could young what аге the qualities of а good роliсеmап/wоmап?
detectives do in уоuг tоwп?
Useful lап9uа9е
5 Find wогds ог рhгаSеS in the text that mеап:
DеSсгiЬiпg рhоtоgгарhs
- the пumЬег of сгimеs committed
Не is оЬViоиS|у ... She muSt ье ...
(рагаgгарh 1) Не Iooks aS if he ...
She тight/соUld Ье ...
- someone who has Ьееп doing а jоЬ fог а
Fгот What I сап See ...
1опg time (рагаgгарh 1)
іt'S difficUlt to Say ЬUt і'd guesS that ...
- ап еVепt, ап incident (рагаgгарh 2)
-thе Ьоss, lеаdег (рагаgгарh 3) Соmрагiпg and сопtгаstiпg рhоtоgгарhs
-агеа, рагt of а city (рагаgгарh 3)
They аге Ьоth photoS of ...
- sоmеwhеге whеге ехрегimепts аге Both photoS аге connected to ...
саггiеd out (рагаgгарh 4) |п this photo ..., whегеаS in the оthег опе ...
- пеw, unusual (рагаgгарh 6) The ЬiggеSt diffегепсе Ьеtwееп the two photoS is ...
Рiсtиге В is Vегу diffегепt ЬесаиSе ...

* GoodieS and ЬаddiеS

Gгаmmаг 2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using а ге|аtivе ргопоuп.

Decide Whеthег they contain а defining ог а поп-
defining ге|аtivе с|аusе and punctuate them
ReIative cIauses
Тhеге аге two kinds of ге|аtivе сIаuSе: defining and 1 А1 Саропе _ family came fгоm Sicily Was а
поп-dеfiпiпg. А ге|аtivе с|аusе Ьеgiпs With а поtогiоus МаЯа lеаdег.
ге|аtivе ргопоuп. The most commOn геIаtivе 2 Eliot Ness was the FBI оmсег _ had А1 Саропе
ргопоuпS аге: аггеstеd.
Used fог Defining Nоп-dеfiпiпg 3 007 is the code name _ was given to james
реор|е Wholthat - who
4 RоЬiп Hood геаl name was RоЬiп of Loxley
+h',пgs wh ichlthat Wh ich
lived in ShегWооd Fогеst.
р|асеs Whеге Whеге 5 Ваkег Stгееt is the Stгееt in London Shегlосk
posSess ion Whose whose но1mеS livеd.
6 Shег1осk Holmes пеVег actually existed was
Vou uSe а defining ге|аtivе cIauSe to give еSsепtiа|
сгеаtеd Ьу Агthuг Сопап Dоуlе.
iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the SuЬjесt ог оЬjесt of the
7 77Zе Л4оиsеJ7ісzj7 is the most successful р1ау _ has
sепtепсе. No commaS аге used Ьеfоге and аftег
еvег арреагеd оп [hе London stаgе.
the геIаtivе сlаusе.
8 The Pinh РапthегWаLS а SегiеS of Я\тS Ln
Сhildгеп Who сотр|еtе the detective соигSе гесеivе а
Iпsресtог С1оusеаu арреагеd.
9 Agatha Сhгistiе _ mуstегу and сгimе noVels аге
Vou use а поп-dеfiпiпg геIаtivе с|аusе to give ехtга Vегу рорulаг died in іg76.
iпfогmаtiОп аЬоut the SuЬjесt ог оЬjесt of the
sепtепсе. Commas аге uSed Ьеfоге and аftег the
З СоmЬiпе these SentenceS using the ге|аtivе ргопоuп in
ге|аtivе сIаuSе.
Нагdе, Who haS Ьееп а ро|iсетап fог 25 уеагS, Wanted
to tгаiп сhildгеп in detective Skills. 1 The detectiue Stогу, шlюSе hего is often а Ргiuаtе
iпUеStigаtог, is а tyPe of туStеі'у Stогу.

1 Соmр|еtе this text using а ге|аtivе ргопоuп in each 1 The detective stогу is а type of mуstегу Stогу. Its
Sрасе. The text is аЬоut а famous EngIish поVе|ist. Who hего is often а ргivаtе iпVеstigаtог. (whоsе)
is it? 2 The detective always solves the сгimе Ьу the end of
the Ьооk. The сгimе is usually а muгdег. (Whiсh)
The English novelist Х, (1) _ most famous 3 А геd hеггiпg is а kind of сluе. А геd hеггiпg 1еаds
сhагасtег is Негсulе Роiгоt, was Ьогп in Тогquау in поwhеге. (thаt)
1&91. The МуStегiоиS Аj:f :аiг at StуlеS, С2.) _Ьеgап 4 The dе[есtivе stогу Ёгst арреагеd еаг1у in the
hег сагеег, арреагеd in 1920. Роiгоt, (3) _ is а сt;rепtiеth сепtuгу. It is also called а `whоduпit'.
Belgian dеtесtivе, is the hего of many of hег mуstегу (whiсh)
stогiеs, some of the most famous of (4) _ аге 77zе 5 Еdgаг А11ап Рое сгеаtеd the wогld's Ёгst dе.есtivе.
Мигdег of Rоgег Асkгоуd 2Lпd Мигdег оп the Огiепt The dеtесtivе's name was Auguste Duрiп. `(whоSе)
ЕхРrеSs. С#77сz3'72, in (5) _ Роiгоt diеs, арреагеd in 6 England has ргоduсеd many famous detective stогу
1975. The thing (6) _ сhагасtегizеs hег stогiеs is wгitегs. А lot of detective stогiеs take р1асе in
the сlеvег рlоts, (7) _ always have а suгргisiпg Епglапd. (whеге)
twist at the епd. The muгdегег often сuгпs out to Ье
the регsоп (8) _ seems the least likely susресt.
Some of hег stогiеs аге set in the Middle Еаst,
(9) _ she met hег husЬапd, (10) _ was а
famouS агсhаеоlоgist. She accompanied hег husЬапd
Со Iгаq and Sугiа, (11) _ /l412і7іс7ег g.7с /И1еsоРоJсz77сG.сz
is sеt.
Х also wгоtе the р1ау 773е/l4lоиsеJ7ісzР, (12) _ has
Ьееп ргоduсеd continuously in London since 1952.

Unit ,3

VосаЬulагу 2 Match the VегЬs With the ргероsitiопS they go With.

аггеSt fог
сгimе сhагgе
accuse of
1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the fо||оWiпg hеаdiпgs: Ёпе
-реор|е Who Ьгеаk the |аW sentence with
-реор1е Who defend the |аW punish
-паmеs of сгimеs suspect to
-р|асеS connected With the |аW ьlаmе
-асtiопS connected With the |аW

З Соmр|еtе this tаЬ|е.

сгimiпаl сulргit accuse геlеаsе оffепdег сhагgе
р егsоп сгimе
ргisоп suspect accused sentence ро1iсе соuгt
detective гоЬЬегу lаwуег mugging fгее ргоsесutог thеft/stеаliпg
aSsaSsination се11 judge juгу convict Ьlасkmаil
Ьuгg1агу witness shорliftег asSassin dгug tгаmсkiпg
ргisопег jail station ьuгglе





Use of Еп9Iish
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 5
1 Fог questionS і-іо, геаd кidпарреd!
this tехt. USe the Wогd
The Меtгороlitап police haVe launched а nationwide hunt fог
given in сарitа|S at the the (1) _ of а wealthy ЬusiпеSsmап, Сhагlеs wеЬstег, who was кIDNАр
end of each |iпе to fогm
held fог гапsоm at the wееkепd.
а Wогd that fits in the
space in the Same |iпе.
The police аге оffегiпg 25 000 pounds fог (2) _ leading to the INFоRм
аггеst of the (3) _ . wеЬStег, chaiman of the famous chocolate сRIмЕ
fасtогу СапdЬеггу Sweets and fаthег of thгее, was геlеаSеd оп Monday
аftег his (4) _ paid а гапsоm of пеаг1у опе million роuпds. The RЕLАтЕ
thгее wап.еd men аге а11 highly (5) _ , escaped сопViсts. DANGER
wеЬstег tо1d (6) _ how his огdеаl Ьеgап last Fгidау moming as JoURNAL
he was оп his way to wогk. The 55-уеаг-оld (7) _ waS dгаggеd вUSINЕSS
fгоm his саг at gunpoint Ьу two men who took him to ап (8) _ кNоw
dеstiпаtiоп. They then telephoned wеЬstег's Ьгоthег, who is also the
family (9) _ , demanding а гапsоm of а million pounds and LAW
waming him not to inVolve the ро1iсе in (10) _ . Оп Monday NЕGотIАтЕ
mоmiпg, the two sides came to а соmргоmisе аgгееmепt and the
kidпаррегs геlеаsеd wеЬstег in exchange fог 850 000 роuпds.

* GoodieS and ЬаddiеS

speakEng Gгаmmаг
Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and discussion t/sеd tо/wоu/d + iпfiпitivе,
Ье/gеt used to + -iпg
1 Match theSe nameS of сгimеs With the рiсtuгеS Ье|оW.
Vou use Used to and wоu/d + infinitive
hij acking Ьапk гоЬЬегу ьuгglагу pickpocketing to tа|k аЬоut past hаЬits that аге now
shорlif[iп8 speeding vandalism
We uSed to go to the сiгсиS еVегу Сhгistтаs.
іп the Sиттег hо|idауS We Wои|d Visit ту
gгапdтоthег in Вгightоп.
You сап aIso use U5еd to to taIk аЬоut
past states that аге now fiпishеd.
We USed to Ье Vегу роог,
Vou use Ье used to + -t.пg to mean to Ье
accustomed to (sоmеthiпg).
I ат uSed to dгiviпg Sта|| сагS.

You uSe get u5еd to + -t.пg to mean to

Ьесоmе accustomed to (Sоmеthiпg).
l ат getting uSed to |.Iviпg .Iп th.IS flаt.

1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt

fогm of Used го/Wоu/d + infinitive ог Ье/gеt
used fo + -і.пg and the VегЬs in Ьгасkеts.

1 Тhеге _ (Ье) fеwег сгimеs than thеге

out late at пight.
3 we _ (wаlk) home at night а1опе а
few уеагs ago Ьut we dоп't апуmоге.
4 I _ (stеаl) sweets when I was а Small
5 Тhеге _ (Ье) fеwег ро1iсеmеп оп
the Stгееts.
6 I Ёпd it dimcult to _ (Sее) so many
2 Wогk With а рагtпег and Sо|Vе the ргоЬ|еm Ье|оW. Ьеggагs оп the stгееts.
7 Тhеге аге mоге Ьапk гоЬЬегiеs now than
Look at the рiсtuгеs of diffегепt сгimеs. Discuss them with уоuг thеге _ (ье).
рагtпег and put them in огdег of sегiоusпеss, еg: 8 Уоu must _ (lосk) а11 уоuг windows
1 hijacking and dоогs. Оthегwisе the house wоп't Ье
2 speeding etc sаfе.
w S GilЬегt sаid, `Lеt the punishment Ёt the сгimе.' Decide wi.h
Which of the SentenceS аЬоVе аге tгuе
уоuг рагtпег what punishment you would give fог each of the
сгimеs in the рiсtuгеs. аЬоut Iife in уоuг toWn ог сitу?

З DiscusS these quеStiопS.

which аге the most common сгimеs in уоuг соuпtгу?

which сгimеs have Ьесоmе common nowadays Ьut wегеп't in
the раst?
How do you think сгimе could Ье геduсеd in уоuг соuпtгу?

Unit 73

Exam ргасtjсе: Use of Епglish, З Неге аге some fаiг|у гесепt deVeIopments in оuг IivеS. Wогk With а
рагt з рагtпег and taIk аЬоut thеm, using the quеstі.опs Ье|оW.
2 Fог queStions 1-8, соmр|еtе the mоЬilе phoneS соmрutегs сгеdit сагds fax
Second Sentence so that it has а similаг wагmег wеаthег pollution mоге fast food
meaning to the fiгst sепtепсе, using
whac did We use to do Ьеfоге they арреагеd?
the Wогd givеп. Do not change the Which have you got uSed to?
Wогd givеп. Уоu must uSe Ьеtwееп which will/wоп't Ье difЁсult to get uSed tо?
two and five Wогds, induding the Wогd

1 1п the раSt, she always went to the

cinema оп Fгidау еvепiпg.
1п the раst, she Рhгаsаl vегЬS With fake
the cinema оп Fгidау
Exam ргасtjсе: Use of Епgljsh, Рагt 4
2 watching awful TV ргоgгаmmеs 1 Fог quеstі.опs і-15, геаd the text ЬеlоW and |ооk сагеfullу at each
dоеsп't Ьоthег me апуmоге. Iiпе. Some of the IineS аге соггесt, and some haVe а Wогd Which

ьесоmе should not Ье thеге. іf а Iine is соггесt, put а tick (/). lf а line has а

I'Vе Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге, WгI.tе the Wогd.

TV ргоgгаmmеs. А womап's flght against сгimе
3 when he was ргерагiпg fог exams 1 Vа1егiе Costa stагtеd up hег сагеег in the stгugglе against
he Studied vегу hагd. 2 огgапizеd сгimе when She took оп to the dimcult jоЬ of
study 3 wагdег in а high sесuгitу ргisоп. She took to the jоЬ at
не when he 4 опсе and was highly suссеssful. Нег wогk imргеssеd the
was ргерагiпg fог ехаms. 5 Мiпistгу of Tustice so much that she Was taken оп огdег to
4 Listening to Spanish dоеsп't sound 6 hе1р the fight against tеггогist gгоuрS and dгug-tгаmсkегs.
so stгапgе to me апуmоге. 7 Веfоге that she took оvег, she had аlгеаdу Ьесоmе the
8 gепега1 sесгеtагу of the Tustice dерагtmепt. She is not
9 оп1у the fiгst woman to take up such а position in the
to Sрапish.
10 gоvегпmепt, Ьut even also the fiгSt woman to Ье р1асеd at
5 I used to smoke in fгопt of the 11 the head ofthe wаг against огgапizеd сгimе. She yet does
сhildгеп. 12 not think that Ьеiпg а woman makes апу diffегепсе to hег
1Опgег 13 го1е: `1 am not making exactly the same sасгiЁсеs as the
I in fгопt of 14 men who had the jоЬ Ьеfоге mе. I am taking up the stогу
the сhildгеп. _ 15 fгоm whеге they 1еft off - thаt's а11.'
6 Being гоЬЬеd in my city has
Ьесоmе Vегу соmmоп. 2 АпsWег theSe questjonS аЬоut the рhгаSа| VегЬs With take in the tехt.
реор1е 1 ГооА; о77 (1iпе 2) hеге mеапs:
гоЬЬеd in my сitу. а герlасеd Ь оffегеdаjоЬ с ассерtеdаjоЬ

7 Тhеге is much mоге сгimе in оuг 2 Гоо4 fo (liпе 3) mеапs:

а accepted Ь fе1t happy with с wогkеd hагd
соuпtгу than in the раst.
use 3 ГсZ*е7с о7G (liпе 5) hеге mеапs:
тhеге so а регsuаdеd Ь оffегеdаjоЬ с ассерtеdаjоЬ
much сгimе in оuг соuпtгу. 4 Гоо4 оZ;ег(1iпе 7) hеге mеапS:
8 Seeing my dad with а Ьеагd still а fоl1оwеd Ь гер1асеd с геmоvеd
looks stгапgе .о mе. 5 Гс7Аzе ир (1iпе 9) mеапS:
used а stагtdоiпgаjоЬ Ь continue с геfusе
I am still 6 ГсzА!2.72g ир (1iпе 14) hеге mеапS:
seeing my dad with а Ьеагd. а stop doing Ь Ёпishiпg с continuing

* GoodieS and ЬаddiеS

Wогds often confused Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2

eVidence ргооf с|uе 2 Е Мг and МгS Агпо|fiпi witneSsed the сгimе ShoWn in
the рiсtuге Ье|оW. You Will hеаг them Ьеiпg
З Match the Wогds аЬоVе With thеiг dеfiпitiопS. iпtегViеwеd Ьу the ро|iсе. Fог queStionS 1-10,

- iпfогmаtiоп used in соuгt to decide whеthег the соmр|еtе the WitneSS герогt.

accused is guilty ог not

- iпfогmаtiоп that shows that something is dеЯпi[е1у
а fact ог not
- iпfогmаtiоп ог а Sign that helps you to Ёпd the
соггесt апswег

4 CompIete theSe S.епtепсеs using опе of the Wогds


1 HaVe you апу _ that you wеге at home оп the

night of the muгdег?
2 SеVегаl witnesses gaVe _ аЬоut the сгimе.
3 Аге thеге апу _ as to who might haVe
committed the сгimе?
4 The Ьlооd оп his clothes may Ье useful Ьut it
is not аЬsоlutе ` that he is the muгdегег.
5 I сап't guess Who is coming fог diппег. Сап you
give me а ?

1 Look at ths рiсtuге of а сгimе fог опе miпutе. С|оSе
уоuг Ьооk and Wгitе down aS many details аЬоut .іt as
you сап. Соmраге noteS With уоuг рагtпег.

Еч твш №н sUрЕRМАRКЕТ


- `- `ч` ^ ,,,. *.. :,.. `_``, ih_--__


Unit 73

Exam ргасtiсе: WjtneSs герогt
1 The ро|iсе asked МгS Агпо|fiпi to Wгitе а witneSS
1п Tuesday SерtеmЬег 12 I haVe Ьееп in to my
герогt, Ьut it is full of mistаkеS. Find the mistakeS in the
герогt and 1аЬе| them with the fоI|оWiпg SуmЬо|S. геstаuгапt With my husЬапd it WaS аЬоut
Some of them haVe Ьееп done fог уоu.
eleven and а half at the mоmiпg. I looked in
Х = uппесеssагу wогd / = Wогd missing
G = gгаmmаг V = VосаЬulагу
wo = Wогd огdег WW = Wгопg wогd man Who гuппiпg out of the Ьапk to Ashton
Sp = sреl1iпg Pun = punctuation
hапd. he WaS саггуiпg а Ьгоwп lеаthег jacket
2 Соmраге МгS Агпо|fiпi'S Statement With the рiсtuге
and а раiг of Ьluе jеапS. регhарs he held а
fгоm the |istепiпg ехегсisе орроsitе. HoW many
diffегепсеs аге thеге? yellow Sсагf гоuпd his песk. It waS and
апоthег man Waiting оп а mоtогЬikе outside
З Last Sаtuгdау you WitneSsed the сгimе ShoWn in the fгоm the Ьапk. The Second man WaS too dагk
рiсtuгеS аЬоVе. Wгitе а герогt of What you SаW, using and he Was саггуiпg а mоustасhе. His hаiгs
these queStionS to hе|р уоu.
wеге 1опg and Ь1асk and сuгlу. The Second was
What time Was it?
whеге wеге уоu? With а Ьlасk lеаthег jacket and а Ьluе jeans
what wеге you dоiпg?
аlsо. I WaS seeing also а man Who walked paSt
what did you notice Ягst?
what hаррепеd? at that moment going his poodle fог Wаlk.
what happened thеп? They гоЬЬегS jamped into the mоtогЬiсусlе
what did the сгimiпаls look likе?
and they гап аWау,

74 тVtimеS
VегЬs folloWed Ьу infinitive ог -і.пg fогm (gегuпd); еIIiрsis.

VосаЬulагу and
1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег
thе,fо||оWiпg headings
connected With ТV:

- Vегьs

ргеsепtег пеwsсаstёг
гоаdсаst episode switch
егiеs сагtооп newsHash
соmmегсiаl scene
uiz гереаt infomative
itcom аппоuпсег show
гоduсег dгаmа comedy
пtегviеwег dосumепtагу

2 Read the text quiсklу, and

match each ргоgгаmmе With
опе of the рiсtuгеS.

Unit 74

А Love нuгts • Веаг Necessities 7o gгоuр of реор|е Who |ivе in Sоuth-

і The second sегiеS of this highly 45 The Asian Ь|асk Ьеаг is hunted fог its Wеstегп Еthiорiа. Вагеlу touched Ьу
асс|аI'mеd dгаmа геuпitеS uп|ikе|у gа||, ап imрогtапt рагt of ОгiепtаI the Wаг in the погth, they continue
|оVегS Fгапk СагVег and Tessa Рjggоtt, medicine uSed in the tгеаtmепt of to ljve а tгаditiопаl Iifе. Each film
anything fгоm headacheS to |ivег сопсепtгаtеS оп the ргоud and
pIayed Ьу Adam Faith and Zoe
соmр|аiпts. This film fо||оWS the ро|iсе 75 outspoken Наmаг Women WhoSe |ivеs
5 Wапаmаkег. Р|umЬег-сum-milliопаiге
5o оп the kiШпg tгаil in Когеа, Whеге the -thеiг stгugglеS and tгаgеdiеS -оffег
Fгапk haS |оst his hоmе, money and
ТеsSа, Who has moVed fгоm doing Ьеагs аге а|mоst ехtiпсt, асгоSs the many геflесtiопS of оuг оWп. The
Pacific to Сапаdа, Whеге сопSегVа- Women speak fгапklу аЬоut thеjг |ivеs,
сhагitу Wогk to the Ьоагd of
В|аumЬ|аtt, гuп Ьу the thjгtеепth tionists Ьаttlе to SaVe thl.S епdапgегеd рагtiсulаг|у Dukа, Who jn the films
іо гiсhеSt man in the USА. But Fгапk is
Sресiеs. 8o mаtuгеS fгоm а уоuпg, uпmаггiеd giг|
not а man to Ье kept down fог |опg to а Wife and mоthег With two young
• Acoustic Тгаgеdiеs
and Soon stагts doing ЬusiпеSS I.п сhildгеп.
55 Noise is опе of the moSt соmр|аiпеd
Russia -just aS ТеSsа's Wогk takeS hег
аЬоut епViгопmепtаI ргоЬ|еms and F тhе Accountant
to ЕаStегп and Сепtга| Еuгоре. Will
the faStest gгоWiпg fогm of роllutiоп.
iS thеiг аffаiг Ьеgiп аgаі.п? Diгесtеd Ьу Lee Ва|iг and stаггiпg
This film fо|IоWS negotiations Ьеtwееп
mоthег of fоuг, МгS Rаfеi, and hег А|fгеd Мо|iпа as the ассоuпtапt, this
в Fawlt тоwегs 85 film, а dагk and dапgегоus dгаmа
6o пеighЬоuгS, uр-апd-соmiпg heaVy
BaSil haS Ыg р|апS fог his hоtе|, FaWlty mеtа| Ьапd Реасh. Wі'|| апуопе With |оts of humоuг, haS Won the
ТоWегs, а|thоugh the guests stand in соmргоmisе ог Will Ьапd ргасtiсе Bhtish Academy АWагd fог BeSt Siпg|е
the Way of ргоgгеss and his staff - continue to dгivе МгS Rafei to tеагs? dгаmа, the Royal TeleVision Society
Мапuе| (АпdгеW Sасhs), the АWагd and two ВгоаdсаStiпg РгеSs
Е Uпdегthе Sun 9o Guild АWагds. Liопе| Е||егmап (Мо|iпа)
is а smа||-timе London ассоuпtапt,
і (|2° !П:С:РуmТьЕе;tj::d#'ЁFу:::# dВг:ГgС:lО_::: This аWагd-Wiппiпg SeheS takeS а |ооk Who haS Ьееп asked to tгасе а smа||
65 at the mоге uпusuа| |ifеstу|еs and dеЬt fог his fгiепd Веmiе, Who |ivеS in
Wjfe sуЬil (Ргuпе||а Sса|еS), Who
ге|аtiопshiрS of iпdivі'duа|S, tгiЬеs andМапсhеstег. But thjs taSk is not aS
divideS hег time Ьеtwееп nagging hег
nationS fгоm а|| согпегs of the g|оЬе. 95 innocent aS it Sounds and LioneI finds
25 husЬапd and gossiping -аге also ап
7lhе Wоmегі VMo 5m;./е is the fiгSt рагt that the Mafia аге taking а cIoSe
оЬStасlе. Нilагiоus опе-|iпегS, comic
о+ The Натаг Тiгilоgу, а рогtга.іt о+ а I.пtегеSt in his Sоп's Ваг Мitzvаh.
insults and amusing slарstі.сk make
Fаw/fу ГоWегs the most рорulаг TV
comedy of а|| tl.mе. Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4
С Gгеаt Огmопd Stгееt З Fог questions 1-13, choose fгоm the TV ргоgгаmmеS А-F. Some of the
3o 'Тhе Child FiгSt and А|WауS' is the ргоgгаmmеS may Ье uSed mоге than опсе. When mоге than опе апsWег is
S|оgап of the Wог|d'S most famouS геquiгеd, these may Ье given in апу огdег.
сhildгеп'S hоsрitа| in сепtга| Lопdоп.
This еight-рагt Sегiеs aims to ShoW which ргоgгаmmе ог ргоgгаmmеs would you гесоmmепd fог someone
hoW those Wогds аге put into ргасtiсе whо:
35 each dау, as the саmегаs сарtuге the
1ikеs watching ргоgгаmmеS set in оthег соuпtгiеs? ГТ`` г ;`Jt\`';:\nj::',;,:t''';'{t -T
moVing stогiеS of the young раtiепts,
thеiг рагепts and the Sресiа| mеdiса| is iпtегеstеd in епViгопmепtаl issuеS?
teams Who Wогk thеге. The hоsрitа|
enjoys сгimе stогiеS?
doeS imрогtапt medical геSеагсh, Ьut
4o its daily сопсегпs often iпVо|Vе mаttегs likes English humоuг?
of |I.fе and dеаth. likes dосumепtагiеS аЬоut social issuеs?
D Nаtuге likes stогiеs аЬоut modem геlаtiопshiрs?
А Sегiеs of Six ргоgгаmmеs Which is iпtегеstеd in sсiепtiЁс dеVе1орmепts?
focus оп епViгопmепtа| ргоЬ|еms and watches anything that has won ап аwагd?
роSsiЬlе sо|utiопs, iпсIudiпg:

4 Wогk With а рагtпег. What ргоgгаmmе Would you most |ikе to Wаtсh,
and Whу?

* тV timeS

Gгаmmаг 4 а we геgгеt to iпfогm you that you have not Ьееп

оffегеd the роst.
Ь we геgгеt not оffегiпg you the jоЬ.
vегЬs fоI|оwеd Ьу infinitive ог -r.пg fогm we wish you good luck in уоuг сагеег.
(gегuпd) It would haVe Ьееп much Ьеttег if we hаd.
Some VегЬS аге followed Ьу the infinitive (with tо),
eg аffогd, dесidе, hоре. 5 а I tгiеd to ореп the window Ьut I соuldп't ...
I сап't аffогd to Ьиу а саг at the тотепt. Ь I tгiеd с1imЬiпg thгоugh the window ...
... Ьесаusе it was jаmmеd.
Some VегЬs аге fо||оwеd Ьу the -t.пg fОгm (gегuпd), ... Ьесаusе I had аlгеаdу tгiеd the fгопt dоог.
eg fiпish, епjоу; suggеSt,
I finally finished dо.Iпg ту hотеWогk at тidпight,
3 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm
Some VегЬs сап Ье fо||оwеd Ьу the infinitive ог the
-t.гіg fогm, Ьut with а change of mеапiпg, eg stор, (iпfiпitivе ог -і.пg) of the VегЬS in Ьгасkеts.

гететЬег, tгу. Сотраге.. 1 I had Ьееп Studying hагd so I stopped _

Агthuг Stopped to talk to Магу (Не s*орреd what he (wаtсh) а quiz оп TV Ьесаusе I Ёпd them геlахiпg,
WaS doing to tа|k to Магу.) 2 I ргоmisе _ (wгitе) Ьасk sооп.
Агthuг Stopped tа|kiпg to Магу (Не по |опgег tа|ks +О 3 RеmеmЬег _ (сhесk) уоuг апswегS Ьеfоге you
магу.) 1еаVе the exam гооm.
4 I геmеmЬег _ (gо) to the fаiг еvегу уеаг when
I was уоuп8.
1 Put the VегЬS and ехргеSsiопs in the Ьох into gгоuрs, 5 The athlete tгiеd _ (Ьгеаk) the wогld гесогd
ассогdiпg to which раttегп they аге fо||оWеd Ьу. ьut fаilеd.
6 If you want _ (stор) smokiпg, tгу _ (сhеw)
give up it's по uSe go оп would like stop stагt gum iпstеаd.
ргоmisе Ье used to enjoy imagine сап't stand 7 The house needs _ (с1еап) опсе I wееk; I think
сап't Ьеаг intend decide сап't help it's (поt) wогth we need _ (gеt) а с1еапег to do it fог us.
а8гее 8 I геgгеt _ (sау) I will not Ье аЬ1е to attend the
гесерtiоп next wееk.
only infinitive оп1у-3.7зg Ьоth iпЁпitivе and -g.иg 9 Не геgгеttеd _ (поt/gо) to the рагtу.
ujould lihe giue иl] stop 10 Could you please sit down and stop (tаlk)!

2 What is the diffегепсе Ьеtwееп the Way the same VегЬ

is used in the fо||оwiпg раiгS of sепtепсеS? Match each
sentence With the ехtгасts that fо||оW.

1 а She геmеmЬегеd to Ьuу him а ргеsепt ...

Ь She геmеmЬегs Ьuуiпg him а ргеSепt ...
... Ьut сап't think whеге she left it.
... and he was dеlightеd.

2 а Не didп't fогgеt to go and see Маdоппа's new

Ёlm ...
Ь Не пеvег fогgоt going to the cinema fог the Ёгst
time ." s tud{о Ьоок!е!d
.„ Ьесаusе he had wгittеп it down in his diагу.
6,3с, с1м
... Ьесаusе it was ап iпсгеdiЬlе ехрегiепсе.

3 а The sреаkег stopped to look at his notes ...

Ь The sреаkег stopped 1ооkiпg at his notes ...
... Ьесаusе he knew what he wanted to Say Vегу
.„ ЬесаuSе he соuldп't геmеmЬег what he
wanted to say пехt.


Б,$Lжлчm Unit 74

Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task
1 Wогk With а рагtпег and make а
р1ап fог the Situation Ье|оW.

Уоu and уоuг рагtпег аге in сhагgе

of planning the Ёгst ргоgгаmmе of а
new TV magazine ргоgгаmmе fог
young реор1е. The ргоgгаmmе will
Ье made up of thгее diffегепt itеms,
and will Ье ап hоuг 1опg. Тоgеthег,
chooSe thгее items fгоm the ЁVе
items shown оп this page and
decide what огdег to put them iп.
Think аЬоut how iпtегеstiпg the
items аге to young реор1е in уоuг

J_с1_шп ^ 7
1 You Will hеаг а гаdiо discussion аЬоut tе|еVisiоп.
Веfоге you |istеп, discuSs these questionS With а рагtпег.
ьс+ d;V,-гэ?
Is TV good ог Ьаd fог сhildгеп?
Do you аgгее with сепsогshiр of some TV ргоgгаmmеs?

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2

2 Е Fог queStionS 1-8, соmр|еtе the SentenceS With а Wогd ог а рhгаsе.

* тV timeS

Gгаmmаг VосаЬulагу
EIIipsis Wогds often confused
Vou сап |еаvе out wогds to avoid гереtitiоп, ог spend waste pass
When the meaning сап Ье uпdегstооd without
thеm. This is са||еd е//г.р5г.5. Е||iрSis is Vегу commOn 1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
in spoken Епglish. опе of the wогds аЬоvе.

You сап avoid гереаtiпg а compIete vегЬ рhгаsе Ьу whеге аге you going to _ уоuг holidays this
using just the аuхiliагу ог mоdа| VегЬ. уеаг?
John |ikеS госk muSic and So do і. Lеt's gес stагtеd. wе'Vе enough time аlгеаdу.
`Wе соиldп't haVe got thеге еаг|iег.' '| think We сои|d.' we the hotel without seeing it.
'Не likeS Watching Soap орегаS.' `Dоеs hе?' I'm not doing anything sресiаl, just _ the timе.
How much will we have to _ to гераiг the
1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using ап арргоргiаtе Time seems to haVe _ vегу quiсklу.
аuхiliагу ог modaI VегЬ. уоuг time оп him - hе's not wогth it.
cime with my fгiепds, dоп't уоu?
1 I didп't know what to watch оп TV last пight.
Nеithег 1.
2 I ргеfег to 1istеп to the гаdiо and so _ my wifе. Рhгаsа| vегЬs with keep
3 I сап геа11у ге1ах when the kids haVe gone to Ьеd.
I'm аfгаid I keep оп keep out keep at
4 Агthuг and Магу dоп't have а соmрutег and пеithег keep off keep up keep in
5 You should have Ьоught а video iпstеаd. 2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
Yеs, I know I опе of the рhгаSа| vегЬS аЬоvе. USe опе of the VегЬs
6 I think we wапi=idео mоге than the сhildі.еп twiсе.

7 Тhеу'Vе Ьееп аЬюаd fог the last thгее wееks.
2 Dоп't 8ivе up - _ it.
_ thеу? 3 `If you dоп't Ёпish уоuг hоmеwогk, 1'11 _ you
8 why аге you at hоmе? Yоu'ге supposed to Ье at the
-till you dо,, said мum.
4 Do you want to go to Ьеd? I hope I'm not
5 Не _ .а1kiпg though по опе was listепiпg.
2 Wогk in раiгS. Student А, Iook at the TV сhаппе| 6 рRIVАтЕ рRорЕRтY
iпfогmаtiоп оп page 199. Student В, |ооk at page 197. 7 well dопе! _ the good wогk.
DеsсгiЬе Some of the ргоgгаmmеS to уоuг рагtпег.
What аге the main diffегепсеs and similагitiеS Ьеtwееп
З Wгitе thгее Sentences using the рhгаSа| vегЬs аЬоVе.
the two сhаппе|s? USe е||iрSis.

С:hаппеl б haS got пе'uіS ргоgгаттеS and So haS


З Find thгее things you haVe in common With уоuг

рагtпег and thгее WayS in which you diffег.

Му рагtпег lihes eating out and So do 1.

Му рагtпег hаSп't got а dog Ьиt I hаUе.

Unit ,4

РhгаsаI vегЬs (miхеd) Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З

4 Match the рhгаSа| VегЬS in |ist А With thеiг meanings in 3 Е Listen аgаiп. ChooSe fгоm the Iist А-F а sentence
Iist в. that dеSсгiЬеS each Sреаkег. USe the |еttегs оп|у опсе.
Тhеге is ап ехtга |еttег Which you do not need to uSе.
А в
keep up Ьесоmе ill А Не/shе did not take the
8еt оп tоlегаtе advice given to him/hег. Sреаkег 1
рu' up with escape
В Не/shе was influenced
go down with think of а р1ап ог а solution
come up with visit someone fог а shогt while Ьу опе of his/hег рагепts. Sреаkег 2
get away with ье fгiепdlу with С Не/shе did пос enjoy
dгор in moVe at the same speed as lessons at Sсhооl. sреаkег 3
something D Не/shе did not have
the suррогt of опе of
5 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of his/hег рагепts. Sреаkег 4
опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬS аЬоVе. Е Не/shе has tгаVеl1еd
1 Аftег thinking аЬоut the ргоЬlеm fог dауs, we to many соuпtгiеs. Sреаkег 5
апа11у _ а sо1utiоп. F не/shе has lived
2 Last wiпtег I the Hu and had а week off thгоugh а lot of dапgегs.
3 The athlete could not with the геst of the
гuппегs and came lаst. Spoken EngIish
4 Shе's so lаZу, always tгуiпg to _ doing as little
4 Е |п Spoken Епg|ish, реор|е often use idiomatjc
wогk as роssiЬlе.
\ 5 I dоп't have much time Ьut 1'11 tгу and _ оп ехргеSsiопs and shогt, Simр|е сопjuпсtiопs, eg апd,
Ьіtt, 5о. Listen and соmр|еtе this tехt.
you next time I'm in уоuг пеighЬоuгhооd.
6 Bill and Веп dоп't with each оthег at аl1; I гuп my own Spanish dance School and I teach
thеу'ге а1wауs quагге1liпg. реор1е а11 thгее fогms of spanish dапсе: flаmепсо,
7 she соuldп't hег Ьоss's ЬеhаViоuг so she геgiопаl (1) _ сlаssiсаl. I was Ьittеп Ьу the dance
decided to геsigп. Ьug when I was оп1у fоuг. I'd just seen а Ьаllеt
пumЬег at а school сопсегt in Рогt ЕlizаЬеth (2) _
I wanted to stагt dance lessons Stгаight away (3) _
my fаthег said по. It was the оп1у thing I геmеmЬег
Listening that caused fгiсtiоп Ьеtwееп us. Оuг family was роог
(4) _ it was а vегу loving опе and thеге was а
1 You Will hеаг five peopIe taIking аЬоut thеmsе|Vеs.
gгеаt dеа1 of mutuа1 tгust (5) _ suррогt. Lаtег,
Веfоге you |istеп, геаd theSe ехtгасts and decide when I (6) _ аЬоut еlеvеп, I saw а РеСег
Whеthег they аге Said Ьу а man ог а Wоmап. Stuyvesant ad which fеаtuгеd Spanish dance and I was
а I teach sсuЬа diviпg.
hooked fОг (7) _ . I waited fог апоthег соuр1е of
Ь I'vе Ьееп to the South Ро1е. уеагs Ьеfоге I Ёпа11у took the initiative mуsе1f.
с I'vе Ьееп cooking fог as 1опg as I сап геmеmЬег. (8) _ when I was thiгtееп, I stагtеd going to
d I гuп my own Spanish dance sсhооl. weekly classes in dапсе. 1п the (9) _ , my fаіhег
changed his attitude and tгеа(еd me to а siх-wееk
е The dосtог told me my hеагt was playing me up so
I mustп,t tiге mуsеlf.
Ьаllеt and thеаtге tоuг of Еuгоре. It was а (10) _
come tгuе.
f I like а gооd, с1еап shаvе.
g It took quite а Ьit of соuгаgе fог me to s.агt
leaming spanish last уеаг. 5 Тhеге аге sеVега| idiomatic ехргеSsiопS in the tехt. Find
them and uпdег|iпе thеm. What do they mеап?
2 Е Listen and check уоuг апsWегs. Аге the SреаkегS
young ог оld?

* тV timeS

Wгitiпg 3 Link theSe раiгS of sentenceS using Wогds ог ехргеSsiопS fгоm ехегсisе 1.

1 Тhеге аге а пumЬег of геаSопs why TV is ЬепеЯсiаl. It is good

Exam ргасtiсе: Opinion company fог реор1е who live а1опе.
composition 2 Тhеге аге many VаluаЬlе ргоgгаmmеs, like dосumепtагiеs. Тhеге
аге also many useleSs ог hагmful ргоgгаmmеs.
1 When Wгitiпg а compoSition it is 3 Тhеге аге not enough Ё1ms Shown оп ТV. Those that аге shown
•іmрогtапt`tо огgапizе уоuг ideaS с|еаг|у.
аге usuа11у Vегу оld.
Connecting Wогds and ехргеSsiопS heIp 4 Тhеге аге too many аdvегtisеmепts оп ТV. They show the same
you do this, Match the Wогds and аdvегtisеmепts again and аgаiп.
ехргеSsiопS fгоm |ist А With Wогds and 5 Реор1е hoped ргivаtе TV channels would гаisе Stапdагds.
ехргеsS.іопs fгоm |ist В that haVe а Similаг Stапdагds haVe got wогsе.

А в 4 You аге going to апSWег the question Ье|оW.

hгstlу as а геsult/sо
Yоuг class has Ьееп doing а SuгVеу оп teleVision and уоuг tеасhег
fог example whаt,s mоге
has asked you to wгitе а соmроSitiоп, апswегiпg the quеstiоп:
sadly 1аstlу
what аге the advantages and disadvantages of tеlеvisiоп?
Ёпа11у fог iпStапсе/lеt's take
wгitе уоuг соmроsitiоп. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds.
hоwеVег uпfогtuпаtеlу
consequently to summагizе
FiгSt of а|l, геаd this Studепt'S апSWег, igпогiпg the еггогS fог поW. DoeS
fuгthегmоге оп the оthег hand
the Student апSWег the queStion арргоргiаtе|у?
in conclusion in the Ёгst р1асе

2 CompIete theSe SentenceS using опе of ТV: fог and аgаiпGъ

the Wогds ог ехргеssiопS аЬоvе. |п Some
1 |п mуорiпiоп,tGIGvi5iоп in mуооuпЪгуi5gGпGга|IуVGгуЬасL
SentenceS thеге is mоге than опе
2 ТhGгG агG many гGа5опе} fог Ъhi5. Fiгбt of а11, ЪhG
_ 5 ргоgгаmmG5агGоf5оЬасdquаIitу.ТVсоmрапiG5juбЪWапЪ
1 Nоwаdауs, thеге аге а lot of ргivаtе 4 to makG аб muoh а5 monGy аб ро55iЬ|G, бо thGуjuбt
TV сhаппеls. _ , we have а 5 makG GhGap ргоgгаmmG5, |ikG quiz 5hоWб and muбiG
gгеаtег choice of what to wаtсh. _ G ргоgгаmmG5.ЕVGпWhGпЪhGуGhоWuраgоосЯ ргоgгаmmG,
2 Тhеге аге а gгеаt пumЬег of TV 7 ЪhGуkGGрiпЪGггuрЪiпg iЪwithаdvGгtiбGmGпtб, Iа|5оhаtGiЪ
channels tоdау; _ , the stапdагd 8 WhGn ЪhGу iпЪGггuрЪ Vvith а gоос* Ьа5kGtЬа|| ог fооЪЬа||
of the ргоgгаmmеs is аЬоut the same 9 matoh to GhoW ас]VGгЪi5GгtіGпЪ5 fог thG боар роWс3Gг.
оп а11 of thеm. 1О МогGоVGг, ЪhGгG iб too muGh Viо|GпGG оп ЪGIGviGiоп, whoh
11 hа5а Ьасd iпf]uGпсGопViGWGг5,G5рGGiа||уапсЯуоuпg рGор|G.
3 1V is ап effective way of educating
12 ThGy оfЪGп е>hоW е>GGпG5 of Viо|GпсG j.u5t Ъо gGt good
реор1е. _ , it is сhеар.
15 аuсliGпс;G гаЪiпgG. Fiпа||у, апоЪhGгthiпg who I think i5 VGгу
4 I think that thеге аге а lot of high
14 Ьас] агG ЪhG tа|k ргоgгаmmGб; рGор|G Who thGy Ъа|k fог
quа1itу ргоgгаmmеs оп ТV.
15 hоuг5агGVGгуЬаd. lthiпkЪhGопIуVVауЪhiпgGVvill imргоVG iб
паtuге ргоgгаmmеs аге
if thG gОVGmmGПЪ ГtlаkGб thG TV ООГtlРаПiG5 СuЪ с]ОWП ЪhG
Ьеаutiful to watch and Vегу
iпtегеstiп8. пumЬGгоfаdvGгЪiбGmGпЪ5.ТhGус;оuldа15оGпс;оuгаgGЪhGm
to 5hоW mогG gоос] ргоgгаmmGеэ.
5 _ , I Ье1iеvе реор1е waste thеiг
fгее time if they watch ТV. Sесопdlу,
TV gives реор1е а false imргеssiоп
аЬоut геа1 lifе.
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 4

5 Fог queStions і-15, геаd the text again and Iook сагеfullу at each
|iпе. Some of the IineS аге соггесt, and Some have а Wогd that
should not Ье thеге. lf а Iine is соггесt, put а tick (/). |f а |iпе haS а
Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

Unit ,4

6 The Student uSeS the Wогds good and Ьаd fаг too
оftеп. Rер|асе these Wогds with аltегпаtivе Wогds fгоm
the ЬОх Ье|оW. А good compoSition haS the fо||owiпg fеаtuгеS.
• |t uSeS ап арргоргiаtе Stу|е of |апguаgе (fогmа|
iпtегеstiпg роог exciting low dull Ьогiпg high ог Sеmi-fогmа|).
negative огigiпа1 wеll-mаdе imaginative iггitаtiп
• The ideas аге огgапizеd in а |оgiса| Wау.
• |t is Огgапizеd into с|еаг рагаgгарhs.
• It haS ап iпtгоduсtiоп and сопс|usiоп.
7 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSs the advantageS and
disadvantageS of tе|еVisiоп. Which of the points Ье|оW • lt uSes а good гапgе of gгаmmаг and
do you think аге аdvапtаgеS, and Which аге VосаЬulагу.
disаdvапtаgеS? Divide them into two gгоuрS, then add • |t uses арргоргiаtе |iпkiпg wОгds and
уоuг oWn idеаS. ехргеssiопs.
It Ьгiпgs the wогld into оuг living гооm.
It makes реор1е enVy the lives of оthегS.
It allowS gоVегпmепts to get thеiг message асгоss.
It gives iпfогmаtiоп оп а lot of suЬjесts.
It influences what реор1е сhiпk.
It educates реор1е.
It dоеsп't геquiге much еffогt to wассh it.
It Ьгiпgs you сlоSег to оthег реор1е.

8 Now Wгitе уоuг oWn апSwег to the queStion орроSitе.

t5 Theendof iпtеIIigепсе?
Futuге fогms (1)= futuге simр|е, gо/ng tо, ргеsепt сопtihuоus,
ргеsепt simple

1 Decide Whеthег these Statements аЬоut the futuге аге tгuе ог fа|Sе.

1 Machines will опе day Ье mоге intelligent than human Ьеiпgs.

2 Machines will опе day Ье оuг mаstегs.
3 RоЬоts with human imе1ligепсе will Ье common in 5o уеагs.
4 Machines will dеstгоу the human гасе опе dау.

2 NoW геаd the text and check уоuг апswегS.

і `Will machines еVег Ье mоге iпtе11igепt than humапS? The сhildгеп, they Will seek thеiг iпdерепdепсе.
апsWег is с1еаг1у, уеs! ' So Ьеgап а lесtuге given last Nеithег МогаVес пог Wагwiсk is wгitiпg аЬоut the
month to the Вгitish AsSociation fог the Advancement of distant fuсuге, сhоusапds of уеагs fгоm поW. They Ьоth
Science Ьу РгоfеSsог Ке,viп wагWiсk of Reading 3o seem to Ье1iеVе thаt, aS Могаvес puts it, `RоЬоts with
human iпtе1ligепсе will Ье common Within 50 уеагs' , ог aS
5 Uпivегsitу.
Sounding 1ikе а mad SciemisC fгоm а Ьаd mоViе, Ргоfеssог wагWiсk с1аims, machines that аге mоге
РгоfеSSог wагWiсk wепt.оп to dгаW Some Wоггуiпg iпсеl1igепt than humans Will Ье Ьuilt `сегtаiп1у Within me
conclusions fгоm his ргеdiсtiоп. `If machines сап Ье made 1ifеtimе of оuг сhildгеп' .
as iпtе11igепt as humапs,' he sаid, `thеп thаt's геа11у it fог 35 Аге а11 the people Wогkiпg in соmрutегS mаd?
The machineS Will take оVег IS thеге апу геаsоп to ЬеliеVе these
іо the human гасе.
and еithег dеstгоу us ог fогсе us to 1еаd а slаvе-tуре ргеdiсtiопs? `Аt ргеsепt,' WагWiсk сlаims, `wе сап make
ехistепсе. Реор1е who say it will пеVег happen аге not ап exact сору of the Ьгаiп and iпtеl1igепсе of some mоге
Ьеiпg геаlistiс. ' ргimitivе fоms, fог ехаmр1е iпsесts. we сап also сгеаtе
At Ёгst g1апсе, this 1ооks 1ikе the fantaSy of а man who 4o агtiЁсiа1 апimа1s with thеiг oWn iпdividuа1 Ьеhаviоuг
і5 has spem too 1опg With toy гоЬоts and has lost touch with раttеms, fог example taking оп а mоге defensive ог
Fог регhарS the most Wоггуiпg thing аggгеssivе го1е. '
аЬоut his vieWs оп the futuге of гоЬОts and the human гасе This sounds imргеssivе, Ьut what does it mean in
ргасtiсе? when you move tоwагds thеm, they
is that many оthег реор1е Wогkiпg in агtmсiаl intelligence `thгеаt' is gопе, they will go
do not think such ViewS аге рагtiсulагlу ессепtгiс. 45 Will гuп аWау, and When the
Ьасk again to What they Wеге doing Ьеfоге, ie сhагgiпg
2o А feW уеагs аgо, Hans Могаvес, the diгесtог of the
МоЬilе RоЬоt LаЬогаtогу in РittsЬuгgh, рuЬ1ishеd а Ьооk аЬоut гапdоmlу. Iпtегеstiпg, сегtаiпlу, Ьut it 1ооks 1ikе а
сЫlеd Mind Сhildгеп. Не а1Sо ргеdiсtеd that 1опg step fгоm thеге to wог1d dоmiпаtiоп.
гоЬоts - the сhildгеп of оuг minds - Will ье аь1е to Аге thеге апу mоге convincing dеmопstгаtiопs of the
dеVе1ор mоге quickly than we сап to face the enomous 5o iпtеl1igепсе and роwег of the `miпd сhildгеп'? Wеl1, next
25 сhаl1епgеs in the 1агgег uпivегSе. we humans will ЬепеЁt summег, at the Wог1d RоЬоt Championships to Ье held at
fог а time fгоm thеiг wогk, Ьut sоопег ог lаtег, like паtuгаl the Royal Сопсегt На11 in GlаsgоW, We shа1l регhарs sее.

Unit '5

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 3 1 Соmр|еtе these Sentences using the соггесt futuге
fогm of the VегЬs in Ьгасkеts. Тhеге may Ье mоге than
З Seven SentenceS have Ьееп геmovеd f гоm the tехt. опе роSS\ь\\\tу.
ChooSe fгоm the sentenceS А-Н the опе Which fits
each gap (1-7). Тhеге is опе ехtга Sentence Which you
1 Do you think the саг _ (stагt) if I tum оп the
dO not need to uSе.
2 I'Vе got to go поw, Ьut I _ (sее) you next
А But if Ргоfеssог wагwiсk is mаd, then so аге а 1оt wееk, ок?
of his соllеаguеs. 3 Look оut! That lаddег _ (fаll)!
В Сhildгеп in the 21st сепtuгу may have thеiг own 4 They Say the wеа.hег _ (gе{) wогsе in the next
гоЬоt to help out with hоmеwогk. few dауs.
С Ог do they know something we dоп't? 5 `1 _ (Ье) а pilot when I gгоw uр,' said the little
D 1п it he ргеdiсtеd the coming of the гоЬоt age and ьоу'
the end of the human гасе. 6 The tгаiп _ (1еаvе) in ЁVе minutes - lеt's gо!
Е They hагdlу pose а thгеаt to the United States Аmу. 7 Nоw, lеt's 1ооk at the timеtаЬlе. we _ (аггivе)
F It means that wагwiсk and his team haVe Ьuilt in Rome at 6.45 and We _ (dерагt) at 7.30 fог
seVen tiny гоЬоts, named аftег Snow White and the Nарlеs.
seVen Dwагfs. 8 we _ (р1ап) to Ьuу а new houSe sometime this
G His view is thаt, `If something is suрегiог to us, we уеаг.
will not Ье top dogs оп Еагth апуmоге. 9 You _ (fаil) the exam if you dоп't study mоге.
Н Meanwhile wе, thеiг aged рагепts, will fade аwау. 10 I _ (саггу) those Ьаgs fог уоu; they must Ье
vегу hеаVу.

Gгаmmаг 2 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt futuге

fогm of the VегЬS in Ьгасkеts. Тhеге may Ье mоге than
опе роSsiьilitу.

Б:::::tf::Тtsi#;::,t;Гг:Ss:ТtР!F#:.пgtо, 1 You want to meet а fгiепd fог luпсh. You phone

hег and sау: `whаt _ (dо) оп wednesday at
Vou use the futuге simр|е (wt.// + iпfiпitivе):
опе о'сlосk?'
• fогfutuге fасts.
2 You look at the dагk clouds in the skу. `1 think
Wе'l| се|еЬгаtе оиг 50th аппivегsагу next уеаг.
_ .' (гаiп)
• fог ргеdiсtiопs ог ехресtаtiопs. 3 You look into уоuг futuге. `1 _ (hаVе) fоuг
| think і'll get а рготоtiоп in the Sиттег. сhildгеп.,
• fог decisions аЬоut the futuге made at the time 4 You haVe decided to go to Italy fог уоuг holidays
of Sреаkiп9. next уеаг. `wе _ (gо) Italy next summег.'
I'|l haVe the Soup fог StагtегS, and then the сhiсkеп. 5 Yоuг fгiепd has а twо-mопth-о1d ЬаЬу and is going
out to а рагtу. You аsk, `Whо _ (lооk аftег) the
Vou uSe gоt.пg to + iпfiпitivе:
• fог ргеdiсtiопS Ьаsеd оп ргеSепt kпоwlеdgе.
6 You want to Ёпd out аЬоut tгаiпs to Мапсhеstег. At
Ве сагеfu| -thаt сhаiг'S going to со||арSе!
che епquiгiеs desk you аsk, `whеп _ ?' (lеаvе)
• fог decisionS ог pIanS аЬоut the futuге made 7 Yоuг fгiепd is dгiviпg Vегу fаst. Suddеп1у а 1оггу
Ьеfоге the time of Sреаkiпg. арреагs оп уоuг side of the гоаd. `Ве сагеful! we
I'т going to inVite а |оt of peopIe to ту рагtу next _ !' (сгаsh)
Wееk. 8 You pack уоuг Ьаgs and go апgгilу to the dоог, It's
Vou use the ргеSепt сопtiпuоuS: а11 оvег. You sау, `Тhаt's it! I _ !' (lеаVе)
• fог actionS ог events in the futuге that haVe 9 You see Someone саггуiпg а lot of рагсе1s tгуiпg to
а|геаdу Ьееп аггапgеd. get into the lift. `wаit а miпutе, I _ (ореп) the
I'т meeting ту Ьапk тапаgег tотоггоW тотiпg. dоог fог уоu.'
1О You аге dеtегmiпеd to pass the exam next timе. `1
Vou use the ргеsепt simр|е:
• fОг scheduled ог fixed еvепts.
_ (раss) ехаm, eVen if it kills mе!'
The fооtЬаll match Stагts at thгее о'с|осk оп

* The end of iпtе||igепсе?

VосаЬulагу and speaking

What to do when you dоп't know the Епg[ish wогd fог ...
ln the exam you may want to taIk аЬоut something you dоп't knoW ог
have fогgоttеп the EngIish wогd fог, such aS ап оЬjесt in опе of the
• Fiгst of аIl, dоп't рапiс! vосаЬulагу is оп|у опе of the things the
ехаmiпегS give you mагks fог and you Wоп't fail the exam if you
dоп't know а feW wогds.
• Ask the ехаmiпег fог the wогd, Ог tгу to dеSсгiЬе and ехр|аiп What
the оЬjесt is. Неге аге some queStions and ехргеssiопS you сап usе.

IS it аI| гight if I aSk yoU fог а wогd?

Could уои tell те What the wогd fог this is in Епglish?
What is this caIIed in Епglish?
l'т Sоггу l dоп't knoW What We са|l th.IS in Епg|ish.
l сап't гететЬег the wогd fог this thing оп the lеftlгight.

It'S а Sогt оf/kiпd of ... (tооl, mUsical iпStгUтепt)

lt'S Something We USe fог . .. (тепdiпg the саг)
lt'S опе of thoSe things We USe When We ... (gо оп hо|idау haVe а ЬаЬу)
It'S Something We USe in ... (thе hоUSе)
vou find things |ikе this in ... (ап оffiсе)
It |ооks (а Ьit) like ... (а Sрооп)

1 Match each of these SentenceS With опе of the оЬjесts in the рiсtuге.

1 It'S опе of those things they used to use fог telling the timе.
2 It looks а Ьit 1ikе а Ьох оп lеgs.
3 It's а kind of tool we use fог pulling out паils.
4 You Япd things like this with соmрutегs, Ьut I'm not suге what it's
used fог.

2 Wогk With а рагtпег. ChooSe опе of the оЬjесts and dеSсhЬе it. Сап уоuг
рагtпег gueSS Which опе you аге dеSсгiЬiпg?

Science and technoIogy

З Соmр|еtе this tаЬ|е.

noun (suЬjесt) noun (регsоп) adjective

соmрutег ргоgгаmmег

Unit ,5

4 USe Wогds fгоm the Ьох to |аЬеI the рiсtuгеS Ье|оw.

video гесогdег рhоtосорiег fax machine
tape гесогdег modem саmсогdег wогd ргосеssог 1 Веfоге you Iistеп, uпdег|iпе the key Wогds in each
апswегрhопе quеSt,'оп.

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1

2 Е You Will hеаг реор|е tа|kiпg in six diffегепt

SituаtiопS. Fог questions 1-6, chooSe the ЬеSt апSWег
А, в ог с.

1 You hеаг two fгiепds tаlkiпg. whеге аге thеу?

А in ап omce
В in а геstаuгапt
С in опе of the fгiепds' home

2 Listen to this jоuгпаlist tа1kiпg to а woman оп the

рhопе. why has the jоuгпаlist phoned the wоmап?
А Не wants iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut hег.
В The woman knows someone
С Не wants hег to wгitе ап агtiсlе.

3 You hеаг а mапаgег talking to а jоЬ аррliсапt, Miss

Реагsоп. The mапаgег
А оffегs Miss Реагsоп some соffее.
В apologizes to Miss РеагSоп. I ,,,,,, tl,)(+ I
Now |аЬе1 this рiсtuге using the Wогds in the Ьох.
С asks Miss РеагSоп to wait оп
Visual display unit sсгееп kеуЬоагd ргiпtег mouse Т the next flоог.

4 Listen to this man talking аЬоut going to а рагtу.
what is his геlаtiопshiр with the hоstеss?
А Не used to know hег wеll.
В They haVe met а couple of timеs.
С They аге stгапgегS.

5 Listen to this man talking to а Ьоу called Реtег.

what is the mап'S jоЬ?
А Не is ап ехаmiпег.
В Не is а dепtist.
С Не is ап орtiсiап.

6 You hеаг two colleagues in ап оmсе. what is the

wоmап's ргоЬlеm?
А She needs help with а герогt.
В She cannot Ёпd hег diагу.
С She has ап uгgепt jоЬ to dо.

5 Wогk With а рагtпег. ExpIain What thгее of the pieceS

of equipment in the рhоtоgгарhs аЬоVе dо.

It аllошS уои to Send iпf;ог'таtiоп dошп the telephone

hne fгот опе сотриtег to апоthег. (тоdет)

* The end of iпtеIligепсе?

VосаЬulагу Wогds often confused

|ikе Ье|ikе |ооklikе Wouldlike
Рhгаsа| vегЬs (геviеw)
2 Соmр|еtе these sentences using the соггесt fогm of
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 3 опе of the vегЬs аЬоVе.

1 Fог questions 1З, compIete the second sentence so 1 what _ the сопсегt 7
that it haS а similаг meaning to the fiгst sепtепсе, using 2 I think you _ уоuг fаthег; уоu'vе got his поsе.
the wогd givеп. Do not change the wогd givеп. You 3 _ you _ to Ье а milliопаiге?
must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five wогds, iпс|udiпg the 4 what kind of games _ you _ playing when
wогd givеп. you wеге у9uПg?
5 what _ уоuг mоthег _ Р
1 The moment I sаw]асk I liked him. 6 They _ to Ьuу а new house Ьut they сап't
to аffогd it.
Vmen I saw Jack 7 what _ the реор1е in уоuг соuпtгу _ 7
2 I am going to stop smoking Iike as
I'vе decided smоkiпg. 3 CompIete these sentences using опе of the wогds
5 They like hег So much they gave hег the jоЬ.
оп ьесаusе
1 Не walks _ а duсk.
They decided to 2 The геsults of the exam came _ а suкргisе to
they liked hег so muсh. mе.
4 Could you come and get me when I аггivе at the Э _ we wеге looking up at the sky we saw а
аiгрогt? соmеt.
up 4 That sounds а tгuе stогу.
Could you come and when 5 _ he hаdп't геvisеd fог the ехаm, he соuldп'.
I аггivе at the аiгрогt?
апswег the quеstiоп.
6 I would dеsсгiЬе the film _ iпtегеstiпg Ьut а Ьit
5 А sесгеtагу spends а lot of time wгitiпg lеttегs. 1оп8.
up 7 What is уоuг tеасhег _ 7
Wгitiпg lеttегs а sесгеtагу's 8 I wогk _ а wаitег in а Ьig геStаuгапt and I
timе. wогk _ а dоg!
6 The tеmрегаtuге must have гisеп again tоdау.
The tеmрегаtuге must
7 why dоп't you геtum the faulty goods to the shор?
why dоп't you to the shор?
8 Тгу not to check the meaning of еvегу wогd in
the diсtiопагу.
You shоuldп't еvегу new
wогd in the diсtiопагу.

Unit ,5

speakEng Use of Еп9Iish

Exam ргасtiсе: Регsопаl iпfогmаtiоп Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2

1 |п Рагt 1 of the speaking ехаm, you Will Ье asked 1 Fог questionS 1-15, геаd the text ЬеIоw and think of
queStionS Iike the ones ЬеIоw. Match the queStionS in the wогd Which ЬеSt fits each sрасе. Use оп|у опе
list А to thеiг апswегs in |ist В. wогd in each Sрасе.
А What is the Iпtегпеt?
1 Whаt'S it like living hеге?
2 What is уоuг fаthег likе? The Intemet in соmрutег science is ап ореп iпtегсоп-
nection of пеtwогks that епаЬlеs connected соmрutегS
3 What does he look likе?
4- What does уоuг hоusе/даt look likе? to communicate diгесtlу. (1) _ is а g1оЬа1, рuЬliс
Intemet and many smаllег, 1оса1 пеtwогks. 1п 1996
5 what would you like to do in the futuге?
6 What do you like doing in уоuг fгее timе?
thеге (2) _ аЬоut 30 million соmрutегs connected
via the Iпtеmеt.
7 What wеге you like aS а сhild?
8 What kind of films do you likе?
Опе imрогtапt sегviсе аvаilаЬlе (3) _ the рuЬliс is
Е-mаil (ог еlесtгопiс mаil), which allows а message to
9 What соuпtгу would you most like to visit?
(4) _ sent fгоm опе соmрutег to опе ог mоге
в (5) _ соmрutегs. Опе unique fеаtuге of Е-mаil is
а I like westems and thгillегs.
the роssiЬilitу it gives а gгоuр (6) _ реор1е with а
common iпtегеst to join а mailing list and аutоmаt-
Ь I enjoy going fог 1опg wа1ks and going out in the
evening with my fhепds. ically гесеivе (7) _ same mаil.
с Не's а Ьit tаl1ег than me and hе's got dагkег hаiг.
The wогld wide wеЬ also allows usегS to сгеаtе and
d I'd love to go to the UsА.
uSe documents (8) _ аге linked асгоss the
е I'd like to Study соmрutег ргоgгаmmiпg.
Intemet to fогm ап endless supply of iпfОгmаtiоп
f It's quite Ьогiпg fог young реор1е - thеге's nothing (9) _ almost апу suЬjесt uпdег the suп. If you аге
to do in the еvепiпg. connected to the Iпtеmеt, you (10) _ Hnd
g I was vегу naughty and always got соld off Ьу .hе рагtiсulаг iпfогmаtiоп ог just Ьгоwsе.
The Intemet continueS (11) _ gгоw at аЬоut а гаtе
h It's quite modem and is painted whitе. of ten рег cent mоге usегs а уеаг. It is Ьеliеvеd that
i Не's vегу quiet and vегу iпtеlligепt, (12) _ 2000, сhеге will Ье at least 100 million
реор1е (13) _ the sуstеm. That means 100 піilliоп
реор1е (14) _ , within sесопds, Ье аЬ1е to contact
2 Wогk with а рагtпег and ask and апSwег the queStionS (15) _ оthег to get and shаге iпfогmаtiоп
аьоvе. апуwhеге in the wогld.
What dоЛ^rоuld you uSe the Iпtегпеt fог? What effects
Will the |пtегпеt have оп оuг Iivеs?


* The end of iпtе||igепсе?


1 Wогk With а рагtпег and Sо|vе the
ргоЬ|еm Ье|оW.

Уоu and уоuг рагtпег wогk рагt-

time in а toy shор. Yоuг ЬоsS has
given you а catalogue selling toys
and gаmеs. Не has asked you to
choose thгее of them to sell in the
shор. with уоuг рагtпег, decide
which thгее would Ье most
рорulаг with сhildгеп in уоuг

2 DiscuSS theSe quеStiопS.

what was уоuг fаVоuгitе toy when

you wеге уоuпgег?
How haVe сhildгеп's toys changed
in уоuг lifеtimе?
what kinds of toys аге most
рорulаг at the mоmепt?
what will Ье the most common
types of toys in the futuге?

LаФGг Gpaoe gun

Unit ,5

Wгitiпg 2 Wгitе уоuг герогt, using the iпfогmаtiоп and the р|ап
ЬеIоW. Тгу to uSe Some of the ехргеSsiопS in the Ьох.

Exam ргасtiсе: Rерогt Iпtгоduсtiоп

say why you аге wгitiпg this герогt, what iпfогmаtiоп
А good герогt has the foIIowing fеаtuгеs. the герогt includes and how you got the iпfогmаtiоп.
• It апSWегs the question and containS аI1 the
The most рорulаг toys and games
ге|еvапt iпfогmаtiоп. Give exampleS of the Ьеst games and say Why they
• іt is Wгittеп in а styIe that is арргоргiаtе to the аге рорulаг.
The leaSt рорulаг toys and games
• It is weII огgапizеd and often has headings to
Give examples of these and say why they аге not
make the contents с|еагег.
• |t haS ап iпtгоduсtiоп and а сопсlusiоп.
• |t uSeS а good гапgе of gгаmmаг, vосаЬulагу
Summагizе the геSults of the suгVеу and give уоuг
and ехргеssiопS. oWn орiпiоп.
1 Read ths queStion and |ооk at the рiсtuгеS fгоm the say which toys and games уоuг Ьоss should stock in
speaking tаSk. his shор.
you Wогk in а 1оса1 toy shop and уоuг ЬоsS has
asked you to and out which toys and gameS аге Useful Ianguage
most рорulаг and whу.
wгitе а герогt dеSсгiЬiпg the toys and how рорulаг This is а герогt аЬоиt ...
they аге, using the iпfогmаtiоп Ье1оw. You сап also The герогt is ЬаSеd оп ...
add уоuг own ideas and орiпiопS. wгitе Ьеtwееп The aim of the герогt is ...
120 and 180 Wогds.
The moSt рори|аг toyS Wеге ...
Х WaS |еSS рори|аг than ...
The |еаSt рори|аг game WaS ,,,
of Suгvеу
Toyg and gаmеS: RеGulЪG Some сhildгеп Wеге keen оп ...
Nеаг|у а|| the сhildгеп fе|t ...
NumЬег of оhildгеп аGkеd: 5О
Мапу сhildгеп thoUght ...
MoGt рорulаг Ъоу9 and gameG
The Shop ShoUld make Suге ,,,
1 RGmоЪG оопЪго\ гоЬоъ (22Оіо) It WoUld Ье а good idea to ,,,
2 СоmрutGг gаmGб (і8оіо) I Wои|d гесоттепd ...
5 Мопоро\у (і7Оіо)
LGaGt рорulаг ъоуG and gameG

1 Тоу guп5 (||О/о)

2 Dо|\'б НоuбG (8оіо)
5 5пZаkGб and LаdсlGг5 (5Оіо)

СоmгпепtG fгоm оhildгеп


`Аu my famny l.іkG playing Мопороlу,'


makG mG mогG ViolGnt WhGn 1 gгоW uр.'


`А dо\\'5 hоuею iб оп1у fог \itЪ\G kidб.'

7б Gооdluсk,Ьаdluсk
Cohditionals (1): zего, 1:iгst ahd secohd

1 Wогk With а рагtпег, What do
you knoW аЬоut the
suрегStitiопs Suггоuпdiпg the
things in the рhоtоgгарhs?

2 Read the text quickly and

check уоuг апSWегS.

і The suрегstitiоп that if you Ьгеаk а miггог, you Will to гight, will Ьгiпg you Ьаd luсk. НоWеvег, in some
haVe SeVen уеагS' Ьаd luсk, comes fгоm the Ье1iеf in 25 сultuгеS а Ьlасk cat is thought to Ье а good omen гаthег
ancient times that а регsоп's геПесtiоп Was рагt of than а Ьаd опе.
thеiг sоul. AS а геsult, реор1е used to think that if
5 you Ьгоkе anything with this геflесtiоп оп it, such aS
а miггог, you would hагm the sоul. Тhеге аге Some customs connected With the mаггiаgе
сегеmопу Which go Ьасk thousands of уеагS. When the
Ьгidе puts оп hег white dгеss, She is Wеагiпg the sасгеd
1п moSt hotels а11 оvег the wоI.ld, you Will not find а 3o соlоuг of the Gгееks, Which гергеSепts рuгitу and
гооm With the пumЬег thiгtееп, and if the hotel is а iппосепсе. Like а mоdегп Ьгidе, the ancient Gгееk Ьгidе
skуSсгарег, it Will go fгоm Ноог twelve to Поог wоге а veil and а сгоWп and waS саггiеd оVег the
іо fоuгtееп. The suрегstitiОп that thiгtееп is uп1uсkу thгеshоld Ьу the gгооm. Оп the day She gets mаггiеd, а
сап Ье tгасеd Ьасk to а ScandinaVian mуth. Тhеге woman is suppoSed to Wеаг `Sоmеthiпg оld, Something
Wеге огigiпа11у оп1у twelve gods and then а1опg 35 пеw, Something ЬоггоWеd and Something Ь1uе'. Blue in
came the god Loki to make thiгtееп. Loki waS а the гhуmе stands fог tгuth.
mischievous god who Ьгоught suffегiпg to реор1е.
15 NoWаdауs, реор1е aVoid planning imрогtапt eVents
оп Fгidау 13th (ог TueSday 13th in Some сultuгеS), 1п сегtаiп ргimitivе tгiЬеs the act of eating гiсе tоgеthег
and if things go wюпg оп that dау, like the loSS of а WaS the way реор1е got mаггiеd. This waS ргоЬаЬ1у
wallet Ог а kеу, they Ьlаmе it оп the dаtе. Ьесаusе eating tоgеthег SуmЬоlizеd living tоgеthег and
4o гiсе happened to Ье the 1оса1 fооd. 1п Some сultuгеs гiсе
is thгоwп at weddings to ргоtесt the couple fгоm evil
Cats haVe alwayS Ьееп Suггоuпdеd Ьу suрегstitiопS. sрiгits. It WaS Ьеliеvеd that eVil Sрiгits арреагеd at
2o 1п ancient Egypt cats wеге сопsidегеd sасгеd, Ьut in Weddings and had to Ье fed to keep them fгоm doing
mеdiеvа1 Еuгоре many реор1е Ьеliеvеd cats wеге hагm to the пеWlуWеds. Rice is also thгоwп at
WitcheS in disguisе. А рорulаг SuрегStitiоп аЬоut 45 Weddings ЬесаuSе it гергеSепts fегtilitу and is а
cats is that а Ьlасk саt, сгоSsiпg уоuг path fгоm left sуmЬоliс Way of wishing the couple many сhildгеп.

Unit 'б


Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4

З Fог queStions 1-13, choose fгоm the SuрегStitiопs А-G.

Some of the SuрегStitiопS may Ье chosen mоге than опсе.
When mоге than опе апsWег is геquiгеd, theSe may Ье
given in апу огdег.

which suрегstitiоп ог suрегstitiопs:

1п some Меditеггапеап соuпtгiеS, the `еVil еуе' геfегS
to the fact that if you Say something good аЬоut is to do with getting mаггiеd?
Sоmеопе, you might Ьгiпg them Ьаd luсk. This inVolves а SресiЁс регiоd of Ьаd luсk?
5o ргоЬаЬ1у Ьеgап when реор1е Ье1iеvеd that if you inVolves saying sоmеthiпg?
ргаisе someone а 1оt and give them рlеаsuге, the inVolves реор1е wеагiпg sоmеthiпg?
devil Ьесоmеs enViouS and Hnds ways of spoiling
that рlеаsuге. Saying а ЬаЬу is Ьеаutiful may Ьгiпg inVolves уоuг hапd?
Ьаd luсk, So suрегStitiоuS реор1е often ргеtепd tO Ье inVolves ап ассidепt?
55 spitting and Say to the child `Lеt me not give you the will affect which гооm реор1е sleep iп?
evil еуе.' Реор1е а1Sо think they сап ргоtесt епсоuгаgеs реор1е to Ье mоdеst?
thеmsе1Vеs fгоm the eVil еуе Ьу not Ьоаstiпg аЬоut iпVо1vеs thгоwiпg food at sоmеопе?
thеiг suссеSS.
сап affect imрогtапt days in уоuг lifе?
involves ап апimаl?
1п many Сhгistiап соuпtгiеS, `Тоuсh wооd' is а
6o suрегStitiоus ехргеSsiоп that is Supposed to ргеVепt 4 Find wогds in the text that mеап:
Ьаd 1uсk. Often реор1е actually touch wood aS they - fгоm а 1опg time ago (рагt А)
Say it, and if thеге is nothing made of wood within - ап image you see in а miггог ог wаtег (рагt А)
геасh, they touch thеiг head ог Someone еlsе'S head - Ьаdlу Ьеhаvеd (рагt В)
iпStеаd. If someone asks `Наvе you еvег had а саг - dгеssеd as Someone else (рагt С)
65 ассidепt?', you might гер1у `Nо, touch Wооd.' - а sign that something is going to happen in the futuге
meaning `1 hope it пеVег hаррепS.' The огigiп of this (рагt с)
custom dateS almost сегtаiпlу fгоm the time When - iпjuгу, damage (рагt Е)
реор1е wоге а сгuсifiх made of Wood and touched it - jealous (рагt F)
aS if to Say `Мау Сhгist ргоtесt mе.' - to stop something fгоm happening (рагt G)

* Good |исk, Ьдd Iuck

1 Wогk with а рагtпег. ASk and апsWег theSe quеStiопS.
Which of you is mоге SuрегStitiоus?

: . iii -ii-_._iiiii-iiiii.iii.i ...- i-ii.i.i!. i_.--.i.-iiiЕ.i..-i. i ..... I. Ii._..iii____

I =i: -::--= ----------==-_: ----------------------------- _ -=Ёё ??


ConditionaIs (1): zего, fiгst and second
You fогm the Zего сопditiопа| with t.f + ргеsепt, Уоu fогm the second сопditiопа| with t.f + раst, +
+ ргеsепt. Vou uSe the zего conditionaI to taIk VVоu/d + iпfiпitivе. vou uSe the Second conditionaI
аЬоut gепегаI tгuths, hаЬits ог гоutiпеS. • to tа|k аЬоut ап unIikeIy ог imаgiпагу situation
if it'S гаiпiпg, She takeS the саг to Wогk. and its ргоЬаЬ|е геsult in the futuге.
vou use t.f + ргеsепt, + imрегаtivе to give if I Won the Lоttегу; I'd give ир ту jоЬ.
iпStгuсtiопS ог аdviсе. • togivеаdviсе.
If the phone г.Iпgs While I'т оиt, igпоге it, lf l Wеге уоU, l'd tell him hoW уои fееI.
vou fогm the fiгSt сопditiопа| with t.f + ргеSепt,
+ VVі.// + iпfiпitivе. Уоu use the fiгSt сопditiопа| to
tа|k аЬоut а Iikе|у Situation and its ргоЬаЬIе геsult
in the futuге.
lf I get а рау гisе, I'I| go оп а сгUisе doWn the Nilе.

1 Finish theSe SentenceS using the Zего, fiгSt ог Second сопditiопаl.

1 If you ргеss the switch ,... 8 If I wanted to make а lot of mопеу, ..

2 If you eat а lot of chips ,... 9 If you want to Ье inVited to lots of рагtiеs ,...
3 If you smоkе, .. 10 If you wanted to lose Wеight, ..
4 If I dгапk too much аlсоhоl, .. 11 If you Ьгеаk that miггог ,...
5 If уоuг tooth huгts ,... 12 If you walk uпdег а 1аddег ,...
6 If you need some money ,... 13 If I 1оst my jоЬ ,...
7 If you want to do Well at sсhооl, ..

Unit 7б

2 Wогk With а рагtпег and discusS theSe mога| dilеmmаs.

Spoken EngIish
what would you do if ...
|п Spoken Епglish, peopIe often usе:
1 ... you found ап antique Vase оп а Ьuildiпg Sitе?
2 ... you knew that а classmate of уоuгs had Ьееп • vегу common vегЬs, eg dо, gеt, рut.
stealing money fгоm оthег studепts? • fillег wогds ог Sоuпds, eg you 5ее, ег, VVе//.
3 ... you wеге haVing tгоuЬlе in а test and the • empty ехргеSsiопS, eg thегеуоu gо, апуwау, /
iпVigilаtог left the гооm fог а few miпutеs? must sау.
4 ... уоuг Ьеst fгiепd asked you to whisрег the соггесt • сопtгасtiопs, eg t.t's, /'с/, VVе'ге.
апswегs in ап imрогtапt ехаmiпаtiоп?
• simр|е сопjuпсtiопS, eg sо, Ьut, ог.
5 ... someone tгiеd to hitch а 1ift in уоuг саг оп а
quiet соuпtгу гоаd?
6 ... you knew а fгiепd of уоuгs was taking dгugs?
З Е Some of the fеаtuгеs аЬоVе have Ьееп |еft out of
7 ... you wеге оп holiday аЬгоаd and you lost а11
this tехt. Listen and соmр|еtе the tехt.
уоuг mопеу?
wеll, I wоuldп't Say I was suрегstitiоus exactly
(1) _ ... ег ... thеге аге some things like ... ег ...
wеll, lеt's (2) _ it this wау: if I see а lаddег оп the
Listening раvеmепt, I tend to aVoid it, I (3) _ sау, Ьut whу?
(4) _ , hагd to Say геа11у - whеthег it'S
1 Wогk With а рагtпег. Те|1 уоuг рагtпег if thеге is suрегStitiоп (5) _ something еlsе, I dоп't kпоw. I
something that you think Ьгiпgs you good Iuck Ьеfоге suspect it's got something to (6) _ with по.
ог duгiпg ап ехаm. wanting to get а pot of paint оп my hеаd, I suрроsе!
It's not геа11у а mаttег of Ьеliеviпg in suрегstitiоп,
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З (7) _ much as а logical геасtiоп to а рагtiсulаг
situаtiоп. (8) _ , sometimes thеге just isп't enough
2 Е You Will hеаг five реор|е tа|kiпg аЬоut Suрегstitiопs. гооm оп the paVement to (9) _ uпdег the lаddег
ChooSe fгоm the |ist А-F а Sentence which matcheS without knocking it оVег. So you go гоuпd it. It's оп1у
each Sреаkег. USe the |еttегs onIy опсе. Тhеге is опе common sепSе, isп't it?
ехtга |еttег Which you do not need to uSе.

А Не/shе lеагпt the suрегstitiоп

when hе/shе was уоuпg.
sреаkег 1
В Не/shе ЬеliеVеs hе/shе is just
Ьеiпg SепSiЬlе.
Sреаkег 2 LJ;l,`,J , I
С Не/shе Ьесаmе suрегstitiоus
оп а tгiр аЬгоаd.
Sреаkег 3 Г;Ij';;;,i+;7j;;;г,\ i |

D Не/shе disаgгееs stгопglу with

а рагtiсulаг suрегstitiоп.
Sреаkег 4
Е Не/shе is оп1у SuрегStitiоus
at wогk.
Sреаkег 5
F Не/Shе Ьесаmе suрегstitiоus
аftег things that геа11у hаррепеd.

З HoW did you chooSe уоuг апSWегS? Which Wогds fгоm

each Sреаkег gaVe you а сIuе?

* Good |Uсk, Ьаd |Uсk

VосаЬulагу РhгаsаI vегЬs with make

4 Match the рhгаSаl VегЬS in |ist А With thеiг meanings in
Wогds often confused |ist В. Two of the VегЬS haVe mоге than опе mеапiпg.

hагm huгt damage iпjuге Ьгеаk А в

1 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of make up see ог hеаг something with
опе of the Wогds аЬоVе. dimculty
fогm someching
1 It wаsп't my fаult. I didп't mean to _ апуопе. make fог wгitе а cheque
2 when I _ my агm I had to have it in рlаstег fОг
а mопth. make out move quickly tоwагds
3 Не was _ in the last game and Will have to Ьесоmе fгiепds again
miss the апа1.
4 Stгопg Sunlight сап sегiоuslу _ the геtiпаs of
уоuг еуеs. 5 Match the Sentences in |ist А With the SentenceS in |ist В.
5 stop pulling my hаiг - it - ' А
6 Тгust me and I ргоmisе уоu'll come to по
1 Two good fгiепds аге not talking [о each о{hег.
7 I'm Sоггу, I think I'Vе _ уоuг аlагm сlосk, 2 we need to decide who is going to Ье оп the
8 The Ьuildiпg was Ьаdlу _ Ьу the Ёге. соmmittее.
9 Тhеге is always а lifеguагd at the swimming роо1 to
3 No опе ЬеliеVеd the witпеss's stогу.
make suге по опе comeS to апу _ 4 I didп't want to go to school уеstегdау Ьесаusе I
10 The ЬоmЬ killed two реор1е and _ ten mоге. wаsп't геаdу fог the tеst.
5 I сап't рау in cash поw, I'm аfгаid.
РhгаsаI vегЬs with do and make 6 I'Vе left my glasses at hоmе.
7 The гоЬЬег hеагd the police аггiviпg.
2 Match the рhгаSа| vегЬS in |ist А With thеiг meanings in
Iist в.
Сап I make ouc а cheque iпstеаd?
А в It needs to Ье made up of two men and two
doup need wоmеп.
make of put роwdег and сгеаm оп опе'S face с I made out I was ill.
do with manage in sрitё of not haVing d I сап't make out what the sign sауs.
something е She ргоЬаЬ1у made i. а11 uр,
make off fasten f Isп't it аЬоut time you shook hands and made uр?
do without аЬоlish/gеt гid of g Не made fог the dоог.
make up leaVe quickly
do away with thiпk/hаVе ап opinion аЬоut

З СОmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of

опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬs аЬоvе.

1 what do you _ а11 these гumоuгs аЬоut Mad

cow Disеаsе?
2 I'm stагViпg; I could геа11у _ Something to еаt!
3 Yоu'l1 have to _ уоuг Suррег tonight ЬесаuSе
we hаvеп't got апу fооd.
4 I think they should _ Ьохiпg Ьесаusе it's such
а dапgегоus sрогt.
5 The thief as soon as he saw the policeman
6 _ уоuг jacket - уоu'll catch со1d!
7 She _ hегsеlf _ Ьеfоге she goes out with
hег Ьоуfгiепd.

* Good lисk, Ьаd luck

Exam ргасtiсе:
Тгапsасtiопа| Iеttег ** The Sun Ра1асе Hotel **
(Iеttег of соmрIаiпt)
Welcome to this Ргеmiег RеSогt and Сопfегепсе
|п Рагt 1 of the Wгitiпg ехаm,
Сепtге in the Меditеггапеап
you may Ье asked to wгitе а
lеttег of соmр|аiпt, fог ® Sр1епdid accommodation in 600 suрегЬ гооms, suites and
exampIe аЬоut а hо|idау ог
Something you haVe Ьоught Ьuпgа1оwS (ЬооkGd а ЬuпgаlоW, ЬuЪ had to GЪау in а гооm)
that is fаultу. Vou Will Ье given
iпfогmаtiоп to usе, Such as ап •ЕхquisitеdiпiпgапdЬагfасilitiеs(tt::ОdОг?п%::GЪгGуГ:!хЬ;:паSПj€е9
аdvегtisеmепt ог а рiсtuге.
Неге аге Some tipS оп Wгitiпg а • А Wide гапgе of еп.егtаiпmепt 0.ust а diGсо)
Iеttег of соmр|аiпt.
• Make suге you iпс|udе а|| • SuРеГЬ гесгеаtiОпаl amenitieS (tGППiG
up aIl соuгt ЬооkGd
the timе)
the геlеvапt iпfогmаtiоп.
• Wгitе уоuг |еttег in а fогmа| • Just 50 mеtгеs fгоm а Wопdегful Ьеасh (ЪhG Ьеасh waS f}|thу)
• State уоuг геаSоп fог
• Sаtе11itе TV in еvегу гооm (оut of огdGг)
wгitiпg in the fiгSt Sепtепсе.
• Room SегViсе гоuпd the clock (tооk ап hоuг to Ьгiпg coffee uр)
• Огgапizе уоuг соmр|аiпts
into рагаgгарhs.
® Lаuпdгу sегViсе (саmе Ьасk With StаiпG)
• End уоuг |еttег with а
геquеSt fог action ог а
гесоmmепdаtiоп оп hoW
the геаdег сап imргоVе the
Sегviсе ог ргоduсt.

5 Read this quеStiоп.

You Stayed in the Sun Ра1асе

Hotel оп hо1idау, and wеге vегу
dissаtisЯеd. The оwпегs of the
hotel haVe asked you to ргоvidе
them with fееdЬасk оп what you
thought аЬоut the sегViсеs
wгitе уоuг lеttег of complaint to
the hоtе1, using уоuг notes to
help уоu. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and
180 wогds.

Unit ,б

6 Read this modeI апSWег to the quеStiоп. HaS the wгitег iпс|udеd а|| the
ге|еVапt iпfогmаtiоп? іgпоге the Spaces fог поW.


^ іLі --.. пі` rіг`\ wеге two tennis соuгts, th_?УЧеГе?Р:f.:€.:: mOSt Of
А1thоugh (іо) ~ Wегt: іvvu іL+ .,,.. +ч __ _

YоuгS f аithfullу'
DаViс| Мuггау

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 2

7 Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the |еttег again and think of the Wогd which
ЬеSt fits each sрасе. USe оп1у опе Wогd in each Sрасе.

8 Find Wогds and ехргеSsiопs in the |еttег that mеап:

- to complain аЬоut - Vегу
- Ёllеd in - uпdегStапd
- Would like - as а геsult
- I am sоггу to say - do something
- expensive

9 NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг |еttег of соmр|аiпt to the Sun Ра1асе Ноtеl.
Wгitе Ьеtwееп 12О and 180 wогds.

The рагtу was пеаг1у оvег and еvегуопе had had а good timе.
suddепlу, а Ёге Ьгоkе оut. The hоst, рапiсkiпg, shouted to his
guеsts, `Quiсk, еvегуопе jump out of the window -it's ouг оп1у
сhапсе.' `Вut wе'ге оп the thiгtеепth Поог,' ргоtеstеd Опе of the
guеsts. `Тhis is по time to Ье suрегstitious!' sсгеаmеd the hоst.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt З
*RеViеW: Fог questionS 16-25, соmр|еtе the Second Sentence so
that it haS а similаг meaning to the fiгSt sепtепсе, using
Units 1 з-16 the wогd givеп. Do not change the wогd givеп. Vou must
uSe Ьеtwееп two and five Wогds, iпс|udiпg the Wогd
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 2
16 I'm Sоггу I didп't come оп time fог the mееtiпg.
Fог questionS 1-15, геаd the text Ье|оW and think of the fог
Wогd which Ьеst fits each Sрасе. USe оп|у опе Wогd in each
late to the mееtiпg.
sрасе. 17 I sо1d my old саг Ьесаusе I wanted to Ьuу а new
Ernil Оп the tгаil опе.
А young team of detectives has managed to cut (1) _ I sold my old саг anew
the сгimе гаtе in the swedish town of Uppsala with the опе.
help of (2) _ imaginative and dedicated роliсеmап.
The уоuпgstегs have Ьееп wогkiпg uпdег Gогап Нагdе, а 18 1п spite of hег hеаdасhе, she went Со the рагtу.
police оfЁсег who came (3) _ with the idea of wепс to the рагtу.
огgапiziпg а tгаiпiпg соuгsе fог young detectives to help Although
соре (4) _ iпсгеаsiпg сгimе levels in Swedish сitiеs. 19- The committee is made up of women and meets
The геsults of the соuгsе, (5) _ has Ьееп гuппiпg Since опсе а mопth.
the еаг1у 90s, (6) _ ргеttу imргеssivе. Stolen Ьiсусlеs whose
аге ап еvегуdау оссuггепсе in Uppsala and as (7) _ as тhе meets опсе а mопth.
news comes in of yet (8) _ missing Ьiсусlе, Нагdе gets
in touch (9) _ his team of young detectiveS and sends 20 I Ьоught а telescope Ьесаusе I wanted to look at
the stагs.
(10) _ out оп the tгаil of the Ьiсусlе thiеvеs. The
сhildгеп manage (11) _ Ёпd and Ьгiпg Ьасk аЬоut that
I Ьоught а telescope look at
thгее Ьiсусlеs а wееk.
Missing реор1е, (12) _ missing Ьiсусlеs, сап Ье tгасеd the stагs.
with the help of the `Еmil and the Dеtесtivеs' tеаm. Not 21 I eat much less meat поwаdауs.
1опg (13) _ , the сhildгеп wеге allowed to Cake time as
off school to tгасk doWn ап old lady who (14) _ gone I dоп't eat as tо.
missiпg. 1п а Vегу Shогt time they disсоvегеd the woman
Sipping coffee in а саfё some distance (15) _ hег 22 I dоп't have enough money fог а holiday this уеаг.
hоmе. 8о
I сап't holiday this уеаг.

23 I have по mоге lеttегs to wгitе tоdау.

lеttегS fог tоdау.

24 She studied 1аw Ьесаusе she wanted to Ьесоmе а

She studied law а lаwуег.

25 You Should change уоuг Ьаd hаЬits.

It's уоuг Ьаd hаЬits.

Rеv.іеw.. Uп.іts іЗ-16

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 4

Fог queStions 26-40, геаd the text Ье|оW and |ооk сагеfullу at each |iпе. Some of the IineS аге
соггесt, and Some haVe а Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге. |f а |iпе is соггесt, put а tick (/). |f а
|iпе haS а Wогd Which should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the wогd.

The mnniest man

26 РгоЬаЬ1у the most рорulаг situation comedy оп IV in the last
27 twenty уеагs haS Ьееп the Fс7Zд/Jj; Гоwе7S, stаггiпg Tohn Cleese as the
28 ессепtгiс mапаgег of а `tурiсаl' seaside hotel living in Епglапd. His
29 рогtгауаl of Basil Fawlty has made him so fаmоus, not оп1у in Вгitаiп
3o Ьut in many оthег соuпtгiеs tоо. Сlееsе, who was Ьоm in іg39, Ьеgап
31 his сагеег in comedy with Che noW known classic jИо7€Zj; Р);J%о73's f7Ь#иg
32 С2.лсиs, ргоduсеd in the 70s Ьу С1ееSе and few оthег соmеdiапs, many
33 of whom wеге gгаduаtеs of СаmЬгidgе Uпivегsitу, The ргоgгаmmеs
34 Ьесаmе famouS fог thеiг suггеаlistiс humоuг and Wеге made up of shогt
35 sketches in the which реор1е ЬеhаVеd in stгапgе ог silly ways - ог Ьоth.
36 Since thеп, john CleeSe has Ьееп Ьесоmе known fог playing сhагасtегs
37 who Ьеhаvе in unusual Ьut amusing wауs. His height has helps the
38 comic еffесt, Ьut he is also а mаstег of соmЬiпiпg the sегiоus with the
39 аЬsuгd. Опе of the moSt successful гоlеS he has пеVег р1ауеd js the
40 hеаdmаStег of ап Епg1ish соmргеhепsivе school in the amused Ёlm
С/осА2wj.sG, in which ап оЬsеSsiоп with рuпсtuа1itу is гidiсulеd.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 5

Fог questions 41-50, геаd the text Ье|оW. Use the Wогd given in сарitа|S at the end
of each |iпе to fогm а Wогd that fits in the Space in the same |iпе.

The coming of the гоЬОt age

А few уеагs аgо, Hans Могаvес, the (41) _ of the RоЬоt DIRЕст
LаЬогаtогу in Рi[tsЬuгgh, рuЬlishеd а Ьооk called /l4`G.72с7 С%G./d7іе7€.
Ассогdiпg to МогаVес, the coming of the гоЬоt age will Ьгiпg
(42) _ changes to the wогld as we know it. Не ргеdiсts that DRАм
гоЬоts will deVelop to such ап (43) _ that Within 5o уеагs ЕхтЕND
machines with human (44) _ will Ье соmmоп. At Ёгst we will INтЕLLIGЕNт
ЬепеЕt fгоm the wогk that гоЬоts do fог uS, Ьut gгаduаllу,
as thеiг (45) _ iпсгеаsе, they will Ьесоmе mоге and mоге АвLЕ
(46) _ of humапs. МогаVес also makes the fгightепiпg DEpEND
(47) _ that опе day гоЬоts will take оVег the wогld and we рRЕDIст
will face (48) _ ЕхтINст
Аге these claims in Jl41g.7€с7 С%G./d7іе7с (49) _ to come tгuе? LIкЕ
At ргеsепt, (50) _ сап сгеаtе гоЬоts which haVe thеiг own ScIENcE
leamed Ьеhаviоuг раttегпs. НоwеVег, so fаг what гоЬоts сап
ас(uаllу do оп thеiг own is Vегу simple соmрагеd to what
human 1ifе is сараЬ1е оf.

77 WогthаthоuSапdwОгds
ModaI VегЬs (1): ОЫigаtiОп and necessity (must, haVe tо, пееф

А Cave Paintings
і The caVe раiп.iпgs оп the Walls of
caVes in Spain and Southem Fгапсе аге
the еагliеst fогm of агt We hаVе. They
ShoW а Wide vahety of апimаls, Such as
5 Ьеагs, hогsеS and dеег. The рiс.uгеs
wеге painted in Ьгight соlоuгs, Which
Wеге made of vагiоus miпега1S mixed
With animal fаt, egg whitеS, р1апі juiceS
and eVen Ьlооd, They wеге аlmоSс
іо сегtаiпlу connected with huпtiпg. 1п
опе famouS ехаmрlе, in а caVe in LaScaux in Fгапсе, а
ReadEng man is shoWn among some апimа1S and thеге аге sеVега1
dагk dots in the раiпtiпg. The meaning of the painting is
not сегtаiп, Ьut i[ ShoWS that the cave dwеllегS had suрегЬ
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4 15 агtistiс Skills.

1 Fог queStionS 1-12, chooSe fгоm the StyIeS of агt А-F.

В Egyptian Paintings
Some of the StyIes may Ье used mоге than опсе. When
mоге than опе апSWег is геquiгеd, theSe may Ье given
Моге than 5 000 уеагS аgо, the Еgур.iапS Ьеgап painting
in апу огdег.
the wог1d агоuпd them оп the walls of the Рhагаоhs'
tоmЬS. The Еgур(iапS ЬеliеVеd thеге waS life аftег dеаth,
which style ог styleS of агt: So they painted рiсtuгеs of mythological Stогiеs and of
2o daily 1ifе. Реор1е and animals Wеге ShoWn inVoIved in
Егst Showed sceneS fгоm еVегуdау lifе?
daily асtivitiеS, such aS huпtiпg, faming and еаtiпg.
is the оldеst?
shows scenes fгоm mуthо1оgу? с Gгееk Агt
is diгесtlу influenced Ьу а The most агtistiс реор1е of апу age Wеге, регhарS, the
Gгееks агоuпd 500 ВС. Тhеiг aim in Sсulрtuге was the
ргеViоus style of раiпtiпg?
imiСаtiоп of lifе, Ьut 1ifе in iCs регfесt ог ideal fоm. We
tгiеd to Ье Vегу diffегепt fгоm
25 have many examples of Gгееk Sсulрtuге, Which is сhагас-
ргеViоuS stу1еs? tегizеd Ьу the Ьеаutу of its fогms and amazing knowledge
makes реор1е seem mоге Ьеаutiful of human апаtоmу. MoSt of the SсulрtuгеS рогtгау gods
than they геа11у аге ? and goddesSes fгоm mуtholоgу.
shows реор1е having fuп? MoSt Gгееk Wа11 paintings have not SuгVivеd, Ьut We

Ьеgап in (hе nineteenth сепtuгу? 3o haVe а feW ехаmр1еs Ьу the MinoanS of Сгеtе in the
ancient гоуа1 palaceS of КпоSsоs and Sапtогiпi. These
may at ЁгSt seem to Ье Ьаdlу dгаwп?
рiсСuгеS аге Vегу геа1istiс and 1ivеlу. The moSt common
do not show оЬjесts с1еаг1у? SuЬjесts аге Sрогts, се1еЬгаtiопS, dolphinS and Ьеаutiful
is found in museums in most соuпtгiеs? young реор1е.

Unit 77

D The Renaissance WaS to achieve gгеаtег пасuгаlism in раiпtiпg. Most

35 The Renaissance is usually dеЁпеd aS the геЬiгth of ImргеSsiопist рiсtuгеs аге of 1апdsсареS and the
painting and litегаtuге iпsрiгеd Ьу claSsical mоdе1S, ImргеSsiопists 1ikеd to use Ьгight соlоuгs, eVen When
eSpecially thoSe of ancient Gгеесе. The Renaissance 1аstеd рогtгауiпg ShаdоWs; this often gives thеiг Wогk а jоуful,
fгоm the Пftеепth to the sixteenth сепtuгу and its сепtге 55 optimistic fееl,
Was Itа1у. The gгеаt агtists of the регiоd, Who include
4o Мiсhе1апgеlо, Lеопагdо and Воttiсе11i, Wеге аЬ1е to paint F моdегпism
паtuге and реор1е With gгеаt ассuгасу. Моге than апу оthег Fо1lоwiпg the ImргеSsiопist mоVеmепt, агtists such as
stу1е, the Wогks of Сhе Italian Renaissance сап Ье seen in PicasSo and Вгаquе tгiеd to change .hе Sсуlе of раiп.iпg
museum соl1есtiопS thгоughоut the Wог1d. fгоm паtuга1istiс to mоге аЬStгасt. InStead of tгуiпg to
make а геаlisсiс сору of ап оЬjесt, they Wanted to Show it
Е ImргеSsiопism 6o fгоm а Vагiеtу of diffегепt апglеS.1п thеiг раiпtiпgs,
The name comeS fгоm а рiсtuге Ьу Мопеt, `ImргеSsiоп, SеVегаl ViewS of ап оЬjесt ог регsоп аге соmЬiпеd, which
45 Suпгisе' (1872). This painting ShowS Мопеt'S iпtегеst in often геSults in Such things as eyeS and noses арреагiпg in
апа1уSiпg tone and со1оuг апd, аЬоVе а11, the Way 1ight unuSual placeS ог at stгапgе апg1еS. Some реор1е conclude
геНесts оп the suгfасе of оЬjесts. AS а геSult, the оЬjесts do fгоm these paintings that the агtists could not dгаw. Оп the
not alwayS haVe а с1еаг оutliпе. The ЁгSt ImргеSsiопist 65 сопtгагу; Picasso and Вгаquе Wеге регfесСlу сараЬ1е of
ехhiЬitiоп Was held in 1874 When Мопеt, Rепоiг, СёZаппе, painting паtuгаlistiс раiпtiпgs, Ьut this WaS not thеiг aim in
5o Degas and оthегS announced that the aim of the moVement агt.

Use of English and VосаЬulагу

1 Wогk With а рагtпег and discusS this раiпtiпg, using the questionS Ье|оw.

what is the Ёгst thing that catches уоuг еуе?

what сап you see in the Ьасkgгоuпd?
what сап you
see in the
DеsсгiЬе the two
men оп the lеft.
what feelings
and emotions
does the painting
give уоu?

* Wогth а thoUSand Wогds

2 NoW геаd the text and соmраге уоuг апSWегs With Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
thoSe of the Wгitег. іgпоге the spaceS fог поW.
3 Fог questions і-15, геаd the text again and think of
The Ваthегs the Wогd Which ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. Use оп1у опе
Опе of my fаvоuгitе wогks of агt is Ьу Sеuгаt Wогd in each Sрасе.
(1859-1891). It is called `Тhе Ваthегs' (`Uпе Ваigпаdе')
and it is опе of his (1) _ famous раiпtiпgs. It
shoWs а scene in ап iпdustгiа1 SuЬuгЬ (2) _ Рагis 4 LаЬе| the painting Ье|оW With the Wогds in the Ьох.
called АSпiёгеs.
(3) _ the Ьасkgгоuпd, we сап just make (4) _ sоldiегS civilianS lantem light ams ЬlОоd Ьооts
Some fасtогу сhimпеуs, Ьut the рiсtuге aS а whole is Ьuildiпgs uпifогm гiflе tагgеt Shiгt gгоuпd helmet
full of light, реасе and hагmопу. It gives (5) _
that fее1iпg of а hot summег'S day when you - just fог
а moment - escape fгоm gгim геаlitу.
5 Wогk With а рагtпег and discuSS the раiпtiпg, usjng
But (6) _ is it that makes it so calm and геlахiпg?
theSe quеstiопS.
Регhарs the агst thing (7) _ catcheS оuг еуе is the
pile of с1оthеs and Ьооts next (8) _ the сепtга1 which соlоuгs stand out mоst? why do you think the
Ёguге, гight in the middle of the fогеgгоuпd. Nо.iсе агtist chose thеm?
(9) _ с1еаг1у the оЬjесts аге раiпtеd; а регfесt what Was the агtist tгуiпg to shоw?
Ьа1апсе Ьеtwееп light and dагk. Notice also the hаts; Is it а good раiпtiпg?
hats of diffегепt kiпds, (10) _ seem to haVe just what is уоuг геасtiоп to the раiпtiпg?
Ьееп left 1уiпg агоuпd - it's а11 Vегу саsuа1. Tust
looking at the hats makes you fее1 just (11) _ hot
it must Ье. 1п the Ьасkgгоuпd, we (12) _ make
out tгееS and the sails of Ьоаts. The man up
(13) _ the lеft, with his tгоusегs го11еd uр, and the
man in the fогеgгоuпd, lying with his Ьасk (14) _
us, also add to the stillness of the рiсtuге. The рiсtuге
is dominated Ьу the young man mоге ог (15) _ in
the middle of the рiсtuге, sitting laZily in the suп, his
feet dangling in the wаtег.

Unit ,7

6 Read this dеsсгiрtiоп of the painting орроSitе. What is 8 Find Wогds in the text that mеап:
the Wгitег'S opinion of it? Do you аgгее? іgпоге the
- а fогеigп агmу takes оVег а city
spaceS fог поW.
- реор1е hght against а сопquегог ог Ьаd gоvегпmепt
The Тhiгd of Мау 1808 - sоldiегs оп hогsеЬасk
- а gгоuр of sоldiегs
when Nароlеоп's агmу occupied Маdгid in 1808, Goya - killing of а lot of реор1е
soon disсоVегеd (1) _ ап агmу of occupation - tогп, о1d
mеапs. Оп the second of Мау, the Sрапiагds tгiеd to
(2) _ up some геsistапсе and сhеге was а гiоt in the
Рuегtа del Sоl. Some Fгепсh оmсегs (3) _ а few 9 Which рiсtuге Would you chooSe to haVe оп уоuг
shots fгоm а hill аЬоVе the сitу. The оmсег in (4) _ Ьеdгооm Wа||, 'Тhе Тhiгd of Мау' ог 'Тhе Ваthегs`? Whу?
then огdегеd the саVаlгу to (5) _ at the сгоwds in
the squаге. The following night he set up а Ёгiпg squad
and Shot (6) _ Who happened to Ье within easy
It was the Ьеgiппiпg of а mаssасге which stamped itself
оп Gоуа'S (7) _ . Не ехргеssеd the hоггог he felt in 1 Е You Will hеаг а |есtuгег taIking аЬоut раiпtiпg.
the most (8) _ апti-wаг painting of а11 timе. 1п `Тhе Which of these names of Shapes and со|оuгS doeS the
Тhiгd of Мау' he Shows what happenS when men in Sреаkег mепtiоп?
(9) _ 1оsе сопtгоl. 1п а stгоkе of (іо) _ , he shapes tгiапglе cylinde г руга mid
сопtгаsts the sоldiегs, with the stгаight line of thеiг sрhеге гесtапglе сiгсlе \
helmets and guпS, with the disогgапizеd panic of thеiг соlоuгs Ьluе геd ьlасk
(11) _ . The Sрапiагds аге helpless -сгоwdеd 8геу gге еп Ьгоwп
tоgеthег like апimаls. 1п (12) _ of the Ёгiпg squad
they соVег thеiг eyes ог ргау. (13) _ fhe middle of
the рiсtuге, а man with а dагk face (14) _ up his Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
агms in tеггог, his white shiгt dominating the (15) _
2 Е Listen аgаiп, and fог queStions і-і о, соmр|еtе the
рiсtuге. The scene is lit Ьу а lапtегп оп the gгоuпd; а sentenceS With а Wогd ог а рhгаSе.
hагd, white Ьох of light which сопtгаsts Vividly with the
tаttегеd, white shiгt of the mап. 1 The second lесtuге will Ье аЬоut
іті,іtjі t and регiоds of агt.

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1 2 The two ЬаSiс ideaS in а11

агt аге '
7 Fог questionS 1-15, геаd the text again and decide Which
3 If we 1ооk агоuпd us,
апsWег А, В, С ог D ЬеSt fits each sрасе.
we сап see
1 А that в which cwho D what 4 The ргimагу соlоuгs
2 А make в put с take D8еt аге )апd
3 А made В sent с агеd D thгеw
5 The Sесопdагу со1оuгs
4 А сhагgе В attack с роwег D omce
5 А attack В shoot сгuп D shout
6 Аапуопе Bthem С Someone D these 6 Some paintings аге
7 Athought в mind с fее1iпg D mеmогiеs without со1оuг.
8 А stгопg В sсагу с роwегful D tеггiЬ1е 7 СёZаппе said еVегуthiпg in паtuге
9 А costume В агmу с 8uпs D uпifогm is made up of ,,,( -,`,'h (
10 А сlеVегпеss В wit С intelligence D genius
8 Мопdгiап was iпtегеstеd
11 А aim В оЬjесt С оЬjесtivе D tаг8еt
12 А fгопt В face с fеаг D opposite
13 AAt вто с1п D Fгоm 9 The Мопdгiап рiсtuге was
14 А thгоws В takes с pulls D stands painted in
15 А total В complete С gгеаt D whole 10 Раiпtегs in Che past also used
in thеiг раiпtiпgs.

* Wогth а thoUSand Wогds

2 RеWгitе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of

Gгаmmаг тиSt, FIaVe to ог пееd.

1 You тиstп't рагh оп the РаUетепt.

ModaI vегЬs (1): оЬIigаtiоп and necessity
|тust, have tо, пееd) 1 It is illеgа1 to рагk оп the раVеmепt.
2 The гulе is fог еvегуопе to Stand in the queue in
vou uSe musf + infinitive fог stгопg оЬligаtiопs Ьапks and poSt оmсеS.
that ехргеsS the аuthогitу of the Sреаkег. 3 It will Ье песеssагу fог you to have а сhесk-uр.
YoU mUst Wеаг а Suit fОг the iпtегViеW, 4 we wеге fогсеd to hand оVег а11 оuг mопеу.
You use mu5tгt't to taIk аЬоut something you аге 5 It is not а 1еgа1 геquiгеmепt fог you to go into the
not aIIowed to dо. агmу.
voU тиStп't uSe уоUг diсtiопагiеS in the tеSt, 6 Dоп't wоггу аЬоut the washing up - 1'11 do it lаtег.
7 It's not песеSsагу fог you to Ьооk а ticket in
YЬu use haVe to + infinitive fог stгопg оЬIigаtiОпS
аdvапсе, Ьut you сап if you want tо.
that ехргеSS the а,uthогitу of а thiгd регSоп.
8 we Ьооkеd tickets in advance а1thоugh it wаSп't
voU haVe to Vacate уоUг hоtе| гоот Ьу twе|Vе о'с|осk.
Уоu use had to fог paSt оЬIigаtiопs. 9 RuЬЬish is to Ье left out оп1у опсе а wееk.
We had to |еаVе еаг|; to аVоid-thе гUsh hоdг, 10 А11 сагs аге оЬligеd to рагk outside the city сепtге.
You uSe dоп't haVe to to tа|k аЬоut а Iack of
l didп't haVe to Ье thеге Ьеfоге ten о'с|осk.
You uSe need to + infinitive to tа|k аЬоut
песеssitiеS, гаthег than оЬIigаtiопs.
1 Wогk in раiгS. Student А, look at the рiсtuге оп page
We need to ЬUу Some рарег cUpS fог the рагtу.
197. DеSсгiЬе the рiсtuге and get Student В to dгаw it.
You use dоп't need tо/пееdп't + infinitive to taIk Student В, Iook at the рiсtuге оп page 199 and get
аЬоut а |асk of оЬ|igаtiоп ог песеssitу. Student А to dгаw it, USe ехргеSsiопS fгоm the Ьох
yoU dоп't need tо/пееdп't Ьиу а.ТV ЬесаиSе уои сап ье'оW.
haVe ту о|d опе.
Уоu use пееdп't haVe + paSt рагtiсiрIе ог dt.dп't
need to + infinitive to taIk аЬоut ап action in the Useful Ianguage
paSt that was uппесеSSагу. When you uSe dt.dгt't
need tо, we dоп't know if the регsоп did it ог поt. ln the ЬасkgгоUпd... Atthetop ofthe рiсtuге...
соmраге: ln thеfогеgгоuпd,,. Atthe Ьоttот ofthe рiсtuге
Не пееdп't haVe paid fог the теа|. Just аЬоVе thе... Next tо..,
Не didп't need to рау fог the теаl, JUst Ье|оW the ,., Nеаг thе...
Оп the гight... In the тiddlе.,,
оп the Ieft ...
1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of In the top |еft hand согпег ...
тUst, haVe to ог пееd, In the Ьоttот гight hand согпег ,..

1 I _ go to wогk today Ьесаusе it's а national

21 go to the dосtог'S the оthег day as I felt 2 DеSсгiЬе уоuг гооm to уоuг рагtпег aS it is поW. Then
tеггiьlе. dеSсгiЬе уоuг гооm aS you Would like it to Ье.
3 You _ wогk hагdег if you want to pasS the
4Yоu eat too muсh; it's Vегу Ьаd fог уоu.
5Yоu type уоuг hоmеWогk, Ьut you сап if you
want tо.
We _ Ьгiпg оuг sleeping Ьаgs to саmр?
tа1k duгiпg the геаdiпg ехаm.
get а visa if you want to Visit the USА.

Unit ,7

VосаЬulагу LЕstепЕп9
СоuпtаЬ|е and uпсоuпtаЬlе nouns
СоuпtаЬIе nouns аге Sерагаtе thiпgs, реор1е and
ideaS that сап Ье соuпtеd. They haVe а siпgulаг
and а рIuгаI fогm and you сап use пumЬегS With
I haVe just ЬоUght а Vегу expenSive саг.
Мапу familieS in England hдVе two сагS.

UпсоuпtаЬ|е nouns аге things which аге thought

of aS `mаssеs' and not aS Sерагаtе оЬjесts,
eg wаtеr, аdvt.се, wогk. They usuaIIy dоп't have а
рIuга| fогm and you сап't uSe пumЬегs With thеm.
Сои|d уои lend те Some топеу?
Some nounS сап Ье соuпtаЬ|е ог uпсоuпtаЬ|е,
depending оп hoW they аге usеd. Соmраге:
і'Vе got Some Ьеег in the fгidgе.
Wои|d уои |ikе а Ьеег? 1 Е You Will hеаг а гаdiо tа|k аЬоut соmiсS. HSten and
Wгitе the уеаг in Which the comicS Ье|оW fiгSt арреагеd.

1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the fо||оWiпg hеаdiпgs: Suрегmап Тагzап Batman Flash Gогdоп snoopy
-соuпtаЬ|е nounS
-uпсоuпtаЬ|е nounS Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
"wогk €гаvе1 jоЬ money coin suggestion tгuth lie 2 Е Listen аgаiп. Fог queStionS 1-10, соmр|еtе the
SentenceS With а Wогd ог а рhгаSе.
\\іі news iпfогmаtiоп knowledge luggage Suitcase
Щmituге сhаiг hоmеwогk task tгаfНс саг jоumЧг ,t,:':
1 The ехhiЬitiоп shows how
wadvice intelligence \і J`\
Suрегmап has changed
duгiпg the last

2 Соmр|еtе these sentenceS using опе of the wогds 2 The Ьооk оп comics coSts `
аЬоVе ог ап арргоргiаtе VегЬ. 3 Suрегmап was given his
1 Аге these аl1 the luggage you hаVе, siг? Do
own comic ЬесаuSе he was

you haVe апу hand 7 4 Comics аге mainly геаd Ьу

2 thеге апу news аЬоut the ассidепt? young реор1е aged Ьеtwееп
3 Is the _ you haVe given оп the fогm ассuгаСе?
4 Му Wогk _ Vегу dimcult Ьесаusе I haVe to do 5 Comics аге made up of а
sегiеs of
sеvегаl diffегепt at the same timе.
5 The hоmеwогk I'm going to give you _ еаsу. 6 The Ягst comics арреагеd in
It consists of thгее shогt вгitаiп in
6 His knowledge of (hе suЬjесt _ good and he
also haS а gгеаt deal of . Не's а vегу smагt 7 The Wогds in а comic арреаг
ьоу. in Ьаllоопs ог
7 _ , they sау, Ьгоаdепs the miпd, so the mоге 8 Comics helped to iпсгеаsе
_ you mаkе, the Ьеttег!
9 The Ёгst comic рuЬlishеd
independently of пеwsрарегs
was са1lеd

10 Comics haVe influenced

many 8геаt

* Wогth а thouSand Wогds

VосаЬulагу Wогds often confused

роWег Stгепgth
соlоuг idioms
З Соmр|еtе these sentences using the соггесt fогm of опе
1 We often uSe со|оuгs in idiomatic ехргеSsiопs, еg:
of the Wогds аЬоVе.
She waS green шith emjy ujhе'п I won fгst ргi2:е in the 1 The ргеsidепt has епогmоus to make dесisiопS.
гасе . 2 She has а vегу _ сhагасtег.
Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS With the name of а соIоuг. 3 Не's а Vегу _ mап. Не сап tеаг а telephone Ьооk
in twо.
1 Вгеаkiпg the window was а mагk against You dоп't have enough _ to lift that Ьох.
уоu. Ве сагеful next timе. The Ьоаt is dгivеп Ьу two _ mоtогs.
2 Аге you аfгаid to Ёght? Yоu'ге not _ ' аге уоu? She haS Ьеliеfs, so you wоп't регsuаdе hег
Come оп, dоп't Ье а соwагd! еаsilу.
3 The govemment gave us the light ,о go не made а _ speech asking the gоVегпmепt to
ahead with the р1ап. take асtiоп.
4 Не saw . Не was аЬsоlutеlу fuгiоus!
5 I'm iпtегеstеd in the епviгопmепt and in
issues gепега11у.
6 Yоu'ге as as а shееt. Have you seen а ghost Wгitiпg
ог sоmеthiпg?
7 It's fгееziпg оutsidе; уоuг hands аге with Exam ргасtiсе: Dеsсгiрtivе composjtion
1 Read this dеSсгiрtiоп of the painting oppoSite and find
ехаmр|еS of theSe fеаtuгеS:
Рhгаsа[ VегЬs with оп and о#
-uSе of the ргеSепt simр|е
dгороff tгуоп setoff come off -ехргеSsiопS dеSсгiЬiпg diffегепt рагts of the рiсtuге
handon catchon Ьгеаkоff -Ьасkgгоuпd iпfогmаtiоп
-gооd VосаЬulагу
2 Rер|асе the uпdег|iпеd Wогds in theSe Sentences with -регSопа| iпfогmаtiоп and геасtiопs
the соггесt fогm of опе of the рhгаSа| vегЬs аЬоvе.

what time shall we Ье tоmоггоw?

They Ёр±Ё± thеiг геlаtiопshiр when they геаlizеd
they didп,, get оп.
It's ап аmЬitiоus р1ап. Do you think it will Suссееd?
Уоu dоп't have to take me а11 the way - j`ust !±±±[s
me оп the согпег. imрогtап'
Мопе{ was опе of .hе moSt
5 Do you think this new stу1е of dгеSs will еvег
Ьесоmе рорulаг?
6 These jewels wеге ра±±s! to me Ьу my fаthег who is his `Vепiсе: Ра1аZzо de Мulа' .
was given them Ьу his fаthег. ТhеЁгsttimеIsеtеуеSопthisраiпtiпgI
7 Dоп't Ьuу mat рullоvег Ьеfоге you have put it оп fоuпditquitеЬгеаthtаkiпg.IhаdЬееп
to see if it Ёts
and роWегful.

2 ChooSe опе of theSe Wгitiпg tаSks.

1 wгitе а dеsсгiрСiоп of а painting you like which

shows а landscape (iп the city ог in the соuпtгу). USe
сапvаsisdividеdiпtоtwорагts:thесапа1апd this р1ап and the ехргеssiопs оп page 148 to help
уоu. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds.
аге two агсhеS Which seem to Ье the епtгапсе
Рагаgгарh 1 Give iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the раiпtег.
(whеге he was Ьоm, whеге he wогkеd,
gопdо1аS.Аtthеtороfthераiпtiпgагеtwо what kind of paintings he did.)
Рагаgгарh 2 Give iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the раiпtiпg's
АЬоvеthесепtгаIагсhеSthегеагеасоuрIеоf histогу. what wеге the раiпtег's аims?
WiпdоWSоfаStгапgе,dагk-геdсоlоuг- Рагаgгарh 3 DеsсгiЬе the раiпtiпg.
Рагаgгарh 4 Give уоuг opinions аЬоu( the раiпtiпg.
thеЬоttоmоfthерiсtuге,thеWаtегiпthе why do you like it?
2 wгitе а magaZine аг{iсlе dеsсгiЬiпg the most
of реасе and саIm.
uпfогgесtаЬlе landscape you have sееп. wгitе
Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds.

78 OneSmalIstep
Futuге fогms (2): futuге регfесt simрlе, futuге регfесt сопtiпuоus,
ful:uге continuous

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З

4 Eight SentenceS have Ьееп геmоVеd fгоm the tехt.
ChooSe fгоm the ехtгасts А-I the опе Which fits each
gap (1-8). Тhеге is опе ехtга sentence Which you do
not need to uSе.

А Оп the twentieth аппivегsагу of the Лро//о ZZ

missiоп, РгеSidепt Вush, imitating Кеппеdу,
announced gгапdlу that the USA should aim to
send а man to Магs Ьеfоге the уеаг 2029.
В But the Аmегiсапs had still not managed to get а
man into огЬit.
VосаЬulагу and Reading С Is this vision that some реор1е will Ье living оп the
Мооп опе day апу сгаZiег than the idеа, say 50 ог
100 уеагs аgо, that а man would walk оп the
1 Wогk With а рагtпег. Look at theSe рhоtоgгарhs and мооп?
discuSs the fоI|оWiпg quеStiопS. D Мапу scientists с1аim that if human Ьеiпgs аге еvег
fогсеd in the futuге to еmigгаtе to апоthег рlапеt,
What is happening in the рhоtоgгарhs? the Мооп would Ье thеiг Пгst сhоiсе.
when wеге these рhоtоgгарhs tаkеп? Е МеmЬегs of the рuЬliс wеге Ьеgiппiпg to ехргеsS
Do you think you will Ье аЬ1е to Visit the Мооп in сопсегп at the епогmоus cost of the space гасе.
уоuг lifеtimе? F Тhеп, оп 12 Аргil 1961, the Soviets stole апоthег
mагсh оп the Аmегiсапs When VоsZод Z took Уuгi
2 Uпdег|iпе the Wогds in the Ьох that аге Ьоth vегЬS and Gаgагiп fог а Single огЬit агоuпd the Еагth,
поuпS. Ьесоmiпg the Ёгst man in sрасе.
G The р1ап was гiskiег than Von Вгаuп'S Ьut ic was
launch the опе that was еVепtuа11у аdорtеd.
Н Ву thеп, Scientists hope they Will haVe identiaed
t\:+\"uпсh ехр1оге vehicle man огЬit сiгсlе р1ап SuitаЬ1е госks and оthег miпегаls fог the
sаtеl1itе luпаг flight ехрегimепt station igloo гасе
сопstгuсtiоп of the Мооп stаtiоп.
I Millions watched оп TV sсгеепs а11 оvег the wогld
З Read the text quickly and uпdег|iпе the wогds fгоm the as Агmstгопg `tооk опе small step fог mап; опе
Ьох аЬоVе. giant 1еар fог mапkiпd'.

Unit ,8

Мооп. Von Вгаuп fаVоuгеd sending two госkеts into

2o огЬit гоuпd the Еагth, опе to геfuеI the оthег, which
would then tгаvеI to the Мооп. But оthег scientists
at NASA ргеfеггеd to fiге а twо-рагt sрасесгаft
diгесt to the Мооп, whеге it would sерагаtе, with
two сгеw mеmЬегS descending to the suгfасе while а
25 thiгd сiгс|еd the Мооп in the оthег рагt. When the
|uпаг Ianding waS оvег, the spacemen оп the Мооп
would геjоiп thеiг соmрапiопs, |еаviпg thеiг |апdiпg
Vеhiс|е Ьеhiпd. | \,,`=€; ; |

FiпаI|у, оп 16 July 1969, Аро//о 7 7 set off fог the

3o Мооп. The names of the аstгопаuts оп that tгiр
would go down in histогу: Neil Агmstгопg, Edwin
BuzZ АIdгiп and MichaeI СоlIiпs. Neil Агmstгопg,
аftег fоuг dayS in Sрасе, сIimЬеd down the |аddег of
the |uпаг module Еаg/е, Which had Ianded оп the
35 Мооп's Sea of Тгапquillitу. Не stepped off оп to the
Suгfасе ofthe Мооп. | ,'+ |
Оthег visits to the Мооп fоIIоwеd. The Iast time
WaS оп 15 DесеmЬег 1972 and it wаs, as Ргеsidепt
Nixon had ргеdiсtеd, to Ье 'thе |аSt the in this
4o сепtuгуthаt men Will waIk оп the Мооп'. LJ,::г'; , |
Ехрегts, hоwеvег, Ьгоught him doWn to еагth Saying
the РгеSidепt had 'gооd intentionS Ьut they аге
AIthough NASA has decided to |еаVе the Мооп in
45 реасе, the same cannot Ье Said of the ргivаtе sесtог. '
Ргivаtе Space compahieS Such aS іпtегпаtiопа[ Space
ЕпtегргisеS and Gепега| Dупаmiсs, Ьоth Ьаsеd in

Race to the Мооп СаIifогпiа, will Ье Iaunching thеiг fiгSt manned space
flights to the Мооп in the пеаг futuге. In the Iong
і Оп 4 ОсtоЬег 1957, the USSR |аuпсhеd into огЬit the 5o tегm, they aim to found the fiгst coIonies оп the
wогId's fiгSt sаtеIIitе, sрutпt.k 7. It WaS а tгеmепdоuS мооп. L,{,:,,, :\,:,, ) 1
suссеsS: the Еагth had а neW moon and it Ьоге the The р1ап |ооks а Ыt |ikе this: the fiгst stage Will
|еttегs СССР. Then the UsA Iaunched its fiгst SаtеI|itе, take pIace in 2010, When гоЬоt ехрIогегS will Ье Sent
5 Ехр/огег 7, оп З1 Jапuагу 1958. Six months |аtег, to the Мооп to gаthег iпfогmаtiоп сопсегпiпg the
Ргеsidепt Еisепhоwег сгеаtеd NАsА, the NatiOnaI 55 SuitаЬilitу of the Sоil. Теп уеагS |аtег, Ьу Which time
Аегопаutiсs and space Аdmiпistгаtiоп, which the ideaI агеа Will haVe Ьееп fоuпd, аStгопаuts Will
immediateIy Ьеgап the Мегсuгу ргоgгаmmе to аггivе to саггу out ехрегimепts оп the spot and they
|аuпсh а manned sрасеvеhiсlе. [ 'i'L : | Will stагt Ьuildiпg the fiгSt stаtiОп. L, 7+7,:гt, ; і
іо Оп25Мау 1961, РгеsidепtJоhп F Кеппеdуtо|d If а|I goes wеI|, Ьу 2060 the fiгst coIony оп the
the Us СопgгеSs 'thаt this nation Should commit 6o МООп Will Ье геаdу: а huge space Station shaped |ikе
itself to achieving the gоаI, Ьеfоге the decade is оut, ап iglоо, Which will have Ьееп equipped with а|1 the
of Iaunching а man оп the мооп and геtuгпiпg him IateSt tесhпо|оgiсаI gаdgеts. It Will aISo haVe Ьееп
Sаfе|у to Еагth'. The АроI|о ргоjесt had Ьееп Ьогп. fuгпishеd to гесеivе its fiгst guеsts: sеVега| huпdгеd
і5 [ `,.;4L `\( | ThatcameWhen ап Atlas госkеtsепtJоhп scientists fог whom it will Ье the fiгst home in sрасе.
GIenn into space fог five hоuгS Оп 2О FеЬгuагу 1962. 65 |t is not uп|ikе|у that аftег sеvегаI dесаdеs, ог
Behind the sсепеs, hоwеvег, NASA WaS vегу регhарs а сепtuгу Iаtег, theSe igloos will haVe
uпсегtаiп аЬоut exactly how to get а man оп the iпсгеаsеd in пumЬег. |^V''t':,:^,'\`t ; I

* Опе Sта|| Step

5 The соггесt апSWег is missing fгоm Gгаmmаг

theSe multiр|е choice quеstiопS. Wгitе
уоuг own соггесt апsWег Ьу а с|оSе
геаdiпg of the tехt.
Futuге fогms (2): futuге регfесt simрIе, futuге регfесt
сопtiпuоus, futuге continuous
1 The USSR succeeded in
You use the futuге регfесt SimpIe fог actiOnS ог events that will Ье
А disсоvегiпg а new mооп.
finished Ьеfоге а сегtаiп time in the futuге.
В геасhiпg the Мооп Ьеfоге the
РгеSidепt BuSh с|аiтеd that Ьу the уеаг 2029, the USA Will haVe Sent а
тап to МагS.
D the Ёеld of ргораgапdа. You uSe the futuге регfесt continuous fог continuouS actionS in the
futuге. You often use it with fог.
2 773еgосz/ in line (12) геfегs to This SUттег l'l| haVe Ьееп living in this houSe fог twе|Vе уеагS,
А Vou uSe the futuге continuous fог:
В огЬitiпg гоuпd the Еагth. • actions Ог eVents that will Ье in ргоgгеSS at а specific time in the
С getting а man into sрасе. futuге.
D геtumiпg Safely to Еагth. The аStгопаUts Will Ье tгаVеlliпg to МагS this time next Wееk,
• ргеdiсtеd tгепds in the futuге.
3 The landing оп the Мооп involved
Аl| Students Will Ье doing thеiг hотеWогk оп сотриtегS in the fиtuге.
В two аStгопаuts and two госkеts. • Something that is а|геаdу р|аппеd.
С thгее аstгопаuts and опе госkеt. I'|l Ье dгiviпg doWn to LondOn anyWay So Why dоп't уои соте With
D thгее аStгопаuts and thгее те?

4 whoSe aims fог space ехрlогаtiоп 1 Find exampIeS of futuге fогms in the |аSt рагаgгарh of the геаdiпg text оп
will ргоЬаЬ1у not Ье fumllеd? page 153. Uпdегliпе thеm.
А Von Вгаuп's
В Ргеsidепt Кеппеdу's
С Ргеsidепt Niхоп's 2 Match the с|аusеS in |ist А With the с|аuSеS in |ist В to make соmр|еtе
D Sепtепсеs.

5 The lопg-tегm aim of space
Не's геtiгiпg сhis уеаг Ьесаusе аstгопаuts will have landed оп Магs.
companies is
А to make реор1е еmigгаtе to the I Wоп't haVe time to do the
мооп. Shopping tоmоггоw Ьесаusе 1'11 Ье going that way апуwау.
В to Ьuild houSeS of Мооп госks.
с Ву the end of the 21st сепtuгу I will have Ьееп wаi.iпg hеге fог а
D to stагt manned Пights to the whole hоuг!
мооп. If you want а lift to the sсаtiоп, wе'll Ье lying оп the Ьеасh оп the
come а1опg - Costa Вгаvа.
6 Find Wогds in the text that mеап:
Оп 6`Мау this уеаг we wоп'с have аггivеd Ьу thеп.
- send sрасесгаft into the sky
(рагаgгарh 1) This time next Week 1'11 Ье wогkiпg а11 mоmiпg.
- succeeding in doing something
Dоп't come to the s.аtiоп we will have Ьееп mаггiеd ten уеагs.
(рагаgгарh 2)
- ргеfеггеd (рагаgгарh 3) at nine ЬесаuSе
- said what is going to happen in the Ву ten о'сlосk he will have Ьееп teaching fог пеаг1у
futuге (рагаgгарh 5) 50 уеагs.
- реор1е who knoW а lot аЬоut
something (рагаgгарh 5)
- to stагt ап огgапizаtiоп ог Ьuild а
town (рагаgгарh 6)

Unit ,,8

З Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm (futuге регfесt

Simр|е ог сопtiпuоus, futuге сопtiпuоuS) of the VегЬS in Ьгасkеts.

1 Ву the уеаг 2060, the hгst Мооп station _ (Ьuild).

Space гасе
2 when the аstгопаuts get Ьасk to Еагth, they _ (Ье) in space
fог thгее mопths.
hots up
3 Н8w many реор1е _ (соmе) to the рагtу оп Sаtuгdау? Next week mагks ап imрогtапt date in mап's
4 Ву midnight I _ (Япish) геаdiпg this Ьооk. ехр1огаtiоп of sрасе. Оп 4 ОсtоЬег we -thаt is
5 I _ (flу) to London tоmоггоw, so I wоп't Ье аЬ1е to come the RussianS and the АmегiсапS -(1) _
to the mееtiпg. Space fог 40 уеагs. The Amehcan Мооп
6 The Ьuildегs _ (Япish) Ьuildiпg the гооf Ьу ТhuгSdау. mission (2) _ пеаг1у 30 уеагS of studying
7 If you _ (поt/usе) the саг tоmоггоw еvепiпg, сап I Ьоггоw the Мооп'S Suгfасе.
mи Ву .his time tоmоггоW, the Пгst ргivаtе
8 Ву DесеmЬег I _ (studу) English fог thгее уеагs and I р1ап mission to .hе Мооп (3) _ . АС ргесisеlу
to go оп till I get Ргоhсiепсу! 16.30 houгS, the Gепегаl Dynamics Company
of LoS AngeleS (4) _ its Venus госkеt
With а сгеW of two men and two wоmеп. Тhеiг
4 CompIete this text using the соггесt fогm (futuге регfесt simр|е ог aim Will Ье to ехр1оге the suгfасе of the Мооп
сопtiпuоus, futuге сопtiпuоuS) of опе of the VегЬS Ье|оW in each and aS they do So they (5) _ fог а SuitаЬ1е
Sрасе.,USе опе of the VегЬS twiсе. Spot tO Ьuiіd the НгSt Space statiaiiiT -~--
геасh ехр1оге lооk` launch come '\ It is ап exciting moment in the histогу of space
Ёпd complete sеагсh visit Ьесоmе , ехр1огаtiоп and it means the mопоро1у that
l/ govemment огgапizаtiопS have had оп Space
tгаVеl (6) _ to ап end аftег 40 уеагS of
5 F-iпish theSe sепtепсеs.
space ехрlогаtiоНl.~~~~
Ву the end of this сепtuгу ,... 1п this агtiс1е We (7) _ аС planS to put
Ву the уеаг 2020, .. огdiпагу реор1е into Space fог the НгSt timе. It
Ву the end of the is роSsiЬlе that at 1еаSt Some Scientists
21st сепtuгу ,... (8) _ the Мооп Ьу the middle of (hе 21 st
сепtuгу, and Some of them (9) _ а neW
home inSide thеiг 1uпаг iglооs. But it seems
unlikely that огdiпагу реор1е (10) _ the
Мооп, Whеthег fог ЬusiпеsS ог р1еаSuге, fог а
1опg time уеt. НоWеVег, Scientists Say that Ьу
the end of the 21 st сепtuгу, holidayS оп the
Мооп ( 11) _ as common as holidays in
the ваhаmаS.

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* Опе Sта|| Step

VосаЬulагу speaking
odd опе out Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and discussion
1 Uпdег|iпе the Wогds that do not go With the VегЬS in 1 Wогk With а рагtпег and do the taSk Ье|оW.
Imagine you аге going to Ье а mеmЬег of the ЕгSt
1 launch госkеt Ьiсусlе sрасесгаft lesson team to go and live оп the Мооп. Yоuг visit will Ье
Ьоаt attack campaign fог sеVегаl уеагS. Look at the things Ьеlоw that you
2 disсоvег Аmегiса teleVision tгuth penicillin сап take with you and decide which thгее things you
lightЬulЬ а new plant would сhооsе. Те11 уоuг рагtпег уоuг choices and
give геаsопs.
3 ехр1Оге jungle сгimе thecoaSt space
disease а соuпtгу роSsiЬilitiеs
4 fЬhпd со1опу tгеаSuге city institute 2 DiscuSS theSe quеStiопS.

money school hоsрi(аl Do you think the money spent оп space tгаVеl is
5 coInInit еггог Suсt`еss muгdег уоuгsеlf jusmеd?
shopping сгimе suicide which соuпtгу do you think will dominate space
6 spend money time thenight опе'shоli'dауS tгаVеl in the futuге?
` еffогt епегgу hоmеwогk Do you think реор1е will еVег live оп the Мооп?
would you like to live оп the Мооп? whу? why поt?
2 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of опе
of the Wогds in Ьоld аЬоVе.

1 NASA was _ in 1958 Ьу Ргеsidепt Еisепhоwег.

2 RоЬоts will Ье sent to the suгfасе of the Мооп
and Ьгiпg Ьасk iпfогmаtiоп. `
3 А lot of реор1е came to see the юсkеt Ьеiпg _
4 Livingstone was the агst Еuгореап to make а/ап
of the ZаmЬеzi гivег in Аfгiса.
5 I _ fаг too much money when I visited Lопdоп.
6 I сап't _ myself to haVing сhildгеп.
Unit ,8

Listening VосаЬulагу
1 Wогk With а рагtпег. Те1| уоuг рагtпег What уоuг р|апS Wогd fогmаtiоп: ргеfiхеs and suffixes
fог the futuге аге.
1 CompIete this tаЫе. Make poSitive and negative
adjectiveS fгоm the vегЬS оп the |еft, using the ргеfiхеS

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 3 uп-апd і.п-, and the SuffixeS -аЬ/е and -t.Ь/е.

vегь р о sitivе/пеgаtivе adj ective

2 Е You Will hеаг five peopIe tа|kiпg аЬоut thеiг р|апS
fог the futuге. ChooSe fгоm the |ist А-F the Sentence
Which matcheS each Sреаkег. USe each |еttег оп1у опсе. ьеаt
Тhеге is опе ехtга |еttег Which you do not need to usе. ьеliеVе

А Не/shе is not а vегу соmраге

good `studепt. count
sреаkег 1 сuге
В Не/shе would like to
study аьгоаd.
Sреаkег 2 |J:;і;'';Г,,,;'\Lі ! |

С Не/shе wants to follow dеЁпе

in his/hег sisсег's fооtstерs. dеsсгiье
Sреаkег 3 dеstгоу
D Не/shе would 1ikе to digest
make mопеу. dгiпk
Sреаkег 4 [J,L ,f;,, i I
Е Не/shе planS to do
something сгеаtivе.
Sреаkег 5
F Не/shе- wants to Ье ргопоuпсе
useful ,о sосiеtу. гесоgпizе

2 RеWгitе these SentenceS using опе of the adjectiveS

1 The Uieuj fгот ту window is iпdеSсгiЬаЬlе.
1 I just сап't tеl1 you how Ьеаutiful the View is fгоm
my WiпdоW.
2 I will пеVег fогgivе you fог the way you ЬеhаVеd at
the рагtу.
3 Тhеге is по way апуопе сап kill Suрегmап.
4 No опе сап Ьеаt uS at ЬаskеtЬаll.
5 They put so much salt in the food that по опе
could eat it.
6 Some English wогds like s#gсz7', Z77іесzс7 and 77"'/А? аге
always Siпgulаг.
7 The dосtог said thеге waS nothing they could do
аЬоut the disеаsе.
8 I haVe по idea why the wаitег ЬеhаVеd like thаt.
9 Апthопу's disguise was so good that по опе
геаlizеd it was him.
10 Thanks so muсh. I соuldп't have managed without
уоuг hеlр.

VосаЬulагу speaking
Wогds often confused 1 Wогk With а рагtпег ог in а gгоuр. Аге you optimistic ог
peSsimistic аЬоut the futuге? What changes Will take
descend dесгеаsе геduсе р1асе in the next huпdгеd уеагS? DiscuSs the topics
Ье|оw, using futuге fогms. USe ехргеSsiопS fгоm the Ьох.
1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the Wогds аЬоVе. cities education гiсh and роог jоЬs

1 It Ьесаmе сооlег аS` we the mоuпtаiп. food епtегtаiпmепt соmрutегS

2 Тhеге has Ьееп а in the пumЬег of гоЬЬегiеs I thinh moSt people will шогh at home Ьу the middle of
in оuг агеа. the 21St сепtигу.
3 The пumЬег of people getting mаггiеd is а11
the timе.
4 Shops _ thеiг ргiсеs duгiпg the sаlеs.
USeful Iап9uа9е
5 Last уеаг thеге was а of thгее рег cent in the
гаtе of iпflаtiоп. Asking fог opinions Ехргеssiпg opinionS
6 The Ьа11ооп _ gгаduаllу as the аiг came оut,
What do уои think аЬоUt ..? ln ту opinion ,,,
Whаt`S уоиг ор.Iпiоп of ..? It SeemS to те ...
Рhгаsаl vегЬs with gef (1) What аЬоиt уоu? As I See it ...
I регSопа|lу Ье|iеVе ...
gеtа|опg get Ьу gеtасгоSs
gеtгоuпd getaway
Аgгееiпg Disаgгееiпg (ро|itеIу!)
2 Соmр|еtе these SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
| fее| the Same Way aS уоU. I See What уои теап, ЬUt ...
опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬS аЬоVе. USe two of the VегЬS
twiсе. l а9гее With уоU. Vou could Ье гight, Ьиt ...
l think уоU'ге гight. vеS, Ьиt dоп't уои think ..?
1 Shе's vегу good at hег message _ l а9гее. і dоп't аgгее that .„
2 It's imрогсапt to Ье аЬlе to with уоuг
Тhаt'S Vегу tгие. Тhаt'S tгие, Ьut What
аьоиt ..?
3 It's а sегiоus ргоЬlеm. we must it sоmеhоw.
Vou haVe а роiпt, Ьиt оп
4 I'll come to the meeting Ьut l'll have to а Ьit
the оthег hand ..,
5 The гоЬЬегs with а million роuпds.
6 we dоп't hаvl===:сh money Ьut we haVe enough
7 The news of his death L vегу quiсklу.

Unit ,8

_ . г-тIV UUwс]иdуэаГGРGб5і'mі.5tl'саЬоut
Exam ргасtiсе: Magazine агtiсIе Lг_ _ r .
1 Read thjs quеStiоп. а|thоuфthGгGаюmапургоЬlGm5і'пthGWогlс],thGу
ЬGljGVG 5сі.GпсG WШ find ап ап5WGг.
Ап iпtегпаtiопаl young реорlе'S magaZine is
inVestigating the quеstiоп: ТhGРGб5jП1i5t55GGаWОГIdWhl'Сhj59GttjПgmОГG
what do young реор1е feel аЬоut the futuге? Аге they аПdmОГG'С;ГОwС]Gd.А5аГG5ult,1Ъj5ЬGСОm"mОГG
optimistic ог реssimistiс? dmСuЮtО"WОГk;GVGПlfРGОРЬ@ЪОuПIVGГ5l'tУ,
wгitе ап агtiсlе of Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds оп this thwаюпоt5uгGЪhGуWНlЬGаЬIGtо"аj'оЬ
2 Неге аге two Studепts' апSWегs to the queStion аЬоVе. jПСГGа5GdбОmuСhthаЪЪhGГGwШЬG5GП.Оu5
Read them quickly and give them ап оVега|| mагk using Gс;о|оgjсаl ргоЬIGm5.
the Sса|е ЬеlоWг
VегуGооd і8-20 Good l5-17 Pass l2-14
Uпsаtisfасtогу 7-11 Vегу uпsаtisfасtогу 2-6
А |ОЪ Of УОuПg РGОР|G iП ОuГ с]аУ5 аГG РG5iГtli5Ъ fОГ
thG futuгG. 5оmG рGор|G агG ггіогG орtimi5Ъ. ThG tгuG
i5 |ikG а|Wау5 5ОmGwhGГG ЪО ЪhG С;GПЪГG. МуоWпfGGljпgі'бthаtthі'пgбагGпоt5оЬаdШ
ThG РG5imiбЪ5 аГG РG5imiбЪ ЬGОаu5G Of ЪhGУ ЪhiПk
thiпg5 агG gGtting VVогgG а|| ЪhG ЪimG. Тhiб may ЬG i5
thG гjсh.
ЪГuЪh. А РGбimi5t i5 u9uа||У 5GGiПg thG ЬасЯ бiсdG Of
thiПg5. SОГtlG РG9imiбt5 thiПkб Ъhаt IifG iП Ьi8 ОjЪiG5
will ЬG gGt mогG Wог5G. ThGy think thG poIution апсJ
ЪГаffiGk РГОП1Ь|Gm5 Will 8Gt VVОГ9G. I аgГGG. |б tГuG |П

ЪhG оthGг hагіс], ЪhG fоосЯ WG Gаt' iб апсЯ а|5о Wог5G

аПd thG WаЪGГ i5 gGtЪiГ1g |G55. ThG РG55imiбtб аГG
5ауiпg wG will to makG thG VVаг fог wаЪGг, поЪ fог

рGtго||. I haVG гGасЯ thiб to thG пGW5рарGг апсЯ many

of рGор|G агG 5ауiпg jЪ.

Fог Gопо|u5iоп, WG с;ап Ъо 5ау that iЪ will ЬG гпогG

роог рGор|G into thG futuгG. ThG гiс;h М|1 ЬG gGЪ mогG
гiGh апсЯ thG роог Will ЬG gGt mогG роог.

FОГ а|| ЪhG5G, I am ЪОО РG55imiбt fОГ ЪhG futuГG.

З Add noteS to each апSWег pointing out Why it is good

ог ьаd.

4 NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. What do you fее| аЬоut the futuге?
Аге you peSsimistic ог орtimistiс? Wгitе уоuг агtiс|е fог
the mаgаZiпе.

79 Fгоmгаgstогiсhеs
CondEtEonaIs (2): thЕгd and mЕхеd; modaI vегЬs (2)= сегtаЕпtу and
speculatioh (musf, гг]ау, mі.gАt, соU/d, саг]'f)

- тнЕgтд+ЕЁ+^L
€3зэн •тЕ€1ч5
эIзЕЁ ээ}i.i\
нЕЕЕ!3 zЕЁ_:,:l.ig е'ЖНТтlт"йЗ[йn%tiFjRЗ

RеаdЕп9 The Sесгеt of пumЬегS

і As the пumЬег of реор1е pinning thеiг 250 000 уеагs), the WiппегS Will гесеivе, Ьу
hopeS оп Winning the Lоttегу sоагS, DaVid 3o tоdау's Stапdагds, Ьеtwееп опе and fоuг
find out Which of the Jones inVeStigaceS thеiг chances of wiппiпg. pounds еасh.
fо||оWiпg пumЬегs is
Вгitаiп'S 1аtеSt national Sрогt Seems to haVe NoW сопSidег these пumЬегs:
5 caught the imagination of milliOns of 71723323842 121526444649
реор1е up and doWn the соuпtгу. The ЁгSt
StudieS рuЬ1ishеd, hоWеVег, do seem to What is the diffегепсе Ьеtwееп theSe
suggeSt that it is the 1еSS Wеl1-off Who spend 35 пumЬегs? The апsWег is 17 280 000 роuпds.
mоге оп the Lоttегу. What chance do they The ЁгSt пumЬег Won the Lоttегу оп 15
іо have of Winning the couptleSS millions they Jапuагу and thеге Wеге 133 Wiппегs -thеу
dгеаm оf? Won 122 000 pounds еасh. The second
sequence came up in Che Lоttегу of 10 June
4o and WaS Won Ьу оп1у а Single tiсkеt, Whose
The Winning пumЬегs fог а11 1оttегiеs аге happy оWпег won 17.4 million роuпds.
choSen at гапdоm. ЕVегуопе has to Ьеliеvе
mat thеiг пumЬегЬ haVe aS good а chance aS
і5 апу of coming uр. The fact is that а The conclusion is that if We kneW the sесгеt
соmЬiпаtiоп 1ikе 1 2 3 4 5 6 haS as much of пumЬегs, it would Ье Wогth quite а 1оt of
chance of coming up aS апу оthег, Ьut mопеу. Sаdlу, We dоп't -{hеге is по
реор1е Still ргеfег а gгоuр of пumЬегS with 45 stаtistiса1 ехр1апаtiоп fог this diffегепсе.
а completely гапdоm Sеquепсе, Such as Тhеге is по геаSоп Why опе пumЬег Should
2o 45 27 32114317. Ье mоге 1ikе1у to come up than апоthег,
though you Wоuldп't haVe thought sо,
looking at the сагеful way in Which реор1е
NеvегthеlеSS, еVегу week аЬоut ten 5o choose thеiг lоttегу tiсkеts.
thousand реор1е do chooSe the пumЬег
1 2 3 4 5 6 When they р1ау in the Lоttегу.
Веагiпg in mind mat the Nаtiопа1 Lоttегу is Аgаiп, What is {hе diffегепсе Ьеtwееп the
25 Shагеd еvегу Week among а11 the ticket пumЬегs 14 24 33 38 42 47 and 14 17 22 24
hоldегs With the winning пumЬег, this 42 47? The апsWег, in сhis саsе, is 1ifе and
meanS that When 1 2 3 4 5 6 does Ёпа11у dеаth. The Ёгst Sеquёпсе гергеsепts the
come up (апd it is likely to do so in the next 55 пumЬегs played еvегу Week Ьу Tim

)1 # ,г „ „
# j' 1' JI „

Unit ,9

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2

3 Fог questionS 1-7, chooSe the соггесt апSWег А, В, С ог D.

1 what kind of реор1е is the Lоttегу most рорulаг

А реор1е who dгеаm of Ьесоmiпg гiсh
В реор1е in the погth and souch of Вгitаiп
С реор1е fгоm а11 social classes
D the роогег mеmЬегs of society

2 Моs[ реор1е who р1ау оп the Lоttегу choose а

пumьег like
О'Вгiеп and Steve Sumпег, until О'Вгiеп'S А351472
death laSt Juпе. The Second Sегiеs of В 2 4 6 8 10 12
пumЬегS is that which came up the night С 123456
Ьеfоге he diеd. О'Вгiеп had fогgоttеп to D987654
6o гепеW his tickeC апd, Ьеliеviпg that he had
lost his Shаге of the jackpot (а Shаге Wогth 3 what will happen When the пumЬег і 2 3 4 5 6
агоuпd two million роuпds), he committed Wiпs?
suicide the пехс dау. А The wiппегs will get епогmоus sums.
В The wiппегs will shаге 4 0ОО роuпds.
С А few реор1е will shаге а lot of mопеу.
The пumЬегS, hоWеVег, do not mаtсh. D А 1оt of реор1е will shаге а lot of mопеу,
65 Iпdееd, it is hагd to See hoW апуопе could
think that they did mаtсh. А11 that Сhеу have 4 why did the пumЬег оп 10 june win 17.4 million
in common (араі1 fгоm the fоuг пumЬегS роuпds?
сhаt they Shаге) is а гапdоm `lооk', Ьut this
А 1с was оп1у the Second time it had come uр.
WaS enough fог the uпfогtuпаtе О'Вгiеп,1п
В Тhеге wеге а lot of wiппегs.
7o fасt, he had lоSt, ог Would have lоst, оп1у
С Тhеге was оп1у опе wiппег.
54 роuпds, Which waS the ргizе fог
D The lucky ticket was wогth а lot of mопеу.
matching fоuг пumЬегS out of Siх. NumЬегS
аге 1uсkу fог Some Ьut they сап Ье fatal fог
5 why did О'Вгiеп commit suiсidе? Не thought
А he had Ьоught the wгопg tiсkеt.
В his ticket had not wоп.
хн#н# # !! й '_ _ С he had fогgоttеп to Ьuу а tiсkеt.
# # if # # n_ Е q » *
ы#ннн э! д Ё # Ё
х l' ц » , _н н Ё _Ё I
I # # я ., # Ё Ё ,н §
D he had пеаг1у won а lot of mопеу.
Yii-ц#,цн I q б w е #ЁЁЁЁ
'(Y q .ф н н
* d g tj
Ё Ёj Ё ж 88gёБ 6 1п fact О'Вгiеп's ticket would haVe
А won поthiпg.
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1 В won а small amount of mопеу.
С пеаг1у Won а lot of mопеу.
2 ChooSe the moSt suitаЬ|е heading fгоm the |ist А-Н fог
D won two million роuпds.
each рагt (1-7) of the tехt. Тhеге is опе ехtга heading
Which you do not need to uSе.
7 what is the аuthог Saying аЬоut Ьuуiпg а lоttегу
А А new сгаzе tiсkеt?
в А fatal mistake
А choose it vегу сагеfullу
С А slim chance
В know аЬоut statistics
D А waste of time and money С chooSe апу пumЬег
Е А11 пumЬегs аге гапdоm
D wогk out which пumЬег is likely со come up
F Small gains and а Ьig gain
G Аьsепt-miпdеd
Н Magic пumЬегs: а cloSed sесгеt

* Fгот гаgs to гiсhеS

Сопditiопа|s (2): thiгd and mixed
You fогm the thiгd сопditiопа| with t.f + past If I had knoWn аЬоиt this еаг|iег, I coUld haVe Stopped him
making Such а fоо| of hiтSе|f,
регfесt, + VVоu/d h`аVе + paSt рагtiсiр|е. Vou uSe
the thiгd conditionaI to Speculate аЬоut you fогm а mixed conditional With і.f + past регfесt,
роssiЬilitiеs in the past that didп't hарреп. + VVоu/d + iпfiпitivе. you uSe а mixed сопditiопа|
If he had гепеWеd his tiсkеt, he Wои|d haVe Won 54 when you Want to connect а роssiЬ|е past event with
роипds. the ргеSепt.
vou use тау hаvе, might haVe ог could have when |f | had Ьоиght а tiсkеt, l wои|d Ье а гiсh тап поW.
the геSult of the past роssiЬilitу is not сегtаiп.
If he had gone to UпivегSitу he might haVe Ьесоте а

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt З

1 Fог queStionS 1-7, соmр|еtе the Second Sentence so 7 You соuldп't win anything Ьесаusе you didп't Ьuу
that it haS а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt Sепtепсе, using а tiсkеt.
the Wогd givеп. Do not change the Wогd givеп. Vou might
must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five Wогds, iпс|udiпg the If you had Ьоught а tiсkеt,
Wогd givеп. sоmеthiпg.

1 I Ьоught а ticket and I won some mопеу.

hаdп't 2 Choose опе of these Sentence StагtегS and Wгitе а
ш] I wоuldп't haVe won Shогt stогу of аЬоut Seven |iпеS. You сап make the
апу mопеу. сопditiопа| poSitive ог пеgаtivе.
2 Му пumЬег didп't win Ьесаusе it wаsп't гапdоm. If I had gone to the рагtу, I would haUe met ]оhп,
might If I had met ]оhп, I шоиld haUe danced ujith hiт.
If my пumьег had wОп. If I had danced with hiт, he would haUe aShed те out .
3 I didп't Ьuу the house Ьесаusе I didп't haVe
enough mопеу, If I hаdп't gone to the рагtу, I ujоиldп't haUe met ]оlт.
аЁОгdеd If I hаdп't met ]оhп, I шоиldп't haUe danced ujith hiт.
mu wоuld'vе ьоught the If I hаdп't danced ujith hiт, he wоиldп't haUe aShed
hоusе. те out .
4 I геgгеt not Ьuуihg that ticket Ьесаusе ic won а
thousand роuпds. If I had gone to the рагtу ,...
would If I had studied in апоthег соuпtгу ,...
If I had Ьоught that tiсkеt, I If I had Ьееп Ьогп in _ ,....
а thouSand pounds гiсhег поw. If I had failed the exam ,...
5 Tohn аггivеd lаtе, so we соuldп't set off оп timе.
punctually З Finish theSe sentenceS using а mixed сопditiопа|.
IfJohn we соuld'Vе Set off
оп timе. 1 If I had won the топеу, . „
6 Не gаmЬlеd а lot and lost а11 his mопеу. . . . I ujould go гоипd the ujогld.
so 1 If I had Won the money ,...
Ifhe he wоuldп't have lost
2 If I had passed my exam ,...
а11 his mопеу.
3 If you had come to the рагtу ,...
4 If СОlumЬus hаdп't disсоvегеd Аmегiса ,...
5 If I had Ьееп Ьеttег at maths ,...
6 If I had studied mоге when I was уоuпgег, .„

Unit 79

Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and discussion
1 Wогk With а рагtпег and do the taSk ЬеIоW.

you haVe won the Lоttегу. what аге you going to do

with the mОпеу? Choose two things fгоm the рiсtuгеs
and explain уоuг choices to уоuг рагtпег.

2 Неге gге Some things реор|е often say аЬоut mопеу.

Which oneS do you аgгее With moSt and Whу?

Мопеу dоеsп't Ьгiпg hаррiпеss.

мопеу tаlks.
Уоu сап't Ьuу lоvе.
тimе is mопеу.
Lend уоuг money and 1оsе уоuг fгiепd.
whеге thеге's muck thеге's Ьгаss.
(muсk = diгt, ЬгаsS = mопеу)

Shops and sегviсеs
1 Whеге would you hеаг the fо||оWiпg Sепtепсеs? Match
the р|асеs in list А With the SentenceS in |ist В.

post omce Yоu'1l haVe to рау fог it at the
How much is it if I send it ехргеss?
Ьапk which рlаtfоm?
I'd like to withdгаw my sаViпgs.
dерагtmепt stоге Оп which flоог is the toy dерагtmепt?
I'd like to герогt the loss of some tгаVеllег's
newsagent А опе-wау to Lопdоп, рlеаSе.
I'd like to send it геgistегеd mаil, рlеаsе.
гаilwау station Take the lift up to the thiгd Поог.
772е Гз.77сеs and а Ьох of mаtсhеs, рlеаsе.
suрегmагkеt 1'11 need а tгоllеу fог а11 these Ьаgs.
I'd 1ikе to ореп а deposit ассоuпt.

2 Uпdег|iпе the odd Wогd out in each gгоuр. Say why it is diffегепt.

1 ргесiоus ргiсеlеss iпvаluаЬlе cheap

2 cash геgistег cash desk сhесk-оut caSh сагd
3 newsagent Ьооksеllег tаilог stаtiопег
4 dеаг costly Ьагgаiп ргiсеу
5 dаiгу Ёshmопgег flогist gгосег

* Fгот гаgs to гiсhеS

LEstenEng VосаЬulагу
1 Е You Will hеаг а гаdiо discussion аЬоut the NationaI Wогds often confused
Lоttегу in Вгitаiп. Listen and пumЬег these wогds in the
огdег you hеаг thеm.
sа|агу income рау
pension gгапt expenSes
арргоасh пеighЬоuгhооd ovemight psychology а||оWапсе pocketmoney Wage
diffегепсе folks national
1 Соmр|еtе these SentenceS using опе of the wогds
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4 аьоVе.

2 Е Listen аgаiп. Fог queStionS 1-7, chooSe the ЬеSt 1 when I was at uпivегSitу, my рагепts gaVe me а
апSWег А, В ог С. monthly _
2 Shop assistants gепега11у еагп low _
1 what ргорогtiоп of the population р1ау the Lоttегу
3 Теасhегs' _ seem to Ье wогth leSs and less
еVегу wееk?
еVегу mопth.
4 I am going to get а _ гisе next mопth.
3 ;: з:: :::: нЕ1 5 when I waS а сhild, my рагепts used to give me
С 58 рег cent
two pounds _ еVегу wееk.
6 I dоп't know how my gгапdfаthег manages to live
2 If you want to wiп, why should you choose а
оп his
пumЬег like 32 33 35 36 37 39? Because
7 You must dес1аге а11 уоuг _ to the tax
А not many реор1е will choose it. аuthогitiеs.
В it is а' рорulаг пumЬег.
8 Some Students in England get а _ fгоm the
с it is likely to wiп.
gоvегпmепt to help with thеiг studiеs.
9 The company pays my tгаVеl and accommodation
3 Ргоfеssог Beaton Says playing the Lоttегу is
А uпdегStапdаЬlе.
В not Vегу sепsiЬlе.
С dапgегоuS. Рhгаsа| vегЬs with get (2)
4 А1isоп's jоЬ is getout geton gеtthгоugh
А to геаd out the winning пumЬегS. gеtоvег getdoWn
В to Speak to the wiппегs.
С to check the wiппегs' паmеs. 2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the рhгаsа| VегЬS аЬоVе. USe two of the VегЬs
5 Some реор1е phone the Lоttегу Line Ьесаusе twiсе.
А they have had а lot to dгiпk. 1 HaS she _ hег illnesS уеt?
В they want to meet the wiппегs. 2 This cloudy wеаthег еvегу day is Ьеgiппiпg to
С they 1ikе р'геtепdiпg they have wОп. me
3 How аге you _ with the ехегсis'е? Have you
6 since Апdгеw won the Lоttегу Ёпishеd it уеt?
А he has changed jоЬs. 4 The ргisопегs must haVe _ thгоugh а tuппеl.
В his wife haS stopped Wогkiпg. 5 She was vегу upset at ЕгSt, Ьut I think shе's _
С he has Ьоught his own tахi. поw.
6 Did you _ the licence пumЬег of the thiеvеs'
7 why did Апdгеw and his family move hоusе? саг?
А They needed а Ьiggег hоmе. 7 I'vе Ьееп tгуiпg to phone you а11 day Ьut I соuldп't
В They had гесеivеd death thгеаts.
С They did not get оп with thеiг

3 Wогk With а рагtпег. DiscuSS What оthег queStionS you

Would haVe aSked АпdгеW СгоSS аЬоut his lоttегу Wiп.

Unit 79

Gгаmmаг 2 Wогk With а рагtпег. Make gueSSeS аЬоut the реор1е in

theSe рhоtоgгарhs. What kind of реор|е аге thеу?
What Wеге they doing Ьеfоге the рhоtоgгарhs wеге
tаkеп? What аге they doing поW? What аге they going
(МmОud5:,[##}:АС##УсааПпd,f;РеСulаtjОП to dо? Whу?
You use must ог сап't to taIk аЬоut Something The l]еоРlе in РhоtоgгаРh 1 might Ье fгот ; сiгсиS.
which you аге сегtаiп аЬоut (оftеп Ьесаusе you It muSt haUe tahen them а 1опg time to put thеiг таhе-
have еVidепсе). ир оп.
Не muSt Ье fгот Sсоtlапd. I гесоgпizе his accent fгот
ту hо|idауS thеге.
Тhеге сап't Ье а match оп tоdау. ОthегWisе thеге
WoUld Ье |опg queUeS oUtside the Stаdiuт.

You uSe mау, mt.ght Ог соu/d to Speculate аЬоut

something you аге not сегtаiп аЬоut.
Jill coUld Ье оп hо|idау
She might Ье hигt аЬоUt What уои Said уеStегdау,

Vou uSe the modaI vегЬs + haVe + past рагtiсiр|е

to ехргеsS сегtаiпtу ог to Speculate аЬоut the раSt.
Shе'S |ооks So ге|ахеd. She mUst haVe had а good
Не тау haVe met hег at Wогk, |'т not SUге.
Vou сап also uSe the main vегЬ in its continuouS
They mUst haVe Ьееп Waiting fог а |опg tiте,

1 Wгitе two sentences аЬоut each of these

situаtiопS, using ргеSепt ог paSt mоdа|S and the
Wогds in Ьгасkеts.

Каtу is Uегу tiгеd. (wогWhагd) (dёSсо/lаSt пight)

She muSt haUe Ьееп иjогhiпg hагd.
She could haUe gone to the disco laSt пight.
1 А lot of реор1е аге waiting at the аiгрогt.
(апgгу) (Пight/dе1ау)
2 Не is vегу Ьгоwп. (а hot соuпtгу) (suпЬаChiпg)
3 Нег Ьеdгооm light is оff. (аslеер) (gо оuс)
4 They haVe packed thеiг swimming соStumеs.
(Sеаsidе) (dесidе/рооl)
5 I keep phoning Магу Ьut thеге's по гер1у.
(hоlidау) (рhопе/оut of огdег)
6 Sophie looks so hарру. (iп lоVе) (раsS/ехаm)

* Fгот гаgs to гiсhеS

Use of Еп9lish
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагts 5 ап
1 What аге the nameS of theSe сагds?

2 Fог questiQnS 1-1 О, геаd the text Ье|оw, USe the Wогd given in сарitа|S at
the end of each Iine to fогm а Wогd that fits in the Space in the Sаmе`|iпе.

How did сагd gаmе§ Ьеgiп?

Сагd games go so fаг Ьасk in his[огу that гю опе knows
(1) _ when they wеге invented ог whеге they came ЕхАст
fгоm. Most ехрегts, hоwеvег, ЬеliеVе that playing сагds
(2) _ came fгоm Аsiа. Тhеге is а tгаditiоп that Ьоth oRIGIN
the ancient Hindus and Muslims used гоuпd playing
сагds fог thеiг (3) _ , Ьut thеге is по сопсгеtе АмUSЕ
(4) _ fог this. The Chinese claim that thеге-wеге pRoVE
сагd games in China as еаг1у as the (5) _ сепtuгу. тwЕLVЕ
Ассогdiпg to thеiг histогу, сагds wеге ап (6) _ INVЕNт
designed to amuse the реор1е in the ра1асе of ап
(7) _ called suеп+hо. The агst гесогds we haVe of ЕмрIRЕ
сагd games in the west date fгоm the (8) _ сепtuгу. FоURтЕЕN
Тоwагds the с1оsе of this сепtuгу, сагds wеге аlгеаdу
Vегу рорulаг in Fгап.се. Iпdееd, thеiг (9) _ was so popULAR
gгеаt that finally it was (10) _ fог wогkiпg реор1е to FоRвID
р1ау сагds except оп holiday dауs.

З Fог questions 1-13, геаd the text Ье|оW and |ооk сагеfullу at each |iпе,
Some of the |iпеs аге соггесt, and some have а Wогd Which Should not Ье
thеге. іf а |iпе is соггесt, put а tjck (/). if а |iпе haS а Wогd Whch should
not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

А histогу of сагds
1 The Ёгst сагds wеге gепега11у гесtапgulаг ог squаге in the
2 shаре, though sometimes people р1ауеd and with гоuпd сагds.
_ 3 Еаг1у packs of сагds usuаl1у consisted of 86 сагds'. Опе of the
_ 4 сагds had Ьеsidеs по пumЬег and was са11еd/о#, which in
_ 5 Fгепсh means `fоо1'. This is the сагd who we now са11 the
_ 6 jоkег. Duгiпg the fifteenth сепtuгу, the агt of wood епgгаviпg
_ 7 was iпtгоduсеd to Еuгоре. Веfоге thаt, these сагds wеге
_ 8 painted Ьу hand and wеге Vегу expensive so that оп1у
_ 9 wealthy реор1е could to аffогd to Ьuу thеm, But with wood
10 епgгаViпg it Ьесаmе роssiЬlе to make сагdsmost сhеарlу, and
_ 11 fог the fiгst time the роогег classes wеге and also аЬ1е to
_ 12 enjoy сагd gаmеs.1п fact the sixteenth сепtuгу in Fгапсе, the
_ 13 fоuг suits we use tоdау, hеагts, с1uЬs, Spades and diаmопds,
wеге Ёгst usеd.

Unit ,9

Wгitiпg 2 Find ехаmр|еs of the fо||оWiпg

fеаtuгеS in the neWS герогts:

Exam ргасtiсе: NewS герогt -idiоmаtiс |апguаgе

-thе paSsive
ьгеаks 1е8 - adjectives
Lucky wiппег 1еарs hi8h' - герогtеd Speech

З Choose опе of the пеWSрарег герогts

вRIтАIN IN GRIp oF Lотто-мАNIА! and continue the stогу. Wгitе
Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 Wогds.

WinS 3.9 milliоЬ

1 Match theSe пеWSрарег ехtгасts into раiгS to fогm the Ьеgiппiпg of thгее
neWS герогts` Then chooSe ап арргоргiаtе headline fог each герогt.

1 AS the National Lоttегу ShагеS out Ьiggег and Ьiggег Winnings еVегу
Wееk, mоге and mоге реор1е а11 оVег the соuпtгу аге Ьесоmiпg
hooked оп the idea of Ьесоmiпg milliопаiгеS оvеmight.
2 `Ассidепts аге а геgulаг оссuггепсе amongst wiппегS оп the
Lоttегу,' Мг Denning tо1d а neWS сопfегепсе. `Опе old man waS So
оvегjоуеd to Ье tо1d he had Wоп, he thгеw the Winning ticket in the
Пге Ьу mistаkе. Апоthег uпfогtuпаtе wiппег got so dгuпk he fогgоt
whеге he had hidden his tiсkеt.'
3 Stгikiпg 1uсkу With six пumЬегs haS made Апdгеw Сгоss and his
ргеttу Wifе, ВеSsiе, а hаiгdгеSSег and mоthег of а НVе-mопth-оld
ЬаЬу giгl, milliопаiгеS оVеmight. They Will Ье moving out of thеiг
Small опе-Ьеdгооmеd Hat in EaStwich into а 1uхuгу аЬоdе in
4 Lucky lоttегу Wiппег Mandy wаtkiпS, 73, уеStегdау leamt She had
Ьесоmе а milliопаiге oVemight and Ьгоkе а 1еg When she jumped fог
joy оп hеагiпg the good пеWs. АпdгеW Dеппiпg, а diгесtог of the
Lоttегу огgапizаtiОп Dгеаmtimе, had са11еd оп Мгs watkins to
announce оmсiа11у that She had Won just оVег опе milliOn pounds оп
Sаtuгdау's dгаW.

5 The 35-уеаг-о1d uпеmр1оуеd taxi dгivег Said he Would also Ье

гер1асiпg his о1d Vаuхhа11 with а Ьгапd neW МегсеdеS аftег Winning
пеаг1у fоuг million pounds оп the National Lоttегу оп Suпdау.
6 Ап iпсгеdiЬ1е ten million реор1е Ьоught lоttегу tickets 1аSt Week and
this Ёguге is expected to гisе as the пеwSрарегS and teleVisiOn гuп
Stогiеs of огdiпагу реор1е Winning fаЬulоus sums оп the Jackpot and
selling thеiг сгаmреd council houses fог Е1izаЬеthап manSiOns in the

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt З
*RеViеW: Fог queStionS 16-25, соmр|еtе the Second Sentence
So that it haS а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt Sепtепсе,
Units 17-19 using the Wогd givеп. Do not change the Wогd given
you must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five wогds, iпс|udiпg
the wогd givеп.
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епg|ish, Рагt 1 16 I didп't go to the сiпеmа, so I didп't see the
Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the text ЬеIоW and decide Which
апSWег А, В, С ог D ЬеSt fits each Sрасе.
If I had gone to the сiпеmа,
Ancient агt the hlm.
17 I caught the tгаiп Ьесаusе I was оп timе.
А пumЬег of ргеhistогiс paintings still suгVivе оп the walls
of caVes in Spain and Sоuthегп Fгапсе. They shoW with
um I wоuld'vе missed
amazing ассuгасу а wide (1) _ of animals which the
the tгаiп.
caVe dwеl1егs (2) _ , such as Ьisоп and dеег, and аге
18 Не гLаггiеd hег Ьесаusе he Was in 1о`+е with
(3) _ геmагkаЬlе fог thеiг life and роwег. It is Vегу
(4) _ that the рiсtuгеs Wеге connected with huпtiпg.
(5) _ is а vегу famous example in LаSсаuх, in Which We
сап just (6) _ out а man among some апimаls. Тhеге
аге а1sо а (7) _ of dагk dots in the раiпtiпg. The
19 I'd like you to give Агthuг this meSSage if you
meaning of the рiсtuге is not с1еаг; it dоеs, (8) _ , show
see him.
that the cave dwе1lегs wеге ап агtistiс реор1е in many
(9)_ р1еаsе
If you see Агthuг, this
Моге than 5 000 уеагs (10) _ , the Egyptians Ьеgап
painting оп the wа1ls of thеiг tоmЬs еVегуthiпg that went оп
20 I hаVеп't had the video Ёхеd so I сап.t w.аtсh
in thеiг (11) _ 1ivеs. They Ье1iеvеd that the Ёguгеs of
реор1е, апimа1S and еVегуdау (12) _ would епtег the уоuг Ё1m this еvепiпg.
аftег1ifе With the dead регsоп.
If I had had the Video hхеd,
The most агtistiс реор1е of апу аgе, (13) _ регhарs
to watch уоuг Яlm this е\-епiпg.
fгоm the Сhiпеsе, wеге the Gгееks. we haVe many
21 Eating that much will make you fаttег.
(14) _ of Gгееk Sсulрtuге, Ьut арагt fгоm а few
fгаgmепts, Gгееk wа1l paintings have not Suгvivеd, put
If you eat that muсh,
(15) _ we сап оп1у imagine what they wеге 1ikе.
1 А diffегепсе В gгоuр с nock D vагiеtу 22 Yоuг chances of getting the jоЬ u-оuld Ье Ье`ulh
с hunted D fо1lоwеd if you knew Itаliап.
2 А chased В kept
3 А quite вtоо с such D enough have
в dеЁпitе с 1ikеlу D роssiьlу If you knew Itаliап, you
4 А tгuе
с неге D тhis chance of getting the jоЬ.
5АIt в тhеге
в watch с make D 1ооk 23 I advise you to go and lie down if уоu.ге tiгеd.
6 А see
7 А sеVега1 вfеw С collection D пumьег should
в although ctoo Dand If уоu,ге tiгеd, dоwп.
8 А hоwеvег
в points с ways D viewS 24 You wоп't 1оsе weight ЬесаuSе you eat too
9 А means
10 А since в fоllоwiп8 с ргеviоus Dа8о many роtаtоеs.
11 Acommon в daily с ргivаtе D usual might
D facts You if you ate fеwег
12 Atopics в оьjесts с рiсtuгеs
13 А арагt в except cnot D ьеsidеs роtаtоеS.
14 А гuiпs в оьjесts с ideas D examples 25 I dоп't See my gгапdmоthег `'егу оf[еп ЬесаuSе
cso Dьut she liveS in Аmегiса.
15 А Ьесаusе В since
if She didп't live in
RеV'іеw.. Uп.іts і7-19

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 4

Fог questionS 26-40, геаd the text Ье|оW and Iook сагеfullу at each |iпе. Some of the |iпеS аге
соггесt, and some have а wогd which Should not Ье thеге. іf а |iпе is соггесt, put а tick (і). If а
|iпе haS а wогd which Should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

А gгеаt step fог mankind

26 In Мау і961, Ргеsidепt Кеппеdу announced to Сопgгеss that the United
27 stа[еs Should to tгу and land а man оп the Мооп Ьу the end of the
28 dеаdе. This Was the Ьiгth of the Аро11о ргоjесt, Ьut the Аmегiсап
29 scientists had Still not succeeded in getting а man into space so they
30 had а long way [о gо. А Ьгеаkthгоugh waS Ьеiпg made in FеЬгuагу 1962
31 whenjohn Glenn Ьесаmе the fiгst Аmегiсап to go into огЬiс, whеге he
32 spent until five hоuгs Ьеfоге геСuгпiпg safely to Еагth. Getting а man оп
33 the Мооп was not going to Ье such ап easy task and NASA wеге and
34 anxious аЬоut achieving Кеппеdу's оЬjесtivе. 1п the епd, scientists at
35 NASA decided fог to send а twо-рагt sрасесгаft to the Мооп. Опе рагс
36 would soon sерагаtе, with cwo аstгопаuts deScending to the suгfасе of
37 the Мооп, While апоthег сгеw mеmЬег would геmаiп in the inside
38 оthег рагt, сiгсliпg гоuпd the Мооп. when the Мооп 1апdiпg was оVег,
39 the two Spacemen would геjоiп Сhеiг соmрапiоп, leaving it the landing
4o vehicle Ьеhiпd. This р1ап was much гiskу, Ьuс оп 16Тulу 1969 Лро//о JJ
set off fог the Мооп. The tгiр was to go down in histогу.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 5

Fог queStionS 41-50, геаd the text Ье|оW. USe the Wогd given in сарitа|s at the end
of each |iпе to fогm а wогd that fits in the Space in the Same |iпе.

pot luck
Вгitаiп's (41) _ sрогt is поt, as most реор1е thiпk, fооtЬаll NАтIоN
Ьut the Lоttегу. It may also Ье (42) _ to know that the реор1е SURpRlsE
who gаmЬlе most оп the Lоttегу аге not the wеll-оff Ьut mostly
(43) -_ class реор1е who hope that Ьу winning the Lоttегу wоRк
they will change thеiг lives (44) _ сомрLЕтЕ
Апуопе who Ьuуs а lоttегу ticket Ье1iеvеs thеiг пumЬег has
а (45) _ chance of coming uр. The quesCion is whеthег thеге REASoN
is а gгеаtег (46) _ of опе пumЬег coming up гаthег than роSSIвLЕ
апоthег. Although а пumЬег that has а гапdоm (47) _ , AppEAR
such as 6 3 2 5 7 3, looks mоге likely to win than опе that
looks mоге (48) _ , such as і 2 3 4 5 6, Ьоth types of LoGIc
пumЬег have ап equal chance of winning ог (49) _ LosE
EVen though еvегуопе who Ьuуs а lоttегу ticket knows that the
chances of them Ьесоmiпg (50) _ is iпсгеdiЬlу slim, it dоеsп't мILLIоN
stop them fгоm tгуiпg thеiг luck еVегу wееk.

20 АпАmегiсапdгеаm
VегЬs foIloWed Ьу infinitive With ог Without tо; gегuпds (-г.пg fогms)

Е The uSe of English паtигаllу Ьйпgs with it Атегiсап

VосаЬulагу and Reading сиltиге, и]hiсh inf luenceS оиг lifeStyle fгот food [о
1 Which of the Епg|ish Wогds in the Ьох аге used in уоuг
Give ехаmр1еs of this influence оп food and
fashion in уоuг соuпtгу.

гаdiо соо1 taxi Ьасоп welcome Ьгеаkfаst jeanstalkshowoffsideЬаskеtЬаllVо1lеуЬаllhаmЬuгgег

F Amongst the уоипgег gепегаtiоп, Атепсап рор and
госh muSic аге ап eSSential fеаtиге of youth си1[иге.
stаг рuЬ comic shогts disco jogging suрегmагkеt
stop Ьапk shoot sandwich репа1су show Пiгtрагkiпgweekend what do young реор1е in уоuг соuпtгу think аЬоut
Аmегiсап musiс?

G Modem communications fгот the jитЬо jet to the

Iпtегпеt haUe Ьгоиght uS а11 сlоsег tоgеthег.
2 What оthег Епg|ish Wогds аге uSed in уоuг |апguаgе?
Do апу of the fо||оWiпg have English паmеS? what is the Iпtегпеt?
shops Tvchannels discos рuЬs
dгiпks еlесtгiсаl goods food magazines Н А11 this сопфгтs that the иjогld has indeed Ьесоте а
g1оьа1 Uillа8е .

З TheSe sentences аге taken fгоm the tехt. АпSWег the

Give examples of how the wогld has Ьесоmе а
g1оЬа1 Villаgе.
queStionS аftег each Sепtепсе.

д If реор1е had to chooSe апоthег соипtгу in which to

huе, they would ргоЬаЬlу chooSe Атеriса. Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З Е=
which соuпtгу would you сhооsе? 4 Now геаd the text and chooSe fгоm the sentenceS А-Н
the опе Which fits each gap (1-7). Тhеге is опе ехtга
В So eUen though they haUe оп1у fue рег cent of the Sentence Which you do not need to usе.
wогld's рориlаtiоп, the АтегiсапS haUe managed to
get Uiгtиаllу еUегуопе to Speah thеiг 1апgиаgе .
5 АпSwег theSe quеSti,опS аЬоut the tехt.
Do most реор1е in уоuг соuпtгу speak Епglish?
1 why аге many Еuгореапs wоггiеd?
2 Explain the meaning of `Fгапglаis'.
С English haS also сгерt into еUегуdау use in тапу
countries alongside thеiг оит 1стgиаgе . 3 what has made English imрогtапt in youth сultuге?
4 why did ]огgе Asis lose his jоЬ?
Give examples of English wогds used in уоuг 5 what is the connection Ьеtwееп McDonalds and
lапguаgе. Соса Со1а?
6 1п what Way is Аmегiса like а роliсеmап?
. D А гесепt SигUеу риЬlishеd in `Тhе Еигореап' 7 Does the аuthог see Аmегiсап iпПuепсе as good ог
пе'ujsраl]ег герогtеd that the таjогitу of ЕигореапS Ьаd? Give ехаmрlеs.
do not арргоUе of the еUег-iпсгеаSiпg influence of
Атегiсап сиltиге.
Give examples of this iпfluепсе.

Unit 2о

We аге alI Аmегiсапs noW

і [_ ..... '.'i,`."'.''.-} '---l The Аmегiсап way of life l.,zt#w':,Г l Young реор|е in Latin
is noW еVегуwhеге and ехегts а 35 Аmегiса have accepted а uпivегsа|,
magnetic influence оп young and о|d рорulаг сultuге in which Latin гhуthms
in соuпtгiеs аsfаг арагt as China and and spangIish соmЬiпеwith а stгопg
5 Агgепtiпа. Мапу ЕuгореапS wоггу diet of Аmегiсап sопgs, wогds and
thаtthеiг own сultuге Will Ье imаgеs. А lot of young реор|е even
EL swamped Ьу iпfегiогАmегiсап 4o wеl€оmеthis mе-diа iп-v.аsiо.п fгоm the
ргоduсts. НОl|уWооd is опе ехаmр|е: погth, in spite оfwагпiпgsfгоm some
аЬоut 75% of аI| fеаtuге films seen academics that Latin Аmегiсапs гisk
iU in Еuгоре агеАmегiсап in огigiп and |osiпg thеiг idепtitу. Jогgе АSis, а
the Еuгореап film iпdustгу faceS the геsресtеd Агgепtiпе аuthог, |оSt his jоЬ
thгеаt of ехtiпсtiоп. 45 aS Мiпistег of Сultuге When he
suggested it Was time to discuss the
L,,,-,(I The |апguаgе Which
use of Епg|ish wогds in аdvегtisiпg.
moSt people uSe When they make
`і5 contact with othег паtiопа|itiеs is
I Ап оЬviоuS ехаmр|е is
\г`j_,` ! l

Епg|ish: when а ChineSe регSоп МсDопаIds, the faSt food сhаiп. Тhег
meets Someone fгоm Sраiп, they 5o аге now арргохimаtеIу 18 500
Will ргоЬаЬ|у speak in Епglish, not in МсDопа|ds' геstаuгапts in 9З соuпtгiеs.
Chinese ог Sрапish, English is the Соса COla is аvаilаЬ|е not оп1у in аI|
2o iпtегпаtiопа| |апguаgе of соmmuп- МсDопаIds' геStаuгапts Ьut 80% of а|I
iсаtiоп, and is Spoken Ьу аЬоut 800 sа|еs of Соса Со|а аге soId outsidethe ч`
million реор|е а|| оVег the wог|d. іt 55 United StаtеS.
is aISo the |апguаgе of Sсiепсе,
L7,( I The chief of the village is th
Ьusiпеss and аdvегtisiпg.
Аmегiсап РгеSidепt and the Village hа|| i
_ l 1_! [
the White Ноusе. The village poIiceman
;5 I J:, '' wеагS ап Аmегiсап uпifогm and tгiеs to
Аmегiсап) Wогds аге in common 6o keep the реасе Ьеtwееп squаЬЬ|iпg .
usе., сооI, SЬггу; gооdЬуе, ЬаskеtЬаlI пеighЬоuгS. lf опе city had tO Ье choSen
and So оп. іп Fгапсе, whеге the as the wогId's сарitаI, it would
оldег gепегаtiоп оЬj.есts to the uпdоuЬtеdlу Ье New Vогk. when
3o influence of Епglish, they have we wake uр, we may haVe а
given this phenomenon а паmе, 65 ЬгеаkfаSt оfАmегiсап сегеаI;
'Fгапglаis' and in Latin Аmегjса
when We go to Ьеd, We
they tа'k of 'Sрапg'ish, геаm the Аmегiсап dгеаm.

6 What do theSe Wогds and ехргеSsiопs mеап? USe the 4 It has сгеl]t into ешеrуdау hfe . СSеггkегIсе О
queStionS and the context in the text to hе|р you Is this someching which has happened quickly ог
1 It ехегts а і'паgпеtiс inf lиепсе. СJ:Irге Гj) 5 А ипivеrsаl, РоРи1аг сиltиге. СГте 35i;)
Is it easy ог dimcult to геsist this iпПuепсе? Is this сultuге рорulаг in а few ог а lot of рlасеs?
2 Тhеiг oujn сиltиге шill Ье swатРеd. СНше 6-]) 6 This media iпUаsiоп. СГте 40i)
Is this likely to mean too much ог too lit(lе of Is it something we сап сопtгоl? Is it something
sоmеthiпg? роsitivе? who погmаllу iпVаdеS?
З The thгеаt of ехtiпсtiоп. С+те Т2).) 7 То 1геер the Реасе Ьеtwееп sqиаЬЬltпg пеighЬоиrs.
Does this mean something will die ог іivе? Wгhаt is (liпе 59i5і)
often dеsсгiЬеd as Ьеiпg thгеаtепеd with ехtiпсtiоп? Аге they mоге likely to Ье shaking hands ог аghtiпg?

* Ап Атегiсап dгеат

Use of Еп9IЕsh
Exam ргасtiсе:
Рагts 5 and 4
1 Fог queStions 1-10, геаd the
text орроSitе. USe the Wогd
given in сарitа|S at the end of The Native Аmегiсап 1
each |iпе to fогm а Wогd that
Оп the Plains of Nогth Аmегiса, tгiЬеs Such as the Sioux
fits in the Space in the Same |iпе.
гоаmеd оп hогsеЬасk, (1) _ Ьuffаlо. The Ьuffа1о gave нUNт
them еvегуthiпg they needed to livе. They ate its meat and
2 What do you think happened
used its skin and fuг fог (2) _ and fог thеiг tеерееs. They сLотн
also сагVеd Ьuffаlо Ьопеs into knives and tооls. The clothes
аftег the disсоVегу of gоId?
of the Plains Indians wеге (3) _ with Ьеаds, and thеiг hаiг DЕсоRАтЕ
Read the next text and check
with еаg1е fеаthегs. These (4) _ Indians wеге depicted as pRIDE
уоuг апSWегS. іgпоге the еггогS
fог поw. savages in TV dгаmаs and alms аЬоut the Аmегiсап wеst.
The Sioux gave (5) _ fог the wagon tгаiпs of sеttlегs рЕRмIт
heading west to pass thгоugh thеiг lапds. But then che whi(еs
Ьеgап to settle in the Рlаiпs. At fiгsс, the Sioux made tгеаtiеs
with the (6) _ , giving up 1агgе pieces of thеiг lапd. GoVERN
1п геtum, the gоVегпmепt ргоmisеd them реасе, fооd,
schools and fаiг (7) _ to а11 сопПiсts. It signed ап SoLVE
(8) _ that the Vast lands Ьеtwееп the Мissоuгi Rivег and AGREE
the Rocky Mountains wеге to геmаiп Sioux tеггitогу, оп
which the whites wеге (9) _ to sеttlе. FоRвID
Six уеагs lаtег came the (10) _ of gold in the Black Hills DIScoVER
of south Dаkоtа, а land the Sioux сопsidегеd sасгеd.

3 Fог questions 1-15, геаd the The Native Аmегiсап 2

text again and Iook сагеfullу at
1 А gold гush stагtеd and the tгеаtiеs wеге fогgоttеп. The Sioux
each |iпе. some of the |iпеS аге
2 геfusеd to sell away the Black Hills to the United Stаtеs. Сгаzу
соггесt, and Some h`аVе а Wогd
3 Ногsе, а gгеаt sioux сhiеf, summed up thеiг feelings when he
Which Should not Ье thеге. |f а
4 sаid: `Опе does по. sell the Еагth upon which the реор1е wаlk.'
|iпе is соггесt, put а tick (/). If а
5 At а11 the same timе, the Ьuffаlо the Sioux depended оп Ьеgап to
Iine haS а Wогd Which Should
6 disарреаг. The land they гоаmеd оп was Ьеiпg fenced off Ьу
not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.
7 white fагmегs, who also Ьеgап to hunt оп the Ьuffа1о fог sрогt. 1п
8 1850, thеге wеге still 50 million Ьuffаlо оп the Рlаiпs. Ву 1885,
9 thеге wеге then almost попе. The govemmenc stopped making
10 tгеаtiеs with the паtivеs. They put ргеssuге оп the Indians to give
11 up оп thеiг tгаditiопаl way of life and to live оп1у оп the
12 геsегvаtiопs. Мапу геsistеd. Опе was Sitting Вull, апоthег sioux
13 lеаdег, who sаid: `wе 1ivеd in оuг соuпtгу in the way whеге оuг
14 fаthегs and fаthегs' fаthегs lived Ьеfоге us, and we sought tгоuЬlе
15 with по mеп. But the sоldiегs came into оuг соuпtгу and have
Ёгеd оп us and we fought Ьасk. Is it Ьаd to Eght in defence of
опе's соuпtгу and loved опеs?'

Unit 20

Gгаmmаг 1 Put these VегЬs and ехргеssiопS uпdег the fо|IоWiпg hеаdiпgs:
-jпfiпitivе With z.о

VегЬs foIIowed Ьу infinitive -iпfiпitivе Without fo

with ог without to
some vегЬS аге foIIowed Ьу the
infinitive with tо, eg Ьеgt.п, dесt.dе,
She рготisеd to Iend те Some топеу. 2 Wгitе five SentenceS аЬоut уоuгSе|f using the vегЬS and
ехргеSsiопS аЬоVе.
some vегЬs аге foIIowed Ьу ап
оЬjесt + the infinitive With tо, eg
аSk, регSuаdе, wапt. З Соmр|еtе these sentenceS using а VегЬ ог ехргеSsiоп that is fо||оWеd Ьу
l регSuаdеd ту son to get his hаiг сиt. the infinitive without ю.

some vегЬS and рhгаsеS аге 1 COffee is ОК Ьut I _ have огапgе juice if you dоп't miпd.
fо||оWеd Ьу the infinitive Without 2 Did you _ that Ьiгd fly past the window just thеп?
fо, eg modaI vегЬs, аuхiliагу VегЬs, 3 I hated spinach Ьut my dad _ us eat it.
wouId Sоопег. 4 I _ ап insect сгаwl гight up my Ьасk Ьut I соuldп't see it.
We Should leaVe iттеdiдtе|у if we аге 5 If уоu'Vе got ап iпtегViеw tоmоггоw, you _ haVe уоuг hаiг сut.
not to miss the Ьеgiппiпg of the filт. 6 I _ you come in 1аst пight; it must haVe Ьееп two о'сlосk in the
l Would Sоопег go to the thеаtге than mоmiпg.
See а сопсегt. 7 whепеvег we Enish the 1еssоп еаг1у, the tеасhег _ us watch а
some vегЬs аге fоI|оwеd Ьу ап Vidео.
оЬjесt + the infinitive without tо, eg
sее, hеаг, kпоw, Iеt. 4 Finish these sепtепсеS.
The tеасhег let uS go еагIу today
I Saw the thief go in thгоиgh the 1 А. wогk/Sсhооl we аге not allowed to ...
WiпdоW. 2 when I was young I wаsп't аl1оwеd to ...
3 If you want to speak with ап Аmегiсап ассепt, you should ...
4 If you want to imргоVе уоuг English gгаmmаг, уоu'd Ьеttег ...
5 I dоп't like watching wеstеms; I'd гаthег ...
6 I wоuldп't 1ес my сhildгеп ...
7 1п the аmу, they make you ...
8 Fасtогiеs that pollute the епviгопmепt should Ье fогсеd to ...

* Ап Атегiсап dгеат

Вгitish and Аmегiсап wогds Реор1е аге needed to wогk aS ехtгаS in moVieS
and оп TV showS Ьеiпg filmed оп 1осаtiоп.
1 Match the Вгitish Епg|ish Wогds fгоm
Са11 today and find out hoW you сап get
|ist А With Аmегiсап Епg|ish Wогds
Stагtеd NоW.
fгоm Iist В that have the same
mеапiп9. *АLL AREAS * GooD pAY
А в
ьumрег movie Са11 NоW! 1-900-760-0707
leave mоtог
саг Ьооt ьillьоагd
гаilwау mall
еп8iпе stоге
1оггу рhагmасу
sweets гаilгоаd эigп Yоuг NamG
саг рагk fепdег Like А моviG Gtаг
sрiгit faucet
Yоuг 5igпаtuге sayG
shop liquог
ЕVЕRYТН|NG аЬоuъ уоu.
hапdьаg candy
You сап have уоuг
shopping сепtге 8uу
ьаthгооm аutоgгарh регGопаIizеd
hоагdiпg Ъоdау! Only $Э fог ъwо
рагkiпg lot
uпаttгасtivе tгuсk GъуIеG. Ргiпъ уоuг namG
toilet fа11 and аddге6G оп а 6Glf- ЕUегуопе Сап Ве
tap quit аddгеSGеd, stamped веаиtifиl
hlm tгuпk епvG|оре and Send Ъо: Ьut not еVегуопе knows how to
chemist рuгSе uпсоvег thеiг паtuгаl Ьеаutу. We will
Vivicl 'mаgеG,
ьlоkе hоmе1у help уоu. Send а гесепt photo and
Вох 198504,
Аtlапъа' we will регsопа1izе and analyZe it
GA 51119-ОЗG2 fог уоu. Then We will guide you Step
ReadEng and Ьу Step to Ье the ЬеSt роssiЬ1е уоu,
LEstening the Тгuе Beautiful Yоu.
Send photo With $10 to
1 Read theSe аdvегts. Fог queStionS TRUE YОU, 111 TENTH SТ,
1-б, chooSe fгоm the аdvегts А-Е. АLАМОGОRDО, NM 5696
Some of the аdvегts may Ье uSed
mоге than опсе.
vmich аdvегt/s:
1 ргоmisеs to make you mоге
InviteS you to join оuг еVег gгоwiпg Iist of Fгiепds
2 will help you make fгiепds?
Ьу Маil. Shаге fгiепdshiрS with оthег Реп Ра|s асгоss
the US.
3 will make you feel like а Ё1m
sиг? То гесеivе уоuг Реп Ра| Send уоuг паmе, аddгеSS,
4 will help you lose wеight? аgе, hоЬЬiеs and iпtегеsts With $2 to:
5 will help you make mопеу?
6 оffегS you а kind of hоlidау? FRIENDS BY МА|L, Р.О.ВОХ 10896,

Unit 2о

Gегuпds (-і.пg fогms)
SLIм AND тRIм Gегuпds аге nouns fогmеd fгоm vегЬs. vou fогm
gегuпds Ьу adding -t.пg to the iпfiпitivе. You сап use
LoSe 20 to 45 pounds and enjoy а fun gегuпds:
Summег оп а multimilliоп-dоllаг • as the suЬjесt of а Sепtепсе.
со11еgе саmрuS. Camp Саmе1оt Smoking is Ьаd fог уоUг hеа|th.
оffегS iпdividuа1 iпStгuсtiоп in а11 • as the оЬjесt of а Sепtепсе.
sрогts and the регfогmiпg агts. l loVe Swiттiпg.
Sерагаtе ргоgгаms fог ргеtеепS 8-12, • а+tег сегtа.іп vегЬs, eg епjоу, fiпish, тiss.
teens 13-17, young 1аdiеS 18-29.
Не finished Studying in 1997,
Send fог а Ьгосhuге, and include
• аftег сегtаiп VегЬ рhгаsеs, eg t.t'5 по usе, сап't
уоuг паmе, sex and phone пumЬег. stапd, feeI likе, it isп't Wогth.
Wгitе tо: Camp Саmе1оt, Nогthfiеld l feeI like going to the риЬ tопight. Do yoU want to
Rоаd, Wооdmеге, NY 117863-186. соте?

1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the gегuпd fогm of

опе of the VегЬS Ье|оw.

wгitе hеаг Ьuу сгу give

wоггу go fall eat walk
1 It's по use _ оvег split milk.
2 Е You will hеаг five гаdiо аdvегts. |п Which аdvегt doeS 2 It isп't wогth _ аЬоut it. Fогgеt it.
each of theSe Wогds арреаг? Wгitе the пumЬег of the 3 _ оп the gгаSs is fогЬiddеп.
аdvегt next to each wогd. 4 I look fогwагd to _ fгоm уоu.
cosy mоdегп 5 I am iпtегеstеd in _ а new hоusе.
authentic геlахiп8 6 Do you feel 1ikе _ to the cinema this еVепiпg?
gгеаt latest 7 Do you know а song called `1 сап't help _ in
gгеепеst рiс,uгеsquе lоvе'?
8lаmогоus огigiпаl 8 _ up smoking is eaSy - I stop smoking еvегу
9 I could пеvег get used to _ with my 1еft hапd.
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt З
10 Сап I suggest _ less as the Ьеst way to lose
3 Е Listen аgаiп. Choose which of the реор|е А-F each wеight?
аdvегt Would арреа1 tо. USe the |еttегS onIy опсе.
Тhеге is опе ехtга |еttег Which you do not need to uSе. 2 Finish theSe SепtепсеS.
А Someone looking fог 1 Smoking is ...
new ехрегiепсеs. Аdvегt 1
2 Lеагпiпg English is ...
В Someone who wants 3 what I like most аЬоut my Ьiгthdау is ...
cheap ргiсеs. Аdvегt 2 4 I сап't Stand ...
С Someone who wants 5 I сап,t help ...
Аdvегt 3 6 The опе thing I would like to give up is .„
to Ье fаshiопаЬlе.
7 As fаг as I'm сопсегпеd, dгiпkiпg alcohol is ...
D Someone who арргесiаtеs
8 1п the futuге, I am moSt iпtегеstеd in ...
quаlitу. Аdvегt 4
Е Someone who wants Wогk With а рагtпег and соmраге уоuг SепtепсеS.
iпfогmаtiоп. Аdvегt 5
F Someone who likes
dеsigпег ргоduсts.

* Ап Атегiсап dгеат

1 Wогk With а рагtпег. What haS Аmегiса given the
Wогld? ChooSe the two Ьеst things and the two Wогst
fгоm the рiсtuге and give геаSопS.

Wогds often confused
meet know iпfогm acquaint
1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using the соггесt fогm of
Опе of the Wогds аЬоVе.

1 1'11 let you _ if we decide to go to the сiпеmа.

2 we _ Ьу chance at а рагtу.
3 we got _ at а сопfегепсе and we have kept in
touch еvег siпсе,
4 You should go out mоге and get to _ mоге
5 Не is shy and пегvоus аЬоut _ new реор1е.
6 I like to keep _ аЬоut whаt'S happening in
оthег соuпtгiеs.
7 Не'S not геа11у а fгiепd, just ап _
8 It's nice when реор1е come to the аiгрогt to _
9 наvе you the police аЬоut the Ьuгglагу уеt?

Рhгаsа[ vегЬs with put

touch contact
putoff putout рutfогWагd putup
2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using опе of the Wогds putaway puton рutthгоugh
З Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using the соггесt fогm of
1 Сап you _ me next time уоu'ге in towп? опе of the рhгаSа| VегЬS аЬоVе.
2 Dоп't food with diгtу hапds.
1 Сап you please 1еагп to _ уоuг с1оthеs _
3 It was dагk, so I геliеd оп my sense of _ in the гight р1асе?
4 Тhеге isп't enough _ Ьеtwееп tеасhегs and 2 Loud music _ me _ when I'm studуiпg. I
jusс сап't сопсепtгаtе.
5 English реор1е avoid physical _ with stгапgегs.
3 Eating а11 those cakes haS made me _ а Ьit of
6 1п Some соuпtгiеs you need _ to succeed in wеight.
4 If you haVe some suggestions (о mаkе, please
7 Аге you in _ with the latest developments in them _ at the next mееtiпg.
Аmегiсап госk musiс?
_ the light and go to S1еер поw.
`1'11 just _ you _ to the mапаgег's оmсе,
said the sесгеtагу.
А11 the hotels аге full. Could you _ me
fог the пight?

Unit 2о

Exam ргасtiсе: IпfогmаI Iеttег
|п Рагt 2 of the Wгitiпg ехаm, you may Ье aSked to Неге аге Some tipS оп wгitiпg ап iпfогmа| Iеttег.
wгitе ап iпfогmа| |еttег to someone you kпоw, fог • Р|ап what you want to Say and огgапizе уоuг
ехаmр|е а fгiепd, а реп fгiепd ог а ге|аtivе. The ideas into рагаgгарhs.
gепега| геаSоп fог Wгitiпg Will Ье to iпtегеSt уоuг • Ask уоuгsе|f, 'Will this Ье iпtегеstiпg to геаd?'
геаdег. The Iеttег could а|sо Shаге ап ехрегiепсе,
expIain fее|iпgs ог opiniOnS ог give iпfогmаtiоп. • use ап iпfогmаI and fгiепdlу stу|е of |апguаgе,
The key to Wгitiпg ап iпfогmа| |еttег is to make eg use сопtгасtiопS, shогt, еVегуdау wогds,
the contents of the Iеttег iпtегеstiпg. рhгаSа| VегЬS and idiоms.
• Wгitе shогt, Simр|е sепtепсеS.
• АddгеSS the геаdег diгесtlу using уоu.
• Ореп and с|оSе the Iеttег арргоргiаtеIу.

Shогt, еVегуdау wогds сопtгсісtiопS iпfогmаl vосаЬulагу

1 Read this quеStiоп.
\\ and ехргеSsiопS
Уоu аге оп holiday in the USА.
wгitе а lеttег to а fгiепd dеsсгiЬiпg DGаг 5uG,
уоuг Ёгst imргеSsiопS of the
Аmегiсап way of 1ifе. Say what Тhапk5 fог уоuг |GЪЪGг. З\ётгу I'VG takGn бо |опg to wгiЪG
ЬuЪ it'5 ЪаkGП 5ОmG timG tO \gGt u5GсЯ tO thG WаУ Of |ifG
you like аЬоut Аmегiса and what humоuг
you ргеfег аЬоut уоuг own hGгG. Ju5t fiпсЯiпg уоuг Way агоuпс] i5 quitG tгiоkу. You
соuпtгу and give уоuг геаsопs. haVG Ъо |ооk оuЪ fог оагб Goming fгоm ЪhG Wгопg 5iсЯG of uSe of
wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds. ъhG гоаd! 2пd
АпуWау, Во5tоп iбj.u5t gгGаЪ! |t'G fапЪа5Ъiо fог
NoW геаd this mоdе| апSWег. Finish регSоп
|аЬе||iпg the |еttег using the noteS бhоррiпg. ТhGу'VG. got ъhGбG hugG `mаIIб' WhGгG you оап

ьеIоW. gGtju5Ъ аЬоuЪ апуЪhiпg апс] thGгG агG бhор5 Ъhаt Gtay
opGn ъill гGа||у |аtG.
- iпfогmаl VосаЬulагу and
OnG of thG Ъhiпgб thGy haVG hGгG, Whioh WG сЯоп't, i5
- shогt, еVегуdау wогds а с|гugбtогG. |Ъ'g not а оhGmi5Ъ'5, GхасЪ|у, ЬGоаu5G iЪ

- сопtгасtiопs 5G||б аI| kiпс]б of Ъhiпg5. IЪ сJоGб бG|| mGdiс;iпG ЬuЪ you оап
а|5о gGЪ а pizza thGгG if you wапt!
|'VG поЪiGGс* ЪhGу гGа|Iу do Ъhiпg5 in а Ьig Way hGгG.
2 NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. АпSWег this ThG ЬuHсЯiпg5, ЪhG с;аг5, GVGn ЪhG fоос] ЪhGу GаЪ. ThG
рогЬiоп5 you gGt in гG5tаuгапЪG агG hugG. You aGk fог
Уоu haVe а new реп fгiепd fгоm chickGn апсЯ thGy Ьгiпg you haIf а GhiоkGп! АпсЯ thG ооkG5
the USА. she has wгitсеп to you агG hugG tоо.
asking аЬоut life in уоuг соuпсгу, А5 fог TV -WGII it'5 аWful, ЬuЪ аЪ lGабt ЪhGгG агG
wгitе а lеttег to hег аЬоut thоu5апс]б of оhаппG|5 (апс] бЪаоk5 of ооmmGгоiа|б). ThG
shоррiпg, fооd, епtегtаiпmепt and mu5iо'G gгGаЪ though -Gо many с]iffGгGпt kiпd5.
TV and think of some mоге topics
АпуWау, thGгG'5 |оtб mогG Ъо wгitG аЬоut ЪhG UЭ of
of уоuг оwп. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120
А, Ьut |'|15аVG it fог my nGxt |GttGг. |'VG madG 5оmG gгGаt
and 180 wогds.
Ьuс]с]iGб (а5 wG 5ау hGгG), апс] WG'гG going оuЪ оп thG
toWn tопight.
Тhаt'е5 аI1 fог поW. WгiЪG 5ооп,


27 Роtаtогасеs
DеsсгiЫпg а sequence of еvепts; Iinking and сопtгаstiпg ideas

VосаЬulагу and Reading The IпtегпаtiопаI

Potato Race

і DОеsп't time Пу? It's О1уmрiсs time аgаiп. 1п а few

wееks' timе, the сuгtаiп goes up оп yet апоthег
Оlуmрiаd. The ЁгSt modem О1уmрiсs wеге held in
Athens in 1896, with thiгtееп nations sending пеаг1у 300
5 athletes to take рагt in 42 events and ten diffегепt sрогts.
wе'Vе come а 1опg way since thеп: in і996 mоге than
ten thouSand athleteS рагtiсiраtеd and аЬоut 3.5 Ьilliоп
реор1е watched the opening сегеmопу оп ТV.

Рагtiсiрапts in the tеп-thоusапd-miпutе couch potato

іо mагаthоп ought Ьу now to Ье in tгаiпiпg fог this testing
регiоd. They will soon Ье piling up сгаtеs of dгiпks and
сгisрs; they WШ Ье Ёпdiпg соmfогtаЬlе cushionS and
ргасtisiпg gюапs, gаsрs, сhеегs and Ьооs -а11 without
getting off the sоfа.

1 Wогk With а рагtпег. DеSсгiЬе and discusS the сагtооп

аЬоVе using Wогds fгоm the Ьох.
і5 Even the mоге аmаtеuгish рагt-timе fоllоwегS of the
Оlуmрiсs, like mе, will need to sогt а few things оut,
such aS which eVents we аге going to fоllоw. And how
аге we going to show оuг suррогt - as раtгiоts ог just
What is the сагtооп Saying аЬоut the О|уmрiсs and the реорlе-wаtсhегs? Even when опе is suррогtiпg ап
реор1е who watch thеm? 2o athlete fгоm апоthег соuпtгу (just Ьесаusе they have а
nice face ог а nice паmе), things сап get out of сопtго1 -
2 Read this tехt. |S the Wгitег positive ог negative аЬоut
with peanuts Ьеiпg thгоwп at the TV sсгееп if оuг
fаVоuгitе is cheated of а gо1d mеdаl.
the оIуmрiсs?

It's а11 gооd, с1еап, hагmlеss fuп, Ьut this has not always
25 Ьееп the саsе. Роlitiса1 conflict has iпсгеаsiпglу
iпtегfегеd with the aim of the modem Оlуmрiсs, that of

Unit 2,

епсоuгаgiпg intemational fгiепdshiр. 1п the і936 01уmрiсs Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 1

in Вегliп, Нitlег геfusеd to гесоgпizе the achieVements of
]еssе Owens Ьесаusе he was Ьlасk, eVen though he won З ChooSe the most suitаЬ|е heading fгоm the |ist А-і fог
3o fоuг gо1d mеdаls. And in 1996 а ЬоmЬ was р1апtеd at each рагt (1-8) of the tехt. Тhеге is опе ехtга heading
the Games in Аtlапtа. Which you do not need to uSе.

А It's а11 fun and games

В Dimcult choiceS
С Негоеs and hегоiпеs
Most sресtаtогs, though they like to see thеiг соmраtгiоts
D It's а11 аЬоut money
wiп, haVe по dimculty applauding mеmЬегS of оthег Е раtгiоtism гulеs
national tеаms, whаtеVег thеiг соlоuг. The ргоЬlеms F The home Olympics
35 агisе When а choice haS to Ье made Ьеtwееп equally
G The thгеаt to the Olympics
wогthу candidates fог оuг аdmiгаtiоп. Оп what Ьаsis do Н А case of hооligапism?
we chooSe Ьеtwееп а gymnast fгоm Вгаzil ог Gгеесе? I Times change
The Ьгilliапt mагаthоп гuппегS fгоm Ethiopia ог Nigегiа?

4 What do theSe Wогds and ехргеSsiопS mеап? Use the

queStionS and the context in the text to hе|р you dесidе.
The Olympics аге mоге complicated than team Sрогts, 1 сz77Gсz/еz4гG.s% (liпе 15)
4o such as fооtЬаll ог ЬаskеtЬаll. It is not dimcult to decide
Is this someone who does something wеll? DoeS he ог
who you аге going to Ьасk in the wогld Сuр, whеге she do it а lot ог а littlе?
nationality is the most imрогtапt thing - moSt реор1е
2 тоге complicated С+iгуе ?9Г)
wave the Паg fог thеiг соmраtгiоts,. hоwеvег Ьаdlу they
Is this something that is easy ог difНсult? what clues
р1ау. 1п such eVents the SyStem is Simр1е: you Ьасk уоuг
doeS the next sentence give уоu?
45 own соuпtгу until it is knocked out tеп-пil Ьу some
fогеigпегs with uпргопоuпсеаЬlе паmеs. Then you 3 Z7сzсА; (liпе 44)
tгапsfег уоuг suррогt to уоuг second fаVоuгitе соuпtгу. what рагt of Speech is this? what connection does
Регhарs you spent а good holiday thеге опсе. фсzсё haVe with wczZJe Z%еЛсzg (liпе 43)?
4 а melting Pot СГше 58>)
what do you put in а роt? Do you put in опе thing ог
mоге? what happens if the things you put in mеlt?
1п iпdividuа1 sрогts it is а Ьit hагdег. The Оlуmрiсs, Аmегiса is often саl1еd а melting роt. whу?
5o although they аге ап intemational competition and р1ау 5 sРгG.7cJG7S (liпе 61)
the national anthem fог each Gold wiппег, аге not аЬоut what kind of Sрогt is this? what аге Аmегiсап athletes
national ргidе so much as individual ехсе11епсе. Nadia
Vегу good аt? who is the most famous Аmегiсап
Соmапесi, though she came out of communist Rumапiа, athlete tоdау? whac eVents does he ог she ехсе1 iп?
was аdогеd Ьу реор1е in the wеst. Еuгореапs who
55 spend half thеiг life complaining аЬоut the Ьаd influence
of Аmегiсап сultuге пеVегthеlеss seem to have по 5 Which of the fо||оWiпg do you think the аuthог Would
difЁсultу аdmiгiпg Magic jоhпsоп. Sау? Give eVidence fгоm the tехt.

1 If уоuг team plays Ьаdlу, suррогt апоthег соuпtгу's

2 If уоuг team gets knocked оut, you suррогt the next
It's а melting роt; а coming tоgеthег of со1оuгs and ьеst tеаm.
паtiопаlitiеs. The mоге сопЁdепt уоuг own паtiоп, the 3 The Olympic Games епсоuгаgе nationalist fееliпgs.
6o еаsiег it is to сhеег fог оthегs. Аlgегiап гuппегs, Вгitish 4 Еuгореапs should not Suррогt АmегiсапS in sрогt.
1опg jumрегs, Chinese divегs, Аmегiсап sргiпtегs,
5 The imрогtапt [hiпg is to enjoy the О1уmрiс Gаmеs.
Russian swimmегs - who сагеs? They аге а11 exciting and
the game is the thiпg. Апуwау, it stагts а11 оVег again
fоuг уеагs lаtег - so ге1ах and enjoy уоuгsеlf.

* Potato гасеS

Exam ргасtiсе: Рhоtоgгарhs

DеsсгiЬiпg а sequence of events
When you want to make с|еаг that опе action ог
event happens Ьеfоге ог аftег апоthег, you сап
uSe а time ехргеSsiОп, eg whеп, аftег, as soon аs,
the тотепt, опсе, Ьу the tiте, Ьеfоге.
When you taIk аЬоut the раSt, you uSe the time
ехргеssiоп + past simpIe ог past регfесt simр|е.
1 ChOoSe two of the рhоtоgгарhs аЬоVе and соmраге
AS Soon as they had finished dесогаtiпg the hоиsе,
and сопtгаSt thеm.
they moVed iп.
Опсе I paSSed ту tеSt, I ЬоUght а саг.

2 АпsWег theSe quеstiопS. When you tа|k аЬоut the futuге, you use the time
ехргеSsiоп + ргеsепt simрIе.
which of these Olympic eVents аге most рорulаг in
When I haVe enoUgh топеу l'т going to ЬUу а саг.
уоuг соuпtгу?
If you could get а ticket to see оп1у опе of these vou сап aIso uSe the time ехргеssiоп + ргеSепt
еVепts, Which опе would you сhооsе? регfесt to indicate that the fiгst action haS to Ье
which do you think is the most dimсult? compIeted Ьеfоге the second сап take рIасе.
what kind of tгаiпiпg do these athletes haVe to do Аftег yoU have finished уоиг ехатS, wе'II haVe а Ьig
Ьеfоге the Оlуmрiсs? рагtу

Unit 2,

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 3 5 we геасhеd the station Ьut we missed the tгаiп.
1 Fог queStionS 1-10, compIete the Second Sentence so the station the tгаiп had
that it has а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt Sепtепсе, using lеft.
the Wогd givеп. Do not change the wогd givеп. you 6 we сап't go out while it's still гаiпiпg.
must use Ьеtwееп two and five Wогds, iпс|udiпg the until
Wогd givеп. wе'll have to stops Ьеfоге
1 wе'll see the match and then go to the рuЬ. we 8о оut.
have 7 Не went home оп1у when the рагСу was оvег.
Аf[ег the mаtсh, wе'1l go to had
the рuь. As Soon as the рагtу hоmе.
8 Let me Enish speaking Ёгst and then you сап ask
2 The hгst thing I did when I got home was to make
а cup of соffее. quеstiопs.
Dоп't stагt asking questions
As I made а cup of соffее.
3 I will оп1у let you Watch TV if you Ёпish уоuг
9 ]оhп hаsп't saVed enough money to go аЬгоаd уе[.
john will go аЬгоаd enough
опсе уоuг hоmеwогk, you mопеу.
сап watch ТV.
10 I changed jоЬs Ьесаusе I was Ьогеd with Ьеiпg а
4 As soon as the tеасhег came iп, сhеу stopped
moment got
I changed jоЬs опсе
They stopped tа1kiпg
Ьеiпg а mапаgег.

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of

ЕпgIish, рагt 4 DGаг нGIGп'
1 I am WгiЪiпg to you fгоm Egypt а5 you оап Ъо бGG fгоm thG
2 Fог queStionS і-і 5, геаd the text 2 ро5tmагk. |Ъwа5VGгуехсiЪiпg аггiviпg in СаjгоfогthGfiгGttimG.Аб
oppoSite and |ооk сагеfullу at Э Goon аб I hас] ЬGGп got off ЪhG р|апG I fGlt thG hGаЪ. |Ъ mu5t haVG
each |iпе. Some of the |iпеs аге 4 ЬGGп оVGг4Ос]GgгGG5 inthG 5hас]G. OncG l hас] hасI гGсоVGгGсЯ my
соггесt, and Some have а Wогd 5 |uggаgG, my пGхЪ tабk wаб Ъо fiпсЯ а Ъахi. ThG momGnt | haVG
which Should not Ье thеге. іf а G GtGppGcI оuъ ofthG аiгрогt my hGагt бапk. ТhGгG WaG а quGUG of
|iпе is соггесt, put а tick (/). |f а 7 аЬоuЪ 5О pGoplG аI| WаiЪiпg fогЪахi5. АпуWау, аfЪGг | had ЬGiпg
|iпе haS а Wогd Which Should not 8 5hоVGсЯапd рu5hGс]fогаЬоuЪап hоuг, | fiпа||уgоtiпЪоаЪахi and
Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd. 9 аггivGс] аЪЪhG hоtG|.WhGпGVGг| аггivGаtа пGwhоЪG|,thGfiгбtЪhiпg
1О |с]оi5hаVGапiсG,hоЪЬаЪh.Вutаббоопа5|hаVGЪuгпGсlthGЪароп
11 |gоЪа Ьitоfа5hооk-ЪhGwаtGгWабЬгоwп.|Ъhiпkl'||Wаituпtil l
12 wоulс] gGt Ьасk fог my гіGхЪ ЬаЪh! Апуwау, thG pGopIG агG fhGпс]|у
1Э апс]thG man аtгGоGрtjоп 5аубЪhаЪа5 Iong аб lаVоiс] сlагkа||Gуwау5,
14 ЪhG pIaoG iG qujtG SаfG! |'|| VVгiЪG Ъо you again аftGг | will gGt Ьаоk
15 fгоm Luхог оп Fhс]ау. Dгор mG а |iпG WhGn you haVG ЪimG,
Wоп'ъ уоu?

вуG fог поW'


* Роtдtо гасеS

1 LаЬе| these рiсtuгеS With Wогds fгоm the Ьох.

diving Sргiпt 1опg jump swimming gymnastics

high jump jaVelin hаmmег thгоw huгdlеs
weightlifting sailing ге1ау

Which of these events haVe athleteS fгоm уоuг соuпtгу done

weII iп?

Listening and speaking

1 HoW do you think the Sсhоо| gameS ShoWn in the
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4
рiсtuгеs Ье|оw аге р|ауеd?


RЁф2=еY:ug#'е!еLГааtсShР:[tеS:::гСаhс:::iР4аЖ9t::ер[:[::е:f 1 You must саггу the potato

in уоuг hапd.
2 Веfоге the stагt of the sack гасе,
you must Ье inside che sасk.
3 1п the sack гасе, contacc is allowed
with оthег сопсеstап.s.
4 1п the glаss-full-оf-wаtег гасе, the
сhildгеп haVe to гuп 50 mеtгеs. l`, ,,::'г,,,,,,`_, I

5 1п the g1аSs-full-оf-wаtег гасе,

you should tгу not to spill the wаtег
in уоuг glаss.
6 1п the рiggу-Ьасk гасе, the гidегs
mount when the tеасhег stагts the гасе.
7 The сhildгеп have played these
games Ьеfоге.

Unit 2,

4 Е Listen аgаiп, and uпdег|iпе the wогds in theSe sentenceS that аге 1 Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using опе
diffегепt fгоm What you hеаг. of the Wогds ог рhгаsеS fгоm the
1 I am going to геmiпd you of the геgulаtiопs. (Ехtгасt 1) gгаmmаг Ьох.
2 А11 соmреti(огs should haVe thеiг spoons held оut. (Ехtгасt 1) 1 tгаiпiпg hагd, he is still
3 Nоw, fог this next гасе I want you а11 inside уоuг Sасks. (Ехсгасt 2) оVегwеight.
4 You аге not pemitted to touch ог рush. (Ехtгасt 2) 2 she is сlеVег, she is not
5 The wiппег, of соuгsе, is the опе who gеСs to the Enishing line Ёгst.
going to pass the ехаm.
(Ехtгасt 3)
6 They must Stay оп thеiг Ьасks till they геасh the Enishing liпе. 3 Му ЬгоthегS аге vегу diffегепt.
Топу has s.гаight hаiг, _ Mike
(Ехtгасt 4)
has сuгlу hаiг.
7 This could Ье гiskу and we dоп't want апу ассidепts, do wе?
(Ехtгасt 4) 4 the fact that the tгаiп was
dеlауеd, they didп't ароlоgizе.

5 Wогk in раiгs. ChooSe опе of the рiсtuгеS and dеsсгiЬе hoW the game 5 English gгаmmаг is еаsiег to leam
is р'ауеd.
than Gегmап gгаmmаг.
English sре1liпg is mоге dimсult.
6 I want Со Ье а hаiгdгеssег
6 Та|k аЬоut the gameS you р|ау/р|ауеd at Sсhоо|. my рагепts want me со go to
7 Shе's quite hеаlthу, _ smoking
40 сigагеttеs а dау.
Gгаmmаг 8 I didп't get the jоЬ _ I had
а11 the гight quаmсаdопs.
Linking and сопtгаstiпg ideas
you сап сопtгаst jdeas in опе sentence Ьу usiпg: 2 Connect the fо||оWі.пg раI.гs of
•ьиt sentenceS in two diffегепt WayS using
the Wогds in Ьгасkеts.
I Want to go оп а сгиisе Ьut ту hиSЬапd Wants to Stay at hоте.
• аlthоugh, thоugh, even thоиgh. EVen though етрhаs.іzеS [hе 1 sоссег is played with а гоuпd Ьа11.
сопtгаst mоге. RugЬу is played with ап еgg-
А|thоugh She WaS vегу tiгеd, She Went to the рагtу. shaped Ьа11. (whегеаs/Ьut)
She Went to the рагtу eVen though She WaS Vегу tiгеd. 2 1п сгiсkеt thеге is vегу lictle асtiоп.
• dе5рt.tе, t.гt 5рt.tе оf. These wогds аге ргероsitiопs, so you must use It is still Vегу рорulаг.

а noun ог а gегuпd аftег thеm. (а1thоugh/ьut)

DeSpite fее|iпg ill, і took ту dгiviпg tеSt. 3 It гаiпеd. They played the gаmе.
іп Spite of the Wеаthег, We Went fог а WаIk. (еVеп thоugh/iп spite оf)
• whегеаs 4 Не is а talented р1ауег. They wоп't
Jane |оVеS jаZZ, WhегеаS Sophie ргеfегS сlаSS.Iса| тиSiс. let him р1ау.
Vou сап сопtгаst ideas in two Sentences Ьу usiпg:
5 Тhеге аге Vагiоus kinds of fооtЬаll.
• hоWеVег, пеVегthеIеsS, NеVегthеIеss .іS тоге +огта|.
The most famous is Вгitish
Не is Vегу гiсh. НоWеVег, he is Vегу ипhарру.
fоосЬаll. (hоwеvег/аlthоugh)
Тhеге WaS а gгеаt deal of eVidence againSt hiт. NеVегthе|еSS, the jигу
found him iппосепt. 6 Мапсhеstег United won the mаtсh.
ЕVегуопе expected Aston Villa to
• оп the оthег hand
wiп. (whегеаs/dеsрitе)
lf | take FiгSt Сегtifiсаtе in JUпе, l тау fаil. Оп the оthег hапd, if I Wait
7 She is а gгеаt аthlеtе. She dоеsп't
Until DесетЬег, l Will haVe to Spend the SUттег Stиdуiпg,
tгаiп епоugh. (iп sрitе/hоwеVег)

* Potato гасеS

Use of EngIEsh
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 5 The histОгу of the Olympic Games
1 Fог queStionS і-іо, геаd the text Ассогdiпg to Gгееk lеgепd, the О1уmрiс Games wеге stагtеd
орроsitе. USe the Wогd given in Ьу Негсulеs, son of ZеuS, in hопоuг of his fаthег. The Ёгst
сарitа|S at the end of each |iпе to Olympic Games аЬоut which we haVe (1) _ wеге held INFоRм
fогm а Wогd that fits in the in 776 ВС оп the plain of О1уmрiа. Games had taken р1асе
Space in the Same |iпе. Ьеfоге this date Ьut had consisted (2) _ of сhагiоt гасеs. мАIN
The ancient Gгееks thought Che Games wеге So (3) _ IмроRтАNсЕ
that they mеаsuгеd time Ьу the iпtегVаl Ьеtwееп thеm.
А регiоd of fоuг уеагs was (4) _ to as ап Оlуmрiаd. REFER
The Games also гергеsепtеd the Gгееk ideal of physical
(5) _ and Ьеаutу, which they сопsidегеd as imрогtапt FIт
as the (6) _ of the miпd. Nоthiпg, not eVen wаг, was DEVELop
аl1оwеd to iпtегfеге with che Gаmеs. They wеге held
(7) _ еvегу fоuг уеагs fог mоге than 1 000 уеагS until соNтINUЕ
thеiг (8) _ Ьу the Romans in AD 394, АвоLlsн
At the end of the nineteenth сепtuгу, а Fгепсhmап саl1еd
Вагоп de СоuЬегtiп decided to (9) _ the tгаditiоп. ЕsтАвLISн
Following his suggеstiоп, fifteen nations met at ап
(10) _ сопgгеss in 1894. Two уеагs 1аtег, the fiгst NАтIоN
modem Olympic Games wеге hе1d in АthепS. 1п 2004, the
О1уmрiсs will геtuгп to Gгеесе, when Athens will опсе
again р1ау host to the gгеаtеst Sрогts event in the wогld.

Wогds often confused РhгаsаI vегЬs (sрогt)

So such catchup dгороut kickoff fа|IЬеhiпd

knockout join in sendoff
1 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS using опе of the Wогds
аьоVе. З Соmр|еtе theSe Sentences using the соггесt fогm of
опе of the рhгаSаI VегЬS аЬоvе.
1 It was а hot day that l wоге Shогts all dау.
2 It was hot а day that l wоге shогts аl1 dау. 1 They wеге in the агSt гоuпd of the
3 They wеге _ good fгiепds nothing would рагt соmреtitiоп.
thеm. 2 I dоп't just want to sit hеге watching the gаmе. I
4 Не is _ good а гuппег he is Ьоuпd to win the want to get up and _ l
гасе. 3 She stагtеd the гасе vегу well Ьut then she got tiгеd
5 They аге _ nice реор1е that еvегуопе 1ikеs and the оthег аthlеtеs.
thеm. 4 Shе'l1 haVe to гuп fаstег if she wants to with
6 It was _ good wine we dгапk а11 of it. the оthег гuппегs.
7 The test was dimcult we all failed it. 5 Аftег his fоuгth fоul, wilkins was _ Ьу the
6 Не _ of the team when he stагtеd haVing
2 Finish theSe SепtепсеS.
sегiоus health ргоЬlеms.
1 The test was so .„ 7 The match at thгее о'сlосk and ended at
2 She is such а good fгiепd ... аЬоut ЁVе о'сlосk.
3 His рагепts аге so stгiсt ...
4 They аге such nice реор1е ...
5 Не is such а good tеасhег ...

Unit 2,

Exam ргасtiсе: іпfогmа| |еttег
1 Whioh j5 уоuг fаVоuгiЪG 5рогЪ апсd Whу?
1 You аге going to апsWег this quеStiоп.
2 Do you р|ап to wаЪоh апу 5рогt jn thG
Yоuг реп fгiепd has wгittеп to you and would like to
пGхЪ fGW с]ау5? GivG с]Gtаil5.
knoW what you think аЬоut sрогt. Не/shе has sent
you this quеstiоппаiге to usе. wгitе а lеttег to уоuг Э |G ViО|GПОG а РГОЬ|GГГ1 аЪ 5РОГtiПg GVGПt5 iП
реп fгiепd, апswегiпg the quеStiоппаiге. Уоu сап also уоuгс;оuпЪгу?
add оthег iпfогmаtiоп. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and 180
wогds. 4 Do you Ъhпk iпtGгпаtiопа| 5рогЪiпg GVGпtб
GпсоuгаgG ЬGЪtGг uпс*Gг5tапс]iпg ЬGЪVVGGп
2 Read these two IеttегS. Lеttег А is Vегу fогmа| and
Lеttег В is iпfогmа|. Find ап ехаmр|е of each of theSe 5 What Wоulс] ЬG thG ас]VапЪаgG5 апсЯ
fеаtuгеs in the two IеttегS. с]i5асЯVапЪаgG5 of hо|с"g ЪhG О|угtірiс;

Fomal lеttег (А) GamGg jn thG 5аmG ооuгіtгу GVGгу ЪimG?

WhiGh GоuпЪгу Woulcd you ргоробG?
No сопtгасtiопS А lot of сопtгасtiопs
Fогmаl vосаЬulагу Iпfогmаl VосаЬulагу
Long sentences Shогt sentences
Complex gгаmmаг Simple gгаmmаг
Linking wогds А lot of геfегепсе wогds
eg it, thеу, this

А Infomal lеttег (В)

Dеаг Siг ог Маdаm,
IаmwгitiпgiпгеsропsеtОуоuг1еttегоf8Магсh1998.I ЬGGпthjШ"аЬоutwhаtуоu5аі.d.5о,hGгG'бггіугGрV-l
WоuldЬеhарруtоргоvidеуоuwiththеiпfогmаtiопWhiсh hОРGjЪ'5u5GfulfОГУОuГаГtjС|G.
уоuгеquiгеtосоmрlеtеуоuгагtiс1еfогthеSсhоо1mаgаziпе. lШhMmudfг`GGtmЬGсаu5GWG'VGgфGхаtті5согmпg
I have соmр1еtеd the quеstiоппаiге you епс1оsеd With уоuг uр,ЬutWhаЪlсап5ауі.5thаtЬа5kGtЬаНjбdGfiпНфthG
1еttег. Му геsропSе to уоuг оthег questionS fо1lоWs. mо5tрорulаг5рогthGгG.lquі.tGljkGitЬut|ргGfGгtаЬlG

А1thоugh I am not Ьу апу means оЬsеSSеd With апу sрогt, tGппЬmу5Glf.№а5kGdmуmumапddаdtоgGtггіGаtаЬЬ

hоwеvегрорulагitmауЬеWithоthегреор1е,ImustSауIаm гіGхtСhгj5tmа$WhjсhlWапttорuЪjпоuгЬа5GгпGпt.ТhGу
hоuгs. It is, hоwеvег, ехtгеmе1у difЁсult fог me to Япd the fооtЬаHапdЬа5kGtЬаНРGорlGdоп'tgоtоfооtЬаНmаtсhG5
time to watch tеппis. Fог ехаmр1е, I do not р1ап to Watch апу а5muс;hа5thGуuбGdtоЬGсаu5Gjt'5GхрGп5ivGагldЪhGгG

sрогtiпthепехtfеwdауsЬесаusеwhепIсоmеhоmеIаm сапЬGVі.оh5оmGtjггіGб.Ва5kGtЬаHmаtсhG5,опthGоthGг
оЬ1igеdtосоmр1еtеmуhоmеWогkаssigпmепtsfогSсhоо1.I hапdаюоftGпрасkGd,G5рGсjаЦуWhGпlоса|tGаm5аю
а1sоhаvеtоvisitаfhепdоfmiпеiпhоsрitа1.Тhегеfоге, рlау,.пg.
hоWеvег much I Would like to ге1ах and enjoy my fаvоuгitе ТhаЪ'5аHfоггіоW."WгіtGаgаіпWhGп|'VGgоtmогGtmР№
sрогt,itisпоtа1WауSроSsiЬlеfогmеtоdоsо. fог now and takG сагG,

YоuгS fаithfullу' Sопl'а

тim саtег

З NoW it'S уоuг tuгп. Wгitе уоuг |еttег to а реп fгiепd,

using the quеStiоппаiге аЬоVе. Wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and
180 Wогds.

22 Но|idауs аге Ьаd fог уоuг heaIth
Ехргеssiпg wEShes and геgгеts; iпvегsiоп

VосаЬulагу and
1 Put the Wогds in the Ьох uпdег the
fо|IоW.іпg hеаdiпgs:

-tуреS of hoIiday
-рIасеS Whеге реор|е Stay оп hoIiday
-р|асеS people Visit оп hо|idау
-thiпgs реор|е do оп hо|idау
-ргоЬ|еms реор|е сап haVe оп hо|idау

camping геsогt museum queueS

Ьеd and Ьгеаkfаst ге1ах seaSide
сгоwds delays suпЬаthiпg fuп-fаiг
сагаVап аdvепtuге гоws sightseeing
Ьеасh tent сгuisе lost luggage
youth hoStel ехсuгsiоп suпЬum

2 What оthег Wогds do you knoW аЬоut

hо|idауS? Add Wогds to the gгоuрS

Exam ргасtiсе: Рhоtоgгарhs

З ChooSe two of the рhоtоgгарhs and
соmраге and сопtгаSt thеm. Which
hо|idау Would you ргеfег? Whу?

Unit 22

вАRсЕLоNА zlмвАвWЕ
ZimЬаЬWе is а mаgiса|
Теа6ГуО::sf:`:jt.ОуtоhfEsвsаuг:::оЬп:а±uрег::еdа:аtрОЁttаh[еоf соuпtгу with its еvег
Саtа]опiа. Wапdег down the tгее-Iiпеd RаmЬ]аS, With its changing miхtuге of
соlоuгful НоWег Stаlls, Ьiгd sеllегs, stгее. регfогmегS and |апdsсареS, сultuгеS and
пumегоus pavement саfеs. Visit the PicaSSo Мusеum, stго]l Wildlifе.
thгоugh the Gothic quагtег, enjoy the fаЬu]оuS
геstаuгапts, listen to jazz in the саfёs and disсоvег Why • see the white гhiпо
Вагсе]Опа is Such ап exciting and соSmОро]itап сitу. • tгаVеl Ьу steam tгаiп
Duгiпg уоuг stay thеге wi]L Ье the chance to join some асгоss Аfгiса
optiOnal ехсuгsiопs, including а city sightseeing tоuг. • Visit Viсtогiа Fа||S, twice

The gгеаt value ргiсе of fl89.99 iпсludеs: as high and thгее times
aS wide aS the Niаgага
Rеtuгп Пights Gаtwiсk/Вагсеlопа. Тгапsfег Ьеtwееп аiгрогt
and hоtеl. Fоuг пights' В&В in а 3 stаг hoteI (ог Similаг).
• enjOy а sunset сгuisе оп
Fог dеtаi[s of this amazing offег р]еаSе са1] оuг Сustоmег
the ZаmЬеZi гivег
Sегviсеs Omce today оп: 0181335 3030
f l 399 fог 7 nights

Fог full itiпегагiеS and

Lеisuге Вгеаks t® fuгthег iпfогmаtiоп pIease
СаIifогпiа fг®m Е469 сопtасt:
If you want to ехрегiепсе the геа| Са|ifогпiа, then take EDWARDs & нАRGRЕАvЕs LтD.
а United vасаtiоп. We оffег just the гight mix of fun Рогtlапd Ноusе, 1 Соvепtгу гоаd, Магkеt НагЬогоugh,
Lеiсеstегshiге LЕ16 9ВХ О1858432123
and геlахаtiоп. Fгоm suп-dгепсhеd Ьеасhеs to со|оuгful
Disney сhагасtегs; |ush, gгееп viпеуагds to exciting
night life in the сitiеs.
So Why just settle fог а hо|idау to Са|ifогпiа, when you ReadEng
сап have the геаI thiпg, а United VасаtiОп. Са|| 01235
824344 fог а сору of оuг Ьгосhuге ог See уоuг lоса|
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 4
tгаvеI аgепt.
1 Fог queStions 1-11, chooSe fгоm the аdvегtisеmепts
А-D. Some of the аdvегtisеmепts may Ье uSed mоге
DоN'т Go oN ноLIDАv то АмЕRIсА,
than опсе. When mоге than опе апswег is геquiгеd,
тАкЕ А vАсАтIоN.
theSe may Ье given in апу огdег.

which hо1idау ог hо1idауs would you гесоmmепd fог

* согsiса* Someone whо:

The fгаgгапt island of Согsiса is Ьеаutiful at апу time of likes wild апimаls?
уеаг, Ьut in late Мау апd]uпе the Поwегs аге in full 1ikеs musеums?
Ьlооm and wопdегful соuпtгу walks аге а must. has young сhildгеп?
СОгsiса'S Ьеаutу tгulу knows по ЬОuпds.
cannot аffогd а Vегу expensive hоlidау?
Апd, with оff-реаk гаtеs, а holiday thеге costs leSs than likes city lifе?
уоu'd imа8iпе. has а sense of аdvепtuге?
ТО ехрегiепсе the Ьеаutу of Согsiса in Мау, Тuпе, Ог at enjoys swimming and suпЬаthiпg?
апу time of уеаг, гiпg ог wгitе fог оuг Ьгосhuге.
likeS musiс?
Согsiса, the frаgгапt islе. enjoyS the соuпtгуSidе?
1п sеаsоп, аl:1 sеаsоп. likes ьоаts?
(01242) 240 310
VFB Ноlidауs, Dept ОВ, Nогmапdу Ноusе, High Stгееt,
Сhеltепhаm, Glоuсеstегshiге GL50 3FВ 2 ChooSe опе of the hо|idауs and discuSs With а рагtпег
What kind of things could go Wгопg.

* HoIidayS аге Ьаd fог уоUг hеа|th

Gгаmmаг 3 I геgгеt not Ьеiпg аЬ1е to tгаVеl mоге when I Was

Ехргеssiпg wishes and геgгеts I wish when I was уоuпgег.
Vou с.ап use wish ог if onIy + could ог раs+ 4 I'm sоггу We wегеп't аЬ1е [о have а ргорег holiday
SimрIе/сопtiпuоus to taIk аЬоut something you this уеаг.
would |ikе to Ье diffегепt, Ьut сап't сhапgе. іf had
оп/у is Stгопgег than Vvt.5h. I wish to haVe а ргорег
I Wish Магу WaS coming to the рагtу оп Sаtuгdау holiday this уеаг.
If only I had сигlу hаiг!
5 I would love to go fог а hо1idау оп the Мооп!
То taIk аЬоut Something you геgгеt in the раst,
you сап usе: fог а holiday оп the
• Wish ог if onIy + раs` рег+ес+.
I Wish We had gone to Spain inStead of ЕпgIапd.
• shоu/с/ haVe + past рагtiсiр|е. 6 I would loVe to tгаvеl гоuпd the wогld Ьut I hаvеп't
We ShoUld haVe tuгпеd гight at the laSt junction - got the mопеу.
noW Wе'ге lоSt.
If to tгаvеl гоuпd the Wог1d.

7 Going Ьу tгаiп to Рагis would have Ьееп much

1 Соmр|еtе theSe sentenceS using the соггесt fогm of ьеttег.
the VегЬS in Ьгасkеts.
1 I wish I _ (hаvе) enough money to get this We ьу tгаiп.
2 If оп1у we _ (сап) аffогd а сгuisе holiday this З ЕхргеsS а геgгеt аЬоut the fо||оWiпg situationS using
уеаг., t.f оп/у ог shоu/d hаVе. Fог the fiгst five Situаtiопs,
3 I think we should _ (gо) to the Itа1iап uSe the Wогds in Ьгасkеts, then uSe уоuг own ideaS fог
геstаuгапt, Ьut it's too late поw. the геmаiпiпg Situаtiопs.
4 If оп1у the goVemment _ (поt/iпсгеаsе) tахеs.
5 I Wish I _ (поt/hаvе) to go to wогk еvегу dау. 1 we Should haUe gone еагliег.
6 This еlесtгiс iгоп is usеlеss. I should 1 Тhеге wеге 1опg delays at the аiгрогt, (gо/еагliег)
(поtюuу) it! 2 The hotel was оvегЬооkеd. (wаm/uS)
3 No опе spoke Епglish. (stау/аt hоmе)
4 The Ьеасh was сгоWdеd. (usе/hосе1 swimming
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епg[ish, Рагt 3
2 Fог questionS 1-7, соmр|еtе the second sentence so 5 we didп't meet апу iпtегеstiпg реор1е.
that it haS а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt Sепtепсе, using (gо оut/mоге)
the Wогd givеп. Do not change the wогd givеп. Vou 6 Тhеге wеге too many tоuгists еvегуwhеге.
must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five wогds, iпс|udiпg the 7 А11 the food Was sрiсу.
Wогd givеп. 8 The night сluЬs wеге Соо ехрепsivе.
9 Тhеге wеге mosquitoes at пight.
1 what а shame I didп't leam to р1ау а musical 10 we гап out of mопеу.
m to р1ау а musical 4 Finish theSe SепtепсеS.
iпstгumепt. 1 If оп1у I ...
2 You didп't Ьооk уоuг tickets оп timе. 2 I wish I ._
have 3 I wish I had ...
You 4 I shоuldп't have ...
уоuг tickets еагliег.

Unit 22

Exam ргасtiсе: Раiгwогk task and

1 Wогk with а рагtпег and make а р|ап fог

the Situation ЬеIow.

Look at this map of а holiday island

With some of the tоuгist sights and
activities you сап сhооsе. you аге оп а
сгuisе and you аге Visiting this island fог
а dау. Decide tоgеthег hoW you аге
going to spend the mоmiпg, aftemoon
and еvепiпg.

2 DiscuSS these quеStiопs.

what is most imрогtапt to you аЬоut а

what is уоuг fаVоuгitе kind of hоlidау?
which is the ЬеSt and which is the wогst
holiday you haVe еVег hаd?

Fогmа| and iпfогmаl wогds 2 CompIete tHS Iеttег using опе of the iпfогmа| Wогds fгоm ехегсisе 1.

1 Match wогds fгоm |ist А With Wогds fгоm

|ist В that haVe а Similаг mеапiпg, Ьut аге
mоге fогmаI. The wогd gef is uSed mоге DGаг Jоhп'
than опсе. Тhапk5 fог уоuг |GЪЪGг, I'm гGаПу (1) _ to hGаг Ъhаt уоu'гG
А в Gnjoying уоuг пGwjоЬ, and it'5 (2) _ nGwg to hGаг уоu'гG
let fгiепd going to ЬG in ЪоWп оп 5аtшdау. I'П comG Ъо (Э) _ you
1еаvе collect fгоm ЪhG аiгрогt, ЬuЪ I (4) _ уоuг f]ight с]GЪаilG. Could you
stагt mагvеllоus (5) _ mG haVG thGm in thG nGxt fGW с]ауб? You Gan fax
1оо pleasant thGni to thG omoG апуЪimG.
8еt [hегеfоге
mate I,II haVG thG (G) -with mG at thG VVGGkGnd -, hopG you
need dоп't (7) _ Ъоо muсh.1 know thаЪ you погmа||у (8) _
8геаt complain сhildгGп, Ьut I'm (9) _ GVGn you Will likG thGm. ТhGу'гG VGгу
tгу оьjесt quiGt ancd пGVGг (1О) _ . АпуWау, thGу'|l ЬG With ЪhGiг
kid сегtаiп (11) _ mое}t of ЪhG timG and WG Wоп't 5GG ЪhGm muс;h.
moan lаvаtогу
I thоughЪ WG'd go to а сопс;Gгt оп 5аtuгdау пight.1 Want to
g1аd deteSt
mind attempt go and (12) _ thG tiсkGt5 thi5 гііогпiпg, (1Э) _ 1'lI
nice fiПi5h Off Г1ОW.
сап't stand delighted вуG fог поW,
suге оьtаiп
so геquiге мiоhаGI

* Но|.IdауS аге Ьаd fог уоUг hеа|th

LEstening 1 Соггесt these Sепtепсеs.

1 Rагеlу do tеасhегS та1ге а lot of топеу.

Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2
1 Rагеlу tеасhегs make а lot of mопеу.
1 Е You Will hеаг а гаdiо iпtегViеW With Gеогgiпа Jегums, 2 Нагdlу еvег реор1е in my соuпtгу study аЬгоаd.
а tгаVе| аgепt. Fог queStions 1-10, соmр|еtе the 3 Nоwhеге thеге is а соuпtгу as Ьеаutiful as miпе.
SепtепсеS`.With а Wогd ог а рhгаSе. 4 Оп1у Ьу ргасtisiпg а lot you will leam а fогеigп
1 FlightmаkегS specialize in 5 NеVег I would аgгее to dancing сlаssеs.
6 Seldom old реор1е in my соuпtгу live а1опе.
2 Gеогgiпа has just come Ьасk fгоm а
7 Not оп1у young реор1е choose thеiг own сагеегs
Ьut they also mаггу whоеVег they likе.
3 Кuгапdа is а 8 Sсагсеlу I had time to lie down when the phone
4 The Ьа11ооп is manned Ьу at least

2 Соmр|еtе theSe SentenceS With опе ог two Wогds.

5 The Ьа11ооп is Ёl1еd with
1 NеVег _ hеагd such Ьеаutful musiс.
6 Тhеге wеге реор1е in the 2 Not оп1у _ the food wопdегful in this соuпtгу
ьаskеt. Ьut the wine is gгеаt .оо.
3 еVег do I eat mеаt.
7 То stеег the Ьа11ооп, you tighten
4 Rагеlу _ Seen such wопdегful раiпtiпgs.
5 Оп1у when you haVe lеагпt enough gгаmmаг
8 The wеаthег in Tuly сап Ье Ье аЬ1е to ехргеss уоuгsеlf in Епglish.
6 Оп1у аftег I had put the phone doWn геаlizе
9 А Ьа11ооп tгiр lasts what had hаррепеd.
10 А опе-hоuг tгiр costs

Use of EngIEsh
2 Would you |ikе to go оп а Ьа||ооп hо|idау? What оthег
uпuSuа| hо|idауs сап you think оf?
Exam ргасtiсе: Рагt 2

1 Read the text opposite and Say Which of the Situations

in the сагtоопs the Wгitег mепtiопs. Igпоге the SpaceS
Gгаmmаг fог поw.

2 Fог questionS і-15, think of the Wогd Which ЬеSt fits
|f you want to emphasize sоmеthiпg, you сап put each Sрасе. USe оп|у опе Wогd in each Sрасе.
negative аdvегЬS ог аdvегЬiа| рhгаSеs at the
Ьеgiппiпg of the sепtепсе. Уоu use the Same wогd
огdег as in а quеstiоп. Неге аге some аdvегЬS you З АпSwег theSe queStions аЬоut the tехt.
саг\ usе.. пеVег, SсагсеIу; гагеIу SеIdот, hагdlу;
hагdlу еVег.
1 How many геаsопs does he give fог why реор1е go
і Will пеVег give iп. NеVег Will і give iп,
оп hоlidау?
I hагdlу еVег go to the thеаtге. Нагdlу еVег do l go to the
2 whaC ргоЬlеms with going оп holiday does he
3 why haVe he and his wife quаггеllеd?
Vou сап а|sо uSe ехргеssiопs with оп/у, eg огі/у аftег, 4 How do thеiг сhildгеп feel аЬоut going оп hоlidау?
onIy whеп, onIy if, not опIу.
OnIy if уои paSS уоUг examS Will I ЬUу уои а сотрutег.

These StгuсtuгеS аге fогmаI and you thегеfоге

usuа||у оп|у uSe them in Wгittеп Епglish.

Unit 22

тhаt,s Life
Wогds often confused
Ьу Tohn Тгumап
As the hot holiday season stагts tгаVе| jоuгпеу tгiр voyage
up аgаiп, Tohn Тгumап takes а 1 Соmр|еtе these sentences using the соггесt fогm of
со1d, hагd look at оuг annual опе of the Wогds аЬоvе.
escape fгоm the StгеSsеS and
Stгаiпs of еvегуdау гоutiпе. 1 Do you аgгее that _ Ьгоаdепs the miпd?
2 Do you enjoy going оп day _ into the
I'vе Ьееп wопdегiпg - what соuпtгуSidе?
is the point of going Оп hо1idау? 3 what do you take with you оп 1опg _ ?
Especially family holidауS. 4 Does апуопе in уоuг family go оп Ьusiпеss
HolidayS аге suppoSed (1) do
5 Do you get seasick оп 1опg _ ?
you good - they ге1ах уоu; take уоuг 6 Do you think thа. аiг _ is sаfе?
mind off the stгеSsеs and stгаiпs of Wогk; Ьгightеп
the еvегуdау tedium of гоutiпе (2) _ а Spot of
sunshine апd, а11 in а11, гесhагgе уоuг Ьаttегiеs 2 Wогk With а рагtпег. ASk and апswег these quеstiопS.
геаdу (3) _ the 1опg, со1d Wiпtег аhеаd.
Тhаt'S the thеогу. Now lеt's look at some fасts. Му
РhгаsаI vегЬs (геviеw)
Wife and l (4) Ьееп thinking аЬоut whеге to
gоfогаsummТЕ=iБlidау(5)_уеаг.Wе'vе 3 Rер|асе the uпdег|iпеd Wогds in these Sentences With а
а1геаdу had sеVегаl гоw,s аЬОut (6) _ we
рhгаSа| VегЬ.
should have а Seaside h'оlidау (whiсh she ргеfегs),
head fог the соо1 mountain аiг (Whiсh I ргеfег) ог 1 I'm not well off Ьut I ±±±г[j±[Ё with а little help fгоm
go camping with (7) _ ЬеSt fгiепds fгоm School my fгiепds.
(whiсh оuг сhildгеп ргеfег). The сhildгеп, of 2 I'vе Ьееп tгуiпg to sопtасtj:g!± fог hоuгs Ьut the
соuгsе, (8) _ ideally like to go sоmеwhеге line was епgаgеd.
Whеге thеге аге р1епtу of fuп-fаiгs. Оuг teenage 3 Yоu'vе fогgоttеп to ±§±Ёр уоuг shое-lасеs.
dаughtег would love to go somеwhеге Whеге thеге 4 The сопсегt was рg§±рg!±s± till the following day
аге (9) _ рагепts. You sее, she has геасhеd that Ьесаusе the siпgег was ill.
гiре old age of Sixteen (10) _ holidays With 5 Hang оп а moment and 1'11 just sg!±±ЭsgLZ9Щ±±
Mum and Dad аге just опе Ьig уаWп. And visiting the sales dерагtmепt.
museums with Mum and Dad is the Ьiggеst yaWn 6 If you continue the good wогk уоu'vе Ьееп dоiпg,
of (11) _ . And so we slug it оut, а11 pulling in you will get gгаdе А.
diffегепt diгесtiопs. 7 The students щg±s еvегуthiпg the lесtuгег said in
thеiг посеЬооks.
The Ь1ооd ргеssuге геа11у Ьеgiпs to 8 Do you think the new hospital will Ье mentioned at
гisе when the packing (12) the meeting оп Мопdау?
i± to Ье dОпе. Fifteen minutes 9 what questions do you think аге going to Ье set in
Ьеfоге we dерагt fог the the ехаm?
аiгрогt it (13) _ hаsп't 10 I chink 1'11 ±!±ц attendipg kагаtе lеssопs.
Ьееп done ЬесаuSе wе'vе 11 I was гаisеd in Епglапd, Ьut moved to the USA
а11 Ьееп гuппiпg агоuпd whепг=twепtу.
getting tiсkеts, visаs, new 12 She геtuгпеd а11 his ргеsепts Ьесаusе she didп't
swimming соstumеs' 1оVе him апуmоге.
suntan oil Ог а new Ьооk to 13 She ±Ёf±±§s± his оffег of mаггiаgе.
геаd (14) the Ьеасh. 14 She gave him Ьасk the гiпg and cancelled thеiг
'' Апdwеstillhаvеп'tsеt
(15) _ . And thеп, at the
аiгрогt, оuг сhесk-iп desk has а queue as 1опg as
the Gгеаt Wа1l of Сhiпа. Аh, home sweet hоmе.

* Но|idауS аге Ьаd fог уоиг hеа|th

Wгitiпg 1 Read theSe Iists of fеаtuгеS you Should iпс|udе When

dеSсгiЬiпg toWns ог cities and оьjесts.

Exam ргасtiсе: Lеttег of dеsсгiрtiоп DеsсгiЬiпg towns ог cities DеSсгiЬiпg оЬjесts

histогiсаl facts size
In the wгitiпg ехаm, you may Ье aSked to Wгitе а 1осаtiоп shape
Iеttег dеsсгiЬiпg Sоmеthiпg. The |еttег could population соlоuг
dеsсгiЬе ап оЬjесt, а р|асе ог ап еvепt. |t could Ье паtuгаl fеаtuгеs tехtuге
wгittеп to Someone you kпоw, fог exampIe а what it is famous fог mаtегiаl
fгiепd, ог to Someone you dоп't kпоW, fог the реор1е раttеms, design
ехаmр|е а hоtе|. тhе |еttег could Ье tгапSасtiопаI the sights оthег fеаtuгеs (Vаluе,
(уоu expect а гер|у, fог ехаmр|е if you haVe Iost usе)
sоmеthiпg), ог поп-tгапsасtiопа| (fог ехаmр|е if
Неге аге ехtгасts fгоm two dеsсгiрtiопs. Gгоuр the
you wгitе to а fгiепd telIing them аЬоut
ехtгасts uпdег the fо||оWiпg hеаdiпgs:
sоmеthiпg). Неге аге some exampIe situationS you
could Ье asked to wгitе аЬоut: -dеSсгiрtiоп of ап оЬjесt
-dеSсгiрtiоп of а р|асе
- Vou have |еft уоuг гiпg in а hоtе| гооm and you
Wгitе to the hoteI to aSk whеthег they have in the погth-wеSt of the соuп(гу
found it. Ьгоwп lеаthег stгар
- Vou have Ьееп given а kitten fог уоuг Ьiгthdау а histогiс city
and wгitе а lеttег to а fгiепd dеSсгiЬiпg it. it has sentimental Value
- Vоuг реп fгiепd haS wгittеп to you asking you magniacent monuments
to dеSсгiЬе уоuг home tоwп. with second and hоuг hands
- Vou have гесепtlу Ьееп to уоuг Sistег'S wedding аЬоut а million реор1е
and wгitе а |еttег to а fгiепd dеSсгiЬiпg it. а small kпоЬ оп the side
а fогеst outside сhе city
Неге аге Some tips оп Wгitiпg а dеSсгiрtivе |еttег.
it is wогth а lot
• Think аЬоut who you аге wгitiпg tо, and how
it isп't digital
this will affect the style of уоuг |апguаgе made in switzегlапd
(fогmа| ог iпfогmа|). оп the coast
• Begin Ьу giving the геаsоп fог wгitiпg. гоuпd face
• Огgапizе уоuг ideas into рагаgгарhs. with Roman гuiпs
• End уоuг Iеttег Ьу making а геquеSt (if you it is ап Omega wгistwаtсh
fгiепdlу реор1е
want Something dопе), ог comment оп the
contents of уоuг |еttег (if you аге tе|Iiпg уоuг gold
delicious food
геаdег аЬоut sоmеthiпg).
with Roman пumегаls to mагk the hоuгs
Ьuilt оп sеvегаl hills

2 Use the ехtгасts аЬоvе to апSWег опе of theSe

1 You think you lost уоuг watch at а fгiепd's house
аftег а рагtу. wгitе а lеttег to уоuг fгiепd
explaining what haS hаррепеd. DеsсгiЬе the
watch in as much detail as you сап. wгitе
Ьеtwееп 120 and 180 wогds.
2 You аге wогkiпg in 1оса1 tоuгism and уоuг
еmрlоуег has asked you to wгitе рагt of а lеаПеt
in English fог the use of fогеigп Visitогs to уоuг
сitу. wгitе а dеsсгiрtiоп of уоuг town to Ье
included in the lеаflеt. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120 and
180 wогds'

Unit 22

Exam ргасtiсе: ТгапsасtiОпаI Iеttег

(Iеttег of соmрIаiпt)
3 Read the |еttег Ье|оW and апsWег theSe quеStjопs.

1 HoW many complaints does the wгitег mаkе?

2 what caused the ргоЬ1еm in the Ёгst р1асе?
3 How do you know this is а fогmа1 lеttег?
Make а list of useful ехргеssiопS.
4 Аге the complaints mild ог stгопg? Give ехаmрlеs.

Dеаг SiгЛИаdаm,

to Why ms had hаррепеd.
арреагеd. We Wеге iпfогmеd that the сагgо hold of the
The гергеSепtаtivе WaS not at а11 apologetic апd, to make
mаttегS eVen Wогsе, We then had to Wait оvег ап hоuг in
огdег to Ё11 in the геlеvапt fоіms.
thеюfоге decided to delay my dерагtuю fог Sao Раulо. 1п
геtumеd to mе, causing me gгеаt регSопаl inconVenience
and ехрепsе.
I had gone to Вгаzil to give а ЬusiпеSS ргеsепtаdоп
Nаtuга11у, I have SehouS dоuЬts аЬоut using Еаg1е
АiгliпеS аgаiп. I encloSe details of the ехtга expenSeS ТгаvеI fаst, tгаvе| Safe with
Which I iпсuггеd While waiting fог my luggаgе.
I 1mk fогWагd to hеа]iпg Ёюm уоu,
6GаЪS сгагііреd
Yоuгs fаithшlу' • тгаvеI in stу|е and СОmfОГt ~ ;;Т;;5-д-іth} -
JаmG5 ргiсG

• Enjoy оuг fеаtuге film

~ ju5Ъ GhildгGп'G сагtоопS

• Full meal with wine

4 NoW it's уоuг tuгп. Wгitе ап апsWег to this - а cold SnaGk
• FГiеПdlУ stafL а:г 9tGwагd5 гudе аПd uПhG'Рfu'
You haVe just come Ьасk fгоm а holiday
which was spoilt Ьесаusе sеVегаl things
went wгопg оп the jоumеу. Read the
AIl f,ights fгоm Gatwick
аdvегtisеmепt and the notes which you
haVe mаdе, then Wгitе уоuг lеttег of Сhагtег and геgulаг flights to destinatiOns aII ovег Еиюре
complaint to Еаg1е Аiгliпеs. Add some of
Much Ьеttегfог much lеss! Е О800 576 324
уоuг own соmрlаiпts. wгitе Ьеtwееп 120
and 180 wогds. ЕАG[Е А/R[/NЕ5 28 Stеwагds Way London sW24 8RY

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt З
*RеviеW: Fог questions 16-25, соmр|еtе the Second Sе-.тшю=
So that it haS а Similаг meaning to the fiгSt sеm-
Units 20-22 using the wогd givеп. Do not change the \^"
givеп. Vou must uSe Ьеtwееп two and five wап_
incIuding the wогd givеп.
Exam ргасtiсе: Use of Епglish, Рагt 2
16 Аге ?-оu going to рагtiсiраtе in the СhгisП=i`
Fог queStionS 1-15, геаd the text Ье|оW and think of the Wогd shо"- his \-еаг?
Which ЬеSt fits each Sрасе. Use оп|у опе wогd in each sрасе. pm
_m \-оLl the сhгis-`
маdе in the UsA shou- thjs \-еаг?
The Аmегiсап Way of life has ап епогmоus influence оп і- Iн-s stop fог coffee now and continue in m
реор1е in соuпtгiеS as (1) _ арагt as Russia and Вгаzil. пhutеs_
This influence сап (2) _ seen in а11 kinds of wауs` fгоm оаЕ€
the clothes we wеаг (3) _ the food we еаt. (4) _ IJн-S coffee and
you switch оп the TV to watch а fеаtuге Яlm, chances аге conninue in ten miпutеs.
nine out of ten (5) _ the Е1m Will Ье ап Аmегiсап mоviе.
The (6) _ оЬViоus influence of Аmегiсап сultuге is` of 18 s"immiпg is the most рорulаг keep ht
соuгsе, thгоugh the use of English (7) _ the intemational асti\iг\-_
language of соmmuпiсаtiоп. If it (8) _ not fог the /\t+

imрогtапсе of Аmегiсап economic influence (9) _ the lhere is по keep Ёt activity

wог1d, many реор1е would not Ьоthег to leam English swimmiпg.
(10) _ а11. English (11) _ the advantage оvег оthег
1апguаgеs of оffегiпg а complete расkаgе: it haS (12) _
the language of iпtеmаtiОпа1 science (13) _ а 1опg time
19 I "-оuШ ргс.fег to stay in tопight.

out tопight.
поw; it is the language of соmрutегs, рор music and mап}-
Э:і I inacnd Iі=і `[jгt going to kагаtе 1еssопs.
iпtегпаtiопаl огgапizаtiопs. АЬоvе (14) _ ` English is the
Ягst (15) _ Second language in many соuпtгiеs in the tь
I am kагаtе lеssопs.
21 You нгеЦ-hпd .`ustоms 1ikе that in Еuгоре.
сm- нЕf thэt

22 I slaIted kэіmiпg Sfmnish last уеаг.

hst \-еаг.

23 Не рh?-s the gu:пг jLгLJ ht> sings (оо.

\-оt the gui-. ьul he
also Siпgs-

24 You т`-ill оп1`- 1езггі to рh?. the guitаг Ьу

оп1у to р1а'т the

25 Going Ьаld is not common amongst young

Young реор1е ьаld.

RеviеW: Unit 20-22

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 4

Fог queStionS 26-40, геаd the text ЬеIоW and look сагеfullу at each Iiпе. Some of the |іпеS аге
соггесt, and some haVe а Wогd Which should not Ье thеге. If а 1Iпе is соггесt, put а tісk (і). lf а
line haS а Wогd Which Should not Ье thеге, Wгitе the Wогd.

The Olympic Games

26 The Olympic Games take а р1асе еVегу fоuг уеагs and each time аге
_ 27 огgапizеd Ьу а diffегепt соuпtгу ог, to Ье mоге ргесisе, Ьу а diffегепt сitу.
28 1п гесепt уеагS we have Seen the Olympics огgапizеd vегу much
_ 29 succeSsfully in Вагсе1опа, Seoul and Аtlапtа. Тhеге is always а gгеаt
_ 30 deal of competition Ьеtwееп such diffегепt cities агоuпd the wог1d to
_ 3і decide оп Which опе will Ье given the hопоuг of hosting the next GаmеS.
_ 32 Although that the mаjогitу of citizens seem to Ье in fаvоuг of thеiг city
_ 33 огgапiziпg the GаmеS, thеге is usuаl1у а Stгопg miпогitу Who аге
_ 34 oppoSed to the а11 idеа. Опе агgumепt againSt hosting the Olympics is
_ 35 that the city may lose much mопеу. The cost оfЬuildiпg the Olympic
_ 36 Villаgе, stadiums and hоtе1s and paying thousands of employees - а11 of
_ 37 this сап amount to much mоге money spent than it will Ье made fгоm
~ 38 аdvегtisiпg, tоuгism and the tickets not Ьоught Ьу thousands of
_ 39 sресtаtогs. Апоthег опе агgumепt against holding the Olympics is that
40 they will do damage to the епViгопmепt ог will make existing
епViгопгiепtаl ргоЬlеms wогSе. Is it such а gгеаt hопоuг to host
the оlуmрiсs?

Exam ргасtiсе: Use of ЕпgIish, Рагt 5

Fог queStionS 41-50, геаd the text ЬеIоW. USe the Wогd gIVen in саріtаIs at the end
of each |iпе to fогm а wогd that fits in the Space in the Same liпе.

Is а gOod holiday what I пееd?

It is two hоuгs Ьеfоге (41) _ time and I still hаVеп't
set off fог the аiгрогt, а1thоugh the ticket (42) _ INFоRм
says I am suppoSed to Ье thеге at least опе and а hа1f
hоuгs Ьеfоге the (43) _ is due to take оff. I haVe always
сопsidегеd this policy totally (44) _ and so tend to аггivе

:th::еhааiГ]:::tmа]SпLеа:ааssа:=::;(45)~thе1аSПimеISеtОff DlsАsтЕR
fог the аiгрогt Ьу tгаiп. ЕVегуthiпg was going (46) _ and I Sмоотн
was fее1iпg quite геlахеd, when suddеп1у the tгаiп Stopped
and ап (47) _ was made that we had to change tгаiпs fог ANNoUNcE
what they геfеггеd to as (48) ` ~ ' геаsопs. Of соuгsе this тЕснNIQUЕ
waS апоthег way of Saying the tгаiп had Ьгоkеп down and it
meant а dе1ау of аЬоut twenty miпutеs.
As if that wаsп't епоugh, оп (49) ~ at the аiгрогt thеге was
а huge queue at the сhесk-iп соuпtег. Тhеге had Ьееп а
(50) __ ЬоmЬ thгеаt and еVегуопе had to go thгоugh а
thогоugh sесuгitу check ЬеfОге Ёпа11у Ьоагdiпg the р1апе.


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