Summary Project Lea 2

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Theories of comparative policing

- economic or migration theory a theory of comparative policing which states that crime
everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and overpopulation in urban areas
such as ghettos and slums
- theory of anomie and synomie a theory of comparative policing which suggests that
progressive lifestyles and norms result in the disintegration of older norms that once held
people together
- Deprivation theory a theory of comparative policing which states that progress comes
along with rising expectations. people at the bottom develop unrealistic expectations
agency (PDEA) under the office of the president
- Demographic theory a theory of comparative policing which is based on the event when
a greater number of children are being born. As these baby booms grow up, delinquent
subcultures develop out of the adolescent identity crisis.
Comparative law enforcement

- It is the science and art of investigating and comparing the police system of nations. It
covers the study of police organizations, trainings and methods of policing of various
- It is the process of outlining the similarities and differences of one police system to
another in order to discover insights in the field of international policing.
Variable effecting system comparison on policing system

- The variables of colonization and underdevelopment…

- Urbanization or the process of migration from countryside to the city…
- Comparativists romanticize the folk-communal society for its low crime rates...

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