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Student Assessment Book


School School of IT

Learner Name Raiyan Haider

Learner ID No. 2019441005 Edexcel Reg. No.

Unit No & Title RQF 14, Business Intelliegnce

Assessor’s Sabrina Hossain Mou Semester Spring Semester (2021-1)

Unit Details:
Data and information is core to any organisation and business process. The necessity of having meaningful
information is the key driver for effective decision making and problem-solving. Business intelligence has
evolved from technologies such as decision support systems (DSS) to include tools and methods associated with
data mining, data quality and data warehousing in conjunction with other information management systems and
applications. This unit introduces students to a range of tools, techniques and technologies for acquiring data
and processing this into meaningful information that can be used to support business functions and processes.
Within this unit students will examine the concept of business processing in terms of data capture, conversion
and information output. The use of a business intelligence tool/s and techniques is also required to demonstrate
an understanding of a given problem. Finally, students will be expected to evaluate the impact of business
intelligence for effective decision-making. On successful completion of this unit students will be able to
appreciate the importance of business intelligence in terms of optimising decision-making and performance. By
exploring the tools, techniques and systems that support business intelligence students will have an awareness
of the role and contribution that these technologies and methodologies have and their importance to
organisations. As a result students will develop skills such as communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis,
reasoning and interpretation, which are crucial for gaining employment and developing academic competence.

Unit Level: 5

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
LO1 P1, M1, D1
LO2 P2, M2, D2

Handout date: 04.01.2021

Submission date: 14.01.2021

Necessary Guidance

 Use 12 point Times New Roman

 Use a bibliography
 Use 1.5 spacing
 Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity
 Submit the assignments as per the following deadlines
 Submission date of the assignment is final and no other extra day will be offered in any circumstances
 Use appropriate referencing in your assignments.

Center & Assessor Information

Center Name BAC International

Center Code 93195

Assessor(s) Sabrina Hossain Mou

Assignment Evidence

Evidence Authenticity Declaration

I Raiyan Haider affirm that the attached work is entirely my own except where the words of ideas of other
writers are specifically acknowledged through the use of inverted commas and in-text references.

This assignment has not been submitted for any other subject at 93195 centre (or other institution). I have
revised, edited and proofread this paper before submission.

I further confirm that I have read and understood BAC’s rules and regulation relating to plagiarism and agree to
be bound by them.

Learner Name Raiyan Haider

Signature Raiyan Haider Date 14/2/2021

Business Process Support Mechanisms

Aim: Discuss business processes, the mechanisms used to support business decision-making and compare the
tools and technologies associated with business intelligence functionality
You are working as a Business Intelligence Developer at “Brain Station 23” in Bangladesh. Brain Station 23 is
an organization that initially focused on the international market with the local market added in 2010. Since
2006 the company has shown a continuous growth and currently employs over 400+ software engineers. It is
working with governmental & non-governmental agencies throughout the world to help to create success &
happiness for their customers & employees with their passion for technology while creating high growth
opportunity of fulfilling employment thus serving humanity. In the panedemic situation of CORONA, in
Bangladesh, most of the people lost their job and many of them are women.Mrs. Salama Rahman is one of
them. As she is working as housewife , she wants to take her a business intelligence solution on top to give
executives a reporting tool that will help her make decisions.
a)Examine, using examples, the terms ‘Business Process’ and ‘Supporting Processes’ thoroughly in order
to determine their nature of condition.
 The business process model
 Business processes:
Management e.g. supporting decision-making, problem-solving; operational e.g. sales, purchasing and
marketing; support e.g. accounting, technical supporting processes; improving the efficiency of a business
process e.g. forecasting, decision-making, predictive reasoning; automating processes e.g. print runs, salary
slips etc.
 Analyse the systems and technologies associated with business intelligence.

b)Every organization produce data on a daily basis.Based on those data, they often take decisions on simple to
critical matters. Data cane be structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Differentiate between
unstructured and semi-structured data within an organisation.
 Unstructured data like text files and DOC files
 semi-structured data like XML or .csv files.
c)There are some application software (i.e. tableau, saas etc.), databases which are used to collect and store
intelliegence. These are used to manage, analyse and display business intelligence to support the decision
making process. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using application software as a mechanism for
business processing.


 the importance of reliable data

 impacts of reliable data in businesses.
 Improving the efficiency of a business process e.g. forecasting, decision-making
 Automating process e.g. print runs, salary slips etc.
 Cut off emplaoyability

d) There are senior management level, Middle management level and Junior management level to every
organization. Each level are supported by some types of decision making i.e. strategic, tactical and Operational.
These decisions may be structured, semi-structured or unstructured.Compare these types of support available
for business decision-making at varying levels within an organisation.


 Support for business decisions:

Operational tactical and strategic. Operational examples could include product positioning or pricing. Tactical
decisions could include financial outlays to gain competitive advantage. Strategic business decisions could
include priorities, goals setting and forecasting for the future, global diversification etc.

e) Justify, with specific examples, the key features of business intelligence functionality.


 Analysing data
 decision-making
 problem-solving
 designing more intuitive/innovative systems.

f) Organizations need information systems toautomate their business process. Compare and contrast a range
of information systems and technologies that can be used to support organisations at operational, tactical
and strategic levels.
 Systems and technologies:
Information systems at an operational, tactical and strategic level. Transaction processing, management
information systems, decision support systems, expert systems.
Special Instruction:

 Check for Plagiarism of your written document, your document should not have more than 25%
Plagiarism. Attach the Plagiarism report with the submitted document.
 The suggested software for checking the plagiarism is “Turnitin”.
 Proper referencing (Harvard Style) is expected in the assignment.
 Document should have Table of Contents, Header, Footer, Page No., page border etc.
 Please upload your assignment in VLE(Virtual Learning Environment).
 Soft copy emailed to with RQFUNIT14 as subject line and your name/id in the
body of the email. (File format must be .pdf and file name should be
student_id_BusinessIntelliegence.pdf. For example: 2019242001_BUSINESSINTELLIGENCE.pdf)
 Copied documents are strictly prohibited. If you are planning to do so, please no need to submit. There
is no chance for re-submission. So, think twice before you submit your assignment.

Submission Date: 14th February, 2021

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