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Investigating RC filter circuit characteristic

First Year Practical Course Practical


This investigation intends to examine the characteristic of low-pass and high-pass RC filter
circuits with alternating current(AC) sources. The investigation was conducted using
simulation in MS Excell for a known cut-off frequency, capacitor, and voltage source. The
resistor value in the RC circuit was then calculated. All elements were connected in series. For
the low-pass filter, the resistor was connected to the source side and the capacitor was
connected to the output. The voltage across the capacitor was calculated for the low-pass RC
filter circuit together with the phase angle response to each frequency response was calculated
and documented. It was found that lower frequencies are passed through and high frequencies
are blocked. The half power point Vout = 0.707Vin occurs at the cut-off frequency,fc, which was
selected to be 1.5kHz, with the log(𝜔) being 3.974 radians per second. It was found for the
low-pass filter circuit that the phase angle between Vout and Vin at this cut-off frequency and
the half-power point was -45degrees. For the high-pass filter, the capacitor was connected to
the source side and the resistor was connected to the output. The voltage across the resistor for
each frequency of the high-pass RC filter circuit, together with the phase angle response to
each frequency, was calculated and documented. It was found that at the output voltage the
lower frequencies are blocked and high frequencies are passed. The half-power point is similar
to that of the low-pass RC filter circuit, but the phase angle between Vout and Vin at this cut-off
frequency was at 45degrees.

1. Introduction

Filter circuits are planned and designed to alter, adjust, or block certain frequencies of electrical
signals to modify the input signal to the desired output state[1]. There are various combinations
of passive elements(Resistor-R, Capacitor-C, and L-Inductor) and active elements, such as
transistors, that can be used in filter circuits. The topic of filter circuits is broad and
continuously developing. Filters are classified under four main categories namely, high-pass,
low-pass,pass-band, and stop-band circuits[1]. This study mainly focussed on the behavior of
a simple RC high-pass and low-pass filter series circuit.
A simple RC filter circuit consists of an AC source, a resistor, and a capacitor in series[2].
These filters are named according to the frequency range that they are passing through them
while blocking the rest[3]. A simple low-pass filter has the resistor connected first to the AC
input source and the capacitor in series at the output of the circuit. This type of RC circuit
allows low-frequency signals from 0Hz to a cut-off frequency when measured across the output
of the capacitor. After the cut-off frequency has been reached the circuit would block or
attenuate higher frequencies across the capacitor at the output voltage of the circuit. A high-
pass filter has the capacitor connected first to the AC input source and the resistor in series at
the output of the circuit. This type of RC circuit blocks all low-frequency signals from 0Hz to
its cut-off frequency, then allows all high-frequency signals to pass after the cut-off frequency
up to infinity when measured across the output of the resistor[3].
The application of various filters is widespread in electronic devices. Communication systems
use filters to pass certain frequencies that contain desired information and reject other
frequencies. In radio’s, filters isolate specific bands of frequencies of radio stations. Filters are
also used to remove noise or unwanted frequencies from signals in electronic devices [1].
The purpose of this practical experiment is to demonstrate how to design and build RC high-
and low-pass filters. The study will also analyze the various circuit characteristics in terms of
the frequency-dependent effect on gain and phase angle. Commented [SJ((1]: Focus on the what, why, how of the report
and justifications regarding those things.

2. Theory

An RC filter circuit can pass or block certain frequencies across the output depending on
whether a capacitor or resistor is connected at the output.

A circuit diagram of a simple high-pass RC

circuit is shown in Figure 1. An AC source is
connected in series with a capacitor and a
resistor. The output voltage is then measured
across the resistor.
The impedance of the circuit can be determined
by equation (1) below :

Z = R – jXC (1)
Figure 1: Simple High-Pass RC circuit where R is the resistor value and Xc can be
calculated by (2): Commented [SJ((2]: Try to keep the report well-structured and
tidy. Bit too much theory.
𝑋 = (2)

The capacitance in the circuit is represented by C and 𝜔 is the angular frequency expressed by

𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓 = (3)

The frequency of the AC input source is indicated by, f, and the period, T, is determined by the
inversed of the frequency [4]
The magnitude of the total impedance, ZT , can be determined in equation (4) [3]:

ZT = 𝑅 + 𝑋 (4)

The voltage drop across the resistor is given by equation (5)

Vout = Vin (5)

Alternatively, where the capacitor is connected at the output, the voltage across the capacitor
would be given by equation (6).

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