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Verb Tenses: Past, Present, Future

Fourth Grade ESL by Melissa Strand June 16, 2015

Help your English language learner’s master effective communication with this lesson,
which covers the past, present, and future verb tenses. From reading to writing, kids will
get the practice they need to communicate here.

Learning Objectives

 Students will be able to identify the verb and tense in a sentence by circling and
 Students will be able to write a sentence using the past, present, or future tense.

Materials and preparation

Verb Tense Chart - Enlarged for you and a copy for students

Verb Tense Lesson Assessment

Verb Tense Lesson Exit Ticket

Past, Present, Future Sentences hand out

Key terms

Verb tense

Past tense

Present tense

Future tense
Introduction (5 minutes)

 Start by showing the students the enlarged Verb Tense Chart, with past, present
and future simple tense definitions, descriptions and examples.
 Tell students to take a moment with their partners and discuss what’s on the
chart. This is meant for students to have an opportunity to make observations
and discuss things that they might already know, and things they don't.
 Have students share their observations whole class. This will help you set the
stage for the objective and essential question.
 Explain that verb tense tells us when an action takes place. The past tense tells
what has already happened, the present tense tells us what is happening, and
the future tense tells what will happen.
 Tell students that by the end of the lesson, they will be able to identify the past,
present, and future tenses, and write a sentence using a tense.
 To set the purpose for the lesson, introduce the essential question: How does
knowing the past, present and future tense of verbs help us communicate? Have
this on the board with the objectives. You will revisit this question at the end of
the lesson when students complete the exit ticket.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (10 minutes)

Demonstrate how to circle and label verb tenses on the whiteboard or projector,
using a simple sentence. One example is: Mrs. Strand is closing her eyes. Replace
your name here to get students invested in the lesson's content.

 Verbalize your thought process through the steps listed below, to model the
objective. Write them on the board as you go, or before starting the lesson,
so students can reference the steps with their partners, and independently.
 Stress that writing two additional sentences is important to meet the second
objective of the lesson.
 Refer to the hand out of additional sentences. The hand out includes eleven
sets of three sentences each, one for each verb tense. You only need to
model this one set.
 Model these three sentences on the Verb Tense Assessment Hand-out: Mrs.
Strand is closing her eyes. Mrs. Strand will close her eyes. Mrs. Strand
closed her eyes.
Activity Steps

1. Read a sentence.
2. Circle the verb. (On this step, think aloud using the verb tense chart from the
introduction of the lesson)
3. Label the verb using this system: p = past, pr = present, f = future. Write the
appropriate abbreviation above the circled word.
4. Write two sentences that use the other two tenses. For example, Mrs. Strand will
close her eyes. Mrs. Strand closed her eyes.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

 Pass out individual copies of the Verb Tense Chart.

 Have students follow the steps you modeled to complete 2-3 sentences on
the Verb Tense Assessment hand out with a partner. You know your
students best. Depending on the group and level of students, you may have
certain groups’ complete 2 sets and others 3 sets.
 After students have tried 2-3 sentences with a partner, have a pair of
students join together with another pair of students to create groups of 4.
 Have the pairs compare their work, making any changes if necessary. Be
sure to facilitate these discussions so that students are not off-track. Now is
the time to catch any errors and decide who may need to be pulled for a
small group during independent time.
 Have one group share one of their three sentences. The class must identify
the verb tense used.

Independent working time (8 minutes)

 Ask your students to complete the rest of the Verb Tense Lesson
Assessment on their own; using the steps you've modeled for them.


 Enrichment: Students that finish early will prepare a sentence to act out in
front of the class. Have each student circle and label the verb. The rest of
class will have to guess the verb and tense.
 Support: Give students who are struggling a copy of the Past, Present,
Future Sentences hand out. These students can circle and label the verb in
each sentence.

Assessment (5 minutes)

Independent Working time can be used as a final assessment of the skill.

 When analyzing their work, look to see if students first were able to circle and
label the correct verb tense.
 Next, assess if they correctly wrote two new sentences that included different
verb tenses: one present, one past, and one future sentence.
 An additional form of assessment is the exit ticket, which will be addressed in
the Review and Closing.

Review and closing (7 minutes)

 If time permits, allow 1-2 students to share their newly created sentence. Let
the class guess the verb and the verb tense.
 Go back to the Verb Tense Chart. Ask students to turn to a partner and tell
them one new thing they learned from this lesson. Make sure students speak
in complete sentences.
 Review the essential question.
 Provide the exit ticket hand out. The hand out includes a scrambled
sentence. The students must unscramble the sentence, put it in order, then
circle and label the verb and tense. They must also answer the essential
question in writing.

Breathe In, Breathe Out: The Respiratory System
Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Science
by Sanayya Sohail September 19, 2015

Show your students the parts that work together to make a person breath! Have them
compare the lungs of a healthy person, the lungs of a smoker, the lungs of a city
resident, and the lungs of a miner.

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to identify the parts of the respiratory system. Students will be able
to describe the functions of each part of the respiratory system.

Materials and preparation

Poster board
Index cards (7 per student)
Respiratory System worksheet
Your Respiratory System worksheet
Notebook paper
Are Your Lungs Healthy worksheet
Your Body: Your Lungs worksheet

Key terms
Sinus cavity

Introduction (10 minutes)

 Tell your students that today they will learn about the respiratory system.
 Display a poster and divide it into two columns, with the first column labeled with
know and the second column labeled with learned.
 Ask your students what they know about the respiratory system. Write the
information in the first column.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (40 minutes)

 Pass out the Respiratory System worksheet to your students.

 Go over the worksheet with your students and explain the function of each part.
 Ask your students to label the part as you go over it.
 Instruct your students to write the definition and explanation of each word as you
explain it on notebook paper.
 Explain to your students that the sinus cavity is the area around the nose and
eyes that clean the air people breathe in.
 Inform your students that the pharynx is behind the nose and mouth and that the
larynx is in the neck and contains the vocal cords.
 Tell them that the trachea connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs and is
responsible for the passage of air, while the bronchi are small tubes that bring air
to and from the lungs.
 Remind them that the lung is the main part of the respiratory system and puts
oxygen into the bloodstream.
 Explain that the diaphragm is a muscle that moves up and down to expand the
lungs. This helps a person breathe.
Guided Practice (15 minutes)

 Ask your students to complete the Your Respiratory System worksheet with a
 Go over the worksheet as a class.

Independent working time (20 minutes)

 Give each student seven index cards.

 Ask your students to write the name of the part on the front of the card.
 Have them draw the picture of the part on the front of the card as well.
 Ask your students to write the description and function of the part on the back of
the card.


 Enrichment: Ask your students to complete the Are Your Lungs Healthy
worksheet. After that, have them research any two different types of lungs
from the worksheet. Ask them to write a compare and contrast paragraph on
the two different types of lungs.
 Support: Ask your students to create two columns on a piece of paper. Have
them label the first one know and the second one learn. Ask them to fill out
the know column for each part of the respiratory system. Go over the chart
and explain the missing parts again. Ask your students to fill out the learn
column after you finish explaining the parts again.

Assessment (15 minutes)

 Ask your students to complete the Your Body: Your Lungs worksheet.
Review and closing (10 minutes)

 Ask your students what they learned about the respiratory system, and write it
in the second column on the poster board from the introduction.


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