Formative Assessment 4: B. What Is The Importance of Scientific Literacy?

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Formative Assessment 4

Paneda, John Angelo D. March 13,


A. What are the implications of Scientific development on history, ethics,

and contemporary society?

Science has had such an impact on History, Ethics, and Contemporary Society
that the evidence in the world has exploded as we see and hear about its consequences
and causes. Science's impact on history has increased in importance so we are no
longer confined to viewing and conceptualizing the past through anecdotes, rumors,
bibles, and other outlets. When research progressed, history became more vibrant in
the way that we had a better understanding of the origins of the problems we face
today. In other words, it provided answers to our current self in terms of previously
unimaginable events. Ethics, on the other hand, are either damaged or protected,
because science is a strong instrument for bringing your values and morality to the test.
In today's world, we can't argue that technological advancements have helped us to get
beyond the boundaries we set for ourselves a century ago. In just a century, we have
developed strong medicines, the energy that is now available to billions, and global
instant connectivity – to name just a few inventions and technologies.

B. What is the importance of Scientific literacy?

Science literacy teaches us how to comprehend and perceive what we see in the
world. It is the vaccine that saves humanity from the world's charlatans who, once
again, prey on our misunderstanding of natural powers. It assists us in addressing basic
and interesting questions that would make a difference in our daily lives, as it serves as
a tool belt that would offer answers to the problems that we face in a situation or case.
C. In summary, what are your takeaways in this lesson.

I have learned that the global and the local challenges are requiring science,
technology, and including innovation, because as an example of this is the intensifying
competition from globalization and natural disasters, environmental degradation, and
climate change, and continuing poverty and increasing inequality. It is important to
require science and technology because there is a basis for how science and technology
apply to our society, the generation of new knowledge, and then the use of that
knowledge to improve human well-being and address social problems because
technology is the application of scientific understanding for practical purposes that lead
to making innovation and, while science is systematic that study of the nature and
actions of the physical and natural environment by observation and experiment.

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