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Prerequisite Task 1: “Annotation”



1. “The willingness to Modern science is based It admits, based on my understanding,

admit ignorance”. on ignoramus, a Latin that as we accumulate more
(p.215) injunction. experience, the stuff we believe we
know could be proved false. No
thought, definition, or principle is holy
and without threat.

2. “The connection We often think that In my opinion, the purpose of science

forged between science without scientific research, is to develop technologies that enrich
and it is impossible to develop the lives of humans by imitating the
technology is so strong new technologies and that natural environment, while the
that today people tend there is little point in objective of technology is to build
to confuse the two”. research if it does not machines.
(p.222) result in new technologies.

3. “The Scientific Modern society accepted It explains that the science started to
Revolution most human that there were many solve one unsolvable problem after
cultures did not believe crucial facts it still did not another, and many became persuaded
in progress”. know, and when that that by learning and introducing new
(p.226) admission of confusion was insights, humans could resolve any and
married to the belief that every problem.
new forces could have
offered us by scientific
discoveries, people started
to suspect that true
change could, after all, be

4. “Christianity or the These creeds told people In my thoughts from the reding the
ancient Egyptian religion that instead of seeking to nationalism is the only western religion
in a world transcend mortality and that still assigns a key position to
without death”. survive happily here on death. Nationalism vows, in its most
(p.228) earth, they must come to poetic and desperate times, that
terms with death and pin everyone who dies for the country will
their hopes on the afterlife. remain in its collective memory forever.

Paneda, John Angelo D. February 10, 2021

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