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7th forms Test correction ad Remedial work Teacher 

: Samia Sayadi

1) Complete the gapped song with words from the box :

Bye meet What

where do

Hello! Hi! Nice to 1---------- you What’s your name?4 )-------------- are you from? X2
2)---------------‘-s your name? X2 What do you do?

What do you 3)-------------- ? Hello! Hi! ... 5)-------------------!"

2)Fill in the table with expressions from the song :

1) Greeting :-------------------------------
2) Asking for information
a) name : --------------- b) :origin : --------------------------- c) job :-----------------------
3) Taking leave :-----------------------------

3)Complete the following sentences .Write the correct alternative :

1) 2)
He his she her

This is Diego.1--------is a student. 1----------name is Adriana.

Karla is2 ------------mother and Pedro 2 -----------is 12 years old.
is 3 --------father.4----------has many 3------------parents are from
friends. Italy.

3) 4)
they their we our
1---------------names are Ted and 1--------------are Bart and
Dina.2------------------are singers. Lisa. 2-------------last name is
3---------------favourite singer is Simpsons. 3--------- Mother
Adele. Is Marge.4------------are from

4) complete the table :

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective

1-------- my
2 you --------
3--------- her
7th forms Test correction ad Remedial work Teacher : Samia Sayadi
4 he ---------
5-------- their
6 we --------- Date : 11/12/2019
7 ------- its
Level : 7th

Lesson : End-of-term test correction

Time : 55 minutes

Number of pupils : 16 ( 4 groups of 4)

Objectives : By the end of the lesson SWBAT

- Learn from their own mistakes.

- Learn through play ( in a relaxed alertness).
- Interact with each other in a positive way ( through constructive competitions).
- Focus on the process of learning rather than the outcome.
- Take ownership of their own learninP

Procedure :

1) Correcting the writing assignment (30mn)

Warm up : ( 3mn)
Learners will listen to a song and identify the topic.
Teacher : What is the song about ? Learners : routine
Teacher : What is a routine / are routines ? Learners : activities you do every day.
Right ! That’s what is the writing assignment all about. Teacher distributes the test
and asks 1 learner to read the question aloud.
Step1 : (2mn)
Can you match the activities with the visuals ?
How many parts are there in one day ?
Step 2 :Can you put the activities / pictures in the right columns ( wall sheet) (3mn)

Morning Afternoon Evening Night

Get up Have lunch Play / watch TV Go to bed
Wash Go back to school Have dinner
Go to school
The focus wil be on the activities all the students usually share ( easier to correct)
Step3 : What do you use to connect the activities together ? linkers (2mn)
Can you put the activities in the right order using the linkers provided ?( will be
done on the wall sheet)
Step 5 : What tense do we use to talk about routines ? The simple present (3mn)
Song : Let’s put the verbs into the simple present

Practice :
1) Wright or wrong ? (2mn)
Learners look at the cards and decide if the sentences are right or wrong.
2) Identifying types of mistakes : (2mn)
The wrong answers will be put into the corresponding baskets :

Spelling Punctuation Grammar Word order

3) Correct the mistake :

Game 1 : noughts and crosses (5-7mn)
Learners will play in teams : team 1 : Group A vs Group B
Team 2 : Group C vs G roup D
Students will stand on a line . Learners are handed cards with crosses and noughts
(one at a time) ,they take turns to correct the error. They get a nought or a cross for
each successful attempt.The team with 3 marks in a horizontal,vertical or diagonal
row wins the game.( gets a sticker ).
Game 2 : Grass skirts (5-7 mn)

Teacher :Want more games ? OK Let’s play !

Language (25mn)
1) Correcting activity 3 (test worksheet) : (2mn)
2) Correcting activity 2 (test worksheet) (2mn)
Game :

Step1 : teacher : My cards got all mixed up ! Can you help me sort them out,please ?
( wallsheet + sticky notes : subject pronouns and possessive adjectives) (3mn)

Step 2 : Match the subject pronoun with its corresponding possessive adjective 5lego
blocks) (3mn)

Step3 : ( handout exercise 3 : Complete the following sentences .Write the correct
alternative ) (3mn)

Step3 : Let’s correct activity 2 on the test paper now.

3) Correcting activity 4 (test paper) (2mn)

4) Correcting activity 5 : (4mn)
Reorder the sentences parts to get coherent utterances : Learners are given
cards with the sentences parts . They have to stand in the right order.
5) Handout : Song : (3mn)
Step 1 : Listen , complete and sing
Step 2 :Completethe table with information from the song( handout)
correction : wall sheet (optional)
6) Correcting activity 2 (test paper)
Game : (3mn) One learner from each group is given one picture with some
information ( name,age,origin) they have to enact a dialogue /
conversation) with their / another group.
Learner1 :Greet
Learner 2 :Ask about ( name,age,origin,job) Learner 2 : gives answers.
Learner 1 :Take leave

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