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TETANUS overactivity results in severe tachycardia, swings in blood pres-

sure, profuse sweating, and (rarely) ileus. An exaggerated startle-

Method of like response to stimuli with motor and autonomic components is
Dilip R. Karnad, MD also typical. Generalized spasms may mimic tonic seizures.␣

Clinical Manifestations
Tetanus is a potentially fatal illness caused by the neurotoxin An attempt should be made to locate the predisposing wound, such
produced by the spore-bearing anaerobic bacterium Clostridium as cuts, abrasions, burns, puncture wounds, and other skin lesions.
tetani. As the causative organism and its spores are ubiquitous, Uncommon causes include needle-sticks in intravenous drug abus-
nonimmune individuals in any part of the world may get tetanus ers, ulcerated malignant tumors, and chronic middle-ear infection
unless they are protected by the highly effective vaccine. in children (otogenic tetanus). In up to 30% of patients, no site
of infection is discovered. The incubation period is the interval
Epidemiology between the injury and the onset of symptoms and can range from
As a result of effective universal immunization, tetanus is rare in a few days to a few months (usually 3–21 days). A short incubation
the developed world. Twenty to 40 cases of tetanus occur annu- period (<7 days) suggests the likelihood of developing severe teta-
ally in the United States and 12 to 15 cases per year have been nus; however, a long incubation period does not necessarily indi-
reported from the United Kingdom in the last 10 years. Although cate a milder disease. The period of onset (the interval between the
progressively declining in the developing world due to improved first symptom and first paroxysmal muscle spasm) is a better pre-
immunization coverage, according to WHO figures, more than dictor of severity: early elective tracheal intubation and mechanical
500 cases were reported in 2012 from each of these nations: ventilation are usually required if the interval is <48 hours.
Angola, Bangladesh, Congo, India, and Uganda. While tetanus
may affect individuals of all ages, a significant number of cases in Generalized Tetanus
developed countries are elderly people who did not receive a pri- Initial symptoms include an inability to open the mouth (lockjaw
mary immunization or lacked the booster dosage needed to main- or trismus), difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and stiffness
tain protective immunity. In developing countries, most cases are of neck muscles. The contraction of facial muscles produces the
neonates (tetanus neonatorum), children who are born to nonim- characteristic sneering smile (risus sardonicus) (Figure 1). In severe
munized mothers and thus lack transplacentally acquired passive cases, intermittent spasms are provoked by attempts to speak or
immunity. Infection of the umbilical stump due to poor hygiene swallow. Pooled saliva from hypersalivation and dysphagia may
results in severe tetanus that has mortality in excess of 60%. trigger cough and laryngeal spasms; if prolonged, these may prove
The infection is caused by the gram-positive, spore-bearing bac- fatal. Rigidity of paraspinal muscles follows, and hyperextension
VIII Infectious Diseases

terium C. tetani, the spores of which exist in the soil, in animal of the spine results in opisthotonus (Figure 2). Finally, proximal
feces, and even in the human gastrointestinal tract. Spores remain muscles of the extremity are also affected. Deep tendon reflexes
dormant and viable for several months and are destroyed by auto- are always exaggerated and ankle clonus is common. Tonic muscle
claving at 1 atmosphere pressure at 120°C for 15 minutes. When
inoculated into human or animal tissues, they transform into
motile bacilli in an anerobic environment that produce a potent
exotoxin, tetanospasmin, which produces the manifestations of
tetanus. It must be emphasized that tetanus is not transmitted
from human to human, and patients do not require isolation.␣

Risk Factors
Elderly individuals are at increased risk, as they may not have
660 received adequate immunization or may have waning immunity.
Other predisposed groups include immigrants from countries
with an unreliable immunization program, immunosuppressed
individuals (with HIV infection or receiving immunosuppres-
sive drugs), and intravenous drug addicts. Local factors include
wounds with crushed, devitalized tissue or contaminated by
dirt or rust, such as open fractures, punctures, and abscesses.
However, even scratches, chronic ulcers, or tattooing may cause
tetanus. In developing countries, unsafe practices related to termi-
nation of pregnancy may cause maternal tetanus; newborn babies
born outside of medical facilities are at risk of neonatal tetanus.␣ Figure 1 Typical facial expression with the sneering smile (risus sardoni-
cus), wrinkled forehead, narrow palpebral fissures, and “crow’s feet” at
Pathophysiology the lateral palpebral margins from the tonic contraction of muscles of
Tetanospasmin is a highly toxic protein released by C. tetani. It facial expression in moderate tetanus.
is absorbed into the circulation and reaches the ends of motor
axons all over the body, from where it is transported proximally
along the axonal cytoplasm to motor nuclei in the brainstem and
spinal cord at a rate of 3 to 13 mm/hour. A fragment of the toxin
then binds inhibitory interneurons that produce gamma-amino
butyric acid (GABA) and glycine and inactivates synaptobrevin, a
protein that is essential for the release of these neurotransmitters
from presynaptic vesicles.
The loss of normal inhibition at motor and autonomic neu-
rons results in spontaneous discharge of nerve impulses as well
as exaggerated responses to stimuli manifesting as tonic muscle
contraction with superadded intermittent muscle spasms. As teta-
nospasmin reaches the motor nuclei of the shortest motor axons
first, muscles innervated by motor cranial nerves are affected first, Figure 2 Spasm of paraspinal muscles, producing the hyperextended
followed by trunk muscles, and finally the extremities. Autonomic opisthotonic posture in severe tetanus.

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spasms may affect head and neck muscles and laryngeal muscles,
or may be generalized. Paroxysmal spasms occur spontaneously
or in response to loud noise, bright lights, or attempts to speak or
swallow. Prolonged spasms may compromise breathing.
The Ablett classification is commonly used to grade the sever-
ity of tetanus. Grade I (mild) tetanus is characterized by mod-
erate trismus and general spasticity without spasms, dysphagia,
or respiratory distress. Grade II (moderate) tetanus has severe
trismus, intermittent short spasms, mild tachypnea, and dyspha-
gia. Grade III (severe) tetanus is associated with severe rigidity,
prolonged spasms, severe dysphagia, tachypnea, apneic spells,
and tachycardia. The presence of additional violent autonomic
disturbances with persistent or intermittent episodes of severe
hypertension and tachycardia alternating with hypotension and
bradycardia is classified as Grade IV (very severe) tetanus. Car- A
diac arrhythmias, peripheral vasoconstriction, and sudden asys-
tole may also occur in very severe tetanus.
Despite the use of antitetanus immune globulin (HyperTET) to
neutralize circulating tetanus toxin, the disease may progress for
up to 2 weeks as more intraaxonal toxin continues to reach the
central nervous system. Manifestations persist for another 2 to 3
weeks before gradually subsiding. During this period, an apparently
stable patient is at risk of developing sudden asphyxia due to severe
generalized or laryngeal spasms. Patients may develop fever, rha-
bodomyolysis, and hyperthermia due to excessive muscular activity.␣

Cephalic Tetanus
Following injuries to the head or face, in some patients, the toxin
reaches the local motor nuclei earlier and produces a combina-
tion of partial paralysis and overactivity—more severely affected B
motor neurons stop functioning while the remaining fibers are
overactive and cause muscle spasm (Figure 3).␣ Figure 3 Cephalic tetanus: This 6-year-old child developed mild tetanus
3 weeks after a wound on his right cheek was sutured. He had cephalic
tetanus characterized by partial paralysis of the right facial nerve along
Localized Tetanus with overactivity of the unaffected nerve fibers. A, Note the overactivity
In this rare form of tetanus, manifestations are restricted to of the facial muscles with a narrow palpebral and prominent nasolabial
muscles in the region of the wound. These patients have a good fold on the same side as the injury. On asking him to shut his eyes tight
prognosis.␣ (B), weakness of the orbicularis oculi and other facial muscles on the right

side become manifest.
C. tetani can be isolated from the wound in <30% of cases, and
microbiological and other laboratory tests do not help in confirm- Neutralization of Toxin
ing the diagnosis. The diagnosis is entirely clinical. In an individual Although unsupported by randomized studies, human tetanus
with a predisposing injury, the presence of trismus, rigidity of neck, immune globulin (HyperTET) (3000–6000 units) is adminis- 661
abdominal and paraspinal muscles, and severe hyperreflexia are sug- tered intramuscularly to neutralize the circulating toxin. This
gestive. The spatula test is a useful bedside test: A spatula (tongue does not bind to the toxin that has already entered neurons.
depressor) is inserted into the mouth to touch the posterior pharyn- There is insufficient evidence favoring intrathecal administra-
geal wall. Normally, a gag reflex is activated in an attempt to expel tion1 of tetanus immune globulin over the usual intramuscu-
the spatula. In tetanus, severe spasms of the masseters results in the lar route, although one randomized study showed a shortening
patient biting on the spatula, making it difficult to withdraw—a of the course of tetanus. Equine antiserum2 (10,000–20,000
positive test. In one study, the spatula test was positive in 94% of units) may be administered after skin testing for hypersensitiv-
patients with tetanus and in none without tetanus. The electromyo- ity. Though rarely used today due to the risk of anaphylaxis
gram shows the continuous discharge of motor units in moderate or serum sickness, it has the advantage of being administered
tetanus and the absence of the normal silent period.␣ intravenously.␣

Differential Diagnosis Control of Clostridial Infection

While the diagnosis of tetanus is easy in severe tetanus, it may be Benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) in a dose of 10 to 12 million units
mistaken for other conditions in its initial stages (Table 1). The per day is given intravenously for 10 days. In one study, metro-
spatula test is negative in other conditions causing trismus. Abdom- nidazole (Flagyl) (500 mg every 6 hour for 10 days) was superior
inal muscles usually relax after adequate sedation. As in spasticity to procaine penicillin (Wycillin),1 presumably because procaine
due to cord compression, deep reflexes are exaggerated; however, and penicillin are GABA antagonists and may worsen manifesta-
the plantar response, which is extensor in spinal cord disorders, tions of tetanus. However, a more recent study showed that a
is always flexor with tetanus. Unlike seizures or other intracranial single intramuscular injection of 1.2 million units of benzathine
diseases, the patient with tetanus is always fully alert and awake.␣ penicillin (Bicillin LA)1 was as effective as benzylpenicillin or
metronidazole. Fortunately, resistance to these antibiotics has not
Treatment been reported. Debridement of the infected wound and abscess
In patients with life-threatening spasms, prompt, adequate seda- drainage should be performed after spasms have been adequately
tion is the first step in management. Patients must be observed in controlled.␣
an intensive care unit because the disease may rapidly worsen.
They should be nursed in a quiet, dimly lit room in order to keep
external stimuli to a minimum—this is difficult in modern inten- 1 Not FDA approved for this indication.
sive care units. 2 Not available in the United States.

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and parenteral beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, centrally acting
TABLE 1 Conditions that Mimic Clinical Manifestations of
sympatholytics such as clonidine (Catapres)1 or dexmedetomi-
dine (Precedex),1 and epidural or spinal bupivacaine (Marcaine).1
CLINICAL FEATURE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS More recently, infusion of dexmedetomidine has been used by
some authors. Many patients may develop sudden asystole, pos-
Trismus Acute tonsillar abscess, sibly due to sudden parasympathetic discharge, catecholamine-
temporomandibular joint disease,
extraptramidal reaction to drugs,
induced myocardial damage, or sudden loss of sympathetic drive.
dental pathology Consequently, the use of long-acting antiadrenergic drugs should
be avoided. Increasing the level of sedation itself is also effective,
Neck stiffness Cervical spine disease; extrapyramidal to a significant extent.
reaction to drugs such as The agent most frequently used for autonomic dysfunction is
antipsychotics, antiemetics, or
intravenous magnesium sulfate.1 A randomized controlled trial
metoclopramide; meningitis;
subarachnoid hemorrhage in Vietnamese patients showed that magnesium sulfate did not
decrease mortality, ICU stay, or the need for mechanical ventilation
Abdominal rigidity Acute abdomen but did reduce the dose of sedatives and neuromuscular blocking
Dysphagia Myasthenia gravis, acute bulbar drugs required. This study used a loading dose of 40 mg/kg over 30
paralysis, rabies minutes, followed by intravenous infusion of 2 g/hour in patients
>45 kg and 1 to 5 g/hour in patients ≤45 kg. Infusion was titrated to
Muscle spasms Seizures, spasticity due to spinal cord maintain serum magnesium levels between 2 and 4 mmol/L.␣
disease, stiff man syndrome
Other Measures
Continuous muscle hyperactivity and spasms greatly increase
caloric requirements. Most patients require nasogastric tube
Control of Muscle Spasms feeding because of trismus and dysphagia. A catabolic state simi-
Benzodiazepines (diazepam [Valium] or lorazepam [Ativan]1) are lar to sepsis may develop in very severe tetanus. Consequently,
the preferred drugs and act by enhancing the effect of GABA on its patients lose up to 15% of their body weight during the illness.
receptor on the postsynaptic membrane, thus potentially antago- Good nursing care is essential to prevent pressure sores, deep vein
nizing the effect of tetanospasmin. However, as very little GABA is thrombosis, stress ulcers, and aspiration pneumonia. Urinary
released in tetanus, large doses (up to 1000 mg/day3) of diazepam catheterization is required in most patients as urinary retention
may be required to achieve adequate sedation and muscle relax- is common and distension of the urinary bladder may provoke
VIII Infectious Diseases

ation. Diazepam may be administered intravenously (10–30 mg spasms and autonomic overactivity. All patients should be started
in 5 mg boluses every 5 minutes)3 or through a nasogastric tube on a primary immunization schedule against tetanus.␣
(10–40 mg every 1 to 2 hours).3 Barbiturates and chlorproma-
zine (Thorazine)1 are alternative agents. Other sedative hypnotic Complications
agents such as midazolam (Versed)1 and propofol (Diprivan)1 Respiratory failure may occur due to laryngeal obstruction, pro-
have also been used with good effect. In mild to moderate tetanus, longed spasm of respiratory muscles, aspiration pneumonia, or
drug doses can be titrated to achieve moderate sedation and con- sedative drugs. Severe spasms may result in tongue-bite, compres-
trol rigidity and spasms without causing respiratory depression. In sion fractures of midthoracic vertebrae, rhabdomyolysis, myo-
severe cases, however, spasms may not be controlled despite large globinuria, and renal failure. Rarely, patients may develop acute
doses, increasing the risk of severe central nervous system (CNS) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) either due to tetanus itself
depression. In these patients, heavy sedation combined with neu- or as a result of secondary bacterial sepsis. Cardiac arrhythmias
romuscular blockade and mechanical ventilation is required. In and sudden asystole are common in patients with autonomic
662 about 10% of cases, benzodiazepines may produce paradoxical dysfunction. Acute myocardial infarction may occur in elderly
excitation instead of sedation; increasing doses make the patient patients with underlying coronary artery disease due to sympa-
more wakeful, agitated, and delirious, with increased spasms. Dis- thetic overactivity. Deep vein thrombosis and pressure sores are
continuation of diazepam and the use of barbiturates and chlor- preventable complications. The overall mortality ranges from
promazine may prevent the need for paralysis and mechanical 40% to 60% in countries with inadequate health care facilities.
ventilation. Pancuronium (Pavulon),1 vecuronium (Norcuron),1 With good intensive care, mortality as low as 10% is reported
and rocuronium (Zemuron)1 are often used for neuromuscular in some series. Mortality is higher in neonates, the elderly, and
blockade. Atracurium (Tracrium)1 could also be used but may patients with a short incubation period and period of onset.␣
have unfavorable cardiovascular effects. Intravenous and intrathe-
cal baclofen (Lioresal Intrathecal)1 have been used in some case.␣ Prevention
Adsorbed tetanus toxoid (Tt), derived from formaldehyde-treated
Airway Management tetanus toxin, is extremely effective in inducing active immunity.
Tracheostomy or endotracheal intubation is required in moder- It is available as a single-antigen preparation or in combination
ate and severe tetanus to prevent respiratory failure due to laryn- with diphtheria toxoid as pediatric diphtheria-tetanus toxoid
geal spasm and aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions. In most (DT) or adult tetanus-diphtheria (Td), and with both diphtheria
developing countries, elective tracheostomy is performed early in toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine as DTaP (Infanrix, Tripe-
severe tetanus. In countries with superior intensive care facilities, dia) or Tdap (Adacel, Boostrix) (lower-case alphabets indicate
heavy sedation, neuromuscular blockade, endotracheal intuba- lower doses of antigens). Pediatric vaccines (DT and DTaP) con-
tion, and mechanical ventilation are preferred, with tracheostomy tain identical amounts of tetanus toxoid as adult vaccines, but
being reserved for those who need prolonged ventilation.␣ three to four times as much diphtheria toxoid. The usual schedule
for primary immunization in children <7 years consists of four
Control of Autonomic Disturbances doses of DTaP or DT at age 2, 4, 6, and 15 to 18 months. A
With good intensive care, mortality due to respiratory failure booster dose is recommended at 4 to 6 years of age. In individu-
has been drastically reduced. Autonomic dysfunction is now the als aged 7 years or older, three doses of the adult formulation are
major challenge in patients with severe tetanus; it is common even administered; the second dose is given 4 to 8 weeks after the first,
in sedated and paralyzed patients. Various measures to control and the third dose after another 4 to 6 months. Further booster
autonomic fluctuations include intravenous fluid loading, oral doses are needed every 10 years to maintain antibody titers above
the protective level of 0.1 IU/mL.
1Not FDA approved for this indication.
3Exceeds dosage recommended by the manufacturer. 1Not FDA approved for this indication.

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After administration of Tt to individuals with wounds, protective
titers of antibody are achieved after at least 2 weeks. Consequently,
passive immunization with 250 units of human tetanus immune CURRENT THERAPY
globulin (HyperTET) or 1500 units of equine antitetanus serum2
administered intramuscularly is needed to confer protection during • Treatment of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases in
these initial few weeks. This is especially required in individuals patients of all ages (including children less than 8 years of
with tetanus-prone wounds who have not received at least three age) is doxycycline (Vibramycin).
doses of tetanus toxoid in the past. Previously unimmunized indi- • The dose for doxycycline is 100 mg twice daily (intravenously
viduals with clean, minor, nontetanus prone wounds do not need [IV] or orally depending on severity of illness) for adults. For
any passive immunization, but should receive active immunization. children weighing <45 kg,1 the recommended dose is 2.2 mg/
Passive immunization is not necessary in those who have received kg/dose IV or orally twice daily.
three or more doses of the toxoid. These individuals should receive • Delay in recognition and appropriate treatment is the most
a dose of Tt (or Td) if more than 10 years have elapsed since the last important factor associated with death from RMSF. Empiric
booster dose and they have nontetanus prone wounds or if >5 years treatment within 5 days of the onset of symptoms with doxycy-
have elapsed after the booster dose and they have a tetanus-prone cline is the best way to prevent morbidity and death. Treatment
wound. In countries where neonatal tetanus is common, primary decisions should never be delayed while awaiting laboratory
immunization of women during pregnancy has been advocated as confirmation, nor should treatment be discontinued solely on
a public health program to prevent neonatal tetanus. the basis of a negative test result with an acute-phase specimen.
• Although optimal duration of therapy has not been well stud-
References ied, a common treatment course for RMSF and ehrlichiosis is
Apte NM, Karnad DR: The spatula test: A simple bedside test to diagnose tetanus, at least 3 days after the patient defervesces (typically the mini-
Am J Trop Med Hyg 53:386–387, 1995. mum total course is 5–7 days) or longer for severe illness. Ana-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: In Atkinson W, Wolfe S, Hamborsky J,
plasmosis should be treated for 10 days to provide appropriate
editors: Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, ed 12th,
Washington, DC, 2011, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for therapy for possible coinfection with Borrelia burgdorferi.
Disease Control and Prevention, pp 291–299. • Historically chloramphenicol has been recommended for the
Farrar JJ, Yen LM, Cook T, et al: Tetanus, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 69:292– treatment of RMSF during pregnancy based on adverse ef-
301, 2000.
fects of older tetracycline drugs (but not specifically doxy-
Gibson K, Uwineza JB, Kiviri W, Parlow J: Tetanus in developing countries: A case
series and review, Can J Anaesth 56:307–315, 2009. cycline). Although there is limited evidence, doxycycline has

Tickborne Rickettsial Diseases

Lisboa T, Ho YL, Filho GTH, et al: Guidelines for the management of accidental not been associated with teratogenicity or maternal hepatic
tetanus in adult patients, Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 23:394–409, 2011. toxicity during pregnancy, and doxycycline has been used
Rodrigo C, Samarakoon L, Fernando SD, Rajapakse S: A meta-analysis of magne-
successfully to treat tickborne rickettsial disease in several
sium for tetanus, Anaesthesia 67:1370–1374, 2012.
Roper MH, Vandelaer JH, Gasse FL: Maternal and neonatal tetanus, Lancet pregnant women without adverse effects.
370:1947–1959, 2007. • Chloramphenicol is not an alternative treatment for hu-
Thwaites CL, Yen LM, Loan HT, et al: Magnesium sulphate for treatment of severe man monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) or HGA. Chloramphenicol
tetanus: A randomized controlled trial, Lancet 368:1436–1443, 2006.
treatment of RMSF has been associated with a greater risk of
Trujillo MH, Castillo A, Espana J, et al: Impact of intensive care management on the
prognosis of tetanus. Analysis of 641 cases, Chest 92:63–65, 1987. death compared with doxycycline treatment.
• Limited case report data suggest that rifampin1 can be used
as an alternative to doxycycline for the treatment of con-
firmed (RMSF ruled out) mild anaplasmosis during pregnancy
or with documented tetracycline allergy.
1Not FDA approved for this indication.


Tickborne rickettsial diseases in humans often share clinical features
Method of but are epidemiologically and etiologically distinct. In the United
Robert Wittler, MD States included diseases are (1) Rocky Mountain spotted fever
(RMSF) caused by Rickettsia rickettsii; (2) other spotted fever group
(SFG) rickettsioses, caused by Rickettsia parkeri and Rickettsia spe-
cies 364D; (3) Ehrlichia chaffeensis ehrlichiosis, also called human
monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME); (4) other ehrlichioses, caused by
Ehrlichia ewingii and Ehrlichia muris-like agent; and (5) anaplas-
• Early diagnosis of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and
mosis, caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum, also called human
other tickborne rickettsial diseases is made clinically. RMSF
granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA). The reported incidence of tick-
should be considered in the setting of fever, headache, rash,
borne rickettsial diseases has increased in the United States. Tick-
and a history of possible tick exposure. The rash is not always
borne rickettsial diseases, especially RMSF, continue to cause severe
present and typically occurs 2 to 4 days after the onset of fever.
illness and death in otherwise healthy adults and children, despite the
• Diagnostic laboratory tests for rickettsial diseases, particularly
availability of effective antibiotic therapy. SFG rickettsioses (includ-
RMSF, are usually not helpful in making a timely diagnosis
ing RMSF), ehrlichioses, and anaplasmosis are nationally notifiable
during the initial states of illness.
diseases in the United States. Providers report potential cases to
• Tickborne rickettsial diseases can be confirmed by polymerase
state or local health departments. In 2010, the reporting category of
chain reaction (PCR) during the acute stage if readily avail-
RMSF was changed to spotted fever rickettsiosis, as serology does
able (whole blood for ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis and skin
not readily distinguish RMSF from other SFG rickettsioses.
biopsy or whole blood for RMSF) or at later stages by subse-
quently demonstrating a fourfold increase between acute
and convalescent (ideally 2 to 4 weeks apart) serum immuno-
Tickborne rickettsial pathogens are maintained in natural cycles
globulin G (IgG) indirect immunofluorescence antibody titers.
involving domestic or wild vertebrates and ticks. The epidemiol-
PCR of whole blood for RMSF has low sensitivity, although
ogy of each disease reflects the geographic distribution and seasonal
sensitivity increases in patients with severe disease.
activities of the tick vectors and the natural vertebrate hosts, as well
• Typical findings of ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis include
as the human activities resulting in tick exposure. Although cases
fever, headache, malaise, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and
have been reported in every month, most cases occur during April to
elevated serum transaminases. Rash is often not present.
September, coincident with peak levels of tick host-seeking activity.

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