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 What is Lean Six Sigma?

 About Us
 What we do?
 What to Expect in the Training?
 Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

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What is Lean Six Sigma?
LLeeaann SSiixx SSiiggmmaa iiss aa ccoom mbbiinnaattiioonn ooff bbootthh LLeeaann aanndd SSiixx SSiiggm maa.. IIff yyoouurr
bbuussiinneessss pprroobblleem
m ddeeaallss w wiitthh pprroobblleem mss rreellaatteedd ttoo w waassttee aanndd pprroocceessss fflloow
yyoouu aarree lliikkeellyy ttoo uussee m moorree LLeeaann.. IIff yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss pprroobblleem m rreellaatteess ttoo
ddeeffeeccttss aanndd pprroocceessss vvaarriiaattiioonn (( nnoott ccoonnssiisstteennttllyy m
meeeettiinngg yyoouurr ccuussttoommeerr
meennttss)) tthheenn yyoouu aarree lliikkeellyy ttoo uussee m moorree SSiixx SSiiggm maa..

LLeeaann SSiixx SSiiggm maa ffoolllloowwss tthhee DDeeffiinnee,, M Meeaassuurree,, AAnnaallyyzzee,, IIm
mpprroovvee aanndd
CCoonnttrrooll ((DDM MAAIICC)) pprroocceessss.. TThhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee pprroojjeecctt yyoouu aarree ccoonnssttaannttllyy
eexxaammiinniinngg aanndd rree--eexxaam miinniinngg w whheetthheerr yyoouu sshhoouulldd bbee uussiinngg m moorree LLeeaann oorr
mmoorree SSiixx SSiiggm maa.. IInn tthhee IIm mpprroovveem meenntt PPhhaassee ooff tthhee pprroojjeecctt yyoouu w wiillll bbee
llooookkiinngg aatt LLeeaann ccoonncceeppttss ttoo ccoorrrreecctt yyoouurr pprroobblleem

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3i Solution Consulting provides consulting and training in Lean Six
Sigma methodology and improvement process. We have
designed o u r Lean Six Sigma training programs based on globally
respected Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge (BOK). Our experience and
knowledge has helped us to create a unique and unsurpassed
training program to provide you with what is required to be

Our experts in Lean Six Sigma methodology will help your

business t o respond your customers’ needs and drive revenue
growth through process improvement and waste reduction.

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What we do?
We lead the know-how in development training and certification courses
in Lean Six Sigma, providing effective coaching services for individuals and
corporations. Through this commitment, 3 I Solution Consulting has the
most competitive business performance improvement training courses in
the industry to offer the complete Lean Six Sigma Belts curriculum.
We highly understand how to approach Lean Six Sigma by offering a wide
range of flexible and modular programs that fit your specific needs with
our excellent team of consultants and trainers to custom the best solution
for your business and reducing costs.

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What to Expect in the
Challenge - Organizational improvement requires not only the hard skills taught within our
programs but it also requires leadership. During our courses we will be pushing you to work hard to
master both the hard and soft skills required to generate outstanding performance improvement.

Practical examples - Case studies are presented showing you how to use the tools in a real scenario.
You will learn theory, practice and mastery. During our courses you will be applying the Lean Six
Sigma concepts we teach you to projects within your own organization.

Best Practices - You are presented best practices we have learned saving you from making
unnecessary mistakes. While most courses simply teach you theory, we teach you how to be

Team Projects - We are interested in pushing our students towards excellence. During this course
you will be required to complete team projects.

Case Study Review - is designed to help you master concepts learned within your training. The
remainder of your grade will come from our examination.

Quizzes - throughout this course; you will be required to take quizzes to access your knowledge and
area of improvement

Final Test for Certification - At the end students need to complete a final exam, 80% score is
required to pass.

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Lean Six Sigma


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The L e a n Six Sigma Yellow Belt program will be intended at
those new to the world of L e a n Six Sigma, interest, or need to
develop foundational k n o w l e d g e . Yellow belts can be th e entry
level to employees who seek to improve their world or executive
champions who require an overview of L e a n Six Sigma.

This specific program provides you with comprehension of

the fundamental methodologies utilized for Six Sigma. Getting
basic improvement procedures and necessary metrics. In the
case of many organizations, the person who has Yellow Belt
certified training is a “subject matter expert”, who can become a
central team member on an individual project or multiple projects.

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Lean Six Sigma

Designed to teach Lean Six Sigma Fundamentals and its application
as part time improvement team projects leaders.

• Lean Six Sigma Overview • Define • Brainstorming
• Project Charter
• Value-added and non-value-added • Risk Planning FMEA
• Project Management
• The Voice Of The Customer (VOC) • Quick Changeover; Pull Scheduling
• Affinity Diagram
• Lean Six Sigma Framework • CTQC Tree Diagram • The A3 One-Page Control
• Process Definition
• Lean and DMAIC • Process Mapping
• SIPOC Analysis
• Six Sigma Roles (Yellow Belt)
• Flow Charts
• Value Stream Mapping CONTROL
• Flow Charts
• 5-S Approach
• Value-Added Flow Charts
LEAN • Spaghetti Charts Measure • Process Control

• Calculating the Sigma Level • Visual Control

• Trend Chart Histogram MEASURE • Control Charts

• Pareto Chart • Measurement & Metrics • Control Plan

• Baseline Performance Minitab Basics
• Quantifying Process Variability • TPM Objectives & Benefits

• Data Collection • Standardized Work & Project

• SPC - Introduction and Background

• Brainstorming
• X and Moving Range Charts – Tool
• Risk Planning FMEA
set Analyze • Quick Changeover; Pull Scheduling
• The A3 One-Page Control

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Lean Six Sigma


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A Green Belt is an expert in implementing Lean
and Six Sigma tools known to support Black Belts
in implementing improvement projects using the
tools of Lean and Six Sigma. It also generates and
identifies opportunities for improvement in the
organization. It has the ability to train or Yellow
Belts Yellow Belts.
This program is designed to professionals to
become involved in Lean Six Sigma initiative of
their company or are already involved in to
improve processes.

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Lean Six Sigma


 Lean Principal  Process Analysis and  Root Cause Analysis
 Process Management for Documentation
o Process modeling  5-Why, 1-How
 Probability and Statistics
 Boxplots
 Lean Tools o Drawing valid statistical
 Lean Implementation o Central limit theorem and  Scatter plots
 Project Identification sampling distribution of the
mean  Pareto Chart
 Project Management Basics o Basic probability concepts
 Cause & Effect Diagram
 Management and Planning  Collecting and Summarizing Data
o Data collection method
Tools o Techniques for assuring data  Exploratory Data Analysis
 Business Results for Projects accuracy and integrity
o Probability Distribution o Causes for Variations
 Team Dynamics and o Multi-vari studies
o Discrete probability
Performance distributions o Sampling Plans
o Measurement System o Regression
 Stakeholder o Correlation Coefficient
Management/Analysis o Calculate, analyze, and o Linear Correlation &
interpret measurement Regression
 Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) o Difference between
system capability using
 Voice of Customer (VOC) repeatability and Correlation and Causation
reproducibility (GR&R)  Hypothesis Testing
 Critical to Quality (CTQ’s) o Hypothesis
o Measurement correlation,
 CTQC Tree Diagram bias, linearity, percent o Type I and Type II Errors
agreement, and o One/Two-Sample Z-Test
o Process Definition o One/Two-Sample T-Test
precision/tolerance (P/T)
o Process Mapping - o F-Test Statistic
o Process Capability and
Overview Performance o One/Two-Sample Test of
o Process Mapping o Process Stability Studies Proportions
(SIPOC) o Process Normality Studies o Paired-Comparison Tests
 Flow Charts o Process performance o Analysis of Variance
Indices (ANOVA)
 Takt Time o Chi square
o Process capability for
 Value Stream Mapping attributes data  Analyze Tollgate

 Define Tollgate  Measure Tollgate

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 Document/Design Solution • Visual Control
 Design of Experiments • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
o Objectives and benefits
 Prioritization of Solutions
o Rational sub grouping
 Brainstorming o Selection and application of
 Narrowing Down the List of Ideas control charts
o Analysis of control charts
 Corrective Action Matrix • Control Charts
 Financial Impact of Solutions o X-bar & R, X-MR
 Cost/Benefit Analysis o p/np/c/u Charts
o Analyzing Control Chart
 Risk management • Process Management Introduction
 Failure Mode Effect Analysis • Process Monitoring
• Dashboards
• Process Reviews
 Mistake Proofing • The Process Control Plan
 Line Balancing • Action Planning
• Control Tollgate
 Quick Changeover
• Implement and Validate Solution
 Pull System
 Cellular Processing
 Piloting Solutions
 Improve Tollgate

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Lean Six Sigma


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The black belt program is designed to participants
who wants to learn about Lean and Six Sigma tools
and analysis approaches, such as Analysis
Measurement System (MSA), Design of Experiments
(DOE) and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA).
Essentially, learn how to apply the elimination of
waste and variation reduction methods practically.

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Lean Six Sigma

The Black Belt is responsible for leading and implementing Lean Six Sigma
projects. Black belts support and mentor green and yellow belts, as well, can
train and certify these lower level belts.


• Project Selection • Measurements and Basics Statistics • Pareto Chart
• Discrete vs. Continuous Measurements • Cause & Effect Diagram
• Project Initiation
• Basic Quality Tools • Correlation and Regression Analysis
• Project Planning • Histogram • Binary Logistic Regression
• Project Charter • Normal probability plot • Multiple Regression
• Time Series plot • Central Limit Theorem
• Change Management Success • Descriptive statistics • Hypothesis Tests
Factors For Effective Change • Measurement System Analysis (MSA) • Types of Error
• Gage R&R Study (Crossed) • Power Analysis
• Gage R&R Study (Nested) • Confidence Interval
• Meeting Management • Attribute Gage Study • Comparing One Mean to a
• Attribute Agreement Analysis Standard using 1-sample t-test
• Stakeholder Management/Analysis
• Baseline Performance • Comparing Two Means using a
• RACI Matrix • Performance Metrics – Throughput Yield 2-sample t-test
• Communication Planning • Performance Metrics - Rolled Throughput • Comparing paired observations using a
Yield paired t-test
• Voice of Customer (VOC) • Understanding Variation • Comparing One Proportion to a
• Critical to Quality (CTQ’s) • Calculating the Sigma Level Standard
• Types of Variation • Comparing Two Proportions
• Affinity Diagram • Variation Trees • Chi-Square Test
• CTQC Tree Diagram • Charting Process • One-Way Analysis of Variance
• Introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC) (ANOVA)
• Quality Function Deployment (QFD) • Parametric vs. Non Parametric Tests
• SPC Chart Selection
• Process Definition • Control Chart Limits • Design of Experiments Overview
• Control Charts • Selecting the Right Design
• Process Mapping - Overview
• Atribute Control Chart • Introduction to Factorial Designs
• Process Mapping (SIPOC) • X and Moving Range Charts • Main Effects and Interactions
• X-bar and R Chart • Factorial Plots
• Flow Charts
• Process Capability • Model Assumptions
• Takt Time • Individual Distribution Identification • Optimal Factor Settings
• Value Stream Mapping • Box-Cox Transformation • Full Factorial Designs
• Johnson Transformation • Fractional Factorial Designs
• Define Tollgate - Progress Review • Measure Tollgate - Progress Review • General Factorial Designs
• Analyze Phase • DOE Power and Sample Size
• Root Cause Analysis • Multiple Response Optimization
• 5-Why, 1-How• Boxplots • DOE with Qualitative Responses
• Scatter plots • Analyze Tollgate progress review

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• Document/Design Solution • Visual Control

• Prioritization of Solutions
• Process Control
• Brainstorming
• Control Charts
• Narrowing Down The List of Ideas
• Process Management Introduction
• Corrective Action Matrix

• Financial Impact of Solutions • Process Monitoring

• Cost/Benefit Analysis
• Dashboards
• Risk management
• Response Planning
• Failure Mode Effect Analysis
• Process Reviews

• Mistake Proofing • The Process Control Plan

• Line Balancing
• 5-S Approach
• The A3 One-Page Report
• Action Planning
• Quick Changeover
• Communication of Project Outcomes
• Pull System

• Cellular Processing • Control Tollgate Progress Review

• Kaizen
• Solution Replication and Closure
• Piloting Solutions

• Improve Tollgate Progress Review

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