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1. Is London the most multicultural city? Yes, he is.

2. Who lives on the streets of London? In a street of London live Turks, Chinesee, Afganis,
Pakistanis, Vietnamese, Colombians, Polish, Kenyans.
3. Why did you love this area? This area is very cosmopolitan, and that's why I love it.
4. When did you first came to England? I first came in 1986.
5. Did you know anyone? I didn't know anybody,and I wanted to go home.
6. Why did you came? I came here to study business at college.
7. What did you like about England? I like about England is that there's a system that works.
Things are more organized bere.
8. What life is in Turkey? Life in Turkey is faster, and more bectic than here.
9. Are you married? Yes, I am.
10. Where are you from? I am from China.
11. Why did you move to England? I moved because my daughter wanted to study.
12. What was life in the beginning? Life for us here was impossible for the first few years It was
hard to find work. It was also difficult to talk to people.
13. When did he improve? When my english got easier.
14. What is missing here? Miss my friends and colleagues, and my wile is very close to her family
back home.
15. When you came from Colombia to England? When I was 19.
16. Do you like being in England? I really love being here.
17. Are the roads bigger? The roads were so much bigger.
18. When you became british citizen? I became a British citizen before 24 years ago.

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