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March 22, 2021

Dear Secretary Cardona,

The educational researchers who are signing on to this letter disagree with the core conclusion of the
February 22nd letter from the U.S. Department of Education (USED) to chief state school officers.
Declining states’ requests for waivers of standardized testing in 2021 will exacerbate inequality and
will produce flawed data in the midst of the pandemic.

We are, however, heartened that you and the new administration are committed to educational
equity and to the sound use of research. In that spirit, this letter identifies inherent problems with
testing this spring and places those problems in the larger context of research about test-based
accountability systems. We also propose a number of research-based steps that USED can take to
ameliorate the negative impact of standardized testing on our most vulnerable students.

First, we strongly urge USED to work with states to approve requests for flexibility as they attempt
to limit statewide testing, especially in states where significant numbers of students are still engaged
in remote learning and where the state request has identified alternative data sources that can meet
state needs. This recommendation is based on the following:
• The results of remotely administered tests will not be equivalent to the results of in-person
• Great variability in participation rates and non-random selection bias make it impossible to
compare results across schools or between this year and previous years. Once such uses are
removed, it is not possible to justify the known negative consequences of high-stakes testing.
• Despite warnings and cautiousness noted in the USED letter, there is no way to prevent
misinterpretation and misuse of these highly flawed data.

Second, rather than focus on student assessments this spring, we encourage USED to make future
investments in more holistically evaluating school quality—by developing new measures of
educational opportunities. Work by the Beyond Test Scores Project with the Massachusetts
Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment provides one such example. The National
Education Policy Center’s Schools of Opportunity project provides another. Such approaches will
not solve the well-documented negative consequences associated with standardized testing, but they
do point the way to providing the nation with better information about how our education system is
serving our most vulnerable students. Such new measures should:
• Foster accountability systems that do not simply repackage demographic data. We need
systems that do not stigmatize schools serving low-income and racially marginalized
students—systems that disrupt, rather than exacerbate, segregation.
• Return richer and more varied information to educators on a more rapid basis, empowering
them as professionals to design classroom- and school-level responses.
• Provide families and communities with information about schools that aligns with their
broad range of values and concerns.

Third, we urge the department to heed existing research and step back from high-stakes testing by
granting waivers, issuing guidance, developing regulations, and ultimately advocating for Congress to
reauthorize an improved ESEA. We applaud USED’s recent decision to emphasize the importance
of data for informational purposes, rather than high-stakes accountability. In light of research
evidence, we wish to underscore the importance of continuing this practice in the future.
• For decades, experts have warned that the high-stakes use of any metric will distort results.
Analyzing the impact of NCLB/ESSA, scholars have documented consequences like
curriculum narrowing, teaching-to-the-test, the “triaging” of resources, and cheating.
• For the past 20 years, experts have disproven the premise that meaningful school
improvement can be driven by exposure to competitive markets and corporate-style
performance management.

The damage inflicted by racialized poverty on children, communities, and schools is devastating and
daunting. To that end, we understand why some civil rights groups have advocated for systems that
use standardized tests to highlight inequalities. Whatever their flaws, test-based accountability
systems are intended to spotlight those inequalities and demand they be addressed. But standardized
tests also have a long history of causing harm and denying opportunity to low-income students and
students of color, and without immediate action they threaten to cause more harm now than ever.

Although our immediate concern is with today’s students in a time of crisis, the flaws in our
measurement and accountability system are ongoing. Changing that system must be part of a larger
shift in how we care for and educate the nation’s children.

We welcome further conversations with you about this matter and would be honored to serve as
thought partners in the service of America’s students.


Jack Schneider, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lorrie Shepard, University of Colorado Boulder
Michelle Renée Valladares, University of Colorado Boulder
Kevin Welner, University of Colorado Boulder

Please see attachment for additional signatories.

The 544 additional signers 

Assistant Professor of Education Leadership and Policy Studies, California

1  Frank Adamson
State University, Sacramento
2  Melanie Agnew Dean, Education, Westminster College, Utah
Director and Associate Professor of Practice, University of Texas San
3  Vangie Aguilera
4  Lucia Alcala Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CSU Fullerton
5  Nora Alder Associate Professor, Virginia commonwealth University
Lillian Radford Professor of Education & Director of Educational Leadership
6  Enrique Aleman, Jr.
Program, Trinity University
7  Arshad I Ali Associate Professor, George Washington University
Associate Dean, School of Education Metropolitan State University of
8  Lisa Altemueller
Audrey Amrein-
9  Professor Arizona State University
10  Ingrid Anderson Assistant Professor of Practice, Portland State University
11  A.J. Angulo Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Professor & Director of Art Education & Education Studies Programs,
12  Peter Appelbaum
Arcadia University
13  Michael W Apple John Bascom Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, Madison
14  Autumn A. Arnett President, A Black Child Can
15  Diana J. Arya Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
16  Ron Avi Astor Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
17  Wayne Au Professor, School of Educational Studies, University of Washington Bothell
Maria Margarita
18  Professor, University of California Santa Cruz
19  Kate Babineau Senior Research Fellow, Tulane University
20  Michele Back Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
21  Jessica K. Bacon Associate Professor, Montclair State University
22  Sylvia Bagley Lecturer, University of Washington
23  Susan Baglieri Professor, Montclair State University
24  Sofia Bahena Assistant Professor, UTSA
25  Sarah Jean Baker Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
26  Michael K. Barbour Associate Professor, Touro University California
Denise Taliaferro
27  Interim Dean, Miami University of Ohio
28  Carol Batker Professor, University of San Francisco
29  Elva M. Beach English Professor, St. Louis Community College
Teddi M. Beam-
30  Faculty, University of Washington Seattle
31  Jonathan Becker Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
32  April Bedford Dean, Brooklyn College
33  Philip Bell Professor, University of Washington
34  Maggie Beneke Assistant Professor, University of Washington
35  Susan Bennett Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
36  David Berliner Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University
37  Joseph Bishop Director, Center for the Transformation of Schools, UCLA
38  Derek Black University of South Carolina
39  Mollie Blackburn Professor, the Ohio State University
40  Amanda Bozack Director, School of Teacher Education and Leadership, Radford University
41  Melissa Braaten Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
42  Chris Bradford Assistant Professor, St Norbert College
43  Corey Brady Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
44  Henry Braun Professor, Boston College
45  Donna Breault Dean, College of Education, Ashland University
46  Anita Bright Associate Professor, Portland State University
47  Amy Brown Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania
48  Elizabeth S. Brown Professor, William Paterson University
49  Julie Esparza Brown Professor, Portland State University
50  Martha Brown President, RJAE Consulting
51  Theresa J. Burant Director of Teacher Education, Marquette University
Interim Chair of Educational Leadership, Associate Professor of
52  Rebeca Burciaga Educational Leadership and Chicana and Chicano Studies, San José State
Associate Professor, Mary Frances Early College of Education--University
53  Kevin J. Burke of Georgia
Professor of Educational Foundations, College of Education and Human
54  Zoe Burkholder
Services, Montclair State University
55  Meg Burns Assistant Professor, TESOL & Bilingual Education, Lesley University
56  Carol Burris Executive Director, Network for Public Education
57  Theresa L. Burriss Associate Professor, Radford University
58  Chris Buttimer Post-doctoral Associate, MIT
59  Sandra Butvilofsky Assistant Research Professor
60  Derria Byrd Assistant Professor, Marquette University
61  Jaclyn Caires-Hurley Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University
62  Blanca Caldas Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
63  Maureen Callanan Professor, University of California Santa Cruz
Associate Professor, Director TESOL, World Language and Bilingula
64  Anne Campbell
Education, Fairfield University
65  Alan S. Canestrari Professor of Education, Roger Williams University
66  Limarys Caraballo Associate Professor, CUNY Queens College and Graduate Center
67  Kenneth Carano Professor, Western Oregon University
68  Prudence L. Carter Dean & Professor, University of California, Berkeley
69  Brian Casemore Associate Professor, George Washington University
Executive Director, Center for Youth & Community Leadership in Education
70  Keith C. Catone
(CYCLE) at Roger Williams University
71  Christian D. Chan Assistant Professor, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
72  Mitchell J. Chang Professor, UCLA
73  Wen-Chia Chang Research fellow, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Director of Scholarship on Educator Practice, Bank Street College; Director,
74  Jessica Charles
Educator Preparation Laboratory Network
Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity, The Education University of
75  Ming Ming Chiu
Hong Kong
76  May Chung Lecturer, University of Maryland Baltimore County
77  Casey Cobb Professor, University of Connecticut
78  Paul Cobb Research Professor, Vanderbilt University
Marilyn Cochran-
79  Professor, Boston College
80  Kirsten Cole Associate Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College - CUNY
81  Hardin L.K. Coleman Professor, BU Wheelock College of Education and Human Development
82  Jose E. Coll Acting Dean, College of Education, Portland State University
83  Lauren Colley Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
84  Brian Collier Associate Professor of the Practice, University of Notre Dame
85  Ross Collin Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
86  Roland Sintos Coloma Professor, Wayne State University
Jerusha Osberg
87  Professor, Villanova University
88  Jenni Conrad Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Temple University
Research Professor of Psychology; Faculty Director, Educational
89  Catherine R. Cooper Partnership Center; Research Advisor, Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Initiatives; University of Caliiforniia Santa Cruz
90  Ryan Coughlan Assistant Professor of Education, Molloy College
91  Elizabeth Cramer Professor and Graduate Program Director, Florida International University
Connecticut Writing Project Director, Associate Professor, Fairfield
92  Bryan Ripley Crandall
93  Larry Cuban Professor Emeritus of Education, Stanford University
94  Alexander Cuenca Assistant Professor, Indiana University
95  Michael Cunningham Professor, Tulane University
96  Mary Jane Curry Associate Professor, University of Rochester
97  Lisa A. D'Souza Professor, Assumption University
98  Robin Dada Professor, University of Northern Iowa
99  Julia R. Daniels Core Faculty, Antioch University Seattle
100  Maria Dantas-Whitney Professor, Western Oregon University
Professor, San Jose State University; Professor Emeritus, Arizona Srate
101  Arnold B. Danzig
102  Kristen Davidson Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder
Madeline Perez De
103  Associate Professor, University of Saint Joseph
Esperanza De La
104  Associate Professor, Portland State University, Oregon
105  Noah De Lissovoy Professor, University of Texas at Austin
106  Elizabeth DeBray Professor, University of Georgia
107  Mira Debs Executive Director, Education Studies, Yale University
108  Susan L DeJarnatt Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
Jaime Liborio Del
109  Assistant Professor, Vassar College
110  David DeMatthews Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Associate Director and Faculty Affiliate, CADRE, University of Colorado
111  Elena Diaz-Bilello
112  Alison Dobrick Associate Professor, William Paterson University of NJ
Associate Professor/Educational Administration, Long Island University/CW
113  Arnold Dodge
Post Campus
114  Stephanie Dodman Assistant Professor of Education, George Mason University
115  Jamel K. Donnor Associate Professor, William & Mary
116  Deirdre Dougherty Assistant Professor, Knox College
117  Julia Beneke Assistant Professor, University of Washington
118  Leah Durán Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
119  Richard P Durán Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
120  Elizabeth Dutro Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
121  Andrea Dyrness Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Miriam Eisenstein
122  Associate Professor, NYU Steinhardt, New York, NY
123  Suzanne Eckes Professor, Indiana University
124  Erica B. Edwards Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
125  Brent Elder Assistant Professor, Rowan University
126  Rosebud Elijah Associate Professor, Hofstra University
127  Paula R. Elliott Retired
128  Andrea M. Emerson Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University
129  Rachel Endo Dean & Professor, University of Washington Tacoma
Kathryn E.
130  Associate Professor, Indiana University Bloomington
131  Frederick Erickson Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles
132  Lara Ervin-Kassab Assistant Professor, San Jose State University
133  Kathy Escamilla Professor Emerita, University of Colorado Boulder
134  Katherine R Evans Associate Professor, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
135  Thomas Fallace Professor of Education, William Paterson University
136  Amy N. Farley Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
Elizabeth Farley-
137  Associate Professor, University of Delaware
138  Walter C. Farrell, Jr. Professor of Educational Policy, Emeritus, UW-Mileaukee
139  Caitlin Farrell Associate Research Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
140  Danielle Farrie Research Director, Education Law Center
141  Laura Fattal Professor, William Paterson University
Sharon Feiman-
142  Professor Emerita, Brandeis University
143  Barbara Ferman Professor, Temple University
Dean, Professor, School of Education University of Wisconsin Stevens
144  Lynda D. Fernholz
145  Joseph J. Ferrare Assistant Professor, University of Washington Bothell
146  Beth A. Ferri Professor, Syracuse University
147  Edward Garcia Fierros Associate Professor of Education, Villanova University
148  Michelle Fine Distinguished Prof of Psychology CUNY Graduate Center
149  Stacie Finley Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
150  Kara S. Finnigan Professor, University of Rochester
151  Gustavo Fischman Professor, Arizona State University
152  Julie Flapan Project Scientist, UCLA
153  Nicole Fletcher Assistant Professor, Fairfield University
154  Charles Flores Assistant Professor, CSU-Los Angeles
155  Katherine Flowers Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell
156  Anne Foegen Professor, Iowa State University
157  Nicole Fonger Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
Managing Director, Center for Innovations in Teaching & Learning, UC
158  Samara Foster
Santa Cruz
159  Oneida Fox Roye Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
160  Janet Fox-Petersen Educational Consultant & Trainer
161  Megan Franke Professor, UCLA
162  Erica Frankenberg Professor, Pennsylvania State University
163  Daisy Fredricks Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University
164  Daniel Friedrich Associate Professor of Curriculum, Teachers College, Columbia University
165  Susan Gabel Professor, Wayne State University
166  Rachael Gabriel Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
167  Brette Garner Assistant Professor, University of Denver
168  Emily Gates Assistant Professor, Boston College
169  Lauren Gatti Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Tanya J. Gaxiola
170  Assistant Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
171  Nathalie J Gehrke Professor Emerita, University of Washington
172  Joanna Geller Director of Policy, Research, and Evaluation, NYU Metro Center
173  Cindy Gerstl-Pepin Dean, University of Massachusetts Amherst
174  Melissa Leigh Gibson Assistant Professor, Marquette University College of Education
175  Paula Gill Lopez Associate Professor, Fairfield University
176  Mark Girod Dean, College of Education, Western Oregon University
177  Gene V Glass Emeritus Regents Professor, Arizona State University
178  Emily Gleason Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
179  Wendy Glenn Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
180  Chris Goering Professor, English Education, University of Arkansas
181  Susan Goldman Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
182  Kimberley Gomez Professor, UCLA
183  Eileen M. Gonzalez Assistant Professor, University of Saint Joseph
184  Joanna Goode Professor, University of Oregon
185  Amanda Goodwin Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
186  Cheryl Gordon Lecturer, University of Washington Bothell
187  Isaac Gottesman Associate Professor, University of Saint Joseph
188  Derek Gottlieb Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado
189  Julia Gouvea Associate Professor, Tufts University
190  Brian E. Gravel Assistant Professor, Tufts University
191  Karen Graves Professor, Denison University
192  Deena Gumina Project Director, The BUENO Center, University of Colorado Boulder
193  Amanda M. Gunning Associate Professor, Mercy College, NY
Associate Director, Computer Science Equity Project, Center X, University
194  Roxana Hadad
of California, Los Angeles
195  Edward H. Haertel Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
196  Sumi Hagiwara Associate Professor, Montclair State University
197  Jon Hale University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
198  Linda Halgunseth Associate Professor and Director of Academic Affairs at UCONN
199  Linda Haling Dean, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University and University of Illinois at
200  Jill Hallett
201  Christine L. Hancock Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
202  Victoria M Hand Associate Professor, STEM Education
203  Bob Hannafin Professor, Fairfield University
204  Maria Hantzopoulos Associate Professor of Education and Department Chair, Vassar College
205  Ruth Harman Professor, University of Georgia
206  Nini Visaya Hayes Assistant Professor, Western Washington University
207  Kathryn Henderson Associate Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio
208  Joseph A. Henderson Lecturer, Paul Smith's College
209  Nancy B Hertzog Professor, University of Washington
210  Jerell Hill Dean, School of Education, Pacific Oaks College
211  Michael Hillis Dean, California Lutheran University
212  Kathleen A. Hinchman Professor, Syracuse University
213  Elizabeth Hinde Dean, Metropolitan State University of Denver
214  Emily Hodge Associate Professor, Montclair State University
Jennifer Jellison
215  Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
216  Soo Hong Associate Professor, Wellesley College
217  Susan Hopewell Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
218  Ilana Horn Professor of Mathematics Education, Vanderbilt University
219  Rosalind Horowitz Professor, The University of Texas at San Antonio
220  Kimberly Howard Associate Professor, Boston University
221  Lionel Howard Associate Professor, The George Washington University
222  M. Francyne Huckaby Professor, Texas Christian University
223  Sherick Hughes Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
224  Peg Hughes Professor, SJSU
225  Chloe Hughes Professor, Western Oregon University
226  Francis M. Hult Professor, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
227  Melanie Hundley Professor, Vanderbilt University
228  Annie C Ittner Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University
229  Jennifer Ivie Assistant Professor, Tulsa Community College
230  Darrell Jackson Professor of Law, University of Wyoming
231  Erik Jacobson Associate Professor, Montclair State University
232  Royel Johnson Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
233  Heather Johnson Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
234  Elizabeth Lee Johnson Elementary Program Coordinator, University of South Carolina Beaufort
235  Susan Moore Johnson Research Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
236  Anthony Johnston Associate Professor, University of Saint Joseph
237  Nick Juravich Assistant Professor, UMass Boston
238  Judith Kafka Associate Professor, Baruch College, City University of New York
239  Estelle Kamler Professor, LIU-Post
240  Douglas Kaufman Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
241  Judith S Kaufman Professor, Hofstra University
242  Elham Kazemi Professor, University of Washington
243  Barbara Keckler Associate Professor, Mercy College
Elizabeth Stringer
244  Director/Associate Professor, Stonehill College
Associate Professor of Science Education & Sustainable Systems, Portland
245  Sybil Kelley
State University
246  Karen A. Kennedy Assistant Professor of Practice, Portland State University
247  Rachael Kenney Associate Professor, Purdue University
248  Robert Kilgore Associate Professor, University of South Carolina Beaufort
249  Brian Kissel Professor and Director of Elementary Education, Vanderbilt University
250  Erika Kitzmiller Term Assistant Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University
251  David Knight Assistant Professor, University of Washington
252  Michele Knobel Professor, Montclair State University
253  Elizabeth B. Kozleski Professor, Stanford University
Margaret Billings
254  Instructor II, University of South Florida
255  David W. Kritt Associate Professor, City University of New Yorkrk
256  Anita Kumar Assistant Professor, William Paterson University
257  Kevin Kumashiro Independent Scholar
258  John A. Kuykendall Dean, School of Education
259  Judith Kysh Professor Education & Mathematics
260  Adam Laats Professor of Education and History (by courtesy)
261  Gloria Ladson-Billings Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin Madison
School Board Member, Eugene Oregon school district; Professor,
262  Gordon Lafer
University of Oregon
263  Doug Larkin Professor, Montclair State University
264  Mindy Legard Larson Professor, Linfield University
265  Amanda Lashaw Lecturer, UC Santa Cruz
266  Katie Lazdowski Adjunct Faculty, Umass Amherst
267  Kevin M. Leander Professor, Vanderbilt University
268  Carol D. Lee Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University
269  Marie LeJeune Professor of Education, Western Oregon University
270  Anita Lenges Clinical Associate Professor
Sarah Winchell
271  Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
Roseanne Vallice
272  Assistant Professor, Mercy College
273  Katherine Lewis Associate Professor, University of Washington
274  Cynthia J Lewis Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
275  Jennifer Lewis Associate Professor, Wayne State University
276  Kayla Lewis Professor, Missouri State University
277  Rebecca E. Linares Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
278  Stephanie Lindemann Associate Professor, Georgia State University
279  José Ramón Lizárraga Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
280  Alberto Lopez Associate Dean, Northeastern Illinois University
281  Francesca Lopez Professor, Penn State University
282  Ruth M. López Assistant Professor, University of Houston
283  Christopher Lubienski Professor, Indiana University
284  Catherine Lugg Professor of Education, Rutgers University
Professor and Executive Officer, Graduate Center, City University of New
285  Wendy Luttrell
286  Maram Mabrouk Teacher, North Shore Central School District
Associate Professor, Guttman Community College, City University of New
287  Molly Vollman Makris
288  Sue Mankiw Professor, William Paterson University
289  Roxana Marachi Associate Professor of Education, San José State University
290  Phillip L. Markley Teaching Associate University of Washington
291  Bruce Marlowe Chair, Department of Education, University of South Carolina Beaufort
292  Meghan Marrero Professor, Mercy College
293  Christopher Martell Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
294  Joanna Masingila Dean and Professor, Syracuse University
295  Annie Mason Program Director, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
296  Stephanie Masta Assistant Professor, Purdue University
297  Kai Monet Mathews Research Director, UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools
298  William J. Mathis Senior Policy Advisor, NEPC, University of Colorado Boulder
299  Andrew Maul Professor, University of California Santa Barbara
300  Edwin Mayorga Associate Professor, Swarthmore College
301  James J Mazza Professor, University of Washington
302  Nicola McClung Associate Professor, University of San Francisco
303  Jule McCombes-Tolis Director, Reading and Language Development, Fairfield University
304  Assistant Professor, University of Saint Joseph
Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts
305  Kathryn A. McDermott
306  Kathy McDonough Assistant Professor, Curry College
307  Dot McElhone Associate Professor, Portland State University
308  Maria K. McKenna Associate Professor of the Practice, University of Notre Dame
309  Mary McKillip Senior Researcher, Education Law Center
310  Lynne McKnight Herr Professor, University of Nebraska
311  James H. McMillan Professor Emeritus, Virginia Commonwealth University
Associate Professor, Lynch School of Education & Human Development,
312  Patrick McQuillan
Boston College
313  Julie F. Mead Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
314  Yolanda Medina Professor and Chair, Borough of Manhattan Community College
315  Kavitha Mediratta Executive Director, Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity, Columbia University
316  Terry Meier Associate Professor, Boston University
317  Heidi Meister Assistant Professor, Portland State University
Professor of Politics and Coordinator of the Program in Public Policy
318  David Menefee-Libey
Analysis, Pomona College
319  Felicia Mensah Professor, Teachers College at Columbia University
320  Elizabeth J. Meyer Associate Professor & Associate Dean, University of Colorado Boulder
321  Hanfu Mi Professor, University of Illinois Springfield
322  Roslyn Arlin Mickelson Chancellor's Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Associate Director of Professional Development & Instruction Issues, New
323  Christine Miles
Jersey Education Association
324  Alexandra Miletta Independent Researcher, Rome, Italy
325  Amanda Miller Assistant Professor, Wayne State University
326  Darren Minarik Associate Professor, Radford University
327  Gary Miron Professor, Western Michigan University
328  Alex Molnar Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Sarah Catherine
329  Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland College Park
330  Adam Moore Assistant Professor of Special Education, Roger Williams University
331  Socorro Morales Assistant Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
332  Sam Morris Assistant Professor of English, University of South Carolina Beaufort
333  Kristan Morrison Professor, Radford University
Assistant Professor of Educational Studies and Political Science, Davidson
334  Brittany Murray
Professor and Faculty Chair, College of Education, University of
335  James Nehring
Massachusetts Lowell
336  Jill Newton Associate Professor, Purdue University
337  Christine Nganga Assistant Professor, The George Washington University
338  Dana Nickson Assistant Professor, University of Washington Seattle
339  Sonia Nieto Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
340  Elena Nitecki Professor, Mercy College, NY
341  Sarah B. Nixon Professor, Missouri State University
342  Susan B. Nolen Professor Emerita, University of Washington
343  James Noonan Assistant Professor, Salem State University
344  Cheryl North Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County
345  Lisa Norton Dean College of Education and Health Sciences/Touro University California
346  Julia T. Novakowski Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
347  Jocelyn Novella Assistant Professor, Fairfield University
348  Victoria Nunez Professor, Mercy College, NY
349  Tiffany M. Nyachae Assistant Professor of Education, Penn State University
350  Laura O'Dwyer Professor, Boston College
351  Gabrielle Oliveira Assistant Professor, Boston College
352  Erin M Olson Lecturer and Psychologist, University of Washington
353  Hannah Olson Teaching Associate, University of Washington
354  Margaret Terry Orr Professor, Fordham University
355  Valerie K Otero Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
356  Celia J Oyler Professor, Teachers College, Columbia Univ
357  Carla Paciotto Professor, Western Illinois University
358  Christina H. Paguyo Director of Academic Assessment, University of Denver
359  Mark Paige Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
360  Yoon Pak Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
361  Deborah Palmer Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
362  Alexandra Panos Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
363  Django Paris Banks Professor of Multicultural Education, University of Washington
364  Laurence Parker Professor, University of Utah
365  Walter Parker Professor Emeritus, University of Washington Seeattle
366  Leigh Patel Professor, University of Pittsburgh
367  Nimisha Patel Professor and Chair, Wright State University
368  Ashley N. Patterson Assistant Professor, Penn State University
369  Katherina Payne Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin
370  Joelle Pedersen Instructor, Boston College
371  Thomas C. Pedroni Associate Professor, Wayne State University
Megan Madigan
372  Associate Professor, University of Maryland
373  James W. Pellegrino Professor, University of Illinois Chicago
374  William Penuel Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
375  Dilani Perera Professor, Fairfield University
Michelle Salazar
376  Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
377  David Perez II Associate Professor, Syracuse University
378  Bree Picower Associate Professor, Monclair State University
379  Marcos Pizarro Associate Dean, SJSU College of Education
380  Oren Pizmony-Levy Associate Professor of International & Comparative Education Program
381  Marge Plecki Professor Emerita, University of Washington Seattle
382  Joseph L. Polman Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
383  Amanda U. Potterton Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky
384  Selma Powell Teaching Professor, University of Washington
385  Luis E. Poza Assistant Professor, San Jose State University
386  Kristen Pratt Assistant Professor, Western Oregon University
387  Susan Price Professor Emerita, CUNY
388  Jeremy Price Professor, Montclair State University
389  Victoria I. Puig Associate Professor, Montclair State University
390  Diana Pullin Professor Emerita, Boston College
391  Colette Rabin Professor, San Jose State
392  Christopher Rakes Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County
393  Sudha Ramaswamy Associate Professor, Mercy College
394  Jennifer Randall Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
395  Diane Ravitch Research Professor, New York University
396  Sylvia Read Associate Dean, Utah State University
397  Emilie Reagan Associate Professor, Claremont Graduate University
398  Gabriel A. Reich Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Borough of Manhattan
399  Mindi Reich-Shapiro
Community College, CUNY
400  Daniel Reinholz Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
401  Iliana Reyes Professor, University of Arizona
402  Aja Reynolds Assisstant Professor, Wayne State University
403  Youmna Rieder Independent scholar
404  Jessica Rigby Associate Professor, University of Washington
405  Tracey Robert Professor, Fairfield University
Associate Professor and Director of Social Studies Education, University at
406  Sarah A. Robert
Buffalo (SUNY)
407  Kathryn Roberts Interim Assistant Dean of Teacher Education, Wayne State University
408  Carly Roberts Associate Professor, University of Washington
409  Tomas Rocha Assistant Professor, University of Washington
410  Allison Roda Assistant Professor, Molloy College
411  Gabriel Rodriguez Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
Noreen Naseem
412  Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
413  John S Rogers Professor, UCLA
414  Karen Santos Rogers Associate Dean of Education, Trinity Washington University
415  Barbara Rogoff Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
416  Dirck Roosevelt Associate Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
417  Mike Rose Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
418  Joydeep Roy Visiting Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
419  Dennis L. Rudnick Assistant Professor, Missouri State University
420  Katherine Ryan Professor Emerita, University of Illinois at Urbana
421  Kenneth Saltman Professor University of Illinois Chicago
422  Ala Samarapungavan Professor, Purdue University
423  Carrie Sampson Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
424  Tammie J Samuels Lecturer/Coordinator, University of Massachusetts Amherst
425  Beth Samuelson Associate Professor, Indiana University
426  Lenny Sanchez Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina
Deanna Iceman
427  Former Dean, Professor Emerita, Seattle University
428  Doris A. Santoro Professor, Bowdoin College
429  Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
430  Marisa Saunders Project Scientist, University of California, Los Angeles
431  Edna O. Schack Professor, Morehead State University
Ofelia Castro
432  Assistant Professor, MSU Denver
433  Jamie Schissel Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jenifer Jasinski
434  Professor, University of South Florida
Mercedes K.
435  Classroom teacher, St. Tammany Parish Public Schools
436  Alan H. Schoenfeld Professor, University of California at Berkeley
Cynthia J. Schubert-
437  Professor, Sanford College of Education, National University
438  Katherine Schultz Dean, University of Colorado Boulder
439  Brian D. Schultz Professor and Chair, Miami University
440  Joshua M. Schulze Associate Professor of ESOL, Western Oregon University
441  Robert Bruce Scott Director, Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
442  Janelle Scott Professor, University of California at Berkeley
443  Holly Seplocha Professor, William Paterson University
444  Paul S. Shaker Professor emeritus, Simon Fraser University
445  Ryan Shaw Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
446  Benjamin Shear Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
447  Gregory P Sherman Professor, Radford University
448  Carolyn M Shields Professor, Wayne State University
449  Dennis Lynn Shirley Duganne Faculty Fellow and Professor
450  Alan R. Shoho Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
451  Lisa Sibbett Lecturer, University of Washington, Bothell
Genevieve Siegel-
452  Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
453  Don Siler Associate Professor, University of Saint Joseph
454  Ruth Silverberg Associate Professor, Coolege of Staten Island, CUNY
455  Marcy Singer-Gabella Professor, Vanderbilt University
456  Rachel Skrlac Lo Assistant Professor, Villanova University
457  Timothy Slekar Strategic Planning Consultant: Higher Education
458  Candice Small Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Washington
459  Gregory Smith Professor Emeritus, Lewis & Clark College
460  Patrick H. Smith Professor, Texas State University
461  Emily Smith Professor, Fairfield University
462  Lisa Smulyan Professor, Swarthmore College
463  Catherine E. Snow Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
464  Eric Soto-Shed Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education
465  Madora Soutter Assistant Professor, Villanova University
466  Marquitta Speller Professor, College of Staten Island
Margaret Beale
467  Charles L. Grey Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago
468  Bernard Spolsky Professor Emeritus, Bar-Ilan University
469  Sooz Stahl Teaching Associate, University of Washington
470  Shelley Staples Associate Professor, University of Arizona
471  Jamy Stillman Associate Professor, University of Colorado
472  Stephanie Storms Associate Dean, Fairfield University
473  Enrique Suarez Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst
474  Amanda Sugimoto Assistant Professor, Portland State University
475  Florence R. Sullivan Professor and Chair, University of Massachusetts Amherst
476  Susan Sullivan Professor, City University New York
477  Gail Sunderman Research Associate, The Civil Rights Project, UCLA
478  Katy Swalwell Associate Professor, Iowa State University
479  Stacy Szczesiul Associate Professor, University of MA Lowell
480  Rachel Talbert Postdoctoral Fellow, George Washington University
481  Nicholas Tampio Professor, Fordham University
482  Elaine Tarone Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota
483  Kenneth Teitelbaum Former Dean, UNC Wilmington & SIU Carbondale
Abebayehu Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, George Washington
Tekleselassie University
485  George Theoharis Professor, Syracuse University
486  Paul Thomas Professor, Furman University
Associate Professor, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis,
487  Kathleen King Thorius
Executive Director, Great Lakes Equity Center
488  Antar Tichavakunda Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
Megan Tompkins-
489  Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
490  Chris Torres Associate Professor, Michigan State University
Christopher E.
491  Assistant Professor, Southern Connecticut State University
492  Tina Trujillo Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley
493  Karolyn Tyson Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
494  Kerri Ullucci Professor, Roger Williams University
495  Luis Urrieta Professor, University of Texas at Austin
496  Phitsamay S. Uy Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell
497  Guadalupe Valdes Bonne Katz Tenenbaum Professor of Education, Stanford University
498  Sheila Valencia Professor, University of Washington, Seattle
499  Angela Valenzuela Professor, University of Texas at Austin
500  Gennie VanBeek Associate Professor of Education, Linfield University
501  Manka Varghese Professor, University of Washington
502  Julian Vasquez Heilig Dean and Professor, University of Kentucky
503  Elizabeth Vázquez Programs Coordinator
504  Dean P. Vesperman Assistant Professor of Education
505  Kara Mitchell Viesca Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
506  Kerry Soo Von Esch Assistant Professor, Seattle University
507  Tim Wall Dean and Professor, Northwest Missouri State University
508  Hope Walter Adjunct Professor, OSU and Linfield
509  Su-hua Wang Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
510  Jon M Wargo Assistant Professor, Boston College
511  Lisa Warner Professor, William Paterson University
Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts
512  Mark R. Warren
Shaneé Adrienne
513  Assistant Professor, University of Washington
514  Helge Wasmuth Associate Professor, Mercy College
515  Jessica Watkins Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
Chair, Department of Teacher Education: PreK-12, William Paterson
516  Linnea Weiland
517  Joshua Weishart Professor of Law, West Virginia University College of Law
Professor and Director of the Sociology and Education; Director of the
518  Amy Stuart Wells Public Good Project and Reimagining Education, Teachers College,
Columbia University
519  Gustave J Weltsek Assistant Professor of Arts Education, Indiana University
520  Christy Wessel Powell Assistant Professor, Purdue University
521  Tracy N West Dean, Division of Education, Columbia College
522  Renee B Whelan Assistant Professor, William Paterson University
523  Terrenda White Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
524  Rachel S. White Assistant Professor, Old Dominion University
525  David Whitenack Professor, San José State University
K-16 Education Program Manager at the Boston University African Studies
526  Elsa Wiehe
527  Terri S. Wilson Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
528  Misty Wilson ESL Program Development and Research Manager
529  Mark Windschitl Professor, University of Washington
530  Ann G. Winfield Professor, Roger Williams University
531  Kerri Wingert Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder
532  Jia-Hui Stefanie Wong Assistant Professor, Trinity College
533  Carmen M. Woodhall Lecturer & SEO Program Coordinator, UMass Amherst
534  Sarah Woulfin Associate Professor, UConn
535  Rosemary Wrenn Lecturer, California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo
536  Wayne E. Wright Associate Dean for Research, Purdue University
Dwayne Kwaysee Visiting Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration; Director of
Wright Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
Assistant Professor, Clinical, Director Undergraduate Studies & Teacher
538  Sandra Yarema
Certification, Wayne State University
539  Adam York Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder
540  Michelle D. Young Dean and Professor, Loyola Marymount University
541  Ken Zeichner Professor Emeritus University of Washington
542  Ana Celia Zentella Professor Emerita, UC San Diego
543  Yong Zhao Foundation Distinguished Professor, University of Kansas
544  Jonathan Zimmerman Professor of History of Education, University of Pennsylvania

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