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How to Dance
Co-authored by Yolanda Thomas
Last Updated: March 14, 2021 References
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Do you hate being the one in the corner of the room while everyone else is enjoying
themselves on the dance floor? Have an event coming up that will require you to step out
to the beat? If a little crisis of confidence or some uncertainty about how to move is
keeping you from joining the fun, don’t worry. If you take the time to master a few basic
moves, you can learn to dance freestyle, do a romantic slow dance, or impress your fellow
guests on the dance floor at the next family wedding.

1 Dancing Freestyle

Bob your head to the rhythm. Start by trying to find the beat of the music.
1 If it helps, try counting along, clicking or clapping your hands to the beat.[1]
Once you’ve figured out the rhythm, start moving to it by bobbing your head.[2]
Once you get your head moving, it will make it easier for you to get the rest
of your body going.

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To find the beat, try listening to the drums or the bass. These instruments
usually carry the rhythm of the song.

Tip: To get used to finding the rhythm of a song, practice by listening to

songs with a clear and pronounced beat. For example, try clapping and
moving along to the beat of a song like “Juke Joint” by Johnnie Taylor.[3]

Shift your weight from one foot to another. When you have a good sense
2 of the beat, you can start incorporating some simple footwork. Start by
shifting all of your weight to one foot. You can lift the other foot slightly off the
ground to make sure all your weight is off of it. Shift back and forth in time to the
At every other count, shift your weight completely to the other foot. You can
also shift your weight at every count but by starting out slowly, you will get
comfortable before you begin dancing fast.
Keep your legs loose and your knees slightly bent. There should be just a bit
of "bounce" to your weight shift, and a subtle bounce (in place) on the counts
when you aren't shifting your weight.

Move your feet to the beat. Once you're comfortable shifting your weight to
3 the rhythm, begin moving your feet. Right before you shift your weight to a
foot, move it slightly, even just 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) from where it was
before. When you move your foot, keep it fairly close to the ground.

Stay on the balls of your feet so you can move and bounce easily.[5]
If you're dancing with someone else, be sure to move around in a way that
accommodates your partner.

Add some hip action. When you put your weight on a foot, move your hips
4 (and your body) slightly in the direction of that foot. If you shift your weight
onto your right foot, for example, move your hips to the right. You can twist your
body slightly to add a little more movement.[6]
For example, when you move to the right, put your right shoulder forward a
little and your left shoulder back. Do the opposite when you move to the left.

Incorporate some arm movements. If you're uncomfortable, the tendency

5 is to keep your arms close or to let them hang limp. Instead, move your
arms around. Keep your hands open or in very loose fists. You can put your
arms in the air or bend them at the elbows and hold them at your sides, like

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when you’re running. Whatever you do, don't get stuck on just one move; keep
switching it up! You can also try one of these moves:
Roll the dice. Make a loose fist and shake your arm and hand as though you
are shaking a pair of dice for a roll. After a few shakes, "roll" the dice. Don't
overuse this move to the point that it becomes comical.
Mow the lawn. Bend forward and grasp the starter of an imaginary lawn
mower with one hand, then pull your hand back as though you're pulling on
the starter. Once you get it going, you can take a few steps while you mow
the lawn.
Swing an air lasso. Grab an imaginary lasso and swing it above your head
as though you're about to rope a cow. Shift your weight to the foot opposite
your "lasso hand" and thrust your hips in that direction.
Pump your fist. Make a fist and then make a pumping motion overhead in a
celebratory fashion.

Find your own style. Follow your natural impulses when you’re dancing
6 freestyle. It's easy to feel like you're only good at one move, but the more
you feel the rhythm, the more natural your movements will become. Listening to
subtleties in music will also help to train your body to move. Most importantly, be
creative! Creating your own dance moves is easy with confidence and an
understanding of your body.[7]
Experiment with different moves, positions, and speeds while you dance.
Don’t be afraid to make up your own moves. Free style is all about
improvisation and individual expression.

2 Slow Dancing with a Partner

Get into position with your partner. Stand face-to-face with your partner
1 and get into a basic partner position. If you are leading, put your right hand
on your partner’s shoulder blade and interlock your left hand with their right
hand, with your hands positioned in the shape of a pair of Cs. Your partner will
put their left hand on your right shoulder.[8]
You can keep your clasped hands held as high as eye level or as low as
waist level, depending on your preference. Just keep them relaxed, with a
comfortable bend at the elbow, and don’t raise your partner’s shoulder.
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Leave about 3–6 inches (7.6–15.2 cm) of space between yourself and your
Make sure you and your partner agree on who is leading before you begin!

Tip: Slow dances are typically performed by a man and a woman, with the
man leading. However, there’s no need to stick to this traditional
arrangement. Pair up with a partner of any gender you like, and decide with
your partner who should lead based on confidence, height, or whatever other
factors you choose.

Step to the left with your left foot. Once you’re ready to start dancing,
2 move your left foot out to the side in a smooth, gliding motion. Your partner
will mirror you with their right foot. This is the first part of the basic “step-touch”
slow dance move.[9]
If your partner is leading, let them initiate the first step, but try to move with
them as smoothly as possible.
Try to time your steps with the beat of the music. You may find it helpful to
count along with the music in your head.

Bring your right foot over to meet your left. After taking the first step with
3 your left foot, slide your right foot over so that it touches your left. Your
partner should mirror this movement.[10]
Try not to bounce or dip as you bring your feet together. Aim for a smooth,
gliding movement.

Repeat your foot movements in the opposite direction. Once you’ve

4 brought your feet together, step to the right with your right foot. Then, bring
your left foot over to meet your right. Continue this pattern throughout the rest of
the dance.[11]

Alternatively, you can do 2 steps to the left and then 2 steps to the right.[12]

Use your hands to steer your partner if you want to move around. If
5 you’d like to move around the dance floor, use your hands to gently push or
pull your partner in the direction you’d like to go. After touching your feet
together, push with one hand and pull with the other at the same time that you
step out on the next beat.[13]
For example, if you’re stepping left but want to pivot to the right, start by
bringing your right foot to meet your left. Then, push your partner’s right
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hand with your left hand while gently pulling on their shoulder with your right
hand, and step to the left at the same time.

3 Dancing at a Wedding

Learn the Chicken Dance for lighthearted numbers. The Chicken Dance
1 is a staple of many wedding receptions. It's easy to do because there are
just 3 basic moves, and you change them in time with the music. This is also a
very low-pressure dance—no one cares if you mess up. To do the chicken
Raise your arms to shoulder level and line your thumbs up with your index
fingers to create a shape that resembles a chicken's beak. Move your
thumbs up and down to simulate a chicken clucking.
Then, ball up your hands and tuck your fists under your arms as though you
have wings. Flap your wings up and down in time to the music.
With your wings still in place, continue flapping but now stick out your
backside, bend your knees and wiggle your bottom down toward the floor.
Repeat these moves over and over until the song ends.

Master the hora for Jewish weddings. The hora is danced at many
2 traditional Jewish wedding receptions to the song "Hava Nagila" or other
traditional Jewish songs. The hora simply involves dancing in what's known as a
"grapevine" pattern:[15]
Step the left foot across to the right. Let the right foot follow. Step the left foot
behind the right. Follow again with the right.
This dance is performed in a circle with dancers either holding hands or
throwing their arms over one another's shoulders.
The tempo of this dance is typically fast. Sometimes the music starts slowly,
and the band speeds up the tempo as the song goes along.

Did you know? At Orthodox Jewish weddings, men and women dance the
hora separately. At more liberal weddings, male and female guests mingle
and do the dance together.

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Use basic slow dance moves for the Dollar Dance. At some weddings,
3 the guests line up and pay a dollar (or more) to dance with the wedding
couple. You can use basic slow dance moves for this dance, but it's really not
about the moves; it's about having a few moments with the bride or groom to
express your happiness for the couple and compliment the wedding ceremony
and reception.[16]
In some cases, men dance with the bride, and women dance with the groom.
Other times, both men and women dance with the bride.
Holding on and simply swaying in place is perfectly acceptable if it makes it
easier to have a personal conversation.

4 Getting All the Right Moves

Take a dance class to learn some basic moves. There are dance classes
1 for every style of dancing from hip-hop to ballet, break dancing to salsa.
Search online for the classes in your area. Whatever style of dance you're
interested in, you could probably benefit from a ballroom dancing class as the
steps of many other dance styles have their roots in some ballroom basics.
When you are being taught a routine, look at what the teacher is doing. Try
to copy it exactly. If it doesn't work, watch the teacher again and look for the
little things they do that make it easier.
Go ahead and ask your instructor for tips. Experienced instructors have
worked with hundreds of students and have ideas that can help you
overcome whatever it is you're finding to be difficult.
Even a few hours of class time can help you learn the basics and build your

Join a flash mob to boost your confidence. A flash mob is a spontaneous

2 public performance—usually a dance—that appears seemingly out of
nowhere and then disappears just as quickly. While these dance performances
may seem spontaneous, the truth is that they're usually fairly well rehearsed in
advance. You can find flash mobs online, join them for a several-week rehearsal
period as the group learns a dance, and then perform with the mob in public.[17]
Some flash mobs put videos online with instructions for learning and
rehearsing the planned dance.
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Flash mobs welcome people of all skill levels; their focus is on having fun
and creating a joyful scene, so the more people who participate, the better.
You'll also learn some great dance moves and connect with other people
who enjoy dancing.

Watch dancing on TV to find inspiration. Dancing is a wildly popular

3 activity, and you can get plenty of exposure to it just by watching TV.[18] Try
tuning in to reality television dance competition shows. Focusing on the steps
might be a bit challenging. Instead, pay attention to how loose the dancers are,
how much confidence they display, and how much fun it looks like they're having
on the dance floor.
Popular current dance shows include Dancing with the Stars and So You
Think You Can Dance.

Rent a classic dance movie to get new ideas. There are so many dance
4 movies to choose from. See as many as you can or pick and choose those
that speak to your particular interests. For example:
Check out Dirty Dancing or Shall We Dance to watch 2 dance novices
develop confidence and grace and learn to perform with pizzazz.
Watch Footloose or Flashdance to see the power of dance as a form of
defiance against uptight authority figures and personal circumstances.
Rent anything starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to be inspired by the
grace and elegance of these famous dance partners.
Watch Stormy Weather to see the Nicholas Brothers push the limits of tap

Participate in a dance competition to hone your skills. Ballroom dancing

5 competitions, officially known as DanceSport events, are held all over the
world. Check online for a competition near you. Joining a dance competition can
help you set specific goals for yourself and encourage you to build your skills.
Check out websites such as the International Grand Ball, United States
Dance Championships, and the Access Dance Network to name just a few.

Tip: If you’re not confident enough to join a competition yet, attending

competitions as a spectator can help inspire you and give you an idea of
what to expect.

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5 Dressing to Dance

Put on comfortable dance shoes. Choose a well-fitting shoe with a

1 flexible, thin sole for the dance floor. Stay away from platform shoes, since
that thick sole and heel make it difficult to feel the floor. Be sure, too, that your
feet feel secure in your shoes. Backless sandals are best left at home. Do not
wear sneakers or other shoes with rubbery or sticky soles for ballroom style
dancing, since these can make it hard to move your feet smoothly across the
Different styles of dance call for different types of shoes, so do some
research about what’s needed for your preferred style. For example,
sneakers are great for hip hop or freestyle dancing, while heels are ideal for
Latin dance styles.

Be prepared for the heat. If you tend to perspire, choose garments made of
2 natural fibers. Tank tops and halter tops can look great, but sweaty or
clammy skin could be a turn-off if a partner asks you to dance. Drop a pack of
moist towelettes and a travel-size powder in your pocket so you can freshen up
when needed.
If you’ll be dancing with a partner, avoid wearing slippery materials, like silk.
Your partner may have a hard time holding onto you if their hands get

Tip: Consider bringing a spare top or a change of clothes in case you really
work up a sweat.

Wear clothes that allow you to move. Tight satin might look and feel great
3 when you’re not moving much, but it could inhibit your moves on the dance
floor. Even worse, one wrong move could leave you with an embarrassing rip.
Choose clothes that are either loose enough to let you move or stretchy enough
to move with your body. Select a top with sleeves that don’t restrict your arm
movement—you should be able to lift your arms above your head.[21]
Try on your outfit at home to be sure you can dance with ease.
To avoid wardrobe malfunctions, make sure your clothing fits securely and
won’t slip out of place if you really get moving!

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Community Q&A


How do you get good at dancing?

Yolanda Thomas
Dance Coach
Expert Answer

Taking 3 or 4 dance lessons can be a great way to overcome your nerves and
learn a few basic moves and techniques. Just make sure to check that the level
of the class is suitable for you. Look for an Absolute Beginner or Basic Beginner
course, but be aware that Open and Elementary classes are not beginner-level.


How do you dance as a beginner?

Yolanda Thomas
Dance Coach
Expert Answer

Having the right attitude will go a long way toward helping you learn to dance. If
you want to learn to dance quickly, get rid of any negative talk and self doubt.
When you see a certain dance step, don't tell yourself, "I can't do that." Instead,
just try to copy it the best you can, even if you do it wrong.


I want to dance around the house and just in general (when music is
playing), but I don't want to embarrass myself. I REALLY can't dance, and I
always end up either hurting myself or someone else. Advice?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

Practice dancing alone at first, and dance in an area with plenty of open space
so you have room to move without bumping into anything. If you tend to hurt
yourself because of overexertion, do some light warmups (like dynamic

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stretches, lunges, kicks, or jumping jacks) before you start dancing. You might
also benefit from some formal dance lessons to help build your confidence.


How would I dance to something with a high tempo, like the Subnautica
ending music "Abandon Ship"?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

Try practicing the moves you want to do slowly at first, then speed them up as
you get more comfortable.


Can I really follow steps when it's too hard?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

Learning to follow dance steps takes practice. You may need to work with an
instructor or an experienced dance partner and practice consistently for a few
weeks or even longer, depending on how complex the dance is. It will
eventually become easier!


I am in Miami and I am a dancer. How can I be part of a flash mob group in

my area?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

Do a search online for flash mob groups near you, using search terms like "join
dance flash mob Miami FL." Most flash mobs allow you to sign up online and
provide instructions on their website for learning the dance and joining an
upcoming performance.

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How do I learn hip hop dancing?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

Many dance studios offer hip hop dance lessons along with other genres like
ballet, jazz, and tap. Do a search for “hip hop dance lessons near me.” You can
also find lots of tutorial videos online to follow along with.


How can I learn to dance without being shy?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

It can take time to build up your confidence. Just remind yourself that dancing is
ultimately about enjoying and expressing yourself, and try to focus on that
rather than on what other people might be thinking. You might find it helpful to
practice with a close friend or take a dance class so you can get used to
dancing in front of other people.


What’s the easiest dance to learn for beginners?

wikiHow Staff Editor

Staff Answer

If you want to dance with a partner, the waltz is an easy, classic ballroom dance
to start with. For solo dancing, try learning a few basic hip hop moves, like the
strike, happy feet, and the hopscotch.


How do I dance so that it looks cool?

Community Answer

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Practice your moves first so that you will be confident while dancing. Even the
coolest moves can look lame if you lack the confidence. If you do not know how
to dance yet, consider taking some dance classes (ie: Jazz) so that you can
learn balance and proper technique. Lastly, watch music videos for inspiration.
Both Michael Jackson and David Bowie were remarkable dancers.


Watch other dancers. If you’re not sure how to dance to a song, take your cues
from other dancers. You don’t want to copy them exactly (unless it’s a
standardized dance), but you can get some ideas.

If you feel shy or you fail to do some steps, don't give up; keep on practicing.

Smile and try to look like you're having fun, even if you’re nervous and not sure
what you’re doing. Acting confident can help you feel more confident.

It helps to learn to dance to your favorite music, especially if you memorize and
sing along to the lyrics. You'll know how to anticipate changes in the song and
change your dance moves accordingly, and you'll have more fun with the music
you enjoy.

Ask around, there'll definitely be people who want to help you out.


Don't over-exert yourself or try any dance moves that you aren't comfortable
with and haven't practiced extensively already. Good dancers make hard moves
look easy—don't be fooled. You really can pull a muscle or trip and fall
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(especially if you're wearing heels). You can look good dancing without doing
any of the fancy stuff. yup.


1. https://duetdancestudio.com/blog-dance-lessons-chicago/2013/9/17/how-to-find-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsZF8PXtFaE
3. https://www.westcoastswingonline.com/finding-the-beat/
4. https://blog.steezy.co/7-tips-will-take-footwork-next-level/
5. https://blog.steezy.co/7-tips-will-take-footwork-next-level/
6. https://dancingexperts.com/how-to-freestyle-dance-for-beginners-free-dance-
7. https://blog.steezy.co/5-tips-to-start-your-freestyle-dance-foundation/
8. https://youtu.be/N6t0yjNBc84?t=19
9. https://youtu.be/N6t0yjNBc84?t=48
10. https://youtu.be/N6t0yjNBc84?t=60
11. https://youtu.be/Jc1esMeDb5k?t=127
12. https://youtu.be/N6t0yjNBc84?t=46
13. https://youtu.be/Jc1esMeDb5k?t=141
14. http://cguenter.yourweb.csuchico.edu/FourArts/DA/DAchick.html
15. https://www.smashingtheglass.com/the-hora-everything-you-need-to-know/
16. https://www.theknot.com/content/the-dollar-dance-wedding-etiquette-demystified-
17. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/flash-mob-participate-examples/
18. http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/TV/08/18/dance.shows.popular/index.html
19. https://duetdancestudio.com/blog-dance-lessons-chicago/2013/4/2/how-to-
20. https://personal.utdallas.edu/~aria/dance/etiquette.html#Comfort
21. https://personal.utdallas.edu/~aria/dance/etiquette.html#Comfort

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