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Homework 5.

Answer the following questions. Use your own information and complete sentences.

1.Where do you live?

I live in Hato Mayor city

2. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have 2 brothers and 1 sister

3. What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is volleyball

4. Are you named after someone?

No, before my brother

5. Are you a full time student?

For now yes

6. What’s your major?

My major brother is Willy

7. What do you do for a living?

I have a salon

8. Do you and your friends get together a lot?

For now not, because i´m so busy with the university

9. What do you do when you get together?

Talk and driking some beer

10. Are you from a big family?

Yes, that´s it

11. What do you do for fun?

Listen a music and dance a lot

12. What are some things you want to know about your classmates?

Is a Good because i learning so much

13. What color do you wear a lot?

My favorite color is red

14. Are you an only child?

Sometimes i do

15. What do you do on weeknights?

Dance a lot with my husband

16. When do you spend time with your family?

Not, because i work in my personal business

17. Do you like loud music?

Yes, a lot

18. What kind of food do you like?

Pastas a lot

19. Do you want to make new friends?

Of course yes

 20. Do you ever start conversations with strangers?

Not, because i so child

21. Do you think it’s odd when a stranger talk to you?

Not always because i have education

22. Are you a talkative person?

Not always

23. Do you think you talk too much?

No, of course not

24. What do you like to talk about?

About the music and shoes

25. What topics do you try to avoid?

Music, specially bachata

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