A 3-Tier Classification of Cerebral Arteriovenous: Malformations

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J Neurosurg 114:842–849, 2011

A 3-tier classification of cerebral arteriovenous


Clinical article
Robert F. Spetzler, M.D., and Francisco A. Ponce, M.D.
Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Phoenix, Arizona

Object. The authors propose a 3-tier classification for cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). The clas-
sification is based on the original 5-tier Spetzler-Martin grading system, and reflects the treatment paradigm for these
lesions. The implications of this modification in the literature are explored.
Methods. Class A combines Grades I and II AVMs, Class B are Grade III AVMs, and Class C combines Grades
IV and V AVMs. Recommended management is surgery for Class A AVMs, multimodality treatment for Class B, and
observation for Class C, with exceptions to the latter including recurrent hemorrhages and progressive neurological
deficits. To evaluate whether combining grades is warranted from the perspective of surgical outcomes, the 3-tier
system was applied to 1476 patients from 7 surgical series in which results were stratified according to Spetzler-
Martin grades.
Results. Pairwise comparisons of individual Spetzler-Martin grades in the series analyzed showed the fewest
significant differences (p < 0.05) in outcomes between Grades I and II AVMs and between Grades IV and V AVMs.
In the pooled data analysis, significant differences in outcomes were found between all grades except IV and V (p =
0.38), and the lowest relative risks were found between Grades I and II (1.066) and between Grades IV and V (1.095).
Using the pooled data, the predictive accuracies for surgical outcomes of the 5-tier and 3-tier systems were equivalent
(receiver operating characteristic curve area 0.711 and 0.713, respectively).
Conclusions. Combining Grades I and II AVMs and combining Grades IV and V AVMs is justified in part be-
cause the differences in surgical results between these respective pairs are small. The proposed 3-tier classification of
AVMs offers simplification of the Spetzler-Martin system, provides a guide to treatment, and is predictive of outcome.
The revised classification not only simplifies treatment recommendations; by placing patients into 3 as opposed to 5
groups, statistical power is markedly increased for series comparisons. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.8.JNS10663)

Key Words      •      Spetzler-Martin grading system      •

arteriovenous malformation      •      disease classification

T Methods
he Spetzler-Martin grading system31 was designed
as a tool to assist with the complexity surround-
ing surgical decision making for cerebral AVMs.7 Proposed 3-Tier Model
Since its introduction in 1986, this grading system has The proposed system consists of 3 classes of AVM
been frequently cited in the medical literature,25,26 and and is derived by combining Spetzler-Martin Grades I
other large surgical series have validated its use.2,7,9,11 Its and II AVMs into Class A and Grades IV and V lesions
popularity reflects both its simplicity and its predictive into Class C; Grade III AVMs become Class B (Fig. 1).
capabilities with respect to postoperative deficits.21 Each class of AVM corresponds to a separate treatment
The management of AVMs at the Barrow Neurologi- paradigm (Table 1).
cal Institute follows a treatment paradigm whereby Grades
I and II lesions are managed similarly, as are Grades IV Identification of Articles
and V.30 This study reflects our management strategy by
evaluating a 3-tier AVM classification and comparing We examined whether combining the grades as de-
this modification to the standard 5-tier Spetzler-Martin scribed is justified from the perspective of surgical out-
grading system. comes reported in the literature. The database Thomson’s
ISI Web of Science (accessed April 2010) was used to
identify 672 published works that have cited the Spet-
Abbreviations used in this paper: AVM = arteriovenous malfor- zler-Martin grading system.31 The types of documents
mation; mRS = modified Rankin Scale; ROC = receiver operating included 490 articles, 85 proceedings papers, 46 reviews,
characteristic; RR = relative risk. 20 editorial materials, 20 letters, 7 reprints, 2 notes, and

842 J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011

Three-tier classification of arteriovenous malformations

Fig. 1.  Diagrammatic representation of the combinations of graded variables (size, eloquence, and venous drainage) for each
class of AVM. The Spetzler-Martin system assigns a score of 1 for small AVMs (< 3 cm), 2 for medium (3–6 cm), and 3 for large
(> 6 cm). The eloquence of adjacent brain is scored as either noneloquent (0) or eloquent (1). The venous drainage is scored
as superficial only (0) or including drainage to the deep cerebral veins (1). Scores for each feature are totaled to determine the
grade. In the system described in this article, Class A includes Spetzler-Martin Grades I and II; Class B includes Grade III; and
Class C includes Grades IV and V. Modified from Spetzler and Martin. (Modified with permission from Spetzler RF, Martin NA: A
proposed grading system for arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg 65:476–483, 1986.)

J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011 843

R. F. Spetzler and F. A. Ponce
TABLE 1: Proposed 3-tier classification of cerebral AVMs with ries reported both early and late outcome, and 3 reported
treatment paradigm a single outcome set. A pooled analysis of these outcomes
was performed in which the single outcome sets were
Class Spetzler-Martin Grade Management combined with the late outcome sets. Each series defined
A I & II resection
outcomes in terms of postoperative deficits, although the
definition of deficit varied (see Appendix). All series ulti-
B III multimodality treatment mately grouped outcomes in a binary fashion (for exam-
C IV & V no treatment* ple, deficit versus no deficit,7,31 better/same versus worse/
dead,18 excellent/good versus fair/poor/dead11). In pooling
*  Exceptions for treatment of Class C AVMs include recurrent hemor- the data, we combined the binary (that is, “positive” and
rhages, progressive neurological deficits, steal-related symptoms, and “negative”) deficit-based outcomes that the authors had
AVM-related aneurysms. adopted in their respective analyses.
1 meeting abstract. The abstracts of articles and proceed-
ings papers were reviewed. Articles were characterized Results
based on their primary emphasis, including surgical, Statistical Assessment of the 5-Tier System
endovascular, or radiosurgical management. An overlap-
ping subset focused on pediatrics. Other topics included Table 3 shows the rates of negative outcomes from
validation of novel imaging techniques and assessment of the 7 series that were evaluated. Whether a significant
interobserver variability with the grading system. difference in outcome existed between individual grades
We restricted our analysis to large surgical series that in an outcome set was determined using the Fisher exact
stratified outcomes based on the 5-tier Spetzler-Martin test. Pairwise comparisons were performed between each
system. When articles originated from the same institu- of the 5 grades (10 pairwise comparisons per outcome
tion and had overlapping patient cohorts, only the most set) for the 11 outcome sets (Table 4). Overall, 53 (48%)
recent article was included. Seven series were identified, of the 110 pairwise comparisons of grades demonstrated
including that by Spetzler and Martin31 (Table 2). We significant differences in outcome (95% CI 39%–57%).
applied the proposed 3-tier classification system to the Among the 11 outcome sets (columns in Table 4),
outcomes of the 1476 cases reported in these series and the highest proportion of significant pairwise differences
compared the predictive accuracy with regard to clinical was 8 of 10 tests, seen in Davidson and Morgan’s series.2
outcomes to that of the 5-tier system. In that study, the 2 comparisons that lacked significance
were between Grades I and II AVMs and between Grades
Statistical Analysis
IV and V lesions. The lowest proportion of significantly
Statistical analyses include the Fisher exact prob- different combinations was 2 of 10 tests, seen in Spetzler
ability test to compare outcomes of individual grades and and Martin31 and the late results in Hamilton and Spet-
classes of AVMs, the fitted ROC curve area to evaluate zler.7 The size of a series correlated with the number of
the predictive accuracy of the 2 systems with regard to significant pairwise differences between grades in the
outcomes, 5,29 linear regression to evaluate chronological late or single outcome sets (p = 0.03).
trends in management and impact of study size, and the The frequency with which each pair of grades was
modified Wald method to calculate 95% CIs for propor- significantly different in the 7 outcome sets was then
tions.22 The significance level was set at p < 0.05. An ROC evaluated (rows in Table 4). The lowest frequency was
area of at least 0.70 indicates that a predictive model is between Grades I and II (1 of 11 tests [9%]) and between
clinically useful.18,29,32 Grades IV and V (2 of 11 tests [19%]). The highest fre-
quencies were seen between Grades I and IV (9 of 11 tests
Pooling of Data From Various Series
[82%]) followed by Grades II and IV and Grades I and V
The 7 series reported a total of 11 outcome sets: 4 se- (8 of 11 tests [73%]).

TABLE 2: Summary of 7 studies on surgical management of AVMs

No. in Spetzler-Martin Grade (%)

Authors & Year No. of Cases I II III IV V
Spetzler & Martin, 1986 100 23 (23) 21 (21) 25 (25) 15 (15) 16 (16)
Heros et al., 1990 153 12 (8) 35 (23) 44 (29) 41 (27) 21 (14)
Hamilton & Spetzler, 1994 120 16 (13) 24 (20) 36 (30) 32 (27) 12 (10)
Schaller et al., 1998 150 33 (22) 48 (32) 44 (29) 21 (14) 4 (3)
Hartmann et al., 2000 124 12 (10) 36 (29) 47 (38) 26 (21) 3 (2)
Davidson & Morgan, 2010 529* 98 (19) 198 (37) 169 (32) 54 (10) 10 (2)
Lawton et al., 2010 300 56 (19) 123 (41) 90 (30) 29 (10) 2 (1)
total 1476 250 (17) 485 (33) 455 (31) 218 (15) 68 (5)

*  Surgically treated cases.

844 J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011

Three-tier classification of arteriovenous malformations

When the positive and negative outcomes of each

series were pooled (Table 5), 9 of the 10 pairwise com-

37 (26–49)
31 (25–37)

18 (15–22)

18 (15–22)
32 (27–38)
8 (6–10)
10 (7–13)
4 (2–7)
parisons were significantly different, the exception being
between Grades IV and V AVMs (p = 0.38). The lowest
RRs were between Grades I and II (RR 1.066, 95% CI
1.027–1.107) and between Grades IV and V (RR 1.095,
Lawton et al.

100 (37–100)
14 (10–20) 30 (21–40)

14 (10–20) 30 (21–40)
34 (24–47) 35 (21–53)
24 (18–33)

20 (14–26)
17 (21–45) 31 (17–49)
95% CI 0.895–1.340; not significant).
9 (3–20)

Statistical Assessment of the 3-Tier System

Stratification of outcomes reported in each series

based on the 3-tier system is shown in Table 3. Three pair-

Davidson &

5 (7–12)

wise tests were performed for each of the 11 outcome sets

1 (0–6)
0.5 (0–3)

0.7 (0–3)
to determine whether differences were significant (Table
4). In the series reported by Davidson and Morgan,2 all

pairwise comparisons were significant. No pairwise test

32 (20–46)

32 (20–46)

was significant in the series published by Lawton et al.,18

62 (44–77)
29 (18–43)
36 (22–52)

65 (46–81)
33 (6–80)
8 (0–38)

although the differences between Classes A and B and

Hartmann et al.

between Classes A and C approached significance (p

= 0.066 and p = 0.060, respectively). The Spetzler and
Martin31 series showed significance only between Classes
100 (47–100)
73 (54–87)

76 (58–88)
32 (20–46)

32 (20–46)
29 (18–43)
36 (22–52)

A and C, but the difference between Classes A and B

8 (0–38)

approached significance (p = 0.054). The remaining 8

TABLE 3: Rate of negative outcomes in 11 outcome sets obtained from 7 studies, stratified by 5-tier and 3-tier systems*

outcome sets showed significance in 2 of the 3 pairwise

tests. Overall, 20 (61%) of the 33 pairwise comparisons
Rate of Negative Outcomes Reported†

demonstrated significant differences in outcome (95% CI

44%–75%). Of the 11 tests performed on each pair, sig-
40 (23–59)
50 (15–85)
23 (13–37)

23 (13–37)
38 (21–29)
3 (0–17)
0 (0–6)

1 (0–7)

nificant differences in outcomes between Classes A and


B were defined in 3 (27%), between Classes B and C in 7

Schaller et al.

(64%), and between Classes A and C in 10 (91%). In the


pooled analysis, all pairwise comparisons showed signifi-

100 (54–100)

64 (44–80)
25 (15–39)
57 (42–70)

57 (42–70)
21 (13–31)
57 (37–76)

cant differences in outcome (Table 5).

15 (6–31)

Analysis of ROC Area


Of the 11 outcome sets tested, the 5-tier system


showed the ROC area was < 0.7 in 2, 0.7–0.79 in 5, and

20 (11–35)
22 (11–39)

0.8–0.89 in 4 (Table 6). With the 3-tier system, an ROC

12 (3–46)
0 (0–15)
3 (0–15)

3 (0–15)
0 (0–17)

0 (0–9)
Hamilton & Spetzler

area < 0.7 was seen in 3 sets, 0.7–0.79 in 3, 0.8–0.89 in 4,

and ≥ 0.9 in 1. The mean ROC area was 0.770 for both the
5-tier and the 3-tier system, and the difference was not
*  See Appendix for details on outcomes measured in the respective series.
31 (18–49)
50 (25–75)

significant (p = 0.93). When the outcomes were pooled,

36 (24–51)

†  Outcomes presented as percentages, with the 95% CI in parentheses.

4 (0–22)
3 (0–15)

3 (0–15)
0 (0–17)

2.5 (0–14)

the ROC area was 0.711 for the 5-tier system and 0.713
for the 3-tier system, suggesting that the predictive ac-
curacies of both systems were clinically useful18,29,32 and
38 (21–59)

21 (13–33)
8 (0–38)

12 (5–26)
3 (0–16)

4 (4–15)
0 (0–7)

0 (0–7)

Heros et al.

‡  Late outcome data not presented for 5 patients.


The proposed 3-tier classification reflects a treatment


paradigm for AVMs based on the Spetzler-Martin grade

11 (4.5–24)

11 (4.5–24)
71 (50–86)

50 (38–62)
39 (26–54)

that is practiced at our institution. In terms of manage-

0 (0–22)

4 (4–15)
6 (1–20)

ment strategies, we find that the practical distinctions

between Grades I and II AVMs and between Grades IV

and V lesions are limited. In the 7 surgical series consid-


ered in this study, we found little difference between the

Spetzler & Martin

outcomes of Grades I and II or Grades IV and V AVMs.

27 (10–55)

29 (16–47)
31 (14–56)

16 (6–35)
16 (5–36)
5 (0–24)
0 (0–13)

2 (0–13)

In condensing the breakdown of AVMs from 5 tiers to 3

tiers, we demonstrate that the 3-tier system retains a ca-

pability of predicting poor neurological outcomes that is

equivalent to the 5-tier system.

Class A: Grades I and II AVMs





The differences in outcomes between Grades I and II

J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011 845

R. F. Spetzler and F. A. Ponce

TABLE 4: Summary of results from pairwise comparisons of individual tiers within the 5-tier and 3-tier systems from 7 surgical series*

Heros et al. Hamilton & Spetzler Schaller et al. Hartmann et al. Davidson
System Spetzler & Martin Early Late Early Late Early Late Early Late & Morgan Lawton et al. Total (+)
  I, II − − − − − − − − − − +  1
  II, III − − − − − + + − − + −  3
  III, IV − + + + + − − + + + −  7
  IV, V − + + − − − − − − − −  2
  I, III − − − − − + + − − + +  4
  II, IV − + − + + + + + + + −  8
  III, V − + + + − − − + − + −  5
  I, IV + + − + − + + + + + +  9
  II, V − + + + − + + − − + −  6
  I, V + + − + − + + + − + +  8
  A, B − − − − − + + − − + −  3
  B, C − + + + + − − + + + −  7
  A, C + + + + + + + + + + − 10

*  Pairwise comparisons were done using the Fisher exact test. A “+” indicates that differences in outcomes were significant (p < 0.05), and a “−” indicates
that differences were not significant (p ≥ 0.05). The column labeled “Total (+)” indicates the number of outcome sets (of 11 total) with significant differ-
ences for each pairwise comparison.

AVMs appear to be minimal. In pairwise analysis, only 1 differences within Grade III AVMs. The modification by
of 11 outcome sets demonstrated a significant difference de Oliveira et al.3 divides the grade into 2 subgroups: IIIA
between these 2 grades. Although the pooled analysis (large) and IIIB (small, in eloquent areas) and proposes
was significant, the RR associated with surgery in these embolization plus surgery for the former and radiosur-
grades was the smallest of the 10 pairwise comparisons. gery for the latter. The modification by Lawton17 suggests
In the 3-tier classification, Grades I and II AVMs are breaking this grade down into all 4 subgroups, and de-
combined as Class A.
The recommended management of Class A AVMs
is microsurgical resection. In the initial report from our TABLE 5: Analysis of pooled data*
institution, the incidence of deficits in this cohort was
2%.31 The subsequent prospective application of the sys- System p Value RR 95% CI
tem showed a 2.5% incidence of early deficits, and no late
deficits.7 The recent study by Davidson and Morgan2 re-
ported a 0.7% risk of adverse surgery-related outcomes   I, II 0.003 1.066 1.027–1.107
for Class A AVMs, further reinforcing the role of surgery   II, III 0.0003 1.100 1.045–1.158
as first-line therapy.   III, IV 0.0002 1.187 1.076–1.309
While the benefit of including endovascular embo-   IV, V 0.38† 1.095 0.895–1.340
lization preoperatively in the management of Class A
  I, III <0.0001 1.173 1.117–1.232
AVMs is under evaluation, procedural risk of this mo-
dality should be considered. A recent series of 47 AVMs   II, IV <0.0001 1.305 1.189–1.433
treated preoperatively with Onyx included 25 patients   III, V 0.0006 1.300 1.079–1.566
with Class A AVMs, of which 4 (16%) showed a decline   I, IV <0.0001 1.392 1.270–1.525
in their mRS score after embolization.35 The potential   II, V <0.0001 1.430 1.190–1.718
role of embolization as a curative single modality has also
  I, V <0.0001 1.524 1.270–1.830
been suggested, although the risk profile appears to be
higher than with surgery.16,36 Although we do not believe 3-tier  
that radiosurgery is indicated for this class of AVM, a re-   A, B <0.0001 1.125 1.073–1.180
cent study reported an increased rate of hemorrhage af-   B, C <0.0001 1.208 1.103–1.322
ter radiosurgery in low-grade compared with high-grade   A, C <0.0001 1.358 1.251–1.475
*  Data consist of p values (according to the Fisher exact test) and RR,
Class B: Grade III AVMs with 95% CIs for pairwise comparisons (also according to the Fisher
A number of authors have suggested that the Spet- exact test) of each tier for both the 5-tier and 3-tier systems.
zler-Martin grading system be modified to emphasize the †  Not significant.

846 J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011

Three-tier classification of arteriovenous malformations
TABLE 6: Fitted ROC area values for 11 outcome sets using 5-tier recommended for only 5% of Class C AVMs evaluated by
and 3-tier systems the senior author (R.F.S.),8 these numbers must be viewed
in the context of a strong selection bias. In the 7 series
ROC Area reported here, we detected a significant chronological re-
Authors & Year 5-Tier System 3-Tier System duction, based on year of publication, in the proportion
of AVMs being treated in each cohort that are Grades IV
Spetzler & Martin, 1986 0.780 0.774
and V (p = 0.04 and p = 0.03, respectively). This finding
Heros et al., 1990 may reflect an overall trend toward conservative manage-
  early 0.845 0.861 ment of this class of AVM.
  late* 0.783 0.735
Hamilton & Spetzler, 1994 Important Variables and Alternative Grading Systems
  early 0.851 0.913 Examples of widely adopted classification systems
  late 0.790 0.800 in neurosurgery26 include the Glasgow Outcome Scale,14
Schaller et al., 1998 Glasgow Coma Scale,34 Fisher grade,6 Hunt and Hess
  early 0.742 0.767
grade,13 and the Simpson grade.28 Like the Spetzler-Mar-
tin grade, these systems provide useful, clinically predic-
  late 0.829 0.850 tive models and are simple to use.
Hartmann et al., 2000 The Spetzler-Martin grading system divides AVMs
  early 0.727 0.685 into 5 grades based on their size, location, and venous
  late 0.656 0.639 drainage. Additional variables that affect surgical risk
Davidson & Morgan, 2010 0.856 0.868 associated with AVMs have been identified, including
Lawton et al., 2010 0.637 0.613 age,1 clinical status,19 perforating vessel supply,1,20 and
compactness of nidus,29 and alternative grading systems
pooled data† 0.711 0.713
have incorporated these variables.12,18,19,23,24,29,33 However,
*  Empirical value due to degenerate fitting. increasing the number of categories with the introduction
†  Pooled data exclude early results. of new variables results in fewer patients being assigned
to each category, which in turn weakens the statistical
scribes different management strategies for the 3 of these power of the results from a particular study. Given the
that were encountered. infrequency with which AVMs are encountered, a more
In the proposed 3-tier system, Grade III AVMs re- extensive grading system for these lesions is impracti-
main separate as Class B. The management of Class B cal.18 Conversely, by reducing the number of categories,
AVMs is more individualized and typically requires a the proposed 3-tier system makes significance easier to
multimodality approach drawing upon microsurgical, en- achieve with smaller numbers. Indeed, some earlier stud-
dovascular, and radiosurgical techniques. These nuances ies have combined grades in this manner to improve sta-
reflect the complexity and heterogeneity of this class, as tistical power.4,21
implied in the earlier modifications.3,17
Limitations of This Study
Class C: Grades IV and V AVMs First, our analysis was restricted to only 7 studies.
Among the 11 outcome sets analyzed, lack of signifi- However, these were large series, providing data on 1476
cance between Grades IV and V AVMs was seen in all patients. Two of these studies originated from our insti-
but one of the series. In the pooled analysis, the differ- tution, but their contribution reflected only 15% of pa-
ence in outcomes between Grades IV and V AVMs was tients.
the only comparison that was not significant. In the 3-tier Second, the studies included in the analysis did not
classification, these 2 grades are combined as Class C. use a uniform definition of positive and negative out-
Unless a patient has repeated hemorrhages or pro- comes. Our justification for pooling the data is that the
gressive neurological deficits, conservative management outcomes are all defined in relation to the occurrence of
is recommended for Class C AVMs. Additional caveats new treatment-related neurological deficits. To address
include the presence of flow-related aneurysms, which this limitation, we considered lowering the p value for
are treated by microsurgical or endovascular obliteration, significance for the pooled analysis (that is, to p < 0.001).
and steal-related deficits amenable to endovascular em- Doing so, however, would only have rendered insignifi-
bolization.8 cant the difference between Grades I and II AVMs (p =
The recommendation of no treatment is based on the 0.003), which would further support combining these 2
high reported rates of morbidity associated with surgery, grades.
coupled with the lack of immediate protection and possi- Third, when the proportion of patients evaluated who
ble elevated risk of hemorrhage associated with radiation are not offered surgery varies between grades, a selec-
or partial embolization. At our institution, the surgical tion bias is introduced and may confound the analysis.
results for these lesions show a rate of new neurologi- Consequently, differences in outcomes between tiers may
cal deficits of 29% in the series reported by Spetzler and be rendered statistically insignificant even when a true
Martin,31 and of 20% in that reported by Hamilton and difference in risk exists. The influence of selection bias
Spetzler.7 However, considering that complete resection is on outcomes is addressed in the report by Davidson and

J Neurosurg / Volume 114 / March 2011 847

R. F. Spetzler and F. A. Ponce

Morgan,2 who caution that their surgical results for elo- Rankin scale score was coded as ‘new neurological deficit.’ New
quent Grades III, IV, and V AVMs are not generalizable neurological deficits were classified as ‘disabling’ when Rankin
because 14% of the patients evaluated who had similar scores were 3, 4, or 5 (for patients with preoperative Rankin scores
of 2 or worse, any score increase was classified as disabling.)”
lesions had been refused surgery due to its perceived dif-
ficulty. Considering the fact that we recommend complete Davidson and Morgan. 2 “Outcomes assessment was per-
treatment of Class C AVMs for only 5% of our patients,8 formed using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score, which was
selection bias may be partially responsible for the rela- allocated preoperatively at 6 weeks and 12 months of follow-up. A
tively few significant differences in surgical outcomes poor outcome was considered to be any patient with a 12-month
mRS score greater than 1. To differentiate between the neurologic
seen between grades in the 2 studies from our institu- effects of AVM presentation (hemorrhage, focal neurologic defi-
tion.7,31 The decision-making process profoundly affects cit) and the effects of treatment, adverse outcomes were attributed
the results of a surgical series and can account for the to one of the following factors at the 6-week clinical assessment:
differences in rates of morbidity and mortality among natural history, surgery, embolization, or focused irradiation. For
different studies.8 As treatment patterns trend toward a the purposes of this article, an adverse outcome due to surgery also
more conservative approach for Class C AVMs, subse- included patients who had an adverse outcome due to planned pre-
quent improvements in surgical outcomes may render dif- operative embolization… To account for the gradual improvement
in neurologic deficits, only those patients whose surgery-related
ferences more difficult to detect, making the combining deficits persisted at the 12-month assessment were declared to
of categories desirable. have had an adverse outcome due to surgery.”
Lawton et al.18 “Outcomes were analyzed in terms of change
Conclusions between preoperative and final postoperative mRS scores (mRS
We propose that the original 5-tier Spetzler-Martin final − mRS preoperative)… Improvement was defined as a change
in mRS score of less than or equal to 0 (improved or unchanged),
grading system be condensed to a 3-tier classification that and deterioration was defined as a change in mRS score of greater
reflects a treatment paradigm for these lesions. This sys- than 0 (worse or dead).”
tem serves as a guide for treatment and is not intended
to replace individual analysis of AVMs. The modifica- Disclosure
tion is easily applied to earlier studies that have used the
Spetzler-Martin grading system because the criteria are The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the mate-
the same. It retains the predictive accuracy of outcomes, rials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this
as shown in both cohorts from our institution as well as paper.
in other large AVM series. In eliminating what are argu- Author contributions to the study and manuscript preparation
include the following. Acquisition of data: Ponce. Analysis and
ably 2 redundant tiers from the 5-tier system, the 3-tier interpretation of data: Ponce. Drafting the article: Ponce. Critically
system offers the advantage of simplification.30 The re- revising the article: Ponce. Reviewed final version of the manuscript
vised classification not only simplifies treatment recom- and approved it for submission: both authors. Administrative/techni-
mendations, but by placing patients into 3 as opposed to 5 cal/material support: Ponce. Study supervision: Spetzler.
groups, statistical power is markedly increased for series
comparisons. Acknowledgment
Appendix Kristina Kupanoff, Ph.D., provided assistance with statistical
Description of Outcomes in Each Study

Spetzler and Martin. 31 “Complications were broken down References

into the categories of minor deficit, major deficit, and mortality.”
  1.  Batjer HH, Devous MD Sr, Seibert GB, Purdy PD, Bonte FJ:
Heros et al.11 Early: “Excellent, no neurological deficit, other Intracranial arteriovenous malformation: relationship be-
than a partial field defect; good, minimal neurological deficit (pa- tween clinical factors and surgical complications. Neurosur-
tient fully independent); fair, moderate neurological deficit (patient gery 24:75–79, 1989
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