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Alergic Ashma

Nurse : Thanks for coming in to see me, Mr. Gregory. Your doctor referred you so I can
go through some aspects of your treatment with you.

Patient : That's good. To be honest, I don't really understand what I've got. The doctor
said I have non allergenic asthma, but I've never heard of it.

Nurse : It's okay. It can be very confusing. There are several different types of asthma.
The most common type is caused by an allergy. However, it can also be caused
by other factors. This is called non allergenic asthma.

Patient : The one I have.

Nurse : That's right. As you know, you underwent several tests last week, which are
used to diagnose asthma. You had spirometry done to compare how narrow your
airways are before and after using an inhaler containing lever medicine?

Patient : Yes, I remember. I also did a peak flow test before the spirometry.

Nurse : Yes, the results are here as well. The peak flow test gives an idea of how open
or closed your airways are.

Patient : That's what the doctor said. I had to do another test as well. It was called a final
test. I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was for.

Nurse : It's a test which measures the amount of nitric oxide you breathe out. The test is
done to find out the type of asthma you have, and compares the larger or non
allergic types of asthma.

Patient : Oh, I see.

Nurse : You have low levels of nitric oxide. Your doctor used to result in conjunction
with the history you give her to diagnose non allergic asthma.

Patient : What about my history?

Nurse : You told your doctor that your asthma isn't triggered by allergies, such as food
or pollen?
Patient : That's right, I get a tight chest and start wheezing when the weather changes
and the air is cold. I'm quite susceptible to cigarette smoke, and some perfumes

Nurse : That's because cold air contains less moisture than warm air. When you breathe
in cold here, the airways can dry out and cause the airways to spasm

Patient : other symptoms the same as for the other type of asthma.

Nurse : Yes, the symptoms are the same. As you mentioned before you get chest
tightness and wheezing. And the treatments of both types are similar, although
there are some differences.

Patient : What's the treatment?

Nurse : You'll use a salbutamol inhaler to relax the lung muscles. If you are wheezing,
doctors tend not to prescribe steroids and healers for this type of asthma as they
are only useful to minimize allergic responses.

Patient : Okay, so I use an inhaler. Anything else?

Nurse : Yes. As you know what your triggers are, you should try to avoid them as much
as possible to prepare for colder weather and dress warmly before you go ahead,
especially if you're about to do some physical activity to cover your mouth with a
scarf to warm the air before it reaches your lungs. breathe through your nose
rather than your mouth as well.

Patient : I'll do that. I always try to avoid places where people are smoking. Sometimes
it's hard to keep away from people wearing perfume.

Nurse : Yes, it is. That's why it's important to keep your inhaler with you at all times.
There are some lifestyle changes which may help as well

Patient : as lifestyle changes ?

Nurse : Yes, it's recommended that you have an annual flu shot.

Patient : Oh, right. I don't usually have a flu shot, but I'll make sure I do this year.

Nurse : You already said that you avoid secondhand smoke. That's right, isn't it?

Patient : That's right. Fortunately, I don't smoke myself. I never have.

Nurse : That's good. The last lifestyle changes to minimize stress in your life. It can
make quite a difference.

Patient : I don't see how stress could affect my asthma.

Nurse : Well, stress causes the body to release certain hormones which can inflame the
airways of the lungs and trigger an asthma attack.

Patient : I see. I guess I am under quite a lot of stress at the moment.

Nurse : I will give you a leaflet on relaxation techniques you may find helpful.

Patient : Thank you.

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