Student A Worksheet: Emphatic Stress - HO2

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Emphatic stress - HO2


Say each statement out loud to student B. Say the number of the sentence (1-5) and put the stress on the
word in bold. Say the next statement when student B tells you to.

1. We’re having dinner at Mary’s PARents’ house tonight.
2. We’re having dinner at MARy’s parents’ house tonight.
3. We’re having DINner at Mary’s parents’ house tonight.
4. WE’RE having dinner at Mary’s parents’ house tonight.
5. We’re having dinner at Mary’s parents’ house toNIGHT.


Listen to student A and check carefully which word he/she stresses the most. Choose the best meaning for
each sentence from the list below. Write the numbers 1-5 in front of it. Tell Student A when you are ready
for the next sentence.

_____ The dinner is at Mary's parents’ house, not someone else’s parents’ house.
_____ The dinner is tonight, not tomorrow.
_____ Both of us are going, not just me.
_____ The dinner is at Mary’s parents’ house, not Mary's house.
_____ We’re having dinner, not lunch.

Say each statement out loud to student A. Say the number of the sentence (1-5) and put the stress on the
word in bold. Say the next statement when student A tells you to.

1. You should avoid ARguing about politics.
2. You should avoid arguing about POLitics.
3. YOU should avoid arguing about politics.
4. You should aVOID arguing about politics.
5. You SHOULD avoid arguing about politics


Listen to student B and check carefully which word he/she stresses the most. Choose the best meaning for
each sentence from the list below. Write the numbers 1-5 in front of it. Tell Student A when you are ready
for the next sentence.

_____ It’s OK to discuss politics. Just don’t argue about it.
_____ It’s OK for other people to do it, but not you.
_____ You should take special care to not argue about politics.
_____ Any other topic would be fine to argue about, just not politics.
_____ My very strong advice to you is this: Don’t argue about politics.

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