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CP US History

Mr. Knee Zoom Room 3 School Phone: Pending

Email – Office Hours – BY EMAIL APPOINTMENT

Course Description: This class will cover the narrative of the United States from The turn of the 20th to the early 21st
centuries. We will analyze political, cultural, social and economic changes and developments and how they intersect to
create the US we live in today. We will analyze a variety of perspectives and you will NOT agree with all or many of
them. I will never ask you to support something, but will require you to understand and analyze it.

Course Objectives The purpose of this course is to:

- Analyze the political, cultural, social and economic changes and developments in the Modern US
- Understand the emerging perspectives and responses to new ways of thinking
- The role of technology in the narrative of the US
- The changing political nature of the US and its effect on foreign and domestic policy decisions

Textbook – McDougal Littell, The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st century, Houghton Mifflin, 2006
Supplemental readings will be provided by the teacher throughout the course as well.

Course Content Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the advancements in American leading up to the 20th century and how they shape national
decisions and ideas
- Explain the role of Imperialism and America on the world stage in the transition to a modern US
- Understand the advancements in Post WWI America and the reality of the era of prosperity
- Identify the causes, effects and solutions to the Great Depression in America
- Explain the reasons for America eventually joining WWII and the p[ath to the Cold War
- Characterize elements of social change and civil rights campaigns in the 20th century
Tests will be given at the end of major units and quizzes will be given periodically as I see fit. Writing will
be assessed regularly and according to a provided schedule. Tests, quizzes, and writing assessments will be
worth points and will directly factor into the students overall grade. Tests may include multiple choice,
true/false, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, or extended response type questions. As my main goal is to
see you succeed, you will be provided with test dates in advance and will be told the format of the exam so you
may adequately prepare. Test make ups will be available as follows: DURING MY OFFICE HOURS – SEE CANVAS

Daily attendance is mandatory, as new material is covered each day.
Assignments / Homework
The assignments in this class are designed to enhance and deepen the learning experience and help you
make progress towards the course objectives that are outlined above. Doing a thorough and diligent job on all
assignments will benefit you as a learner and help you succeed in this class. Late work will be accepted only for
students with excused absences. You will have time equal to that of your absence to complete and turn in work
that you have missed (up to one week after your return). All other late work will not be accepted. Please put
your name clearly on your work so that I know who you are and you can receive credit.
Online Learning will require more diligence and “out of class” work in order for students to be
successful. Be aware of this and do your best on these assignments. Ask for help as soon as you find yourself
stuck or in trouble. I am here to help, so just ask!

We’re all at home, don’t be late. Try to be in the zoom room 5 minutes before class, I’ll be there early every day.

Classroom policies:

1. BE RESPECTFUL – to yourselves, your classmates, your teacher, and your surroundings

2. BE PREPARED – if you are prepared for class you are setting yourself up for success right away. Be ready to
participate in chat or vocally. And eat some damn breakfast!
3. BE PROFESSIONAL – in your work and manner. This isn’t a party, but it's not a courtroom either.
4. BE PROUD – represent yourself in a way that you can take pride in. Do neat, quality work, and set a good
example in class.

Participation, attitude, attendance and conduct will be considered when determining your grade.
Detracting from the learning process and/or nonparticipation will result in a lower grade. Active and attentive
participation in classroom discussions, activities, prompt attendance, attitude, cooperation, and respectful
behavior to me as well as the other students will result in a high participation grade and a successful year.

Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Any student caught cheating or allowing others to cheat will
be dealt with in strict adherence to WHS academic dishonesty policies. Cheating does include plagiarism. If it is
not your work, you may not claim credit for it. Work must be your own, “working together” does not count
unless the assignment explicitly allows for it to occur. Remember, failing one assignment will not doom you, so
don’t take desperate and dishonest measures to try and pass an assignment! Cheating will lead to a 0 on that
assignment and referral to the administration.

Academic Honesty (Bd. Pol. 5131.9)

Definition: Academic Dishonesty is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own. Dishonesty
during tests or classwork includes unauthorized communicating; copying materials or allowing another student to copy; using prohibited notes or
devices; obtaining prior knowledge of test content; and/or removing or distributing all or part of any test. Copying another person’s assignment;
providing homework/classwork for another student to replicate; plagiarizing or submitting a paper or project which is not one’s own work; and
submitting falsified information for grading purposes are also examples of dishonesty.

First Infraction
● The teacher will conference with the student and record a zero for that assignment.
● Within five school days, the teacher will notify the parent and send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
● The student will be placed on contract, with the understanding that a second infraction in the same or any other class will result in the
student’s removal from the course in which the second infraction occurred. The contract will remain in effect for two years from the date
of infraction.
Second Infraction
● The teacher will send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
● Within five school days, the parent will be notified, and the student will be removed from the course and placed in a Study Hall with a
failing grade for the semester.

Grades will be available on Q. I use a traditional grading scale and assign points to each
A+ =97%+ B+ =87%+ C+ =77%+ D+ = 67%+ F = 59% and below

A = 92%+ B = 82%+ C = 72%+ D = 62%+

A- = 90%+ B- = 80%+ C- = 70%+ D- = 60%+

And incomplete or missing assignment is a zero

Devil’s Advocate
Some of the topics that will be discussed in class may be very contentious, and inspire a wide variety of
feelings in students. In order to provide a strictly balanced and objective view of the material the instructor will
frequently make statements in defense of people, ideas, and events that he does not actually support. This is
done in order to challenge students to examine other points of view, and their own. This will always be done in
the most positive and constructive way, and should NEVER be mistaken for the actual opinions of the instructor.
The instructor will be as objective as possible and seeks only to better students’ understanding of difficult
historical ideas and ideologies. The personal beliefs of the instructor (if indeed she has any at all) are irrelevant
and will never under any circumstances find their way into either the instruction or grading of the course.

Remember: All students are subject to school rules as outlined in your student handbook and to all district board policies. If a rule is stated
explicitly within the handbook, or in the board policies, it applies within my class.


1. Stay organized! Calendars, planners, etc are very helpful. Know what you need to do and when you need
to do it. Be diligent.
2. Be prepared for class
a. Dressing for school / professional environment
b. If you need to eat, then eat. Ensure that your meal does not distract you or the class.
c. Come ready to be engaged and to participate. Camera ON is better for learning and is now
d. If possible, have a designated work space for yourself AWAY FROM DISTRACTIONS
ii. NOT FACING OUT A WINDOW if possible
iii. Quiet is best
e. Come with a ready attitude and please be flexible. This is new and this is not easy for anyone. We
can be each other’s best support system and friends. We have the unique power and privilege to
be with one another during this uncompromising and difficult time.
3. Ask for help. If you need a complete re-explaining, let me know! I am here for YOUR success and I want to
see you excel in this class

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