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Kode Mata Kuliah : C11040113 Hari / Tanggal :

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Teknik Program Studi : T.Elektro S1.

Nama Dosen : Sri Yayi, S.Pd., M.Pd Waktu : 120 menit

Sifat Ujian : Close Book Kelas : A.B.C.D.I

Nama NIM Tanda Tangan




This morning at five o,clock, the Green Mountain Restaurant caught on fire .Nobody noticedthe fire
until six o’clock , when the house next door started to burn. Fireligters came from all over the area.
They began to fight the fire at seven o’clock.Now it’s eight o,clock, and the fire is still going strong.
The firefighters are working hard, but they haven’t brought the blaze under control yet.Every few
minutes they call for more help.

Fire Chief Brown says that in another hour they’ll have put out the fire inb the house . At that time,
the house will have been burning for three hours.Half the house will be gone.Chief Brown is afraid
that the fire in the restaurant may go on untill ten o’clock.Before it’s out, the restaurant will have
been working blazing for five hours.Every few minutes, part of the building falls in

Firefighters will have been fighting the fire in the restaurant for three hours.They ‘ll have been
holding their hoses on the firethe whole time, however, the fire have been burning too long .By the
time the fireis under control, nothing will remain of the restaurant.The firefighters will have been
working with all their strength,but it will have been too title and too late .

1. Which fire will the firfighters put out firs ? BOBOT 25

2. How loong will the fireflighters have been working ?
3. What will they have been doing to put out the fire ?
4. Why will the owner lose his restaurant ?
5. Should the restaurant owner be angry with the fire fighters ?


The following active sentence in to their corresponding passive sentence

1. Edison invented the electric light before I was born. BOBOT 35

2. They are going to completing the material tommorow.
3. Anton is inspecting the damaged car.
4. We have repaired those engines

Please make eight definitions using the information in this table you must decide on the
correct combinations (a),(b),(c) BOBOT 40

(a) (b) ( c)
1. a.Resistor material measure current
2. a direct current device impedes the flow of current in a circuit
3. a conductor a current readily releases electron
4. a generator an instrument measures light
5. an alternating current flows first in one direction,then in the other
6. an ammeter flows in one direction only
7. a light meter does not readily release electrons
8. an insulator convers mecanical energy into electrical



Kegiatan Jabatan Nama Paraf
Pembuat Soal : Dosen Sri Yayi, S.Pd., M.Pd
Diperiksa : TPMPS

Disetujui : Kaprodi
Tony Koerniawan,ST,MT

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