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Q1 .Explain the discovery of cell.

Ans .Robert Hooke in 1665 observed slices of cork under a simple

magnifying device .He noticed partitioned boxes or compartments in
the cork slice.These boxes appeared like a honeycomb.Hooke coined
the term cell for each box.

Q2.Explain various types of organisms on the basis of number of cells.

Ans.There are two types of organisms on the basis of number of cells.

Organisms made up of a single cell are called unicellular organisms.


Organisms made of more than one cell are called multicellular


Example:Human beings,plants

Q3.Explain the shape of amoeba

Ans.Amoeba has no definite shape.It keeps on changing its shape.The

finger like projections of amoeba is called pseudopodia(false
feet).These projections apper and disappear as amoeba moves or

Q4 Explain the variation of size of cells

Ans.Cells vary in their size.The smallest cell is 0.1 to 0.5 micrometre in
bacteria.(PPLO-Pleuro pneumonia like organisms).The largest cell is the
egg of an ostrich.

Q5.Explain the structure of a cell.

Ans.A typical cell consists of three main parts;

*Cell membrane



The cell membrane forms the outer boundary of cell.The cytoplasm and
nucleus are enclosed within the cell membrane.

Q6Write a note on cell membrane.

Ans *The cell membrane is a thin delicate membrane.

*It forms the outer boundary of the cell.

*The cell membrane is also called plasma membrane.

*The cell membrane separates cells from one another and also the
cell from the surrounding medium.

*The plasma membrane is porous and allows the movement of

substances,both inward and outward.

*The plasma membrane allows the entry and exit of some materials
in and out of the cell.It also prevents movement of some other
materials.Therefore,it is called a selectively permeable membrane.

*Plasma membrane is made up of lipids and proteins

Q7.Write a note on cell wall.

Ans.*Cell wall is the outer most covering of a plant cell

*The cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane.

*The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose

*Cell wall provides shape and protection to the plant cells

*The cell wall is absent in animal cells.


1 Cells are the basic structural units of living organisms’.Explain.

2. Differentiate between unicellular and multicellular organisms.

3 Why is the cell membrane said to be a selectively permeable


4 What is the difference between plasma membrane and cell wall?

Write the functions of each one.

5Match the following


(a)Discovery of cell - Paramecium

(b)Fundamental unit of life -Plant cell

(c )Amoeba -Robert Hooke

(d)Unicellular organism -Cell

(e)Cell wall -Pseudopodia

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