From Tech To Deep Tech

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From Tech

to Deep Tech
Fostering collaboration
between corporates
and startups
Arnaud de la Tour, Philippe Soussan,
Nicolas Harlé, Rodolphe Chevalier,
and Xavier Duportet
Executive Summary 4

Introduction: Deep Tech Is the New Tech 6

• The Shift Has Begun 7

• Specifics of Deep-Tech Innovation 8
• Toward a Well-Functioning Deep-Tech Innovation Ecosystem 8
• Methodology and Sample 10

Deep-Tech Startup Challenges, Needs, and Key Partners 11

• Challenges: Time-to-Market, Capital Intensity, and Technology Risk and Complexity 11

• Needs: Market Access, Technical Expertise, and Business Knowledge 12
• The Broad Scope of Corporate Collaborations 13
• Preferred Partners for Funding, and the Role of Other Partners 16
- Public sector: Funding and market access
- Business angels: Funding and business expertise
- Venture capital: Funding and market access
- Universities: Technical expertise, talent, and access to facilities
- Accelerators and incubators: Business expertise, talent, and access to facilities
• Startup Needs, Based on Maturity and Market Readiness 18
- Potential quick wins
- Demand bets
- Development bets
- Technology bets
- Different countries, different ecosystems [box]

Designing a Platform for Corporate Collaboration with Startups 23

• Define a Clear Mandate 25

• Adopt an Agile Environment and Involve the Business Units 25
- Ensure lighter, faster processes
- Set up adapted governance to ensure fast-track decision making
- Derisk the technology before involving the business operationally
- Give startups easy access to corporate resources
- Adapt KPIs to track long-term results, with a portfolio approach
- Foster the right mindset
• Initiate a Win-Win Relationship 28
• Move the Collaboration to the Next Level 29
- Set up a partnership to reach specific business goals
- Weigh the value of an exclusivity-based relationship
- Leverage corporate venture capital to reach financial and strategic goals
- Key questions for corporate partners
• Create an Ecosystem Around Your Projects 34
• Questions to Answer Before Building a Collaboration Platform 34

Scouting Deep-Tech Startups 36

Appendixes 49
- Appendix 1. Interview list
- Appendix 2. Definitions and descriptions of the nine technology readiness levels (TRLs)
- Appendix 3. Specifics of the French ecosystem
Executive Summary

Technological innovation is not new. each of which addresses specific needs.

Over the past decade, however, a powerful Such collaborations are especially important
wave of innovation based on digital for deep tech since it lies at the crossroads
platforms and apps has arisen and become of fundamental research and industrial
synonymous with the tech industry. application. For any company—and especially
for a young one—performing multiple,
Investors and companies are now looking very different tasks in-house can be quite
for the next source of deep technological difficult.
innovations (deep tech), which will fuel
the next industrial revolution. Deep-tech Universities, the public sector, business
innovations are defined as disruptive angels, and venture capitalists may have
solutions built around unique, protected crucial roles to play in the development of
or hard-to-reproduce technological or deep-tech startups, but corporates—whether
scientific advances. midsize, large, or enterprise-size companies—
are the only potential partners that can
Deep-tech companies have a strong research meet all of the startup’s needs, combining
base. They create value by developing new technical, industrial, and commercial visions
solutions, not only by disrupting business and skills. That fact explains why 97%
models. Because they are advancing the of deep-tech startups are interested in
technological frontier, they face unique collaborating with corporate partners. Simply
challenges. In a survey conducted by Hello applying the same methods and thinking
Tomorrow and BCG, and answered by more that corporates and startups use when they
than 400 deep-tech startups, the challenges partner to develop digital platforms and
that respondents identified most frequently apps, however, will not work. Corporates
included lengthy time-to-market (27%), high need to take into account the specific
capital intensity (25%), technology risk and challenges and needs of deep-tech startups
complexity (17%), and yet-to-be-developed if they are to establish mutually rewarding
commercial applications (14%). relationships.

To address the challenges, deep-tech Instead of following a standard formula

startups need go beyond funding (which developed outside the deep-tech milieu,
80% of the startups surveyed ranked among corporates should define a clear mandate
the top three challenges they faced) to such for the startup collaboration, creating a
issues as market access (61%), technical favorable environment that brings agility,
expertise (39%), and business expertise ensures buy-in from top management (to
(26%). validate key decisions), and involves whole
business units. The collaboration platform
To access the resources that they don’t have may be a dedicated function or a simple set
internally, they rely on several stakeholders, of adapted processes and key performance

indicators. In all such efforts, corporates To support the startup financially or to
should follow a few key principles. gain a seat on its board, corporates can
complement the startup partnership with
From the outset, both sides should be corporate venture capital. If the goal is
transparent about their objectives and simply to get a deal flow or financial return
should involve R&D and relevant teams in on investment, an option such as becoming
commercial and operational efforts early a limited partner in external funds might be
on. Doing so will encourage the partners more suitable.
to check project’s alignment with strategy,
avoiding disappointment and loss of time on This report is the first in a series
both sides. examining the dynamics underlying
deep-tech innovation. The series will offer
The right partnership model to use in setting practical recommendations on how to
up a deeper partnership with a deep-tech foster interactions between the different
startup around R&D or commercialization stakeholders of the ecosystem (startups,
depends on the corporate’s operational corporates, VCs, business angels, universities,
and strategic interests and on the startup’s the public sector, and others).
maturity. It is not possible to define
a standard process capable of driving all This report has been prepared through
collaborations. Nonetheless, corporates need a partnership between Hello Tomorrow,
to assemble a specific array of qualifying a global initiative with a mission to
questions—and have a set of main success accelerate the deep-tech innovation
indicators in mind—before entering the next through accelerating the connections in the
stage of the relationship. ecosystem, and Boston Consulting Group,
a global consultancy.

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global Hello Tomorrow is a global organisation which gathers
management consulting firm and the world’s leading together a community of thousands of the world’s
advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients brightest talents, who leverage science and deep
from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in technologies to create a better future. Hello Tomorrow
all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, initiates and propels collaborations between the
address their most critical challenges, and transform world’s most promising projects and leading
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines entrepreneurs, executives and investors, to bring
deep insight into the dynamics of companies and breakthrough technology to market. The annual
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the Startup Challenge and Global Summit, as well as
client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve numerous international events all around the world,
sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable have become a unique platform to connect local deep-
organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded tech ecosystems with a global innovation network.
in 1963, BCG is a private company with 85 offices
in 48 countries.

Deep Tech Is the New Tech

Technological revolutions are not new to and drive economic growth by improving on
the world. Instances include the emergence current products and services, creating new
of the steam engine at the end of the 18th markets, and reindustrializing developed
century, railway and steel in the 1830s, countries.
electricity and chemistry during the late
1800s and early 1900s, automobiles and Unlike existing digital platforms and apps,
petrochemicals in the early 20th century, future “deep” technologies will advance the
and information and communication technological frontier. Deep-tech innovations
technologies (ICT) at the end of that century. are disruptive solutions built around unique,
protected or hard-to-reproduce technological
Digital platforms and apps that arose during or scientific advances.
the ICT wave are so closely associated with
the innovation hype of the past decade that Deep-tech innovations lie at the crossroads
they are often treated as being synonymous of massive shifts in demand led by
with the tech industry. megatrends (such as global climate change,
demographic shifts, resource scarcity, and
Today, however, the main potential of an aging population) and scientific progress
platforms and apps involves their wider (such as the discovery of the CRISPR-Cas
dissemination, rather than additional radical microbial adaptive immune system) and are
innovations. Consequently, investors are impacting all industries. (See Exhibit 1.)
looking elsewhere for “the next big thing”—
the enabling technologies that will be at the
heart of the next industrial revolution, solve
major societal and environmental issues,

Exhibit 1. Heatmap of deep-tech innovation intensity in each industry

The Shift Has Begun reality, space, and drone companies raised a
combined $3.5 billion in equity financing in
- 2015 compared to $104 million in 2011.³

Investors and corporate have already Companies that began as ICTs and digital
started to move toward deep tech. In 2016, businesses are increasingly reshaping their
total funding in biotechnology reached innovation strategies toward deep tech,
$7.9 billion compared to $1.7 billion in too. Google recently created Google Life
2011.¹ Investments in environmental Sciences, now known as Verily. In addition,
equipment such as recycling, remediation, Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM, and
and environmental cleanup, as well as in Microsoft created a partnership in artificial
solid waste technologies have increased intelligence research. Uber is implementing
from $100 million in 2009 to $416 million in its driverless car services, as are both Apple
2016.² For their part, augmented and virtual and Google developing ones.

¹ “Financing in Biotechnology,” CB Insights. Last accessed on December 6, 2016 at

² “Financings in recycling, remediation & environmental, cleanup & solid waste,” CB Insights. Last accessed on December 14, 2016, at
³ “The Future of Frontier Tech: Analyzing Trends in Drones, Space, and AR/VR Technology,” CB Insights, 2015. Available at

Facebook is also investing in Artificial • Heavy industrialization process: Aside
Intelligence, drones and virtual reality. from deep tech based on ICT, most
products in this field are hardware—
Accelerators that once had a narrow digital often based on advanced materials and
focus are opening their doors to deep-tech resources—requiring highly developed
startups as well. Y Combinator formerly industrial skills to procure, manufacture,
emphasized software-centric partnerships and scale. Such products are much more
with startups such as Dropbox and Airbnb; difficult to scale than products associated
but it is now incubating a commercial fusion with internet and mobile technologies
reactor startup and a startup that produces tend to be.
chemicals from natural gas. In fact, of the • Large investment needs: The
192 startups included in Y Combinator’s 2016 infrastructure, skills, and resources
batch, 32 were from deep tech (including needed by a deep-tech startup require
nine in biotech, four in drone development, substantial funding capacity over an
and three in advanced hardware).¹ extended period.
• Yet-to-be-defined commercial
application: The end product
specifications may be undefined well into
the process. The blockchain developed
Specifics of Deep-Tech as a specific technological solution for

Innovation Bitcoin, for example, opened the door to a

new market in finance that its developers
- did not foresee.

Companies today can start, test and scale

their solutions with fewer resources and
considerably faster than ever before.
Deep-tech innovation also benefits Toward a
from technological advances that have
substantially lowered the costs of starting
a company. Even so, a deep-tech startup is Deep-Tech Innovation
slower and more expensive to get off the
ground than a digital startup, for several Ecosystem
reasons: -
• Strong research base: In deep tech,
product development depends on Research has established that innovation
fundamental research and/or advanced depends on smoothly functioning innovation
R&D, which require support from a strong ecosystems—combinations of people,
set of advanced skills, knowledge, and companies, infrastructure, and government
infrastructure, and lengthen the products’ policies linked through informal and formal
time to market.

¹ “Y Combinator Companies.” Last accessed January 9, 2017. Available at

networks.¹ Collaborations are crucial to the corporates. Startups today bet on long-term
concept of Open Innovation, which—unlike and high-risk deep-tech innovation—such as
closed, in-house innovation processes— storage of information in DNA, or antimatter
requires that companies source and propulsion—that used to be the prerogative
collaborate with others.² of public research. Collaborations between
startups and corporates began in ICT and
Open innovation is not a new paradigm. biopharma but are now spreading through
Already a number of established companies all industries. BCG’s report, “Corporate
have created strategic partnerships with Venturing Shifts Gears” (BCG article, April
each other to develop new, innovative 2016) noted that among top 30 companies
solutions.³ On the university side, tech in seven industries, the percentage of
transfer centers that seek to collaborate with companies using CVC rose from 27% in 2010
businesses have almost become the norm. to 40% in 2015. During the same period, the
percentage of companies using accelerators
The most notable rising trend, however, and incubators surged from 2% to 44%.
is the growing role of startups and their (See Exhibit 2.)
increasingly important collaborations with

Exhibit 2. Use of CVC, incubators, and accelerators by top 30 companies in seven industries

¹ See Victor Mulas, Michael Minges, and Hallie Applebaum, “Boosting Tech Innovation Ecosystems in Cities” (2015), available at, for a review of innovation ecosystems and innovation districts.
² See Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology (Harvard Business School Press, 2003).
³ See the review of different industry collaborations in Theresa Turner and Susanna Cros, Co-Business: 50 Examples of Business 9
Collaboration, 2013.
The role of startups in the innovation Methodology and
ecosystem is increasing, especially within
the field of radical innovation. Collaborations Sample
between corporates that tend to implement
incremental innovation and academic centers
that focus on radical innovation can be
We collected the data in two stages: first
cumbersome due to strategic misalignments.
from a survey of deep-tech startups, and
Interviews conducted by Hello Tomorrow
second from in-depth interviews with
and BCG indicate that collaborations with
deep-tech startups, corporates, investors,
startups offer a way to externalize the high
and support organizations.
risks associated with implementing radical
As a first step, Hello Tomorrow and BCG
innovation products, enabling corporates to
conducted an in-depth survey of deep-tech
innovate faster and at far lower risk.
startups that participated in the Hello
Tomorrow Global Challenge.
Collaborative ecosystems and open
innovation are crucial in deep tech. This
This survey took place from October 1
is due to the aforementioned specifics of
through October 31, 2016. A total of 400
deep-tech innovation, which pose daunting
startups took part in it. Of these, 25% were
challenges for a young company. Because
early-stage, 45% were middle-stage, and
of those specifics, corporates and other
30% were late-stage startups, representing
stakeholders need to apply new approaches
ten different sectors in more than
to the task of accelerating deep-tech
70+ countries:

• Aerospace
This report examines the dynamics of
• Air quality
deep-tech innovation and provides practical
• Beauty and wellbeing
recommendations on how to foster
• Artificial intelligence and data sciences
interactions between different stakeholders
• Energy
in the ecosystem. The first section
• Food and agriculture
addresses the challenges and needs faced
• Healthcare
by deep-tech startups; the second focuses
• Industry 4.0
on collaborations between startups and
• Transportation and mobility
corporates, offering practical advice on how
• Water and waste
to help ensure that these efforts succeed.

The survey asked 50 questions about the

startups’ needs and challenges, as well
as about partnerships. Researchers then
conducted in-depth interviews with key
ecosystem stakeholders to learn their views
on and experiences with deep-tech support
and partnerships. (See Appendix 1 for a full
list of the people interviewed.)

Deep-Tech Startup Challenges,
Needs, and Key Partners

Challenges: Time- experimentation and prototyping often rely

on specific and costly equipment (such as a
to-Market, Capital DNA sequencing machine) that is not needed

Intensity, and in developing, say, a mobile app. Testing and

scaling are also more costly for hardware
Technology Risk than for software.

and Complexity Technology risk and complexity arise from

- the fact that deep-tech startups often use

technologies at a low technology readiness
level (TRL, as defined in Appendix 2). After
Based on the survey results mentioned
proving a technology in lab conditions, a
above, we concluded that startups’ most
startup still faces a long road in turning it
critical challenges involve time to market,
into a demonstrated and tested solution.
capital intensity, and technology risk and
complexity. (See Exhibit 3.) Uncertain
Often, stakeholders in the ecosystem—
commercial application and regulatory
including many deep-tech startups
framework are additional important
themselves—do not properly anticipate
the heavy demands on them. Half of all
deep-tech startup founders who thought
The time to market that deep-tech startups
they would reach market in less than
face is usually longer than that for other
three years now acknowledge that they
startups because their products are based
underestimated the time required.
on a new technology that requires a long
development time. For example, they may
have to conduct years of clinical trials in
order to turn a new molecule into a legal

The high level of capital intensity

arises not only from having to develop
products over extended periods, but also
from the expensive infrastructure. Early

Exhibit 3. Key challenges faced by startups

Needs: Market Access, as crucial, 39% cited access to technical

expertise and knowledge, and 26% named
Technical Expertise, business expertise. Although only 22% of

and Business startups listed talent acquisition as critical,

investors emphasize it when choosing
Knowledge where to invest, and one-third of corporates
view it as one of the biggest challenges in
- driving innovation. As Appendix 3 details,
the perceived hierarchy of needs varies from
Funding is the most important resource; country to country. Moreover, as individual
but market access, technical expertise, and startups move from one level of maturity to
business knowledge are crucial, too, startups the next, their needs change significantly.
say, when asked about the resources they
need most. (See Exhibit 4.)

Approximately 60% of the deep-tech startups

that we talked to identified funding as their
most critical resource, and 80% ranked
it in their top three. But 61% of survey
respondents ranked market access
(a distribution network, for example, or
access to a database or customer base)

Exhibit 4. Most critical resources

The Broad Scope Startups view corporates as potential

funding channels, but they don’t consider
of Corporate access to funding to be their primary appeal.

Collaborations Rather, the high value that corporates have

to startups is due to their being the only
- actor that combines technological, market,
and industrial expertise and capabilities,
Deep-tech startups look for key resources which deep-tech startups need to gain as
through their interactions with venture early as possible but rarely possess in-house.
capitalists and angel investors, universities, In cooperating with corporate, deep-tech
accelerators/ incubators, government, and startups are aiming for access to the market
corporates. On the deep-tech startups’ (via the corporate’s data, distribution network
horizon of needs, each stakeholder has a or customer base), and technical expertise.
specific role to play. (See Exhibit 5.)
Still, corporate partners can help startups More than 95% of startups in the survey
across the widest range of activities. wish to develop a long-term partnership
with a corporate, and 57% of them have
successfully established one.

Exhibit 5.
Preferred partner
for each resource
However, about 25% failed to turn the outset (owing to insufficient alignment
discussions into real partnerships. (See of vision, or of business, knowledge, or HR
Exhibit 6.) The main obstacles to such objectives), misalignment of timing and
partnerships include lack of confidence in processes (complex and slow decision
the technology and/or its maturity (which process, or startups lost in the corporate
can be addressed through efforts to clarify organization), lack of a high-level sponsor
the value proposition, application, or proof of within the corporate, or lack of buy-in from
concept), misunderstanding of the parties at businesses.

Exhibit 6. 97% of startups are interested in a corporate partnership, and 57% have established one

Interviews revealed that establishing source provides a different quantity of
partnerships is easier through indirect funding, is willing to take different types
recommendation at early stages because of risks, and offers different resources in
that arrangement enables both parties to addition to funding. (See Exhibit 7.)
build trust in the relationship by engaging in
free discussion, without consideration of any Friends and family provided seed funding for
immediate commercial application. 40% of the surveyed startups that raised less
than €400,000 (approximately $430,500)
Other stakeholders have more-specific areas in equity funding, and the public sector
of specialization and appeal. contributed such funding to 30%, with large
discrepancies between countries (from 45%
for French startups to 25% for US startups).

At the second stage, startups turn

Preferred Partners for toward professional funders such as VCs,

Funding, and the Role corporates, and business angels: two-thirds

of respondents targeted them for future
of Other Partners funding. These sources bring business
intelligence, professionalism, network access,
- and credibility, along with larger amounts of
funding. Business angels are known to accept
Deep-tech startups seek funding from a less mature (and therefore higher-risk)
wide range of stakeholders at different startups.
development stages of the startup. Each

Exhibit 7. Leveraged (previous) funding channels and targeted (future) funding channels

Public sector: Funding and market access Many angel investors actively advise young
entrepreneurs, too. As mentors and advisors
Deep-tech startups often seek government they provide valuable business knowledge,
support for initial funding, but less often for and offer access to their networks.
market access. Yet the application procedure
and potential benefits (besides financial Venture capital: Funding and market access
support) associated with public funding
contrast sharply with those of early-stage- In view of the high risk and massive
funding alternatives such as angel investor investment needs associated with deep
support. tech, VC funding is a natural choice for many
startups. However, we found evidence of a
Although surveyed startups did not generally recurring mismatch related to VC funding.
view government as a go-to source of access Among startups that have not received
to markets, public policies can help shape any VC funding yet, 35% said that they
legislation and regulations that encourage considered the possibility of misalignment
the market for innovations and advance with regard to vision and objectives to be a
innovation use in the economy overall, key roadblock to such partnering. Still, only
provided that the policies are adapted to the 20% of startups that actually had received VC
startups’ business model and needs.¹ funding experienced friction on the subject
In many instances, governments also help of vision and objectives alignment. The
companies access the markets—through importance of transparency emerged as an
export support programs, for example. important issue in the survey.

Business angels: Funding and business Universities: Technical expertise, talent, and
expertise access to facilities

Angel investors are individuals who invest Deep-tech startups tend to view universities
in startups at an early stage, usually in as sources of tech expertise and talent, and
exchange for equity or convertible debt. to a lesser extent as places that provide
More than 20% of the surveyed deep-tech access to facilities.
startups said that they had benefited from
angel capital, and 25% rated angel investors Universities have long pondered how to
as their preferred funding partner. increase the knowledge transfer from their
research. Today, the primary conduits are
As experienced entrepreneurs who have built tech transfer centers; but universities can
successful companies and want to remain also unite alumni with current students and
in the scene, angel investors are familiar researchers. Accelerating those networks
with the field and may be especially good at and fostering interdisciplinary efforts can
identifying potentially successful companies help ensure linkage between the university’s
at an early stage, having survived the ups expertise and people who are building
and downs of their own entrepreneurial path. companies and looking for talent.

¹ See Innovation Policy Platform, “Innovation Procurement Schemes,” available at

innovation-procurement-schemes; Elvira Uyarra, “Opportunities for Innovation Through Local Government Procurement” (NESTA, May 2010),
available as a PDF download at
procurement.pdf; and NESTA, 2007, “Driving Innovation Through Public Procurement (NESTA, February 2007), available as a PDF download at

Accelerators and incubators: Business As a deep-tech startup progresses from a
expertise, talent, and access to facilities technology bet (with no product and no
clear market) to a potential quick win (with
Incubators and accelerators develop program a product ready for commercialization on
to help startups develop, in exchange for a well-identified market), it goes through
equity or money. Incubators help startups different stages of development, each with
develop disruptive ideas into a business its own resource needs and with a preferred
model, while accelerators accelerate the partner to best answer them.
growth of an existing company.
To illustrate this journey, we can represent
In interviews, startups identified visibility as startups on a matrix with two major
one of the main benefits of partnering with dimensions: technology or product maturity
incubators or accelerators, especially famous and market readiness for the product or
ones—a limited notion of their attractiveness technology that the company is developing.
that may reflect a mismatch between (See Exhibit 8.)
incubators’ value proposition and deep-tech
startups’ specific needs. In the US, startups The maturity of the startup’s technology or
prefer them across a wider range of activities product, represented by its TRL, is of crucial
(50% of startups for access to facilities, 30% importance.² We can identify three main
for talent, 25% for business knowledge, and stages: early, middle, and late. The early and
20% for technical expertise) than in France middle stages are research stages (with the
(50% for access to facilities, 30% for talent, research focused on technology during the
15% for business knowledge, and 5% for early stage, and on the product and business
technical expertise). model during the middle stage).
The late stage is essentially an execution
stage. (See Exhibit 9.)

Market readiness reflects how close the

Startup Needs, Based product or technology is to commercial
on Maturity and Market application and how advanced its existing
customer base is. To gauge market readiness
Readiness accurately, one must take into account
expected customers but also external factors
- such as regulation and industry trends.³
Our analysis divides market readiness
We developed a framework to help potential into high and low categories. High market
partners better understand the needs and readiness exists when an established market,
challenges of deep-tech startups, focusing surrounding infrastructure, and customer
on two main dimensions: the technological base are already in place for the specific
maturity of the startup, and the readiness of technology or product.
the targeted market.

² See NASA, “Technology Readiness Level” (2012) at

Last accessed January 9, 2017.
³ We assessed a startup’s market readiness on the basis of its answers to two questions in the survey: “Is limited commercial application a
critical roadblock?” and “Is market readiness considered as a key challenge?”

Low market readiness prevails when Exhibit 10 provides descriptions of four
the necessary market and supporting real-world startups—two with a high level
infrastructure for the specific technology are of market readiness, and two with a low
nascent or nonexistent, level of such readiness.
and the customer base is limited.

Exhibit 8. Deep-tech startup archetypes

Exhibit 9. Startups maturity stages definition

Exhibit 10. Examples of high and low market readiness

We have identified four archetypes for readiness (“demand bets”); early- or middle-
deep-tech startups of different maturity stage maturity and high market readiness
and market readiness. These correspond to (“development bets”); and early or middle-
the four possible combinations of the two stage maturity and low market readiness
primary variables: late-stage maturity and (“technology bets”). As Exhibit 11 illustrates,
high market readiness (“potential quick each of these four startup archetypes has
wins”); late-stage maturity and low market its own critical needs.

Exhibit 11. Critical needs of the four deep-tech startup archetypes

Potential quick wins Demand bets

These are startups that have a commercially These comprise startups with a product
ready product and a market that is ready that is mature enough to be launched but
to adopt the technology or product. For that does not have a broad commercial
such startups, the immediate challenge application yet. The main challenge for
is to scale up (to initiate large production these startups is to identify and create a
volumes, for example, or major PR and market for their technologies. The two key
marketing campaigns), and they need fresh roadblocks are lack of a distribution network
funding, market access, and talent. Among (42% of startups in this class mentioned it
startups in this class, 40% consider VCs as a challenge, compared with 16% overall)
the preferred funding channel (versus 25% and market resistance to change for (37%
overall). VCs bring more generous funding, of them cited it as a challenge, compared
which startups can use to scale up their with 20% overall). Besides funding, their
operations. To develop the customer base most important resource needs are market
and the distribution network, startups access (a customer base and a distribution
often turn to corporates, although only network) and business knowledge, for which
25% of them expect to get funding out the preferred partners are, respectively,
of this collaboration. They may expect to corporates and VCs.
get visibility (25%) or credibility, business
knowledge, or technical knowledge (20%

Development bets Technology bets
These consist of startups that have identified These are startups that have identified a
a market opportunity and defined a value promising (though not fully developed)
proposition, and are developing a technology technology that as yet lacks a market
to deliver it, but have not created a market- application. Their objective is to develop
ready product yet. They are focused on a viable product and to ensure that it will
accessing technical expertise (critical for efficiently answer a market need. The two
half of these startups, compared with 40% chief roadblocks that startups in this class
overall) and overcoming technological face are long development time (a major
uncertainty (expressed as critical by 25% of problem for 30% of them) and technological
them). To obtain the technological expertise uncertainty (noted by 25% of them). Because
they need, they consider collaborations the attendant uncertainty makes funding
with corporates and universities; but less risky, the main sources tend to be universities
than half of such startups have actually and public funding. Obtaining access
established partnerships with corporates to corporate knowledge and support is
(compared to 57% overall). Of the relatively difficult for this group of startups,
collaborations that startups in this class did owing to the larger risk factor. Survey
establish, 60% were research partnerships participants from this class express stronger
to share the costs and risk of R&D and to needs on all dimensions. They need to turn
accelerate the development of the product a technology into a solution for a problem,
and they need to develop a marketable
product in order to reach the “potential quick
win” stage. This entails working on both
technology/product development and market

Different countries, In the early-stage category, the US and the UK host a

different ecosystems disproportionate number of startups that combine
developing technologies with high market readiness
(40% in the US and the UK versus 20% in the rest of
Although the 400 startups that participated in our the world). France, meanwhile, is overrepresented
survey do not exhaustively represent the deep-tech by startups that have low market readiness. It thus
startup community worldwide, they do capture a few appears that France has been successful in facilitating
trends associated with the types of businesses and fundamental research and the creation of early-stage
technologies that have developed in different parts of startups, but has been less so in supporting the scale-
the world. up of those startups.

Designing a Platform for
Corporate Collaboration
with Startups

In recent years, corporate-startup adjust and expand as they learn from earlier
partnerships have become more numerous, experimentations. To enhance this learning
with mixed results. A survey conducted by process, corporates should implement key
Mass Challenge and Imaginetic found that performance indicators (KPIs) and focus on
50% of startups rated their experience in tracking results (such as number of proofs of
interacting with corporates mediocre or concept co-developed), not only on actions
worse.¹ (such as number of startups entering the
In this section we propose a set of
recommendations to help corporates build The first step is to define a clear mandate
a framework adapted to collaboration with for collaborating with startups (A, in Exhibit
deep-tech startups. (See Exhibit 12.) 12). Once the objectives and R&D fields are
clear, corporates need to develop their own
We will go beyond generic suggestions platform reflecting the relevant objectives
for cultural change (“bring a more but also the internal resources and maturity
entrepreneurial mindset”) or communication of the organization, starting by creating an
(“send a signal of innovative company to agile environment and facilitating business
the ecosystem”) and focus on collaborations units’ involvement (B). The next step is to
that have a practical business goal (such initiate the relationship (C), emphasizing
as turning an early-stage challenger into a from the outset the importance of
business partner, or entering a new market transparency on both sides with regard
and business model by accessing external to the objectives. At the next level, two
specific skills and talent, or reducing R&D options are available: a partnership focused
cost or time to market). on R&D or commercialization (D.1), or
This approach amounts to a long-term investment through CVC (D.2). For the
journey that will improve incrementally, for partnership option, if defining a standard
corporates that start small but continually process is impracticable, the corporate

¹ See Imaginatic and Mass Challenge, “The State of Startup/Corporate Collaboration 2016.”
Available at

should identify key success factors for each should aim to create an ecosystem and not
collaboration stage before entering the merely one-to-one relationships (E).
relation or advancing to the next stage.
The CVC can turn the startup into a sound As for startup sourcing, many options exist
business partner, and access publicly for accessing thousands of startups. The
unavailable information about the company more serious issue is how to cut through the
and the market. Finally, those collaborations noise than how to access a large deal flow.

Exhibit 12. Framework to collaborate with startups

Define a Clear Mandate Adopt an Agile
- Environment
To ensure sponsorship, it is important to and Involve the
define the platform mandate so that it aligns Business Units
with corporate innovation strategy.
Companies interested in collaborating with
deep-tech startups must find an appropriate Startup incubators (to help a startup identify
balance between internal sourcing of its business model) and accelerators (to
innovation, using company’s own capabilities accelerate the startup’s growth) owe their
(R&D, internal idea contests, and innovation popularity in large part to the success of
labs) and external sourcing of innovation Y Combinator and Techstars (founded in
(including partnering with startups). 2005 and 2006, respectively); they reached
corporate in the early 2010s. Successful
Four issues in particular need to be programs in software companies such as
addressed, through a mix of strong Microsoft helped spread the concept in the
leadership (to ensure consistency) and corporate world as a way to engage with
a bottom-up approach (to retain the agility startups, and today 44% of large companies
to adjust to unanticipated opportunities are using internal or external accelerators
on the field): and incubators.
• Innovation objectives from the
corporate perspective, which may Corporate partners should be cautious,
focus on one or more of the following: however, about applying any turnkey
strengthening the core business; solution. The model works for large
expanding into adjacent areas related international ICT companies that leverage
to current business; and exploring and the scale effect of large batches of startups
preparing for future entry into currently following a similar development cycle,
unrelated business areas requiring similar mentorship, and helping
• Search fields and associated innovation each other. But the model is not suitable
domain priorities for most companies, especially in the area
• Maturity profiles of the startups that the of deep tech, where different needs and
corporate entity wants to partner with development paths may prevent participants
(early stage, middle stage, or late stage) from benefiting from the scale effect of large
• Required resources (dedicated budget, batches.
people, and so on) for delivering the
platform mission Embracing a standard methodology may
also veil serious problems in need of fixing.
Once the mandate objective is clear, The better strategy is to focus on agility
corporates should develop a platform based and on engaging relevant people at the top
on this objective and on the existing internal management, project management, and
resources and maturity of their organization, operational levels. The optimal approach
as to both hard aspects (such as processes to take depends on your organization, your
and KPIs) and soft, cultural aspects (such as objectives, the number and profile of startups
willingness to accept a solution invented you want to work with. You can delimit this
outside the company, to accept risk and environment within your organization by
failure, and to collaborate with startups as treating it as a special function. Alternatively,
equals). the environment can be a set of transverse

processes, KPIs, and identified points business units. The most important processes
of contact for startups that also have to adapt are procurement (to register
decision power, may be fully internal or startups as official suppliers, in order to pay
rely on external organizations, and may them faster, since cash flow is so critical
or may not operate in a coworking space. for them), legal (with the goal of signing
a memorandum of understanding quickly,
Once in place, such a set-up can be to avoid burdening startups with legal
leveraged as a place for “intrapreneurs” technicalities), and financial (once again,
to develop projects within the organization to be faster).
but insulated from business-as-usual
processes and KPIs, and in contact with Set up adapted governance to ensure
other entrepreneurs. fast-track decision making
Top management can oversee relationships
Ensure lighter, faster processes with startups when it has reached a critical
To improve their interactions with small level, to ensure that the framework aligns
and agile startups, corporates should tailor with corporate goals and receives full
their internal processes to handle more-agile management buy-in. (See Exhibit 13.)
interaction, or they should create parallel
processes and dedicated staff so that the rest Engaging business—a critical task—
of the organization can remain focused on should be based on a network of identified

Exhibit 13. Examples of governance options for driving a program to collaborate with startups

and dedicated experts and champions a potential business partner, giving it access
throughout the business who can serve to internal resources can help spread an
as project managers for the collaboration. entrepreneurial spirit in organizations
Immersion programs enable corporate and valorize sleeping IP, among other
talent to work for innovative startups possibilities.
temporarily. The startups benefit from
the corporate participants’ knowledge of Adapt KPIs to track long-term results,
strategy, marketing, communication, and with a portfolio approach
so on. Corporate, meanwhile, enriches Successful innovators use strong processes
the curriculum of its young talent and to review projects in development and
fosters internal cultural change toward to ensure their timely completion. But
entrepreneurship. Examples of such efforts collaboration with startups requires different
include Telefonica’s Open Future Program processes and KPIs, and most corporates
and Accenture’s Fintech Innovation Lab. struggle with this, especially when the
collaboration is tangential to the core
The ability to engage operational people business.
on top of their daily business KPIs promotes
the right level of commitment. Reviewing The right balance between financial and
HR policies to better take such specific strategic metrics will depend on the
objectives into account within incentives collaboration mandate and should reflect
(with no short-term profit-and-loss impact), the maturity of the startup (measuring
and to secure specific time slots for a target knowledge acquisition in early technology
population of managers is another positive stages and financial impact in late maturity
step. stages). It cannot be 100% financial (such
an orientation would lose the innovation
Derisk the technology before involving objective) or 100% strategic (financial impact
the business operationally must be considered at some point).
One aspect of insulating the deep-tech
startup collaboration from business-as-usual The KPIs should be clear from the outset,
processes involves protecting the business and corporate should share the reporting
from the risk of the collaboration at its with the startup and within the company
earliest stage. One useful approach is to set through regular communication.
up a team to steer and derisk projects for a (See Exhibit 14.)
defined period without putting the whole
business at risk—until they can safely be Foster the right mindset
handed over to the business. Changing the hard side of the organization
(governance, processes, and KPIs) is not
Give startups easy access to corporate enough. The culture and mindset of the
resources people working with the startups must
Corporate should identify the capabilities change, too, to recognize them as valuable
it has that a startup can leverage through partners. Possibilities for fostering cultural
the cooperation (data, customers, network, change (shared events, an ideas contest, and
business knowledge, facilities, mentors, a mentorship program, for example) should
technical experts, cash flow monitoring, be discussed with the HR department
and so on), and when possible allow startups
to navigate relatively freely through these The cultural gap is different for every
corporate resources for a specific period company, but it makes sense to begin with
of time, under a protective data usage policy. an assessment of the current stage of the
Besides helping a startup become mindset.

Exhibit 14. Examples of balance between financial and strategic metrics

Initiate a Win-Win function only as a temporary transition,

however. Clear, ad hoc milestones for
Relationship assessing how and when to decide whether

- further deepen the relationship should be

defined quickly, using a go/no go approach
with flexible timing. Several practices can
Before structuring the relationship,
be very helpful:
corporates should consider entering a less
• Share a common objective. One major
formal relationship, with limited commitment
pitfalls that both startups and corporates
on both sides, leveraging the collaboration
report is the lack of transparency and
platform so the startup can demonstrate its
alignment on a clear common goal from
potential as a business partner, clarify what
the relationship’s beginning, leading to
it has to gain in the partnership, and test the
wasted time or painful renegotiations.
team’s complementarity. This process should
Both parties should be transparent about

their real objectives, and if possible Move the Collaboration
they should jointly define the desired
endgame (who does what, who pays to the Next Level
what, and who owns what).
• Address IP rights and exclusivity
upfront. Ironing out who owns the IP,
At some point the corporate and the
whether there is any exclusivity, and
startup must decide whether to move the
so on, will establish the basis for a
collaboration to the next level to reach
successful future business relationship.
specific business or financial goals, or stop.
• Find short-term wins. Short-term
The relationship should remain in the
projects help parties quickly challenge
dedicated “agile environment” unless the
and improve the value proposition, test
startup is mature enough to function as a
the complementarity of the startup and
normal business partner capable of handling
corporate teams when working in project
business-as-usual processes. Consequently,
mode, and build momentum through a
the corporate should continue to apply
short but intense period. It also helps
all of the key success factors discussed
bring financial resources to the startup
prior to emergence of the final product
and market.
Several types of partnerships can be
• Agree on a common roadmap with
leveraged to reach specific business goals,
clear milestones. Such a roadmap allows
each complemented by investment through
parties to define together the most
the CVC arm to help the startup growth
efficient path to the common goal, and
faster, and to participate on its board.
each milestone offers the opportunity to
(See Exhibit 15.)
confirm or change the next milestone, go
to the next level, or stop the relationship.
Set up a partnership to reach specific
• Review the target and roadmap
business goals
regularly. Agility is especially crucial
in exploratory relationships driven
Corporates can set up partnerships with
by an opportunity (for example, both
startups that identify a clear business
parties want to explore the potential
goal for both partners. The nature of
applications of a technology) rather than
this partnership generally depends on
a clear goal (for example, the corporate
the objective and on the maturity of the
wants to find a supplier for a specific
technology or product that the startup
product or service).
is developing.
• Pay attention to startup cash flow. Both
parties must pay attention to cash flows.
At the earliest stage, consulting services
We observed that many startups sank
allow the corporate to pay for R&D and
because of bad cash-flow planning.
to derisk the technology before engaging
• Design a suitable contract. The goal
is a contract that ensures alignment of
interests and fair repartition of the value
When the technology or product becomes
more mature, corporates can more easily
assign internal staff to work on product
co-development, where the corporate and
the startup join forces with a dedicated
budget, a clear time frame, and clear goals.
Other product development models include
R&D outsourcing (in which the startup

Exhibit 15. Most frequently used partnership for each deep-tech startup archetype

develops a product for the corporate) and and accelerate its revenues. A licensing
valorization of corporate knowledge in the agreement permits the corporate to license
startup (in the form of out-licensing, spinoff, the startup’s IP while selling the product,
or intrapreneurship). or the other way round.

At the most mature stage, when the product Once again, it is not possible to define a
is ready to be sold, commercial partnerships standard format or process from go/no go to
are possible. A procurement partnership end game that is suitable for all situations,
allows a startup to procure products and but corporates should identify a framework
services from within the corporate to meet for collaborations at each maturity stage,
particular needs. Such a partnership can including a checklist to help validate go/no
enable the startup to scale up and get the go at each stage gate, and a knowledge and
credibility to convince other corporates skills framework for each stage.
to work with it. A distribution partnership
is an arrangement in which the corporate The illustrative framework in Exhibit 16 is a
leverages its marketing capabilities, tool to help decision making, not a standard
customer base, and marketing power to process. Corporates should fined-tune it to
distribute the startup’s product or service, reflect their objective and capabilities.

Exhibit 16. Example of framework that can be developed to guide collaboration with startups

Weigh the value of an exclusivity-based conditions in return for accepting this mode
relationship of cooperation, and to focus such request
on late-stage startups.
Many deep-tech startups cite exclusivity
as a major concern. An exclusivity-based Leverage corporate venture capital to reach
relationship limits the startup’s exposure to financial and strategic goals
other stakeholders in the ecosystem, hurting
their chances for success. Evidence shows Many people consider CVC the cornerstone
that more connectedness—with regard to of corporate efforts to access external
number of clients and number of partners— innovation, although startups more often
correlates with greater success. The best look to corporates for market access and
practice might be to introduce the startup’s technical expertise, than for funding. CVC
solution to other (noncompeting) corporates; funding can occur internally through a CVC
the knowledge that the startup gains from fund or externally through investments
these other organizations will often benefit in a venture fund not directly tied to the
the original collaboration. company. Financial returns are an important
factor in both approaches, but the two
In specific instances, corporates that choose options’ strategic benefits differ.
to pursue an exclusivity-based strategy
should be prepared to limit the reach of Besides supporting a potential business
the exclusivity agreement to a specific partner, the CVC model can be a powerful
market or geography and period, to condition lever for aligning the strategies of the
exclusivity on collaboration milestones, startup and the corporate, and for obtaining
to offer startups specific and advantageous otherwise unavailable information about

the startup and its market by establishing a sustainable model to monetize it. Beyond
an intimate relationship with the startup’s that, corporate may combine CVC investment
management team. with one of the partnership models defined
By sitting on the startup’s board, the
corporate can influence its strategic Key questions for corporate partners
decisions. It is important that those decisions
support the startup’s development—to The central question from the corporate
advance the startup’s financial and strategic perspective is, “How can we make a
value and to enhance the CVC’s reputation partnership work?” But a thorough analysis
of the CVC, which will strengthen its ability of the situation will entail addressing the
to attract the best startups and co-investors. following questions as well:

Investing in a startup and having a seat • What are our objectives with regard
on its board enable the corporate to to CVC?
create a more intimate relationship with Strategically oriented CVC and financially
the startup’s management team, which oriented CVC have different operational
becomes a sparring partner and a source of goals. In a strategic orientation, CVC
information unavailable to companies that investments reflect the corporate’s
invest in external funds but have no direct strategic goal (develop the core business,
relationship with the management board. extend into adjacent activities, diversify
into a new area, or source innovation
CVC investment can create corporate externally). In a financial orientation,
involvement during the due diligence the primary focus is a financial return on
process prior to the deal, and afterward, by investment, as is the case with traditional
giving visibility to the partnership internally; VCs. A recent BCG analysis (“Corporate
but this should not be the primary objective. Venturing Shifts Gears,” BCG article, April
2016) found that, in a sample of 83 CVC
The external model does not require special units from major companies, 66% were
in-house capabilities and is more relevant strategy focused—although positive RoI
when a company would like to explore remained a prerequisite—and 34% were
opportunities in new spaces that it has little financially oriented. The latter often
knowledge about. The model can apply involve late-stage startups with proven
to a broad range of deal flows involving products or scalable.
limited partnerships, with the opportunity
to diversify in several funds using the same • Who defines search fields within the
total investment that would have gone into corporate?
a single CVC fund. It also allows the Search fields may be defined by the
corporate to leverage experienced VC funds’ corporate center or by the company’s
contacts and develop close ties with VC firms business units. Definition at the corporate
to quickly gain access to deal flow level is appropriate for focusing
and become visible in the VC community. investments on innovations that could
create new businesses or significantly
Our survey results indicate that the needs of disrupt core business. Definition at
deep-tech startups go well beyond funding. the business unit level, in contrast, is
As investors, corporates can play a key role in particularly suitable when the objective
helping startups develop a robust business is to reinforce current business lines
plan. The corporate investor trains a business or to develop adjacencies.
lens on the startup’s product and identifies

• Which entity should be the • How many deals do we want to source?
organizational home for the CVC CVC makes little sense if the goal is to
unit in a direct CVC situation? source only a few deals. The corporate
Corporates can base CVC units at must adapt its resource allocation
different levels of the organization, most according to this ambition—bearing in
commonly strategy or R&D. Generally, mind that BCG analysis of various CVCs
the department that hosts the CVC unit has determined that, of all business
should possess relevant technology skills plans received, only 0.5% reached the
and market know-how in the search fields investment stage. At that rate a corporate
of interest and should be able to ensure would have to screen about 700 business
close cooperation with business units and plans to close three or four investments.
key corporate functions. Exhibit 17
presents different examples of
organizational structures that include
a dedicated CVC unit.

Exhibit 17. Organizational structures of leading corporations with dedicated CVC units

• Can CVC be a way to prepare for
future acquisition?
Create an Ecosystem
CVC investment can pave the way Around Your Projects
for future acquisition from the M&A
department. The corporate may build -
in special rights, such as right of first
offer or right of first refusal, to secure an A corporate should not limit its relationship
option for future acquisition, but again with a startup to a one-to-one relationship.
the corporate must be careful to avoid Making it part of a broader community
jeopardizing the startup’s development, engagement with other startups, companies
and the CVC’s reputation. In particular, (not direct competitors), investors, suppliers,
it should not use its right of first refusal customers, and scientists will help build a
to reject all offers for other companies. connected ecosystem that can accomplish
On such issues, a strategic misalignment several things:
between corporate and startups can • Balance the risks in a portfolio of many
easily emerge. startups.
• Increase the platform’s visibility in order
• When and how fast should we integrate to attract key actors (including startups,
a startup within the core business? investors, public authorities, and others).
If the startup is at an early stage and • Get a better understanding of the
the corporate wants to buy only the team ecosystem through a broad scope
or the technology, it can do so without of technologies.
delay. If the startup is still at the stage • Enable startups to help and mentor
of searching for or refining its product each other.
or business model, however, it should • Propose a more complete value
stay independent in order to retain its proposition to startups that will help the
agility—a crucial advantage at this stage. corporate attract startups from a broader
Integration into the corporate should range of domains, geographies, and levels
occur only when the startup has reached of maturity.
a stage of development at which the • Acquire enough weight in the industry
corporate processes and organization will to impose new standards.
be not a hurdle, but a lever to increase
the speed and quality of industrialization
and commercialization. The corporate
must assess whether to integrate the
startup gradually or quickly. Interviews Questions to Answer
with different stakeholders suggest Before Building a
that integration should proceed at an
unhurried pace, with due regard for the Collaboration Platform
startup’s level of maturity.
Corporates should assess their situation
carefully before committing to building
a collaboration platform. The following
questions, in particular, are important to

• Do we have the necessary internal

capabilities and market experience to

support our collaboration platform, or that have decided to develop an in-house
should collaboration proceed externally? coworking space have opted to locate
Developing a structure internally requires it in a widely recognized innovation hot
know-how, reputation, and market spot, such as Silicon Valley, London,
experience. Many companies prefer New York, Boston, or Tel Aviv, putting
to partner with existing incubators them in close proximity to vibrant startup
or accelerators, or provide simple ecosystems. Other corporates have
mentorship. When defining its goals, considered geographical closeness more
a corporate must be aware of the important and have concentrated their
organization’s internal capabilities and collaboration and acceleration activities
cultural mindset. near their corporate R&D units or within
certain target markets. This physical
• Which function should oversee proximity facilitates a closer relationship
collaboration with the startups? and easier interaction between the
The answer to this question should startups and the core businesses. Either
reflect the TRL of the startup’s product way, corporates should make an effort to
or service, and its proximity to the core source globally, to improve the quality of
business. Collaborations with low-TRL the startup’s pipeline.
(not mature) startups far from the core
business might be in a dedicated function
such as R&D or open innovation, while
collaborations with high-TRL (almost
market-ready) startups close to core
business should be in the business units.

• Should we have a dedicated physical

place (coworking space)?
Whether to set up a dedicated working
space depends how close you want the
corporate to be with the startups. If the
two entities’ interaction will involve
nothing more than a few meetings
per month, you don’t need a physical
place, although a short but intense
collaboration period might be useful to
create momentum and build cohesion.
If corporate and startup staffs need
to work closely together (for product
co-development, for example), a physical
place is important.

• If we decide to have a physical place,

where should it be?
When deciding where to set up a physical
collaboration space, corporates should
focus on two key factors: a location where
the company can source many and high
quality startups, and a location near the
company’s office. A number of corporates

Scouting Deep-Tech Startups

When the goal of startup scouting externally. Organizing your own competition
is innovation monitoring, the central need may be a useful way to initiate a cultural
is to transform a large amount of data into shift and to target specific topics. But large
valuable information. independent competitions will attract
many more startups, since they can connect
On the other hand, if the goal is to find new startups with many stakeholders and can
business partners, the crucial task is not bring additional benefits such as cash and
to access a large deal flow but to identify visibility for the winners.
the right startup—developing a solution
that meets a business’s or client’s needs Events: These comprise deep-tech summits,
by combining with a good team, a proven research conferences, meetups, and
technology, and a level of maturity that is various training and private events. Every
compatible with the corporate’s objectives. opportunity has its own unique mix of
Corporates have numerous opportunities
to learn about emerging technologies • Deep-tech summits: These gatherings
and to scout startups, although few focus have the advantage of bringing together
on identifying complementary deep-tech a wide range of actors. They facilitate
options. opportunistic encounters for corporates
interested in reflecting on the future
Own network: Connections with peers, of their industry, and in widening their
investors, incubators, and startup networks perspectives by identifying emerging
offer an excellent (and natural) way to trends. Given the many people,
learn about the most promising projects. organizations, and topics at these events,
Having a central role in the relevant it is important to prepare meetings in
ecosystems boosts this natural deal flow, advance to ensure meeting the right
and communicating your challenges and people.
strategic objectives
increases the value of your position. • Smaller and more personal events:
Events with fewer than 100 participants
Startup challenges: Corporates can organize tend to be more focused, which makes
competitions of this sort internally or them more accessible to early-stage

companies that are ready to share their connections alone lead to landing a deal.
ideas with a limited set of people.
Scouting services: Some actors that organize
Online platforms: Startup platforms and competitions or events offer scouting
professional networks are useful for services as well, leveraging their knowledge
identifying specific people and organizations. of their ecosystem to match corporate needs
But the information that most platforms to the most relevant startups.
provide is automatically crawled on public
sources—and that information tends not to Corporates use in-out sourcing or out-in
be detailed enough to allow corporates to sourcing to scout for new ideas and for
gauge whether to invest time in meeting startups to collaborate with. Each method
the startup, especially in the case of early- focuses on events and locales adapted to
stage deep-tech startups. Rarely will digital particular sourcing targets. (See Exhibit 18.)

Exhibit 18. Events and places that match different sourcing targets

Conclusion On the corporate side, major elements of the process

include assessing the startup’s needs (including,
crucially, the maturity and market readiness of its
Often corporates are eager to get a collaboration product) and designing a platform for collaboration
program rolling as soon as possible. But developing between corporates and startups (including
a smooth-functioning collaboration is challenging adopting an appropriate mandate, establishing an
and requires careful, methodical attention to proper agile environment to deliver operational support,
assembly. The best advice is to start conservatively ensuring business buy-in, and setting up a flexible
and focus on the core business needs of both end-to-end approach to monitor collaborations).
the startup and the corporate; this ensures team Startups, meanwhile, must carefully assess the type
mobilization from the outset and enables the of collaboration that is most suitable to their stage
participants to improve the setup progressively and of development, and must ensure that their culture
to explore new territory as the business evolves and and that of their prospective corporate partner are
matures. compatible during the immediate process and long term.

About the autors

Arnaud de la Tour is vice-president The authors would like to thank Lionel Aré,
and co-founder of Hello Tomorrow. Senior Partner and Global Leader of the
Before, he completed a Ph.D. in the Financial Institutions Practice, BCG
photovoltaic industry, and worked for Partners leading the Corporate Venture
2 years at the Boston Consulting Group. topic (Axel Roos and Michael Brigl) and
BCG Partners leading the Innovation Topic
Philippe Soussan is a Partner and Managing (Michael Ringel, Andrew Taylor and Hadi
Director of the Boston Consulting Group Zablit) whose insight has been a precious
in Paris. He is very active in BCG’s Financial source of inspiration. The authors would
Institutions practice across Europe, in also like to thank Laurent Acharian,
particular in the Digital and Innovation Amine Benayad, Nabil Saadallah, Anis Kara,
space. Matthieu Saint-Olive, Audrey Marzouk,
Steven Grey and Maxence Vanheuverswyn.
Nicolas Harlé is a Senior Partner and A special thanks to Massimo Portincaso,
Managing Director of the Boston Consulting and Dan Coyne for their contribution
Group in Paris. He leads the FinTech and and support.
Blockchain topics globally, as well as the
digital topic for the Financial Industry in The authors would also like to thank the
Western Europe and South America. whole Hello Tomorrow team for their
awesome work building a community
Rodolphe Chevalier is a Principal in the Paris of passionate talents worldwide, including
office of the Boston Consulting Group. He’s Guillaume Vandenesch for co-managing
a member of the Public Sector and Financial Hello Tomorrow with Arnaud de la Tour,
Institutions practices. Before joining BCG, Sarah Pedroza for managing Hello
Rodolphe spent 7 years working for the Tomorrow’s international development with
French Ministry of Finance. Elliott Rogers, Baptiste Fevre for setting up
the annual startup competition with Edgar
Xavier Duportet is a deep-tech entrepreneur, Ke, Jeannette Boulanger for creating a unique
CEO of Eligo Bioscience which he founded experience at the Hello Tomorrow Global
during a PhD at MIT and INRIA, and President Summit, Ségolène Husson improving Hello
of Hello Tomorrow. He received several Tomorrow’s operations, Anne Reid handling
international awards including Forbes 30 Hello Tomorrow’s communication, and
Under 30 in Science and Healthcare and Nadine Bongaerts and all the ambassadors
MIT TR35. He is also a Senior Advisor on and curators who develop Hello Tomorrow’s
Emerging Technologies for French Ministry network internationally.
of Economics and Foreign Affairs. A special thanks to Pierre-Alexandre Carrière
for helping us design this report, and Elina
Gaillard who greatly contributed to its
Finally thank you to Hello Tomorrow’s
network of deep-tech entrepreneurs who
accepted to answer the survey.


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tomorrow and anticipating Banking, which serves two client franchises:
our clients’ needs, in a very corporate clients and institutional investors.
fast changing environment, to The Group helps all its clients (individuals,
community associations, entrepreneurs,
innovate and deliver simple,
SMEs, corporates and institutional clients)
helpful and effective products to realise their projects through solutions
and sustainable solutions for spanning financing, investment, savings
the future. As a bank, as also a and protection insurance. In Europe, the
large tech company, we need to Group has four domestic markets (Belgium,
France, Italy and Luxembourg) and BNP
extract from all that ecosystem
Paribas Personal Finance is the leader in
ideas and approaches. We

consumer lending. BNP Paribas is rolling in all regions to identify their highest-value
out its integrated retail-banking model in opportunities, address their most critical
Mediterranean countries, in Turkey, in Eastern challenges, and transform their enterprises.
Europe and a large network in the western Our customized approach combines deep
part of the United States. In its Corporate insight into the dynamics of companies and
& Institutional Banking and International markets with close collaboration at all levels
Financial Services activities, BNP Paribas of the client organization. This ensures that
also enjoys top positions in Europe, a strong our clients achieve sustainable competitive
presence in the Americas as well as a solid advantage, build more capable organizations,
and fast-growing business in Asia-Pacific. and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963,
BCG is a private company with 85 offices in
With offices in Paris, San Francisco & 48 countries.
Shanghai, its prospective vision and
extensive experience in understanding the
digital economy, L’Atelier BNP Paribas is
strategically placed to help the BNP Paribas
Group and its clients enable their digital Bloomberg,
transformation. Part of the BNP Paribas
Group for more than 35 years, L’Atelier BNP
Global Partner
Paribas is unique by its open architecture -
approach that extends beyond the banking
sector, and its presence in three major Bloomberg, the global business and
geographical areas that are key beds for financial information and news leader, gives
innovation: Europe, North America and influential decision makers a critical edge
Asia. Drawing on its prospective vision and by connecting them to a dynamic network
experience, L’Atelier BNP Paribas actively of information, people and ideas. The
promotes public debate (website, newsletter, company’s strength – delivering data, news
radio, TV) and help the BNP Paribas Group and analytics through innovative technology,
and its clients navigate through their digital quickly and accurately – is at the core of the
transformation. As part of its open innovation Bloomberg Professional service. Bloomberg’s
approach, L’Atelier BNP Paribas recently enterprise solutions build on the company’s
created the Lab which brings together core strength: leveraging technology to allow
disruptive innovators, corporates, resources customers to access, integrate, distribute
and support networks to accelerate the and manage data and information across
speed of innovation. organizations more efficiently and effectively

The Boston Consulting French Tech,

Group, Global Partner Global Partner
- -
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a “French Tech” is the term used to
global management consulting firm and the describe the French startup community:
world’s leading advisor on business strategy. entrepreneurs, investors, engineers,
We partner with clients from the private, designers, incubators, public organizations,
public, and not-for-profit sectors etc. committed to the growth of French

startups and to their international prosperity. technologies in the field of
This community includes champions such as energy and environment
BlaBlaCar, valued at €1.2 billion, and Sigfox
transition, changes in
and Devialet, which respectively raised
€150 million and €100 million in 2016. healthcare and digitization
with tomorrow’s champions.
The French Tech Initiative is an innovative This initiative, part of our Open
public policy created in 2013. It is not about innovation approach, also
the government imposing regulations and
limits; it’s about the government supporting
aims to further strengthen our
the startup community. As part of this interactions with startups and
initiative, €200 million of public funds have high-potential entrepreneurs to
been set aside for business incubators and accelerate our customer-centric
accelerator programs throughout France.
transformation strategy. This is
La French Tech is also about being open
also a way to offer these start-
to the world and welcoming foreign talent. ups our expertise and concrete
The French Tech Initiative has a strong use cases to accelerate
international presence via its 22 French Tech business impact.”
hubs across the globe that bring together
French startup communities overseas. The Olivier Delabroy,
French Tech Ticket Program for international Vice President Digital Transformation,
startups looking to set up in France is founder of i-Lab, Air Liquide Group
another example of this international
openness. The world leader in gases, technologies and
services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide
The French Tech Ambassadors Program is present in 80 countries with approximately
helps finance private projects, such as Hello 67,000 employees and serves more than
Tomorrow, that promote the French Tech 3 million customers and patients. Oxygen,
ecosystem internationally. The influencers nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small
behind these projects greatly contribute to molecules for life, matter and energy. They
the recognition of the French entrepreneurial embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and
dynamic beyond France’s borders. have been at the core of the company’s
activities since its creation in 1902.

Air Liquide’s ambition is to lead its industry,

deliver long term performance and
Air Liquide, contribute to sustainability. The company’s
Industry Partner customer-centric transformation strategy
aims at profitable growth over the long
- term. It relies on operational excellence,
selective investments, open innovation and
“We are very pleased to be a network organization implemented by the
Group worldwide. Through the commitment
once again an Industry partner
and inventiveness of its people, Air Liquide
of Hello Tomorrow. This long leverages energy and environment transition,
term partnership contributes changes in healthcare and digitization, and
to better understand societal delivers greater value to all its stakeholders.
trends and identify new

Airbus, The team recently collaborated with a
Canadian company that was looking to apply
Industry Partner a disruptive nanomaterial technology for

- cockpit windshields to prevent laser attacks

coming from individuals on the ground.
The solution has now been introduced to
The “start-up 2 partner” team within Airbus
selected airlines to accelerate its entry into
Corporate Innovation is looking to build
the market and Airbus’ intends to offer it as
successful partnerships with SMEs in
line-fit and retrofit option.
selected domains. It aims to support start-
ups working on new developments in
a number of industries in becoming valuable
business partners through a collaborative
approach. The idea is that these partnerships
will of course benefit both the start-ups
and Airbus. Industry Partner
Embedded within the company, the team is -
highly connected to the business and bridges
the gap by leveraging a dedicated approach Established in 1931, Butagaz is a major
with start-ups. It can facilitate de-risking French player in propane and butane gas
and acceleration of the start-up’s technology distribution, and the only one in France to
using the company’s own prototyping own a research and innovation center. A team
spaces and expertise. These relationships of engineers and technicians test, create and
provide new ideas internally and add invent solutions to better meet its customer’s
external capabilities. Moreover “start-up 2 needs. Butagaz provides innovative gas
partner” allows start-ups access to a global solutions for individuals, communities and
network of airlines, suppliers and selected businesses. Butagaz has been developing
partners. Internally, it also promotes new, since 2015 a start-up accelerator program,
more flexible ways of working thanks to its Zagatub, focused on smart and innovative
exposure to an entrepreneurial culture. comfort. Butagaz is part of DCC Energy
Group, the largest and most active suppliers
The start-ups and Airbus businesses work as of LPG in Europe, providing the highest
partners rather than adopting a pure capital levels of innovation and services across
investment approach. So how does this work, Europe. In addition to LPG, DCC Energy
in real terms? The “start-up 2 partner” team now supplies Natural Gas, LNG, Aerosol gas
begins by identifying start-ups that show and renewable energies such as solar and
high growth high business potential. The biomass.
team steers the project from ideation to
implementation setting up a cross-functional
team of dedicated experts and applying
an agile approach. The success of a project
depends on the early engagement of a
sponsor to ensure buy-in from the business. Industry Partner
Since its creation in 2014, the “start-up 2 -
partner” team has screened an impressive
600+ start-ups, elaborated 30 projects Carrefour Group is the leading retailer in
and currently has 10 partnerships in the Europe and the second-largest retailer in the
portfolio. world, employing more than 380,000 people

with more than 11,500 stores in more than Carrefour, a global partner for wellfooding
30 countries. As a multi-local, multi-format, locally
and multi-channel retailer, Carrefour is a
partner for daily life. Every day, it welcomes
more than 13 million customers around
the world, offering them a wide range of
products and services at fair prices. Carrefour Groupe ADP,
has been a pioneer in food quality for 25
years and is continuing its work with four
Industry Partner
new initiatives. -
1. A program to accelerate the adoption Groupe ADP builds, develops and manages
of organic farming practices, working airports, including Paris-Charles de Gaulle,
alongside producers: as the leading Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget. In 2015,
general distributor of organic products Paris Aéroport handled more than 95 million
in France, Carrefour is introducing a passengers and 2.2 million metric tonnes of
program that will involve contractually freight and mail at Paris-Charles de Gaulle
setting volumes and prices for periods and Paris-Orly, and more than 55 million
of 3 to 5 years. This program will be passengers at airports abroad through its
applied to 300 farms by 2020. subsidiary ADP Management. Boasting an
exceptional geographic location and a major
2. An agro-ecology support plan, with catchment area, the Group is pursuing its
the deployment of new lines of products strategy of adapting and modernising its
made from animals reared without terminal facilities and upgrading quality of
antibiotics and from plants grown services; the Group also intends to develop
without pesticides: following on from its retail and real estate businesses. In 2015,
its “antibiotic-free” chicken launched in Group revenue stood at €2,916 million and
2013, Carrefour is now extending this net income at €430 million.
initiative to new veal and rabbit farms
in 2017. At the same time, Carrefour is As part of its “Connect 2020” strategic plan;
experimenting with doing away with all The ADP Group deploys its capacity for
chemical pesticides on new fruit and innovation through a comprehensive and
vegetable lines, such as apples, peaches ambitious program: “Innovation Hub.”
and nectarines and potatoes, continuing Today airport cities are nodes of connections
with the work it has been doing since between passengers, airlines, employees, and
2015 on tomatoes, kiwifruit, broccoli territories around a community.
and strawberries.
In this context, the new challenge airport
3. The introduction in 2017 of the cities face with, is to develop an efficient
first certification process for animal ecosystem to imagine, draw and decline what
well-being in France, working in the airport of the future might look like.
partnership with an independent
organisation, farmers and NGO Welfarm. Leveraging on its massive experience, the
ADP Group thus offers young innovative
4. The introduction – for the first time companies, an exceptional territory,
in retail – of blockchain technology, expertise, visibility and financing capabilities.
used to enable traceability of its animal
product lines, guaranteeing consumers The “Innovation Hub” program now embodies
as much transparency as possible. this challenge of transformation and

competitiveness by putting into perspective and respect for water and
the open innovation process carried out biodiversity. Everything that is
since 2010.
beautiful and makes someone
This has led to the implementation of beautiful while doing good.
projects such as automatic luggage
drop-offs, a comparator service for transport We are committed to
modes, and the digital mobile tool PRIMA, introducing the notion of
which allows operational teams in the aiport
to go ahead Passengers to inform them.
ethics very early on in our
relationships with start-ups.
There’s even a special section
for them in our Ethics guide,
with three key words:
L’Oréal, Industry
• Respect for start-ups
Partner • Transparency about the
- aim of the partnership
• Integrity in how we behave”
“Attending Hello Tomorrow
L’Oréal Research and Innovation teams
once was enough to convince
us, because we found an L’Oréal has devoted itself to beauty for over
attitude there that matches 100 years. With its unique international
our own: to innovate you have portfolio of 34 diverse and complementary
to cultivate interdisciplinarity brands, the Group generated sales
amounting to 25.8 billion euros in 2016
and convergence. Encouraging
and employs 89,300 people worldwide. As
early-stage start-ups to design the world’s leading beauty company, L’Oréal
inventions that are going to is present across all distribution networks:
change the world, by adopting mass market, department stores, pharmacies
a less conventional line, creates and drugstores, hair salons, travel retail,
branded retail and e-commerce.
an area of freedom for both
them and us. Research and innovation, and a dedicated
research team of 3,870 people, are at the
The fields that interest us core of L’Oréal’s strategy, working to meet
beauty aspirations all over the world.
are those that will define the
L’Oréal’s sustainability commitment for 2020
contours of a different kind “Sharing Beauty With All” sets out ambitious
of beauty – fun, effective, sustainable development objectives across
surprising and respectful the Group’s value chain.
of cultures, people and the
environment. A vast field that
ranges from systemic biology
to colour via augmented reality,
machine learning, connected
sensors, intelligent materials

Michelin, more about how entrepreneurs
function and valuable
Industry Partner exposure to the innovation
- ecosystem which supports an
entrepreneurial spirit within
Michelin, the leading tire company, is
dedicated to enhancing its clients’ mobility,
our organization.”
sustainably; designing and distributing the
Padraic Ward,
most suitable tires, services and solutions for
President of Roche France SAS
its clients’ needs; providing digital services,
maps and guides to help enrich trips and
Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals
travels and make them unique experiences;
and diagnostics focused on advancing
and developing high-technology materials
science to improve people’s lives. The
that serve the mobility industry.
combined strengths of pharmaceuticals and
diagnostics under one roof have made Roche
Headquartered in Clermont-Ferrand,
the leader in personalised healthcare – a
France, Michelin is present in 170 countries,
strategy that aims to fit the right treatment
has 111,700 employees and operates 68
to each patient in the best way possible.
production facilities in 17 countries which
together produced 184 million tires in 2015.
Roche is the world’s largest biotech company,
with truly differentiated medicines in
oncology, immunology, infectious diseases,
ophthalmology and diseases of the central
nervous system. Roche is also the world
Roche, leader in in vitro diagnostics and tissue-
based cancer diagnostics, and a frontrunner
Industry Partner in diabetes management.

- Founded in 1896, Roche continues to search

for better ways to prevent, diagnose and
“Roche recognizes the great treat diseases and make a sustainable
value that startups have contribution to society. The company also
in the healthcare sector. aims to improve patient access to medical
innovations by working with all relevant
Since this is a particularly
stakeholders. Twenty-nine medicines
challenging sector to enter, we developed by Roche are included in the
have developed a mentoring World Health Organization Model Lists
program. This program is of Essential Medicines, among them
provided to support startups life-saving antibiotics, antimalarials and
cancer medicines. Roche has been recognised
by giving them access as the Group Leader in sustainability within
to experts in a variety of the Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology &
business units and the startup Life Sciences Industry eight years in a row by
remains independent of the the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).
organization. In return, the
The Roche Group, headquartered in Basel,
Roche mentors are provided Switzerland, is active in over 100 countries
with opportunities to learn and in 2016 employed more than 94,000

people worldwide. In 2016, Roche invested • Access to an international network of
CHF 9.9 billion in R& D and posted sales leading technology experts in Safran’s
of CHF 50.6 billion. Genentech, in the business sectors.
United States, is a wholly owned member • The global commercial and industrial
of the Roche Group. Roche is the majority reach of Safran companies.
shareholder in Chugai Pharmaceutical, • Commercial and development
Japan. For more information, please visit agreements to be implemented between such startups and Safran’s own entities.

Safran, Sycomore,
Industry Partner Industry Partner
- -
Safran is a leading international Innovation. But what for? In our
high-technology group with three core
connected world - undergoing
businesses: Aerospace (propulsion and
equipment), Defence and Security. Operating
profound changes, shaken up
worldwide, the Group has 70,000 employees by digitalisation, challenged by
and generated sales of 17.4 billion euros the environmental and energy
in 2015. Working independently or in transition, and with ever widening
partnership, Safran holds world or European
social inequalities - innovation is
leadership positions in its core markets.
The Group invests heavily in Research a matter of survival. We all agree.
& Development to meet the requirements But what is the purpose of this
of changing markets, including expenditures innovation?
of more than 2 billion euros in 2015. Safran
is listed on Euronext Paris and is part of the
CAC40 index, as well as the Euro Stoxx 50
The intensity and diversity that
European index. characterise the spirit of the Hello
Tomorrow initiative naturally
Established in 2015, Safran Corporate lead to a key question: what are
Ventures is the Group’s corporate venture
these innovations all about? Not
capital arm. It funds startups that have
developed breakthrough or disruptive
all innovation is good. We can
technologies or business models which no longer assume that “what I
will help Safran to address the challenges undertake or what I do with my
of the aerospace, defense or security markets. money has little bearing, since I
This new entity clearly reflects Safran’s
help to keep the economy going”
corporate strategy based on innovation
and transformation. in a Schumpeterian cycle of
endless creative destruction. We
Safran Corporate Ventures will help agile, now know that GDP growth is
innovation-driven companies by funding a poor indicator for measuring
their growth. These companies will also
benefit from:
improvement in welfare, but is

rather accurate in assessing the Specialized in the analysis of European
pace at which we use natural stocks, Sycomore AM is a key player in the
responsible investment sphere. Rated “High
resources, destroy the biosphere
Standards” by Fitch Ratings since 2008,
and weaken the climate. Sycomore AM manages 5.5 billion euros in
mutual funds and segregated mandates,
Therefore selecting or adjusting among which 30% in Sustainable and
a start-up company’s mission, Responsible Investment strategies.

or defining a fund’s investment

strategy, becomes a founding act.
The societal and environmental
impact of a project, of an WDS
investment, is now a fundamental -
issue – whether the company has
been recently launched or is a Aligned with Hello Tomorrow’s
large publicly listed corporation. values and mission, We Design
Services (WDS) shares its
It is our job to question the passion to make innovative
real advantages provided not ecosystems thrive. This report
only to the clients but also brings closer corporates, deep
to society as a whole (users, tech startups and investors
residents, employees, suppliers…) by using strategic knowledge
and to the environment, from gathered from the Hello
the very first euro we invest. Tomorrow ecosystem and
If there are no benefits for the contributors. Resulting in a
stakeholders, there can be no collaboration framework that
success, no purpose and no point. better aligns such diverse
In this respect, the impact of stakeholder’s intentions and
the business model on human objectives, the report is a step
and natural capital provides a forward to better designed
meaningful perspective, perfectly collaborations. The great and
aligned with the interests of the challenging journey from an
capital providers. idea to a commercial success
of a breakthrough innovation
Jean-Guillaume Péladan,
won’t happen without an
Fund Manager - Head of Environmental
Investments & Research and alumni
extensive empathy between
BCG 2001 those forward thinkers all
needed to bring tomorrow
Founded in 2001, Sycomore Asset to life.
Management is an entrepreneurial
investment firm majority-owned by Christophe Tallec,
its founding partners and employees. CEO of WDS

Founded in 2015, WDS is a multidisciplinary
team that puts the talent of engineers, PhDs
in innovation management, designers and
domain experts all invested in clients and
partner’s ambitions.

The Public Investment Bank (BPI) is a public
group in the service of the financing and
development of companies, and acts in
support of the policies implemented by the
State and the Regions.

The Group’s corporate purpose is to:

• Promote and support innovation,
particularly in the field of technology, and
to contribute to technology transfer; and
• Promote the development and financing
of small and medium-sized businesses.


Appendix 1. Interview list

Appendix 2. Definitions and descriptions of the nine technology readiness levels (TRLs)

Technology readiness levels (TRLs) are the components of a measurement system invented by NASA
in 1989 to assess the maturity level of a particular technology. There are nine technology readiness
levels, TRL 1 being the lowest and TRL 9 the highest.

Appendix 3. Specifics of the French ecosystem



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