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1. Was the Word document sent to SCC as an attachment to an email from GBC? Ie was it attached
to Mr Furniss’s email to Mr Hodge or to the GBC planning dept’s email to Mr Furniss?

It was sent to Mr Furniss by GBC’s planning department. Mr Furniss then sent it to Mr Hodge.

2. Which organisation created the Word document, GBC or SCC or neither?

Not SCC. The advanced properties in the document show it as Savills plc who it is believed acted for
Wisley Property Investments Limited (WPIL) who were the developers of Wisley Airfield.

3. Did SCC make any substantive changes to the Word document or was it essentially put onto SCC

Essentially it was put onto SCC headed notepaper but the emails refer to Mr Hodge adding an
additional line.

4. The document properties of the Word document (found under the file menu) are blank ie no
author is shown. Were the document properties changed by SCC by SCC’s FOI Officer prior to
disclosure by way of redaction to protect the name of the author? Presumably there is no
impediment to the disclosure by SCC of the name of the organisation that the author was working
for? If so please disclose the name of the organisation that authored the document.

This was done by the FOI officer as it showed the name of the author. The origin appears to be
Savills plc (see above) and it was created on 26/10/2018 by an employee of Savills.

5. Were the document properties of the Word doc blank when SCC first received the document? If
so that would imply that GBC removed the author’s name and details before sending the
document. Please confirm if that was the case.

See above.

6. Does SCC know whether the property development company that owns the Wisley Garden
Village site was the originator of the document?

Please see above.

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