Student of The Week

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We are proud to announce that beginning January 14, 2021 we will celebrate PS/MS 146's

amazing students by recognizing a Student of the Week.

Each week, we will recognize one student from Cohort A, B, D and now E from each grade level
Kindergarten - 8th grade. The selection of the Student of the Week will be a collaborative effort
between Mrs. Amato, the school social worker and the student's teachers.

The criteria for selecting the Student of the Week is the following:

 Attendance and Assignments. We understand that remote learning for all our students
whether they are in the full remote or blended model has it challenges and it not the ideal
situation. However, we want to recognize the students that 
o Consistently show up and attend zoom meetings 
o Actively participate in meetings 
o Complete assignments on time. 
o Are a good digital citizen and follow zoom etiquette such as having their camera
on, coming to the meeting prepared, dressing appropriately, raising their hand and
waiting to be called on.
  Attitude. Despite all of the challenges this year has brought, keeping a positive mindset
can go a long way in managing through the difficult time. We want to recognize the
o Have maintained a positive attitude towards classmates, teachers, school and
o Demonstrated a continued effort to overcome any challenges, situations and have
improved despite outcomes.
o Has shown resilience, the ability to adapt and grow. 
o Has an attitude for gratitude.  
o Overall is trying to do his/her best 
 Non- screen Activities Our students are looking at a screen for virtual learning for a
good part of their day and then they will go watch TV, be on their iPads, or play video
games. This has caused an increase in screen time and now more than ever it is so
important for our students to step away from the screens, unplug from digital devices and
participate in non- screen activities.  Non - Screen activities can include but are not
limited to playing sports, cooking, gardening, exercise, and helping with chores around
the house to name a few.
 Parents can submit a picture(s) of their child doing a non-screen activity to Mrs.
Amato, school social worker via Parent Square.

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