Dunbar Calculation of Doubly Curved Reflectors For Shaped Beams

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-Waves and Electrons Section 1289

Calculation of Doubly Curved Reflectors

for Shaped Beams*
Summary-A method based upon conservation of energy and the For a point source, such as is approximated by an
simple laws of geometrical optics is described for the calculation of electromagnetic horn of small dimensions, the reflector
double-curvature surfaces to produce from a point source a shaped
beam of arbitrary shape in one plane and uniformly narrow in the is a double-curvature surface of such a shape as to per-
perpendicular planes. A specific application of the shaped-beam an- form both the functions of shaping the beam in the ver-
tenna is in connection with radar antennas for airborne navigational tical plane and focusing the beam in transverse planes.
systems, for which the optimum elevation pattern is found empirically Consequently, the surface must be formed by the en-
to be G(O) = K csc2 0 cos 0. A reflector to produce from a given primary velope of a system of paraboloids whose axes lie all in
source the required pattern is the envelope of a family of paraboloids
determined by a central-section curve which is adjusted to give the the vertical plane but at varying angles of inclination to
necessary distribution of energy for the shaped beam. A test for the each other and to a fixed line. The curve of intersection
single-valuedness of a computed surface is described. Patterns are of the reflector with its plane of symmetry, which we
shown for experimental antennas whose reflectors were computed shall call the "central-section curve," must be adjusted
by this method. It is demonstrated that some control of the antenna to give the necessary distribution of energy for the
pattern can be achieved by proper motion of the antenna feed. A dis-
cussion of errors is included in an Appendix. shaped beam. The optical conditions for the double-
curvature reflector were originally determined by Sil-
INTRODUCTION ver,2 using Chu's method for obtaining the central-sec-
M\ gICROWAVE ANTENNAS for certain special- tion curve.
ized uses are required to radiate energy in par- THE REFLECTOR SURFACE
ticular patterns which, in general, are narrow The conditions for the sections of the reflector surface
in one plane, and shaped for some special distribution of transverse to the central-section curve may be most
energy in the other plane. A common application of easily formulated by considering the reflector from the
shaped-beam antennas is in connection with radar an- point of view of reception. Let a sheet of rays all parallel
tennas for airborne navigational systems. In these to the central plane and lying in the plane OANP
cases, the required beam has the so-called cosecant- impinge on the reflector, shown in Fig. 1. We require
squared pattern in the vertical plane. For the sake of that all rays in this plane OANP, which is perpendicular
greater clarity the following discussion will be in terms to the central plane, be brought to focus at F. Let p be
of that application, although this will not involve any
sacrifice of generality. z
An antenna to radiate such a specially shaped beam
requires a reflector or lens which will transform the ex-
isting primary pattern of the given primary source to
the prescribed secondary pattern. For a line source,
such as a linear array or a pillbox, which gives a cylin-
drical wave front and by virtue thereof is focused in the
one plane, the required reflector is a cylinder whose
cross-sectional curvature1 is such as to reflect the energy
in the requisite elevation pattern. That is, the line source
and the elements of the cylindrical reflector lie hori- Fig. 1-Conditions for transverse sections of the reflector.
zontally, and the cylindrical primary pattern of the line
source is transformed by the shaped cylindrical reflector the radius vector from F to the central-section curve
to the proper pattern in elevation for the navigational 4 its angle of depression, and ,B the angle between the
antenna. The general method of calculating the proper incident and reflected rays in the central plane. Then,
shape of the focusing objectives for this transformation for the optical path, we have
of energy patterns was originally formulated by Chu.' AN + NT = OP + p
Decimal classification: R325.7 X R326.8. Original manuscript re- or, if z is the ordinate of N in the plane OANP with P
ceived by the Institute, November 20, 1947; revised manuscript
received, April 16, 1948. Presented, joint meeting of the American as origin,
Section, URSI, and the Washington Section, IRE, Washington,
D. C., October 21, 1947. (p cos Z) + [p2 sin'2 + X2 + (p COS -Z)2]1/12
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author, and
should in no way be construed as the official view of the United States = p(l + cos A).
t Naval Research Laboratory, Washington 20, D. C. 2 S. Silver and H. M. James (editors), "Microwave Antenna
1 L. J. Chu, 'Microwave Beam-Shaping Antennas," Research Theory and Design," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N. Y. (in
Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, Report 40; June, 1947. process), section 13.8.
1290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.-Waves and Electrons Section October
After some reduction, we obtain
=2= 4z(p cos2 ,B/2). (1)
The section of the surface in the plane OANP is, there-
fore, a parabola whose focal length is
f(4) = cos2 3/2.
p (la)
Thus, given the central-section curve p(4), and the asso-
ciated function 13(O), the entire reflector surface is deter-
mined. (a) (b)
The calculation of the central-section curve is based Fig. 3-On the energy relations in primary and secondary patterns.
upon the conservation of energy and simple geometrical
the rays to be essentially parallel in the transverse
planes. The energy in this wedge is
Equating this to the incident energy, we have

G(0)dO =-d+, (5)

which, upon integration,3 will yield 0 as a function of 4
as required for solution of (4). The expressions on either
side of (5) are normalized to their relative maxima for
convenience in computation; thus, noting the conven-
tion of Fig. 1,

Fig. 2-Condition for the central-section curve.

rB I 1 1(4))
«B p
optics.' Referring to Fig. 2, we have for the central sec- G(O)dO f'A I(f)
tion the differential equation 0 'B p

dp The limits of integration are determined by (a) the

- = tan ,B/2. (2) angular extent of 0o to GB of the idealized beam shape,
and (b) the angle q5B to q5A subtended at the feed by the
Measuring 4 positive downwards from the horizontal, reflector's central-section curve (see Fig. 5).
we have
Integrating (2), we obtain an expression for p(o), BEAM SHAPE
namely, The integration of (6) must, in general, be performed
by graphical methods. If the indefinite integral of the
log, P/po = J tan (4 + 0)d4) (4) expression for the secondary pattern, G(0), exists, then
values of 0 corresponding to values of 4 may be computed
where po is an arbitrary constant chosen for a conven- directly from the graphical integration of I(0)/p. If,
ient reflector size. Equation (4) requires that we know however, the indefinite integral of G(0) does not exist,
the correspondence between and 0 in order to evaluate then both quantities must be integrated by graphical
the integral. This is obtained by consideration of the methods.
energy relations in the primary and secondary patterns.
In the case of the airborne navigational antenna, it is
Thus, the energy in a small cone of rays from F, defined
by and o +do in elevation and of width dT in azimuth stituting8 Taking logarithmic derivatives with respect to 4 of (5) and sub-
from (4), we get
(Fig. 3 (a)), is given by
I (q)d0d*
d+ do i(+0)-dJ(4)/-I(
do~~/ dO
where 1(4) is the power radiated per unit solid angle in + [ d! G(e)j
the direction (4, 0). On reflection, this energy appears which may be solved for 9 =
F(t) by a method of successive approxi-
in a wedge (Fig. 3(b)), defined by 0 and 0+dO, assuming mations; see also footnote references 1 and 2.
1948 Dunbar: Doubly Curved Reflector Calculation for Shaped Beams 1291

found experimentally that the optimum elevation pat-

tern shape4 is
G(0) = K csc2 0 cos 0,
which, fortunately, is an elementary function whose in-
tegral may be substituted into (6) with the following

csc0 = csc OB + J;C do4. (6a)

fB p

In the case of an arbitrary function whose indefinite

integral does not exist, the quantities on either side of
(6) are integrated graphically, and plotted as shown in Fig. 5-Relations between the first-guess curve and the computed
Fig. 4. Then values of 0 corresponding to values of f, central-section curve, indicating limiting angles in O and 0.

quire a beam shape of the form G(0) K csc2 0 cos 0 for


an airborne navigational antenna. Suppose the range in

O is 50 < 0 < 550, inclusive. The vertical dimension of the
reflector is chosen to be 15 inches, the focal length 10.6
inches, and the horizontal width of the reflector 24
inches. A horn feed of the proper dimensions is chosen,
its primary pattern in the plane of the vertical section
of the reflector is carefully measured, and a guess made
as to the shape of the central-section curve. This first-
guess curve will be taken as the so-called "barrel dish"
e -. curve; i.e., parabolic below axis and circular above, as
Fig. 4-Graph for the determination of 0 = F(4). shown in Fig. 5. The computations are then performed
as follows:
may be read directly from the graph. Where it is desir- 1. The quantity I(q)/p is plotted and graphically
able to expand any portion of the graph for more accu- integrated.
rate reading, smaller increments in 0 and/or 4 may be 2. Using (6a), values of 0 are computed for corre-
taken for plotting on the expanded scale. The curve sponding values of q5.
ABC in Fig. 4 is obtained from the integration of G(0); 3. The quantity tan 2Q(0+0) is plotted and graphi-
while the curve DEF is obtained from the integration of cally integrated.
I(4)/p. The line q51EB01 represents the method of read- 4. Using (4), values of p(4), the central-section curve,
ing corresponding values of 4 and 0. are computed. The relation between the first-guess
curve and the computed central-section curve is shown
In the integration of I(0)/p it is required that we
know the function p(q). It is, therefore, necessary that 2

a guess be made as to the shape of the central-section .,--WAVEGUIDE AND HORN FEED
curve. Thus, having measured the primary pattern I(+)
we perform the integration of (6) for the desired beam
shape and obtain the correspondence between 4 and 0.
Then (4) may be integrated graphically to obtain a
solution for the central-section curve. The process may
be repeated by substituting the computed values of
p(k) into the quantity I(0)/p and performing the inte-
grations as before. In practice, no more than two such
calculations are required for satisfactory accuracy in
the central-section curve.
In order to illustrate this method of calculation, we
present the following sample calculation, where we re-
I See section 13.2 of footnote reference 2. Fig. 6-A sketch of the shaped-reflector antenna.
1292 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.-Waves and Electrons Section October
5. Using (la), values of f(4) are computed, and using ent. Having computed the central-section curve, how-
(1) the co-ordinates of the parabolic sections are com- ever, we may apply a test for the single-valuedness of
puted. The entire reflector surface is now determined. A the surface in the following manner. By (la), the focal
sketch of the reflector is shown in Fig. 6. lengths of the transverse parabolas may be obtained;
so that, knowing the horizontal aperture of the reflector
TEST FOR SINGLE-VALUEDNESS OF we may calculate the depth z of the respective parabolas
It may happen that, after the central-section curve
has been determined and an attempt is made to develop (7)
the surface by plotting the parabolic cross sections, the 4f(k)
surface is found to be multiple-valued in a certain re- Then, plotting these depths z on their respective ray
gion. Such a condition makes the reflector physically lines drawn in the directions 0, and connecting the points
unusable, and, if it occurs, a new design must be com- so determined, a curve is obtained which defines the
menced. The region of multiple value is caused by the contour of the extremity of the reflector surface. If this
various parabolic cross sections, which are inclined at curve is single-valued (i.e., if the curve has no cusp or is
large angles to the axis, intersecting one another, with not self-intersecting), the surface will be single-valued.
the result that the surface becomes folded upon itself. If, however, the curve is multivalued, the surface can-
The intersection of the parabolas is illustrated in Fig. not be single-valued. Typical examples of these curves
7. The curve SQS' is the central-section curve, CPD is a are drawn in Fig. 8. The curves (a) and (b) are a loop
typical parabolic cross section. The parabolas passing and a cusp, respectively, indicating that the surfaces
through Q, R, and S' are seen to intersect in the regions E
and F. The surface defined by these curves is multiple-
valued in the region to the right of E and F. The im-
mediate remedy for this is to reduce the horizontal
aperture of the reflector until such intersection is no

BG~ ~ ~to
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 8-Typical examples of curves for testing single-
valuedness of the surface.

would be folded; curve (c) contains no singular point

and is not multivalued, showing that the surface can be
utilized as a reflector.
A reflector for the ideal beam shape G(0) = K csc2 0
cos 0, and whose horizontal and vertical dimensions were
36 inches and 15 inches, respectively, was computed and
built. The focal length of the reflector was 14.5 inches.
Fig. 7-Illustration showing the intersection of The pattern of this antenna for X = 3.2 cm is shown in
parabolic cross section.
Fig. 9. The gain was approximately 29.5 db.
longer possible, but such reduction in aperture is not The pattern of this antenna differs from the ideal
suitable from the point of view of preservation of azi- curve, shown dashed in Fig. 9, in two ways. The peak is
muthal beam width; consequently, the reflector must be rounded, corresponding to a width at half power of
redesigned. Unfortunately, there is no sure way to de- about 80, and displaced slightly to the right of the as-
termine beforehand if the particular set of design speci- sumed Go. Secondly, there are small diffraction lobes
fications will lead to a multivalued surface, especially if superimposed upon the pattern. Some suppression of
the total coverage angle, 00 to OB, iS great. In general, these small lobes can be achieved by tapering of the
space considerations impose the condition that the focal intensity on the edges of the reflector, but it is unlikely
length should be as short as possible, so that elimination that they can be completely eliminated.
of any possibility of the surface becoming folded by sim- The expression G(0) = K csc2 0 cos 0 is not a physically
ply using a long focal length is not particularly expedi- realizable pattern, because the rounded peak of the dif-
1948 Dunbar: Doubly Curved Reflector Calculation for Shaped Beams 1293
fraction pattern is a phenomenon not accounted for by
simple geometrical optics. Consequently, some allow-
ance for diffraction should be included in the ideal beam
shape. Thus, if an expression for G(O) which is physically

ibtF 44
Tt*iiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiii
W il0
1 - -
_. l


I 4 1.

: lili
r1 r 11
. t1 -iINV
I,- o z
:3 2
-IlUla- u2C- -
-0 c
"- -

H11+ HH11H111 i!1
0 111H11111HHHH _ _ IL2 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L

0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0

2---e--------- -

404- --I

A,- O\-
-20 -M -0%. A^


_zo-_ o- 10 -- 20- 30- 40- 500 600 70-

Fig. 9-The pattern of the antenna, computed for
G(0) =K csc2 0 cos 0. v _v%- VI IV, zu,
300 40- so- o-1

Fig. 10-The pattern of the antenna, computed for

realizable is used, the pattern of the calculated reflector
will more closely approximate this ideal pattern and G(0) = e-Kf2 |+
+ K CSC2 0 COS 0m
therefore permit more accurate prediction. In an at-
tempt to use an expression for G(O) that was physically Thus,
realizable, the expression was taken as follows: 47rd k002 e-
Go(Ga G= (9)
ro+a rGB
G (0) = e- k02 + K cscl 0 cos 02 (8) f e-1kC2d + j K csc2 0 cos OdO
- eo+a 0o-a 0+a

The resulting antenna pattern is shown in Fig. 9. The The first integral in the denominator may be evaluated
reflector dimensions were 36 by 17 inches, horizontal in terms of the probability function by using the trans-
and vertical apertures, respectively, with a focal length formation 02 =kG2. Then
of 14.5 inches. The constants k, a, and K were adjusted
to normalize the csc2 0 cos 0 curve to the half-power
point of the beam whose width at half power was taken
to be 60. The dashed curve in Fig. 10 is that defined by
fekd = Vk feJdb
the above function. The agreement is seen to be quite and hence we obtain
The theoretical gain of the cosecant-squared antenna J'0c.b.e
2 ekO2d_ e-2d
is rather difficult to define because the ideal csc2 0 pat- @2a \/k r
tern is realizable only with an antenna of infinite vertical
aperture. We may, however, compute the gain of an where the function in the brackets is the probability
antenna in whose horizontal aperture d the intensity is integral. Since Oc corresponds to the half-power point of
uniform and whose elevation pattern is specified by (8). the curve, (9) becomes
{V7r[2x 0 6931 e-0 2d4O] + K[csc. - CSC OB]}
1294 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.-Waves and Electrons Section October
where OC=Oo+a. Substituting the values of k, a, K, It is notable that considerable latitude in the control
00, and OB for the calculated antenna, we obtain G= of the shape of the elevation pattern is permissible by
2730, which is 34.36 db above an isotropic radiator. motion of the feed horn away from the focus in the
The measured gain of the antenna was 31.4 db. This is in vertical plane. It is therefore possible to obtain an air-
fair agreement with the "theoretical." borne navigational antenna whose pattern may be con-
Antenna patterns in planes transverse to the eleva- trolled for various altitudes and maximum ranges. Such
tion plane are uniformly narrow, having a width at half variation in the pattern is illustrated in Fig. 12, in
power of about 2.50 for the reflector whose elevation which polar diagrams are shown for three positions of
pattern is shown in Fig. 10. The side lobes in transverse the horn feed: (A) 1 inch below focus; (B) on focus; and
planes for various elevation angles are as shown in (C) 1 inch above focus. In each case the feed horn was
Table I. tilted 50 down with reference to the normal to the axis
TABLE I through the focal point. The reflector is the same one
Angle from peak 00 150 300 400 500
Side lobe level relative I16 4 '2 10 9 8 7 C 5
to the maximum at -19db -14db -12db -12db -12db
the given angle

A third reflector was computed for the function G(O)

as follows:
10o+a 1 °2 100 0 70 60- 55 45- 40- 3 30 25- 20- 20*

G(O) = e-he2 + Kcsc2 0 ±co S

+ . (1A) A L"EI K011EFLECTCR:="CImCN)-,erMOU`
° o-O a
fo+a oJe s-Hor. OR FOCUS
Fig. 12-Illustration showing the control of the
The predicted half-power width was 100, the angle 01 antenna pattern by feed motion.
chosen to be 300, and the function A cos nO added in
order that the entire function go continuously to zero. whose pattern is shown in Fig. 9. Note that the radius
The horizontal and vertical dimensions of the reflector of the polar diagram is proportional to radar range. The
were 30 and 9 inches, respectively. The elevation pat- feed motion required for such elevation pattern control
tern of this antenna for )=3.2 cm is shown in Fig. 11. is realizable by simple mechanical linkages.
The dashed curve is that defined by (11). The agree-
ment between this ideal pattern and the diffraction pat- CONSTRUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL REFLECTORS
tern is very good.
The first two reflectors were made from laminated
wood, each lamina of which was cut to fit a three-di-
mensional template. When the laminae were all as-
sembled and firmly glued, the surface was carefully
sanded to fit the template at all points. The surface was
then painted with conducting silver paint. A photograph
of one of the templates is shown in Fig. 13.

- i1~~i ii IN --

F X _ = =I + 1.

Fig. 13-The three-dimensional template for the
construction of an experimental reflector.

-20 )10. 0 10- 20- 3 40- 5 ZO' A third reflector was constructed by stretching fine
Fig. 11-The pattern of the antenna, computed for copper mesh on metal plates which had been cut to fit
- +a caR S] the contours of vertical sections of the reflector surface.
G(0) =e-ell'|- + K csc2 0104
+ A Cos 70l| The mesh was soldered to each contour plate and stiff-
1948 Dunbar: Doubly Curved Reflector Calculation for Shaped Beams 1295
ened by tinning lightly with solder. The plates were functions, and rounding of decimals. It may be argued
supported firmly by spacers and a substantial metal that the method of calculation is not highly precise;
frame. however, precision of a sufficiently high degree may be
ACKNOWLEDGMENT assured by carrying all computed decimals to the fourth
place. The significance of certain of these decimal places
Acknowledgement is due H. F. Cogan for calculation may be questioned; but assuming that, in graphical
of the first reflector, to D. R. Taskjian for calculation integration, the area may be read to an accuracy of
and construction of the third reflector, and to L. J. ± 1.5 per cent for any small increment, and to an accu-
Chu, S. Silver, and L. C. Van Atta for helpful discus- racy of ±0.5 per cent in the total area, the maximum
sions. possible error in the computation of 0 will be less than
APPENDIX I 5 minutes of arc. Similarly, the maximum error in logio
DISCUSSION OF ERRORS pipo is about 0.8 per cent, permitting the computation
of the radius vector within a maximum possible error of
Suppose that a certain ideal beam shape is required less than 0.010 inch (p<12 inches).
for a special microwave antenna application. Any an-
tenna designed to produce this ideal beam shape will, Surface Tolerances
in fact, radiate a pattern which differs from the ideal An estimate of the surface tolerances may be ob-
in some degree. We now define such differences as errors. tained upon consideration of (2), the differential equa-
tion for the surface,
Sources of Error
The errors associated with the double-curvature re- dp
-= tan (k+ 0)d4d. (13)
flector antenna are of two general kinds: those which p
are mechanical, affecting the shape of the reflector sur- Consequently, if we know the function
face; and those which arise from diffraction, affecting
the shape of the radiated beam. The mechanical errors 0 F(,O),

in the reflector surface will modify the geometrical dis- we can evaluate the allowed increment in the radius
tribution of energy and will alter, to some extent, the vector for a given tolerance in the direction 0; thus,
shape of the realized antenna pattern. The mechanical
errors may be classified as (a) errors in measurement, dO = F'(O)do AO
(b) errors in computation, and (c) surface tolerances. Ap=p tan I (42+o)- (14)
Entirely independent of the effect of mechanical errors F'(0p)
are the effects of diffraction. These are twofold: (a) to It now remains to determine F'(4), which may be ap-
modify the beam shape from the ideal to an approxima- proximated by plotting the curve 0 = F(4) and reading
tion to the ideal which contains no discontinuities in the slope for various values of 0. Taking AO + 4, the
intensity, and (b) to superimpose diffraction lobes on average values of Ap obtained for the experimental re-
the pattern. flectors described above are about 0.005 inch. This per-
missible error in p is less than the maximum possible
Errors in Measurement error computed in the foregoing paragraph, but on the
If the measurement of the primary feed pattern I(4) other hand the probable error in p will certainly be less
is in error, the reflector shape, of course, will be made than the maximum possible error. In consequence, the
incorrect for the desired secondary pattern, and conse- probable error in p will be of about the same magnitude
quently the antenna pattern will not have the proper as the permissible error. It should be noted, however,
distribution of power. However, since the error in meas- that diffraction will most probably permit some relaxa-
urement takes the form tion of the surface tolerances. On the basis of allowing
I(p) + A() ±X/20 variation in the phase front after reflection, we
g ~~~do find that the permitted tolerance in the radius vector is,
JB P (12) for example, about 0.032 inch for X = 3.20 cm. The whole
f A I(Q) + d() question of precision of the method, however, is best
J fB P
answered by the comparative excellence of the experi-
mental results.
where A(k) is the relative error as a function of 1, it
appears that errors in measurement of +1 db or less Effect of Diffraction
will not seriously effect the resultant antenna pattern. The primary effect of diffraction in modification of
the beam shape is the removal of sharp discontinuities
Errors in Computation in intensity. In addition, small diffraction lobes are
Computational errors arise primarily from two superimposed on the pattern. The effect of diffraction
sources: plotting and graphically integrating the various is illustrated in Figs. 9, 10, and 11.
1296 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.-Waves dnd Electrons Section October
The small diffraction lobes in the pattern arise chiefly curls much more rapidly, as in Fig. 14(b). In both
from the lower edge of the reflector (see Fig. 5). This is spirals the lower edge of the reflector is at the origin.
best illustrated by considering the spiral that results
from the contributions of amplitude from small ele-
ments of the surface in a direction 0. Consider a narrow
section of the reflector surface about the central section
curve. Corresponding to each surface element of this
section, there is a certain electromagnetic-wave ampli-
tude and phase radiated in the given direction 0. If
these contributions are added, vector-fashion, each at
its respective phase angle, starting at the bottom edge (a) (b)
of the reflector as a reference, there results a spiral anal- Fig. 14-Spirals resulting from vector addition of amplitude con-
tributions from elements of the reflector surface. (a) Spiral for 0
ogous to the Cornu spiral of physical optics. Although nearly equal to 6o. (b) Spiral for large 0.
for the whole surface the picture is somewhat more com-
plicated than this, we may represent the sum of con- The spiral for large 0 shows that the phase of the ampli-
tributions from all elements of surface by a spiral similar tude contributions from the lower part of the reflector
to that obtained from elements in the narrow section of changes very rapidly, and consequently the resultant
the surface. For the angle 0 near Go, the spiral is of the radiation pattern will contain small variations of a
form shown in Fig. 14(a), while for large 0 the spiral quasi-periodic nature.

A New ioo-Watt Triode for iooo Megacycles*

Summary -The design and developmentof a 100-watt, grounded- ture"-2 with supporting elements likewise coaxially
grid triode for operation at full ratings up to 1200 Mc is described. aligned.
Unusual mechanical design features have been utilized to achieve a
tube which not only is capable of excellent performance at ultra-high
frequencies, but which can also be manufactured by production-line DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
methods. General Construction Features
The outstanding design features making this performance possi-
ble include close spacing of a coaxial structure to give high perveance; The electrode structure of the 5588 consists of three
precision cold working of metals at high unit pressures to fabricate all closely spaced coaxial cylindrical elements: the unipo-
electrodes; and assembly of the tube using localized rf heating meth- tential oxide-coated cathode, the grid, and the anode.
ods and precision jigs to maintain accurate spacing of electrodes.
Circuit and performance data of this new tube are given as a A cross-sectional view of the tube is given in Fig.1.
power oscillator, as well as a uniquely neutralized ultra-high-fre- Because the axial length of the electrode structure is
quency power amplifier. about X inch, which is short in comparison with a quar-
ter wavelength at 1000 Mc, essentially equal rf voltages
INTRODUCTION exist at all points over this area. The grid, which con-
r- HE DESIGN and development of a compact, sists of a cylindrical array of short wires aligned parallel
T forced-air-cooled uhf power triode capable of de- to the tube axis, has low inductance. The short grid
livering 100 watts at an efficiency of 40 per cent wires provide a maximum of end or conduction cooling,
in a cw amplifier operating at 1000 Mc presented strin- allowing greater grid dissipation before instability occurs
gent electronic and physical requirements which were due to grid emission. The short coaxial structure pro-
met by novel methods of fabrication and assembly. vides considerable freedom from instability due to shifts
The resultant type, the 5588, has a maximum of oper- in electrode spacing, buckling, or warping of the elec-
ational stability together with good circuit adaptability, trodes. The members which support the electrodes and
achieved through the use of a coaxial electronic struc- provide for the transition between the external circuit
and the electrodes are continuous, low-inductance
* Decimal classification: R339.2. Original manuscript received by
the Institute, January 30, 1948; revised manuscript received, March 1 R. R. Law, D. G. Burnside, R. P. Stone, and W. B. Walley,
30, 1948. Presented, 1947 IRE National Convention, March 6, 1947, 'Development of pulse triodes and circuit to give one megawatt at
New York, N. Y. 600 megacycles," RCA Rev., vol. 7, pp. 253-265; June, 1946.
t Radio Corporation of America, Lancaster, Pa. 2 L. S. Nergaard, D. G. Burnside, and R. P. Stone, "A develop-
t Formerly, Radio Corporation of America, Lancaster, Pa.; now, mental pulse triode for 200-kilowatt output at 600 megacycles,"
Engineering Research Associates, Inc., St. Paul, Minn. PROC. I.R.E., vol. 36, pp. 412-416; March, 1947.

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