Methodology: Language Acquisition & Language Learning Questionnaire Name of Participant

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To interview about language

Acquisition and language learning, I took two persons. As university directed to

interview atleast two people who can communicate in two and more than two
languages, question them about their language acquisition and language learning
process. I made a questionnaire for this purpose and then made the selected
people to fill and answer this questionnaire.

One of the these two people is a male who is working as a guard in a school. And
the other is a fellow teacher with me at the same school. The male participant can
speak two languages and the female can speak three languages (more than two

Here is two types of questionnaire. In first sheet the participants answered the
question by choosing from the given possible answeres and the second sheet has
open ended questions.

Language acquisition & language learning questionnaire

Name of participant:
Age: Address:
1. Are you……..

2.where are you working /studying?




Some other place

3.which language do you use for communicating with people in

your surrounding?



Any other/mention

4.How many languages can you speak?



More than two

5.Which language do you speak proficiently?

6.What do you do to further your knowledge of the same
Use media

Learn in a group,talking constantly in

The language

Other (please specify)

7.In what kind of environment do you learn best?

Quiet classroom

Within a group

Surrounded by those speaking the language

8.What aspects of language learning do you find most difficult?

Reading writing speaking

Finding the confidence to use the language

Understanding those talking to you listening

9.How did you overcome the difficulties during language

Asking a teacher/someone else

Researching (online,through books and other resources

I don’t try to overcome

Other (please specify)

10.How do you feel you learn vocabulary and language in

general best?
Rote memorization

By having explained to you.

Using it in speech and writing.

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