Rokugan 2268

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Hi !

I've never done a PbP on Roll20 before (did a bit on RPG forums in my time) but your game is *exactly* what I need right now as I'm a bit limited in the vocal department.
Plus, Rokugan 2268 is something I've never heard of before and reading the blog got me hyped as fuck.
Are firearms banned as suggested in the blog post? Also, I don't exactly know what you intend to do with your setting so I'll improvise a lot. Of course, we can modify any
part of it later.

Also, I'm not a native speaker.

I'd like to play a Lion shugenja-analyst from Kitsu DroneSec, a Lion security division
specialized in magical interventions. Every Sarariman from Kitsu DroneSec carries little
drones and a powerglove/datapad thing. Their equipment, gift for hearing the KamiNET
and knowledge of the right passwords, lets them tap into LionCorp huge database of
magical misdeed, download recorded invocations up to their clearance level and
syntethize it, unleashing their power either through their gift alone of throught overcharging
the drone as a gift to the kamis. (That's my justification for the "Favor of the Ancestors" and
how to importune invocations).
It is said that some high-clearance inspectors from KitsuCorp are actually capable of
interfacing directly with the database, using the ad-hoc wisdom and skill of ancient officers
when needed.
So that would be a Lion clan Shugenja, from the Kitsu Family and the Kitsu Medium
School with Haunted, Fallen ancestor, Spiritual Protector and Amnesiac. That's a lot of
ghost stuff so to relax he likes to simp for Idols (Like Matsuri passion but with Idols).
He's a bit of a softie. He sees himself more of a public servant than a law enforcer and
doesn't like the whole "We'll give them compassion if they deserve it" schtick. He also
sometimes takes liberties with the code of bushido, as he thinks a code shouldn't stop
somebody from doing good.

The balding yoriki gazed at Shinsuke from behind his half-moon glasses. His face was a
mask of calm, but the regular tapping of his kiseru on the desk betrayed his agitation.
Akodo Soben was at the automn of his life, but his service knew their aging boss would
stay in service at least twenty more years before time could think about affecting this man.
"Kitsu Shinsuke-san. Make yourself confortable"
Shinsuke stood at ease, but the young officer was no fool. Every seating in the room had
been pushed against the wall closer to the door, and fetching one to sit into would have the
same effect as asking to be fired or worse, promoted to Scorpion province. Uneasy in his
new uniform, Shinsuke was beginning to sweat a bit. He knew he fucked up, but he had
hoped his little blunder would go unnoticed. Or unreported at least. In insight, he probably
should have thought of a believable excuse beforehand. The old man continued, his eyes
firmly planted into his surbordinate's.
" freshly graduated from KSD officer's academy with adequate grades.
You joined this office just last month I believe?
- Correct Akodo-dono"
An unsetlling silence fell in the room. Shinsuke wasn't in position to break it, and the yoriki
seemed content keep him on his toes. After what seemed an eternity to the young Mitsu,
his boss took a puff of his kiseru and broke the tension.
"Well then Shinsuke-san, it is understandable you could be...mistaken about the nature of
our mission here."
Shinsuke was destabilized but tried to hide it. What was he talking about? Wasn't this
discussion about the Daidoji ad-board he accidentaly burned three days before?
"You see, Soben continued, our mission is to maintain the Imperial Peace in this district.
We are here to arrest the criminals whose despicable activities threaten this peace. Do
you understand?"
Slowly, yes.
" about my report on the Heartstring Bar?
- Yes. Yes it is, you are smarter than I anticipated I see."
Shinsuke winced at the insult, but couldn't act on it. What did his boss wanted to talk
about? Clearly he wasn't here to be congratulated.
"Listen, I took good notice of your report, but that's not how we do things here. You
investigated this place without any credible witness and worst of all, without mandate.
- I had a...
- The word of a Heimin is *not* enought to justify investigating Bayushi Yato's
establishment in this district. I don't care about your results, *how* you do things is at least
as important as what you accomplish. I don't care if Bayushi's skullfucking a goblin while
sniffing gaijin pepper, as long as he doesn't disturb the Imperial Peace. Some Heimin
disappeard yes, that is tragic. But as long as you don't see them being taken into t

I passed my graduation at Kitsu DroneSec (KDS) academy despite lacking quite a lot of my memories from the time I spend there. I guess you oculd say I'm unusually

I lost like, what...ten years of my life? More than half of it yeah...I guess you could say it's a bit of a handicap.

Ok, don't laugh alright?...I love Idols. I like cheering them on, following their hardships, weeping when they fail, rejoicing when they make it big. It's a shame so much
corporations are heavy-handed in their managerial approche, as VirtualIdols with more freedom are the most endearing.

I haven't contacted my family in a while...mostly because I can't remember them. I can't seem to find any records of them in my personal datas and...I think I might have
deleted them while I wasn't hrmm..."myself". I'm really worried about what seems to be these lapses in my self-control.

In a formal sense, it was the teaching staff at KDS academy. In a more personal fashion...let's say a lot of the things the "thing" in my head feel and want...are appealing. In
a way.


I have grey hairs. Not white as a crane, more like those of an old person. I've seen old pictures of
me and I wasn't like this before. I guess it's linked with my memory loss? Or with my..."brain-
What they DON'T notice, is my Idol-branded collector T-shirt I like to wear when I'm not in service.
And sometimes while in service, when it's really cold outside.

When the situation gets tense, I tend to smirk, smile and chuckle lightly.
At my boiling point, I tend to abruptly switch from my artificial smile to full blown tempetuous

Hard to tell, as I'm not exactly "all there". But I tend to be admirative of the Unicorn way of life.
The less rude among them at least.
As much as my clan-corporation tries to push the narrative that Crane-corp is comprised of weak-
hearted florists, I can't be in agreement with them when following the Crane-Idol circuit at the same
time. Sure, a lot of them are manipulative and pedant, but there are some legitimately good people
in there, as everywhere else.
Ok everywhere else except the Scorpion corp. These double-speaking, backstabbing, criminal
bastards have no morale, no compassion, no honor. They hide themselves behind a mask of class,
but the crass pours out of every word their deceitful mouths utter.

Also, it is possible I kiiinda flirted wit a cute Kaito shrine maintenance crew. We bonded through
our common love of idols, we even went to a live event together. Strangely enought, I remember her
pretty well even though our time together was bang in the middle of my memory loss. Kaito
Mikan...I wonder what she's up to nowadays.

I'm from a big family so I doubt they noticed me distancing myself from the rest of the family
lately. I owe them respect as my life-givers, but I know they could do much more for the
community if they just tried to be a bit less preoccupied by appearances. They probably wouldn't be
happy to know I' mingling with low-class people and sararimen.

Stolen knowledge / Rutheless victor

Lost the the darkness x2

Triumph over the Lion / Triumph during Gempuku

Mark of the Elements / Touched by the Fortunes

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