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About Us / Company Profile

Our Mission
Your one stop Financial Supermarket
Our range of Products and Services
Financial Planning Services
Our Team
Investment Advisory Products Offered by Bajaj
Financial Planning Services Offered by Bajaj
Future Goal Funding
Bajaj Capital's Value Added Services
Bajaj Capital's In-house Publications for
8 Reasons for you to invest only through Bajaj
How to achieve 'Lifetime of Investment

Our Mission
The single focus of our organization is to be the most useful, reliable and
efficient provider of Financial services.It is our continuous endeavor to be
a trustworthy advisor to our clients, helping them achieve their Financial

We are SEBI approved merchant bankers, investment advisors and

financial planners. We have a track record of ethical dealings for the last
42 years and have had the honour of helping millions of investors achieve
their life's financial goals.

Your one stop Financial Supermarket

We offer you a comprehensive range of financial products and services,
which will help you achieve your life's financial goals all under one roof.

Our range of Products and Services Top

Investment Advisory Products
» Company fixed deposits
» Bonds
» Mutual funds
» Life insurance
» General insurance
» Pension schemes
» Post office schemes
» Tax saving schemes
» Insurance linked investment schemes
» Initial public offerings
» Housing loans
» NRI schemes
» Car insurance

Financial Planning Services

» Investment planning
» Retirement planning
» Insurance planning
» Children's future planning
» Tax planning
» Short-term cash flow planning

Our Team
We have a well-trained professional team comprising of MBAs, CAs, CSs,
Financial Analysts, Financial Planners, Investment Experts, Insurance
Experts, and Law Graduates.

Investment Advisory Products Offered by Bajaj Capital Top

Company Fixed Deposits
Company Fixed Deposits offer better returns than Bank Deposits with
minimum lock-in periods.
Bajaj Capital offers select Fixed Deposit Schemes of reputed
Manufacturing, Finance and Government companies. We offer you wide
range of Company Deposit schemes

Bonds and Debentures

Bajaj Capital arranges taxable and tax-free bonds from Central and State
Government Institutions.

Mutual Funds
Mutual Funds give you market related, realistic returns through proper
diversification of risk by investing in debt and equity instruments. They
also give you transparency in transactions, anytime liquidity and tax-
efficiency. We offer you over 2,000 Equity Funds, Debt Funds and Liquid

Life Insurance

Provides for dependents in case of a mishap.

Replaces earning power if disabled.
Protects your ability to meet accumulation, education, marriage

We all have financial responsibitities, in the absence of the bread earner,

it becomes very difficult to fulfil these. This is the reson for getting
yourself and your loved ones a life cover to give you peace of mind also
giving protection for critical illness and monthly income.

General Insurance

Addresses healthcare concerns.

Provides for auto, home and personal liability protection.
Provides for potential long-term care costs.
Plans for business continuation.

While you grow your wealth, you must protect yourself from a stroke of
misfortune, which could take away some of your wealth earned over so
many years.

Pension Schemes
A pension scheme is a savings plan that is designed to grow over time to
provide you with an income during retirement.
The government provides tax incentives that allow your fund to grow
virtually tax-free.

Housing Loans
We arrange housing loans for you while helping you save sizeable
amounts of tax in the bargain. The loans are for purchase, construction,
renovation, etc, and are from the leading Housing Finance Companies,
offering competitive interest rates at your door step.

Car/Scooter Insurance
We offer automobile solutions to safeguard your vehicle from theft,
accidents, and other mishaps, ensuring you very easy and hassle free

Financial Planning Services Offered by Bajaj Capital Top

Financial Planning is the process of meeting your life's goals through
proper management of your finances. The process includes gathering
relevant financial information, setting your goals, examining your current
financial situation and formulating strategies for how you can achieve
your goals, given your current financial situation and future plans. At
bajaj capital we are dedicated to the financial planning approach and give
you advice only after understanding your financial needs.

Investment Planning
Everyone should have secure savings for a rainy day. Once these are in
place, you have to start thinking about investing for the future. We help
you plan your investments so that you may reach your personal goals by
investing according to the risk that you can bear and your recommended
mix of investments.
Cash Flow Budgeting
We analyze your income, expenses, assets and liabilities to see which
budgeting techniques you can use to help you reach your current and
long-term financial goals.

Protection for yourself and your family (Insurance Planning)

Your greatest asset during your working years is your ability to earn an
income. It is important to adequately safeguard this asset to ensure that
your cash flow will continue in the event of an unexpected disaster. Your
insurance policies will help you protect yourself and your dependents (if
any) against any unforeseen odds.

Future Goal Funding Top

Children's education and marriage planning:
One of the most important financial goals for every parent is to plan their
children's futures so that they can make the steps to success easier for
them to climb. Owing to the steep rise in the cost of higher education and
marriage, it has become essential to start planning and saving for these
events well in advance. We can help you achieve these goals by
suggesting prudent investment avenues to you.

Asset purchase
We all long that one day we are able to purchase our dream house, car or
other assets. To help you fulfill these goals, we give you advice on how to
accumulate the funds to purchase these assets by suggesting monthly
savings plans and other investment instruments that will make your
money grow to the required amounts.

Tax Planning
By planning your taxes, we help you reach your personal goals by
identifying how to increase your income by saving taxes and by helping
you invest in tax saving instruments that fit your personal portfolio and

Retirement Planning
Planning your income for retirement is one of the most important financial
decisions you will ever make. You have to plan your finances so that you
may maintain the same standard of living when you are no longer
working. In order to ensure that you enjoy your retirement without
financial hardships, we urge you to make your own pension plans like
Public Provident Fund, with our help.

Speciality Service Groups

"Wealth Management Group" offers Wealth Management Services for High
Networth Individuals
Bajaj Capital offers tailor made Investment Advisory and Financial
Planning Services customized exclusively to meet the needs of high
networth individuals. Some of the additional services offered are:

» Dedicated relationship managers

» Periodic portfolio review
» Regular update of portfolio valuation
» Need based advice

"Financial Planning Group" offers comprehensive Financial Planning

Services for long-term investors We pride ourselves in helping you meet
your life's goals. We do this by helping you assess your goals, plan for
them and finally implement them. We take a comprehensive approach to
planning your future by including in each financial plan, solutions in all of
the following areas:

» Investment Planning
» Insurance Planning
» Cash flow Planning
» Children's Future Planning
» Tax Planning
» Retirement Planning

Bajaj Capital's Value Added Services Top

Regular Information Update: We keep you updated on the latest
opportunities in the World of Investments.
Need Based Advice: Our advice is all 'need based.' We give you
customized advice only after understanding your financial goals,risk
tolerance and other priorities in life.

Research Based Advice: Our professional research team will help you
with advice that is thoroughly based on the analysis of market dynamics,
government policies and a close monitoring of global developments.

Investment Health Check: We help you achieve your financial goals by

assessing your risk tolerance level and recommending to you a suitable
asset allocation model for your investments.

Doorstep Service: We have a vast network of branches all over India,

helping you to get services at your doorstep.

Regular Information: Through our in-house publications like Bajaj

Capital Investors India, Investors Outlook, Investoment's Select List and
others, we keep you updated on the latest opportunities in the world of

Accessibility: We have branches spread nationwide, covering all

important Indian cities almost every nook and corner of the country.
Tailor Made Solutions: You get easy transactions and tailor-made
solutions through our 'Investment Centres' even at the tinkle of a phone.

Specialization in all Client Segments

We offer Financial Planning for housewives, celebrities, players, doctors,
architects, professionals, ambassadors, army officers and the likes

Bajaj Capital's In-house Publications for Investors Top

Bajaj Capital Investors India: This is our monthly magazine that
will help you take the right decisions in matters relating to investments,
based on the principles of financial planning. (Priced Publication)

Money Multiplying News: This is a fortnightly newsletter that helps you

choose the best options available to you for investments during that
period. (Free of Cost)
Investment's Select List: This is a monthly list of the latest investment
options covering all financial products like Company FDs, Equity Mutual
Funds, Debt Mutual Funds, Insurance Schemes, and others investment
options. (Free of Cost)

Investment Outlook: This is a monthly research report which gives an

overview of the debt and equity markets and a comprehensive analysis of
the various mutual funds' performance based on parameters like risk
exposure, return fluctuation and other statistical performance metrics. It
also gives a technical trend analysis of the market. (Free of Cost)

Tax Planning Guide:This is an annual guide that gives you a

comprehensive idea about how to maximize tax benefits by availing
beneficial provisions in the tax laws. It educates the reader on how to
avail certain exemptions, deductions, rebates and reliefs, in order to
minimize their tax liability.

'8' Reasons for you to invest only through Bajaj Capital Top
Old Establishment
Bajaj Capital is one of the oldest and largest Investment Advisory
Companies in India, in operation since 1964.

Nationwide Presence and Modern Infrastructure

Bajaj Capital has a vast network of 109 offices spread all across the
country. Our team of over 1500 highly motivated professionals include
MBAs, CAs, Financial Planners, Financial Analysts, Insurance Experts,
Investment Experts and Law Graduates. Our operations are fully

SEBI Authorization.
Bajaj Capital is a Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
authorized Merchant Banker and Investment Advisory Company. SEBI is a
government body specially created for investors' protection.

After Sales Service

"Service with a smile" is our motto. Our role does not end when you have
made your investments. We feel obliged to solve all of your queries and
grievances even after you have invested with us.

Vast Variety of Schemes: We are a full-fledged "Financial Supermarket"

offering advice to our clients on a large variety of financial products.

Research Centre: We have a full-fledged Research Centre that

constantly monitors and analyses the industry, economy and various
scheme performances, helping us give you unbiased investment advice.

Independent Investment Advice: We are one of India's few

Independent Investment advisory companies. We are not promoted by a
bank, a mutual fund or an NBFC, and hence are able to give you truly
neutral advice.

Strength: Our largest strength is our vast and dedicated clientele of

around 6 lac individual investors all over India.

How to achieve "Lifetime of Investment success"? Top

Follow Bajaj Capital's time tested Investment Philosophy
» Do not invest directly in the stock market. Take the Mutual Funds
» Safety of principal should be of prime importance. We believe in a
controlled (risk) approach to investments.
» Do not let inflation eat up your money in a savings bank account. Go
for superior and stable returns.
» Have a look at your financial objectives. Your investments should
depend upon them.
» Take the long-term approach to equity investments.
» Diversify your investments. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.
» Keep a reasonable amount of liquid cash to meet your emergency
» Take a balanced approach to investing. Avoid risky investments as well
as an overly cautious approach to Investing.
» Monitor your investments once a month and take corrective action, if
required, immediately.
» Do not try to time the entry and exit of your investments.
» Every time is a good time to invest if you have a long- term outlook
and keep investing regularly.
» Put no more than 10% of your total investments in one company.

Create an ideal portfolio by achieving perfect balance between

Risk and returns.
Risk and return are two inseparable parts of an investment strategy. They
have a direct Higher the risks higher are the returns and vice versa. The
very basic consideration of an investor while investing his money are how
to maximize one's returns will he get and what are the risks involved in
investing in a particular investment.

Take the 'MIDDLE PATH APPROACH' to investments Top

Bank Deposits are too defensive, offering very low, real (post tax &
inflation) returns. On the other hand, investing in equity shares is too
risky. Always take the middle path approach by investing in a wide array
of instruments to have an optimum risk trade off.

What are Mutual Funds?/??

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools together the savings of a number of
investors who share a common financial goal. The fund manager invests
this pool of money in securities -- ranging from shares and debentures to
money market instruments or in a mixture of equity and debt, depending
upon the objectives of the scheme.

Why choose Mutual Funds????

Investing in Mutual Funds offers several benefits:

Professional expertise:
Fund managers are professionals who track the market on an on-
going basis. With their mix of professional qualification and market
knowledge, they are better placed than the average investor to
understand the markets.
Since a Mutual Fund scheme invests in number of stocks and/or
debentures, the associated risks are greatly reduced.
Relatively less expensive:
When compared to direct investments in the capital market, Mutual
Funds cost less. This is due to savings in brokerage costs, demat
costs, depository costs etc.
Investments in Mutual Funds are completely liquid and can be
redeemed at their Net Assets Value-related price on any working
You will always have access to up-to-date information on the value
of your investment in addition to the complete portfolio of
investments, the proportion allocated to different assets and the
fund manager�s investment strategy.
Through features such as Systematic Investment Plans, Systematic
Withdrawal Plans and Dividend Investment Plans, you can
systematically invest or withdraw funds according to your needs and
SEBI regulated market:
All Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and function within the
provisions and regulations that protect the interests of investors.
AMFI is the supervisory body of the Mutual Funds industry.

Snapshot of Mutual Fund Schemes

Mutual Who
Investment Investme
Fund Objective Risk should
Portfolio nt horizon
Type invest
Those who
park their
Liquidity + Bills,
funds in
Moderate Certificate of
Money current 2 days - 3
Income + Negligible Deposits,
Market accounts weeks
Reservation Commercial
or short-
of Capital Papers, Call
term bank
Call Money,
Papers, Those with
(Floatin Liquidity + Little
Treasury surplus 3 weeks -
g- Moderate Interest
Bills, CDs, short-term 3 months
short- Income Rate
Short-term funds

Bond Predominant
Funds ly
Credit Risk Salaried & More than
Regular Debentures,
& Interest conservativ 9 - 12
(Floatin Income Government
Rate Risk e investors months
g- securities,
Long- Corporate
term) Bonds
Salaried &
Gilt Security & Interest Government 12 months
Funds Income Rate Risk securities & more
e investors
Long-term investors
Equity 3 years
Capital High Risk Stocks with long
Funds plus
Appreciation term out
To generate
returns that
are NAV varies Portfolio
Index commensura with index indices like Aggressive 3 years
Funds te with performanc BSE, NIFTY investors. plus
returns of e etc
Capital ratio of
Growth & Market equity and
Balance Moderate & 2 years
Regular Risk and debt funds
d Funds Aggressive plus
Income Interest to ensure
Risk igher returns
at lower risk

How to choose the right Mutual Fund scheme

Once you are comfortable with the basics, the next step is to understand
your investment choices, and draw up your investment plan relevant to
your requirements. Choosing your investment mix depends on factors
such as your risk appetite, time horizon of your investment, your
investment objectives, age, etc.

What should be kept in mind before investing in Mutual Funds?

Mutual Fund investment decisions require consistent effort on the part of
the investor. Before investing in Mutual Funds, the following steps must
be given due weightage to decide on the right type of scheme:

1. Identifying the Investment Objective

2. Selecting the right Scheme Category
3. Selecting the right Mutual Fund
4. Evaluating the Portfolio

A) Identifying the Investment Objective Top

Your financial goals will vary, based on your age, lifestyle, financial
independence, family commitments, level of income and expenses,
among many other factors. Therefore, the first step is to assess you
needs. Begin by asking yourself these simple questions:

Why do I want to invest?

The probable answers could be:
» "I need a regular income"
» "I need to buy a house/finance a wedding"
» "I need to educate my children," or
» A combination of all the above

How much risk am I willing to take?

» The risk-taking capacity of individuals vary depending on various
factors. Based on their risk bearing capacity, investors can be classified

Very conservative
Very Aggressive

To ascertain your risk appetite, try out our Risk Thermometer.

What are my cash flow requirements? Top

For example, you may require:
» A regular Cash Flow
» A lumpsum after a fixed period of time for some specific need in the
» Or, you may have no need for cash, but you may want to create fixed
assets for the future

B) Selecting the scheme category

The next step is to select a scheme category that matches your

investment objectives:

» For Capital Appreciation go for equity sectoral funds, equity

diversified funds or balanced funds.
» For Regular Income and Stability you should opt for income
» For Short-Term Parking of Funds go for liquid funds, floating rate
funds, short-term funds.
» For Growth and Tax Savings go for Equity-Linked Savings Schemes.

Investment Objective Investment horizon Ideal Instruments

Short-term Investment 1- 6 months Liquid/Short-term plans
Capital Appreciation Over 3 years Diversified Equity/ Balanced Funds
Regular Income Flexible Monthly Income Plans / Income Funds
Tax Saving 3 yrs lock-in Equity-Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS)

C) Selecting the right Mutual fund

Once you have a clear strategy in mind, you now have to choose which
Mutual fund and scheme you want to invest in. The offer document of the
scheme tells you its objectives and provides supplementary details like
the track record of other schemes managed by the same Fund Manager.
Some important factors to evaluate before choosing a particular Mutual
Fund are:

» The track record of performance over that last few years in relation to
the appropriate yardstick and similar funds in the same category.
» How well the Mutual Fund is organized to provide efficient, prompt and
personalized service.
» The degree of transparency as reflected in frequency and quality of
their communications.

D) Evaluation of portfolio

Evaluation of equity fund involve analysis of risk and return, volatility,

expense ratio, fund manager�s style of investment, portfolio
diversification, fund manager�s experience. Good equity fund should
provide consistent returns over a period of time. Also expense ratio
should be within the prescribed limits. These days fund house charge
around 2.50% as management fees.

Evaluation of bond funds involve it's assets allocation analysis, return's

consistency, it�s rating profile, maturity profile, and it�s performance
over a period of time. The bond fund with ideal mix of corporate debt and
gilt fund should be selected.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Top

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a simple method of investing, used

across the world as a means to accumulate wealth. It works the same
way as a recurring deposit account. SIP involves investing a fixed sum of
money in a specific investment scheme, on a regular basis, for a pre-
determined number of period.

SIP is a disciplined approach to investing, and:

» Helps you to invest disposable funds each month.
» Gives you the benefits of rupee-cost averaging
» Relieves you of trying to time the market
» Helps you to reach your financial goals

Here is how you start:

» Fill up a single SIP form, and a single application form.
» Draw post-dated cheques (minimum 5 cheques).
» Per cheque minimum SIP amount, can be as low as Rs 500/-

How is SIP useful?

» Your periodic investments can be as small as you want, provided your
overall investment is at least Rs. 5,000/-.
» The day/ date option ensures that you get to pick the time of month/
quarter that best suits you, given your cash flow patterns.
» Minimum papaerwork
» If you invest through SIP, you do not have to pay an entry load in most
» If you exit in less than the specified period (usually, 6 months for debt
schemes, 1 year for equity schemes), you pay exit load as applicable.

Benifits of SIP

SIP in Tax Saving schemes (ELSS)

People having time horizon of more than 3-4 years may choose Tax
Saving schemes (ELSS) over a purely diversified or focused equity fund

It provides:
» Relief from one lump sum investment at the year-end (e.g., Rs. 1,000
every month, rather than Rs. 12,000 lump sum)
»Tax relief

Accumulating Insurance Premium through SIP.

Open two SIPs of 6 month each and repeat the same after 6 months.
It provides:
» Ready premium at the end of six months every one year.
» Relief from one lump sum investment at one go (e.g., Rs. 1,000 every
month, rather than Rs. 12,000 lump sum at the time of premium
payment date).


Word of Caution on SIP

An SIP may not always provide better results in terms of returns,
especially in successively rising markets (The Rising markets example
above has some months when NAV falls). But it usually works out in
favour of investors as markets tend to fluctuate by nature fluctuate and
do not always show a continuous rise over long periods. And of course,
SIP does offer a superior and easier way of investing in Mutual Funds.

How to calculate the growth of your Mutual Fund investments?

Mr. Gupta purchased Mutual Fund units worth Rs. 10,000 at an NAV of Rs.
10 per unit on February 1, 2004. The Entry Load on the Mutual Fund was
2%. On September 15, 2004, he sold all the units at an NAV of Rs 20.
The exit load was 0.5%.

His growth/ returns is calculated as under:

1. Calculation of Applicable NAV and No. of units purchased:

(a) Amount of Investment = Rs. 10,000
(b) Market NAV = Rs. 10
(c) Entry Load = 2% = Rs. 0.20
(d) Applicable NAV (Purchase Price) = (b) + (c) = Rs. 10.20
(e) Actual Units purchased = (a) / (d) = 980.392 units

2. Calculation of NAV at the time of Sale
(a) NAV at the time of Sale = Rs 20
(b) Exit Load = 0.5% or Rs.0.10
(c) Applicable NAV = (a) � (b) = Rs. 19.90

3. Returns/Growth on Mutual Funds

(a) Applicable NAV at the time of Redemption = Rs. 19.90
(b) Applicable NAV at the time of Purchase = Rs. 10.20
(c) Growth/ Returns on Investment = {(a) � (b)/(b) * 100} = 95.30 %

Some don�ts for Mutual Funds

Do not speculate: Always evaluate risk-taking capacity.

Do not chase returns: Because what goes up must come down.
Do not put all eggs in one basket: Diversification reduces the risk.
Do not stop working on Mutual Funds: Continuous evaluation of funds
is a must.
Do not time the market: Every time is good for investments.

Always remember

1. Mutual Funds are subject to market risks and there is no assurance

that the fund objective will be achieved.
2. NAVs fluctuate depending on forces affecting the Capital market.
3. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future.
4. Returns are neither guaranteed nor assured.
Company Profile
Bajaj Capital is one of India’s leading Financial Services companies offering Free
Advice on Investments, Insurance, Tax Saving, Retirement Planning, Financial
Planning, Children’s Future Planning and other services. We also have a wide range
of products and services for Corporates, High Networth Individuals, and NRIs… all
under one roof.

At Bajaj Capital, we believe in dreaming big. Dreams inspire us to excel. They ignite
hope and kindle in us the passion to stretch our limits. We also believe that nothing
can or should stop us from realising our dreams… and financial constraints should
be the last thing to stop anyone.

Four decades of excellence

For over four decades, we have been helping people realise their aspirations by
helping them make their wealth grow, and plan their financial lives.

Today, we are a one of the largest financial planning and investment advisory
companies in India, with a strong presence all over the country. We take pride in
serving our customers – both individual and institutional – and are known for our
strong professionalism and work ethics.

Wide range of services

We offer a comprehensive range of services including financial planning and

investment advice, and the entire gamut of financial instruments and investment
products of almost all major companies, both public and private. In addition, we also
provide investment assistance by helping you complete all the formalities, and help
you keep regular track of your investments.

These services and products are delivered through our network of 134 Bajaj Capital
Investment Centres located all over the country.

We are also aSEBI-approved Category I Merchant Banker. We raise resources for

over 1,000 top institutions and corporate houses every year, and offer specialised
services to Non-Resident Indian (NRIs) and High Networth Clients.
What you can expect from us

Sound, research-based advice

Unbiased, independent and need-based advice
Prompt, courteous service
Honest, ethical dealings

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