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Name: d4 Academics (Sma) Hacking (Sma) Repair (Sma)

Arthur Pendragon
d6 Athletics*(Agi) Healing (Sma) Research (Sma)
Concept: Sem Individualidade Battle (Sma) Intimidation (Spi) Riding (Agi)
Player: Junior
Boating (Agi) Language (Sma) Science (Sma) Character Sheet v1.1

ATTRIBUTES d6 Common Know*(Sma) d8 Notice*(Sma) Shooting (Agi) PORTRAIT

d4 d6 d8 d10 d12
Driving (Agi) Occult (Sma) Stealth*(Agi)
Agility ⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝
Electronics (Sma) Performance (Spi) Survival (Sma)

Smarts ⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝
Spirit ⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝
d10 Fighting (Agi) d8 Persuasion*(Spi) Taunt (Sma)
Strength ⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝ Gambling (Sma) Piloting (Agi) Thievery (Agi)
Vigor ⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝—⃝ Arcane Background:


Pace: Size: Bennies: Name Effect/Modifiers

6 Normal 3

Corajoso +2 teste de medo e espírito

Starting Edges
Parry Toughness (Torso) Toughness vs Called Shots


Head Arms Legs

7 6 6 6 6

Armor/Protective Gear Areas Protected Armor Value Weight



Parry = 2 + ½ of Fighting (Plus any modifiers from equipment or Edges)
Base Toughness = 2 + ½ of Vigor (Plus modifiers from Edges)
Armor = The best layer of armor per location adds full value to Toughness
of that location. Second best layer adds half value to that location.


5 5 Weapon Range ROF AP Damage Weight


10 10

15 15

Power PP Range Dur Effect/Trappings
20 20

Name Effect/Modifiers
25 25 35
Teimoso (Menor)
Código de Honra (Maior)
Leal (Menor)

30 30
Item Location Weight Item Location Weight Race: Humano
______ Height: 1,77 Weight: 75 Age: 15



Cash Valuables/Other


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition — Rules Quick Reference Sheet

Aim: No move or other actions. Ignore up to Grappling: Opposed Athletics roll. Victim is Recoil: −2 Shooting if RoF is 2 or higher State/Status Effect Summaries
4 pts of ranged attack penalties or +2 to hit Entangled if successful, or Bound with a Reload: Bow or sling is free action. Bolt, Bound: Can’t move. No physical actions
Area of Effect: Targets touching template raise. Can’t grapple more than two Sizes
clip, magazine, or single bullet is an action other than Breaking Free. Also Vulnerable
suffer damage. Treat cover as Armor. larger. Once grappled, the attacker may take
an action to make an opposed Strength roll Shotguns: +2 Shooting. Damage is 3d6 at Distracted: -2 to all actions until end of the
Missed attack rolls may deviate character’s next turn
to cause his Strength in damage (or Bite) Short Range, 2d6 at Med, and 1d6 at Long
Called Shots: Limb −2. Hand -4 and may Support: Character describes using a skill Entangled: Can’t move. Also Distracted
Hold: Wait to go later in the current or later
disarm. Head or vitals −4 and +4 Damage in some way that helps an ally and adds +1
round. Lose round if Shaken or Stunned. Exhausted: -2 to all Trait rolls. An additional
Disarm: Called shot to hand or weapon. If May interrupt actions with opposed Athletics to his total with success and +2 with a raise. Fatigue level causes Incapacitated
weapon, roll as object, target must make a Critical Failure subtracts 2
Improvised Weapons: -2 to attacks. Fatigued: -1 to all Trait rolls. An additional
Str roll ≥ than the damage or drop it. If a Two Weapons: +1 to Fighting if foe has a
Sml: Range 3/6/12, Dmg Str+d4, Min Str d4 Fatigue level causes Exhausted
limb, a Shaken or Wounded defender must single weapon, no shield, or is unarmed
Med: Range 2/4/8, Dmg Str+d6, Min Str d6
make a Str roll at -2 (limb) or (-4) hand or Incapacitated: May not perform any actions
Hvy: Range 1/2/4, Dmg Str+d8, Min Str d8 Suppressive Fire: Shooting roll at Medium but are still dealt Action Cards to track
drop item
Initiative: Suit order: ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣. Jokers give Burst Template. Each target hit is Distract- power effects or in case they recover
Breaking Free: Athletics (or Str-2) roll as an ed, or hit for damage with a raise (Damage
action (an opposed roll if held by a foe). +2 to all Trait tests and damage Shaken: May only move and take free
can affect # targets up to weapon’s RoF)
Success improves Bound to Entangled, or Innocent Bystanders: Missed Shooting / actions. At start turn, make a free Spirit roll
Entangled to free. Raise removes either Throwing rolls with a 1 (or 2 for shotgun or Surprise: Ambushers start on Hold, victims to recover
automatic fire) on the skill die hits a random Notice roll or get no Action Card on round 1
Breaking Things: Stationary items are Stunned: Fall prone. No move or actions.
adjacent target or in-line target Tests: Describe action and make opposed Are subject to The Drop. Don’t give Gang
Parry 2. No bonus damage or Aces. Sub-
tract obstacle toughness Multi-Actions: Subtract 2 from all actions Skill test versus foe’s linked attribute. If Up bonus. Also Distracted.
for each additional action beyond the first successful, foe is Distracted or Vulnerable
Defend: +4 Parry. Takes entire turn and (attacker’s choice), and Shaken with a raise Vulnerable: All actions and attacks against
(maximum of 3 per round) this character are made at +2 until the end
character may not run
Nonlethal Damage: Declare prior to making Touch Attack: +2 Fighting of their next turn
The Drop: +4 to attack and damage if target
an attack roll; Targets are knocked out for Unstable Platform: −2 Shooting from a
is defenseless. Does not stack with Vulnera- Wounded: Each level of wound decreases
1d6 hours instead being killed/incapacitated moving vehicle, animal, or other unstable
ble. If Shaken or Wounded, victim must Pace by 1, gives a -1 penalty to Trait rolls
make a Vigor roll (at -2 versus attacks to the Off Hand Attack: −2 to rolls with off-hand Wild Attack: +2 Fighting, +2 Damage, but
head) or be KO’ed. Prone: -2 to Fighting and Parry. Ranged Vulnerable until the end of your next turn
Evasion: Characters may avoid attacks that attacks get –4 to hit. May crawl 1” or stand Withdrawing from Combat: Adjacent foes
specifically say they may be evaded, by up for 2” of movement Combat Penalties
get one Free Attack at retreating character
making an Agility roll at -2 Push: Opposed Strength rolls. Attacker +2 if Cover: Light -2, Med -4, Hvy -6, Near Total -
Fatigue: -1 to all actions (-2 if Exhausted). moved more than 2″, both can add shield’s 8. Obstacles add to Armor if attack misses
Fatigue improves one level every hour Parry bonus. Defender is knocked back 1″ Benny Uses by cover penalty
unless the source says otherwise. Incapaci- on success, 2” or prone on raise - Reroll a Trait test or Damage Illumination: Dim -2; Dark -4; Blackness -6
tated victims fall unconscious for 2d6 hours Ranged Attacks in Close Combat: Attack- - Recover from Shaken Range: Short 0, Medium −2, Long −4,
Free Attack: Can’t use maneuvers or Edges er may use no weapon larger than a pistol; Extreme -8
- Attempt to Soak damage
Ganging Up: +1 Fighting per additional Target Number is defender’s Parry
- Draw a new Action Card Size: Tiny -6, V.Small -4, Small -2, Large +2,
adjacent attacker to a maximum of +4. Each Readying Weapons: Can ready up to two Huge +4, Gargantuan +6. Add difference vs
defender ally adjacent to both the attacker easily available items per turn as a free - Regain 5 Power Points larger targets; Subtract difference against
and defender cancels one point of bonus action. Additional items are actions - Influence the story smaller targets

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