AMO Technician Development Program - Handbook

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Career Development Handbook


Supply Chain – Assembly, Maintenance, & Overhaul

Logging While Drilling

Revision Date Revision History

1.1 January 2013 Initial Release
2.0 June 2013 New Template, Integrated Product Lines
2.1 May 2014 Updated template, removed detailed Competence Management Program information
2.2 May 2014 Temporarily removed “Yellow Belt” requirement from Technician II Page 2 of 24
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
2 Competence Management Program ............................................................................ 5
2.1 Qualification Workplace Assessment ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 BHI Qualification ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Training, Assessment and Promotional Requirements ................................................ 6
3.1 Structured Development and Career Development Opportunities........................................................ 6
3.2 Technical Training ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 On-the-Job Training ................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Knowledge Sharing ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.5 Assessment ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.6 Promotional Requirements .................................................................................................................... 7
4 AMO Organization Structure and Job Families ............................................................ 8
5 Technician I ................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Technician I – Program ........................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Technician I – Requirements................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Technician I – Development Plan ........................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Technician I - Activity Detail.................................................................................................................. 10
6 Technician II .............................................................................................................. 12
6.1 Technician II – Program ........................................................................................................................ 12
6.2 Technician II – Requirements................................................................................................................ 13
6.3 Technician II – Development Plan......................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Technician II - Activity Detail................................................................................................................. 13
7 Technician III ............................................................................................................. 14
7.1 Technician III – Program ....................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Technician III – Requirements............................................................................................................... 14
7.3 Technician III – Development Plan........................................................................................................ 14
7.4 Technician III - Activity Detail................................................................................................................ 15
8 Technician IV – “Job Standard” ................................................................................. 15
8.1 Technician IV – Program ....................................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Technician IV – Requirements .............................................................................................................. 15
8.3 Technician IV – Development Plan ....................................................................................................... 16
8.4 Technician IV - Activity Detail ............................................................................................................... 16
9 Technician General ................................................................................................... 17
9.1 Technician General – Program .............................................................................................................. 17
9.2 Technician General – Requirements ..................................................................................................... 17
9.3 Technician General – Development Plan .............................................................................................. 17
9.4 Technician General - Activity Detail ...................................................................................................... 18 Page 3 of 24
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10 Master Technician I ................................................................................................... 19

10.1 Master Technician I – Program ............................................................................................................. 19
10.2 Master Technician I – Requirements .................................................................................................... 19
10.3 Master Technician I – Development Plan ............................................................................................. 19
10.4 Master Technician I - Activity Detail ..................................................................................................... 20
11 Master Technician II .................................................................................................. 21
11.1 Master Technician II – Program ............................................................................................................ 21
11.2 Master Technician II – Requirements ................................................................................................... 21
11.3 Master Technician II – Development Plan ............................................................................................ 21
11.4 Master Technician II - Activity Detail .................................................................................................... 22
12 Resources ................................................................................................................. 23
12.1 Competence Assurance Managers ....................................................................................................... 23
12.2 Field Career Development Managers ................................................................................................... 23
13 Glossary .................................................................................................................... 24 Page 4 of 24
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1 Introduction
This Handbook provides the details for each of the job position stages that direct your progression as a Technician working
within Assembly, Maintenance, & Overhaul. It provides a clear explanation of your responsibilities for continued progression and
the requirements for promotion to each Technician level. To that end, this guide specifies the business contributions, knowledge,
skills and capabilities required for each of the stages of your development.

When using this Handbook in printed format, you should also refer to the LEAD Career Development Web Portal on the Baker
Hughes intranet for further details and current information on your specific program.

Remember that Baker Hughes wants to ensure your success in this Program. It has provided you with a strong support group to
guide you through your development. The support group includes your direct Supervisor, any assigned Mentors and Coaches,
and the Field Career Development Managers (FCDMs).

2 Competence Management Program

As a Technician, your developmental activities focus on basic knowledge, instruction, and working under supervision,
progressing towards working unsupervised along with a broadening of scope. As you progress through the Program, a key
component will be the Competence Management Program (CMP), with Qualification Workplace Assessments to ensure that you
have met all the technical requirements of each step and have acquired the necessary technical skills and knowledge to move to
the next step.

2.1 Qualification Workplace Assessment

When it is assumed that you have the appropriate knowledge and are able to perform all the tasks relating to the service or
equipment with supervision, you will participate in the applicable Qualification Workplace Assessment, which is designed to test
the assumption of competence. Assessment of your skills, experience, behavior, and knowledge relative to AMO practices is
carried out by qualified, authorized, trained Assessors. The completed Qualification Workplace Assessment is passed to an
Approver, whom will discuss the results of the Qualification Workplace Assessment with the Authorized Assessor. If it is
determined the Qualification Workplace Assessment demonstrates competence, the document will be loaded into the Learning
Management System (LMS) and credit will be granted towards a Qualification. On-going assessment will be conducted
periodically to ensure continued competency.

2.2 BHI Qualification

A BHI Qualification is granted following the successful completion of a Qualification Workplace Assessment, as well as all
additional required learning elements, and confirms that you have the skills, experience, behavior, and knowledge necessary to
deliver the product, application, or service safely, effectively, and efficiently. Gaining a Qualification demonstrates that you can,
under normal circumstances, work in/with the associated discipline unsupervised.

Throughout the AMO Technician Career Development Program, you will acquire a number of Qualifications. Your Manager will
identify the appropriate Qualifications he/she wishes you to obtain based upon local Geomarket needs and business conditions.

The LMS will be updated upon successful completion of all requirements for the Qualification.

Additional information regarding the Competence Management Program can be located at go/CMP, within BHOS, or through
contacting your Competence Assurance Manager. Page 5 of 24
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3 Training, Assessment and Promotional Requirements

3.1 Structured Development and Career Development Opportunities
Technician Career Development Program is a structured program which includes required learning activities that must be
completed throughout the Program. Initially, the first year of your development will be focused on basic knowledge of Baker
Hughes and AMO cultures and processes as well as working under supervision, progressing to working unsupervised along with
a broadening of scope. The first step, Technician I, will be completed in 12 months. Each step after Technician I is competence
based and will require the completion of assigned Qualifications and a successful board review. As each step is completed and
you satisfy the general requirements set forth in the Job Capsules on InsideBakerHughes and this handbook you become eligible
for promotion to the next level. Your Manager will schedule performance meetings in accordance to the BHI performance
management program. This formal process will guide your professional growth, and if successful, open opportunities for
continued development. Any deviation to time in position, training requirements, etc., must be justified by the employee’s
Manager and approved by your FCDM. You and your manager are encouraged to seek out other opportunities to support your
growth and development, including additional training and/or certifications.

The key attributes of Technician I through Technician General are defined by the Baker Hughes “Valued Employee” attributes,
while Master Technician I and Master Technician II are defined by “Key Contributor” attributes. More information on these
attributes can be found in the “SC AMO Tech Local and Region Review Overview” presentation located on the AMO LEAD
website. Page 6 of 24
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3.2 Technical Training

Your technical development is managed locally and includes the requirement to successfully complete technical training classes
relating to the equipment and processes in use in the AMO facilities. These learning opportunities can vary in format, including,
but not limited to, instructor-led training, web-based training, and/or self-study guides and will be documented in the BHI LMS.

3.3 On-the-Job Training

Structured on-the-job training will build on the foundational training such as web-based training or instructor-led training and
focuses on the application of knowledge in the workplace. Coaches are available to support you through your on-the-job training
assignments to ensure continued learning and development through to the Qualification Workplace Assessment. These Coaches
will explain and demonstrate the tasks associated with each skill and will then guide and instruct you as you develop your skills.

The three major steps in the on-the-job training process are:

1. Obtain and study the applicable materials.

2. Observe and assist experienced employee(s) (Coaches) in performing the tasks.
3. Develop your skills and gain experience by practicing under the guidance of assigned Coach(s).

3.4 Knowledge Sharing

As a Technician, you are required to share your knowledge and expertise with your peers. This knowledge sharing can be
achieved in a number of ways, including:

1. Coaching and assessing others in specific areas of expertise.

2. Mentoring other through certain development stages.
3. Providing Subject Matter Expertise on a training event.
4. Supporting Operations
5. Supporting Reliability Engineering

Your direct Supervisor and/or Field Career Development Manager will assist you in determining the appropriate Knowledge
Sharing activities for you. This development goal will be captured and tracked in the Performance Management Process and will
be part of your review. As you develop your own technical competence, you will be expected to provide on-the-job training,
mentoring and assessment support to junior Engineers, Technologists, and/or Technicians.

3.5 Assessment
Many learning activities will include some form of assessment, such as web-based examination, a classroom examination, or a
demonstration of skills learned. Other activities may be tailored simply to provide information or resources to the learner, but will
eventually lead up to an assessment of some type. Successful completion of the assessment will mark the associated activity as
complete within the LMS.

3.6 Promotional Requirements

The final requirement of each step is to successfully undergo a board review, which may include your FCDM and other members
of the AMO community, with completion signifying eligibility for advancement to next stage of the Program.

These evaluations will review completion of required development activities, competency requirements, any personal goals, your
general attitude, and work-related performance. Page 7 of 24
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4 AMO Organization Structure and Job Families

The following AMO Job Functions in Baker Hughes are part of the skilled segment of the AMO career ladder.

The Supply Chain AMO organization consists of four Technician Job Families: Electro-Mechanical, Equipment, Mechanic, and
Ballistics. You will be assigned to one of the Technician positions above in one of the Job Families depending on your primary
job function. These are defined as:

1. Electro-Mechanical – A Technician whose primary tasks include both electronic and mechanical based maintenance.
This role includes electrical soldering activities such as with downhole measurement instruments or surface decoding
2. Equipment – A Technician whose primary tasks include mainly mechanical based maintenance. This role includes
activities such as maintenance of non-electrical downhole or surface equipment.
3. Mechanic – A Technician whose primary tasks include working with combustion engines, hydraulic systems and
similar systems such as those found with trucks and boats.
4. Ballistics – A Technician whose primary tasks include working with perforating equipment or similar types of tools
where explosives are used. Page 8 of 24
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5 Technician I
As a Technician I, you are focused on core safety and maintenance skills. You will develop a limited scope of technical product
and service skills that will enable you to work within a supervised environment.

Note: The training classes and assessments detailed in the following Development Paths may not include specific local,
regulatory or customer-required training. These will need to be completed in addition to the requirements of the Program.

5.1 Technician I – Program

Your first year program consists of four base components:

1. An on-boarding program which combines both Enterprise and Product Line level activities.
2. A foundation course in one of the main AMO Hubs or BHI Training Centers.
3. On-the-job (OJT) training and Workplace Assessments for assigned Qualifications.
4. A Local Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

5.2 Technician I – Requirements

Within 12 months from date of hire you are expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

5.3 Technician I – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a training curriculum. The curriculum provides a series of learning activities that will best be
completed in the sequence presented in the table below. All learning events must be completed in order for career advancement.
Any deviation from this sequence due to operational requirements or other personal reasons must be approved by your FCDM.

Development Path – AMO Technician I

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Baker Hughes Orientation Program
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning PET-OE-1002 Oil Rig Basics
Learning Activity e-Learning As Required Product Line Overview (as available)
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led SC-COR-1001-C Basic Maintenance – BHI Certification
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1029 Workmanship Standards - Documentation
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1035 Workmanship Standards - O-rings
Workmanship Standards - Fasteners &
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1030
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1027 Workmanship Standards - Electrical Testing
Workmanship Standards Core Skills Online
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1040
Exam Page 9 of 24
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Workmanship Standards - Rules and Guidelines

Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1036
for Measurement Tools
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1031 Workmanship Standards - Imperial Dial Caliper
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1033 Workmanship Standards - Metric Dial Caliper
Workmanship Standards - The Imperial OD
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1037
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1034 Workmanship Standards - Metric OD Micrometer
Workmanship Standards - Thread Identification,
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1038
Gauging & Inspection
Workmanship Standards - Measurements,
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1032
Gauging and Inspection Exam
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1016 AMO Documentation Self Study Guide
Learning Activity e-Learning (Prerequisite) AMO-COR-1041 Crimping Electrical Contacts Self-Study Guide
Learning Activity Instructor-led AMO-COR-1005 Basic Maintenance
Learning Activity e-Learning AMO-DS-1025 AMO Calibration Awareness
Learning Activity e-Learning HR-CMP-1002 Coaching Skills for On-the-Job-Training
Learning Activity e-Learning/Instructor-led As Required Business and Leadership Skills Training per Job Family
Learning Activity e-Learning FNS-SAP-1001 SAP Basic Navigation
Learning Activity e-Learning QR-QLT-1006 Introduction to the Baker Hughes Operating System - BHOS
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Workplace Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire
BHI Qualification As Required
Assessment assigned Qualifications (Minimum of 1)
Board Review Local Review As Required Local Board Review

5.4 Technician I - Activity Detail

Guidance is provided below regarding specific activities within the fixed curriculum; however, all items indicated within the
“Development Plan” must be completed.
5.4.1 Oil Rig Basics
This online course provides an introduction to wellsites and drilling rigs. It reviews the various rigs used in both land and offshore
drilling locations. It also covers the main components of a drilling rig and wellsite and summarizes some of the supporting
functions of a wellsite.
5.4.2 Product Line Overviews
These online courses introduce the various Product Lines that you might be supporting through your maintenance-related
activities. Through an increased understanding of the Product Line your role supports, you’ll gain insight into the critical nature of
your role and how your daily activities contribute to ensuring the success of Baker Hughes. It is recommended that you complete
an overview for each Product Line you support, as appropriate. Available Product Line overviews include, but are not limited to:

1. Baker Hughes Artificial Lift Product Line Overview (AL-AL-1006)

2. Cementing 1 (Pressure Pumping, CEM-CE-1010)
3. Coiled Tubing 1 (Pressure Pumping, CTS-CTP-1001)
4. Fundamentals of Drilling Fluids (DCF-DF-1026)
5. Introduction to Cased Hole Systems (CS-CHC-1003)
6. Introduction to IPS – Intelligent Well Systems (IPS-IPS-1006)
7. Introduction to Sand Control (CS-SCS-1004)
8. Introduction to Wellbore Cleanup (WBI-WBI-1003) Page 10 of 24
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9. Introduction to Wellbore Construction (CS-WBC-1004)

10. Introduction to Wireline Services (WS-WFE-1040)
11. Introduction to Workover Systems (WBI-WBI-1004)
12. Overview of Wellbore Intervention (WBI-WBI-1005)

Your Supervisor, Mentor, or Field Career Development Manager can assist you with identifying and assigning Product Line
overview Course.
5.4.3 Basic Maintenance – BHI Certification
This Certification involves web-based courses and instructor-led training. The Certification is part of the Workmanship Standards
element of the Maintenance Fundamentals training program and is designed to help the learner gain the proficiency and
confidence to deliver a quality product and service. More information can be found in the Maintenance Fundamentals Program
Guide located on the AMO LEAD site.
5.4.4 AMO Calibration Awareness
This online course is designed to reduce audit findings as well as Non-Productive Time failures at the well site related to
Technicians using non-calibrated tooling and equipment.
5.4.5 Coaching Skills for On-the-Job-Training
As you progress throughout your development, you will be expected to provide guidance to less experienced Technicians. This
online course is designed to provide the skills needed to perform as an effective Coach while on the job. CMP Coaches must
have the specific qualification and expertise on the product or service and be selected by their Manager as a competent Coach.
5.4.6 Business and Leadership Skills Training per Job Family
Baker Hughes Business and Leadership Skills are set forth by your Product Line and by the Business & Management Training
team. Most B&L courses are uniform across all AMO Job Families but refer to your specific Job Family for specific courses. As a
Technician I, all individuals must complete SAP Training (On-the-Job or Instructor-led Training). B&L training generally increase
as you begin to progress into higher job grades.
5.4.7 SAP Basic Navigation
Throughout your Technician career, you will interact with SAP on a daily basis. SAP is software that is used to track and control
parts movements, finance, and many other transactions throughout Baker Hughes. This course is designed to familiarize
learners with key terms and how to navigate within the SAP system. The learner will be introduced to the key areas of SAP
screens, fields, and features. They will also be introduced to ways in which they can obtain additional help, modify and customize
the look of their SAP system, as well as apply more advanced skills.
5.4.8 Introduction to the Baker Hughes Operating System – BHOS
The purpose of this web course is to raise awareness of the Baker Hughes Operating System. This course will explain why
BHOS is critical to our success in the market place and emphasizes your responsibilities.
5.4.9 Technical Training per Job Family
Technical Training will be assigned by Job Family; for example, a Ballistics Technician requires Explosives training, while an
Electro-Mechanical Technician requires Soldering training. Technical Training may also be assigned through CMP Qualification
in the LMS for specific equipment or services.

The Technician Career Development Program provides participants with functional knowledge to support the business. You are
required to attend all of the Technical Training for your Job Family (if identified below). Additional information can be found in the
program guides located on the AMO LEAD site:

- Electro-Mechanical Technician
o Baker Hughes ESD Awareness (SC-COR-1005-C)
o Basic Soldering Certification (SC-COR-1002-C) Page 11 of 24
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o Training required by Qualifications

- Ballistics Technician
o Explosives Safety - Awareness (HSE-SAF-1481)
o HazMat Security Awareness Training - USA Specific (HSE-SAF-1914) *
o HazMat - Training Made Easier For All Non-drivers - USA Specific (HSE-SAF-1915) *
o Training and certifications per HSE Explosives Handling Policy HSES-EOC-EXPL-001
o Local/Regional regulatory training requirements
o Training required by Qualifications

* All Ballistics personnel should take the “USA Specific” Ballistics WBT until other country specific training becomes available as
most information is appropriate for global audience.

5.4.10 On-The-Job Training and Qualification Workplace Assessment

Following the on-the-job training process outlined earlier, you will complete Qualification Workplace Assessments. Structured on-
the-job training will build on the relevant classroom course training and develop the knowledge gained into effective competency.
Formal assessments and Qualification Workplace Assessments are completed in the workplace by authorized Assessors. In this
step of the Program, you are required to complete at least one (1) Qualification, as assigned by your Manager.

Your competence attainment is assessed and managed in the district and documented in the LMS. Both you and the
organization will track completion of these training requirements through the LMS ensuring full visibility of your development
needs at all times.
5.4.11 Local Board Review
The completion of Local Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for advancement to the second
step of the Technician Career Development Program.

To qualify for the review you must meet or exceed the following requirements within a 12-month time frame:

1. Successful completion and/or satisfactory progress towards completion of business goals as established during the
performance management process.
2. A passing grade on all examinations and successful completion of all required training.
3. Achieved the required competence for each assigned skill.

Once you have met all the requirements, contact your Supervisor so that you can be scheduled for the review.

Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager can give you more information regarding the requirements of the
review. Documentation can be located on the AMO LEAD site.

The Local Review should be completed in 12 months or fewer.

6 Technician II
After completing the Technician I Local Board Review and advancing to Technician II, you will continue to build upon your
technical Qualifications by entering the next step in the Program.

6.1 Technician II – Program

Your next step of the Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities. Page 12 of 24
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2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities.
3. A Supervisor Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

6.2 Technician II – Requirements

During your time as Technician II, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

6.3 Technician II – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Technician II” table.

Development Path – AMO Technician II

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1006 Being an Effective Team Member
Workplace Conflict: Recognizing and Responding to
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1008
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1009 Workplace Conflict: Strategies for Resolving Conflict
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Workplace Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire assigned
BHI Qualification As Required
Assessment Qualifications (Minimum of 2 at this level, total of 3)
Board Review Supervisor Board Review As Required Supervisor Board Review

6.4 Technician II - Activity Detail

6.4.1 Being an Effective Team Member
This course covers strategies and techniques to help you become an effective and valued member of your team. Specifically,
you'll explore ways for adopting a positive approach to being on a team, like recognizing the benefits of working on a team and
learning to tolerate team member differences. You'll also learn how to work proactively and collaboratively with members of your
team as you achieve your team's goals.
6.4.2 Workplace Conflict: Recognizing and Responding to Conflict
In our personal lives we are likely to face our professional life is no exception. This course explains the types of conflict
situations you're likely to face in the workplace and describes appropriate responses depending on the outcome you want.
6.4.3 Workplace Conflict: Strategies for Resolving Conflict
This course describes techniques you can use to deal effectively with a conflict situation. You'll learn that an important first step
is to define the conflict by clarifying the issues surrounding it. You'll also find out about the importance of describing the conflict to
the other party in a way that doesn't make them defensive. In addition, the course outlines collaboration skills that can help you
deal with conflicts effectively, building trust and cooperation and preventing the escalation of conflict. Page 13 of 24
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6.4.4 Supervisor Board Review

The completion of Supervisor Board Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for advancement
to the next step of the Technician Career Development Program. Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development
Manager can give you more information regarding the requirements of the review.

7 Technician III
After completing the Supervisor Board Review and advancing to Technician III, you will continue to build upon your required
technical Qualifications by entering the next step in the Program.

7.1 Technician III – Program

Your next step of the Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities.
2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities, possibly at another AMO facility.
3. A Local Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

7.2 Technician III – Requirements

During your time as Technician III, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

7.3 Technician III – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Technician III” table.

Development Path – AMO Technician III

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1033 Time Management: Planning and Priortising Your Time
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1034 Time Management: Analysing Your Use of Time
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Learning Activity Knowledge Sharing As Required Knowledge Sharing
Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire
Workplace Assessment BHI Qualification As Required assigned Qualifications (Minimum of 3 at this level, total
of 6)
Board Review Local Review As Required Local Board Review Page 14 of 24
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7.4 Technician III - Activity Detail

7.4.1 Time Management: Planning and Prioritising Your Time
As a Technician, time management is critical to success in your role. This course focuses on how managing time effectively
involves analysing the learner's goals, breaking those goals into tasks and then prioritising those tasks. This isn't always easy or
well-defined, taking into account the number of tasks that the learner may need to complete. But, if the learner sets clear and
measurable goals and then develop an effective to-do list, the learner will find that prioritising his/her many tasks is easier. And,
in the end, the learner manages time better.
7.4.2 Time Management: Analysing Your Use of Time
This course focuses on ways to analyse your current use of time. It covers how to use a time log to document, and then evaluate
your time use. It also describes how your energy levels and personality affect how you manage time, and outlines ways to better
manage time in accordance with your personality type and energy cycle.
7.4.3 Knowledge Sharing
As a Technician, you are required to share your knowledge and expertise with your peers. This knowledge sharing can be
achieved in a number of ways. Your direct Supervisor and/or Field Career Development Manager will assist you in determining
the appropriate Knowledge Sharing activity for you. This development goal will be captured and tracked in the Performance
Management Process and will be part of your review. As you develop your own technical competence, you will be expected to
provide on-the-job training, mentoring and assessment support to junior Engineers, Technologists, and/or Technicians.
7.4.4 Local Board Review
The completion of Local Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for advancement to the next
step of the Technician Career Development Program. Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager can give
you more information regarding the requirements of the review. Documentation can be located on the AMO LEAD site.

8 Technician IV – “Job Standard”

Technician IV is considered to be the “Job Standard” Technician and Baker Hughes advocates that all Technicians achieve this
level in the allocated time frame. As a Technician IV, you are expected to consistently demonstrate commitment to the
company’s goals and values, established inter-personal skills, and the ability to provide a service or product to Baker Hughes

After completing the Local Review Board and advancing to Technician IV, you will continue to build upon your required technical
Qualifications by entering the next step in the Program.

8.1 Technician IV – Program

Your next step of the Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities.
2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities, possibly at another AMO facility.
3. A Supervisor Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

8.2 Technician IV – Requirements

During your time as Technician IV, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked Page 15 of 24
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and reviewed using the Performance Management System.

2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

8.3 Technician IV – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Technician IV” table.

Development Path – AMO Technician IV

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1004 Communicating with Professionalism and Etiquette
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-WRD-1001 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® Word 2010
Learning Activity Instructor-led QR-QLT-1002 Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Learning Activity Knowledge Sharing As Required Knowledge Sharing
Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire
Workplace Assessment BHI Qualification As Required assigned Qualifications (Minimum of 3 at this level, total
of 9)
Board Review Supervisor Board Review As Required Supervisor Board Review

8.4 Technician IV - Activity Detail

8.4.1 Communicating with Professionalism and Etiquette
This course strengthens your ability to communicate in a professional manner. It walks you through the etiquette of speaking to
others in person, as well as on the phone. It then explores the often neglected common rules of written communication,
particularly with regard to e-mail. And it considers appropriate ways of communicating using online chat, the best way to conduct
yourself during conference calls, and how to set up and use voicemail effectively.
8.4.2 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® Word 2010
As you progress within your career, you’ll likely begin to take on additional responsibilities in the shop and in the office. This two-
hour online course is designed to help you use the Microsoft Word 2010 interface, commands, and features to create, enhance,
and share documents.
8.4.3 Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action
As a Technician, you play a critical role in troubleshooting/fault-finding activities following the failure of a service/product. This
Instructor Led Course develops skills and techniques in the analysis of any investigation be it product or process related. The
learner will be introduced to the common terminology and methods (tools) to ensure that the root causes are identified.
Additionally they will learn the importance of the corrective action to prevent a re-occurrence.
8.4.4 Supervisor Board Review
The completion of Supervisor Board Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for advancement
to the next step of the Technician Career Development Program. Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development
Manager can give you more information regarding the requirements of the review. Page 16 of 24
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9 Technician General
After completing the Supervisor Board Review and advancing to Technician General, you will continue to build upon your
required technical Qualifications by entering the next step in the Program.

9.1 Technician General – Program

Your next step of the Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities.
2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities, possibly at another AMO facility.
3. A Region Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

9.2 Technician General – Requirements

During your time as Technician General, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

9.3 Technician General – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Technician General” table.

Development Path – AMO Technician General:

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1020 Leading Teams: Launching a Successful Team
Leading Teams: Motivating and Optimizing
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1021
Learning Activity Instructor-led BLD-LDR-1004 Team Leader Program
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-PPT-1001 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Learning Activity Knowledge Sharing As Required Knowledge Sharing
Learning Activity Project As Required AMO Regional or Business Project
Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire
Workplace Assessment BHI Qualification As Required assigned Qualification (Minimum of 1 at this level, total
of 10)
Board Review Region Board Review As Required Region Board Review Page 17 of 24
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9.4 Technician General - Activity Detail

9.4.1 Leading Teams: Launching a Successful Team
As you progress within Technician General, you’ll likely be asked to supervise less experienced Technicians. This course
focuses on the stages of team development, choosing members for a team, and strategies for team formation.
9.4.2 Leading Teams: Motivating and Optimizing Performance
This course focuses on assessing team performance, using coaching to improve team performance, and motivating through
shared leadership.
9.4.3 Team Leader Program
This course provides a foundation of knowledge and exposure to the skills necessary to lead effectively in today's challenging
environment. This five (5) day course includes topics that will help the learner improve their communication, leadership and
interpersonal skills. It also includes an overview of a model of behavioral styles, situational leadership, motivation and team
9.4.4 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010
This two-hour online course is designed to help you use the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 interface, commands, and features to
create, enhance, and deliver presentations. This course will be particularly useful as you prepare to present your AMO Regional
or Business Project.
9.4.5 AMO Regional or Business Project
In order to transition from AMO Technician General to AMO Master Technician I, you will be required to undertake a specific
course of research and study, which will culminated in the production of a report and presentation on a specific theme
determined by your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

Full details of the project will be given to you at the time of the assignment, but will typically fall into one of the following

1. Engineering solutions to improve our technology platforms

2. Engineering solutions to improve our service applications
3. Technology or service innovation to optimize a market segment opportunity
4. Engineering solutions to improve Quality or Reliability
5. Engineering solutions to improve Regional or Geomarket facility

The Project will be presented at the Region Board Review in a format advised to you at the time of assignment.

More information can be found on the AMO LEAD website by reviewing the Supply Chain AMO Career Advancement Projects
presentation and by contacting your FCDM.
9.4.6 Region Board Review
The Region Board Review is a critical step in the Technician Career Development Program and is used to promote the AMO
Technician General to AMO Master Technician I. The review includes a presentation of a project to Region-level management
and technical staff.

Objectives of the Region Board Review:

1. Communication of the completed project to Region management as part of the technical assessment in the review
2. Present an executive overview of the project to Region management for evaluation of the project’s business impact to
BHI and to assess the skills of the Technician.
3. Provide an opportunity for the Management Team to review the talent within their region.
4. Verify that the Technician has fulfilled the requirements for promotion to AMO Master Technician I. Page 18 of 24
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5. Provide an opportunity for the Technician to further demonstrate their level of competency for promotion to AMO
Technician Master I.

Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager can give you more information regarding the requirements of the
review. Documentation can be located on the AMO LEAD website.

10 Master Technician I
The Master Technician roles are defined by the following Baker Hughes “Key Contributor” attributes.

- Consistent Top Performer

- Expert in function or technology
- Strategic in an area of expertise
- Knows organization
- Difficult to replace
- Inspires and develops others
- Passionate for role
- Drives results

The Master Technician provides key leadership within the organization beyond the standard duties of the Technician I through
Technician General roles. Duties include multiple responsibilities such as daily supervisory tasks, coordinating special projects,
global new product support, Training and Development projects, and other similar organizational support. After completing the
Technician General Review Board and advancing to Master Technician I, you will continue to build upon your required technical
Qualifications by entering the next step in the Program.

10.1 Master Technician I – Program

Your next step of the Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities.
2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities, possibly at another AMO facility.
3. A Supervisor Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

10.2 Master Technician I – Requirements

During your time as Master Technician I, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

10.3 Master Technician I – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Master Technician I” table. Page 19 of 24
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Development Path – AMO Master Technician I

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Principles of Accounting and Finance for Non-financial
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1018
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-EXL-1001 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® Excel® 2010
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-WRD-2000 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® Word 2010
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-PPT-2000 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010
Learning Activity Instructor-led BLD-PM-2001 Project Management Fundamentals
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family
Learning Activity Knowledge Sharing As Required Knowledge Sharing
Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire assigned
BHI Qualification As Required Qualification (Minimum of 1 Advanced Qualification at this
level, total of 11)
Board Review Supervisor Board Review As Required Supervisor Board Review

10.4 Master Technician I - Activity Detail

10.4.1 Principles of Accounting and Finance for Non-financial Professionals
This course aims at familiarizing non-financial professionals with basic accounting and financial concepts. The learners are
introduced to key finance and accounting terms and concepts such as the accounting equation, accrual-based accounting,
financial risks and returns, and basic accounting principles. This course also takes the learner through the steps in the
accounting process and helps the learner recognize how business transactions affect various financial statements and the
bottom-line of your business.
10.4.2 Beginner Skills in Microsoft® Excel® 2010
As a Master Technician, you will be responsible for various projects which include interactions with other functional groups. As
part of these interactions, you will be required to use software tools that enable you to track and sort data and present
information in a variety of ways. Baker Hughes uses various Microsoft software to perform these key functions, with the following
courses supporting your capabilities in those software tools. This online course, in particular, is designed to help you use the
Excel 2010 interface, commands, and features to present, analyze, and manipulate various types of data.
10.4.3 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® Word 2010
This one-and-half hour course provides you with the skills and knowledge required to enhance, share, and customize Word 2010
10.4.4 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010
This one-hour online course is designed to help you use the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 interface, commands, and features to
create, enhance, and deliver presentations.
10.4.5 Project Management Fundamentals
This three (3) day Project Management Certificate course introduces the concepts and techniques included in PMI's “A Guide to
the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)”. It provides insight into the role of a project manager and also
gives suggestions on how support personnel can aid in the success of a project.
10.4.6 Advanced On-The-Job Training and Qualification Workplace Assessment
In this step of the Program, you are required to complete one “Advanced” Qualification. An “Advanced” Qualification is a
Qualification on a specialty product such as an advanced Wireline instrument like RCX, MREX, or PCOR, an Artificial Lift Page 20 of 24
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Premium Product such as a Vanguard Motor or Pump, or a Drilling Services tool such as SoundTrak, FasTrak, or StarTrak. You
must complete all training along the Qualification Learning Path in order to acquire the proper knowledge and skills to be
assessed and issued the associated Qualification.
10.4.7 Supervisor Board Review
The completion of Supervisor Board Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for advancement
to the next step of the Technician Career Development Program. Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development
Manager can give you more information regarding the requirements of the review.

11 Master Technician II
After completing the Master Technician I Review and advancing to Master Technician II, you will continue to build upon your
required technical Qualifications by entering the final step in the Program.

11.1 Master Technician II – Program

Your final step of the AMO Career Development Program consists of:

1. The completion of Enterprise and Product Line-level learning activities targeted at expanding product line knowledge
and technical capabilities.
2. Structured on-the-job training and competence assessment to achieve further Qualification in defined technologies or
maintenance-related activities, possibly at another AMO facility.
3. A Supervisor Board Review to confirm completion of all required training and assigned Qualifications.

11.2 Master Technician II – Requirements

During your time as Master Technician II, you will be expected to have:

1. Met or exceeded the business and development goals established during the performance management process.
Business and development goals will be assigned to you by your Supervisor. Progress towards these goals is tracked
and reviewed using the Performance Management System.
2. Completed all technical and nontechnical training requirements. Required training may be found on your home page in
the LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.
3. Met requirements for assigned technical, leadership, behavioral, and business skills. Requirements are found in the
LMS and/or through discussion with your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager.

11.3 Master Technician II – Development Plan

Your development is guided by a fixed curriculum which is outlined in the “Development Path – AMO Master Technician II” table.

Development Path – AMO Master Technician II

Activity group Activity type Activity Code Title
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required All assigned HSE, Legal and Compliance Training
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1002 Business Writing: How to Write Clearly and Concisely
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1003 Business Writing: Editing and Proofreading
Learning Activity e-Learning EAP-EXL-2000 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® Excel® 2010
Learning Activity e-Learning BE-SKS-1027 Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
Learning Activity e-Learning / Instructor-led As Required Technical Training per Job Family Page 21 of 24
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Learning Activity Knowledge Sharing As Required Knowledge Sharing

Structured on-the-job training necessary to acquire
Workplace Assessment BHI Qualification As Required assigned Qualification (Minimum of 1 Advanced
Qualification at this level, total of 12)
Board Review Supervisor Board Review As Required Supervisor Board Review

11.4 Master Technician II - Activity Detail

11.4.1 Business Writing: How to Write Clearly and Concisely
As a Master Technician, you will be communicating with various levels of leadership within the organization. It is essential that
your communications are professional and direct. This course describes ways to make writing more clear. Specifically covering
the importance of using short, familiar words, appropriate connotations, concrete and specific language, and transitional words
and phrases. The course also discusses ways to be more concise and explains some best practices for organizing content
logically and appropriately.
11.4.2 Business Writing: Editing and Proofreading
As a supplement to the previously described course, this course highlights the importance of editing and proofreading your
business documents. It describes some key areas to consider when editing – like tone, structure, clarity, and accuracy. You will
also explore ways to proofread effectively. In particular, you will find out about some of the most common grammatical,
punctuation, and spelling mistakes that people make.
11.4.3 Intermediate Skills in Microsoft® Excel® 2010
As a Master Technician, you will be responsible for various projects which include interactions with other functional groups. As
part of these interactions, you will be required to use software tools that enable you to track and sort data and present
information in a variety of ways. This course addresses advanced features that make it easier to work with Excel® workbooks.
11.4.4 Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
This course describes how to make your delivery successful and memorable. It covers techniques for managing stage fright –
the biggest problem most speakers have. It also explains how to set the right environment for your presentation by making the
right choices about room layout and by preparing the room, including the equipment, lighting, and temperature. You'll also find
out how to use your voice and body language to deliver your message clearly and effectively. Finally, the course outlines
guidelines for handling audience questions – an area most speakers are also very concerned about. After all, how credible the
audience finds you can be swayed by how effectively you answer the difficult questions that come up.
11.4.5 Supervisor Board Review
The completion of Supervisor Board Review confirms your performance capabilities and provides a milestone for completion of
the Technician Career Development Program. Your Supervisor, Mentor or Field Career Development Manager can give you
more information regarding the requirements of the review.

Once you have met all the above requirements, you will have completed the structured component of the Technician Career
Development Program. You will continue to perform and support the AMO facility in the workplace. Your Manager and you will
schedule performance meetings in accordance to the BHI performance management program. This formal process will guide
your professional growth, and if successful, open opportunities to continued development. Potential further opportunities include,
but are not limited to AMO Management, Reliability, Quality, Field Operations, Technical Support, Training and Cross Product
Line. Page 22 of 24
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12 Resources
12.1 Competence Assurance Managers
There are numerous Competence Assurance Managers available to support the Competence Management Program. You
can find the contact information for these individuals, as well as all global Competence Management Program-related
resources, at the Competence Management Program site (go/CMP -> Contacts).
12.2 Field Career Development Managers
AMO Field Career Development Managers are available to support the AMO Technician Career Development Program. You
can find the contact information for these individuals on the AMO LEAD site. Page 23 of 24
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13 Glossary
Assessor – Conducts an assessment to establish the employee's proficiency level in a particular skill. This may be the
employee's direct Supervisor or a designee such as a Coach, Mentor or other Subject Matter Expert. The Assessor must be
trained in assessment techniques and be deemed competent in the discipline being assessed.
Approver – Reviews the above mentioned assessments for accuracy and completeness against the standard and ultimately
determines the employee’s competence. The Approver also manages the Competence Management Program and acts as the
focal point for internal & external verification or audit.
Career Development Path – The development path for employees that defines the opportunities and requirements for
progressing in one’s career
CMP – Competence Management Program
Coach – Provides day-to-day guidance of an employee's development activities, ensuring the employee is receiving timely and
appropriate learning opportunities. Also serves as a resource for any questions, concerns or issues an employee may have.
Competencies – Identifiable, definable, and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and/or other deployment-related
characteristics (e.g. behavior, physical ability) which a human resource may possess and which is necessary for, or material to,
the performance of an activity within a specific business context.
Core Training – Instructor-led classroom courses that are taken to obtain required skills as defined in one’s career development
E-Learning Courses – These courses are completed while you are in the workplace and assure that you have continued
opportunities for learning and support
Instructor – An experienced and skilled professional who uses instructional strategies such as lecture, demonstration and small-
group activities to guide a group of learners towards the mastery of new knowledge and skills.
Instructor-Led Training – An instructor guides the learning experience for a group of learners. The courses are listed within the
Knowledge – Information that is contextual and experience-based. It is acquired through study, investigation, observation, and
practical experience. In instructional design, we consider knowledge to be the smallest unit of structured information that can be
used to complete a task (e.g. Declarative, procedural, strategic knowledge).
LMS – Learning Management System
Mentor – An experienced individual who is committed to guide, support and encourage one or more less-experienced individuals
through the development of valued knowledge, skills and attitudes
Optional Learning Activities – Instructor-Led classroom courses, online courses, structured on-the-job training, etc. that
employees may complete by choice.
Performance Criteria – A list of expected observable behaviors required to demonstrate proficiency in a particular skill
Qualification – The recognition of attainment of required proficiency in a skill or set of skills required to consistently deliver a
given service without direct supervision to BHI standards. A Qualification is achieved by completing a learning path, which at a
minimum includes a workplace assessment undertaken with an Authorized Assessor. A Qualification may be valid for specific
period of time, after which re-qualification will be required.
Required Learning Activities – Instructor-Led classroom courses, online courses, structured on the job training, etc. that
employees are required to complete per the Career Development Path
Skills – A set of related demonstrable behaviors required to safely, effectively and efficiently perform a given task.
Structured On The Job Training – Learning opportunities provided to employees at the actual work-site, mostly through
focused demonstrations, hands-on practice, and the performance of tasks required for a particular job.
Technology Courses – Each technology will be described through a series of learning modules that cover the what, why, and
how. Additionally, there will be modules of the commonly reported failure modes.
Workplace Assessment – A tool for measuring the level of proficiency employees have obtained in a given (set of) skill(s). Page 24 of 24
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