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Manuela Londono Hernandez

World history
5th period
Mrs. Arias
March 2, 2021

Lesson 1 The French Revolution Begins

1. What were the three classes of French society?
The three classes of the French society are the first estate, second estate, and the third
estate. The First Estate consisted of the Roman Catholic clergy. The Second Estate was made
up of nobles. Members of the Third Estate were angry.
2. What three factors led to revolution?
The three factors that led to the revolution was the Enlightenment spread the idea that
everyone should be equal. Second, the French economy was failing. High taxes kept profits
low, and food supplies were short. The government owed money. Third, King Louis XVI was
a weak leader. His wife, Marie Antoinette, was unpopular.
3. Why did the National Assembly form?
The National Assembly formed because, there were arguments over how to count votes, so
the National Assembly represented all the people
4. Who led the events that happened during the Great Fear?
During the Great Fear, a wave of violence passed. Peasants broke into and burned nobles'
houses. They tore up documents that had forced them to pay fees to the nobles. king and
wife flee

How did each of the following contribute to the revolutionary mood in France

1. The three estates 2.Enlightenment ideas

France's traditional national assembly Humanism, Absolutism, Christianism,
with representatives of the three Judaism, Communism, Antisemitism,
estates, or classes, in French society: revolutions, Mercantilism, Capitalism,
the clergy, nobility, and commoners.
The calling of the Estates General in sexism
1789 led to the French Revolution.
3. Economic crisis 4.Weak leadership
Crisis in the French economy, the The people no longer feared to the
national assembly, if the great fear, royals because the rebels had taken
reform of the church, the declaration of over
the rights of man and citizen, war with
Austria, and the rise of the Paris

How did each of the following events lead to the French Revolution

5. Meeting of the Estates-General 6. Establishment of the National

On the verge of financial crisis, Louis XVI
was forced to call a meeting of the On June 17, 1789, the third Estate boldly
declared that it was the national
assembly and would draft a constitution.
7.Tennis Court Oath 8.Storming of the Bastille
vow by members of the 3rd estate not to About 900 Parisians gathered in the
disband until a constitution was written courtyard of the Bastille.

Lesson 2 Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

1. What new laws came into being?
Church lost power Men gained power, Women didn't have any power
2. In what ways did the émigrés and sans-culottes have opposite goals?
Emigres didn't want change, but sans culottes wanted change
3. What happened to the king?
The King was tried for treason and convicted he was also beheaded
4. How long did the Reign of Terror last?
The reign of terror led to, the death of Robespierre

1. What are some rights this document

guarantees French citizens?
Liberty property security and resistance to
oppression equal justice freedom of speech
and freedom of religion
5. What caused the peasants to oppose
many of these reforms?
They made the church a part of the estate
believed that the pope should rule over a
church independent of the state

3. What political factions made up the

Legislative Assembly?
Radicals left opposed monarchs wanted
change. Moderate’s center wanted some
change conservatives right wanted few change
4. What did European monarchs fear from
France? similar revolts might break out in their
own countries
5. What effects did the September Massacres
have on the government?
Legislative assembly set aside the constitution
called for the election of a new legislature
national convention took off rich abolish
monarchy declared France a republic mailed
citizen had the right to vote and hold office
6. What was the stated aim of Robespierre and
his supporters?
" Republic of Virtue" wiping out every trace of
France's past. Protect the revolution from its
7. What were some consequences of the Reign
of Terror?
People of all classes had grown weary of the
terror tired of the revolution moderate leaders
in the national convention drafted a new plan
of government the leaders were corrupt and
made themselves rich at the countries expense

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