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Zaria Hall-Barton

KH 3040
Volleyball Skill Notebook

1. Forearm (Bump) Pass

Critical Elements:

 Feet are shoulder width apart and your body weight is forward on the
inside front half of each foot with your heels slightly off the ground
 Knees are bent at a 90 degree angle
 Upper body is in front-leaning position with waist flexed at 90
degrees and shoulders in front of knees
 Hands are connected by thumb pads and elbows are together and
 Make contact with the ball on your forearm to use force to hit the ball

Task Progression:

Task 1: Pass to the wall

In this task, students will find any space around the gym and aim for a line on
the wall as their target to hit with the ball. Using the correct technique, you
will bump pass the ball to the wall 10 times aiming above your target line on
the wall. As you see progress within your 10 attempts try taking a few steps
back or even aiming at angles above the line to get you moving to receive the

Task 2: Toss-Bump
Students will find a partner for this task and will need 1 ball. One partner will
toss the ball and the other will bump the ball. As your partner tosses you the
ball, you will bump it back to your partner using the correct technique as you
bump pass the ball. Students will bump the ball at least 10 times to their
partner. For progression have your partner move farther away and to toss
the ball in different directions to give you a challenge.
Task 3:Partner Bump
Students will be in pairs and will need 1 ball. Both of you will be bumping the
ball back and forth to one another. The goal of this task is to challenge the
both of you to move around to set yourself to bump the ball back to your
partner. We do this drill for about 2 minutes.

Task 4: Bump Tips

Students will form a team of 4 or more and will only need one ball for the
whole team. The student with the ball will begin the drill by bumping the ball
to any teammate and keep it going without the ball hitting the ground. We
will do this drill for about 2 minutes, as I will encourage the students to
create more space between each other as a challenge.
Lead Up Game: Partner Bump Challenge
Students will play this game in groups of 4 using 1 ball for the game. There
will be a set boundary for the students to play in. Students are required to
make as many passes as they can between each other using ONLY the bump
pass. Remember that you cannot drop the ball or you will have to start over
with counting. Make sure to challenge on another. This game will be played
for about 3-4 minutes. The group with the most points wins the game.


Overhead (Set) Pass

Critical Elements:

 Feet are shoulder width apart and your body weight is forward on the
inside front half of each foot with your heels slightly off the ground
 Knees are bent at a 90 degree angle
 Upper body is in front-leaning position with waist flexed at 90
degrees and shoulders in front of knees
 Align ball with forehead hairline
 Arms are raised and elbows are flexed at 90 degrees and hands are 6
inches above forehead
 Fingers and hands are spreaded into the shape of the ball as it
 Use the tips of you fingers to force the ball back into the air as a pass

Task Progression:

Task 1: Wall Pass

Students will do this task individually and will need one ball. Using the same
target as you did for the bump pass, students will pass the ball to themselves
off the wall and set pass the ball back to the wall as they use the proper
overhead set passing technique. Students will begin stepping with their
dominant foot that they balance well on to set the ball back to the wall. The
students will do this at least 10 times.

Task 2: 30 Second Wall Pass

Students will get with a partner and choose a specific spot to target and aim
at on the wall. They will all take turns setting the ball to the wall above the
target line. They will do this for 30 seconds and count how many times you
get the ball above the target line. Your partner will time you. The
challenge/goal is to get more than 15 passes above the target so that means
you have to be very quick for this task.

Task 3: Toss-Bump-Set
Students will form a group of 3 and each person will be the tosser, bumper,
or setter, each person will get a chance to perform each position because we
will rotate after every pass. One partner will toss the ball to the teammate
who will bump it to the other teammate who will set it back to the tosser. We
will do this for about 3-4 minutes so that everyone can get a chance to be in
each position at least 2 times.

Task 4: Left and Right Set

Students will stay in their group of 3 and each person will get a chance to be
the tosser, bumper, and setter. One partner will toss the ball high to another
partner and they will then set the ball to the partner standing to the left or
right of them. You will set the ball 5 times to each side.
Lead Up Game: 4vs. 4 Mini Game
Students will form a group of 4 players for a small game. Each person will
rotate positions on the court. In ought for you to score a point in the game

you have to set the ball before hitting the ball over and scoring. If you do not
set the ball before scoring then the point doesn’t count. The first team to get
6 points wins the game. Keep in mind to make sure that you are performing
the techniques correctly.

3. Underhand Serve

Critical Elements:

 Hold the ball outward in your non-dominant hand and step forward
with your non-dominant foot
 Using your dominant hand, ball your hand into a fist
 Extend your arm back and then swing it forward
 Make sure to hit the ball with the top part of your fist

Task Progression:

Task 1: Aim for Wall Target

Students will do this task individually and will need one ball. Using the same
target as you did for the bump and serve pass, students will underhand serve
the ball to the wall using the correct technique above the wall target line.
Students will begin stepping with their non-dominant foot and use their
dominant hand to serve the ball to the wall. The students will do this at least
10 times before moving on.

Task 2: Partner Serve
Students will find a partner for this task and will need 1 ball. Each partner
will have a chance to serve the ball to one another. Students will underhand
serve the ball at least 10 times to their partner. For progression have your
partner move farther away and stand at different angles to give you a
challenge to serve the ball towards different angles.

Task 3: Serve to a Target

Students will find a partner for this task and will need 1 ball. One partner will
underhand serve the ball over the net to any of the 4 target areas. Your
partner will stand in any of the 4 target areas and you will have to serve it to
the target area where they are standing. Students will serve the ball at least
2-3 times to all of the target areas. For progression try serving from different
areas behind the serving line.

Lead Up Game: Ameoba

Students will get into groups of 4 players. One player will be on one side of the net
sitting down and legs crossed without any movement, the other 3 players will be on
the other side of the net and will all need a ball to start the game. When everyone
hears “GO”, the 3 players will serve the ball overhanded to the other side at the same
time and the 1 player on the other side sitting down has to catch one of the balls
coming to that side. If your ball is caught then you have to join the other side to
catch a ball the next go round. The last person standing is the winner of the game.
4. Overhead (Float) Serve
Critical Elements:
 Hold the ball outward in your non-dominant hand and step forward
with your non-dominant foot
 Use your dominant hand to hit the ball over the net
 Flex your arm back and then extend to swing it forward
 Make sure to hit the ball with your fingers and palm of your hand
 Force your body weight to the non-dominant foot and dominant
hitting arm

Task Progression:

Task 1: Wall Serve

Students will need 1 ball and will find an area anywhere on the court where
they want to practice. Using the same target as you did for the other serving
and passing task, students will overhand/float serve the ball to the wall using
the correct technique above the wall target line. Students will begin stepping
with their non-dominant foot and use their dominant hand to serve the ball
to the wall. The students will do this at least 10 times before moving on.

Task 2: Front Court Aim

Students will find a partner for this task and will need 1 ball. One partner will
overhand serve the ball over the net to either of the front 2 target areas. Your
partner will stand in either target area and you will have to serve it to the
target area where they are standing. Students will serve the ball at least 2-3
times to all of the target areas. For progression try serving from different
areas behind the serving line.
Task 3: Back Court Aim
Students will pair up and form 2 lines of cones. With a partner, each student
will dribble through the cones alternating hands as their partner evaluates
them to make sure they are keeping their head up while dribbling and
alternating hands between the cones. We will do this until every person has
dribbled and been evaluated.

Lead Up Game: 4 vs 4
Students will form a group of 4 players for a small game. Each person will
rotate positions on the court. You will play a regular game using all of the
skills you have learned from the different tasks but you can only use the
overhand/float serve. You can score points as you would in a regular game.
The first team to get 10 points wins the game. Keep in mind to aim for
different target areas on the court and also make sure that you are
performing the techniques correctly.


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