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Table of Contents

About Talitha KUMI ..................................................................................... 3

Message by Executive Director ................................................................. 4
Cases Studies .............................................................................................. 5
Legal Aid Program ...................................................................................... 6
Economic Empowerment Program ............................................................ 9
Awareness & Education Program ............................................................ 10


House No. 24, St. 15, Nazarth Road,

Bahar Colony, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore

+92 42 35946251

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 2


Talitha KUMI Welfare Society (TKWS), commonly known as “Talitha KUMI” is a non-profit
organization. The purpose of organization is to help the marginalized, underprivileged &
oppressed women who are victims of various forms of violence and who find it very difficult to
pursue the injustices done to them in a male-dominated society in Pakistan. Talitha KUMI was
envisioned and founded in year 2000. Dr. Rev. Khushnud Azariah, Ms. Shunila Ruth and other
likemifounded Talitha Kumi Welfare Center back in the year 2000. Now more than 15 dedicated
staff work for Talitha KUMI. There are many volunteers from diverse backgrounds supports
Talitha KUMI.
“Empowering women to overcome various forms of violence” is our mission statement. Talitha
KUMI trying to empower women through economic empowerment programs to help them
become economically independent and through awareness building programs to promote
women rights, gender-related issues to counter various forms of violence, done against women.
Talitha KUMI is located on Nazareth Road, Bahar Colony, Lahore, Pakistan. Target group of the
Talitha Kumi Welfare Society are poor women from slum areas of Lahore, i.e. Bahar Colony,
Kashmiri mohala, Mariam Colony, Nawaz sharif Colony, Youhanabad and Asif Town etc. Out of
one million populations of these areas 52% comprises women. 65% of the population is surviving
below poverty- line with wages less than a dollar per day. Mostly people are illiterate and
unskilled. They work as laborers, domestic/ /street cleaners and brick kiln laborers.

Our Our Our

Vision Mission Value

“Women rise in faith and  Participatory
Empowering women to decision making
live with dignity, overcome various forms of
courage and hope.”  Non discrimination
violence. Increase economic
and social status of  Commitment
marginalized,  Transparency
underprivileged & oppressed  Accountability
women and provide legal aid
to those who are victims of
various forms of violence

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 3

Dear friends

Pakistan has been listed among the worst performers in the world when it comes to
women empowerment as the country placed at the rock bottom of the World Economic
Forum’s “Global Gender Gap Report 2018”. Like many other organization Talitha Kumi
is playing small but vital role in empowering women to bring gender equality in
Pakistan. For more than 18 years Talitha KUMI have been part of a movement of
women advocating for change in their communities. Year 2018
has been a year of challenges for our service, and the community services generally, particularly
specialist services for women experiencing violence.

Throughout this time we have continued to advocate, to educate and empower women and men
about their rights and provide legal support to women victim of violence.

I am pleased to report the Talitha KUMI served 374 women in different program
initiatives. Awareness Building Activities were organized in which 290 male and female
participated. There were 54 girls economically strengthened through different skills
training programs. 30 Women were given legal assistance.

We remain grateful to you, our supporters and partners, for standing with us over the
past year. None of this work would be possible without kindness, strength, commitment
and drive. It would not be possible without you, our generous supporters, partners,
volunteers. Thank you all for sharing our vision of women empowerment and gender
equality for all. That is the power of partnerships.

To the staff I thank you for your dedication

and your tireless efforts to better the lives of women.

Shunila Ruth
Hon. Executive Director

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 4

Kinza 25, lost mother in Saira Asif, 32, mother of Zobia Roshan married
her childhood. Her two, is among 30 women and have a daughter.
maternal grandmother in distress who have been Since her marriage she
raised her and her given legal support and was going through
younger sister up. She rehabilitated during the difficult financial
could not continue her year 2018. Her husband problem. Because her
high school education drug addiction turned her husband did not have job.
because of financial whole life upside She off and on did menial
constraints. down. She came to work.
After completing Talitha Kumi for advice Then her friend insisted
matriculation, she joined and eventually realized her to join midwifery
Midwifery training in something had to change training at Talitha KUMI
Talitha KUMI Center. She and that change had to Center. Halfheartedly,
successfully completed come from within. She she joined the training.
the course. decided to detach from Nevertheless, after she
her husband. She left completed her course she
Now she is working in home along with her little changed all together.
hospital and earning for kids. She did not have Now she is working in a
herself and her younger any skill/training. She maternity clinic and
sister education. She is joined Midwifery Training earning reasonable
economically empowered in Talitha KUMI Center. income for her family.
and independent. After completing the
training, she is now
working as caregiver
earning sufficient
livelihood for her kids and
their education.

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 5


Talitha KUMI’s Legal Aid Program provides legal consultation and representation
counseling and dispute resolution services to those women who are victims of any
form of aggression. The program component aimed squarely at poor women and
Main issues countered by the program include marital conflicts, domestic violence,
inheritance, property issue, child custody, maintenance and any gender based
violence. Promote mediation and reconciliation in marital couple is core value of
the program. Counseling is an opportunity for conflicting parties to voice their
differences and work to a mutual agreement without taking the matter to court.
During the year 30 cases were dealt with by the legal aid team, out of which 23
cases were recorded during the year 2018 and 7 cases continued from the
previous year

No. Date Name* Case Action Status Date

registered closure

Petition for
Violet Decree in
1 03-01-2017 Violence dissolution of 06-06-2018
Charles favour
2 29-03-2017 Violence¸ Desertion Counseling Close 04-01-2018
3 10-08-2017 Domestic Violence Counseling Close 04-01-2018
Couple living
4 03-09-2017 Mona Bibi Domestic Violence Counseling 20-02-2018
Dissolution of
5 27-09-2017 Shagufta Desertion In Court -
Child custody
Recovery of minor
6 21-10-2017 Mary through court Close 28-1-2018
Deserted by Dissolution of Decree in
7 11-11-2017 Hina 06-10-2018
Husband Marriage favor

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 6

No. Date Name* Case Action Status Date
registered closure

05-03- Counseling Close 18-6-

8 Aster Domestic violence 2018
27-03- File Petition in the Children recovered 30-05-
9 Saeeda Recovery of Children court and with the mother 2018
Placed in a shelter Now living with her 30-05-
30-04- Homeless Old lady
10 Aisha home son 2018
2018 deserted by her children
06-05- Reported to Police Close 30-06-
11 Parveen 2018
2018 Sexual Harassment
02-05- Domestic torture by Petition for divorce Case in the court -
12 Ishrat
2018 husband
12-07- Petition for divorce Case in the court -
13 Shahzadi Divorce
15-08- Children recovery Children are now 15-09-
14 Anita Recovery of children from father with the mother 2018
Traumatize Farida seek Counseling Forgave her fiancé. 30-10-
15 Farida vengeance against fiancé’s Now she living in 2018
betrayal Dubai
File Application Pending -
29-10- Legal difficulty in obtaining
16 Beenish with concern
2018 National I.D card
Counseling & Situation is much -
12-11- Domestic violence. Living
17 Rahat meetings with better.
2018 in Joint family
whole families
18-05- in the Court Pending in the -
18 Ishrat Recovery of Dowry articles court
Husband didn’t allow Riqa Counseling mutually agreed to 30-06-
19 Riqa to see children after resolved the matter 2018
separation out of court
05-06- Extortion, harassment by Reported in the Culprit arrested 30-06-
20 Irum police 2018
2018 neighbor
20-06- Counselling Couple living 30-11-
21 Irum Edwan Domestic Violence together now 2018
Counseling Husband married to 03-11-
22 3-07-2018 Kiran Javed Violence, Desertion other woman. 2018
14-07- Counseling Still in process -
23 Gladys Domestic violence
Filed petition in Children handed 10-9-
24 Mariam Aziz Children recovery the court over mother by 2018
court order
Reported in court Zara living with 20-12-
02-09- Zara Zara married by her own
25 and police provide husband happily 2018
2018 will. Family harassed her
Petition for Pending in the -
14-09- Husband forced her into
26 Anita Oliver dissolution of court
2018 prostitution
13-10- conjugal rights, Petition in the court -
27 Salma Hanif Desertion Maintenance
Petition Case in the Court -
25-10- Kiran
28 Divorce dissolution of
2018 Maqbool
06-11- Counselling Couple living 20-12-
29 Nasreen Domestic Violence together at Peace 18
17-11- Petition for Case withdraw by 02-02-
30 Zubeida Domestic Violence Divorce in Court Zubeida 2019

(*Some names and places are change to ensure privacy, safety and security of the women and men)

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 7

Some Stories of Legal Aid clients

Talitha KUMI represented Saeeda in the court for custody of her

Child. The father had taken the child away from the mother. The
child had spent no time with the mother from soon after her birth.
The court found the mother’s allegations of family violence to be true
and found and intergenerational cycle of violence in the paternal
family to be highly relevant. The court order included that Saeeda
Saeeda have sole parental responsibility for the child, that the child live with
the mother and spend no time and no communication with the
In her comments, Saeeda said, “I don’t think I would have gotten my
child back if it wasn’t for the hard work and support of everyone at
Talitha KUMI.”

In year 2017 Shahzadi’s husband, Eric, was detained by the Police

for a month without registering any case and charges. The Police did
not produce him before the court of law to get his remand. Even the
police did not allow Shahzadi to see him.

Nevertheless,Talitha KUMI legal team managed to get him released

from Police custody. Unfortunately later on his suspicious activities
proved him habitual thief and drug addict.

Shahzadi In March 2018, Shahzadi and Eric went for job interview in an office.
While Shahzadi was having job interview Eric stole an expensive cell
phone from that office and slipped away. The Office administration
call the police and arrested Shahzadi.

Shahzadi was release when her family paid the cell phone price. That
day Shahzadi decided to get rid from Eric. She again came to Talitha
KUMI for legal assistance.

Legal Aid team file petition for divorce. The case is still in the court.

“I have recently been involved in a matter at court. My sister referred to

Talitha Kumi for legal assistance. Where I met Talitha KUMI’s lawyer
Haroon Suleman. I found him to be approachable, extremely helpful.
He and Sarah never made me feel like I was wasting their time and
they never rushed me off the phone. He took the time to explain each
step of the processes to me and really assured me of my option and
Ishrat my possible outcomes along the way. I believe that the positive
outcome would be possible with Talitha KUMI involvement. I cannot
thank or commend Talitha Kumi enough for its much appreciated
assistance and support.

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 8

Women’s economic empowerment – that is, their capacity to bring about
economic change for themselves – is increasingly viewed by Talitha Kumi
Welfare Society as the most important contributing factor to achieving equality
between women and men. When women own property and earn money from
it, they may have more bargaining power at home. This in turn can help reduce
their vulnerability to domestic violence.
Economic Empowerment Program improves the likelihood that efforts to
strengthen women economically. We offer three training program to the
women according to their education and abilities.
For high school graduate we have midwifery training program.
For Middle school graduate we have beautician courses
For primary school graduate or illiterate we have sewing and tailoring course.

1. Midwifery

There are 28 midwifery students

successfully completed their
training. There were 16 student
enrolled in the training.

2. Beautician Course

There were 12 new girls were added for

beautician course during the year 2018.
There are eight trainees who successfully
completed the course.
3. Sewing & tailoring

There were 18 girls completed the

year 2018. Five girls left without
completing the training. Eleven
girls were admitted to the class.

No. Training/Skill (year 2018) No. of Beneficiaries

1 Midwifery Training 28

2 Beautician 8

3 Sewing & Tailoring 18

Total 54

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 9

This program provide women and men with knowledge about their legal rights and knowing
how to obtain them. This program help women recognize discrimination, domestic violence
and harassment. We want to empower woman so that she can able to speak up within
her family and outside and break through the taboo of those issues that women will talk
about it among themselves and support each other. We want that Women will start raising
their children different.

No. Target community Topic No. of beneficiaries

Female Male Total
1 Bahar Colony Community Meeting 18 5 23
2 Nawaz Sharif Colony Fundamental Rights 22 9 31
3 Kashmir Mohala Community Meeting 18 12 30
4 Talitha Kumi Students Fundamental Rights 24 - 24
UCH hospital (Students & Sexual harassment
5 29 21 50
Staff) workplace
Violence against Women
6 Talitha Kumi Students 23 - 23
7 Bahar Colony Violence against Women 26 - 26
8 UCH Hospital (Students) Christian Inheritance Laws 21 12 33
9 Nawaz Sharif Colony Violence Against Women
18 9 27
10 United Christian Hospital Breast cancer Awareness 23 - 23
Total 222 68 290

When asked “What impact has the workshop had on you?” our participants said:

“I have a better understanding of my rights and remedies in case of infringement of my rights.

“I am surprised to know that Christian women has equal share in inheritance”
“I have learnt many kinds of violence perpetrated against women”.
“Understanding of the importance women’s empowerment to end violence against women.”
“Lovely to attend training on women rights led by man.”

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Talitha KUMI Board

Rt. Rev. Samuel Azariah Chairperson
Rev. Dr. Khushnud Azariah Vice Chairperson
Shunila Ruth Hon. Executive Director
Resha Qadir Bakhsh Treasurer
Mrs. Neelam Hayat Member
Rev. Dr. Qaiser Julius Member
Mr. Imran Titus Member

Talitha KUMI Staff

Shunila Ruth Hon. Executive Director

Azher Adil Communication Officer
Haroon Suleman Lawyer
Aamir Gill Admin Officer
Daud Sohail Finance Manager
Sarah Shahzad Community Activist
Joyce Bhatti Midwifery Teacher
Mania Instructor (sewing)
Nousheen Instructor (beautician)
Irshad Javed Support Staff
Khalid Masih Driver
Aroona Support Staff

Talitha KUMI Friends & Partners

Annual Report 2018 Talitha Kumi Welfare Society | 11


House No. 24, St. 15, Nazarth Road, Bahar Colony,

Kot Lakhpat, Lahore
+92 42 35946251

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