1 Gms690 - Module 1.2 - Current Issues1

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GMS690 The North American Business

Current and Controversial Issues
• Tariffs - Steel, Aluminum, Agriculture (Ohio Soybean farmers)
• GM Plant Closure Announcement – Auto Segment (Ohio Plant - Political)
• Keystone/Trans Mountain Pipeline – (US and Canada – Cultural,
• Immigration Policy – (Emotional/Fear based - Political)
• Oil and Gas
• Climate Change (Environment – Political)
• Economy
• Legalization of Cannabis – (Border impact)
• HUAWEI – CFO arrested in Canada for prosecution in the US
Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
Current and Controversial Issues
• COVID-19 - Vaccines
• United States Federal Election – Fraud?
• Recession
• Canadian government issues
• WE Charity
• Funding accountability? Revera/Dividends
• Nova Scotia Lobsters Fishery Dispute – Mi’kmaq

Racial Tensions – George Floyd
• Airlines Bailout
• Russian Hacking
Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
The Marshall Decision
• Supreme Court of Canada, 1999 decision affirmed a
treaty right to hunt, fish and gather in pursuit of a
“moderate livelihood”
• Donald Marshall Jr. was arrested for illegal fishing
• Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1760 and 1761
• Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
• Rights Reconciliation Agreements
• August 15, 2019 – Elsipogtog and Esgenoôpetitj
First Nations (two Mi’kmaq communities in New
• August 30, 2019 – Maliseet of Viger First
Nation (Quebec)
• In 1999 the Mi’kmaq fishery was valued at an Spent 11 years in
estimated $3M
prison before
• In 2015 it was valued at $145M
being acquitted

Source: https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/publications/fisheries-peches/marshall-1999-eng.html
Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign
Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law)
• SML was enacted on
October 18, 2017 and is
intended to provide Canada
with the tools to “respond to
cases of human rights
violations and significant acts
of corruption anywhere in the
world”, according to Global
Affairs Canada. SML was first Under the SML Regulations, persons in Canada and
introduced as a private Canadian-incorporated entities and Canadian citizens
member’s bill in the Senate outside Canada are prohibited from:
and later received the • Dealing, directly or indirectly, in any property of a
support of Canada’s current designated foreign national
government to become law. Canada’s reaction to China? • Entering into or facilitating, directly or indirectly, of any
Canada follows the United financial transaction related to a dealing in property of a
States and the United designated foreign national
Kingdom in enacting SML- • Providing financial services or any other services to, for
type legislation. the benefit of, or on the direction or order of, a
designated foreign national
• Acquiring financial services or any other services for the
benefit of, or on the direction or order of, a designated
foreign national
• Making available any property to a designated foreign
national or to a person acting on his or her behalf.
Source: https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/J-2.3/FullText.html Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
US Racial Tensions
• Racial tensions in the US explode when
George Floyd died after being arrested by
police outside a shop in Minneapolis,
• Illuminated long standing issues of racism
within the policing community
• Led to nationwide and worldwide
• Calls for “defunding” the police force and
• The future of police reform?

Source: https://theconversation.com/wisconsins-not-so-white-anymore-and-in-some-
rapidly-diversifying-cities-like-kenosha-theres-fear-and-unrest-148044 Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
WE Charity
• “The Scandal”
• Summer Student Volunteer Program
• Gov’t granted a deal without tender
valued at $912M to WE Charity
• WE Charity to administer the fund ~$43M
• Trudeau family paid hundreds of
• Kielbergers leave the country
• Finance Minister resigns

Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/we-charity-student-grant-justin-trudeau-testimony-1.5666676
Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
The 2020 Recession
• This Graph tells the story



Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz


Legal Scorecard: Over 60 court cases losses due to NO EVIDENCE

But over $300M funds raised

Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz

Georgia Senate Race
• Control of the United States Senate
hangs in the balance
• Why is it so important?
• What just happened?
• January 20th

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/05/politics/loeffler-ossoff-perdue-warnock-runoff-results/index.html Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz

Storming of the Capital
• Insurrection
• Domestic Terrorism

Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz

• QAnon purports that America is run
by a cabal of pedophiles and Satan-
worshippers who run a global child
sex-trafficking operation
• President Trump is the only person
who can stop them.
• The information supposedly comes
from a high-ranking government
official who posts cryptic clues on
4chan and the even more unfettered
site 8chan under the name "Q."

What role should Social Media play in this?

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-is-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory/
Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz
Current Issues
• Twitter bans Trump for
• Facebook and Instagram

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/tech/trump-twitter-ban/index.html Copyright 2020 Mark Viminitz

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