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Shortcuts for Krita

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Say Hello World Say Hello World

Calligraphy: decrease angle

Calligraphy: decrease width

Calligraphy: increase angle

Calligraphy: increase width

Add opacity keyframe

Auto Frame Mode (on)

Copy Columns to Clipboard

Copy to Clipboard

Create Blank Frame

Create Duplicate Frame

Cut Columns to Clipboard

Cut to Clipboard

Drop Frames (on)

First Frame

Insert Column Left

Insert Column Right

Insert Hold Column

Insert Hold Frame

Insert Keyframe Left

Insert Keyframe Right

Insert Multiple Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Frames

Insert Multiple Keyframes

Last Frame
Mirror Columns

Mirror Frames
Next Frame

Next Key Frame

Paste Columns from Clipboard

Paste from Clipboard

Play / Stop

Previous Frame
Previous Key Frame

Remove Column

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Remove Column and Pull

Remove Frame and Pull

Remove Hold Column

Remove Hold Frame

Remove Keyframe

Remove Multiple Hold Columns

Remove Multiple Hold Frames

Remove opacity keyframe

Set End Time

Set Start Time

Show in Timeline

Toggle onion skin

Update Playback Range

Next Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift++

Previous Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+-

Select Behind Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Q

Select Clear Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+R

Select Color Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+C

Select Color Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+B

Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+D

Select Darken Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+K

Select Difference Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+E

Select Dissolve Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+I

Select Exclusion Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+X

Select Hard Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+H

Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+L

Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+P

Select Hue Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+U

Select Lighten Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+G

Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+A

Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+W

Select Linear Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+J

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Select Luminosity Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Y

Select Multiply Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+M

Select Normal Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+N

Select Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+O

Select Pin Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Z

Select Saturation Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+T

Select Screen Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+S

Select Soft Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+F

Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+V

Auto Contrast

Bottom Edge Detection

Brightness/Contrast curve...

Color Adjustment curves... Main: Ctrl+M

Color Balance... Main: Ctrl+B

Color to Alpha...

Color Transfer...
Desaturate... Main: Ctrl+Shift+U

Emboss (Laplacian)

Emboss Horizontal & Vertical

Emboss Horizontal Only

Emboss in All Directions

Emboss Vertical Only

Emboss with Variable Depth...

Gaussian Blur...

Gaussian Noise Reduction...

HSV Adjustment... Main: Ctrl+U

Index Colors...
Invert Main: Ctrl+I

Left Edge Detection

Lens Blur...


Action Name Shortcuts Description

Main: Ctrl+L

Maximize Channel
Mean Removal

Minimize Channel
Motion Blur...

Phong Bumpmap...


Random Noise...

Random Pick...
Right Edge Detection

Round Corners...

Small Tiles...

Top Edge Detection

Unsharp Mask...

Wavelet Noise Reducer...


Cleanup removed files...

Create Resource Bundle...

Create Snapshot
Hide File Toolbar

Invert Selection Main: Ctrl+Shift+I

Open Resources Folder Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources
such as brushes to.
Remove Selected Snapshot

Rename Composition...
Show Brush Editor Main: F5

Show Brush Presets Main: F6

Show color history Main: H

Show color selector Main: Shift+I

Show common colors Main: U

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Show Krita log for bug reports.

Show minimal shade selector Main: Shift+N

Show MyPaint shade selector Main: Shift+M

Show system information for bug


Show Tool Options Main: \

Switch to Selected Snapshot

Toggle Tablet Debugger Main: Ctrl+Shift+T

Update Composition
Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale

Activate next layer Main: PgUp

Activate next sibling layer, skipping

over groups.

Activate previous layer Main: PgDown

Activate previous sibling layer, skipping

over groups.
Activate previously selected layer Main: ;

All Layers
Alpha into Mask

as Filter Mask...
as Paint Layer...

as Selection Mask...
as Transparency Mask...

Clone Layer
Clones Array...

Colorize Mask
Convert group to animated layer

Convert Layer Color Space...

Convert to animated layer

Copy Layer
Copy Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Alt+J

Cut Layer
Cut Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Shift+J

Duplicate Layer or Mask Main: Ctrl+J

Edit metadata...

File Layer...

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Fill Layer...

Filter Layer...
Filter Mask...

Flatten image Main: Ctrl+Shift+E

Flatten Layer

Group Layer

Import Layer...
Invisible Layers

Isolate Active Layer

Layer Style...

Local Selection
Locked Layers

Merge with Layer Below Main: Ctrl+E

Mirror All Layers Horizontally

Mirror All Layers Vertically

Mirror Layer Horizontally

Mirror Layer Vertically

Move into next group

Move into previous group

Move Layer or Mask Down Main: Ctrl+PgDown

Move Layer or Mask Up Main: Ctrl+PgUp

New Layer From Visible

Offset Layer...
Paint Layer Main: Ins

Paste Layer
Properties... Main: F3

Quick Clipping Group Main: Ctrl+Shift+G

Quick Group Main: Ctrl+G

Quick Ungroup Main: Ctrl+Alt+G

Rasterize Layer

Remove Layer Main: Shift+Del

Rename current layer Main: F2

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Left

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Right

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Rotate All Layers 180°

Rotate All Layers...

Rotate Layer 90° to the Left

Rotate Layer 90° to the Right

Rotate Layer 180°

Rotate Layer...
Save Group Layers...

Save Layer/Mask...
Save Merged...

Save Vector Layer as SVG...

Scale All Layers to new Size...

Scale Layer to new Size...

Set Copy From...

Shear All Layers...

Shear Layer...

Split Layer...
to File Layer...

to Filter Mask...
to Paint Layer

to Selection Mask
to Transparency Mask

Toggle layer alpha

Toggle layer alpha inheritance

Toggle layer lock

Toggle layer visibility

Transform Mask
Transparency Mask

Unlocked Layers
Vector Layer

Visible Layers
Wavelet Decompose ...

Write as Alpha
Brush Smoothing: Basic

Brush Smoothing: Disabled

Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer

Brush Smoothing: Weighted

Convert to Shape

Decrease Brush Size Main: [

Decrease opacity

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Main: I

Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern (Opacity)

Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar

Hide Mirror X Line

Hide Mirror Y Line

Horizontal Mirror Tool

Increase Brush Size Main: ]

Increase opacity Main: O

Lock X Line

Lock Y Line
Make brush color darker Main: K

Make brush color lighter Main: L

Make brush color more blue

Make brush color more desaturated

Make brush color more green

Make brush color more red

Make brush color more saturated

Make brush color more yellow

Move to Canvas Center X

Move to Canvas Center Y

Next Favourite Preset Main: ,

Preserve Alpha
Previous Favourite Preset Main: .

Reload Original Preset

Reset Foreground and Background Main: D
Selection Mode: Add

Selection Mode: Intersect

Selection Mode: Replace

Selection Mode: Subtract

Set eraser mode Main: E

Shift brush color hue clockwise

Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise

Show Global Selection Mask

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Swap Foreground and Background Main: X
Switch to Previous Preset Main: /

Toggle Selection Display Mode

Toggle Snap To Assistants Main: Ctrl+Shift+L

Undo Polygon Selection Points Main: Shift+Z

Use Pen Pressure

Vertical Mirror Tool


Color Picker Main: P

Colorize Mask Tool

Dynamic Brush Tool

Edit Shapes Tool

Ellipse Tool Main: Shift+J

Fill Tool Main: F

Freehand Brush Tool Main: B

Gradient Tool Main: G

Line Tool
Measurement Tool

Move Tool Main: T

Multibrush Tool Main: Q

Pan Tool
Rectangle Tool Main: Shift+R

Reference Images Tool

Select Shapes Tool

Smart Patch Tool

Zoom Tool

Brush composite
Brush option slider 1

Brush option slider 2

Brush option slider 3

Brush option slider 4



Action Name Shortcuts Description

Painter's Tools

Clear Main: Del

Copy Main: Ctrl+C

Copy (sharp)

Copy merged Main: Ctrl+Shift+C

Cut Main: Ctrl+X

Cut (sharp)
Delete keyframe

Fill with Background Color Main: Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color Main: Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern

Paste Main: Ctrl+V

Paste as Reference Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+R

Paste at Cursor Main: Ctrl+Alt+V

Paste into New Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+N

Paste Shape Style

Redo Main: Ctrl+Shift+Z

Stroke selected shapes

Stroke Selection...
Undo Freehand Brush Stroke Main: Ctrl+Z

Close Main: Ctrl+W

Close All Main: Ctrl+Shift+W

Create Copy From Current Image

Create Template From Image...

Document Information

Import animation frames...

New... Main: Ctrl+N

Open existing Document as Untitled


Open Recent

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Open... Main: Ctrl+O

Print Preview
Print... Main: Ctrl+P

Quit Main: Ctrl+Q

Render Animation Again

Render Animation...
Save Main: Ctrl+S

Save As... Main: Ctrl+Shift+S

Save Incremental Backup Main: F4

Save Incremental Version Main: Ctrl+Alt+S


Apply Filter Again Main: Ctrl+F

Apply Filter Again (Reprompt)

Re-apply the last G'MIC filter

Start G'MIC-Qt

About KDE
About Krita

Krita Handbook Main: F1

Report Bug...

Convert Image Color Space...

Image Background Color and
Image Split

Mirror Image Horizontally

Mirror Image Vertically

Offset Image...

Resize Canvas... Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Rotate Image 90° to the Left

Rotate Image 90° to the Right

Rotate Image 180°

Rotate Image...
Scale Image To New Size... Main: Ctrl+Alt+I

Separate Image...
Shear Image...

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Trim to Current Layer

Trim to Image Size

Trim to Selection

Border Selection...
Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

Convert to Raster Selection

Convert to Vector Selection

Deselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+A

Display Selection Main: Ctrl+H

Edit Selection
Feather Selection... Main: Shift+F6

Grow Selection...
Reselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+D

Select All Main: Ctrl+A

Select from Color Range...

Select Opaque (Add)

Select Opaque (Intersect)

Select Opaque (Replace)

Select Opaque (Subtract)

Shrink Selection...

Active Author Profile

Configure Krita...
Configure Shortcuts...

Configure Toolbars...
Manage Resources...

Reset Krita Configurations

Show Dockers

Switch Application Language...

Detach canvas

Full Screen Mode Main: Ctrl+Shift+F

Instant Preview Mode Main: Shift+L

Lock Guides
Mirror View Main: M

Out of Gamut Warnings Main: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Reset Canvas Rotation

Reset zoom Main: Ctrl+0

Rotate Canvas Left Main: Ctrl+[

Rotate Canvas Right Main: Ctrl+]

Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on
screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown
Show Assistant Previews

Show Canvas Only Main: Tab

Show Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+'

Show Guides
Show Painting Assistants

Show Pixel Grid

Show Reference Images

Show Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the
mouse on the image and can be used to position your
mouse at the right place on the canvas.

Uncheck this to hide the rulers.

Show Snap Options Popup Main: Shift+S

Show Status Bar

Snap Bounding Box

Snap Extension

Snap Image Bounds

Snap Image Center

Snap Intersection
Snap Node

Snap Orthogonal
Snap Pixel

Snap To Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+;

Snap to Guides

Soft Proofing Main: Ctrl+Y

Wrap Around Mode Main: Shift+W

Zoom In Main: Ctrl++

Zoom Out Main: Ctrl+-

New Window


Action Name Shortcuts Description
Import Python Plugin...

Activate Brush Preset 0 Main: Ctrl+Alt+0

Activate Brush Preset 1 Main: Ctrl+Alt+1

Activate Brush Preset 2 Main: Ctrl+Alt+2

Activate Brush Preset 3 Main: Ctrl+Alt+3

Activate Brush Preset 4 Main: Ctrl+Alt+4

Activate Brush Preset 5 Main: Ctrl+Alt+5

Activate Brush Preset 6 Main: Ctrl+Alt+6

Activate Brush Preset 7 Main: Ctrl+Alt+7

Activate Brush Preset 8 Main: Ctrl+Alt+8

Activate Brush Preset 9 Main: Ctrl+Alt+9

Ten Brushes
Execute Script 1 Main: Ctrl+Shift+1

Execute Script 2 Main: Ctrl+Shift+2

Execute Script 3 Main: Ctrl+Shift+3

Execute Script 4 Main: Ctrl+Shift+4

Execute Script 5 Main: Ctrl+Shift+5

Execute Script 6 Main: Ctrl+Shift+6

Execute Script 7 Main: Ctrl+Shift+7

Execute Script 8 Main: Ctrl+Shift+8

Execute Script 9 Main: Ctrl+Shift+9

Execute Script 10 Main: Ctrl+Shift+0

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left

Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<

Font Size

Font... Main: Ctrl+Alt+F Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I


Light Main: Ctrl+L

Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N


Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Text Color

Text Tool
Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left

Distribute Right
Distribute Top

Distribute Vertical Gap


Horizontally Center

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally
Mirror Vertically

Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations

Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW

Rotate 180°
Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center
Break at point

Break at segment
Corner point

Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points
Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point
Symmetric Point

To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool

Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool
Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool
Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Calligraphy: decrease angle

Calligraphy: decrease width

Calligraphy: increase angle

Calligraphy: increase width

Add opacity keyframe

Auto Frame Mode (on)

Copy Columns to Clipboard

Copy to Clipboard

Create Blank Frame

Create Duplicate Frame

Cut Columns to Clipboard

Cut to Clipboard

Drop Frames (on)

First Frame

Insert Column Left

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Insert Column Right

Insert Hold Column

Insert Hold Frame

Insert Keyframe Left

Insert Keyframe Right

Insert Multiple Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Frames

Insert Multiple Keyframes

Last Frame
Mirror Columns

Mirror Frames
Next Frame

Next Key Frame

Paste Columns from Clipboard

Paste from Clipboard

Play / Stop

Previous Frame
Previous Key Frame

Remove Column
Remove Column and Pull

Remove Frame and Pull

Remove Hold Column

Remove Hold Frame

Remove Keyframe

Remove Multiple Hold Columns

Remove Multiple Hold Frames

Remove opacity keyframe

Set End Time

Set Start Time

Show in Timeline

Toggle onion skin

Update Playback Range

Next Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift++

Previous Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+-

Select Behind Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Q

Select Clear Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+R

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Select Color Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+C

Select Color Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+B

Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+D

Select Darken Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+K

Select Difference Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+E

Select Dissolve Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+I

Select Exclusion Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+X

Select Hard Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+H

Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+L

Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+P

Select Hue Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+U

Select Lighten Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+G

Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+A

Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+W

Select Linear Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+J

Select Luminosity Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Y

Select Multiply Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+M

Select Normal Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+N

Select Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+O

Select Pin Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Z

Select Saturation Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+T

Select Screen Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+S

Select Soft Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+F

Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+V

Auto Contrast

Bottom Edge Detection

Brightness/Contrast curve...

Color Adjustment curves... Main: Ctrl+M

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Color Balance... Main: Ctrl+B

Color to Alpha...
Color Transfer...

Desaturate... Main: Ctrl+Shift+U


Emboss (Laplacian)
Emboss Horizontal & Vertical

Emboss Horizontal Only

Emboss in All Directions

Emboss Vertical Only

Emboss with Variable Depth...

Gaussian Blur...
Gaussian Noise Reduction...

HSV Adjustment... Main: Ctrl+U

Index Colors...

Invert Main: Ctrl+I

Left Edge Detection

Lens Blur...
Levels... Main: Ctrl+L

Maximize Channel
Mean Removal

Minimize Channel
Motion Blur...

Phong Bumpmap...


Random Noise...

Random Pick...
Right Edge Detection

Round Corners...

Small Tiles...

Top Edge Detection

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Unsharp Mask...

Wavelet Noise Reducer...

Cleanup removed files...

Create Resource Bundle...

Create Snapshot

Hide File Toolbar

Invert Selection Main: Ctrl+Shift+I

Open Resources Folder Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources
such as brushes to.

Remove Selected Snapshot

Rename Composition...

Show Brush Editor Main: F5

Show Brush Presets Main: F6

Show color history Main: H

Show color selector Main: Shift+I

Show common colors Main: U

Show Krita log for bug reports.

Show minimal shade selector Main: Shift+N

Show MyPaint shade selector Main: Shift+M

Show system information for bug

Show Tool Options Main: \

Switch to Selected Snapshot


Toggle Tablet Debugger Main: Ctrl+Shift+T

Update Composition

Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale
Activate next layer Main: PgUp

Activate next sibling layer, skipping

over groups.

Activate previous layer Main: PgDown

Activate previous sibling layer, skipping

over groups.

Activate previously selected layer Main: ;

Action Name Shortcuts Description
All Layers

Alpha into Mask

as Filter Mask...

as Paint Layer...
as Selection Mask...

as Transparency Mask...
Clone Layer

Clones Array...
Colorize Mask

Convert group to animated layer

Convert Layer Color Space...

Convert to animated layer

Copy Layer

Copy Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Alt+J

Cut Layer

Cut Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Shift+J

Duplicate Layer or Mask Main: Ctrl+J

Edit metadata...
File Layer...

Fill Layer...
Filter Layer...

Filter Mask...
Flatten image Main: Ctrl+Shift+E

Flatten Layer
Group Layer

Import Layer...

Invisible Layers
Isolate Active Layer

Layer Style...
Local Selection

Locked Layers
Merge with Layer Below Main: Ctrl+E

Mirror All Layers Horizontally

Mirror All Layers Vertically

Mirror Layer Horizontally

Mirror Layer Vertically

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Move into next group

Move into previous group

Move Layer or Mask Down Main: Ctrl+PgDown

Move Layer or Mask Up Main: Ctrl+PgUp

New Layer From Visible

Offset Layer...
Paint Layer Main: Ins

Paste Layer
Properties... Main: F3

Quick Clipping Group Main: Ctrl+Shift+G

Quick Group Main: Ctrl+G

Quick Ungroup Main: Ctrl+Alt+G

Rasterize Layer

Remove Layer Main: Shift+Del

Rename current layer Main: F2

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Left

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Right

Rotate All Layers 180°

Rotate All Layers...

Rotate Layer 90° to the Left

Rotate Layer 90° to the Right

Rotate Layer 180°

Rotate Layer...

Save Group Layers...

Save Layer/Mask...

Save Merged...
Save Vector Layer as SVG...

Scale All Layers to new Size...

Scale Layer to new Size...

Set Copy From...

Shear All Layers...

Shear Layer...
Split Layer...

to File Layer...
to Filter Mask...

to Paint Layer

Action Name Shortcuts Description
to Selection Mask

to Transparency Mask
Toggle layer alpha

Toggle layer alpha inheritance

Toggle layer lock

Toggle layer visibility

Transform Mask

Transparency Mask
Unlocked Layers

Vector Layer
Visible Layers

Wavelet Decompose ...

Write as Alpha

Brush Smoothing: Basic

Brush Smoothing: Disabled

Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer

Brush Smoothing: Weighted

Convert to Shape
Decrease Brush Size Main: [

Decrease opacity Main: I

Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern (Opacity)

Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar

Hide Mirror X Line

Hide Mirror Y Line

Horizontal Mirror Tool

Increase Brush Size Main: ]

Increase opacity Main: O

Lock X Line
Lock Y Line

Make brush color darker Main: K

Make brush color lighter Main: L

Make brush color more blue

Make brush color more desaturated

Make brush color more green

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Make brush color more red

Make brush color more saturated

Make brush color more yellow

Move to Canvas Center X

Move to Canvas Center Y

Next Favourite Preset Main: ,

Preserve Alpha

Previous Favourite Preset Main: .

Reload Original Preset

Reset Foreground and Background Main: D


Selection Mode: Add

Selection Mode: Intersect

Selection Mode: Replace

Selection Mode: Subtract

Set eraser mode Main: E

Shift brush color hue clockwise

Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise

Show Global Selection Mask

Swap Foreground and Background Main: X

Switch to Previous Preset Main: /

Toggle Selection Display Mode

Toggle Snap To Assistants Main: Ctrl+Shift+L

Undo Polygon Selection Points Main: Shift+Z

Use Pen Pressure

Vertical Mirror Tool


Color Picker Main: P

Colorize Mask Tool

Dynamic Brush Tool

Edit Shapes Tool

Ellipse Tool Main: Shift+J

Fill Tool Main: F

Freehand Brush Tool Main: B

Gradient Tool Main: G

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Line Tool

Measurement Tool
Move Tool Main: T

Multibrush Tool Main: Q

Pan Tool

Rectangle Tool Main: Shift+R

Reference Images Tool

Select Shapes Tool

Smart Patch Tool

Zoom Tool
Brush composite

Brush option slider 1

Brush option slider 2

Brush option slider 3

Brush option slider 4



Painter's Tools

Clear Main: Del

Copy Main: Ctrl+C

Copy (sharp)

Copy merged Main: Ctrl+Shift+C

Cut Main: Ctrl+X

Cut (sharp)
Delete keyframe

Fill with Background Color Main: Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color Main: Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern

Paste Main: Ctrl+V

Paste as Reference Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+R

Paste at Cursor Main: Ctrl+Alt+V

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Paste into New Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+N

Paste Shape Style

Redo Main: Ctrl+Shift+Z

Stroke selected shapes

Stroke Selection...

Undo Freehand Brush Stroke Main: Ctrl+Z

Close Main: Ctrl+W

Close All Main: Ctrl+Shift+W

Create Copy From Current Image

Create Template From Image...

Document Information

Import animation frames...

New... Main: Ctrl+N

Open existing Document as Untitled

Open Recent

Open... Main: Ctrl+O

Print Preview

Print... Main: Ctrl+P

Quit Main: Ctrl+Q

Render Animation Again

Render Animation...

Save Main: Ctrl+S

Save As... Main: Ctrl+Shift+S

Save Incremental Backup Main: F4

Save Incremental Version Main: Ctrl+Alt+S

Apply Filter Again Main: Ctrl+F

Apply Filter Again (Reprompt)

Re-apply the last G'MIC filter

Start G'MIC-Qt
About KDE

About Krita

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Krita Handbook Main: F1

Report Bug...
Convert Image Color Space...

Image Background Color and


Image Split
Mirror Image Horizontally

Mirror Image Vertically

Offset Image...

Resize Canvas... Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Rotate Image 90° to the Left

Rotate Image 90° to the Right

Rotate Image 180°

Rotate Image...

Scale Image To New Size... Main: Ctrl+Alt+I

Separate Image...

Shear Image...
Trim to Current Layer

Trim to Image Size

Trim to Selection

Border Selection...
Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

Convert to Raster Selection

Convert to Vector Selection

Deselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+A

Display Selection Main: Ctrl+H

Edit Selection
Feather Selection... Main: Shift+F6

Grow Selection...
Reselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+D

Select All Main: Ctrl+A

Select from Color Range...

Select Opaque (Add)

Select Opaque (Intersect)

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Select Opaque (Replace)

Select Opaque (Subtract)

Shrink Selection...

Active Author Profile

Configure Krita...
Configure Shortcuts...

Configure Toolbars...
Manage Resources...

Reset Krita Configurations

Show Dockers

Switch Application Language...

Detach canvas

Full Screen Mode Main: Ctrl+Shift+F

Instant Preview Mode Main: Shift+L

Lock Guides
Mirror View Main: M

Out of Gamut Warnings Main: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Reset Canvas Rotation

Reset zoom Main: Ctrl+0

Rotate Canvas Left Main: Ctrl+[

Rotate Canvas Right Main: Ctrl+]

Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on
screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown
Show Assistant Previews

Show Canvas Only Main: Tab

Show Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+'

Show Guides
Show Painting Assistants

Show Pixel Grid

Show Reference Images

Show Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the
mouse on the image and can be used to position your
mouse at the right place on the canvas.

Uncheck this to hide the rulers.

Show Snap Options Popup Main: Shift+S

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Show Status Bar

Snap Bounding Box

Snap Extension

Snap Image Bounds

Snap Image Center

Snap Intersection
Snap Node

Snap Orthogonal
Snap Pixel

Snap To Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+;

Snap to Guides

Soft Proofing Main: Ctrl+Y

Wrap Around Mode Main: Shift+W

Zoom In Main: Ctrl++

Zoom Out Main: Ctrl+-

New Window

Import Python Plugin...

Activate Brush Preset 0 Main: Ctrl+Alt+0

Activate Brush Preset 1 Main: Ctrl+Alt+1

Activate Brush Preset 2 Main: Ctrl+Alt+2

Activate Brush Preset 3 Main: Ctrl+Alt+3

Activate Brush Preset 4 Main: Ctrl+Alt+4

Activate Brush Preset 5 Main: Ctrl+Alt+5

Activate Brush Preset 6 Main: Ctrl+Alt+6

Activate Brush Preset 7 Main: Ctrl+Alt+7

Activate Brush Preset 8 Main: Ctrl+Alt+8

Activate Brush Preset 9 Main: Ctrl+Alt+9

Ten Brushes
Execute Script 1 Main: Ctrl+Shift+1

Execute Script 2 Main: Ctrl+Shift+2

Execute Script 3

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Main: Ctrl+Shift+3

Execute Script 4 Main: Ctrl+Shift+4

Execute Script 5 Main: Ctrl+Shift+5

Execute Script 6 Main: Ctrl+Shift+6

Execute Script 7 Main: Ctrl+Shift+7

Execute Script 8 Main: Ctrl+Shift+8

Execute Script 9 Main: Ctrl+Shift+9

Execute Script 10 Main: Ctrl+Shift+0

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left

Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker
Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<

Font Size

Font... Main: Ctrl+Alt+F Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I


Light Main: Ctrl+L

Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N


Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Text Color

Text Tool
Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left

Distribute Right
Distribute Top

Distribute Vertical Gap


Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally

Mirror Vertically
Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations
Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW
Rotate 180°

Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center

Break at point
Break at segment

Corner point
Insert point Main: Ins

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points
Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point

Symmetric Point
To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool
Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool

Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool

Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Add opacity keyframe

Auto Frame Mode (on)

Copy Columns to Clipboard

Copy to Clipboard

Create Blank Frame

Create Duplicate Frame

Cut Columns to Clipboard

Cut to Clipboard

Drop Frames (on)

First Frame

Insert Column Left

Insert Column Right

Insert Hold Column

Insert Hold Frame

Insert Keyframe Left

Insert Keyframe Right

Insert Multiple Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Columns

Insert Multiple Hold Frames

Insert Multiple Keyframes

Last Frame
Mirror Columns

Mirror Frames
Next Frame

Next Key Frame

Paste Columns from Clipboard

Paste from Clipboard

Play / Stop

Previous Frame
Previous Key Frame

Remove Column
Remove Column and Pull

Remove Frame and Pull

Remove Hold Column

Remove Hold Frame

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Remove Keyframe

Remove Multiple Hold Columns

Remove Multiple Hold Frames

Remove opacity keyframe

Set End Time

Set Start Time

Show in Timeline

Toggle onion skin

Update Playback Range

Next Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift++

Previous Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+-

Select Behind Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Q

Select Clear Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+R

Select Color Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+C

Select Color Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+B

Select Color Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+D

Select Darken Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+K

Select Difference Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+E

Select Dissolve Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+I

Select Exclusion Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+X

Select Hard Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+H

Select Hard Mix Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+L

Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+P

Select Hue Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+U

Select Lighten Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+G

Select Linear Burn Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+A

Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+W

Select Linear Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+J

Select Luminosity Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Y

Select Multiply Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+M

Select Normal Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+N

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Select Overlay Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+O

Select Pin Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+Z

Select Saturation Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+T

Select Screen Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+S

Select Soft Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+F

Select Vivid Light Blending Mode Main: Alt+Shift+V

Auto Contrast

Bottom Edge Detection

Brightness/Contrast curve...

Color Adjustment curves... Main: Ctrl+M

Color Balance... Main: Ctrl+B

Color to Alpha...
Color Transfer...

Desaturate... Main: Ctrl+Shift+U


Emboss (Laplacian)
Emboss Horizontal & Vertical

Emboss Horizontal Only

Emboss in All Directions

Emboss Vertical Only

Emboss with Variable Depth...

Gaussian Blur...
Gaussian Noise Reduction...

HSV Adjustment... Main: Ctrl+U

Index Colors...

Invert Main: Ctrl+I

Left Edge Detection

Lens Blur...
Levels... Main: Ctrl+L

Maximize Channel
Mean Removal

Minimize Channel
Motion Blur...

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Phong Bumpmap...


Random Noise...
Random Pick...

Right Edge Detection

Round Corners...

Small Tiles...


Top Edge Detection

Unsharp Mask...

Wavelet Noise Reducer...

Cleanup removed files...

Create Resource Bundle...

Create Snapshot

Hide File Toolbar

Invert Selection Main: Ctrl+Shift+I

Open Resources Folder Opens a file browser at the location Krita saves resources
such as brushes to.

Remove Selected Snapshot

Rename Composition...

Show Brush Editor Main: F5

Show Brush Presets Main: F6

Show color history Main: H

Show color selector Main: Shift+I

Show common colors Main: U

Show Krita log for bug reports.

Show minimal shade selector Main: Shift+N

Show MyPaint shade selector Main: Shift+M

Show system information for bug


Action Name Shortcuts Description
Show Tool Options Main: \

Switch to Selected Snapshot


Toggle Tablet Debugger Main: Ctrl+Shift+T

Update Composition

Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale Use multiple of 2 for pixel scale
Activate next layer Main: PgUp

Activate next sibling layer, skipping

over groups.

Activate previous layer Main: PgDown

Activate previous sibling layer, skipping

over groups.

Activate previously selected layer Main: ;

All Layers

Alpha into Mask

as Filter Mask...

as Paint Layer...
as Selection Mask...

as Transparency Mask...
Clone Layer

Clones Array...
Colorize Mask

Convert group to animated layer

Convert Layer Color Space...

Convert to animated layer

Copy Layer

Copy Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Alt+J

Cut Layer

Cut Selection to New Layer Main: Ctrl+Shift+J

Duplicate Layer or Mask Main: Ctrl+J

Edit metadata...
File Layer...

Fill Layer...
Filter Layer...

Filter Mask...
Flatten image Main: Ctrl+Shift+E

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Flatten Layer

Group Layer

Import Layer...
Invisible Layers

Isolate Active Layer

Layer Style...

Local Selection
Locked Layers

Merge with Layer Below Main: Ctrl+E

Mirror All Layers Horizontally

Mirror All Layers Vertically

Mirror Layer Horizontally

Mirror Layer Vertically

Move into next group

Move into previous group

Move Layer or Mask Down Main: Ctrl+PgDown

Move Layer or Mask Up Main: Ctrl+PgUp

New Layer From Visible

Offset Layer...
Paint Layer Main: Ins

Paste Layer
Properties... Main: F3

Quick Clipping Group Main: Ctrl+Shift+G

Quick Group Main: Ctrl+G

Quick Ungroup Main: Ctrl+Alt+G

Rasterize Layer

Remove Layer Main: Shift+Del

Rename current layer Main: F2

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Left

Rotate All Layers 90° to the Right

Rotate All Layers 180°

Rotate All Layers...

Rotate Layer 90° to the Left

Rotate Layer 90° to the Right

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Rotate Layer 180°

Rotate Layer...
Save Group Layers...

Save Layer/Mask...
Save Merged...

Save Vector Layer as SVG...

Scale All Layers to new Size...

Scale Layer to new Size...

Set Copy From...

Shear All Layers...

Shear Layer...

Split Layer...
to File Layer...

to Filter Mask...
to Paint Layer

to Selection Mask
to Transparency Mask

Toggle layer alpha

Toggle layer alpha inheritance

Toggle layer lock

Toggle layer visibility

Transform Mask
Transparency Mask

Unlocked Layers
Vector Layer

Visible Layers
Wavelet Decompose ...

Write as Alpha
Brush Smoothing: Basic

Brush Smoothing: Disabled

Brush Smoothing: Stabilizer

Brush Smoothing: Weighted

Convert to Shape

Decrease Brush Size Main: [

Decrease opacity Main: I

Fill with Background Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color (Opacity) Main: Ctrl+Shift+Backspace

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Fill with Pattern (Opacity)

Hide Brushes and Stuff Toolbar

Hide Mirror X Line

Hide Mirror Y Line

Horizontal Mirror Tool

Increase Brush Size Main: ]

Increase opacity Main: O

Lock X Line
Lock Y Line

Make brush color darker Main: K

Make brush color lighter Main: L

Make brush color more blue

Make brush color more desaturated

Make brush color more green

Make brush color more red

Make brush color more saturated

Make brush color more yellow

Move to Canvas Center X

Move to Canvas Center Y

Next Favourite Preset Main: ,

Preserve Alpha

Previous Favourite Preset Main: .

Reload Original Preset

Reset Foreground and Background Main: D


Selection Mode: Add

Selection Mode: Intersect

Selection Mode: Replace

Selection Mode: Subtract

Set eraser mode Main: E

Shift brush color hue clockwise

Shift brush color hue counter-clockwise

Show Global Selection Mask

Swap Foreground and Background Main: X

Switch to Previous Preset Main: /

Toggle Selection Display Mode

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Toggle Snap To Assistants Main: Ctrl+Shift+L

Undo Polygon Selection Points Main: Shift+Z

Use Pen Pressure

Vertical Mirror Tool


Color Picker Main: P

Colorize Mask Tool

Dynamic Brush Tool

Edit Shapes Tool

Ellipse Tool Main: Shift+J

Fill Tool Main: F

Freehand Brush Tool Main: B

Gradient Tool Main: G

Line Tool
Measurement Tool

Move Tool Main: T

Multibrush Tool Main: Q

Pan Tool
Rectangle Tool Main: Shift+R

Reference Images Tool

Select Shapes Tool

Smart Patch Tool

Zoom Tool

Brush composite
Brush option slider 1

Brush option slider 2

Brush option slider 3

Brush option slider 4



Painter's Tools


Action Name Shortcuts Description
Clear Main: Del

Copy Main: Ctrl+C

Copy (sharp)

Copy merged Main: Ctrl+Shift+C

Cut Main: Ctrl+X

Cut (sharp)
Delete keyframe

Fill with Background Color Main: Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color Main: Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern

Paste Main: Ctrl+V

Paste as Reference Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+R

Paste at Cursor Main: Ctrl+Alt+V

Paste into New Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+N

Paste Shape Style

Redo Main: Ctrl+Shift+Z

Stroke selected shapes

Stroke Selection...
Undo Freehand Brush Stroke Main: Ctrl+Z

Close Main: Ctrl+W

Close All Main: Ctrl+Shift+W

Create Copy From Current Image

Create Template From Image...

Document Information

Import animation frames...

New... Main: Ctrl+N

Open existing Document as Untitled


Open Recent
Open... Main: Ctrl+O

Print Preview
Print... Main: Ctrl+P

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Quit Main: Ctrl+Q

Render Animation Again

Render Animation...

Save Main: Ctrl+S

Save As... Main: Ctrl+Shift+S

Save Incremental Backup Main: F4

Save Incremental Version Main: Ctrl+Alt+S

Apply Filter Again Main: Ctrl+F

Apply Filter Again (Reprompt)

Re-apply the last G'MIC filter

Start G'MIC-Qt
About KDE

About Krita
Krita Handbook Main: F1

Report Bug...
Convert Image Color Space...

Image Background Color and


Image Split
Mirror Image Horizontally

Mirror Image Vertically

Offset Image...

Resize Canvas... Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Rotate Image 90° to the Left

Rotate Image 90° to the Right

Rotate Image 180°

Rotate Image...

Scale Image To New Size... Main: Ctrl+Alt+I

Separate Image...

Shear Image...
Trim to Current Layer

Trim to Image Size

Trim to Selection

Border Selection...

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

Convert to Raster Selection

Convert to Vector Selection

Deselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+A

Display Selection Main: Ctrl+H

Edit Selection
Feather Selection... Main: Shift+F6

Grow Selection...
Reselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+D

Select All Main: Ctrl+A

Select from Color Range...

Select Opaque (Add)

Select Opaque (Intersect)

Select Opaque (Replace)

Select Opaque (Subtract)

Shrink Selection...

Active Author Profile

Configure Krita...
Configure Shortcuts...

Configure Toolbars...
Manage Resources...

Reset Krita Configurations

Show Dockers

Switch Application Language...

Detach canvas

Full Screen Mode Main: Ctrl+Shift+F

Instant Preview Mode Main: Shift+L

Lock Guides
Mirror View Main: M

Out of Gamut Warnings Main: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Reset Canvas Rotation

Reset zoom Main: Ctrl+0

Rotate Canvas Left Main: Ctrl+[

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Rotate Canvas Right Main: Ctrl+]

Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on
screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown

Show Assistant Previews

Show Canvas Only Main: Tab

Show Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+'

Show Guides

Show Painting Assistants

Show Pixel Grid

Show Reference Images

Show Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the
mouse on the image and can be used to position your
mouse at the right place on the canvas.

Uncheck this to hide the rulers.

Show Snap Options Popup Main: Shift+S

Show Status Bar

Snap Bounding Box

Snap Extension
Snap Image Bounds

Snap Image Center

Snap Intersection

Snap Node
Snap Orthogonal

Snap Pixel
Snap To Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+;

Snap to Guides
Soft Proofing Main: Ctrl+Y

Wrap Around Mode Main: Shift+W

Zoom In Main: Ctrl++

Zoom Out Main: Ctrl+-

New Window


Import Python Plugin...

Activate Brush Preset 0 Main: Ctrl+Alt+0

Activate Brush Preset 1 Main: Ctrl+Alt+1

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Activate Brush Preset 2 Main: Ctrl+Alt+2

Activate Brush Preset 3 Main: Ctrl+Alt+3

Activate Brush Preset 4 Main: Ctrl+Alt+4

Activate Brush Preset 5 Main: Ctrl+Alt+5

Activate Brush Preset 6 Main: Ctrl+Alt+6

Activate Brush Preset 7 Main: Ctrl+Alt+7

Activate Brush Preset 8 Main: Ctrl+Alt+8

Activate Brush Preset 9 Main: Ctrl+Alt+9

Ten Brushes

Execute Script 1 Main: Ctrl+Shift+1

Execute Script 2 Main: Ctrl+Shift+2

Execute Script 3 Main: Ctrl+Shift+3

Execute Script 4 Main: Ctrl+Shift+4

Execute Script 5 Main: Ctrl+Shift+5

Execute Script 6 Main: Ctrl+Shift+6

Execute Script 7 Main: Ctrl+Shift+7

Execute Script 8 Main: Ctrl+Shift+8

Execute Script 9 Main: Ctrl+Shift+9

Execute Script 10 Main: Ctrl+Shift+0

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left
Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker

Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<


Font Size
Font... Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Main: Ctrl+Alt+F

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I

Light Main: Ctrl+L

Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N

Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Text Color
Text Tool

Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom

Align Left
Align Right

Align Top
Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom
Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left
Distribute Right

Distribute Top
Distribute Vertical Gap

Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally
Mirror Vertically

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations
Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW
Rotate 180°

Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center

Break at point
Break at segment

Corner point
Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points

Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point
Symmetric Point

Action Name Shortcuts Description
To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool
Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool

Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool

Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Brush composite

Brush option slider 1

Brush option slider 2

Brush option slider 3

Brush option slider 4



Painter's Tools

Clear Main: Del

Copy Main: Ctrl+C

Copy (sharp)

Copy merged Main: Ctrl+Shift+C

Cut Main: Ctrl+X

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Cut (sharp)

Delete keyframe
Fill with Background Color Main: Backspace

Fill with Foreground Color Main: Shift+Backspace

Fill with Pattern

Paste Main: Ctrl+V

Paste as Reference Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+R

Paste at Cursor Main: Ctrl+Alt+V

Paste into New Image Main: Ctrl+Shift+N

Paste Shape Style

Redo Main: Ctrl+Shift+Z

Stroke selected shapes

Stroke Selection...

Undo Freehand Brush Stroke Main: Ctrl+Z

Close Main: Ctrl+W

Close All Main: Ctrl+Shift+W

Create Copy From Current Image

Create Template From Image...

Document Information

Import animation frames...

New... Main: Ctrl+N

Open existing Document as Untitled

Open Recent

Open... Main: Ctrl+O

Print Preview

Print... Main: Ctrl+P

Quit Main: Ctrl+Q

Render Animation Again

Render Animation...

Save Main: Ctrl+S

Save As... Main: Ctrl+Shift+S

Save Incremental Backup

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Main: F4

Save Incremental Version Main: Ctrl+Alt+S


Apply Filter Again Main: Ctrl+F

Apply Filter Again (Reprompt)

Re-apply the last G'MIC filter

Start G'MIC-Qt

About KDE
About Krita

Krita Handbook Main: F1

Report Bug...

Convert Image Color Space...

Image Background Color and
Image Split

Mirror Image Horizontally

Mirror Image Vertically

Offset Image...

Resize Canvas... Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Rotate Image 90° to the Left

Rotate Image 90° to the Right

Rotate Image 180°

Rotate Image...
Scale Image To New Size... Main: Ctrl+Alt+I

Separate Image...
Shear Image...

Trim to Current Layer

Trim to Image Size

Trim to Selection
Border Selection...

Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

Convert to Raster Selection

Convert to Vector Selection

Deselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+A

Display Selection Main: Ctrl+H

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Edit Selection

Feather Selection... Main: Shift+F6

Grow Selection...

Reselect Main: Ctrl+Shift+D


Select All Main: Ctrl+A

Select from Color Range...

Select Opaque (Add)

Select Opaque (Intersect)

Select Opaque (Replace)

Select Opaque (Subtract)

Shrink Selection...

Active Author Profile

Configure Krita...

Configure Shortcuts...
Configure Toolbars...

Manage Resources...
Reset Krita Configurations

Show Dockers
Switch Application Language...

Detach canvas
Full Screen Mode Main: Ctrl+Shift+F

Instant Preview Mode Main: Shift+L

Lock Guides

Mirror View Main: M

Out of Gamut Warnings Main: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Reset Canvas Rotation

Reset zoom Main: Ctrl+0

Rotate Canvas Left Main: Ctrl+[

Rotate Canvas Right Main: Ctrl+]

Rulers Track Pointer The rulers will track current mouse position and show it on
screen. It can cause suptle performance slowdown

Show Assistant Previews

Show Canvas Only Main: Tab

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Show Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+'

Show Guides
Show Painting Assistants

Show Pixel Grid

Show Reference Images

Show Rulers The rulers show the horizontal and vertical positions of the
mouse on the image and can be used to position your mouse
at the right place on the canvas.

Uncheck this to hide the rulers.

Show Snap Options Popup Main: Shift+S

Show Status Bar

Snap Bounding Box

Snap Extension
Snap Image Bounds

Snap Image Center

Snap Intersection

Snap Node
Snap Orthogonal

Snap Pixel
Snap To Grid Main: Ctrl+Shift+;

Snap to Guides
Soft Proofing Main: Ctrl+Y

Wrap Around Mode Main: Shift+W

Zoom In Main: Ctrl++

Zoom Out Main: Ctrl+-

New Window


Import Python Plugin...

Activate Brush Preset 0 Main: Ctrl+Alt+0

Activate Brush Preset 1 Main: Ctrl+Alt+1

Activate Brush Preset 2 Main: Ctrl+Alt+2

Activate Brush Preset 3 Main: Ctrl+Alt+3

Activate Brush Preset 4 Main: Ctrl+Alt+4

Activate Brush Preset 5 Main: Ctrl+Alt+5

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Activate Brush Preset 6 Main: Ctrl+Alt+6

Activate Brush Preset 7 Main: Ctrl+Alt+7

Activate Brush Preset 8 Main: Ctrl+Alt+8

Activate Brush Preset 9 Main: Ctrl+Alt+9

Ten Brushes

Execute Script 1 Main: Ctrl+Shift+1

Execute Script 2 Main: Ctrl+Shift+2

Execute Script 3 Main: Ctrl+Shift+3

Execute Script 4 Main: Ctrl+Shift+4

Execute Script 5 Main: Ctrl+Shift+5

Execute Script 6 Main: Ctrl+Shift+6

Execute Script 7 Main: Ctrl+Shift+7

Execute Script 8 Main: Ctrl+Shift+8

Execute Script 9 Main: Ctrl+Shift+9

Execute Script 10 Main: Ctrl+Shift+0

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left
Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker

Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<


Font Size
Font... Main: Ctrl+Alt+F Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I

Light Main: Ctrl+L

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N


Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Text Color

Text Tool
Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left

Distribute Right
Distribute Top

Distribute Vertical Gap


Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally

Mirror Vertically
Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations
Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW
Rotate 180°

Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[

Action Name Shortcuts Description


Vertically Center

Break at point
Break at segment

Corner point
Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points

Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point
Symmetric Point

To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool

Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool

Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool

Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Import Python Plugin...

Activate Brush Preset 0 Main: Ctrl+Alt+0

Activate Brush Preset 1 Main: Ctrl+Alt+1

Activate Brush Preset 2 Main: Ctrl+Alt+2

Activate Brush Preset 3 Main: Ctrl+Alt+3

Activate Brush Preset 4 Main: Ctrl+Alt+4

Activate Brush Preset 5 Main: Ctrl+Alt+5

Activate Brush Preset 6 Main: Ctrl+Alt+6

Activate Brush Preset 7 Main: Ctrl+Alt+7

Activate Brush Preset 8 Main: Ctrl+Alt+8

Activate Brush Preset 9 Main: Ctrl+Alt+9

Ten Brushes
Execute Script 1 Main: Ctrl+Shift+1

Execute Script 2 Main: Ctrl+Shift+2

Execute Script 3 Main: Ctrl+Shift+3

Execute Script 4 Main: Ctrl+Shift+4

Execute Script 5 Main: Ctrl+Shift+5

Execute Script 6 Main: Ctrl+Shift+6

Execute Script 7 Main: Ctrl+Shift+7

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Execute Script 8 Main: Ctrl+Shift+8

Execute Script 9 Main: Ctrl+Shift+9

Execute Script 10 Main: Ctrl+Shift+0

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left
Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker

Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<


Font Size
Font... Main: Ctrl+Alt+F Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I

Light Main: Ctrl+L

Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N

Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the keyboard.

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Text Color

Text Tool
Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left

Distribute Right
Distribute Top

Distribute Vertical Gap


Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally

Mirror Vertically
Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations
Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW
Rotate 180°

Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center

Break at point
Break at segment

Corner point
Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points

Move down Main: Down

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point
Symmetric Point

To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool

Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool
Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool
Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

SVG Tools
Action Name Shortcuts Description

Align Block Main: Ctrl+Alt+R

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Align Center Main: Ctrl+Alt+C

Align Left
Align Right Main: Ctrl+Alt+R


Bold Main: Ctrl+B

Color Picker

Decrease Font Size Main: Ctrl+<


Font Size
Font... Main: Ctrl+Alt+F Change the attributes of the currently selected characters.

Increase Font Size Main: Ctrl+>

Italic Main: Ctrl+I

Light Main: Ctrl+L

Line Height Main: Ctrl+H

Normal Main: Ctrl+N

Special Character... Main: Alt+Shift+C Insert one or more symbols or characters not found on the keyboard.

Subscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+B

Superscript Main: Ctrl+Shift+P

Text Color

Text Tool
Underline Main: Ctrl+U

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left
Distribute Right

Distribute Top
Distribute Vertical Gap

Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally
Mirror Vertically

Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations

Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW

Rotate 180°
Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center
Break at point

Break at segment
Corner point

Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points
Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Move right Main: Right

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point
Symmetric Point

To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool

Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool
Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool
Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T

Action Name Shortcuts Description

Align Bottom
Align Left

Align Right
Align Top

Bring to Front Main: Ctrl+Shift+]

Distribute Bottom

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Distribute Centers Horizontally

Distribute Centers Vertically

Distribute Horizontal Gap

Distribute Left
Distribute Right

Distribute Top
Distribute Vertical Gap

Horizontally Center

Lower Main: Ctrl+Alt+[

Mirror Horizontally
Mirror Vertically

Raise Main: Ctrl+Alt+]

Reset Transformations

Rotate 90° CCW

Rotate 90° CW

Rotate 180°
Send to Back Main: Ctrl+Shift+[



Vertically Center
Break at point

Break at segment
Corner point

Insert point Main: Ins

Join with segment Main: J

Make curve point

Make line point

Merge points
Move down Main: Down

Move down more Main: Shift+Down

Move left Main: Left

Move left more Main: Shift+Left

Action Name Shortcuts Description
Move right Main: Right

Move right more Main: Shift+Right

Move up Main: Up

Move up more Main: Shift+Up

Remove point Main: Backspace

Segment to Curve Main: Shift+C

Segment to Line Main: F

Show Coordinates Main: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

Smooth point

Symmetric Point
To Path Main: P

Assistant Tool
Bezier Curve Selection Tool

Bezier Curve Tool

Contiguous Selection Tool

Crop Tool Main: C

Elliptical Selection Tool Main: J

Freehand Path Tool

Freehand Selection Tool

Magnetic Selection Tool

Polygon Tool

Polygonal Selection Tool

Polyline Tool

Rectangular Selection Tool Main: Ctrl+R

Similar Color Selection Tool

Transform Tool Main: Ctrl+T


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