Teacher Voice: Class Size and Student Diversity: Two Sides of The Same Coin

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Class Size and Student Diversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin
by Bernie Froese-Germain, Rick Riel & Bob McGahey

A View From the Classroom learning needs of all students, but What Class Size Research Says
these all appear to be vanishing About Education Quality and Equity
Among Canadian teacher unions, with the instability associated with
discussions of class size are funding for education in Alberta. For teachers, both class size and
increasingly being informed by the (Thomas, 2011) diversity matter.
importance of considering the
diversity of student needs within the Thomas goes on to pose a series of Teachers consistently adapt their
classroom (often referred to as class questions that will resonate with teaching to address the individual
composition). teachers across the country: needs of the learners in their
classroom. As the classroom
Gordon Thomas, Executive Now, does this learning context of becomes larger and more diverse, this
Secretary for the Alberta Teachers’ 37 diverse individuals set the task becomes increasingly more
Association, provides this reality stage for a constructive, onerous.
check on the relationship between personalized, and rewarding
teachers, class size and student learning environment for our Class size and composition also have
diversity: children? How frequently might obvious implications for inclusive
positive teacher-student education – if class composition is the
Let’s bring class size and
composition within Alberta schools Indeed research has demonstrated that “smaller classes
into focus. A high school teacher
might begin her day with a class of
may have the greatest positive impact on students with
37 students. Four of these the greatest educational needs.” (OISE-UT/CEA, 2010)
students have learning disabilities,
five have just moved to Alberta for interactions occur? To what degree of student diversity, broadly
the booming economy, one has extent could a strong sense of conceived, in the classroom, inclusion
serious behaviour issues, three belonging and community among is the extent to which teachers have –
are repeating the course from last students be created in this or not – the necessary supports and
year, seven are below grade level, classroom? How often would services to be able to effectively
two arrive late to class on a regular innovative pedagogical practices integrate students with special
basis, and one is not attending be undertaken by a teacher to educational needs into their
class at all due to instability in his transform the learning in such a classrooms and schools. Indeed
home life. This is just the first of challenging context? research has demonstrated that
several large classes she will “smaller classes may have the
teach this day. In the past, there These questions raise issues that greatest positive impact on students
may have been relief in the form of go beyond the demonstrated with the greatest educational
support staff in the classroom, positive impact that smaller class needs.” (OISE-UT/CEA, 2010)
funding for reducing class sizes size has on student achievement, as
across the K-12 system important as that is, and speak to An extensive review of the research
or personnel to provide a students’ broader learning on class size by U.S. educational
comprehensive approach to experiences at school. researchers Bruce Biddle and David
services that meet the diverse Berliner concluded that:

January 2012 Page 1

TEACHER VOICE Class Size and Diversity

• When it is planned thoughtfully reinforces the finding that smaller teachers reported that teaching in
and funded adequately, long- classes are more equitable because small classes has important
term exposure to small classes in they allow teachers to more pedagogical benefits:
the early grades generates effectively address the needs of all While the large literature base on
substantial advantages for the students in their classroom, class size reduction includes some
students in American schools, particularly the needs of the most contradictory research
interpretations, it also includes a
Class size reduction ranked as the highest spending number of relatively robust
priority in seven of the eight CTF surveys conducted findings. The research confirms
that class size reduction does
from 1995 to 2008, regardless of variations in the provide the environment in which
spending priorities examined in each respective survey. teachers can teach differently. In
smaller classes, they interact with
and those extra gains are greater individual students more frequently
disadvantaged students. and use a greater variety of
the longer students are exposed
to those classes; instructional strategies. They can
They report that, “although extra create more opportunities for higher
• Extra gains from small classes in gains from small classes in the early -order co-construction of meaning
the early grades are larger when grades appear for all types of by students. They also may spend
class size is reduced to less than students (and seem to apply equally out-of-classroom work time on more
20 students; to boys and girls), they are greater creative planning (and less on
for students who have traditionally
• Extra gains from small classes in routine marking), and they may
been educationally disadvantaged; interact more frequently with other
the early grades are found for
initial results indicate that the teachers and adults in support of
various academic topics and for
greater gains associated with small classroom teaching. (Bascia, 2010)
both traditional measures of
classes in the early grades for
student achievement and other
students who have traditionally been Teachers in the study also reported
indicators of student success;
educationally disadvantaged are improved student behaviour and
• Extra gains from small classes in also carried forward into the upper engagement with classroom activities
the early grades are retained grades and beyond” (as cited in in small classes. A classic win-win-
when students are returned to Canadian Council on Learning, pp. win – for students, teachers, and
standard-size classrooms, and 2-3). parents.
these gains are still present in the
upper grades and the middle and Smaller classes can provide It’s not difficult to deduce how this
high school years. (excerpt from teachers with the opportunity to could disproportionately benefit
Canadian Council on Learning, teach the way they aspire to teach. students with special educational
pp. 2-3) In a major study of Ontario’s primary needs, and why it’s a high priority
class size reduction initiative issue for teachers and their
In addition, their research review implemented from 2004-2008, organizations. To cite one example,

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Class Size and Diversity TEACHER VOICE

the Manitoba Teachers’ Society nearly 3,800 teachers representing part to class size reduction initiatives
annual member survey conducted in 9,894 classes in English and French in some jurisdictions), there were still
November 2010 found that the schools. The sample teacher pool significant numbers of classes
biggest concern of Manitoba was drawn from 12 participating CTF exceeding 25 students:
teachers is class size and class member organizations.
• for grades 1-3, just over 14% of
classes contained 25 students or
These are among the survey
The Canadian public also supports findings.
smaller class sizes. In our public • for JK-K, nearly 12% of classes
Average class size is 21.3 students,
opinion polling conducted by Vector contained 25 students or more
ranging from 22.1 students for
Research & Development, class size [see Chart 1]
grades 4-8 to 19 students for junior
reduction ranked as the highest
kindergarten or kindergarten (JK-K).
spending priority in seven of the We also surveyed teachers on their
English schools (including
eight surveys conducted from 1995 class composition, specifically:
immersion) have an average class
to 2008, regardless of variations in • students with identified
size of nearly 22 students, while
the spending priorities examined in exceptionalities (defined as those
French as a first language schools
each respective survey. students formally identified as
have a slightly smaller average class
size of just over 19 students. having behavioural problems or
Last spring CTF conducted a mental or physical disabilities, as
national teacher survey on the theme Average class size data of course well as other special needs
of The Teacher Voice on Teaching only provides a piece of the overall students including gifted students)
and Learning. As part of the survey picture. Our analysis of the and;
teachers were asked what changes distribution of class size by grade
they would make to the education level reveals that: • English Language Learners and
French Language Learners
system for the benefit of student • over a third of the classes for all (defined as students whose first
learning. Their responses touched
grade levels combined contained language differs from the school’s
on a range of issues and, not primary language of instruction,
25 students or more (8.3%
surprisingly, class size and class and who may require focused
contained 30 students or more).
composition were clearly identified educational supports to assist
as priorities. Provision of the • for grades 4-8, nearly 39% of them in attaining proficiency in that
necessary supports and services to classes contained 25 students or language).
allow teachers to help students with more (6.5% contained 30 or more).
special educational needs was The average number of students
• for grades 9 and over, 40.3% of
another high priority. with identified exceptionalities per
classes contained 25 students or
more (13.5% – over 1 in 7 class was 3.5, ranging from 3.8
CTF National Teacher Survey students for grades 4-8 to 1.9
classrooms – contained 30 or
students for junior kindergarten/
more students).
In order to get a snapshot of what kindergarten [see Chart 2].
class size and composition look like
While the numbers were smaller at Students with identified
across the country, CTF recently
the primary level as expected (due in exceptionalities accounted for 16.3%
conducted a national survey of

Page 3
TEACHER VOICE Class Size and Diversity

of total students in the surveyed 2. Student diversity in the References

classrooms, ranging from respective contemporary Canadian school
shares of 17.1% for grades 4-8 to Bascia, Nina (2010). Reducing Class
setting encompasses many Size: What Do We Know? Canadian
10% of students for junior different types of students with Education Association.
kindergarten/kindergarten. diverse and complex needs and http://www.cea-ace.ca/sites/cea-ace.ca/
learning styles. Our survey looked files/cea-2010-class-size_0.pdf
As with class size, average numbers at students formally identified as
only tell part of the story. Of classes having behavioural problems, Bascia, Nina, & Fredua-Kwarteng, Eric
surveyed, over 81% have at least one (2008). “Reducing class size: Promises
mental or physical disabilities, as and perils.” Education Canada, 48(5).
student with formally identified well as gifted students, and ELL/
exceptionalities, and 27.7% contain 5 FLL students – however it did not Canadian Council on Learning (Sept. 14,
or more students with identified include students with learning 2005). “Making sense of the class
exceptionalities. exceptionalities waiting to be size debate.” Lessons in Learning.
identified, nor did it include
In grades 4 and over, not only were LessonsInLearning/Sep-14-05-Making-
students with other important sense-of-the-class-size-debate.pdf
class sizes generally larger but educational needs, for example
almost 1 in 3 (30.6%) classes students from low-income families Canadian Teachers’ Federation (Oct.
contained 5 or more students with (and the poverty-related issues of 2011). The Voice of Canadian Teachers
identified exceptionalities hunger, illness, instability), students on Teaching and Learning. Ottawa.
[see Chart 3] with mental health problems, or Canadian Teachers’ Federation (Nov.
immigrant and refugee students. 2011). Class size and composition –
In addition, the average number of
English Language Learners and Preliminary survey highlights.
3. Data on average class size can
French Language Learners (ELL/FLL Canadian Teachers’ Federation. “2008
only tell a small part of the story.
students) per class was 2.6. The CTF National Issues in Education Poll –
The degree of student diversity as
prevalence was higher the lower the Highest Priority Spending Areas in Public
a proportion of the total class size
grade, ranging from 4.7 students for Education” (fact sheet).
needs to be taken into http://www.ctf-
junior kindergarten/kindergarten to
consideration. While it was beyond fce.ca/documents/Newsroom/EN/2008/Fa
1.7 students for grades 9 and over
the scope of our present study, ctsheet-
[see Chart 4]. HighestPrioritySpendingAreasinPublicEdu
another important factor to consider
ELL/FLL students accounted for an is how well teachers are prepared
average 12.2% of total students in and supported to effectively provide “Poll affirms teachers’ priority. Annual
the classroom, ranging from for the diversity of student needs – survey provides details on class sizes,
respective shares of 24.7% for junior for example in terms of the composition.” The Manitoba Teacher,
provision of special education and 89(4), Jan./Feb. 2011.
kindergarten / kindergarten to 8.2%
ELL/FLL teachers and programs, http://www.mbteach.org/library/Archives/
for grades 9 and over. MBTeacher/Jan-Feb11_MBT.pdf
school counselors, and ongoing
Lessons Learned professional development. The Facts on Education (Sept. 2010).
“Do smaller classes improve learning?”
We can begin to draw some Produced by the Ontario Institute for
important lessons from this survey. Studies in Education-University of
Toronto and the Canadian Education
1. Class size matters, but so does Association.
class composition - in other words, ace.ca/files/cea-2010-foe-class-size.pdf
when we talk about class size, we
also need to be thinking about the Thomas, Gordon. “A sizable issue:
degree of student diversity in Reducing class size matters.” ATA News,
Bernie Froese-Germain and Richard 46(2), Sept. 13, 2011.
those classes. In order to enhance
Riel are Researchers at the Canadian http://www.teachers.ab.ca/Publications/A
quality and equity in our public
Teachers’ Federation (CTF). Bob TA%20News/Volume%2046%202011-
schools, they need to be 12/Number%202/Pages/A-sizable-
McGahey is CTF’s Acting Director of
addressed together. issue.aspx
Research and Information.

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