Related Learning Experience (RLE) Activity in NCM 104: Community Health Nursing 1 (Individual and Family) 1 Semester (A.Y. 2020-2021)

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Related Learning Experience (RLE) Activity in

NCM 104: Community Health Nursing 1 (Individual and Family)

1st Semester (A.Y. 2020-2021)

Worksheet #15
Week 14: January 27, 2021

RLE FOCUS: Principles of Bag Technique; Family Nursing Process

1. Return demonstration on Wound care and weight taking utilizing the Principles of
bag technique

2. Family Health Assessment and Data Analysis based on initial data base: (Please
see format)
a. Initial Data Base
b. First and Second level assessment (Typology of Nursing Problems in Family Nursing
c. Prioritization of family health problems

Post-activity Evaluation
Weekly reflection journal of activity

Schedule of activities:
8-8:15AM – Attendance check
9:15 AM – 1PM- Synchronous virtual return demonstration
1.2 PM – Virtual consultation, Submission and sharing of output, Post-activity conference


-Individual documentation of return demonstration due 5 PM on January 27


-Individual output of First and Second level assessment & Prioritization of family health
problems due on 5 PM on January 27


-Individual output Week15ReflectionJournal104 is due on January 21 at 9AM

LAST NAME, INITIAL OF FIRST NAME- Week15ReflectionJournal104

Creation of Reflection Journal of the week’s activity. In 300 words, please create
the following components of your reflection:
-Three things you have learned from the activities
-Two things you have found challenging in the activities
-One thing you have hoped to have answered during the activities
Worksheet #15
Week 14: January 27, 2021

RLE FOCUS: Family Nursing Process

I. First-level Assessment
Based on initial data base, categorize the family nursing problems:

Category Condition Cues/Data

Readiness for Enhanced Capability for:
a. Healthy lifestyle - Mr. Arcega does not usually have adequate
sleep due to work’s demand.
- Mrs. Arcega is not physically active and only
have household chores to be considered as a
Wellness Condition from of exercise.

b. Breastfeeding - Exclusive breastfeed for 1-6 months and

mixed food and breastfeed for 6-13 months.
The baby hates bottle feeding. This becomes
a problem when Mrs. Arcega has to go for
work or when in work.
Accident hazards:
a. Fire hazard - There are no presents of fire hazards in the
house, but when there is electricity
interruption or brownout, they use candles
and katol.
- No fire extinguisher at their house.

Poor Home Environment:

a. Improper Garbage - Family uses cellophanes as their garbage
Health Threat containers which are sometimes opened.
Unhealthful lifestyle and personal
habits/ practices:
a. Physical Inactivity - Walking and doing household chores are the
only form of exercise Mrs. Arcega do.

b. Inadequate sleep - As stated by Mrs. Arcega “an akon asawa

kay tuyo san iya trabaho pirme piraw”.

Hypertension - Mr. Arcega has hypertension and although

Mrs. Arcega doesn’t have hypertension, but
Health Deficit her family has a history of it so there’s also a
high risk of her acquiring it plus the fact that
she has an inactive lifestyle.
Foreseeable Crisis Stress from work - Mr. Arcega has a stressful schedule for work
Situation/Stress that requires him to stay up all night.
II. Second-level Assessment

Cues/Data Health Problem Family Nursing Problems

Accident Hazards:

 No fire extinguisher at their a. Fire Accident - Inability to recognize the

house. presence of the condition or
 When there is electricity problem due to denial about its
interruption, they use candles and existence or severity as a result
katol. Candles to serve as their of fear of consequences of
source of light and katol to diagnosis of problem,
provide protection from specifically because of
mosquitoes. economic/cost implications.

- Inability to provide a home

environment conducive to
health maintenance and
personal development due to
inadequate family resources,
specifically financial
constraints/ limited financial

Unhealthful Lifestyle and

Personal Habits:

 Walking and doing chores are the a. Lack of/ inadequate - Inability to make decisions with
only form of exercise they do. exercise/ physical respect to taking appropriate
activity health action due to low salience
of the problem/condition.
b. Inadequate sleep - Inability to make decisions with
respect to taking appropriate
health action due to low salience
of the problem/condition.

 Mr. Arcega has hypertension and Hypertension - Inability to make decisions with
although Mrs. Arcega doesn’t respect to taking appropriate
have hypertension, but her family health actions due to:
has a history of it so there’s also a a. Failure to comprehend the
high risk of her acquiring it plus nature/magnitude of the problem.
the fact that she has an inactive b. Lack of adequate knowledge as to
lifestyle. alternative courses of action open
to them.

 Mr. Arcega has a stressful Stress from work - Inability to recognize presence of
schedule for work that requires possible complication due to lack
him to stay up all night. of knowledge.
C. Prioritization of family health problems

Health Problem: Accident Hazards: Fire Accident as a Health Threat

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Problem 2/3 x 1 0.67 The problem is a health
threat that demands
immediate attention to
eliminate untoward
2. Modifiability of the Problem 2/2x2 2 The problem is easily
modifiable since current
knowledge and resources
are present.
3. Preventive Potential 3/3x1 1 The possible problems
associated with the
condition has high
preventive potential.
4. Salience of the Problem 1/2x1 0.5 The family views it as a
not needing immediate
TOTAL 4.17

Health Problem: Lack of Physical Activity as a Health Threat

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Problem 2/3 x 1 0.67 The problem is a health
threat that demands
immediate attention to
eliminate untoward
2. Modifiability of the 2/2x2 2 The problem is easily
Problem modifiable since current
knowledge and resources
are present.
3. Preventive Potential 3/ 3 x 1 1 The possible problems
associated with the
condition has high
preventive potential.
4. Salience of the Problem 2/ 2 x 1 1 The family views it as a
condition needing
immediate attention.
TOTAL 4.67

Health Problem: Inadequate Sleep as a Health Threat

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Problem 2/3 x 1 0.67 The problem is a health
threat that demands
immediate attention to
eliminate untoward
2. Modifiability of the 2/2x2 2 The problem is easily
Problem modifiable since current
knowledge and resources
are present.
3. Preventive Potential 3/ 3 x 1 1 The possible problems
associated with the
condition has high
preventive potential.
4. Salience of the Problem 2/ 2 x 1 1 The family views it as a
condition needing
immediate attention.
TOTAL 4.67
Health Problem: Hypertension as a Health Deficit
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Problem 3/3 x 1 3 The condition is a
foreseeable crisis situation
that demands
immediate attention to
eliminate untoward
2. Modifiability of the 2/2x2 2 The problem is easily
Problem modifiable since current
knowledge and resources
are present.
3. Preventive Potential 2/ 3 x 1 0.67 The possible problems
associated with the
condition has moderate
preventive potential.
4. Salience of the Problem 2/ 2 x 1 1 The family views it as a
condition needing
immediate attention.
TOTAL 6.67

Health Problem: Stress from work as a Foreseeable Crisis Situation

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Problem 1/3 x 1 0.33 The problem is a health
threat that demands
immediate attention to
eliminate untoward
2. Modifiability of the 1/ 2 x 2 0.5 The problem is partially
Problem modifiable since they
can’t really avoid being
stressed from work given
the nature of their work.
3. Preventive Potential 2/ 3 x 1 0.67 The possible problems
associated with the
condition has moderate
preventive potential.
4. Salience of the Problem 1/ 2 x 1 0.67 The family views it as a
condition not needing
immediate attention.
TOTAL 2.17

Ranking: Health Problem

Health Problem Score Rank

Accident Hazards: Fire Accident as a
4.17 4
Health Threat
Lack of Physical Activity as a Health
4.67 2.5
Inadequate Sleep as a Health Threat 4.67 2.5

Hypertension as a Health Deficit 6.67 1

Stress from work as a Foreseeable
2.17 5
Crisis Situation

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