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turnover,” he says. “To mitigate that, we Millcraft, offers an opinion somewhere in “There’s a lot of discussion about poten-
make sure the applicant really knows as the middle. Bregger joined the company tial disruption in brokerage with some of
much as they can about what it is that we after graduating from the University of the new players,” says company president
do. So that’s why we provide as much in- Cincinnati in 2012 and left just six months Byrne. “How do we compete? Like we’ve
formation [as we can] and they shadow later, but credits TQL’s “unparalleled” sales always competed. Be very good at what we
brokers throughout the job and the appli- training with launching his career. “People do. Offer superior customer service. And
cation process.” pay thousands of dollars to get that kind of make sure that we are on the front lines
In pre-pandemic days, TQL also pro- training,” he says. “But if you hate it, you of technology. We don’t want to be the
vided a variety of antidotes aimed at de- hate it. It’s just about logging hours and first ones to develop everything, because
stressing its mostly millennial employees, hours making calls, and you have to be will- we want to make sure people want it. So
including monthly and holiday-themed ing to answer the phone any time of the day we’re in the process now of getting out to
patio parties at headquarters, Friday after- or night. It wears on you.” our top customers and carriers and asking,
noon office “beer drops” (or water or soda, What do you really like? What do you want?”
if you prefer) when the sales force exceeded PERHAPS THE STRONGEST TESTAMENT Byrne says he’s confident the com-
its weekly revenue goal, and fund-raising to TQL’s training program is that so many pany will continue to adapt and grow. In
shenanigans like a semi-tractor pull for of its competing logistics companies were recent years, TQL has boosted growth by
cancer research, trivia night contests for started by former TQL employees. “If you expanding its brokerage service to include
the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative, and a talk to other brokerage firms in the area, less than full truckloads and intermodal
“Toss the Boss” event when Oaks and 14 most of [their owners] have worked for transport that uses both trucks and trains.
other employees rappelled down the com- TQL at some point,” says Lacy Starling, A key component, too, has been the com-
pany’s four-story headquarters to raise who calls herself “President and Fearless pany’s continuing focus on developing
money for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The Leader” of Florence-based Legion Logis- new technologies, including automated
“TQL Cares” webpage says the company tics. Starling launched the company 10 dispatch for carriers, enhancements to
and its employees have an annual impact years ago with then-husband Tony Cout- its mobile app for customers who want to
of more than 6,000 volunteer hours and $2 softides, who had been one of TQL’s top book and track their own shipments, and
million donated to more than 2,800 chari- sales people. He’s billed as Legion’s “CEO the use of artificial intelligence to handle
table organizations. and Freight Guru.” back office tasks like billing and schedul-
Online reviews of the company’s work Starling says she and Coutsoftides, who ing. The new $20 million addition to the
culture are decidedly mixed among former divorced eight years ago but still work and current headquarters building will accom-
and current TQL employees. A longtime raise their daughter together, decided they modate a booming IT department, grow-
employee who gave the firm five out of five wanted to build a more family-friendly ing its 230 employees to 300 by year’s end,
stars posted this on Glassdoor: “Pros: Clear work culture than other companies in the says TQL’s Millikin.
goals for Sales with training to succeed. region. At TQL, brokers operate like in- On the sales side, Byrne says TQL will
High energy. Clear direction by Sr Lead- dividual businesses, competing for their stick to its tried-and-true approach of
ership with open access to ask questions. own customers and then taking “cradle-to- “single source accountability” in which
Great perks (beer drops, patio parties, re- grave” responsibility for all of their trans- brokers, with the help of trainees, vie for
laxed dress code, employee appreciation portation needs, day or night. “We wanted their own customers and then handle all
events and even had a camel and kangaroo to create an environment that offers a little their needs 24/7/365. Coordinating all
visit). Cons: Fair amount of turnover. Pay bit more balance for employees, that you tasks in one point of contact rather than
and benefits are good but not great.” But don’t have to be working 24/7 every single dividing and rotating the workload among
an employee who worked there less than day,” Starling says. “So we have a team ap- teams prevents miscommunication and
a year posted a one-star review under the proach to our sales. Our team works to- lost loads, he says. “Folks told us early
headline “Don’t do it!”: “If you are desper- gether to service all of our customers, and on that we couldn’t scale with that [ap-
ate enough and believe that after 26 weeks then we’ve got one person [from the team] proach], but we have been able to scale.
of training making $35,000 you will be able on call for a week and we rotate that as well. I guess there are pluses and minuses to
to make $100,000 then you are crazy. First If you’re going to attract people with fami- both, but this is what we’ve always done,
of all you work for a Broker who is basically lies, if you want to retain employees, you and it’s worked for us.”
training you. You make all his calls and do have to create an environment where they But perhaps not for the thousands of
all his work while he is supposed to be try- feel like they can do this job and take a vaca- employees who have departed TQL over
ing to get more. . . . After 6 months when tion with the family.” the years. “I’m not someone who likes to
your training is up, if you are not hitting the Despite the growing competition—in- speak poorly of a place where I learned a
revenue, and you won’t be, then you will be cluding recent entries into the industry of lot,” says Reilly, owner of Custom Pro Lo-
terminated....” national heavyweights like Uber Freight gistics. “But certainly the individual isn’t
Chris Bregger, a former TQL trainee and Amazon—TQL continues to grow someone that’s really cared for [at TQL].
who went on to sell paper products for with its hard-charging business model. They’re treated more like plug and play.”

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