2021 March Prosper Survey Results

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Prosper Small Business Resilience Survey

Results of our March 2021 Survey

With those answering ‘No’ at 48 per cent,
Confidence in Government this was the first time the Ardern
handling of crisis wanes administration had come so close to having
only 50/50 support for its ‘go hard’ approach
The stop-start handling of February’s to fighting Covid and nursing the economy.
Auckland Covid outbreaks has left a
noticeable dent in small business These are findings drawn from our third
confidence the Government can effectively Prosper Small Business Resilience Survey.
continue to manage the crisis. It is a self selecting survey which drew more
than 2800 respondents, but we have
When Prosper ran its first Small Business reduced our analysis to a group of 1153
Resilience Survey in June 2020, 65 per cent who are business owners and completed all
of respondents agreed with the Government questions. Of these 32 per cent were from
actions to control Covid, including the Auckland.
original one month Level 4 lockdown.
This Prosper SME survey result comes
Confidence increased in our second survey roughly at the same time that the latest
conducted in September 2020, ticking up to TVNZ-Colmar Brunton poll, shows Jacinda
67.5 per cent, after the Government had Ardern - very much the Government face of
piloted the country through the August 2020 its Covid response - has lost some support
Auckland community outbreak. as preferred prime minister.

But as we went through the latest, February Her rating fell 15 points since the last poll,
2021, Auckland outbreak with a short, sharp down to 43 per cent. It’s her lowest
three day lockdown, only to be followed preferred prime minister score since last
within a week by a fourth shutdown as the February, before the Covid-19 response.
Government was caught out by incorrect
information from its contact tracing and That needs to be put in context. She is still
seemingly inaccurate information from well in front of any other politicians in the
individuals involved in the outbreak, poll and Labour itself still holds a
business sentiment soured. commanding 49 per cent of party vote.

Asked ‘do you agree with how the But it all indicates the untidy handling of the
Government continues to manage the latest Auckland outbreak has had an
response to the challenges of Covid-19,’ impact.
those answering ‘Yes’ dropped to 52 per
cent. Asked specifically if confidence in the
Government had altered since the latest
lockdowns because of more community
cases found in Auckland, the responses
were clear - roughly two thirds of But 40 per cent said their confidence
respondents, 60 per cent, said their remained the same and 10 per cent said the
confidence had decreased because of the Government’s handling of it was good
Government’s management of the Auckland enough to increase their confidence.
This time around, only 5.8 per cent thought
As this Auckland business owner said: the Government response was good
“Lockdowns are inevitable, but locking enough that their confidence had risen.
down twice in 14 days [looks like]
mismanagement.” This Auckland service provider expressed a
common sentiment: “I think they are not
And this from another Auckland business doing enough and after 12 months have
owner: “Haphazard lockdowns [are] causing only got one blunt tool which is lockdowns.
too much disruption and loss of income to You cannot keep shutting down the
businesses.” country's biggest city.”

One Auckland caterer said: “Instant It is not just Auckland businesses showing
lockdowns with less than 24 hours is killing weariness at the repeated lockdowns. This
small businesses who have no time to from a consultancy service in the Bay of
cancel fresh produce orders or deliveries Plenty: “It’s been over a year and they still
from suppliers. We then get stuck with the can't get things right, frustrating and costly
stock. Perishable stock we can’t move even for small businesses like ours. We live in
if we try to operate click and collect. It’s BOP but operate around the country - most
devastating to my business.” of our business is Auckland.”

A more flexible approach to containment of And this from a Northland tech company:
community cases is expected by some. “Stop putting the rest of NZ in lockdown
From this owner of an Auckland when Auckland has Covid cases.”
construction firm: “The government needs to
adapt now we are 12 months on. We know There is a danger that no matter how slick
how to treat Covid-19 now We have a the PR and messaging about the need to
vaccine being rolled out We have no one in unite as the “team of five million”, repeatedly
hospital with Covid-19 We need to stop the plunging 1.5m Aucklanders into lockdown
ideology of elimination and move to without a convincing reason, is beginning to
containment or management whilst we roll eat away at Kiwi business’ willingness to
out vaccination We need to close the back the ‘go hard’ approach.
border to visiting kiwis etc until we are
vaccinated.” This indeed was a key issue: many SME
owners were not convinced the yo-yo
In contrast back in September, asked the lockdown approach was warranted, as
same question after the second Auckland shown in these comments:
outbreak, 50 per cent of our respondents in
that poll said the fact that there had been “Closing down a city for three cases is
another community outbreak handled by a ridiculous.”
return to a partial lockdown had decreased
their confidence in the Government.
“Continuing to put areas in lockdown for
such a small number of cases is madness.”

The fact that the initial three day restriction

was followed quickly by a week long
lockdown was seen by many as either
mishandling of contact tracing, or that the
consequences for anyone who did not self
isolate or follow rules should be tougher
instead of making everyone else feel the

This Northland cafe owner commented:

“Good messaging coming out around Covid,
although there is a feeling of frustration
amongst our customers of what more could
we do to really get these messages across
to those that don't take this pandemic
seriously. Agree a targeted media campaign
to different demographics and age groups
on multiple platforms may help but then
again we've known these risks for over a
year, some are blatant rule breakers and
need some encouragement.”

Anger was palpable in some comments The cost to the economy and to social life is
made: not worth mass countrywide lock downs.”

“Isolating an entire city for one person’s “We need criminal fines that are enforced
mistakes is ludicrous. The individual at hand for Covid rule breakers.”
should have been arrested and the areas he
had visited put into lockdown,” said this “This is an absolute joke. Anyone breaches
Auckland tour charter operator. isolation in any form, they should be held in
a detention centre to serve out there
Here is another selection of similar isolation. Do you honestly think they would
comments: do it again if they knew what was coming a
second time?”
“Just isolate those who need to and let
everyone else get on with business.” “They are taking too much on trust - all very
‘touchy-feely’ and 'be kind’ whereas if they
“Community cases should also go into checked and fined people who broke the
isolation - as do returnees from overseas. rules then we would reduce the need for
lock-downs at a cost of $240 million per
week. We can get fined if we do not wear And this from a consultancy business
seatbelts. Not using them, while silly, operating nationally: “Government does not
essentially hurts the individual but not acknowledge the weaknesses in border
properly self-isolating hurts everyone.” control and refuses to listen to reason. They
also do not understand or acknowledge the
“Make people who don’t comply suffer financial impact of their requests to the
consequences- the rest of us certainly ‘team of five million’ and are then surprised
have.” when people do not follow requests as they
simply cannot financially afford to do so.”
Even staunch supporters of Ardern want her
to be tougher: “Jacinda is an awesome The most challenging message for the
leader, and I trust her to keep following the Government from the Prosper survey was
science to lead our country through Covid. I summed up by this business owner in the
do however wish there were repercussions construction sector: “There is growing
for those who deliberately break the rules. complacency and lockdown fatigue.”
We are now living in a society where the
masses are punished for another And from this Auckland tech business
individual’s crime. Unacceptable.” owner: “It is not clear that the small level of
excess deaths (if any) warrants the
But others pin the blame squarely on the draconian measures in place. You look
Government and reject that individuals around, people really aren't scared of the
should shoulder the blame. Take this virus itself, they are scared of the response
comment from a Northland engineering to it.”
consultant: “The lockdowns are an
ambulance at the bottom of the cliff stuff, If that sentiment becomes widespread, the
because the Government has been an team of five million is on its way to
abject failure at keeping the virus at the fragmenting and the Government’s efforts
border. For months now the Government which depend on mass public compliance,
has been told to implement saliva testing for will start to be less effective.
all frontline staff at the border and MIQ. .
They have repeatedly lied about testing
frequency and completeness of testing of
these same staff, which we were far from
The extent of the impact
gold standard. This government has no one
The importance of small and medium-sized
with experience in the real world where, in
businesses - sole operators, tradies, the
instances such as this, you develop an
retail stores in our main streets, the firms
execution plan and then implement it. Now
that employ just a handful of staff - and how
we have Jacinda having a crack at
much the country depends on them should
individuals for not isolating, but the
be clearly understood.
Government has sent so many mixed
messages to these people, you can’t blame
Of all the businesses that exist in New
them. Furthermore, the root cause is the
Zealand, 97 per cent are small to medium
Government’s failure to stop the virus at the
(SMEs). They are owner operators or firms
border, but Jacinda is using all her
with less than 20 staff.
communication skills to obfuscate this
Pre-Covid, there were roughly 500,000 alert level restrictions. Only 55 per cent of
SMEs. One third of all Kiwis in jobs work for Auckland business owners are reasonably
one of these small businesses. One third of or very confident. For the rest of the country
the country's entire GDP is generated from excluding Auckland the figure is 62 per cent.
the efforts of these businesses.
But that total national figure of 60 per cent is
In one of the most significant sections of the an almost exact replica of the September
Prosper survey, around confidence in the survey results. While we can't draw direct
survival of their own businesses, the comparisons between this survey and past
message is that very little has changed over Prosper surveys - since respondents are not
the last quarter year. necessarily the same that completed the
previous survey - there are some interesting
Asked ‘are you confident that you can keep broad trends in sentiment apparent.
trading for the next 12 months’ the response
is that 60 per cent of those business owners Despite the additional lockdowns, and the
who took part in our survey are either disruption and angst that caused, the
reasonably or very confident they will be fundamentals of most businesses have not
okay. been worsened.

Confidence is slightly lower in Auckland,

which has born the brunt of the repeated
Digging into more detail around profits and
What business owners are saying
sales shows the outlook for many
businesses has in fact improved.
“A massive amount of pressure being put on
SME businesses that means a lot won't
survive.” Asked ‘have your sales increased or
decreased in the last year’, 64 per cent
have suffered a decrease. But this is
“The Government has found a good balance
between enforcement and giving people actually a marginal improvement on the
September findings, when 73 per cent had
some freedom to move. The second part
seen sales fall.
requires trust which some people have
breached this time.”
Where the greatest improvement is seen is
those who rate their sales performance as
“I think they had a good initial response but staying the same as a year ago (just before
don’t appear to have a coherent plan going the first lockdowns). There are 17 per cent
forward.”. who have managed to hold the line, up from
10 per cent in that position in September.
“The Govt takes a singular view when
making its decisions on lock down - that of Regarding profitability of their businesses,
the Ministry of Health who will of course when asked ‘do you expect your profit to
always err on the conservative side. Where increase or decrease in the next 12 months
is the input to decision making from compared to your last financial year’ there
business?” has been a similar rate of improvement.

“Unhappy with the virus escaping MIQ. In our latest survey 39 per cent said profit is
Unhappy with contact tracing failures.” well behind. Compare that to the September
survey where 46 per cent said profit was
“There is simply no plan to get us out of this well behind.
situation. Business needs to know precisely
when the vaccines will be rolled out to the This time 46 per cent are managing to hold
general public, what steps are being made their profit or even increase it.
to accelerate that rollout and if centres will Don’t underestimate the stress SMEs are
be available 24/7 to cope with shift work, experiencing though:
when the trans-Tasman bubble will operate
and what level of vaccination is needed to From an Auckland automotive repair
open the borders more widely. The failure of business owner: “I do not think the
the government to plan and execute is a government understands the effect
scandal.” lockdowns will have on longer term
business. There will be no tourism industry
“I think they are operating on hope. MIQ here very soon. Many small business
needs an overhaul and improvements need owners do not make big profits, so are now
to happen daily. This set and forget method running on empty, their mental health is
will not stand up.” being affected, and long term we will see
more bankruptcies, and loss of homes. Our
business is our Kiwi Saver.”
What business owners are saying
And from this Auckland dog minding
business: “Too much yo-yoing, Level 3, “Lockdowns are unsustainable and will
Level 1, Level 3. Frustrated that MIQ/border cause long term economic and health
control has been inadequate and no forward issues. Not enough effort was put into
planning after one year. Small business understanding the economic impacts.”
can't plan for the future, including taking on
staff. Although employees will be “Responding with lockdown/level changes is
subsidized, the business has no money to far preferred than the alternative of Covid-
pay regular outgoings.” 19 getting out of control. Lockdowns do
represent a loss in earnings, but much less
This comment comes from the owner of a than if we didn't.”
national tech firm: “They are not learning
from mistakes, failed to grasp and enforce “I think we’ve proven our approach has
what isolation and quarantine really means. worked both socially and financially for NZ’s
All too happy to 'take a few hits' whilst trying economy, with some obvious areas
to be positive. Except they don't take the suffering. We are, as a nation, significantly
hits, we as businesses do.” better off than most other nations battling

“I think lockdowns should be related to the

Shop Local area where the covid community
transmission is located, so that in this latest
lockdown Auckland should be in level 3 but
One aspect has come through very clearly - the rest of new zealand should be still in
small businesses are overwhelmingly level 1, unless there is good evidence of
thankful for locals who are supporting them close contacts in other regions. The Covid
by buying local. lockdown that we experienced for eight
weeks in 2020 is just starting to hit
In a new question in the survey we asked: businesses now and there will be
‘How important is it for New Zealanders to casualties.”
continue to buy local and support local
businesses?’ “The elimination strategy call was correct,
but the actual managing of it has been
The response from 86 per cent of business remarkably poor.”
owners was “very important.”
“Cracks are starting to appear, one year on
But when asked ‘do you think the and complacency is starting to show. A
Government has provided enough support harder stance is needed on quarantine and
for small businesses,’ again sentiment is the people who break those
souring. rules/guidelines.”

40 per cent answered ‘Yes’

60 per cent answered ‘No’
acknowledged but there are many others of
Much of the frustration centred around the
us who service that industry that struggle as
speed of rolling out support, as with this
a result. Locking down Auckland impacts
immediately on the Nelson Tasman region
as Aucklanders and other NZers cancel
“Small businesses require support
bookings to holiday in our area.”
immediately that a lockdown Level 3 or 4 is
mandated by the Government. On top of
Though there are those with praise for the
wages, there are many running costs that
support given so far: “We are truly fortunate
need to be covered by business owners to
in how the Government has handled the
keep operating. These operating expenses
whole crisis. We are a budgeting service
do not cease when a lockdown is called by
and building financial capability provider and
the Government. If the Government wishes
fully expected a veritable tsunami of clients.
to maintain the support of small business
This hasn't happened and our analysis is
owners, then the Government needs to
that whilst the area's businesses and their
invoke support packages from day one of a
employees are seriously stressed the
lockdown, not wait a week.”
financial and moral support of the
government is keeping the vast majority
This comment from an Auckland financial
firm reflects much of what came through in
other comments, that small business feels
Business owners are not just complaining.
marginalised, with no real Government
They often provide constructive alternatives
understanding of how difficult it is to keep
or additions to what the Government is
the lights on, showing “minimal care for
doing such as:
small businesses. All they [the Government]
do is provide minimal wage relief with
nothing about protecting the business profits “There needs to be a targeted support
and viability.” package for Auckland. We are now at
lockdown 4 vs 1 lockdown for the rest of the
country. There is only so much that the
SMEs also question whether the
Auckland community, businesses and
Government understand the full
economy can take. More support is needed.
repercussion of lockdowns.
This needs to include specific support for
the Auckland Council, otherwise the
“Three days lockdown for a small business
revenue loss over these lockdowns will
after such a difficult year can be the straw
force additional rates rises on top of the rate
that breaks the camel's back. There does
rises that have already occurred; effectively
not seem to be an appreciation that when
Aucklanders will get fined (via further rates
Auckland is locked down the impact on the
rises) for their greater effort (compared to
whole country is immediate. There also
the rest of NZ) to combat Covid.”
seems to be a lack of understanding of the
impact of supply chain issues (in our case
There is also a frequent call for lockdowns
for parts procurement). Although we are an
to be more geographically targeted.
auto workshop a significant portion of our
turnover is in supplying repairs to rental car
companies. When travelling stopped the “They should adopt regional responses not
impact on rental car companies was city and country wide.”
focus is spent on Covid-19. “They need to
“Too many loopholes. Insufficient targeting
address the housing market to add capital
of areas that need more assistance. Too
gains for income and relieve business tax
much ‘one size fits all’ approach. Regions
burdens. As well housing is too expensive
for Covid purpose are too large, and should
for us to attract staff to Auckland even when
be restricted to a closer circle around the
wages could be $20k a year more.”
affected area.”

There are also calls for better use of The travel bubble
incentives to encourage self isolation
compliance: “Anyone needing to self isolate
The Government may be heartened by the
should be paid their full lost income - this
SME response on the issue of an Australian
would be far cheaper than lockdowns - and
travel bubble, which has proved so thorny
can be policed by pending test results and
for the Government to deliver on.
proof of being at a known casual or causal
plus location using the Covid App so abuse
of the system is limited.” While 28 per cent of our survey respondents
say a travel bubble with Australia is vital and
And there are those with a wider eye on the needed now, the majority are happy to keep
general economy, who worry that too much waiting until all the details are ironed out
and that safety is paramount.
This South Island tourism operator said:
“Compensation and support for businesses
most affected by the border closure has
been poor. Devoid of three million plus
international visitors, the domestic market is
far too small for us to pivot to domestic only
to survive. This lack of support is especially
evident when you compare the
Government's support in similar countries to
New Zealand, like Australia and Canada,
where wage subsidies continue, along with
grants and rent relief. A majority of our
supposed $400 million tourism fund has
been offered as loans only, which to
businesses who have heavily reduced
income, is a loan a smart choice as it
means that when the borders do open, New
Zealand will have a tourism industry heavily
in debt and not able to provide the same
level of service that has strongly contributed
to the New Zealand brand worldwide.”

And this from an Otago hospo business

owner: “There is zero direct monetary
support for small businesses. This
Government is expecting businesses to
45 per cent say it is important but cannot be spend all cash reserves, borrow money
rushed and must wait until it is completely from anywhere except them or close their
safe door for good. By the time tourists come
back there will be no business.”
26 per cent rate it not important and that we
can continue to live without it “Yo-yoing in and out of lockdowns is not
sustainable. We need to be far more agile.
Tourism Minister Stuart Nash has just Other island countries like Taiwan have
completed a tour of South Island tourism shown us up and we need to adapt and
hotspots and said the Government is become agile.”
working on a support package for regions
who have traditionally been heavily reliant Vaccines and border control
on international visitors.
a sore point
He and Cabinet may find it difficult to design
a package that will appease those worst The long awaited Covid vaccination has
affected by the border closures. been seen as a vital addition in the fight
against the virus. We asked ‘are you happy
with the planned roll out of the vaccination?’ associations to encourage use by
and found: customers would help increase use and
improve the reliability and pace of contact
54.5 per cent of respondents said ‘Yes’ tracing.”
45.5 per cent of respondents said ‘No’
“It is time to implement a Covid card or
There is frustration at the speed of the another tracking system that will improve
program and lack of clarity about when and tracking above the current voluntary
how it will be more widely distributed. system.”

But there is a greater level of unhappiness “The attitude to trace and trace is extremely
at the mainstays of our response efforts to lax and simplistic. We see other countries
date - the contact tracing system and border enforcing much stricter and tighter
control. approaches that stop the spread - look at
Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam and Singapore
On contact tracing, the problems in where technology is used well.”
Auckland in the latest outbreak to get
accurate information to contain the spread But it is border control that has drawn most
was an unacceptable failure, leading as it ire. There is an inescapable logic which is
did to another week of lockdowns. frustrating many - the only way the Covid
virus gets into New Zealand is through the
You need to do better, is the out-take here. border. Clearly border control therefore
needs to be tightened. But that point seems
“They couldn't make contact with 11 people to evade the bureaucrats running border
from the [Papatoetoe High] School. Why not control.
go knock on the door?”
“Going for elimination and putting the entire
“Very quick to blame others when they country in lockdown last year means the
should take responsibility. Of course not borders have to be managed
everyone will follow the rules. This is why properly...which clearly they aren't.”
we have police, courts and prisons. How
can Government be so cavalier with “Covid can only get into the community
people’s livelihoods and then blame a 21 through an MIQ or Border breakdown. We
year old when they [the Government] were need to ensure they are firmly secure plus
too slack to track down the students who speed up dramatically the vaccine roll out.”
they couldn’t get hold of by phone. Was it
an emergency or not? The rest of us paid “There is only one place the virus can enter
the financial price.” the country - and that is through its border.
The Government have failed to adequately
“Contact tracing hasn't risen to the secure the border from day one and the
challenge nor learned from previous latest breaches are testimony to the fact
experiences.” that they had become complacent - or
simply following poor procedures.”
“Greater promotion of the Tracer App and
working with retail and hospitality
“Lockdowns are caused by the Government
failing to secure the border. Improvements
are only made once system failures are What business owners are saying
“Yo-yoing between alert levels has a
Decisions by the Government about the significant impact on my business as well as
running of MIQ facilities also seems to baffle my mental health.”
business owners, who look for pragmatic
solutions. “I am mostly happy, and their response to
the business sector has been quick and
“Things need to be stricter on areas where very effective. Some things could have been
there is a high potential for transmission. thought through better but with the time
There needs to be a national border worker constraints this wasn't easy, particularly as
training regiment set up and those who some things have changed so quickly with
become 'qualified' and work at MIQ facilities Covid-19. Some of the managed isolations
and border control should be paid a areas could be far better managed.
premium. We need to provide these workers However in business terms, I think the
with specific training and reward them for Government has done a very good job
being our main defence against Covid. We overall.”
are relying on them to protect our health
and finances, they should be given the tools “Government responses to Covid and alert
they need to do this to the best of their levels seriously affect our business area.
abilities and compensated as such.” Wage subsidies only mitigate wage burdens
to business, other costs (rent, utilities,
“Auckland should not be the main location compliance etc.) are major exposures of
for quarantine facilities. We need a cost. All alert levels impact on tourism /
dedicated facility away from major hospitality - especially with Auckland. In my
population areas staffed by trained view, the wage subsidy is like the ‘dole’.
personnel. The Government has wasted Employers are carrying an unfair load that is
billions on lockdown subsidies that could not of their making. The Government does
have been used better on this facility and not appear to link enterprise (business
improvements in medical facilities around activity) to the fundamental taxes that
the country. When we start letting travellers provide the income to allow them to run the
in again we have medical infrastructure to economy.”
support or contain evolving strains of
Covid.” “They cannot possibly get it right (as if there
is a single ‘right’) all the time for all aspects
“There have been constant breaches at MIQ of what is a fairly novel situation with so
but no improvements in their overseeing of many complexities. By and large I trust their
these operations. What needs to happen sources of information and their intentions.”
for them to understand the basics? Sadly
we are being run by a bunch of people who
have never operated in the real world
except politics.”
“Quarantine facilities should be removed Methodology
from our largest cities.”
This was an online, self-selecting survey,
“There should be purpose built quarantine conducted over 16 days, including the
facilities outside of population areas run Auckland Level 3 restrictions and Level 2 in
entirely by the army. Also leaving people to the rest of the country from February 18 to
self isolate on trust without adequate checks March 5.
has just cost the country and Auckland
hundreds of millions and is a disgrace.” The target audience was small to medium
business owners. There were 2802
“Two weeks is not long enough.” respondents but we reduced analysis to
1153 confirmed small business respondents
“Either shut the border, build purpose built who answered the majority of the questions.
quarantine facilities, fix the health system or
let it rip.” It was run by Prosper, the specialist section
of Stuff dedicated to supporting our small
“Would like to see stricter quarantine businesses.
methods to reduce any chance of extended
lockdown, tougher stance on people Prosper brings information and expert
breaking rules and deport anyone refusing advice on how small businesses can
to comply with our rules.” recover, survive, and thrive.

Prosper talks about how to identify new

opportunities post-lockdown, adapt your
sales strategies, beef up your online
presence and take advantage of tax relief

We have plenty of inspiring examples of

how other businesses are managing to

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