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Floods in future climates: a review

P.H. Whitfield1,2
1 Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2 Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Correspondence Abstract
Paul H. Whitfield, Meteorological Service
of Canada, Environment Canada, At the global scale, the warming of the atmosphere will increase the capacity of
Vancouver, BC, V6C 3S5, Canada the atmosphere to hold and accelerate the redistribution of water in the atmos-
Fax: +604 464 0388 phere. This suggests that flood-generating processes linked to the atmosphere
Email: are likely to increase. However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
projections of future floods involve extremely complex issues that defy simple
DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2012.01150.x generalisations. Warming will alter other aspects of the water cycle increasing
evaporation, changing precipitation patterns and intensity, and also affecting
Key words
the processes involved in surface storage of water, including snowpack genera-
Climate change; floods; land use;
tion, snowmelt, river ice break-up, and glacial melt. Many of these are active in
flood generation, and changes may cause floods to decrease as well as increase.
However, these processes take place not at the global scale but at relatively local
scale, making generalisations about flooding in future climates difficult and
uncertain. At the global scale, the role of land use is generally unresolved, but at
a watershed scale, land-use effects can be as important as changes in the mete-
orological processes. This review shows that while meteorologically driven
flooding is expected to increase in a changed climate, making a precise pro-
nouncement regarding all floods is unwise, as many types of floods will respond
differently to changing climate and that because floods are watershed scale
events, these local effects will remain important.

Introduction what might happen in the future related to climate requires

considering the specific processes that lead to a particular
Flooding is a rising and overflowing of a body of water type of flood.
especially onto normally dry land. This can occur directly Intensification of the global water cycle will change the
when rainfall is of sufficient quantity that the land surface flood risk (Milly et al., 2002). The detection of anthro-
cannot absorb and redistribute water fast enough to prevent pogenic forced changes in flooding is difficult because of
a surface accumulation of water, or floods can occur indi- natural variability, and the connection of streamflow trends
rectly such as when a river overflows its banks. River flooding to flow regime. Focusing on floods with long return periods
is primarily, but not exclusively, caused by hydrometeoro- (>100 years) on large basins (>200 000 km2) Milly et al.
logical conditions acting either individually or in combina- (2002) showed that a substantial increase in frequency of
tion (Watt, 1989; Andrews, 1993). These floods occur in the floods has occurred in the 20th century.
form of excess snowmelt run-off, rain, rain-on-snow, and ice Globally, the cost of flood damage between 1991 and 1995
jams or other natural dams. Most forms of hydrometeoro- was put at €170 billion. Floods are the most common
logical flooding might change in future climates, and these natural disaster in Europe and the most costly in terms of
are focused on here. Other flooding forms that occur are economic damage. European floods in 2002 caused more
excluded from this discussion: coastal flooding associated than €7 billion damage. The number of high-magnitude
with sea-level rise, storm surges where sea water inundates floods appears to be increasing over time (Figure 1). In
coastal areas, and those that result from the failure of man- Canada, Brooks et al. (2001) note that over the last century,
made structures such as dams, dykes, and water mains. flood damages in Canada have exceeded over $2 billion, with
Flooding is unfortunately a general term that includes a wide over 198 lives lost. The ‘flood of the century’ in Southern
variety of events and processes that lead to an accumulation Manitoba was caused by a combination of hydrometeoro-
of surface water on land that is normally dry. Understanding logical factors beginning with high antecedent soil moisture,

© 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365
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Changing floods in future climates 337

Large Magnitude Floods 1985–2009 adaptation measures such as dams, dykes, and diversions as
350 engineering solutions to reduce and mitigate flood risks.
300 <7 Dams provide upstream storage so that floodwater can be
Annual number of floods

detained or delayed. Dykes confine the river to its channel
<4 and prevent water flowing onto the floodplain, and diver-
200 <3
sions allow flood waters to be conveyed either around
150 a settlement or to another river system. Frequently, such
measures are accompanied by complacency or ignorance.
People who work or reside in the floodplain are unaware or
50 uninformed of the residual risks of floods.
0 While the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 (IPCC) is certain that floods will increase in future climates,
Figure 1 Global count of large and very large magnitude there is considerable uncertainty in the exact nature of how
flood events. The flood magnitude M = log(Duration x Severity x this will evolve largely because floods are generated by a wide
Affected area). Duration is in days, area in km2, severity is classed variety of hydroclimatological events. At the same time, sci-
as 1 (for less that 20-year return period), 1.5 (less that 100-year entists use different tools to study floods largely statistics and
return period), or 2 (greater than 100-year return period). Data
models, and these too play a role in how we think about
obtained from the Dartmouth Flood Observatory. http:// (Brakenridge et al. 2009).
floods in future climates. The intent of this review is to
provide insight to this complexity.
There are a number of ways that people might think
and heavy winter snowfall and a rapid spring melt. Although about floods (Borga et al., 2008), such as ‘Why did this flood
there was no direct loss of life, damages (including flood occur?’, ‘How often can a flood like this be expected?’, or
fighting costs) were estimated at being $500 million in ‘How big a flood is possible?’ These and other questions
Canada and over $2 billion in total (International Joint have been approached through statistical analysis and mod-
Commission (IJC), 2000). Changes in future climates to elling, some details of which follow later. A classic approach
flood damage and risk could be enormous. In Britain, King to flooding is estimating the probable maximum precipita-
and Walker (2008) suggests that the probability of floods on tion (PMP) and the probable maximum flood (PMF). The
rivers and coasts by 2080 will increase between 2 and 20 PMF is calculated as the flood generated by the most severe
times, annual flood damages will rise from £1 billion to £21 combination of possible meteorological events, which often
billion by 2080, and concurrently, the number of people is the result of the greatest amount of liquid precipitation
living in areas at risk from flooding will be more than possible at a site at a particular time of year, referred to as
double. the PMP. Generally, dams where failure is of high conse-
Humans have always found it useful to live and work quence are designed to safely pass the PMF, which is defined
along rivers and lakes. Likely, the first attractions were as by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
sources of food and drinking water. With the earliest settle- (2001) as ‘the flood that may be expected from the most
ments, the attraction also included access to water for irri- severe combination of critical meteorological and hydro-
gation and transportation. Today, this also includes power logical conditions that are reasonably possible in the drain-
generation, commerce, and recreation. Riverbanks and flood age basin under study’. Theoretically, the probability of
plains are also attractive for agriculture, aesthetics, and as a exceedance of the PMF is zero, and hence, the dam can
way of disposing of wastes. Over several thousand years, safely pass all floods. Other regulatory bodies provide a
cities, settlements, and other infrastructure have increas- similar definition (e.g. Canadian Dam Association, 1999).
ingly encroached into the floodplain. As the encroachment Unlike the PMP, the estimation of the PMF uses historical
increases, the actual damages and potential risks from flood- streamflow data, and as more data are available, the PMF is
ing have increased. Flood severity and risk are in part deter- periodically re-estimated. As new data are added, the revised
mined by human activities, both within the flood plain and PMF may become significantly higher. For example, Jarrett
in upland areas. Changes in land-use and drainage patterns and Tomlinson (2000) provided an example where the
resulting from agricultural activities and urbanisation may revised PMF for Olympus Dam in Colorado was almost
greatly increase the risk of flooding. Population growth is four times larger than the original estimate. When this situ-
likely to increase the number of people at risk independent ation occurs, the existing spillway for a dam may be unable
of any changes in flood generation based on climate. The to pass the revised PMF and the dam would fail the periodic
impacts of future floods will depend largely upon the adap- dam safety review, leading to expensive spillway re-design
tation choices that are made in relation to the projected and re-construction. There is therefore considerable
changes in flooding. Human ingenuity has developed concern about the validity and robustness of techniques

J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365 © 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada
Journal of Flood Risk Management © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
338 Whitfield

used for PMF estimation, including estimating PMF in When considering floods from a global perspective, it is
future climates. While the PMF is a useful concept for important that floods be compared and contrasted within a
designing spillways for dams, many floods are generated by more general typology, one that could be considered a
specific mechanisms that do not lend themselves to the PMP broader form of that used by Merz and Blöschl (2003). Such
approach. a typology is suggested in Table 1. The relevant generating
This review is structured in the following way. First, a processes and their connection to specific geographical
typology of floods, flood mechanisms, and watersheds is regions and landscapes, given in Table 1, demonstrate the
presented as a framework for comparing and contrasting wide variety of types and the specific connections to land-
different types of floods. Second, the IPCC (2004, 2007) scapes that exist. One could envisage that the typology of
perspectives on floods in past and future climates are Merz and Blöschl (2003) would be nested within this more
reviewed. Third, some fundamental issues that are impor- general form. This typology can, and will here, be used to
tant from the perspective of the assumptions and the uncer- structure a discussion of the occurrence and changes in
tainty of the analysis and modelling of all floods are floods associated with climatic change. Consideration of
reviewed. Fourth, the literature on detected changes in mete- changes in floods related to climate need to assess both the
orological and hydrological flood frequency and magnitude changes in generating mechanism and the regions or land-
in the recent past are reviewed. Fifth, the issues of modelling scapes that will be affected to avoid false generalities.
future climates and future floods are summarised. This is Table 1 also contains the number and the frequency of
followed by some remarks on reducing future risk, and occurrence for the period between 1985 and 2009 based
finally, some final remarks. upon this typology. More that 90% of floods in this period
are attributed to meteorological processes with hydrological
processes, only contributing about 5% of the events. In
Typology of floods, flood mechanisms, future climates, changes to precipitation regimes will affect
and catchments many, but not all, of these types; changes in temperature will
Flooding itself is a term that is simultaneously simple and affect ones where frozen forms of water are involved. While
excruciatingly complex. A flood is simply too much water; Table 1 includes all types of floods, the principal focus of this
however, the complexity lies in how and why there is too review is on climate-related floods (meteorological and
much water. Floods involve both atmospheric and hydro- hydrological) and the other types (landscape, tidal, and
logical processes, processes that differ with scales and with other), which constitute less than 3% of the reported events
geography. Changes in the climate will affect the wide variety that are not discussed further.
of atmospheric and hydrological processes with differing In the same way that a flood typology provides a basis for
impacts on the nature and timing of floods. comparing floods based on generating mechanisms, the
Merz and Blöschl (2003) proposed a useful regional typol- nature of the catchment is also important to ensure that the
ogy for Austrian floods. They propose using a catchment landscape effects on floods are compared on a similar basis.
perspective focused on the catchment state and atmospheric Catchment conditions and particularly the antecedent con-
inputs. Their typology uses a number of process indicators ditions are important, as they can modify the impacts of
such as the timing of floods, storm duration, rainfall depths, flood-generating processes. While a detailed typology of
snowmelt, catchment state, run-off response dynamics, and catchments is beyond the scope of this review, some exam-
spatial coherence. For Austria, they report that 43% are long- ples given later will help illustrate the importance of the
rain and only 3% snowmelt, and the relative contribution catchment landscape conditions.
of the types changes with the magnitude. There are pro- In addition to threats from river or lake floods, urban
nounced spatial patterns of frequency of flood types – for centres can also experience intense rains that overwhelm
example, most rain-on-snow floods occur in northern natural and man-made drainage systems. Urban areas are
Austria. There are pronounced spatial and temporal patterns subject to both locally generated floods because of intense
in flood type occurrence. Flash floods driven by convective rainfall and also to river-based floods where the floodwaters
storms or other intense rainfall are local and highly variable. arrive from upstream. Smith and Bedient (1981) modelled
Flood types such as ice jam, tropical storms, snowmelt, and an urban floodplain under changing land use and with dif-
rain-on-snow have strong regional and geographical pat- ferent rainfall patterns. Smith et al. (2002) combines cli-
terns. For example, Merz and Blöschl (2003) show that in matic, hydrological, and socio-economic information to
Northern Austria, rain-on-snow floods occur most com- assess the policy implications of urban flooding in three
monly. All types of Austria floods exhibit seasonal patterns, Australian catchment areas. They found that in each catch-
both in terms of flood magnitudes and catchment altitudes ment, there is a sharp increase in the number of flood-prone
of flood occurrence. This type of typology is a useful and buildings above the flood level corresponding with the
appropriate approach for regional scales. current 100-year return period. This results in a climate

© 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365
Journal of Flood Risk Management © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Table 1 A proposed typology of floods, based upon flood-generating processes. Also shown are associated geographical regions and/or landscapes, and their number and frequency
of occurrence 1885–2009
Frequency Total for
Class/type of flood Flood-generating process Region or zone Landscape Number (%) class (%)
Meteorological 92.40
Brief torrential rain Convective cells, thunderstorms, may be isolated or coupled to 297 8.49
monsoon, or other large system may produce flash floods.
Extra-tropical storm Extensive low pressure system that may move large quantities of Midlatitudes Coastal areas 19 0.54
water (e.g. Pineapple Express)
Heavy rain Synoptic scale systems 2235 63.89

J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365

Monsoonal rain Heavy precipitation alternates with hot, dry conditions on an Subtropics 280 8.00
Changing floods in future climates

annual basis because of the seasonal reversal in surface winds

caused by an oscillation between high- and low-pressure cells.
Torrential rain The amount of rain is particularly abundant, had a fast on-set, 27 0.77
and/or lasts for a long period of time.
Tropical cyclone Extensive deep low-pressure system with winds in excess of speed Tropics Coastal areas 348 9.95
Tropical storm Extensive low-pressure system Tropics Coastal areas 26 0.74
Hydrological 4.97
Rain-on-snow Rate of snowmelt is enhanced by rain and warmer temperature Northern latitudes/high Mountainous 84 2.40
leading to more rapid melt. elevations
Snowmelt Large accumulations of water in snowpack and rate of melt Northern latitudes/high Mountainous 60 1.72
Ice jam/break-up Rising water levels break surface ice on rivers and lakes that forms Northern latitudes 30 0.86
a jam-impounding water, increasing water levels upstream during
and downstream flowing failure
Natural event 0.14
Avalanche-related Snow pack stability failure creates ponding of surface water Mountainous 2 0.06
increasing water levels upstream during and downstream following
Landslide Landform stability failure creates ponding of surface water, Mountainous 1 0.03
increasing water levels upstream during and downstream following
Outburst flood Glacial dam fails releasing impounded water increasing water Glacierised basins 2 0.06
levels downstream flowing failure
Other 1.14
Tidal surge Coastal areas 4 0.11
Not determined 36 1.03
Human induced 1.34
dam/levy, break Structural failure 47 1.34
Total 3498 100

Frequency data were obtained from the Dartmouth Flood Data Observatory.
Some minor corrections and recategorisations were made to the original data.

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340 Whitfield

change damage curve that resembles a step function. Smith these events with warmer periods in the climate record and
et al. (2002) therefore recommends both no-regret and pre- not wetter periods. Changes in the flooding regime of the
cautionary measures to be taken within the current frame- Peace-Athabasca delta, located in Northern Alberta, have
work of local government response. Rustam et al. (2000) been attributed to a decrease in ice-jam frequency because of
assessed the impact of urbanisation on flood frequency in both climate changes and river regulation (Prowse and
Malaysia. They conclude that increases in flood frequency Conly, 1996). This in turn has resulted in the decline of fish
were attributable to changes in rainfall intensity and not to and wildlife habitats and the disruption of the entire ecosys-
the drastic land-use changes from natural vegetation to turf. tem. Infrequent, large flood events can also cross the erosive
Schreider et al. (2000) assessed climate change impacts on thresholds along alluvial rivers and result in catastrophic
urban flooding in three catchments in Southern Australia. erosion along valley bottoms. Such erosion represents a
The modelling using a general circulation model (GCM), a major risk from flooding that can occur in addition to inun-
stochastic weather generator, and the conceptual hydrologic dation damage from floodwaters and can result in significant
model IHACRES indicates that there will be increases in losses of property and infrastructure, even when these are
magnitude and frequency of flooding under increased CO2 situated above the flood level. Livingston et al. (2009) exam-
atmosphere; in these three urban cases, the 1 in 100-year ined ice-jam flooding in the Yukon River, reconstructing
event becomes 1 in 44, 1 in 35, and 1 in 10 events. Liu et al. ice-jam flood histories; these histories suggest a decrease in
(2006) examined storm run-off from different land-use the frequency of flood events in the last several hundred
classes using a geographic information system (GIS)-based years. Return period of ice-jam floods tends to be lower than
hydrological model. The model shows that direct run-off open-water events. Extremes can extend into flood levels not
from urban areas is dominant for flood events compared considered for open-water events and are often ignored
with other land-use types and is larger for small floods and when considering flood risk because flood analyses tend to
dry-season floods. Hejazi and Moglen (2008) showed that be focused on river discharges and not water levels.
increased precipitation in the Hadley model output resulted While it is not possible to identify all the attributes of all
in increased peak flows; they also showed that land-use flood events, Table 2 provides a summary of the multiple
change coupled to climate changes leads to larger flood mag- processes involved in generating and modifying individual
nitudes that climate alone. Hejazi and Markus (2009) exam- events including their impacts. Not all of these will be active
ined annual flood peaks on 12 urbanising watersheds and during any one event or in one catchment, as typically
found an increase in frequency and magnitude that could be several mechanisms and modifying factors can be identi-
attributed to intensive urbanisation and increasing inci- fied. Seasonal variation in these factors is also an important
dences of heavy rain. Here, urbanisation was the bigger effect consideration. When considering a question about changes
– some 34% greater than the climate variability. McCormick in floods in the future, these factors need to be considered
et al. (2009) similarly showed that while climate had a so that observed or projected changes can be properly
similar effect on two study watersheds, land-use changes attributed.
increased the magnitude of the flood peak and decreased the
lag time between the rainfall and the ensuing flood event.
In cold regions, ice jams are a major cause of flooding. In
The IPCC perspective on floods in
fact, for most Canadian rivers, the annual peak water levels
future climates
are due to ice jams. Ice jams result from the accumulation of Kundzewicz and Schellnhuber (2004) considered how
ice fragments that build up to restrict the flow of water and the IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR) (IPCC, 2004)
then act as a temporary obstruction. Jams may form during addressed floods. The TAR reported that recent floods have
both the freeze-up and break-up periods, but it is usually the become more abundant and more destructive. However,
break-up jams that have the greater flooding potential when the important question is what proportion of the rise in
rising water levels fragment the ice cover and result in the damages can be attributed to climate variability and change.
greatest flooding potential. Changes in climate, particularly It is clear that with the increased water-holding capacity of a
warming, may either increase or reduce the frequency and warmer atmosphere potential for increased precipitation
magnitude of these events depending upon geographic. intensity is expected (IPCC, 2004). This trend has already
Generally, the reduction will follow the present southern been observed, and the trends are expected to continue
extent and increase in the northern. Prowse et al. (2002) (IPCC, 2004). This condition alone is sufficient to expect the
show more events recorded at southern boundary in recent flood hazard to increase; however, floods damages are also
past and fewer events at the northern boundary but increas- strongly affected by exposure of assets and people, and
ing since the 1950s. Boucher et al. (2009) reconstructed flood-generating processes in addition to precipitation.
flood events from ice scars on trees and showed that early Interestingly, in the TAR chapters on physical basis, the
rapidly rising floods that create intense events; they associate emphasis is on the uncertainty of changes to the flood risk;

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Changing floods in future climates 341

Table 2 Flood-generating processes, inundation types, and modifying processes and risks
Flood-generating processes Inundation types Modifying conditions Risk modifiers
Human induced • River floods • Precipitation intensity • Flood-plain elevation
dam/levy, break • Flash floods • Precipitation volume • Human encroachment
Meteorological • Urban floods • Precipitation timing • Flood preparation
Brief torrential rain • Sewer floods • Precipitation phase (rain or snow)
Extra-tropical storm • Ice-jam floods • Antecedent river conditions
Heavy rain • Glacial lake outburst • Antecedent watershed conditions
Monsoonal rain floods • Antecedent urban conditions
Torrential rain • Status (frozen or not frozen)
Tropical cyclone
Tropical storm
Ice jam/break-up
Natural event
Outburst flood
Tidal surge

The flood-generating processes are described in more detail in Table 1. Many of these factors exhibit seasonal variation.

in the TAR chapters on impacts, increased flooding of future often trigger floods. (Kron and Berz, 2007) indicate that
climates appears to be taken for granted. climate change might already have had an impact on the
In the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) (IPCC, intensity and frequency of floods. Globally, the number of
2007), the impacts of changing climate on the variety of great inland flood catastrophes that occurred during the last
climatic and nonclimatic processes that influence flood proc- 10 years (1996–2005) is twice as large, per decade, as between
esses are described in general. The Working Group I AR4 1950 and 1980, while related economic losses have increased
Summary for Policymakers concluded that it is likely that the by a factor of five (Kron and Berz, 2007). Dominant drivers
frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased over of the upward trend of flood damage are socio-economic
most areas during the late 20th century and that it is more factors, such as economic growth, increases in population
likely than not that there has been a human contribution to and in the wealth concentrated in vulnerable areas, and land-
this trend. Changes in the frequency and magnitude of river use change. Floods have been the most reported natural
floods, flash floods, urban floods, sewer floods, glacial lake disaster events in many regions, affecting 140 million people
outburst floods, and coastal floods are considered. The per year on average [World Bank (WDR), 2003, 2004].
climate sensitivity of flood-producing processes including In Bangladesh, during the 1998 flood, about 70% of the
intense and/or long-lasting precipitation, snowmelt, dam country’s area was inundated (compared with an average
failures, reduced conveyance because of ice jams or land- value of 20–25%) (Mirza, 2002; Mirza et al., 2003; Clarke
slides, or by intense storms are also covered. Because the and King, 2004).
majority of floods depend on precipitation intensity, volume, The weight of observational evidence indicates an
timing, phase (rain or snow), antecedent conditions of rivers, ongoing acceleration of the water cycle (Huntington, 2006).
and their drainage basins [e.g. presence of snow and ice, soil The frequency of heavy precipitation events has increased,
character and status (frozen or not, saturated or unsatu- consistent with both warming and observed increases in
rated), wetness, rate and timing of snow/ice melt, urbanisa- atmospheric water vapour. However, no ubiquitous increase
tion, existence of dykes, dams and reservoirs], all are expected is visible in documented trends in high river flows. Although
to be impacted by changes in climate. Milly et al. (2002) identified an apparent increase in the fre-
At the same time, AR4 indicates that human encroach- quency of ‘large’ floods (return period >100 years) across
ment into flood plains and the lack of flood response plans much of the globe from the analysis of data from large river
also increases the damage potential. The AR4 observes that basins, subsequent studies have provided less widespread
increased precipitation intensity and other climatic changes, evidence. Kundzewicz et al. (2005) found increases (in 27
e.g. an increase in westerly weather patterns during winter locations) and decreases (in 31 locations) and no trend in
over Europe, leading to very rainy low-pressure systems that the remaining 137 of the 195 catchments they examined

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Journal of Flood Risk Management © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
342 Whitfield

Table 3 Summary of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I (WG I) and II (WG II) comments on changes detected
in floods and flood-generating processes in the past
Flood process Projection Rationale (WG I) (WG II)
Heavy precipitation It is likely that the frequency of heavy precipitation Increased frequency of very rainy low pressure
events events has increased, and it is more likely than not systems (WG I).
that there has been a human contribution to this The frequency of heavy precipitation events has
trend. increased, consistent with both warming and
observed increases in atmospheric water vapour
(WG I).
Intense Increased rainfall intensity with increased The fact that the energy budget constrains increases
precipitation extra-tropical lows (WG I) in large-scale mean precipitation but extreme
precipitation relates to increases in moisture content
(WG I).
Increased frequency of midlatitude storms (WG I) Timescale can play a role, whereby increase in
seasonal mean rainfall extremes can be greater than
the increases in the frequency of daily extremes
(WG I).
Extra-tropical Intense extra-tropical storms have shown significant
storms increases in number or strength (WG I)
Changes in storm tracks have been noted (WG I).
High river flows An apparent increase in the frequency of ‘large’ No ubiquitous increase is visible in documented
floods (return period >100 years). trends in high river flows (WG II).
Kundewicz et al. (2005) found increases in 27
locations and decreases in 31, and no change in 137
Number of inland The number of inland floods in the past 10 years is The weight of the observational evidence indicates
floods twice as large per decade as between 1950 and 1980. ongoing acceleration of water cycle (WG II).
Number of inland The damages associated have increased by a factor Large role for socio-economic and population
floods of five. growth, land-use change and concentration of wealth
in these areas (WG II).

worldwide. However, because flood damages have grown and high latitudes where mean precipitation increases. There
more rapidly than population or economic growth, other is a projected increase in the risk of intense precipitation and
factors must be considered, including climate change (Mills, flooding in dry areas where despite increases in the number
2005). of days without rain, intense and heavy episodic rainfall
The IPCC AR4 reports from Working Groups I and II events are not expected to decrease. There is a risk of an
(WG I – The Physical Science Basis) and (WG II – Impacts, increase in very wet monsoonal rain in Asia. Tropical
Adaptation and Vulnerability) comments extensively about cyclones are also likely to become more severe with greater
recent changes (detection) and future projections. Table 3 wind speeds and more intense precipitation; this may
summarises the comments the 4AR made with respect to include a decrease in weak cyclones and an increase in the
detected changes in floods and flood-generating processes. number of intense cyclones and a global decrease in the total
The evidence suggests that the global water cycle has accel- number of tropical cyclones. A poleward shift of storm activ-
erated and that the frequency of heavy precipitation events ity by several degrees latitude with more cyclonic activity in
has increased, consistent with both warming and observed winter and summer over the Arctic is expected. The projec-
increases in atmospheric water vapour. It is very likely that tions made in the 4AR with respect to flooding are summa-
heavy precipitation is occurring more frequently, and this rised in Table 4. With respect to floods, some studies have
change is attributed to human contributions to climate shown little change, while others suggest that what is now a
change. There is also evidence of increased intensity and 100-year flood will occur more frequently and today’s 1 in
changes in storm tracks. However, the IPCC reports that no 500 year event could become a 1 in 50-year event. At present,
consistent increase in flooding has been detected. flooding is responsible for 10% of weather-related insurance
The IPCC AR4 also has considerable discussion of future losses globally (IPCC, 2007).
climates based largely on GCM/scenario projections with The IPCC has a formidable challenge when addressing
respect to flood-generating processes. It is very likely that floods as the detection and projection of ‘floods’ with simple
heavy precipitation events will become more frequent. The generalisation causes considerable confusion. Because a
intensity of these events will increase particularly in tropical variety of climatic and nonclimatic factors influence the

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Journal of Flood Risk Management © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Changing floods in future climates 343

Table 4 Summary of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I (WG I) and II (WG II) comments on floods and
flood-generating processes in future

Flood process Projection Rationale (WG I)

Heavy precipitation It is very likely that heavy precipitation events will Increased risk of flash and urban flooding (WG II).
events become more frequent. The intensity of these Timescale can play a role, whereby increase in
events will increase particularly in tropical and seasonal mean rainfall extremes can be greater that
high latitudes where mean precipitation increases. the increases in the frequency of daily extremes
(WG I)
Intense There is a projected increase in the risk of intense The probability of boreal winter precipitation
precipitation precipitation and flooding in dry areas where exceeding two standard deviations above normal
despite increases in the number of days without increases considerably (WG II). Likely increase in
rain, intense and heavy episodic rainfall events are winter flood hazard.
not expected to decrease.
Monsoonal rain An increase in the risk of very wet monsoonal rain Greater summer precipitation increases flood risk in
in Asia. Asian Monsoon region (WG I).
Tropical cyclones Tropical cyclones are likely to become more severe Longer lifetimes and greater intensity (WG I).
with greater wind speeds and more intense
precipitation (WG I)
Possibly, a decrease in weak cyclones and an
increase in the number of intense cyclones and a
global decease in the total number of tropical
Extra-tropical There is a poleward shift of several degrees
storms latitude; more cyclonic activity in winter and
summer over the Arctic (WG I)
Some studies have shown little change (WG I).
Flood frequency What is now a 100-year flood is projected to occur
more frequently – even every 2–3 years (WG II).
What is now a 100-year flood is projected to occur
more frequently – even every 2–3 years and
today’s 1 in 500-year event could become a 1 in
50-year event (WG I).
Snowmelt Contribution for snow to snowmelt is likely to Studies indicate a decrease in peak snowmelt floods
decline (WG II). by the 2080s (WG II).
Increase in floods in areas where winter snow
depth increases (WG I).
Glacier melt Reduction in firn (aged snow) cover on glaciers
causes enhanced and immediate run-off of melt
water and cause local flooding (WG II).
Degree of Depending upon which climate model is used and
uncertainty on the importance of snowmelt to generating
floods, catchment characteristics, the impact can
be positive or negative (WG II).
Interactions Future flood damages will depend on settlement The impact can be modelled using changes in the
patterns, land-use decisions, flood-forecasting recurrence interval of present floods (WG II).
warning and response systems, and the value of
structures and property in vulnerable areas (WG II)
as well as on climatic changes.
Urban flooding Block storm drains in poor areas can cause Increases in precipitation with expanding impervious
flooding and increased transmission of surfaces could increase urban flood risks and create
water-borne disease. (WG II). design challenges for storm water management
Cities with combined sewer overflows risk. (WG I).
Flooding may lead to contamination of water
with chemicals, heavy metals, or hazardous
substances (WG II).
Increased flooding impacts navigation and Costs of delays and lost trips are low compared with
shipping (WG II). the damage to infrastructure and property (WG II).
Flooding of streets, subways, and accompanying
landslides damages to infrastructure.

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344 Whitfield

Table 4 Continued
Flood process Projection Rationale (WG I)
Adaptation Appropriate investments in infrastructure, and When it experienced two 100-year events in 3 years,
water and land-use management. Coordinated Peterborough ON flushed the drainage systems ad
planning (WG II). replaced sewer trunk systems (WG I).
To cope with a 15% increase in heavy precipitation,
Ottawa employed structural and nonstructural
measures to encourage infiltration (WG I)
US National Flood Insurance Program made policy Set backs and flood plain delineations seldom make
changes to reduce the risk of multiple flood allowances for climate change (WG I).
claims. Households with two flood-related claims
are now required to elevate the structure 2.5 cm
above the 100-year flood level (WG I).

processes that generate floods and because the degree of described later, and the methods being used and the under-
flood risks also depends on several factors, many combina- standing of floods continue to grow.
tions would need to be considered. As temperatures rise, the
energy budget constrains increases in large-scale mean pre-
Statistical issues
cipitation, but extreme precipitation relates to increases in
moisture content. As temperatures rise, the likelihood of One of the often unstated aspects of the study of floods is
precipitation falling as rain rather than snow increases. the high uncertainty of the measurement of floods and
Rain-on-snow flood events are generally projected to the resulting effect on streamflow records. McCuen (1979)
increase, while snowmelt-induced floods are often projected provides definitions of statistical terminology for flood-peak
to be earlier and of lower magnitude. Depending upon estimation. His focus was on how correct terminology
which GCMs are used and also the relative importance of would assist in evaluating ‘How accurate is the estimate?’
snowmelt contribution in flood volumes, catchment char- Data uncertainties, which are the principal contributors to
acteristics, and location, the impacts of climate change on parameter uncertainty, include (1) measurement errors, (2)
floods can be positive or negative. While the IPCC suggests inconsistent or heterogeneous data sets, (3) data handling
that this highlights the uncertainty about floods, it is actu- and transcription errors, and (4) nonrepresentative sam-
ally the correct outcome; floods generated by different proc- pling caused by time, space, or financial limitations. While
esses on different landscape will respond differently to many observations of floods have been made, the actual
changing climate. discharge measurements are often made under extremely
dangerous field conditions. Actual flood measurements are
made only infrequently. An example of this is shown in
Figure 2 where the stage-discharge measurements contain an
Complexities of studying present floods observed flood that is more than twice the height of the next
Before considering changes to floods in the future, the reader highest stage and more than three times the next highest
should be aware that there are many complex and unresolved observed discharge. Such situations occur frequently and are
issues associated with study of present floods. Conventional generally overlooked when time series of discharges and
flood analysis focuses on providing an estimate of the design flood peaks are being analysed. In other cases, the observa-
flow magnitude that is without bias while making many tion of the flood does not have the same precision and accu-
assumptions and estimates (Arnell, 1988). These issues are racy as ‘normal’ measurements, and frequently, the flood
important background for any consideration of change value is made using a different technology than the balance
either in the past or in the future. Because floods are extreme of the stage-discharge methods. Potter and Walker (1981)
and relatively rare events, it is difficult to measure them, report that above a given threshold, an indirect measure-
difficult to determine their statistical properties, and difficult ment of discharge is usually used to estimate flood dis-
to model them. Most studies of changes in floods related to charges, creating a discontinuous measurement error where
climate make many assumptions about these aspects of the errors are significantly greater than for the direct meas-
floods, and much of that literature makes no comment about urements. This bias is particularly important with regard to
the assumptions. The brief summary presented later consid- flood frequency analysis. In many cases, the rating curve is
ers two key aspects, the issues with respect to statistical treat- extended beyond the actual measurements. Kuczera (1996)
ment of floods and the modelling of floods; however, this is proposed an incremental rating curve error model to address
not an exhaustive list. Research is active in all the areas rating-curve extension for floods frequency inference. Clarke

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Changing floods in future climates 345

Norrish Creek near Dewdney 08MH058


Stage (m)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Q (m /s)

Figure 2 Stage discharge relationship for Norrish Creek (BC, Canada) where the highest stage has greater than three times the next
highest discharge and more than twice the highest observed river stage.

(1999) described uncertainty in the estimation of mean Another method of change detection considers the analy-
annual flood because of rating-curve indefinition. Whitfield sis of the distribution parameters of the parent distribution.
and Hendrata (2006) demonstrate the uncertainty of high If the parent distribution changes over time, then trends can
discharge where the error is in the range 30–100% from be determined for any or all of location, scale, and shape.
rating curves. Strupczewski et al. (2001a) used maximum likelihood esti-
Statistical analysis of floods is based on a number of mation to determine trends in the first two moments of the
assumptions. Because floods are not normally distributed, annual maximum series, while Strupczewski et al. (2001b)
determining the nature of the parent distribution has been used weighted least squares estimation to address trends in
approached both theoretically and pragmatically. If the the annual maximum series. Merz and Blöschl (2009) exam-
parent distribution was known, then the analysis of floods ined process controls on statistical flood moments in Austria
would be more certain. Theoretically, the generalised where flood run-off is more strongly controlled by catch-
extreme value distribution (GEV), a family of continuous ment moisture than by event precipitation. The hydroclima-
probability distributions that combines the Gumbel, tology of catchments is strongly correlated with mean
Fréchet, and Weibull families, has general application to annual flood and its variance.
floods. These distributions have three parameters (location, Watershed attributes may be used to resolve or predict the
scale, and shape) and are independent and identically dis- potential for floods. Bell and Om Kar (1969) assessed the
tributed (iid). More common, and generally standard prac- various roles of basin characteristics in determination of
tice in engineering, is the Log Pearson Type III distribution. hydrograph parameters; several of these parameters are
Griffis and Stedinger (2007, 2009) and Stedinger and Griffis affected strongly by storm types and the durations and
(2008) called for an updating of Bulletin 17b to maintain intensities of rainfall. O’Connell et al. (2004) demonstrate
the statistical credibility and to provide better risk and that the annual maximum flood frequency curve is affected
uncertainty assessments. Douglas and Vogel (2006) consid- by basin characteristics, and the evapotranspiration and
ered the probabilistic behaviour of floods of record. If rainfall regime (i.e. climate), particularly the role of soil
annual floods arise from a GEV, then floods of record arise moisture. Waylen and Woo (1981) present a method for
from a GEVmax because floods of record are more extreme predicting the probability distribution of annuals floods in
and cluster spatially at regional and national scales in the the Fraser River catchment based upon the Gumbel distri-
United States. bution. Within regions, regression analysis is use to relate

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346 Whitfield

physiographic and climatic variables to the properties of the spatial correlation is ignored, the records are not serially
annual flood series. Gustard (1983) examined the regional independent.
variability of soil characteristics for flood estimation; the Because floods are generated by different processes, a
magnitude of events is controlled by the proportion of the sampled population of floods may contain mixtures of types.
rainfall-generating run-off. Woo and Waylen (1984) considered approaches where floods
Drainage area is generally a strong determinant of are produced by two different mechanisms. Gingras and Ada-
flood magnitude, plotting the long-term average annual mowski (1993) show that flood distributions in river of New
maximum against area, a standard evaluation tool. Herschy Brunswick can have multimodal or unimodal densities
(2002) produced a world envelope plotting maximum floods because of different flood-generating mechanisms. Alila and
against drainage area using the power law Q = 500A0.43 (m3/s Mtiraoui (2002) discuss the implications of heterogeneous
km2). Griffiths and McKerchar (2008) examined flood flood frequency distributions on stream-discharge predic-
records from catchments in New Zealand and showed that tion techniques. Mixtures of flood populations clearly do not
flood peaks are related to basin area in New Zealand. Xiao meet the homogeneity assumptions of many analysis tech-
et al. (2009) demonstrate that flood peaks and floods niques. Flood mixtures can result from climate system fea-
volumes are correlated and need to be described by multiple tures, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal
variables. Oscillation (PDO), and also flood-generating processes,
Floods also demonstrate regional characteristics; such snowmelt, rain, and rain-on-snow. Claps and Laio (2003)
characteristics could allow improved understanding of the showed that the shape of rainfall and run-off distributions
relationship of floods to basin characteristics and hence are indistinguishable for pluvial systems; however, where the
enable generalisations at a larger scale. Regional approaches flood mechanism is melting snow, the basins show a marked
can provide an improved statistical characterisation than change in ‘shape’ compared with rainfall curves. Maas and
individual analyses (Bobée and Rasmussen, 1994). Pilon and Macklin (2002) demonstrated 12 periods of increased flood-
Adamowski (1992) approach regional flood frequency ing in the past 150 years in a watershed on Crete, periods
analysis using l-moments; they demonstrate that there is correlated with the phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation
sufficient sampling error in L-skewness that a relationship (NAO). In negative phases of the NAO, floods are more
to basin characteristics cannot be determined and that a common; during the past 40 years, the NAO index has been
regional GEV is better than single site analysis. Srinivas et al. increasing, and major flooding has declined. More robust
(2008) updated regionalisation approaches to combine self- methods for dealing with such mixed populations of floods
organising feature maps and fuzzy clustering, techniques are crucial, especially when considering future climates
that find natural groups of watersheds with homogenous where a change in flood-generating processes, such as from
hydrological responses. Saf (2009) developed a regional rela- snowmelt to rain-on-snow, or changes in the climate system,
tionship between the magnitude of the peak flood and catch- such as NAO need to be assessed.
ment area; using a regional flood frequency analysis, they Flood frequency analysis has two basic approaches. The
could then apply to ungauged catchments. Kjeldsen and first considers the ‘annual series’ where the time series is
Jones (2009) describe a formal statistical model for region formed by the annual maximum flow. The second is the
of influence method used in regional frequency analysis of ‘partial series’ or ‘peaks over threshold’ (POTs) where all
extreme floods to improve on existing methods. These issues flood events above some threshold are considered. The
apply to all flood frequency analyses – how to define hydro- annual series has the expected property that floods in differ-
logical similarity, the size of pooling groups, and calculation ent years are likely to be independent. The partial series is a
of the pooled l-moment ratios. Regional approaches are par- more complete sampling of flood events, particularly when
ticularly useful for estimating floods for ungauged sites and two or three events occur in a single year, but such events
particularly for future climates. may not be independent. The annual series may be best
While regional properties are useful in extrapolation, they applied to systems where single snowmelt floods predomi-
present a dilemma for those seeking to determine changes nate, while partial series is more practical when there are
over time. If a spatial correlation among floods exists, it can multiple floods during the year. The POT method has
be considered to reduce sample size, or it can be viewed as a important complications that can be adequately addressed
correlate increasing confidence. Douglas et al. (2000) found in the analysis of an individual flood series but are more
trends in floods occur in two thirds of the individual cases; difficult to apply to large numbers of series. Lang et al.
however, using a regional test, there was no evidence of (1999) review over-threshold modelling and its complexity.
trends in flood flows in the United States. Vogel et al. (2001) Rasmussen et al. (1994) document the advantages of the
assess the frequency of record breaking floods in the United POTs approach over the annual maximum flood approach;
States. For periods from 10 to 80 years, the annual flood they include objective criteria to determine appropriate
series behave as if serially independent; however, when thresholds. Whitfield and Covic (1998) provided a method

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for testing the statistical independence of events within a memory in flood analysis. These approaches seek to directly
POT series. Cox et al. (2002) provide some new methods incorporate long-term persistence in the analysis.
dealing with extreme floods that are not in common use at Other approaches to flood frequency analysis under con-
this time, such as a Bayesian pooling of information from sideration include Bayesian and nonparametric methods.
a range of sources. Despite the prevalence of annual Seidou et al. (2006) combined local and regional informa-
maximum flood analysis, its applicability to rainfall and tion in a Bayesian flood frequency analysis. Ribatet et al.
rain-on-snow systems is limited. In future climates with (2007) provide a regional Bayesian POT flood frequency
warmer, wetter conditions, changes in flood generation model. Adamowski (1985) described a nonparametric
mechanisms from snowmelt to rain-on-snow or rainfall will method for flood frequency analysis that does not make
require appropriate analysis comparing frequencies of assumptions about how floods are distributed. Adamowski
similar type events and requiring new methods that combine (1989) examined the relationship of flood magnitude to fre-
POTs methods with mixed population approaches. quency of occurrence for both parametric and nonparamet-
Classical flood frequency analysis assumes that the statis- ric methods. Nonparametric methods are accurate, uniform,
tical process does not change over time or space, termed and particularly suitable for multimodal data, including
stationarity. Flood protection systems have been designed more accurate estimates of the tail of a distribution. The
and operated based on the assumption of stationarity of approaches seek to provide robust alternatives to the
hydrological processes (Kundzewicz, 2002). If this assump- methods in common use.
tion is incorrect, the design procedures used to construct In summary, there are a considerable number of issues
existing and future infrastructure would require revision. under active consideration in the hydrological community
There is clear evidence that stationarity is not the case that have direct relevance to understanding changes in
(Gosnold et al., 2000) and that even modest changes in floods. First, floods are difficult to measure, and often, these
climate can result in large changes in flood magnitude extremes have much greater and different measurement
(Knox, 1993). Strupczewski and Kaczmarek (2001) present a errors than the majority of streamflow data. Second, while
nonstationary method of flood frequency analysis in a study practical choices have been made to support engineering
of trends in annual maximum flows in Polish rivers; they practice, we do not actually know the parent statistical dis-
report a general tendency of decreases in both the mean and tribution of floods. Third, flood frequency analysis involves
standard deviation of the annual peak series but not of many assumptions, assumptions that might not hold in a
floods during summer. Cunderlik et al. (2007) describe an future climate. In future, many aspects of floods in addition
alternative method for nonstationary flood frequency mod- to magnitude and return period might change statistical
elling. Ouarda et al. (1999) determined that streamflow distribution, mixed populations of flood types, long-term
series in Québec were nonstationary, likely as a result of persistence, stationarity, land use, and regional characteris-
climate variations. Remillard et al. (2004) identified regions tics. Finally, when considering future floods, we should
where a seasonal flood approach would address stationarity; analyse annual series or points over threshold series. Fre-
they examined the seasonal characteristics of floods from quently, the literature that considers the climate change
166 hydrometric stations in Canada, grouping series based effects on floods does not consider the impacts that these
on flood-generating processes using ‘seasonal’ time periods. issues might have on their results.
Olsen (2006) evaluates several statistical methods of flood-
risk estimation that do not assume climate stationarity. The
Modelling issues
assumption behind classical flood-risk analysis is that
climate is stationary. These approaches seek to reduce the Because models of floods in future climate rely on the
impact of nonstationarity on the analyses. present capability and limitations of flood models, the
An alternative approach is to incorporate long-term per- results from such models need to be considered with care.
sistence, frequently referred to as the Hurst phenomena Modelling present floods is done using a variety of either
(Koutsoyiannis, 2003), where annual maxima are strongly conceptually or physically based models. Wheater (2002)
dependent. From the classic sense, the existence of long-term reviewed the present capability of flood modelling and iden-
memory reduces the number of independent observations. tified needed improvements: appropriate representation of
Burn and Goel (2000, 2001) examined the 117-year flood spatial distribution of precipitation, simulation of ungauged
series of the Red River at Winnipeg and demonstrated that catchments, land-use and land-management effects, urban
long-term persistence exists, and effectively, there is only 45 flooding, parameterisations of in-channel and flood plain
years of independent data. From the other perspective, long- flows, and decision support modelling framework. Beven
term persistence has been associated with climate variations. (1993) considered the impact of a warmer, wetter Britain,
Recently, Charpentier and Sibai (2009) considered combin- generally suggesting an increase in the frequency and mag-
ing the Gumbel (1941) iid approach and Hurst long-term nitude of flooding. While it may be difficult to separate the

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348 Whitfield

500 40
Q (m3/s)

Q (m3/s)
200 15
1973-1993 2013-2033 2043-2083 2073-2093 1973-1993 2013-2033 2043-2083 2073-2093
0 0
Englishman (CGCM2b – portial series) Kanaka (CGCM2b – portial series)

30 1800

25 1500

20 1200
Q (m3/s)

Q (m3/s)
15 900

10 600

5 300
1873-1983 2013-2033 2043-2063 2073-2083 1873-1983 2013-2033 2043-2063 2073-2083
0 0
Roberts (CGCM2b – portial series) San Juan (CGCM2b – portial series)
Figure 3 Modelled future floods using IHACRES, for the 10 year (blue), 100-year (green), and 200-year (gold) partial duration series [all
events greater than Q05 in modelled present, using Coupled Global Climate Model 2 (CGCM2) output for scenario B].

effects of changing climate from those of land-use change, (2009) used a limit of acceptability approach to model evalu-
Beven (1993) provide guidance for reducing uncertainty ation and uncertainty estimation with respect to flood fre-
through research that improved data collection and model quency. Results show that individual model realisations,
improvements to reduce levels of predictive uncertainty. using the same parameter values, for similar lengths of simu-
Allamano et al. (2006) modelled a four similar rainfall- lation can be very significant in terms of acceptability. Wang
driven watersheds using the conceptual model IHACRES and et al. (2005) used output from a regional model driven by
downscaled climate from Coupled Global Climate Model 2. ECHAM and ERA40 to drive HBV model of the Suir River in
Using models well calibrated to present conditions, projec- Ireland, reproducing present day streamflows relatively well
tions for floods in future climates produce contrary results but overpredicting flooding.
(Figure 3); models for two watersheds produce increasing The spatial resolution of models can affect model outputs.
floods in future climates and two decreasing floods, the Booij (2003, 2005) assessed the impact of different spatial
combine effect of equifinality and extrapolation outside the model resolution on estimates of climate change effects on
observed range, and the assumption that the model param- river flooding. Using HBV with three spatial resolutions,
eters will remain constant. It is frequently argued that more results became ‘better’ with increasing model resolution but
physically based models have a greater potential for accuracy overestimated mean discharge and underestimated flood
when used for conditions beyond the range of conditions peaks. The underestimation of peaks is attributed to limits
used during calibration, as they are focused on physical proc- to observed precipitation. There is large uncertainty with
esses. Younger et al. (2009) examined the effects of spatial respect to flooding in future climates (~40%) that is much
variability of rainfall within hydrological modelling; higher greater than the climate uncertainty (less than 10%).
rainfall in low-lying or high areas of the catchment changed Physically based models rely on the physics of hydro-
both event peaks and stream baseflow. Such conceptual logical processes and parameterisations to accommodate
models have limited parameters and rely on statistical fitting multiple scales. Valeo and Rasmussen (2000) explored the
to map inputs onto outputs. Most of the conceptual models relationship between topography and contributing area to
in use perform well in representing current conditions. flood frequency; for 10-year return periods, all topographi-
However, for many of the models in use, multiple parameter cal distributions produced peak flows similar in magni-
settings produce equally valid outputs. Blazkova and Beven tude, while at higher return periods, the flows for the four

© 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365
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Changing floods in future climates 349

topographies were distinctly different. Liu et al. (2008) used problematic. More typically, we use a single GCM for a single
a physically based distributed hydrological model for flood scenario downscaled (statistically or dynamically) to a single
forecasting in catchments with different conditions; the pseudo-weather record to drive a single hydrological model
model was shown to perform well for flood simulation and using a single set of model parameters to make projections
was also expected to work well for ungauged basins. for a future time period, assuming that all the attributes of
Hydrological models have large uncertainties; they are the modelling chain will remain constant. In hydrology, this
designed for stationary conditions, and split sample model- usually involved large changes in scales. While GCMs
ling is not possible. Conceptual models and physical models perform well with many atmospheric components, they do
both present challenges when applied to future conditions. not always reproduce climate system features, such as ENSO,
Beven (1993) considered the impact of a warmer wetter on PDO, and NAO, features that are important in hydrology.
flooding in Britain, generally suggesting an increase in the
frequency and magnitude of flooding. While it may be dif-
ficult to separate the effects of changing climate from those Detecting changes in flood frequency
of land-use change, Beven (1993) provide guidance for and magnitude in the recent past
reducing uncertainty through research that improved data
This section reviews publications that considered floods that
collection and model improvements to reduce levels of
have occurred in the observational record. Reports of recent
predictive uncertainty. The testing methods for fitness for
flooding are frequently interpreted as evidence of a trend
purpose need to be more widely implemented.
towards more extreme weather. The physical processes that
Models and statistical analyses of future climates generally
generate floods are varied and complex (Table 1). In a
involve obtaining estimates outside the existing range of
warmer atmosphere, it is likely that precipitation will
observed variables. For conceptual models and statistics
increase and that the pattern and tracks of storms will also
based upon real data, this can present difficulties, as the
change, changing the potential for excess rainfall to become
‘known’ behaviour is based upon those observations. Seibert
more common in many areas of the globe. In warmer
(2003) assessed the reliability of conceptual model predic-
climate changes to flood-generating processes that involve
tions outside calibration conditions. While predictions of
frozen water, rain-on-snow floods, snowmelt, and ice jams
probabilities and magnitudes of extreme events are essential,
will change at the local scale as processes shift poleward and
conceptual models should not be used to extrapolate outside
to higher elevations. These processes will also shift in time at
of the calibration range. Using HBV for four catchments and
the local level with snowmelt run-off shifting to earlier in the
split-sampling between low-flow and high-flow periods,
year. At the local scale, landscape and land use play an impor-
Seibert (2003) applied a model to conditions different from
tant role. For example, Schiermeier (2003) reported that
those observed during calibration. This clearly demon-
some observers to the 2003 flooding in the Elbe basin sug-
strated that results could be inaccurate, and even improved
gested that the flooding was evidence of such a trend.
calibration procedures might not provide more accurate
However, a comprehensive analysis indicated that there was
flood estimates. Results from such studies should be inter-
no evidence of this being the case; the research showed no
preted with care.
upward trend in frequency of summertime flooding. In the
Similar effects can be demonstrated for other aspects of
same area, winter flooding frequency has decreased in the
hydrological modelling, particularly scaling. Booij (2003)
past century. Findings from such studies need to be inter-
examined appropriate scales for river basin modelling, par-
preted with caution; ‘flooding’ should be better linked to the
ticularly for floods. Identifying appropriate scales improves
generating mechanisms and better separated from the
model construction and can also be used to address issues
damages that occur from increased exposure, such as con-
of observation network scales. In many climatic areas of
tinued building in the floodplain.
Canada where floods are generated from snowmelt and rain-
on-snow events, simple scaling properties of flood flows are
Meteorological floods
appropriate (Yue and Gan, 2009). However, in areas where
snowmelt is not involved, simple scaling is inappropriate. Intense rainfall in urban areas frequently results in local
Blöschl et al. (2007) consider the scales at which climate flooding, the result of excess precipitation, and insufficient
variability and land cover changes affect flooding. Concep- drainage or urban planning. It is estimated, using regional
tually, land-use effects are greatest at small spatial scales, frequency analysis, that the magnitude of extreme rainfall
while climate effects remain relatively constant. has increased twofold over parts of the UK since the 1960s
The grand challenge is that floods are an extreme, and (Fowler and Kilsby, 2003). Smith et al. (2002) describe the
extremes are not well reproduced in GCMs. Currently, we do regional hydrology of extreme floods in urbanising areas.
not know how to best use the GCMs ensembles, and because While five of the largest floods had occurred in the past
not all GCMs are not independent, selecting members is decade, there were several factors responsible: the roles of

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350 Whitfield

space-time variability of rainfall, antecedent soil moisture, flooding is of interest. Webb and Betancourt (1992) diag-
expansion of impervious area, and the alteration of drainage nosed long-term variations of the annual flood series of the
patterns. Because floods have different generating mecha- Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona, to find that ENSO
nisms, and a range of attributes, it is useful to consider them status modulates the return intervals of floods of all sizes.
separately. In the following sections, observed changes in They demonstrate that the probability that an annual flood
generating mechanisms and attributes that are also likely to will rank in the upper third of the historical annual flood
change in future climate are considered, including the role of series is enhanced in the US Northwest (in many cases,
landscape and land use. To best understand floods in future amounting to twice the normal probabilities) and dimin-
climates, we need to perform careful analysis of basin char- ished in the US Southwest. In the eastern United States,
acteristics, land use, drainage, and urbanisation, if the effects probabilities of large annual floods consistently reflect higher
of changing climate are to be detected, accurately measured, probabilities of the upper third of annual floods in the rivers
and correctly interpreted and attributed. along the Appalachians, Great Lakes, and north central states
Observed changes in precipitation involve more than just with lower probabilities in many rivers of the Northern Mis-
amounts and should also consider intensity, storm fre- sissippi basin. Duckstein et al. (1993) provides a case study of
quency, and storm tracks. Increased intensity and increased the linkage between the occurrence of atmospheric circula-
frequency of heavy rainfall events will result in an increased tion patterns and floods in Arizona for a 40-year period,
potential for excess precipitation. The IPPC describes linking two circulation pattern frequencies to floods that
increases in precipitation amount quite thoroughly at the occur year round and another two only to winter floods.
global scale. Local-scale changes in precipitation are not Winter floods are linked to circulation patterns, but summer
adequately resolved in GCMs but can result in changed floods generated from convective activity are not. They also
potential for flooding. demonstrated the usefulness of climate indices in studying
Changes in precipitation at the local scale will be impor- the nonstationarities of circulation patterns. Jain and Lall
tant for understanding how changes in precipitation in (2000) showed that PDO and ENSO affected timing and
future might affect flooding. Huff (1995) investigated major magnitude of floods in Utah. Jain and Lall (2001) reported
hydrometeorological factors affecting flood-producing rain- that nonstationarities of floods associated with anthropo-
storms in urban- and small-area basins in the Chicago area, genic climate change and with the low-frequency climate
describing the enhancement of urban-induced precipitation states are not well understood. Kiem et al. (2002) showed the
and an upward trend in heavy rainfall events. Smith et al. strong effect of climate variability (ENSO and PDO) in flood
(2000) described catastrophic rainfall and flooding in Texas. risk. Wu and Gough (2007) assessed the teleconnection
They show that different storm structure, evolution, and between floods in the Yangtze and El Niño events. They
motion can maximise flood peaks in a drainage basin. Yin demonstrate that the main cycle of flood variations is much
(2005) demonstrated a poleward shift in storm tracks and longer than the El Niño cycles; generally, this delays floods by
expansion of baroclinic regions in midlatitudes. A poleward 1 year and that the shorter the interval between events, the
shift in storm tracks in future climates have potential impacts sooner the next flood occurs. Many other correlative studies
on flooding in midlatitudes. More generally, changes in also show associations between large-scale climate features,
storm tracks could affect the frequency and magnitude of synoptic patterns, mesoscale meteorology, and flooding. In
heavy precipitation events at the local scale. Bosilovich et al. future climates, these large-scale features are expected to
(2003) describe the Mississippi flooding of 1993, linking change; hence, changes in circulation patterns affecting flood
the flooding with local precipitation recycling and, hence, the events are likely to also occur. For example, in areas where
magnitude of flooding to the wet state of the basin. Where the flooding is related to El Niño, changes in the frequency of El
wetness of a basin is high, there is increased potential for Niño will affect the frequency of flooding. However, there
supplying water to local convective systems. Each of these needs to be improved predictability of these effects because
selected studies demonstrates a local effect that has potential much of the existing evidence is associative rather than
to change in future. Storm structure and motion, storm mechanistic. Rainfall-generated floods in the north, and
tracks and storm series patterns, local recycling of moisture west, of the UK were correlated with the NAO (Hannaford
in convective cells, and urban inducement are examples of and Marsh, 2008). Cunderlik and Ouarda (2009) demon-
more local-scale precipitation processes that are expected to strated that snowmelt floods in Canada were earlier and
change in future climates. decreasing in magnitude in 20% of the cases studied; fall
Also likely to change in future climates are large-scale flood event were, however, increasing in magnitude.
climate system features, such as El Niño, NAO, and PDO. In a
Hydrological floods
warmer climate with increased atmospheric flux of water in
the frequency and magnitude of these could change. Because The magnitude of floods is an important attribute to con-
these features have strong effects on local climate, their role in sider as it reflects the maximum height the water achieves. In

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Changing floods in future climates 351

some cases, this is also the maximum discharge but not when use and flow regulation in addition to climate; unfortu-
the flood is the product of an ice jam or other temporary nately, their analysis did not consider these effects separately.
blockage of the stream. Goulding et al. (2009) showed trends Petrow and Merz (2009) examined trends in flood magni-
in several factors affecting ice-jam flooding, namely a longer tude, frequency, and seasonality for the period between 1951
prebreak-up melt interval, a lower peak discharge and rate of and 2002. Several recent destructive floods led to an impres-
rise in discharge, and a lower ice thickness. Rainfall intensity, sion of increased frequency and magnitude of floods. There
rainfall duration, storm movement, permeability, and ante- were significant flood trends at 10% significance level;
cedent moisture each have predictable effects on flood increasing flood trends predominate, and decreasing flood
hydrographs (Roberts and Klingeman, 1970). Rainfall run- trends are rare and not field significant. Basins with signifi-
off processes require distinction between high-intensity cant trends are spatially and seasonally coherent in different
local-scale events and long-lasting large-scale events cover- areas of Germany, suggesting that the changes are climate
ing large areas, and the complex nonlinear and space-time driven.
variable nature of precipitation systems (Bronstert, 1995). Douglas et al. (2000) found no evidence of trends in
Gupta et al. (2002) described the linkage the convective flood flows in the United States. There was no evidence of
instability of subtropical air masses that can lead to rapid increased extreme river floods in Central Europe nor was
development of intense thunderstorms and severe flooding, there an upward trend in frequency of summertime flooding
and generation of floods. Gupta (2004) showed that aggre- (Mudelsee et al., 2003). Winter flooding frequency has
gated behaviour of peak flows exhibits statistical scale invari- decreased in the past century. Kundzewicz et al. (2005)
ance; the physical processes governing floods in river basins found increases (in 27 locations) and decreases (in 31 loca-
are highly variable, suggesting a large number of model tions), and no trend in the remaining 137 of the 195 catch-
parameters, most of which cannot be measured. ments they examined worldwide. Findings from such studies
Bronstert (1995) assessed river flooding in Germany, par- need to be interpreted with caution; the absence of an
ticularly the influence of climate change. In Germany, upward trend in flood magnitude or frequency is not neces-
climate change is mainly affecting meteorological conditions sarily reassuring. Wilby et al. (2008) reviewed potential effect
and, to a lesser extent, the amount of moisture in the water- of climate change on river flooding emphasising the need to
shed. Mansell (1997) assessed the general increase in river understand flood-generating mechanisms.
flows and floods in four Scottish catchments for a 30-year- These seemingly diametrically opposed results are typical
period, where the increase in flooding has been greater than of such analyses. Different authors considering different
the increase in precipitation during the same period. He periods of records from different rivers with different gen-
proposed that the difference is due to changes in the distri- erating mechanisms using different statistical techniques
bution and pattern of rainfall. Sefton and Boorman (1997) simply get different results. Most of the studies showing
investigated regional climate change impacts on UK stream- increased frequency of flooding are areas where rainfall is the
flows that resulted in increased flooding in the north and principal generating mechanism; studies where trends are
west of the UK. In the UK, the intensity of rainfall has not being consistently detected generally include a broader
increased significantly in the past 40 years (Osborn and variety of flood-generating mechanisms.
Hulme, 2002). Robson (2002) assessed local and national It is also of interest to consider floods from a much longer
flood series in the UK in relation to climate variability. In the timescale than the instrumental record. Such studies provide
past 30–50 years, there has been a trend towards more pro- a frame of reference for the observational records and par-
tracted high flows that could be attributed to climate vari- ticularly for floods in relation to long-term climate variations.
ability; however, there is no statistical evidence of long-term Knox (1993) examined a 7000-year record for the Mississippi
trends in flooding over the past 80–120 years. Tu et al. (2004) River that shows a high sensitivity of flood to changes in
studied changes in the flood regime of the Meuse River climate. During warmer, drier periods, the largest floods were
(Belgium) under climate variability. Five of the seven largest extremely rare and about the size of today’s 50-year event,
floods in the Meuse within the period 1911–2003 occurred while in a cooler, wetter periods, they were the size of today’s
in the most recent decade. They emphasised the need to 500-year events; these differences with variations of 1–2 °C
separate the effects of land-use change from climate change. and <20% precipitation change. Fraedrich et al. (1997) exam-
Hannaford and Marsh (2008) tested for trends in flood mag- ined the historical record of the Nile River showing eight
nitude and frequency, and duration showing significant almost synchronous abrupt changes in Nile flood levels, and
positive trends over the 30–40 years prior to 2003 in all many are associated with 35- to 45-year periods of persistent
indicators in upland maritime-influenced catchments in the high or low floods. They relate these periods to variations in
north and west of the UK. Villarini et al. (2009) assessed midlatitude (sea surface temperatures, similar to the NAO).
change in annual flood peaks of 50 rivers in the United States Ely (1997) examined paleofloods in Arizona and Utah where
and found profound changes that involve changes in land winter storms and tropical cyclones are linked to largest

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352 Whitfield

events, and a relationship to El Niño over 3000 years is ous areas, in Canada, Leith and Whitfield (1998), Whitfield
evident. Knox (2000) determined from flood chronologies and Cannon (2000), and Rood et al. (2008) demonstrated
from several regions that more frequent occurrence of large that changes in seasonal hydrology, particularly earlier
and extreme floods is associated with periods of rapid climate timing of spring and peak flows that constitute the annual
change. Since the 1950s, floods have been sometimes attrib- flood. Changes in the timing of floods are expected to be
uted to land-use change, while climate change is an active explained by changes in the generating process; for example,
factor (Knox, 2000). The geomorphic record, tree ring analy- in warmer climates, snowmelt peaks are expected to occur
sis, or diatom studies can reveal evidence of the occurrence earlier in the year.
and magnitude of past extreme floods (St. George and While changes in climate are going to affect floods,
Nielsen, 2002). Further, they suggest that research should changes in landscape and land use must not be discounted. A
develop paleoflood records for a sample of rivers in different variety of basin attributes affect the flood response of a basin
climatic regimes that extend significantly beyond measured (Srinivas et al., 2008) include the physiographical character-
and historical floods records. Such records would begin to istics, such as drainage area, stream length, slope, basin
address the issue of how the frequency of high-magnitude storage, and reservoirs; soil covers characteristics such as
flood events responds to climate variations. Innovative, infiltration potential and run-off coefficients, land-use
multidisciplinary research approaches will have to be utilised patterns, drainage characteristics, geographical location
in order to obtain these reconstructions in some geomorphic (latitude, longitude, and elevation), meteorological charac-
settings and also tie in with the use of current climate condi- teristics such as storm tracks and seasonality of the occur-
tions and numerical weather prediction models. rence of floods, and the geological features of the basin.
The detection of anthropogenically forced changes in Changes to land use have been widely shown to alter floods.
flooding is difficult because of the substantial natural vari- Hewlett and Doss (1984) using a paired watershed experi-
ability and the dependence of streamflow trends on flood ment assessed the effects of clear cutting and regeneration of
typology. Milly et al. (2002) detected an upward trend in the pine forests; small storm flows on dry soils are greatly
global frequency of ‘great floods’ (100-year floods on river increased (by 50% or more), but larger annual floods on wet
basins larger than 200 000 km2). This statistically significant soils only increased by 10–15%. Cazorzi and Dalla Fontana
positive trend in risk of great floods is consistent with results (1994) provide a case study of land-use change increasing
from climate models and suggests that the trend will con- flood hazard. Changnon and Demissie (1996) considered
tinue. Milly et al. (2005) argue that the global pattern of 20th detecting changes in streamflow, including floods, from
century global trends in mean annual streamflow was par- climate change that are complicated by changes in land use,
tially controlled by forced climate change, although trends in drainage, and water use. They compared annual mean flows
any single region could be explained by internal variability. and peak flows in Midwestern basins during the period
While studies of flood frequency and magnitude domi- 1940–1990. All four basins experienced an upward trend in
nate much flood research, changes in climate, particularly precipitation and annual mean flows. Human produced
temperature, would also affect the seasonal pattern of floods. changes in rural basins account for 2/3 of the fluctuations in
Harvey (1971) described the differences between summer mean flows and precipitation of the balance. Most of the
and winter floods on a clay catchment in the UK where change (85%) in peak flows was attributable to changes in
major floods result from longer and more complex rain drainage in these rural basins. In urban basins, where one
periods. Summer events are generally smaller, as run-off is urban area doubled during the period, changes in precipita-
being generated from a portion of the catchment; in winter, tion accounted for 69% of the upward trends in the heavily
there tends to be more widespread precipitation, higher soil urbanised basin, and 37% is the other. Increases in precipi-
moistures, and difference in crop cover. Black and Werritty tation during the study period resulted in increased stream-
(1997) examined the seasonality of flooding in North flows, but the magnitude was masked by changes in land use.
Britain; while there is considerable spatial variation in sea- Smith et al. (2000) described catastrophic rainfall and flood-
sonal flooding, floods occur predominantly (78%) in winter. ing in Texas where the storm properties are linked to the
These patterns are explained by seasonality of storm rainfall, basin characteristics. Niehoff et al. (2002) examined the
soil moisture deficits, catchment size, and lake storage. Sui impacts of changes in land use on storm-run-off generation
and Koehler (2001) examined the space-time variability of using different land-use scenarios. The influence of land-use
precipitation and snow in flood generation where elevation conditions is dependent upon the rainfall event characteris-
plays a major determining role above 400 m. Zhang et al. tics and the spatial scale; it is more relevant for high-intensity
(2001b) examined floods on the Great Plains of Eastern convective events in contrast with low-intensity long-lasting
Nebraska. This area has a high frequency of organised thun- advective storms. However, this scale is of minor relevance in
derstorm systems that result in a sharp seasonal peak in large river basins. Savary et al. (2009) assessed the effects of
flooding in late June. In more snow-dominated mountain- changes in land cover on run-off using hydrological models

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Changing floods in future climates 353

and remote sensing. Simulations show strong correlations

between land-cover changes and basin discharges; land cover
is a governing factor of watershed hydrology.
Direct actions to alter flood risks also have received
widespread attention. Gergel et al. (2002) examined the eco-
logical consequence of human-altered floods along the
Wisconsin River, where levees have the greatest effects on the
highest magnitude flood events. Tarhule (2005) examined
damaging rainfall and flooding in the Sahel and area more
often noted for drought; between 1970 and 2000, newspa-
pers report 79 damaging rainfall and flood events driven by
land-use patterns. Wolski and Murray-Hudson (2008) inves-
tigated the permanent and transient changes in flood distri-
butions in Okavango Delta, where flooding is very variable;
tectonic activity, sedimentation, vegetation changes, and
human activities all influence the spatial distribution of Figure 4 Uncertainties of climate change science. Topics in the
floodwaters. Some of the observed changes are transient as a upper left hand corner have high confidence and global scales,
whereas changes in flooding are generally a local hydrological
result of the nonlinear system and variation in the inputs.
impact. GHG, green house gases.
Ferrari et al. (2009) showed the land-use effect of surface
mining enhancement of floods to be linear. While nonsta-
tionarities of floods from land-use changes are well known,
or with different model parameter sets can give different
those associated with anthropogenic climate change and
values of streamflow for the same set of inputs.
with the low-frequency climate states are not (Jain and Lall,
2001). The effects of changes in land-use and drainage pat-
Meteorological floods
terns frequently have a stronger effect than those of climate.
Flood damage potential is not solely connected to climate Before describing these three in more detail, it is necessary to
(Bronstert, 1995) because damage potential is predominated provide some additional background. The outputs of this
by land-use and risk exposure. process are not predictions, rather they are projections. Pro-
There is a considerable and growing body of literature jections are based largely upon scenarios that are used in
reporting an increase in flood magnitude, frequency, or climate change science. Scenarios are coherent, internally
damages. These have been shown to result from changes in consistent, and plausible descriptions of a possible future
land use, risk exposure, and in climate. Many articles do not state of the world (Parry, 2002). All scenarios are equally
consider all the forces of changes in floods and result in a likely and are useful in that they reflect the potential range of
weak attribution. future climate change. In particular, scenarios provide a basis
for comparison between the outputs of various modelling
systems, allowing us to compare like to like within and
between studies. Dankers and Feyen (2009) used different
Projections of future floods emissions scenarios with a single hydrological model and
Modelling floods in future climate usually involves three found very different and even opposite changes in the flood
steps: (1) use of GCMs to provide future climate scenarios, hazard.
(2) use of downscaling techniques [regional climate models At present, there is a growing literature of case studies
(RCMs)/statistical downscaling/weather generators] to shift estimating future flooding potential; however, many of them
GCM output to a scale to that compatible with hydrological do not address the uncertainties of the modelling process.
models, and (3) use of hydrological models to simulate GCMs are the principle method for modelling future
hydrological response. In essence, this process seeks to climates. GCMs are mathematical models of the general cir-
extrapolate from the global scale to the local scale (Figure 4). culation of the atmosphere and the ocean on a rotating
Reviewing this process, Xu et al. (2005) suggest that while sphere. Each of these models uses differential equations and
much progress has been made, large uncertainties remain. parameterisations to model physical processes in a three-
These uncertainties exist in a number of problem areas. First, dimensional grid. GCMs differ in the size and depth of the
the capacity of GCMs to reproduce the current climate is grid and in the physical processes they model or parameter-
limited. Second, there are uncertainties with downscaling ise. Parameterisations are used to ‘capture’ processes that
either by statistical methods, RCM (dynamic downscaling), take place at subgrid scales. In the following, we shall restrict
or weather generators. Third; different hydrological models the discussion to only aspects related to flooding. While

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354 Whitfield

GCMs are commonly used tool for projecting future cli- Whetton et al. (1993) examined the implications of
mates, there is a caution. Koutsoyiannis et al. (2008) argue climate change on floods in Australia. Their simulations
that geographically distributed predictions of future climates of using a doubled atmospheric CO2 increased frequency of
from GCMs are widely used without assessing their reliabil- high-intensity rainfall events that would be expected to lead
ity. They compare the outputs from various models with to increased flooding. They discuss the many difficulties
observations from eight stations with temperature and pre- inherent in their quantitative assessment. Visser et al. (2000)
cipitation records greater than 100 years in length. The indentified key sources of uncertainty in climate change pro-
results of Koutsoyiannis et al. (2008) show the models jections suggesting that higher emissions of green house
perform poorly even at the scale of climatic norms (30 gasses leads to more uncertainty because the key source of
years). Thus, at a local-scale model, projections cannot be uncertainty in GCMs is radiative forcing. Muzik (2002)
credible, and the argument that they perform well at larger reported that rainfall-driven floods in alpine areas in the
scales cannot be supported (Koutsoyiannis et al., 2008). Canadian Rockies would increase in scenarios that have
To enable local impact studies, coarse GCM model output increases in rainfall and its variability. In a multimodel
is downscaled using RCMs, statistical downscaling, or analysis, Palmer and Räisänen (2002) projected a consider-
weather generators. Each of these methods is widely used. able increase in the risk of a very wet winter over much of
RCMs are also used as dynamic downscaling. RCMs use the central and Northern Europe attributed to an increase in
GCM output as boundary conditions and operate much like intense precipitation associated with midlatitude storms.
a GCM but as much higher spatial resolution (~45 km) so The probability of total boreal winter precipitation exceed-
that fewer parameterisations are required. Statistical down- ing two standard deviations above normal was projected to
scaling uses methods to map GCM model projections onto increase considerably (five to sevenfold) for a CO2-doubling
past observations; these methods range from the naïve over large areas of Europe, with likely increased winter flood
(linear regression) to the very sophisticated. At their sim- hazard. Palmer and Räisänen (2002) also projected an
plest, weather generators take the difference in temperature increase in the risk of a very wet monsoon season in Asia.
or precipitation from a future period and the present, and Changes in extreme precipitation for three scenarios and the
apply that ‘delta’ to existing weather. This produces weather spatial patterns of changes in rainfall intensity between
for future that looks like the present patterns but with tem- 1980–1999 and 2080–2099 are showed by the IPCC (2007).
peratures and precipitation that resemble that projected by Large changes in precipitation intensity accompany all the
the GCM. Weather generators are generally the simplest to scenarios with those associated with higher greenhouse gas
apply to hydrological modelling but are falling out of favour concentrations being greater than those with lower emis-
because they generally do not account for changes in weather sions. The modelled increases in precipitation intensity are
patterns and more sophisticated methods are becoming not spatially uniform; the largest increases in intensity are in
more accessible. higher latitudes and also in those present wet areas. Chris-
Because increased precipitation is a key process in most tensen and Christensen (2003) examined future summer-
floods, it has been examined widely. Kothavala (1997) time flooding in Europe and found that despite a general
assessed extreme precipitation events and the applicability of trend to drier summer conditions, episodes of severe flood-
GCMs to studying rainfall driven floods. In a warmer ing will become more frequent because of extreme precipi-
climate, Kothavala (1997) expected an increase in the fre- tation. Mareuil et al. (2007) modelled how climate changes
quency of heavy precipitation events; however, the number might affect the frequency and severity of floods in the Châ-
of rain days decreased, but the intensity increased. Kothavala teauguay River in Québec using output from three GCMs
(1997) suggests that increased instances of wet spells will with the B2 scenario to drive a stochastic weather generator.
result in increased flooding. Abbs (1999) used GCMS to While they show a reduction in the magnitude of floods in
evaluate the assumptions of the simple two parameter model future, large differences exist between the results obtained
used for PMP. These assumptions are (1) that precipitation is with different GCMs. They recommend that physically based
linear with precipitable water, (2) precipitation efficiency hydrological models would reduce the uncertainties of
does not change as the moisture available increases, and (3) similar studies.
terrain modulates the distribution of precipitation but not
the synoptic-scale dynamics. Increases in moisture availabil-
Hydrological floods
ity result in earlier heavier rainfalls that last longer and are
more continuous. As more moisture becomes available, the Milly et al. (2002) report that for 15 out of 16 large
spatial distribution changes, but the precipitation efficiency (>200 000 km2) basins worldwide, the present 100-year peak
does not. The effect of terrain needs to be considered. volumes of monthly river flow are projected to be exceeded
Despite these deficiencies, improved numerical modelling of more frequently for a future with CO2-quadrupling. In some
extreme rainfall events is an important approach. areas, what is given as a 100-year flood now (in the control

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Changing floods in future climates 355

run) is projected to occur much more frequently, even every extreme rainfall. With dense populations along such coastal
2–5 years, albeit with a large uncertainty in these projections. areas around the globe, Kirshen et al. (2008) demonstrated
In many temperate regions, the contribution of snowmelt to that coastal flooding would increase; they show changes in
spring floods is likely to decline (Whitfield and Cannon, return period of the 100-year event for high emission
2000; Zhang et al., 2001a). Warming-induced reduction of becoming a 30-year event by midcentury and even under low
firn cover on glaciers causes enhanced and immediate run- emissions becoming a 70-year event.
off of melt water and can lead to flooding of glacial-fed Prudhomme et al. 2002; 2003) explored the issue of
rivers. Mirza (2002) reports that global warming is likely to downscaling GCMs to a scale relevant to hydrological mod-
have significant effects of the hydrology of the Bangladesh elling for flood frequency studies. Starting with HadCM2
and will lead to more serious floods in the region. Mirza output, they used a series of downscaling methods to gen-
et al. (2003) examined future climate changes impacts on the erate inputs to a hydrological model. They used three
magnitude, depth, and extent of flooding in Bangladesh equally plausible scenarios, increases in frontal activity
using four GCMs and the MIKE11-GIS hydrodynamic with decreased intensity, increased convective activity with
model. Changes in these flood characteristics differ consid- extreme events with increased intensity, and increased
erably between the four GCMs. Changes in the peak dis- rainfall without any change in variability. While all three
charge of the Ganges are expected to be higher than the scenarios lead to increased magnitude and frequency of
Brahmaputra and the Meghna. Greater changes in inunda- flooding, the impact is strongly affected by the type of sce-
tion are expected with lower temperature increases than at nario applied. All three scenarios led to increased frequency
higher temperature increases; reduction of hazard requires and magnitude of extreme flow events; however, they argue
strengthened flood management policies and adaptation that weather generators would be more appropriate than
measures (Mirza et al., 2003). empirical methods. The largest uncertainty can be attrib-
Sefton and Boorman (1997) modelled rainfall-run-off uted to the GCM used with large changes in the magnitude
processes in future climates using a unit-run-off conceptual (Prudhomme et al., 2003). Booij et al. (2007) used a series of
model calibrated against historical data from 39 catchments. different RCMs for different emissions for the Meuse River.
Results show increased flooding in the north and west of An increase of the 100-year flood by about 30% results
England. There is a degree of uncertainty in estimates of largely from increases in winter precipitation, and the
future changes in flood frequency across the UK. Uhlen- uncertainty because of the RCMs input is estimated. Akhtar
brook et al. (1999) examined the uncertainties of a repre- et al. (2008) demonstrate that RCMs underestimate tem-
sentative model structure; this study of equifinality in terms perature and overestimate precipitation.
of floods showed that the 0.01/year flood ranged in magni- Floods can be considered to have four main descriptors:
tude from 40–60 mm/day. Cameron et al. (2000) used TOP- frequency, magnitude, duration, and location (in time) in
MODEL and a generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation addition to place. Panagoulia and Dimou (1997) examined
approach; while scenarios have only a small effect on likeli- the sensitivity of a Greek river basin to global climate change,
hood weighted flood frequency uncertainty bounds, the risk simulating change-pattern scenarios of temperature changes
of a given discharge is changed. They suggest that there is a coupled to precipitation changes; all scenarios yielded larger
need to explicitly deal with uncertainty in modelling frame- flood volumes and greater average peaks with respect to the
work. Roy et al. (2001) examined the impact of climate precipitation increase. Loukas and Quick (1999) examined
change on seasonal floods in the Châteauguay River in the effects of climate change on floods in BC by modelling
Quebec. They used CGCM1 and a coupled hydrology- two watersheds from two different climatic regimes in BC,
hydraulics model of the basin. The results show increased in driven by CGCM1, by examining nine flood parameters.
maximum discharge of up to 250% and increase water levels Floods in the coastal watershed increase in magnitude by
beyond current flood levels. Loukas et al. (2000, 2002) mod- 14%, by volume 94%, in frequency by 11%, and by duration
elled potential climate change impacts on flood-producing 44%; however, the location (timing) of floods remains
mechanisms in two watersheds, one in the interior and the unchanged. In the interior watershed, floods decrease in
other on the coast of British Columbia. While both will be magnitude by 7%, in volume by 38%, and in frequency by
wetter and warmer in future climates, coastal flooding will 23%, with durations increasing by 2.6%. In the interior, the
increase because of rainfall events and winter rain-on-snow location of floods advances by 20 days. Whitfield et al. (2003)
events, in the interior, floods will be produced by spring rain modelled future floods in Georgia Basin and showed that the
and snowmelt events. Coastal floods will increase in fre- frequency of floods increased in all hydrological regimes.
quency and magnitude, while in the interior, both will While models were sufficient to reproduce mean conditions,
decrease. Nicholls et al. (1999) and Mokrech et al. (2008) they performed less well with respect to extremes. In rainfall-
both demonstrate large losses of coastal areas to sea level rise driven regimes, the frequency increased but not the magni-
and an accompanying risk of flooding from storm surge and tude. In Hybrid systems, winter rain-on-snow events

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356 Whitfield

uncertainty in the hydrological model; however, at smaller

watershed scales and in the dry areas of Iran, there were



differences between scenarios. Veijalainen and Vehviläinen


(2008) studied the effects of climate change on design floods


of high-hazard dams in Finland. They use a form of the delta

method to assess five climate change scenarios – the effect
0.8 varies depending upon location, the type of basin, and the
primary mechanism of the flood. Where floods were from
spring snowmelt, there was little change; in southern and
western areas, summer floods driven by rainfall increased
due to increase precipitation. These papers and other illus-
trate the connection between the present hydrological proc-
esses and future climate changes. Temperature controls the
melting of stored frozen water; warmer atmospheric tem-
peratures will result in earlier snowmelt and shorter periods
with snow on the ground. At the local scale, both the form of
precipitation during the winter and the change in amount in
0 future climates may affect the frequency, magnitude, dura-
High Low tion, and timing of floods involving frozen forms of water.
Decreasing Rainfall Influence Veijalainen and Vehviläinen (2008) examined the effect
Figure 5 Model bias demonstrated by the relative magnitude of of climate change on design floods of high-hazard dams
the 10-year flood modelled using different data types relative to in Finland, simulating design floods for the periods 1961–
mean observed 10-year flood. Red is observed, green is a high 2000 and 2070–2100. Temperature and precipitation were
resolution climate dataset, yellow is the NCEP reanalysis dataset, changed using a delta method for five scenarios. For the 34
and blue is based on data from Coupled Global Climate Model 1
dams included in the study, the effect varied depending
after Whitfield et al. 2003.
upon location, the type of basin, and the cause of the flood.
In the north, floods were a product of spring snowmelt, and
increased, while summer snowmelt floods decreased. In floods did not change significantly; in the south and west
snowmelt systems, the magnitude and duration of floods of Finland, the design floods were summer floods that
increased. Maurer and Duffy (2005) consider uncertainty in increased because of design precipitation.
projections of streamflow changes to climate change in Cali- Simonovic and Li (2003) provided a methodology for
fornia using 10 GCMs with statistical downscaling and bias assessment of climate change impacts on large-scale flood
correction to force a hydrological model. While the GCMs protection systems using a modelling framework. Tempera-
predict significantly different regional climate responses, ture and precipitation are used as the main factors affecting
hydrological responses were robust across models: decreases flood flow generation. Their modelling framework is a
in summer low flows and increases in winter flows, and a regional dynamic hydroclimatological assessment model
shift of flow to earlier in the year. An example of model bias that uses floods flows, capacity of control structure, and
is given in Figure 5; Whitfield et al. (2003) modelled stream- failure flow levels at different places in the system. Depend-
flow in present climates using the UBC Watershed Model ing on which climate model is used and on the importance of
and compared the distribution of observed floods with those snowmelt contribution and catchment characteristics and
modelled for the observation period using different inputs. location, the impact of climate change on the flood regime
The bias between observed floods and modelled floods is (magnitude and frequency) can be positive or negative, high-
greatest for rainfall-driven systems and least for snowmelt lighting the uncertainty still remaining in climate change
systems. Higher resolution input data such as the 1-km impacts (Reynard et al., 2004). Wang et al. (2005) used
Danard set has less bias than those of larger grids (National output from a RCM driven by ECHAM and ERA40 to drive
Centres for Environmental Prediction and CGCM1). a HBV model of the Suir River in Ireland. This modelling
Abbaspour et al. (2009) modelled future streamflows in Iran reproduced present day streamflow relatively well but over-
using CGCM3.1 downscaled to 37 climate stations and a soil predicted flooding. Projected future shows an increase in
water assessment tool hydrological model. Their results flood frequency and intensity, reflected by shorter return
show that wet areas of Iran get wetter and dry areas get drier, periods for extreme floods. Wang et al. (2005) suggested
with more frequent and larger intensity floods in wet that a conceptual model is capable of capturing local vari-
regions. At a regional level, the differences between their ability of river flooding. Shrestha and Nestmann (2009) con-
results for scenarios A1b, A2, and B2 were smaller than the sider physically based and data-driven models, and how

© 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365
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Changing floods in future climates 357

uncertainties are propagated in flood predictions. All four (2009) simulated the Columbia River Basin under present
models used (hydrodynamic, Muskingum-Cunge, artificial conditions and also for a 2 °C increase in air temperature
neural network, and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems adjusting both flood control and reservoir infilling rules.
adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system) were Balancing multiple objectives, as is required in many
capable of producing good results, but there are statistical managed water systems, may require changes in exposure to
differences (Nash-Sutcliffe and root mean square error) in risk. In the case of the Columbia, new rule curves were
performance and handling of uncertainty. When using developed, which did not change flood risks.
hydrological models for flood projections, better practice is The complexity of existing situations needs to be taken
to use more than one model and more than one set of model into account for adapting to future flooding. Tol and Langen
parameters, and to judge the output not only on goodness of (2000) provide a 1000-year history of flooding in the Rhine
fit but also on the handling of errors. delta where the current vulnerabilities depend more on the
complex interaction of economics, institutions, politics, and
to a lesser extent climate. Despite a ban on building in the
Reducing future risk ‘strong current zone’ (the area with 0- to 20-year flood-
Dzurik (1978) emphasised the fact that floods are a natural return periods), many residential buildings were build in the
occurrence and a natural consequence of rain and snow. A floodplain of the Chaudière River (Roy et al., 2003). Roy
flood plain is the land that is flooded or could be flooded et al. (2003) argue that in future, flood damages will increase
when the channel is unable to accommodate run-off for for two reasons: first, because building sites are still available,
its watershed. Many rivers overflow their banks every year; and second, no flood protection works have been erected.
others only do so rarely. Over time, all rivers will. Floods will Similarly, Robert et al. (2003) examined the effectiveness of
cause damage wherever societies choose to expose them- flood damage reduction measures in the Montréal region. As
selves to this risk. Bruce (1999) suggested that whatever in other regions of Canada, flood damage reduction meas-
the outcome of emerging research on extreme events in ures based on designation and mapping of floodplains have
a changing climate, it is evident that climate adaptation had no effect on occupancy, have failed to reduce flood
through disaster mitigation measures is of increasing damages, and have not halted increases in such damages.
importance with growing populations in more vulnerable Hunt (2002) suggested that long-term solutions to flooding
regions. Structural approaches to adaptation or mitigation problems, particularly in a changing climate, should be
flood damage generally include thorough hydrological sought in a wider social context.
analysis, such as flood frequency analysis, hydraulic, and A complete review of this is outside the scope of this
hydrological modelling studies, and such approaches will review. Table 5 presents a series of potential questions struc-
continue to be used. tured around the key issues involved in floods in present and
Nonstructural measures of reducing flood damage, such future climates. These questions to a degree parallel the
as delineating and regulating floodplains at a socially Blöschl et al. (2007) report on the United Nations Educa-
acceptable level of risk, depend on similar analyses but tional, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation working group
focus more on avoidance. Hayes (2004) described how an on the relative role of climatic variability and land-cover
interdisciplinary approach to large-scale nonstructural changes on floods. Identifying, assessing, and detecting
flood hazard mitigation might function. Krasovskaia et al. changes in flood processes are fundamental to any detailed
(2007) evaluated the roll of public perception of floods in consideration of floods. Different geographical areas may
the countries around the North Sea. They report that a face a transition to another flood mechanism in a future
limited interest in flood hazard is common; people are climate regime. Because land cover and climatic variability
passive and reluctant about moving, however, reckoning effects on floods are controlled by catchment flow paths,
about the flooding of their own housing different between changes in streamflow are often reported as climate-driven
countries. Many residents living on flood plains or in other in the absence of any possible land use or other hydrological
flood-prone areas are unaware and uneducated with respect alteration. Watersheds are dynamic systems with many
to the risks they face. Responsible communities should processes and interactions in the situation where land use
ensure that all occupants of homes and businesses at risk and climate change interactions and feedbacks may be
are actively informed. altered. Data never are completely sufficient for an accurate
Many hydropower projects balance flood control and representation of the hydrological environment, heteroge-
power generation. Lee et al. (2009) consider how future tem- neity, and scale effects expected to be important in impact
perature changes would impact the US Northwest; with studies; thus, there needs to be a careful examination of
warmer temperatures, snow packs are expected to be lower, how to combine measurements and models across scales.
freshet earlier, and summer flows lower. In such future con- Hydrology remains a data-limited discipline, and the degree
ditions, different operating rules will be required. Lee et al. of limitation is often related to the development stage of the

J Flood Risk Management 5 (2012) 336–365 © 2012 Her Majesty in Right of Canada
Journal of Flood Risk Management © 2012 The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
358 Whitfield

Table 5 Potential questions for assessing floods in future climates

Flood processes and methods for detecting change:
Do the various earth sciences and other field consider and address change in similar ways?
What are the hydrological responses to change, how local are the space and timescales of change?
Which methods of change analysis/detection are suitable, robust, and appropriate?
Is the delta change approach sufficiently robust, particularly where process change is involved?
Changes in flooding in geographic areas:
How can one best use global climate model results in view of the scale change to local watersheds?
How does uncertainty propagate from climate to hydrological models?
How can analyses using spatial analogues be best combined with results from climate models?
If atmospheric circulation patterns change, does this decrease/increase floods at a regional or local scale?
How can one better relate changes in the mean atmospheric characteristics to changes of the extremes?
Land cover and climatic variability effects on floods:
How do land-use change and climate variability modify flow pathways and storage?
What are the changes in soil structure due to vegetation changes (e.g. break-down of soil structure, mineralogy)?
What are the changes in the timescales, e.g. over what timescales does soil structure change occur in response to land cover
What is the resilience of soil hydraulic characteristics to change?
What is the recharge for different settings and how does it change with climate/land-use changes?
Dynamic systems feedbacks and interactions:
How do floods and low flows change with time, and what are the feedback mechanisms controlling them?
What feedbacks of land cover/climate impacts on water resources exist?
What are the positive and negative feedback loops?
How does the water balance affect run-off components (interactions between long and short timescales)?
What are the changes in the coupling between groundwater and surface water linked with land cover change?
Combining measurements and models across scales:
What percentage of catchment area can be changed to another land cover type before a significant change in the flood regime
How do changes in the soil’s hydraulic characteristics because of vegetation changes transfer to larger scales?
How can one upscale local information on soils, vegetation, groundwater, and groundwater–surface water interactions to larger
basins (10 000 km2)?
What are integrative concepts of upscaling/downscaling in the context of impact analyses?
What is the relative role of climatic variability and land cover change on floods and low flows as a function of scale in different
Data scarcity:
How can climate/rainfall, catchments, aquifers, soils, and vegetation be classified (with a view on floods and low flows)?
What processes switch between regimes (temporally, spatially)?
How to best overcome data scarcity to assess the impacts on water resources because of land cover change, and what are the
low-cost options for measuring hydrological response at various scales?
What is the necessary network density required to address a management problem such as the ecological consequences in a
stream after catchment area development?
What variables should be strategically collected that would more directly address impact on hydrological response?

country. To better understand hydrology, the issue of We need to understand that social vulnerability to floods
data scarcity needs to be overcome. The questions in is not well-understood; data on flood casualties are not
Table 5 highlight the issues that should considered in always a proxy for flood risk, and data on flood damages
discussions of this complex topic. are also not always a proxy for flood risk. Finally, Pielke
(1999) questions whether we ‘know’ enough about what
might be done. Does knowledge leads to action? Can the
Final remarks flood problem be addressed without leadership and finan-
Pielke (1999) argued that we ‘know’ the wrong things cial support?
about the nature of the flood problem. We believe that Increases in rainfall and in rainfall intensity suggest that
flood frequencies are well understood. Damaging floods in most prevalent flood-generating processes are likely to
recent years are unprecedented because of ‘global warming’, increase. However, warming will also alter many other
levees prevent damages, and flood forecasts are universally aspects of the global water cycle increasing evaporation,
available. Pielke (1999) suggested that we do not ‘know’ changing land cover and soil properties, changing precipita-
enough about why and with what intensity we should act. tion patterns and intensity, and also affecting the processes

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Changing floods in future climates 359

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contributed to discussions about our understanding of Booij M.J., Huisjes M. & Hoekstra A.Y. Predictive uncertainty
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