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1. To restore peace &balance of power.

2. Food situation in Britain whereby Britain was left with food to last her two weeks.

3. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare.

4. The alleged Germany sabotage- It was discovered that Germany agents in America were
sabotaging other factories producing war materials.

5. America sympathised with allied powers.

6. The Zimmerman note/ telegram- It was discovered that Germany had asked for Mexican help in
the event that war broke out with America. Alfred Zimmerman (Germany foreign official) had sent a
telegram to Mexico offering her Texas, Arizona & New Mexico as reward for support in the war
against America. The letter was discovered by British naval intelligence & handed to the US congress
which then voted for war.

7. Britain & France had incurred debts to America between 1915 & 1917 so America feared that the
debts may not be repaid if Germany won the war.

8. The majority of Americans hated the invasion of Belgium since it was neutral so they viewed
Germany as an aggressor.

9. Some Americans believed World War 1 would make the world safe for democracy.


1. Strengthened allied powers & weakened central powers.

2. Brought a steady supply of war materials for allied powers eg guns, fuel, uniforms and food.

3. Germany troops became demoralised as they were now fighting against fresh American soldiers.

4. Allied powers got loans from America.

5. Central powers were defeated.


1. Failure of the Schlieffen plan.

2. America’s entry which brought unlimited supplies to allied powers.

3. Allied blockade made Germany to suffer as she lost her markets, resources & people began to
starve due to food shortages.

4. Germany was allied to the two sick men of Europe that is Austria- Hungary & Turkey which hardly
helped Germany throughout the war.
5. Allied high command due to competent leaders whilst central powers lacked that.

6. Germany fought on too many fronts which reduced her impact against allied forces.

7. The war took too long for Germans to sustain the strain of heavy loses.



1. Unemployment.

2. High taxation & inflation as countries battled with war debts.

3. Most European countries became poor as they had to pay war debts.

4. India began to build her own industries instead of importing European goods.

5. Industrial nations outside Europe such as America & Japan were at a great advantage so they
excelled in Industries whilst European countries were concentrating on war.

6. America became the greatest creditor in the world.

7. Textile goods, cars cheap toys etc were poured in Africa & Asia by America & Japan replacing
European goods.


1. Old empires of Austria Hungary and Turkey were disintegrated.

2. Seed of nationalism was planted in many colonised nations during the war & such nations became
independent eg Czechs & Slovaks who formed Czechoslovakia.

3. There was a tilt in the balance of power as America emerged as the strongest nation.

4. Rise of brigandage as demobilised soldiers failed to adjust to civil life.

5. Rise of new ideologies & political doctrines eg rise of Hitler.

6. Women had the right to vote.


1. Jobs once done by men were now done by women eg women took over the industrial sector
producing goods required during war.

2. Women were respected than before & they became confident. Their ideas & beliefs changed.

3. Erosion of classes & sex barriers.

4. Many civilians became homeless.

5. Mass starvation, food rationing & long food ques.

6. There were about 10 million refugees, 5 million widows & 9 million orphans after the war.

7. Breakdown of family ties as most men were away from their families for a long time due to war.
Some men became violent & this affected both families & society.

8. Contraceptive advice was legally made available to women in 1921.


1. Invention of the binocular.

2. A wireless radio for communication was established.

3. Construction of underground railway lines.

4. Flying machines were introduced.

5. Invention of tanks & poison gas.

6. Mass production of goods,

7. Penicillin was added to list of medicines

8. Anaesthetics for wounded soldiers discovered.


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