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Copyright © newherpes-eraser.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or

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electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the
information in this eBook was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not
assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or
disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from
negligence, accident, or any other cause.

This eBook is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The
reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and
particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical

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Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5

What Can You Expect From This eBook? .................................................................................... 6

Common Medicine origins of the Herpes Virus ........................................................................... 8

HSV and Common Medicine Related Conditions ........................................................................ 9

Staying Positive with Herpes......................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 1: Facing the Enemy – Common Medical Approach on Herpes .................................. 13

What is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)? ....................................................................................... 13

Types of Herpes virus ..................................................................................................................... 14

Herpes Virus in Animals ................................................................................................................ 16

Signs and Symptoms of Herpes ................................................................................................... 16

History and Statistics of the Virus ............................................................................................... 19

Male vs. Female Statistics ............................................................................................................... 20

Age-Related Statistics ..................................................................................................................... 20

Race and Ethnicity Statistics .......................................................................................................... 21

Other Statistics ................................................................................................................................. 21

Common Medicine Approach on Diagnosing and Living with HSV .................................... 21

Will Having Herpes Change Who I Am? .................................................................................... 22

How Will My Life Change After Herpes? ................................................................................... 23

Is It My Fault I Have Herpes? ...................................................................................................... 24

Risk Factors for Outbreaks ............................................................................................................. 26

Confessions of an HSV Patient .................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 2: Herpes Myths and Misconceptions .............................................................................. 31

What Recommendations Did Your Doctor Make? ................................................................... 31

Conventional Medical Treatments for Herpes ............................................................................ 32

What Your Doctor Did NOT Tell You ........................................................................................ 36

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Antiviral Drugs Come with Side Effects! ..................................................................................... 37

Herpes Treatments are Expensive! ............................................................................................... 39

Herpes CAN Be Cured! .................................................................................................................. 41

Chapter 3: Herpes Eraser – Get Rid of Your Herpes for Good .................................................... 43

Why Haven’t You Heard of a Herpes Cure? ............................................................................. 43

Step I: Understanding true cause of our Diseases..................................................................... 44

Step II: Understanding Fungi, Bacteria & Viruses Contribution ............................................ 46

Step III: Understanding the stages of our disease ..................................................................... 49

Step IV: Understanding the TRUE MEANING OF INCURABLE .......................................... 51

Step V: Understanding the importance of your HANDEDNESS ........................................... 54

Step VI: Understanding disease emotional causes ................................................................... 56

Step VII: Understanding Herpes TRUE CAUSE ....................................................................... 64

Step VIII: Herpes healing symptoms & process ........................................................................ 66

Step IX: Past & Present tracks & Their Awareness ................................................................... 71

Step X: Accept & Closely Assist automated healing program ................................................ 75

Food is medicine - Improve Your Overall Health..................................................................... 77

What to Eat ....................................................................................................................................... 78

What NOT To Eat ............................................................................................................................ 83

Continue your Healthy Daily Routine ......................................................................................... 93

Reduce Stress with Relaxing Foods .............................................................................................. 95

A reflection on healthy living .................................................................................................... 102

Where do You Go from Here? ................................................................................................... 104

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 105

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More commonly known as herpes, herpes simplex virus (HSV) is diagnosed as viral
infection that comes in several different forms. You are probably familiar with the two
main kinds of herpes – oral herpes and genital herpes – but you may be surprised to
learn just how common this virus is. According to the National Institutes for Health
(NIH), approximately 1 in 5 Americans is infected with genital herpes and nearly 80%
of American adults have oral herpes. Despite the staggering prevalence of this virus,
more than 80% of people infected with the virus don’t even know it.

The unfortunate knowledge about HSV is that it is a lifelong illness that cannot be
cured, according to health specialists. Officially, there are a number of herpes
treatments out there that are designed ONLY to minimize symptoms and to reduce the
occurrence of outbreaks, but they do not offer a permanent solution. In fact, if you
perform a little research on your own you might be disappointed by the number of
quality resources available. Though herpes is a very common virus, it has a large stigma
attached to it and it is a topic many people are not comfortable discussing. As a result,
people who have been diagnosed with herpes often feel guilty or ashamed and, rather
than taking steps to manage or reverse their condition, they are focused on hiding it.

If you are struggling to manage your own herpes or you simply want to learn more
about this virus, this eBook is the perfect place to start. Within the pages of this eBook
you will find a wealth of information about the herpes simplex virus and its prevalence,
so hopefully you will come to understand that you are not alone – you do not need to

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be ashamed about your condition and you certainly do not need to hide it. In reading
this eBook you will also discover that it is possible to lead a healthy and happy life
despite being diagnosed with HSV.

More than simply providing you with tips for minimizing symptoms and stopping
outbreaks, this book will actually teach you how to reverse your condition. It IS possible
to erase your herpes for good and the process might be simpler than you could have
ever imagined. So, if you are ready to take back control of your life and restore your
health, turn the page and keep reading!

What Can You Expect From This eBook?

What you are about to read during this guide is a glimpse of how human bodies
actually work and how exactly we can help our body, mind and soul to heal and
overcome each and every issue.

You will learn the various ways you can prevent and treat health issues as well as get
an honest overview of what your life used to be until bumping into this amazing guide
that could turn out to be a blessing for your own health.

Our lives, our health and bodies, our entire existence are not in fact ours. We are being
taught and manipulated into buying health from the drug store as someone else has
taken control over it. We are being taught that only a doctor is able to identify and
treat our health issues in exchange for large sums of money.

Unknowingly, we have appointed the authority and control of our beings into the
hands of various institutions, which take advantage of it and turn it against us.

For each and every symptom or sign we rush out to the physicians as we rely on their
knowledge and experience while for healing our mind and emotional issues we turn to
the psychologist and hope that he will be able to tell us what we should and should not
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We tend to panic and start worrying whenever our bodies experience an unknown
reaction or symptom. We start imagining and thinking about the worst case scenarios
and the only thought that crosses our minds is that of calling a doctor. We then rush out
the hospital and wait for someone to analyze our problem, to write down a diagnostic
and prescribe a set of medications that we will eventually buy from the pharmacy store.

Moreover, the diagnoses are so baffling that they won’t even bother to explain the
cause, which they might not even be aware of. Deep down your heart you keep hoping
that you have been given the right cure, you than get used to the idea and get back to
your daily life… but all that is just a big fat LIE. And you will realize this fact once you
will be left alone and start searching for a true cure.

Most people fall into the trap of those unbelievable and fabulous alternative remedies,
most of which are scams and they obviously lose hope.

We’ve come up with this healing plan precisely because we bumped into too many
scams throughout our life and we decided to make the DIFFERENCE.

Which is why, in the following chapters we will dissect:

The whole Herpes mechanism,

The causes that bring it into our body,

The reason why it appears on specific areas of the body,

Which organs are involved

and how it can be controlled.

Take all the time you need, read it just like you would read a holy book and we
guarantee you will be happy about your health improvement.

Even if you have already been diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus, there is
probably still a lot you can learn about your condition. That is where this eBook comes
in. The purpose of this eBook is to increase your awareness and understanding of the
herpes virus with the ultimate goal of curing your condition and erasing the herpes
virus from your life completely. Before getting into the details of the Herpes Eraser, take
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a moment to learn some COMMON MEDICINE information about herpes and other
related conditions so you have a firm foundation of knowledge on which to build as
you read the rest of this eBook.

Common Medicine origins of the Herpes Virus

When you hear the word ‚herpes,‛ what do you think of? Do you think of cold sores
and blisters around the mouth? Or do you think of a sexually transmitted disease that
causes painful sores on the genitals? Both of these are correct and they describe the two
main types of the herpes simplex virus as defined by medical personnel. The two main
types of herpes are called Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). Type 1 is the virus
responsible for those nasty cold sores and it is commonly called oral herpes, while Type
2 is responsible for genital infections, typically called genital herpes.

While there are only two main types of herpes, there are actually about 115 different
variations of the herpes virus that the common medicine considers to affect both
humans and animals. Herpes simplex virus has been known to affect animals like pigs,
turkeys, and other livestock as well as wild animals including rats, reptiles, and

In fact, herpes is considered so far as one of the most widely transmissible diseases
in the world, generally transmitted through direct contact. Humans can spread the
virus to other humans and animals to other animals, but it generally does not spread
between humans and animals. Unfortunately, it is considered possible for the herpes
virus to be transmitted to an unborn baby through the mother’s blood.

What many people who are not affected by HSV do not realize is that there is an
emotional component to the virus as well as the medical one. Knowing that you are
carrying a disease that can be transmitted to other people can be devastating, especially
if you are concerned about passing it on to your partner. Many new cases of herpes
occur when an infected person does not realize he or she is shedding the virus and it is
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passed to a sexual partner. Most newly infected carriers are completely unaware that
they are carrying the virus because, in the early stages, herpes frequently fails to present
itself with noticeable physical symptoms.

HSV and Common Medicine Related Conditions

Though there are two main types of herpes known to affect humans, there are actually
eight different viruses that display similar characteristics. Because these viruses present
in such similar ways, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on symptoms

HSV-1, or oral herpes, is typically transmitted through oral contact (such as kissing) or
skin to skin contact. This version of the herpes simplex virus can cause recurrent
instances of aseptic meningitis and it can also lead to blindness, neonatal herpes,
encephalitis, and Bell’s palsy in rare cases.

HSV-2, or genital herpes, is the less common of the two main types and it can be passed
through oral contact, skin to skin contact, genital to genital contact, or from mother to

A third type of herpes is the Varicella-Zoster Virus, called Herpes Zoster. This disease
is responsible for chicken pox that may recur in the form of shingles later in life. Once
the initial rashes have healed, the virus becomes dormant but it never truly disappears.
This virus can be spread through skin to skin contact or through airborne droplets.
Complications related to Herpes Zoster may include encephalitis, pneumonia or, in
very severe cases, hepatitis.

The fourth virus is the Epstein - Barr virus (EBV) which is also known as the kissing
disease. This virus can be transmitted through oral contact or airborne droplets and it
has been known to contribute to complications like nasopharyngeal carcinoma and
AIDS-related lymphoma.

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The fifth virus that presents with similar characteristics to HSV is cytomegalovirus, or
CMV – this virus is also sometimes associated with mononucleosis-like symptoms, or
‚mono‛ produced by Epstein - Barr virus (EBV). This virus can be spread through
airborne particles, transplanted organs, blood products, and maternal-fetal intrauterine
infections. People who have HIV or have an otherwise compromised immune system
are at an increased risk for this virus.

The sixth virus is Human Herpes 6, or HHV-6 which is characterized by high fever,
rash and pea-shaped bumps. In rare cases this virus can cause encephalitis and it may
also contribute to roseola in infants. This virus is typically transmitted by airborne

Human Herpes 7, or HHV-7, is the seventh virus that often presents like HSV and it can
be passed through airborne droplets as well, which may also cause body rashes.

HHV-8, also known as Kaposi’s sarcoma, causes skin lesions, blood vessel-related
cancer, and rare forms of lymphoma. This virus can be transmitted without the patient’s
knowledge and it may spread throughout the entire body.

Staying Positive with Herpes

Being diagnosed with herpes can be very traumatic for some people, but it is important
to realize that herpes is not a death sentence; it is not life-threatening. Many people
diagnosed with herpes have the same concerns – what if I transmit it to my partner?
What if I transmit it to my baby? What if I shed the virus without my knowledge and
infect other people? There is an emotional, as well as a physical side of dealing with the
herpes virus which can come and go with each herpes flare-up and period of remission.

The goal of this eBook is to help you gain a better understanding of your condition
and to give you hope that it is possible to get rid of this horrible virus!

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While medical professionals might tell you that herpes is an incurable disease – that it
can only be treated with drugs and vaccines - we believe that it IS possible to free
yourself from this virus. In reading this eBook you will discover some important
information that your doctor isn’t telling you and we will provide you with the tools
you need to fight this dreaded disease, to cure yourself, and to improve your quality of

The key to managing and ultimately curing your herpes is to remain positive
& aware. Your herpes is not going to kill you!
Like each of us, we have been on our journey of discovery.

For the first time, we bring forth the true health knowledge to the world, and through
our vision we bring hope to the billions. You will begin to understand the hidden,
untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of
your life, achieving what many would regard as impossible. After years of seeking the
root causes of various diseases, reading, trying and being misled by all solutions
available, starting with Conventional Medicine and various alternative solutions, we
have found the True formula that governs US, Humans.

The last 35 years of achieving accurate results in healing all the diagnosed diseases, in
helping people understanding themselves and the functioning of the Human Being, are
the undeniable proof of the true medical science that opened our eyes and made us take
the decision of spreading this harvested crops. Our role is one of a ‚translator‛ into the
language of the common man, who until now, has hardly had the opportunity to grasp
and make use of this medical discipline.

In this way, we have prepared a booklet for any important types of disease, with
specific measures, conflicts, symptoms and step-by-step keys for becoming free of each
and every sickness you’ve been diagnosed with.

The reasonable selling price was important to us as we did not want an expensive
textbook, but rather a ‚book for everyone‛ that would be worth more than its price.
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This self-help and reference book is meant to accompany us into a new era: an era full
of uncertainty but one that we can look forward to. Our guiding principle was that the
booklet should be as simple as possible and as detailed as necessary. We hope that
therapists, as well, will find it useful and interesting.

We encourage you to read this comprehensive guide 3-4 times, until it sinks in your
mind and empowers you with the true understanding of the biological functioning of
US, Humans.

In fact, if you take the time to increase your knowledge about this virus and implement
certain steps to fight the disease, you may eventually earn your freedom. So stop feeling
sorry for yourself and don’t let yourself become just another statistic. Take what this
eBook has to offer you, take back control of your life, and take care of your herpes for

Copyright © 2017

Chapter 1: Facing the Enemy – Common Medical Approach on Herpes

Before you can start fighting back against herpes simplex virus, you need to learn and
understand as much as you can about it. As you have already learned, the name herpes
is given to a number of different diseases, though there are two main types of herpes –
oral and genital. In this chapter you will learn some in-depth information about the
herpes virus, including its viral composition, viral families, and more. You will also
learn how the herpes virus affects the human immune system from conventional
medicine point of view, as well as the signs and symptoms with which it typically
manifests. The information you learn in this chapter will help you understand the HSV
eraser program that will help you to erase your herpes for good.

What is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)?

The viral infection known as herpes belongs to a broad family of deoxyribonucleic

(DNA) viruses called Herpesviridae. This family of viruses cause disease in both animals
and humans with all members of the group being known as herpesviruses.

The name for this family of viruses is derived from a Greek word, herpein, which means
‚to creep‛. This name was given in reference to the way the herpes virus causes latent,
recurring infections.

In terms of viral composition, all herpes viruses exhibit similar structure when
examined under a microscope. All herpesviruses are composed of large, double-
stranded DNA genomes that are linear in nature and which can encode numerous
genes. These genomes are encapsulated within a cage made up of icosahedral proteins
called a ‚capsid‛. The capsid itself is enveloped in another layer of protein known as

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the ‚tegument‛ that houses both viral proteins and viral mRNA, together with a bi-
layer of lipid membrane called the ‚envelope‛.

The scientific name given to this entire structure particle is ‚virion‛.

All herpes viruses exhibit nuclear-replicating tendencies. This simply means that the
viral DNA is transcribed into the mRNA housed within the nucleus of the infected cell.
Infection occurs when a viral particle (virion) makes contact with a cell that has specific
receptor molecules on the cell surface. After the viral envelope becomes bound to the
cell membrane receptors, the virion then becomes internalized within the cell where it is
dismantled. This allows the viral DNA to migrate to other parts of the cell, including
the nucleus where it begins to replicate the viral DNA and where transcription of the
viral gene actually occurs.

Types of Herpes virus

As you have already learned, there are two main types of herpes simplex virus – they
are known as HSV-1 and HSV-2. These viruses are also known by the names HHV-1
and HHV-2 as an abbreviation for human herpes virus 1 and human herpes virus 2. It is
important to make this distinction because herpes simplex virus can infect animals as
well as humans. Again, HHV-1 is the causative agent for herpes-related cold sores
while HHV-2 is responsible for genital herpes. Both of these viruses are highly
abundant and highly communicable being spread as a result of the virus reproducing
and shedding by the infected body. Herpes can also be transmitted through the
exchange of bodily fluids including saliva and blood.

From the conventional medicine point of view, there are eight different types of
herpes virus that are known to infect humans and can be transmitted in various

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These include the following:

1. HSV-1 (HHV-1) – transmitted by close oral contact with an infected person

2. HSV-2 (HHV-2) – transmitted through close oral contact or penetrative sexual

intercourse with an infected person

3. Varicella Zoster Virus (VSV) – transmitted through contact and airborne

particles exhaled from an infected person

4. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – transmitted through saliva of an infected person

5. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – transmitted through physical contact, sexual

intercourse, organ transplantation, and blood transfusion

6. Herpes Lymphotropic Virus – transmitted through contact with an infected

person or through airborne droplets

7. Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV-7) – method of transmission is not clearly defined

8. Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpes Virus (KSHV) – also known as HHV-8,

transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, saliva, and semen

Not only does the herpes virus come in many forms, but it is known for producing
infections that last a lifetime. The main method through which the herpes virus
accomplishes this is called ‚immune evasion‛ – the virus actually avoids detection by
the human immune system enabling it to survive for long periods. One method of
immune evasion that the herpes virus uses is by encoding specific proteins that mimic a
protein called interleukin, which is found naturally in the human body.

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Another method the herpes virus is able to avoid detection is through the downward
regulation of Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHC II) in infected cells. This can
occur in several different ways but it all leads to the same result of MHC being absent
from the surface of the infected cell. If the MHC cannot reach the cell surface, it cannot
activate a T-cell response. T-cells, or lymphocytes, are the active cells of the immune
system that work to identify and destroy harmful pathogens. If the T-cells are not
activated, the herpes virus will continue to spread at will.

Herpes Virus in Animals

In the previous section you were introduced to other types of herpes virus – different
viruses within the herpesviridae family that cause infections like Varicella Zoster virus
and Epstein-Barr virus. There are over 115 different species of herpesviruses that have
been identified and studied in humans, but herpesviruses act a little differently in
animals. The most common form of herpesvirus known to affect animals belong to the
Alphaherpesviridae subfamily and one of the most common forms is pseudo rabies virus,
or PrV. Scientific research on PrV has led to significant developments in animal disease
control through the use of genetically modified vaccines. In fact, PrV is currently being
studied as a model for the production of numerous vaccines.

Signs and Symptoms of Herpes

Now that you understand a little bit more about the different types of herpes and how
they avoid detection by the human immune system, you may be curious to learn more
about how these viruses actually affect the human body from the conventional
medicine point of view.

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It may surprise you to know that in the early stages of being infected, herpes can
present itself with cold- or flu-like symptoms including decreased appetite, fever,
achy muscles, swollen lymph nodes, and general feelings of malaise. Below you will
learn more about the specific signs and symptoms of both HSV-1 and HSV-2.

HSV-1, Oral Herpes

Herpes simplex 1, or HSV-1, is most commonly called oral herpes because it produces
cold sores or blisters around the mouth. These sores are typically small, fluid-filled
blisters that can actually be quite painful despite their small size. Herpes cold sores tend
to appear on the mouth, lips, cheeks, throat, and chin, though they can also appear on
the nose or fingers. Oral herpes can actually be caused by either HSV-1 or HSV-2,
though it is most commonly caused by HSV-1.

Before the sores actually form, many patients describe ‚prodromal symptoms‛ – that is,
early symptoms which precede the characteristic signs of the disease. These symptoms
may include itching, tingling, or pain about a day or two before the blisters actually
appear. Once the blisters form, they typically break open after a day or two, leaking a
clear infectious fluid, after which they crust over and remain that way for up to 24 days.

Oral herpes can be transmitted through close contact with an infected person, either
skin-to-skin or through sexual intercourse. An infected person can pass the virus even
when no blisters are present whereby the skin can actually shed the virus without any
symptoms being present. The virus typically enters the body through skin breaks and it
is possible for an infected person to spread the infection to other parts of his or her own
body simply by touching a sore and then touching another part of the body.

HSV-2, Genital Herpes

Herpes simplex 2, or HSV-2, is most commonly called genital herpes because it can
cause sores to form on the genitals and it is primarily spread through sexual contact.
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Though HSV-2 is most commonly responsible for genital herpes, it is possible to spread
HSV-1 to the genital area through mouth-to-genital contact or through sexual contact
with a person who has an oral herpes infection. Similar to HSV-1, genital herpes can be
transmitted even when no sores are present – the skin could be shedding the virus at
any time, with or without symptoms.

During the first week or two after contracting the virus, most patients show no
symptoms. However, by the second week the first outbreak typically demonstrates
painful sores and flu-like symptoms. Blisters usually appear on the genitals or near the
rectum and then they break open and leak infectious fluid before crusting over, though
it may take weeks for the sore to actually go away. In some cases, recurrent outbreaks
begin with mild symptoms like tingling or itching in the genital region, which are
prodromal symptoms like those mentioned above for HSV-1.

The formation and location of herpes lesions differs for males versus females. For men,
blisters typically form on the shaft of the penis, while for females they often form on the
vagina, vulva, and cervix. Both men and women can develop lesions around the anus
and they can affect the urethra as well. Genital herpes in women is usually
accompanied by vaginal discharge that can transmit the virus during sexual contact
with an uninfected person.

Perhaps the most troubling thing about the herpes virus is that it is highly infectious
and can be spread even when no symptoms are noticeable. Some people with herpes
experience recurrent outbreaks every few weeks while others only have them a few
times per year. Once an outbreak occurs, it can take weeks for the sores to go away but
the virus can still be transmitted after they have healed.

People with herpes often feel as though their lives are controlled by their virus
because there is no medical cure for this condition.

By reading this eBook, however, you will discover that there may be hope for you yet!
Keep reading to learn about the possibility of erasing your herpes for good.

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History and Statistics of the Virus

The herpes virus has been known by Man for at least 2,000 years, so it is by no means a
new affliction. In fact, Roman Emperor Tiberius was said to have banned kissing in
his kingdom for a period of time because so many of his followers were afflicted by cold
sores. Even Shakespeare made reference to blisters ‚o’er ladies’ lips‛ in his famous
Romeo and Juliet. Herpes has existed for many hundreds of years, though it has only
been the subject of deep scientific study since the early 1900s when it was discovered
to be a virus. Antiviral therapy for the herpes virus didn’t begin until the early 1960s.

Not only has herpes existed for thousands of years, but recent statistics suggest that it is
still highly prevalent and may be more common than you could have ever imagined.
The latest statistical data released in March 2010 by the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) suggests that approximately 5 million Americans are infected with
the herpes virus and that there are nearly half a million new cases of herpes each year.
Even more shocking, it is estimated that roughly 80% of the American population is
affected by oral herpes and 20% have genital herpes. Genital herpes is the most
predominant sexually-transmitted virus in the United States.

Though a shocking percentage of the American population is affected by herpes, it is

estimated that only about 25% of infected people are in the active stage of the virus at
any given time. A large percentage of people infected with the herpes virus aren’t even
aware they are carriers. Unfortunately, this means that they are prone to spreading the
virus to other unsuspecting individuals. In fact, some statistics suggest that two people
are infected with the herpes virus every minute of every day.

With the speed at which this virus is being transmitted, some consider it to be a
modern epidemic.

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Male vs. Female Statistics

You may be surprised to find out that upon conventional medicine point of view not
only is herpes more common in women, but it can also lead to some very dangerous
(even deadly) complications in women. Herpes infections affect approximately 1 out of
4 women in the United States and about 1 in 5 men. This may be due to the fact that
male-to-female transmission of the disease is more likely than female-to-male
transmission. It is also possible for a woman to transmit herpes to the fetus during
pregnancy, although it is not very common. The biggest risk occurs when a woman
becomes infected with herpes for the first time during pregnancy. In rare cases, herpes
sores that are present during delivery can lead to a life-threatening infection for the
newborn. If sores are present prior to delivery, the doctor may recommend a cesarean
section to protect the baby.

Age-Related Statistics

According to recent statistics, approximately 1 out of 5 American adolescents and adults

is affected by genital herpes. Furthermore, about two-thirds of people who have any
kind of sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. are under the age of 25. As many as 1 in
5 Americans over the age of 12 (that equates to about 45 million people) is infected with
HSV-2, and up to 1 million new cases are transmitted each year. The number of
Americans infected with herpes has increased by 30% since the 1970s and it is estimated
that 40% of all American adult men and women could be infected with genital herpes
by the year 2025. The largest increase in new cases of genital herpes, however, is among
white teenagers. HSV-2 is currently 5 times more common in 12- to 19-year-old white
adolescents than it has ever been.

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Race and Ethnicity Statistics

The highest herpes infection rates have been reported in African-American

communities. Recent statistical data suggest that the prevalence of HSV in African-
Americans is much greater than that in white, non-Hispanic and Mexican-American
ethnicities. To give you a better idea of what this means, consider the fact that
approximately 45.9% of African-American adults are infected with the herpes virus
versus 17.6% of white Caucasians.

Other Statistics

In addition to noting the ages and ethnicities that herpes virus infections are most likely
to affect, there are some other interesting statistics to be considered. For example,
annual medical costs associated with sexually transmitted infections is over $15 billion
dollars in the United States. The annual costs associated with genital herpes in
particular is over $250 million.

HSV infections are becoming more and more common with each passing year,
though the medical community still has yet to produce a cure for this disease.

Common Medicine Approach on Diagnosing and Living with HSV

The moment you receive positive test results and find out that you have herpes can be a
life-changing event. You probably experienced a lot of mixed emotions. What you need
to realize, however, is that one of the hardest parts is finally over – you have the
diagnosis and you can start taking the necessary steps in getting your condition under
control. Having, but not knowing that you have the virus is the worst part by
potentially spreading the disease to others unknowingly. That can be a hard thing to
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live with. Once you have the diagnosis you can begin the process of healing, both for
yourself and for your partner, if you have one.

One of the biggest challenges of being diagnosed with herpes is accepting the diagnosis
without letting it break you. You may have made some poor decisions that led to your
contraction of the disease, or you could have no idea how you got it. Either way, it is
part of your life and the best thing you can do is accept it. Just because you accept it,
however, doesn’t mean that you give up the right to be emotional. You still have the
right to feel sad, or even a little bit mad – but don’t let yourself fall into denial.

Wasting time wishing your illness away won’t do you or anyone else any good.

Will Having Herpes Change Who I Am?

If you are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that you have herpes, take a
step back and try to think of it for what it is – a virus. A person who is sick with a cold
doesn’t blame himself for contracting an illness and he knows that his life isn’t over
because of it. Herpes is just another infection, and while it might affect your body in
different ways, you can still treat and manage it just like any other condition. It might
take some time for you to get used to the lifestyle changes you’ll have to implement to
prevent passing the disease on to others, but having herpes doesn’t have to change who
you are fundamentally as a person.

In fact, many people who have been diagnosed with herpes recognize that their illness
has made them a better person! When you carry a disease that can be passed to other
people, you have to make some changes in your life to take responsibility for yourself
and for your actions. You cannot go on living a carefree life without any concern for
others, but instead become a stronger and more caring person in order to live through
your herpes.

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Though herpes will not change who you are, your first outbreak can be a challenging
time. For many people, the first outbreak is the worst but that simply means that once
you overcome the initial shock, the rest will be easy. You might have to deal with some
pain and discomfort during the actual outbreak, but eventually that will fade and you
will go back to looking and feeling like yourself again. Just keep in mind that your
herpes is something that affects you, but it does not have to be something that defines
you, and it certainly doesn’t have to control you either.

How Will My Life Change After Herpes?

Although having herpes doesn’t need to change who you are as a person, it does
necessitate some changes to your lifestyle. Herpes is one of the most communicable
diseases out there, so you need to take certain precautions to avoid passing the disease
on to others. If you haven’t been officially diagnosed with herpes yet, a check-up should
be your first step. When you visit your doctor, you should expect him to perform a
thorough exam including some tests that may include the following:

 PCR Blood Test – This test will tell your doctor whether or not you have the
herpes virus, even if you are not currently displaying symptoms. A PCR blood
test searches for the DNA of the virus so it is highly accurate.

 Cell Culture – If you currently have oral or genital sores, your doctor will take a
cell culture from the sore and analyze it under a microscope to check for the
herpes simplex virus.

 Antibody Test – This test is often used as a backup to test for antibodies in the
blood which could identify the presence of the herpes virus. When the immune

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system identifies the herpes virus it will produce antibodies to fight it causing
the test results to be positive.

It is possible for either the PCR blood test or the cell culture to produce false negative
results. This can happen if you get tested when your sores are already in the process of
healing or if you have only recently been infected. It can take a few weeks for your
immune system to react and to produce the antibodies that will indicate a presence of
the herpes simplex virus. You may then need to have additional tests to determine
which type of HSV you have contracted.

When you see your doctor be sure to tell him about all of your symptoms, even if they
do not seem relevant. Remember, herpes can sometimes appear as flu-like symptoms in
the early stages, so think about whether you’ve experienced things like a decreased
appetite, achy or sore muscles, tender lymph nodes, and fever.

Once you have your diagnosis of herpes, you might feel as though the world has
stopped. It is perfectly natural to feel shocked at first, even scared. Take as much time as
you need to come to terms with your diagnosis and then start taking responsible steps
to prevent spreading it. This would mean having a talk with your romantic partner, and
it may even require talking to people whom you’ve had close contact with since
contracting the disease. It will be hard, but it is necessary.

Is It My Fault I Have Herpes?

This is a question that countless HSV-positive individuals ask themselves. While from
the conventional medicine point of view it is true that certain behaviors can increase
your risk for contracting the disease, we advise you to keep an open mind before
blaming yourself and continue reading.

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The idea that herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is spread worldwide and is
telling us that our risk for contracting it increases with the number of sexual partners
we have. As well, people who only have one lifetime sexual partner have the lowest risk
of contracting the disease, though it can still be spread through non-sexual contact.

It is important to remember that the herpes virus can be transmitted through a number
of different methods. You can contract oral herpes simply by sharing a glass of water
with an infected person who has active sores or is currently shedding the virus. For oral
contact, even a minimal amount of saliva can be enough to transmit the disease. Unlike
some STIs, the host does not have to have open wounds in order to transmit the disease
to an uninfected partner. If the person is unaware that they have herpes, or if they are
aware but do not inform you of the risk, it cannot be your fault if you contract it.

Even if it isn’t technically your fault that you’ve contracted the herpes virus, the
conventional medical system is advising you to ask yourself some hard questions
regarding whether or not it could have been prevented. One of the most common
ways that both oral and genital herpes is transmitted is through unprotected sex. The
act of wearing a condom during sexual activity can greatly reduce your risk for
contracting or transmitting an STI. Bodily fluids are the best carriers for viruses like
HSV, so any contact with semen or vaginal fluid during sex could lead to transmission
of the disease.

To summarize, the conventional medical system concludes some factors which can
increase your risk for contracting the herpes virus may include:

 Having multiple sexual partners

 Unprotected sexual activity (oral, vaginal, anal, penetrative, etc.)
 Close contact with an infected partner (touching, kissing, etc.)
 Contact with bodily fluids of an infected partner (saliva, blood, semen, vaginal
 Contact with an open sore or crusted-over sore
 Skin contact during asymptomatic shedding of the virus

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Risk Factors for Outbreaks

Again, upon conventional medical system guiding, throughout the course of your life
you will go through periods of active viral activity and periods of remission as a result
of contracting the herpes virus. The periods of herpes flare-ups are referred to as
‚outbreaks‛ and there are certain factors that can increase your risk for an outbreak.
Some risk factors that can lead to outbreaks may include:

Stress – Many studies have shown a link between periods of chronic stress and
recurrent herpes outbreaks, particularly in women. Even short-term stressors like an
acute injury, flying in an airplane, or a big presentation at work can lead to an outbreak
just as easily as long-term stressors like financial problems, stress in a relationship,
problems at work, etc.

Menstruation – A study conducted by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial

Research discovered that oral herpes outbreaks can be triggered by menstruation in
women. The hormonal changes that occur during menstruation may be to blame for the
increased risk of an outbreak because it can be a stressful time on both the mind and
body. There are also some studies that suggest tampon use could aggravate genital
herpes outbreaks, as can the wearing of tight underwear with sanitary pads. To help
reduce the risk of a herpes outbreak during menstrual periods, try using non-
chlorinated feminine hygiene products.

Sunlight/Sunburn – Excessive exposure to sunlight and sunburn can increase the risk
for an HSV-1 outbreak, especially when combined with emotional stress. Ultra-violet
rays can actually block the activity of immune cells in the skin that can lead to herpes
outbreaks. Sunburn is a form of skin irritation that can also lead to outbreaks.

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Dehydration – When your body is dehydrated it results in additional strain and the
herpes virus could take advantage of such a weakness to produce an outbreak. This is
particularly common when your lips become cracked and dry due to dehydration.
Dehydration-related outbreaks are particularly common during the winter months.

Strenuous Exercise – High-intensity exercise is a form of stress for the body and it can
impact your immune activity, making way for a herpes outbreak. Exercise can also lead
to excessive perspiration and chafing that can contribute to the development of herpes
sores and lesions. Mild forms of exercise like walking or jogging are the least likely to
trigger an outbreak.

Nutrition – Your dietary habits can play an important role in increasing or reducing
your risk for a herpes outbreak. Some foods that are most likely to trigger an outbreak
include coffee, alcohol, nuts, chocolate, dairy products, corn, soda, and processed foods.
Lysine is a dietary compound that can help to prevent an outbreak but foods containing
arginine (such as chocolate and coffee) can actually feed the virus so outbreaks could
occur more frequently and with more severity.

Illness or Injury – When you are sick or injured your immune system has to work
harder to make you well. As a result, your body might be weakened and less able to
fight off a herpes outbreak. Surgery can also trigger a herpes outbreak because it puts a
lot of stress on the body.

All the conventional medicine approach is ensuring that herpes is a lifelong condition
and is difficult for many people to come to terms with. It is also hard knowing that
everything you do could potentially increase your risk for an outbreak. They give as

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best advice to learn everything you can about the herpes virus and how it affects your
body, so that you can reduce your symptoms and avoid passing it to others.

In the next section you will read some confessions from a herpes patient. Hopefully
these confessions will help you come to terms with your condition and help you to
understand that you are not alone.

Confessions of an HSV Patient

Life had never looked so exciting, so perfect, and as full of hope as it did when I entered college. I
started school with a laundry list of hopes and dreams that I wanted to bring to reality over the
next four years. I entered college as a young, somewhat naïve person, but I was ready to learn
and ready to live. I was what you might describe as an “ordinary” girl, nothing terribly special
about me, but I knew who I was and what I wanted to accomplish.

The first few weeks of college passed by in a blur of homework assignments, social activities, and
new experiences. I lived each moment to the fullest and took advantage of every new opportunity
that I could. I experienced life without looking back. Unfortunately, my excitement sometimes
got the better of me and I did things without really thinking them through. That is what
ultimately got me into trouble.

If you are reading this eBook, you probably have a story similar to mine and you probably
already know how mine ends. At least, you think you do.

During my first semester at college I started to form strong ties with one particular classmate.
We lived in the same dorm and started to spend all of our free time together. She was the kind of
person that other people were simply drawn to. She had a special quality about her that was hard
to pin down but it made her simply irresistible – and she knew it. Together we went to all of the
biggest parties on campus, we stayed out all night on the weekends, and we became practically
inseparable. We talked late into the night about our latest crushes, we bitched about our latest
homework assignments, and we were always there for each other when things got rough.

And then things changed.

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When I was diagnosed with genital herpes, my entire world shook around me. Why me? I was
constantly asking myself, wondering if there was something I had done to deserve this kind of

I was so ashamed and confused that eventually those feelings turned to anger, but not anger at
myself – anger at my friend who lived life just as carelessly as I had but who, for some reason
unbeknownst to me, had dodged the herpes bullet. We had both had our fair share of casual
encounters and weekend romances, but somehow I was the only one facing the consequences.

It took a good bit of time and a great deal of courage to finally confess to my friend the horrible
truth – I had herpes. The way she looked at me when I finally told her will be forever engrained
in my mind. In that moment I went from being her best friend and partner in crime to someone
low, someone disgusting – someone to be avoided. She told me we’d talk about it but we never
really did and eventually we drifted apart and I was forced to face my horrible situation alone.

After I came to terms with the fact that I had herpes I began to understand that I had a
responsibility to protect myself and others. I was dating one person steadily at the time and
thought it could be love, but when the truth of my diagnosis came to light our bond wasn’t
strong enough to keep us together. I can’t say that I blame him for walking away – I thanked God
every day that I hadn’t passed my herpes on to him and part of me worried that if we stayed
together it would only be a matter of time before I did.

So I set out on my journey alone. I suffered for months from crippling depression and shame. I
tried to piece together the details of my past to pinpoint the moment where my life changed –
where I contracted an STI. It eventually became clear that I could not handle the stress of school
on top of my condition, so I returned home to my family and began to seek treatment from my
family physician.

When I started treatment for my herpes, part of me felt a sense of satisfaction that I was finally
doing something. But then I became bogged down in all the details – the things I couldn’t do, the
foods I couldn’t eat, the drugs I had to take, all to avoid an outbreak. I tried to reconnect with
some of my high school friends, but I felt as though I was living a lie, keeping from them my
deepest, darkest secret. For years I isolated myself, keeping all of my relationships as shallow as
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possible to avoid sharing my secret. I stayed on a cocktail of drugs designed to keep my

symptoms at bay, but sometimes the side effects were worse than the outbreaks.

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I bared my soul to my best friend from high school. I
expected a reaction similar to my college friend and mentally prepared myself for the cold
shoulder she would certainly start showing me. But she didn’t. She helped me to see that my
herpes was something I was struggling with, but it wasn’t who I was… it didn’t change who I
was as a person. What really turned my life around, however, was when she introduced me to
this eBook.

I was skeptical at first, as you can imagine. After all, I’d been receiving medical treatment for my
herpes for years and no doctor had even hinted at the possibility of a cure. As skeptical as I was,
my friend didn’t give up and we eventually read the eBook together. After a few pages, my old
fire started to return – I was curious and eager to learn so I kept reading. I finished the eBook in
a matter of hours and then I read it again. I was filled with a fiery hope once more, like the hope I
had when I first started college. A hope that I had thought was lost forever.

I no longer needed my friend’s encouragement – I was ready to give the program a try and I put
everything I had into it. It took some time, and a lot of trial and error, but eventually I got the
hang of it. After a few months I realized that I hadn’t had a single flare-up for quite a while. I ran
to the bathroom and checked every inch of my body – no sores! I felt healthy for the first time in
years and I started to regain my confidence and my excitement for life and for the future.

Two years later, I am happy to say that I am still symptom-free. I’m so proud that I was able to
take back control of my life, though I know I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own. I have
once again found the ability to enjoy life, to live every moment to the fullest, without worrying
about my next outbreak. I went back and finished school and now I have a job that I love. More
than that, I’m getting married! This eBook has given me back my life and I simply don’t know
where I would have been without it. I hope that reading this eBook helps you just as much as it
helped me and I hope that you once more regain hope for the future like I did. You are worth it

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Chapter 2: Herpes Myths and Misconceptions

Hopefully by now your interest has been piqued. After all, you’ve probably been told
for years, even decades that there is no hope of a cure for herpes. Before getting into the
details about the HSV Eraser, however, it’s important to take a look at the things you’ve
been told.

Only after once you have an understanding of what is wrong can you truly learn
what is right.

So think back to everything you’ve learned about herpes from your doctor and from
your own experience with the disease. Think back to your original diagnosis and how it

What Recommendations Did Your Doctor Make?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have set guidelines for the
diagnosis of herpes. For them to make an accurate diagnosis, you must be completely
honest with your doctor and answer all of his questions as fully as you are able. The
more honest you are, they pretend to better able your doctor will be to determine which
type of herpes you have.

Herpes Type 1 is usually transmitted through oral contact or through mouth-to-genital

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contact (oral sex). Your doctor may tell you that you don’t necessarily need to be
worried about infidelity, because the infection can be transmitted within a
monogamous relationship. This is a common concern for people diagnosed with herpes,
especially if the person who gave it to them was not displaying any symptoms. In the
event that you are diagnosed with herpes but your partner has not been, you will need
to inform him or her for his own safety and recommend that they be tested as well.

For many people diagnosed with herpes, it can be a scary time. Your doctor probably
gave you some encouragement about living your life as normally as possible despite the
infection. He probably also told you about some lifestyle changes to make or avoid in
order to minimize outbreaks. Of course, there are some factors you simply cannot
control which could trigger an outbreak – things like menstruation in women or stress.
Your doctor probably gave you some tips or resources to help you manage these
situations to avoid an outbreak. You may also need to start taking precautions in terms
of sharing food, utensils, and the like to avoid spreading the disease.

Herpes Type 2 is not transmitted quite so easily as Type 1 through bodily contact. Your
doctor probably gave you a list of things to avoid in terms of preventing transmission of
the disease. Things like hugging and cuddling are generally safe, because transmission
of Type 2 herpes generally occurs through penetrative sexual intercourse and/or the
exchange of bodily fluids. When having an outbreak, your doctor probably advised
you to avoid sexual contact to minimize the risk of transmitting the disease.

Conventional Medical Treatments for Herpes

When you received your herpes diagnosis, your doctor probably told you that the
disease cannot be cured but it can sometimes be managed with medications. Most
medications used to treat herpes are designed to relieve symptoms of outbreaks and to
shorten the course of the outbreak. Your doctor probably prescribed you with one or
more drugs based on a number of factors including your age, allergies, and the type of
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herpes you have. Some medications are more effective for Type 1 than for Type 2 and
some medications are only recommended for women who are pregnant.

In most cases, doctors prescribe some kind of antiviral medication to treat the
preliminary outbreak and to reduce symptoms and heal sores.

Below you will find an overview of the various topical and medical treatments
commonly prescribed for herpes:

 Topical Creams – These may be prescription or over-the-counter remedies used

to control the herpes infection. They may help to relieve pain for sores and
lesions that come from outbreaks, but they do not help with the actual infection.

 Valacyclovir (Valtrex) – This antiviral medication helps to suppress the virus,

limiting its spread. This medication may also help to lessen the severity of
symptoms during an outbreak and it is particularly effective for women. This
drug is only recommended for patients over 12 years of age.

 Acyclovir (Zovirax) – This medication works by reducing the rate of replication

for the herpes virus, helping to slow its spread. This drug doesn’t completely kill
the virus but it can help to reduce symptoms when taken over a period of five

 Famiciclovir (Famvir) – This antiviral medication is usually prescribed for

genital herpes and it is particularly beneficial for patients with compromised
immune systems. A dosage of 1000mg can be taken twice a day for genital herpes
or 1500mg can be taken once a day for oral herpes.

 IV Medications – In very severe cases, intravenous medication may be

administered to reduce symptoms and to slow the spread of the virus.

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No matter which type of medication your doctor prescribed, you’ve been told it is
important that you stick to your treatment plan without making any unapproved

Some herpes medications can interact with other medications, so don’t start or stop
taking anything without first asking your doctor. If you start to experience side effects,
talk to your doctor about changing your dosage or switching to another medication to
see if that helps. Do not change the dosage yourself because you could end up with an

Antiviral medications are the most common forms of medical treatment for herpes, and
there are different types to choose from. In some cases, antiviral therapies can also be
combined with non-prescriptive treatments for added benefits. The type of antiviral
therapy your doctor prescribes will vary depending on your age, type of infection, and
the severity of your symptoms.

The three main types of conventional antiviral therapy are listed below:

 Initial Treatment Therapy – This type of therapy is usually administered to

relieve symptoms, particularly sores, after the initial diagnosis has been made.
This therapy usually lasts for a fairly limited period of time, about 7 to 10 days.
In addition to treating initial symptoms, this therapy can help to prevent
symptoms from worsening and they may help the sores to heal more quickly.

 Intermittent Treatment Therapy – This type of antiviral drug therapy is

designed to prevent your immune system from becoming compromised any
further during a flare-up. These medications are usually only taken for 2 to 5
days when you see the signs of an outbreak coming on. This type of therapy
helps to reduce the severity and length of the outbreak and it is generally
effective for people who have mild recurrent infections, about 6 outbreaks or

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fewer each year.

 Suppressive Treatment Therapy – This type of therapy is administered in the

case of severe outbreaks or frequent recurrences. This antiviral therapy can help
minimize outbreaks by as much as 80%, or when taken daily it may even prevent
outbreaks completely.

If you and your doctor agree that your condition is not being managed effectively with
antiviral medications alone, he may suggest some non-prescriptive therapies as well to
help manage your outbreaks.

Some examples of non-prescriptive therapy include:

 Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen may help to

relieve pain for mild recurrent outbreaks – they may also lessen fever.

 Dietary supplements like vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, L-lysine, and probiotics

may help to boost the immune system and control the infection.

 Topical creams like Dynamiclear and Abreva can sometimes help to speed
healing during an outbreak. When applied directly to sores, the creams can help
dry them out and relieve both pain and itching.

 Getting enough sleep and controlling stress levels can help to reduce the
recurrence of outbreaks and lessen the severity of symptoms.

 Drinking enough water to stay hydrated can reduce the risk for outbreaks and
keep the immune system healthy.

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 Avoiding excessive exposure to UV rays may help to reduce the severity or

frequency of herpes outbreaks in infected individuals.

From the conventional medicine point of view each case of herpes is unique with no
set number of outbreaks being considered ‚normal‛ per year.

Because each case is unique, your doctor may prescribe you a different treatment than
someone else with herpes is taking.

The main goal of modern herpes treatments is to reduce the frequency and severity of
outbreaks in general and, during outbreaks, to speed healing and to prevent the spread
of the infection. With daily suppressive antiviral therapy you’ve been told that you can
reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to your sexual partner by reducing the
shedding of the virus.

What Your Doctor Did NOT Tell You

When you are diagnosed with herpes, your doctor will be focused on managing your
condition and reducing the frequency of outbreaks. He will create a detailed treatment
plan and you will be advised to stick to it.

For some people, having a treatment plan is enough to make them feel as if they are
in control of their condition and it may help to reduce some of the anxiety that comes
along with testing positive for herpes.

After submitting to so many tests and diagnostic procedures, you might just be glad
that they are over and that you have an answer.

Unfortunately, there are many things that doctors DON’T tell their herpes patients.
Many of those antiviral drugs that are designed to lessen your symptoms could actually
produce some very nasty side effects. Also, all of the drugs you have to take to keep

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your herpes under control can be very expensive – not just financially, but they can also
take a toll on your body.

Finally, the biggest thing that doctors and pharmaceutical companies will not tell you
is that herpes CAN be cured! Keep reading to learn more about the lies the modern
medical industry is telling you about herpes.

Antiviral Drugs Come with Side Effects!

While antiviral medications might help to reduce the severity of your herpes outbreaks
or even make them less frequent, they often come with some very unwelcome side
effects. You’ve been warned that your risk for side effects increases if you don’t give
your doctor all of the relevant information he needs about your medical history to
make an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe the right treatment. Some concurrent
conditions that could increase your risk for side effects may include a weakened
immune system (especially due to HIV/AIDS), liver disease, lactose intolerance, and

Even if your doctor is careful, however, you can’t always predict when side effects
might occur.

Below you will find an overview of some of the side effects that are possible with
popular antiviral herpes medications:

 Famvir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are
stomach pain, cramps, nausea, heavy bleeding, diarrhea, and headaches. Less
common side effects may include rash, redness of the skin, gas, vomiting,
fatigue, skin irritation, mood swings, behavioral changes, mental fog,
hallucinations, anxiety, and restlessness.

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 Valacyclovir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are
depression, loss of interest, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, insomnia,
irritability, cramps, ear infections, muscle aches, joint pain and stiffness,
sneezing, sore throat, runny nose. Less common side effects may include
constipation, diarrhea, fever, headaches, yellow skin, shortness of breath, chest
pain, chills, and decreased urine output.

 Acyclovir Side Effects – The most common side effects of this medication are
pain at the injection site, swelling, stomach pain, increased thirst, fatigue,
weakness, loss of appetite, and decreased urine output. Less common side effects
may include trembling, hallucinations, hives, unusual bleeding or bruising,
mental confusion, skin irritations, convulsions, chills, fever, and sore throat.

In many cases, herpes patients experience mild side effects when they first start taking a
new medication – the side effects may go away on their own as the body gets used to
the drugs. If the side effects persist, your doctor may recommend lowering the dosage
or switching to a new medication. The more medications you are on, the more likely
you are to experience side effects and drug interactions.

In addition to the side effects listed above, there are a few very serious side effects that
have been reported in conjunction with antiviral herpes medications. In some cases, for
example, acyclovir ends up crystallizing in the renal tubes that has led to several
instances of renal failure. Fatalities have also been reported in patients undergoing
HIV/AIDS treatment or an organ transplant in concurrence with antiviral herpes
treatments. In some cases, patients have also experienced behavioral changes such as
psychosis, delirium, and mania. Prolonged use of antiviral medications may increase
the risk for cardiovascular problems including hypotension.

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If there are such serious risks involved, why do doctors keep prescribing them?

This is a question many people ask once they start to experience side effects from their
antiviral herpes medications. The simple truth is that everyone responds differently to
medications and, for some people, they work well without any side effects at all. Even
the simplest medications can cause dangerous side effects. For example, prolonged
Aspirin use can lead to liver damage.

It is also important to realize that antiviral herpes medications are not designed to
destroy the virus – they are simply prescribed to manage your symptoms. These drugs
are supposed to help keep the virus from spreading and you won’t really know how
well they work until you try them.

Herpes Treatments are Expensive!

Whether or not you have health insurance, prescription medications for herpes can be
expensive! Many herpes patients end up spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars
each year on their medications. Some herpes medications are only available in
expensive brand-name formulas, while some have generic options. Unfortunately, some
people cannot tolerate generic medications or they do not receive the same benefits as
they do from brand-name drugs. As a result, they are forced to pay more for their drugs
just to get the relief they need.

The costs for your antiviral medications will depend on the type of therapy you are
prescribed. For initial or intermittent therapies you may only have to pay for a week’s
worth of drugs. A 10-day course of Acyclovir, for example, could cost you around $130.
For a year’s worth of suppressive therapy with a drug like Valacyclovir, however, you
are looking at a cost of $1,100 or more. If you have to take multiple prescriptions, your
costs can add up very quickly.

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Not only do herpes drugs take a financial toll, but they can also take a physical and
mental toll on your body!

Though specific side effects may vary from one medication to another, you could end
up with one or several of these problems:

 Gastrointestinal Problems – Antiviral herpes medications can lead to a number

of gastrointestinal problems and they can contribute to irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS). This happens because the medication irritates the lining of the intestines,
causing inflammation that can lead to side effects like bloating, constipation,
nausea, abdominal pain, and upset stomach.

 Adverse Skin Reactions – Many antiviral medications are designed to stop the
skin from shedding the virus, but they can lead to some nasty skin reactions.
Common skin problems resulting from herpes medications include rash, redness,
itchiness, hives, and blistering. If these reactions become severe and combine
with respiratory problems, it may be an indication of an allergic reaction.

 Migraine and Fatigue – The most common side effect of herpes medication is
headache and, in some cases, these headaches can become quite severe.
Approximately 40% of herpes patients experience headaches, some even
experience migraine attacks at regular intervals. Another common and related
side effect is chronic fatigue.

 Dysmenorrhea – Some antiviral herpes medications have been known to cause

dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation. Many women experience mild pain or
discomfort during menstruation, but antiviral medications can make it
considerably worse.

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 Mental Problems – It may be surprising to you, but many medications come

with mental and psychological side effects. Some mental problems caused by
herpes medications may include depression, brain fog, anxiety, mental
confusion, hallucinations, mood swings, and irritability.

 Other Side Effects – As if the side effects listed above were not bad enough,
some antiviral medications lead to even more side effects. Weight gain, for
example, is not uncommon with prescription drugs. Some people have also been
known to experience heart problems, respiratory problems, even organ failure.

Are you willing to take those risks with long-term medication?

Unfortunately, the modern world of medicine has a slightly backwards way of

looking at things, especially when it comes to treating herpes. Pharmaceutical
companies are always looking for the next miracle drug, but the thing is, they don’t
want to CURE the disease – they just want to MANAGE it. The longer you keep
taking your prescription medications, the more money the pharmaceutical companies
make! Modern herpes treatments are all about suppressing the infection and reducing
symptoms, they are not about getting rid of the infection completely.

Herpes CAN Be Cured!

Now that you’ve lifted the veil and have learned about the things your doctor DIDN’T
tell you about herpes, you may be eager to learn the truth. If you take the time to do
even a little bit of research on your own, you may come to discover that the information
your doctor gave you is very outdated. Many hospitals and physicians’ offices are still
operating under the assumption that herpes is not a curable disease, so they only offer
treatments to manage it and its symptoms. There is plenty of new research out there to
suggest that a cure for herpes is entirely possible.

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There are also a number of natural herbs that may help with the treatment of herpes
simplex virus by boosting your immunity and reducing the severity of symptoms. All
of this information and more is out there if you put your mind to finding it for yourself!

As you embark on your journey toward a cure for herpes, keep in mind that it is a
marathon and not a sprint – be patient! New scientific discoveries are being made each
and every day, so don’t be afraid of a little experimentation – that is how the biggest
discoveries are made.

If you are ready to learn the truth – that herpes CAN be cured – then don’t waste any
time. Turn the page to learn about the HSV Eraser! Traditional herpes treatments and
therapies only offer short-term solutions and the side effects may outweigh the benefits.
If you are willing to do a little bit of experimenting and take back control of your life
and your treatment plan, the HSV Eraser might just be the secret herpes cure you’ve
been waiting for.

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Chapter 3: Herpes Eraser – Get Rid of Your Herpes for Good

Hopefully by now you have a thorough understanding of the herpes simplex virus and
you have been introduced to all of the things your doctor didn’t tell you. While antiviral
medications and other lifestyle changes can help to reduce outbreaks and heal sores,
they do not offer a long-term solution. Although your doctor might tell you otherwise,
it IS possible to find long-term relief from your herpes. It may not happen overnight
and you might have to do a bit of work to make your dream a reality, but it will be
worth it in the end. In this chapter you will learn the secret of the HSV Eraser that will
help you become herpes-free. So keep reading!

Why Haven’t You Heard of a Herpes Cure?

The reason you haven’t heard about a herpes cure is simple – doctors and drug
companies don’t want you to know that it exists! With each passing year, new scientific
discoveries are made and new treatments are discovered, but each time a disease is
cured, drug companies lose money and they lose a little bit of power as well. If the
general public knew that many diseases could be cured with natural remedies and
simple lifestyle changes, the drug companies would go out of business!

Even if someone with herpes were to consider using herbal remedies instead of
antiviral drugs, they would always have to worry about passing the disease to other
people asymptomatically. That is one of the scariest things about herpes – you can have
it without knowing and you can pass the virus on even if you don’t have symptoms!
That is why it is so hard for some people to believe that the disease can truly be cured.
But if you are willing to do the work, you CAN find relief.

In the following pages you will learn the secret of the HSV Eraser program. All it takes
is to continue to keep an open mind, to understand and to act accordingly in order to

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take control over your life. You will follow a series of simple steps to unlock and control
your herpes virus and improve your health, so your body can finally heal.

It is that simple! If you are ready to find relief from your herpes, keep reading!

Step I: Understanding true cause of our Diseases

The old idea of the traditional medicine assumes that sickness is a wrong functioning
of our bodies and should be corrected by invasive intervention. Well, considering that
they cannot explain the cause of the most incurable diseases, thinking their way is
always the best, they are oblivious to the fact that there is no real chance to be healthy
once you seek out for traditional cures.

Actually the disease is a response of the brain to a major situation you cannot adapt
to, created by our organism for its survival. The conflict type (whether it is a shock of
losing our job, our life being threatened, finding out that our partner is cheating on us,
losing someone close, having an intense self-devaluation and so on) determines which
area of the brain will be involved and what organ will be affected.

These laws work, whether we are familiar with them or not and whether we believe in
them or not.

Let us offer you a detailed explanation:

• Every ‚disease‛ – initiates with an emotional conflict/trigger (which is

defined as an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating stress –for which we cannot
determine an instant solution) that occurs simultaneously at the psychological level, in
the brain and on a corresponding organ.

• From a biological point of view, ‚unexpected‛ implies that, being unprepared for
the situation it could be detrimental for the one who was caught off-guard. In order to
support the organism during the unforeseen crisis, an Adaptation Program (programs

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hard-wired in our brain, meant to adapt us to shocking events that take us by surprise)
that is on stand-by for exactly that conflict will quickly activate. The significance of this
meaningful program we are born with is to improve the function of the organ, so that
the individual is in a better position to manage and eventually resolve the conflict. Since
the shock occurs at once in the psyche, in the brain, and on the corresponding
anatomical organ, we speak of biological conflicts rather than psychological conflicts.

• Biological conflicts are always linked to the function of the correlating organ.
For instance- the organs of the alimentary canal relate to ‚morsel conflicts‛ (not being
able to catch, swallow, digest, or eliminate a morsel), the uterus and prostate to
‚procreation conflicts‛, the skin to ‚separation conflicts‛, etc.

Animals suffer biological conflicts ONLY in real terms - for instance- when they lose
their nest or territory, or when they are separated from a mate or an offspring.

On the other hand, WE are capable of symbolic thought leading US to experience

biological conflicts ALSO in a figurative sense.

For US, an interior attack can be brought by a series of FIGURATIVE CONFLICTS such
as: denigration by an offending remark, a territorial loss such as an undesired change of
home, starvation by income loss, sexual conflicts by an unwanted ‚mating‛ of our
partner with someone else, self-devaluing caused by abuse, death-fright conflict caused
by a shocking death-threatening diagnostic such as cancer, etc.

This association happens in a split second, and entirely on a subliminal level. Thus, it is
the subconscious reading and subjective assessment of the conflict situation that
determines which Adaptation Program will be activated.

(E.g. when we are fired from our job, some of us subjective experience a starvation
conflict due to loss of sufficient financial means, other experience a self-devaluation
conflict due to loss of self-worth, other a territorial loss due to his loss of influence field,
and so on.)

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Yet, HOW exactly the subconscious mind perceives that particular conflict is ONLY
revealed when the physical symptoms arise.

Whether a person gets a sore throat, gets a cold, has diarrhea, develops a skin condition
or a certain cancer type is therefore consequently dependent on how the conflict was
experienced at the time the distressing event occurred.

NOTE: We can also suffer a conflict with or on behalf of someone else. (E.g. when we
have a death-fright conflict for someone close to us.)

Step II: Understanding Fungi, Bacteria & Viruses Contribution

Fungi, bacteria, and viruses (nucleic acid-protein compounds) are NOT A THREAT.
They are in fact indispensable aids (symbionts) and fulfil defined tasks.

We know from the COMMON MEDICINE about the classification of microorganisms

into ‚good/symbiont‚(e.g., coliform bacteria in the gut, mouth flora) and
‚bad/antibiont‚(e.g. tubercle bacteria, streptococci, viruses).

The ‚bad‛ was given the blame for various ‚diseases‚, the ‚infectious diseases‚. This
error occurred because in many "diseases", actually fungi, bacteria and viruses (nucleic
acid protein compounds) are found in the body.

However, what COMMON MEDICINE likes to conceal is the fact that lots of microbes
can be found as well in healthy people, if one would look for them. When they are
found in patients, it is called ‚pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria– e.g. ‚Here, we've
found it!—It‘s an infection! ‚.

Why one and the same germ makes you ill sometimes and at other times not, it is
explained by COMMON MEDICINE with a good or bad ‚immune system.‚

‚Infection experiments ‚were repeatedly carried out in secret and always brought the
same result: germs are partially transferable without the associated diseases.
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Microbes- Our Firefighters

The Common Medicine concluded that microbes found at the infected area are the ‚fire
starters‛, being blamed for causing an infection. This can be easily associated with a
crazy conclusion: If we find around a building on fire all the fire brigade vehicles and
firefighters –they might be to blame for starting the fire, right? Everyone knows that this
is nonsense, because the firefighters actually extinguish the fire. Fungi, bacteria, and
viruses (nucleic acid-protein compounds), do exactly the same. They ‚put out fires ‚and
optimize healing. They are not to blame for the disease.

Microbes- Loyal Companions

Microbes have been our faithful companions for a long time. Our body is ‚penetrated‛
by them down to the very last cell (e.g. mitochondria). In nature, nothing is ‚germ-
free‛. On the contrary, everything that lives is full of microbes (such as humus). Since
the beginning, we‘ve lived in perfect symbiosis with them. Without them, we would be
stone dead on the spot (cellular respiration, digestion). It has been found out that the
three microbial species (fungi, bacteria, viruses) are controlled by different brain
regions. From there, they receive orders for targeted ‚operations. ‚

Important: Our ‚microsurgeons‛ (fungi, bacteria, viruses) work exclusively in our

healing phases!

Microbes can only be a problem if they are not part of our ‚body flora‛. We get contact
with ‚unknown „bacteria strains, for example, when traveling overseas. They provide
the body with the difficult task to integrate previously unknown bacteria and fungi into
the body‘s microbial pool.

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Fungi and Fungal Bacteria

The brainstem in the first phase of our disease gives the command to our fungal
bacteria to multiply (to produce an appropriate quantity for storage) and to gather in
the affected body area.

If they are found during this phase (asymptomatic) named COLD PHASE, COMMON
MEDICINE calls it ‚non-pathogenic bacteria‛. During healing phases, their task is to
clean up the excess built tissue of the affected area (e.g., candida fungus in the gut and
thrush fungus in the mouth). Night sweats means that they are currently at work.


There are many different types of bacteria. Each bacterium has a certain ‚specialty‚, for
example, the gonococcus in the urogenital tract or Corynebacterium in the throat.

A part of them is controlled by the cerebellum and builds tissue (‚old brain‚ principle),
and another part is controlled by the cerebral medulla and builds tissue (‚new brain‚
principle), e.g., help bacteria in bone—SBS in building bone substance.


To date, there is no direct evidence of viruses. The ‚COMMON MEDICINE Virus

evidences „are all indirect tests based on binding or non-binding of proteins to other
proteins. These tests are not calibrated, because you would need to know first all the
isolated virus.

Evidence that viruses cause disease also stands out.

Undeniably, there are in the blood and other fluids of the body, a large number of very
small nucleic acid protein compounds (globulins). These globulins can be equated
roughly with the so-called viruses.

In principle, we still know far too little about the precise work of microorganisms,
because for over a century, research was conducted only in the direction of ‚infection‚.

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How do we explain epidemics?

Simple- By collectively perceived conflicts in families (e.g., Mom needs to suddenly go

to work), school classes (e.g., severe mathematics exam), or entire regions (e.g., war,
disaster). Here comes into play the common field of sensation of the group.

Similar stress and negative emotions lead to similar diseases in the healing phase.

Step III: Understanding the stages of our disease

Every ‚disease‛ has 3 stages:

1. Stress Phase/The Cold Phase

2. Healing Phase 1/ the Warm Phase

3. Healing Phase 2

1. Stress Phase/ Cold Phase

This first stage is the moment when we experience the emotional trauma (a distressing
event which takes us by surprise-of which we are unaware in most cases generated by
our inability to accept the shock we have experienced) and is the only reason we get
sick eventually.

In this stage there are very few symptoms whatsoever.

In this way, our brain begins to prepare the organ or the function, related to the type of
emotional conflict that we have experienced, in order to help us deal with the future
similar events.

When the shock occurs, the normal day-night-rhythm is instantly interrupted and the
autonomic nervous system switches into a prolonged state of stress with nervous

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restlessness, a fast heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, slow digestion, frequent

urination, and little appetite.

Since the blood vessels are constricted during stress, typical signs of conflict activity are
cold hands, cold sweats, and shivers. Therefore, we call this conflict phase also THE

The PSYCHE is in a compulsive thinking mode.

The constant dwelling over the conflict causes sleep disorders (waking up shortly after
falling asleep, usually around 3 o’clock in the morning). The extra waking hours and the
total focus on the conflict serve to find a conflict resolution as soon as possible.

Many of us are living with hanging conflicts, with little or no symptoms since in the
conflict-stage symptoms are rare hardly noticeable. Lasting intense conflict activity,
however, drains the body out of energy.

2. Healing Phase 1/ Warm Phase

As soon as we get along with what happened, because either we ‚grew up‛ or it has no
meaning for us anymore, we feel relieved and free of burden. Now we are getting ready
for the good things to come, but we are not aware that our brain is preparing for
restoration of our organ or function that was previously put in alert mode.

Here is when the symptoms first emerge (like - swelling, pain, night sweats, edema,
fever, etc. –depending on the type of trauma), and this is the moment when we visit
doctors, get diagnosed and thus, enter in a stage of panic.

With the conflict resolution, the autonomic nervous system switches into lasting
relaxation and a prolonged state of rest, with fatigue but good food appetite.

Reposing and having an increased appetite provide the organism with the necessary
energy for healing. If the healing phase is intense, the tiredness could be so
overwhelming that one can hardly get out of bed.
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The need for sleep is particularly strong during the day (in conventional medicine,
persistent tiredness is diagnosed as ‚chronic fatigue syndrome‛). Associated symptoms
are: slow pulse and low blood pressure. During the healing, the blood vessels expand
causing warm hands and skin.

Therefore, we call this healing phase also THE WARM PHASE, in which the PSYCHE is
in a state of relief.

3. Healing Phase 2

Now, the organism enters the second part of the healing phase. Scarring occurs mostly
through the production of collagen manufactured by dedicated cells, called fibroblasts,
located in the connective tissue around the healing area.

By the end of the Adaptation Program, the original function of the organ is restored and
the day-night-rhythm returns to normal.

Step IV: Understanding the TRUE MEANING OF INCURABLE

‛Incurable‛ is actually a relapse of an emotional conflict:

When we experience an emotionally distressing event, our mind is in a state of acute

awareness. Highly alert, our subconscious picks up all the DETAILS considered
relevant in connection to the conflict situation.

We call the imprints that remain in the aftermath of a distressing event, conflict tracks.

Tracks are, for example:

The location where the conflict took place

A person or a pet that was involved in the conflict

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The taste of a particular food

Specific sounds or noises

The weather condition

a certain scent (perfume, flowers)

certain words, a voice, a gesture, etc.

Tracks can have high emotional charge. In fact, feelings such as fear, or distress itself
can become a track. Other tracks stored in the biological memory are subtler, for
instance, a food ingredient or certain pollen.

The biological purpose of the tracks is to function as a warning signal in order to avoid
experiencing the disease again. In the wild, these alarm signals are vital for survival.

If we are in the healing phase and all of a sudden we encounter a track, either through
direct contact or by association, the original conflict is instantly reactivated.

Each conflict relapse interrupts and therefore prolongs the healing process – on the
organ and on the brain level – leading to a chronic condition. Persistent skin conditions
(dermatitis and psoriasis) are examples of a hanging healing. Like a healing wound that
is torn open again and again, when conflict relapses, the affected organ heals, but very
slowly. This is why we should try to resolve a conflict as soon as possible.

NOTE: A new emotionally distressing event and extreme stress also interrupts healing.
This includes states of fear and panic.

Tracks also have to be taken into consideration when we are dealing with recurring
conditions such as recurring colds, skin rashes, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Returning
symptoms are always a sign that certain tracks, associated with a particular conflict
are still important, although the healing phase has been complete. At that point,

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encountering a track activates a quick replay of the Stress Phase with the conflict-related
healing symptoms. Therefore so-called ‚allergies‛ are always tracks signs.

NOTE: Dreams can trigger conflict relapses as well (e.g. nightmares, especially the ones
related to the same kind of distressing event).

In the light of the significance of tracks, so-called ‚allergens‛ (pet dander, pollen, foods,
etc.) are important warning signals. Contrary to the standard theory, antibodies do not,
as assumed, fight the allergen (based on the construct of an ‚immune system‛) but put
the organism on the alert by restarting the conflict. For this reason white blood cells
start to produce ‚antibodies‛ (really a misnomer) as soon as the emotionally distressing
event occurs. Their sole purpose is to set off an alarm (the organ related symptoms) in
the event of an encounter with a conflict track. This is why an allergy test is ‚positive‛ if
the applied antigen, for example a certain food, happens to be a track.

We are able to explain why one and the same allergen, for instance a milk-track,
causes different symptoms in different people. It is the actual allergy symptom (runny
nose, red and itchy eyes, coughing, diarrhea, or a skin rash) that reveals the nature of
the original conflict.

Hence, we are not allergic to specific foods, cleaning agents, cosmetics, metals
(jewelry made of gold or silver), mold, or dust mites, but rather to what we associate
with it!

We can therefore also be ‚allergic‛ to a certain person, a specific location, or a particular

piece of music.

Identifying the track(s) is of utmost importance, because only then, will an allergy
stop reoccurring. Being aware that the conflict was solved and that the tracks are no
longer a danger, we are able to achieve a complete healing of the chronic conditions.

NOTE: Talking about the emotionally distressing event, can reopen the conflict wound.

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Step V: Understanding the importance of your HANDEDNESS

In the practical application, it is of utmost importance to ascertain a person’s biological

handedness, because the handedness determines whether the conflict impacts on the
right or left side of the brain and whether a symptom (skin rash, muscle weakness,
rheumatic pain, breast cancer) occurs on the right or left side of the body, taking into
account the cross-over correlation from the brain to the organ (the brain-organ relation
is always unequivocal).

Based on your handedness, you can determine according to the affected area of your

body all the elements involved in activating your emotional conflict (the people

involved, the relation type you related with, the precise event generating your


NOTE: Our biological handedness is established at the moment of the first cell division
after conception.

This is why with identical twins one is biologically right-handed and one is left-handed.
Many left-handed people were retrained in early childhood in order to fit into the right-
handed world. The real ratio of right-handers and left-handers is approximately 60:40.

In addition for a right-handed person, the left side of the body is assigned to ‚mother/
child‛ related conflicts, while the right side of the body is assigned to ‚partner‛ related
conflicts. For a left-handed person, is the other way around.

What do we mean by a “partner” or “mother-child” related conflict?

A partner includes a person’s spouse, siblings, relatives, colleagues, business partners,

neighbors, schoolmates, friends, or foes. For a man, his child is associated with his
mother/child-side when he is raising the child or when his father feelings are very
strong; otherwise the child is considered a partner. For a child, his/her father is the first
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‚partner‛. By the same token, the mother can be perceived as a partner when the child
grew up with the grandparents or when the mother-child relationship has deteriorated.
If an adult cares for a sick father like for a child, the father is most likely associated with
the mother/child side.

A pet can be perceived as a child or as a friend (partner) - meaning that a conflict

related to one’s pet can be experienced in both ways, depending on the way the pet is

A conflict evoked by a partner, for example a separation conflict, is mother-related if the

subconscious mind makes a connection with the mother (‚This also happened to my
mother‛). What ultimately counts is with whom the conflict is associated at the moment
of the shock.

An easy way to establish the biological handedness is the clapping test - clapping the
hands like applauding in the theatre. The hand that is on top is the leading hand and
tells whether a person is right-handed or left-handed. Also, right-handers start walking
with the right foot, left-handers with the left foot. Left-handers are usually

The principle of handedness: A right-handed person responds to a conflict with

his/her mother or child with the left side of the body and to a conflict with a partner
with the right side. With left-handed people it is reversed. Hence, a left-handed person
associates a conflict with his/her mother or child with the right side of the body and a
conflict with a partner with the left side.

The principle of our biological handedness is applied in assessing WHY we experience

OUR ILLNESS SYMPTOMS on our right or left part of the body (by understanding
which type of conflicts stands at the root of our left/ right disease outbreak, we can
precisely identify our emotional conflict which cause it).

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It is leading us to detect WHAT KIND OF DISTRESSING EVENT stands at the base of

our conflicts, along with the people involved, filling the puzzle and building the entire
picture of our unique emotional conflict (THE REASON of OUR ILLNESS).

Step VI: Understanding disease emotional causes

Now that we have covered most of the scientific information relating the categories of
herpes virus, the main causes of the infections, the types of herpes infections and
symptoms we can start exploring the psychological point of view, which is usually

You may have heard before about the immense power of our brain and emotions
towards our physical wellbeing. And as difficult as it may be for one to understand and
accept this perspective, you would be surprised to find out that these are in fact the root
causes of many diseases we experience in life.

Specialists have pondered the connection between our mental and physical health for
centuries. Until the 1800s, most believed that emotions were linked to disease and
advised patients to visit spas or seaside resorts when they were ill. Gradually emotions
lost favor as other causes of illness, such as bacteria or toxins, emerged, and new
treatments such as antibiotics cured illness after illness.

More recently, scientists have speculated that even behavioral disorders, such as
autism, have a biological basis. At the same time, they have been rediscovering the links
between stress and health. Today, we accept that there is a powerful mind-body
connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors
can directly affect our health.

Mind-body medicine focuses on treatments that may promote health, including

relaxation, hypnosis, visual imagery, meditation, yoga, and biofeedback.
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Over the past 20 years, mind-body medicine has provided evidence that psychological
factors can play a major role in such illnesses as heart disease, and that mind-body
techniques can aid in their treatment. Clinical trials have indicated mind-body therapies
to be helpful in managing arthritis and other chronic pain conditions. There is also
evidence they can help to improve psychological functioning and quality of life, and
may help to ease symptoms of disease.

Every year scientists are discovering new insights into how the brain, body and mind
inter-relate and the ways in which they link to each other in harmony.

The human brain is one of the most intricate, mysterious, and powerful organs in the
entire universe. Science has been able to conjure up ideas in the mind such as, concepts
in mathematics and imagine worlds that at this time do not exist.

50 % of all deaths in the United States can be associated to ways of life or other risk
determinants that are for the most part preventable. Once you learn how to identify
and eliminate all these risk factors you will also be able to decrease failing health
and improve overall health.


This forceful way of living causes STRESS. Stress is, force counter force. Then there is
the strain, the pulling away from this forced way of living. Over time, enough stress
and strain and the adrenals become weak.

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Once the adrenals go, the body suffers from low levels of minerals needed to maintain
the necessary slightly alkaline Ph. in the blood.

Here are just a few specific ways this phenomenon of modern life manifests:

• We live longer. Instead of increasing the quality of our lives, people are just
trying to extend their time here.

• The stress forced upon us daily just to survive. We’ve gotten in way too deep in
the game of survival. It could be much simpler and we could have gotten ourselves out
long ago. Stress weakens our body, depletes our minerals and creates an acidic blood

• Instead of treating the cause, we treat the symptom. This is due to capitalization
and many other twisted hidden intentions too. However, this has caused a widespread
use of antibiotics and other drugs. Drugs not only become a medium, stopping the
body’s own healing process, they damage the liver and make the blood acidity.

• Fake food. Sadly, it seems that fake food for fake people is the desired final
product for today’s food consumer. This ‘Standard American Diet’ is not only
nutritionally empty, it is making people infertile, stupid and sick.

Here is one perfect example to make you understand how it really works:

Millions of people around the world are under tremendous amounts of stress maybe
because their economy is suffering and unemployment remains high. Those who are
employed are working longer hours and are taking on more responsibilities for less
pay. People who have lost their jobs worry about paying their bills, feeding their
families and holding onto what they have worked so hard to achieve in the past and
some are wondering if they are normal.

Stress derives from the instinctual nature of the desire to survive and the psychological
community labels this concept the ‘fight or flight’ response. When the mind perceives a
warning whether that threat is real or a product of the imagination the brain responds
as if in danger. The brain calls for adrenaline to be pumped throughout the body, which
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allows it to run faster (away from the problem) or fight with a bit more strength than it
naturally possesses (face the problem).

The production of adrenaline in association with the flight or fight response is only
intended to be for brief periods of time, for survival.

When people are facing chronic stress at home or work, the physical body is under
constant tension adapting to this ‚fight or flight response‛. As a result, people tend to
feel run down and tired more often, they may experience aching joints, muscle aches,
lower back pain, headaches and increases in blood pressure. All of which are the
common side effects of repeated stress and increases in adrenaline.

While some do not tend to think about stress as being abnormal, it does indeed take a
heavy toll on a person, both physically and emotionally. One key factor in lowering
stress level is determining how to recognize and respond to stress and how this relates
to your behavior.

A simple fact of life is that human beings are extraordinarily complex and an illness can
be the result of a myriad of factors. These factors emerge from biological, psychological
and environmental facets of everyday life.

Most often medications alone will not provide the positive results necessary for people
to achieve maximum health, but, just because medicines do not fully aid in recovery or
reduce the pain does not mean that all options for improvement have been exhausted.
Although improving, health psychology principles clearly have not been fully utilized
or recognized at this point in time, by conventional western medicine.

Physical ailments are real, people will say, ‚they are not in my head.‛ Some patients
and physicians view health psychology concepts as being a personal affront to our
gaining knowledge and do not believe that pain relates to overall emotional well-

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Science is evolving and the problem may simply not be medically understood or the
location of the pain cannot be found in the body at the time. There is a relationship
between the brain, the mind and pain.

Our emotional and physical health are inextricably related.

Whether we are happy or sad, our bodies respond physically to the way we think, feel
and act:

Expressing the affectionate feelings you have towards your partner lowers
cholesterol levels.

A 30-minute argument with your partner can slow your body’s ability to heal by
at least a day. If you argue regularly, that healing time is doubled.

Short bouts of stress can boost immunity and raise levels of cancer-fighting
molecules – and the effect lasts for weeks after the stressful situation ends. However,
long-lasting or chronic stress is a different matter. Stress leaves you in a fight-or-flight
state in which your body turns off long-term building and repair projects.

Exposure to chronic stress has been found to raise risk of cardiovascular disease
and diabetes.

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Angry outbursts may last only a few minutes, but they can cause surges in blood
pressure and heart rate, raising the risk of heart attack by 19 per cent.

Falling in love raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year. Nerve growth
factor, a hormone-like substance, helps restore the nervous system and improves
memory by triggering the growth of new brain cells. It’s also associated with the feeling
of being loved-up and contented, inducing a calming effect on both the body and the

Depression, pessimism and apathy affect our health in several ways. Low mood
is linked to low levels of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitters in
the brain.

Serotonin plays a role in regulating pain perception and could be the reason why
45 per cent of patients with depression also suffer aches and pains.

Laughing can reduce the risk of a heart attack by curbing unwanted stress.

Emotional tears were found to contain high levels of the hormones and
neurotransmitters associated with stress. The purpose of emotional crying is to remove
stress chemicals. Holding back tears leaves the body prone to anxiety, including
weakened immunity, impaired memory and poor digestion.

Jealousy is one of the most powerful and painful of human emotions – and the
most difficult to control. Someone in the grip of jealousy is likely to suffer raised blood
pressure, heart rate and adrenalin levels, weakened immunity and anxiety.

Feelings of gratitude boost immunity, lower blood pressure and speed healing.
Gratitude is also associated with more harmonious electric activity around both the
heart and brain – the very state in which these organs operate most effectively.

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The fact is that there is a Spiritual cause underlying most diseases.

Take for instance a few examples:

Abdominal Cramps: Indigestible Anger.

Acne: Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.

Allergies: Recurring symptoms.

Arthritis: Feeling devaluated; Self-criticism; resentment.

Bladder Problems: Fear of losing the lover.

Heart Problems: Longstanding emotional problems; Feeling overwhelmed;

feeling outsmarted; Hardening of the heart; Belief in strain and stress.

Hemorrhoids: Confusion; Anger of the past; Identity problems.

Herpes Simplex: Separation in the form of being touched.

Herpes Genitalis: Sexual separation; Rejection of the genitals.

Kidney Problems: Unbearable stress; Liquids related problems.

Liver: Starving fear (symbolical).

Cholesterol: Clogging the channels of joy; Fear of accepting joy.

And the list never ends, first of all due to our altered and subjective way of perceiving
THE REALITY & FACTS and, nevertheless due to our capacity and desire to overcome
it and survive.

As you can observe there is a precise factor that causes the burst of each and every
disease. And it happens the exact same thing when it comes to so-called ‚viral

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Infections, for instance, always occur right after you have resolved your distressing

So in case you are experiencing any type of

infection you might want to take some time and
identify the root cause of your problem regarding a
certain situation, person or event. Once you will be
able to identify the risk factor, you will also be
able to work that problem out.

Step VII: Understanding Herpes TRUE CAUSE

The REAL ILLNESS called ACTIVE CONFLICT (or STRESS PHASE) begins due to an
EMOTIONAL TRAUMA (which is a distressing event that takes us by surprise-of
which we are unaware in most cases, generated by our inability to accept the shock we
have experienced).

The emotional trauma is described as an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating stress,
for which we cannot determine an instant solution, which occurs simultaneously at the
psychological level, in the brain and on a corresponding organ.

When it comes down to Herpes, it is a very easy solution though very few find it.

Most of the people look for external causes and medical treatment.

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We will explain it in a very common language since we need no Nobel Prize for
technical terms. It is a mental and emotional reaction to what we observe that makes the
brain interfere with special programs that brings such symptoms.

You must understand that nothing’s wrong with your

body and you didn’t catch any special bacteria nor you
got infected with some new virus.
It all comes down to a thought and a feeling about your feet and some unaesthetic
experience in the past.

We can call this experience Separation Conflict.

It all begins with a separation conflict: The conflict refers to wanting to separate from a
person in the sense of wanting but not being able to push someone away (literally or
figuratively), for example, a terrorizing boss or teacher, an annoying colleague or
schoolmate, or an abusive parent or spouse.

A separation conflict also relates to wanting to separate from something close to the
skin (face mask, oxygen mask, a helmet, hat, clothing, shoes, tight stockings, dirty
glass/straw, unhygienic touch, wet diapers, etc.).

The same applies to a separation from something that one is no longer allowed or able
to touch (a musical instrument, keyboard, tennis racket, steering wheel, etc.) or feel on
the skin (an engagement ring, a favorite pillow).

Actually, there is no real virus of Herpes, but a

biological conflict.

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Step VIII: Herpes healing symptoms & process



During the conflict stress phase the epidermis ulcerates at the area(s) associated with
the separation. The ulcerations are microscopic and usually go unnoticed. With
continuing conflict activity, however, the skin becomes dry, rough, flaky, pale, and cold
from poor blood circulation. Eventually, the skin begins to crack causing fissures that
may bleed. If an intense conflict persists for a long period of time, the skin opens at the
ulcerated area (for example: leg ulcers). Ichthyoids, a skin condition characterized by
fine scaling similar to fish-scales, is also an indication of long and intense conflict

On the scalp, the flaky skin, shows as dandruff.

Deep ulceration of the epidermal skin causes hair loss (alopecia); also seen at pets.

Herpes on the left cheek reveals that the separation conflict was associated with a
partner, if the person is left-handed. For a right-hander it indicates a mother or child-
related conflict.

A localized conflict translates into being touched at this particular area of the skin at the
moment when the emotional distressing event occurred.

Therefore, in order to identify the root cause (your precise distressing moment & action)
of your HSV-1, define your handedness, your herpes affected body area and seek the
precise situation that preceded your herpes outbreak.

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During the first part of the healing phase, the ulcerated area of the skin is replenished
through cell proliferation. The skin swells up, becomes red, inflamed, irritated, itchy,
and sensitive to touch (hypersensitivity). The small fluid-filled edemas appear as

Herpes presents as small, fluid-filled blisters similar to dermatitis or chickenpox.

They develop throughout the area of the skin that correlates to the separation conflict,
for example, on the lips (missing to be kissed or not wanting to be kissed, oral sex-
related distress, lip contact with a dirty glass or an ‚infected‛ straw, cigarette
‚withdrawal‛). On the lips such blisters are commonly called ‚cold sores‛.

The sun can be a trigger or track for recurring ‚solar herpes‛ on the lips.

During HEALING PHASE 2, the blisters dry up and the skin normalizes, provided
there are no conflict relapses.


It is linked to the vaginal epidermis or mucosa, and is a separation conflict experienced

as a wanting or not wanting to be touched on the vulva or vagina, wanting or not
wanting to have sexual intercourse.

The fear of losing touch or contact with someone (the threat of a divorce, a difficult
long-distance or weekend relationship, the fear that a loved one might leave, move
away, or die, feeling rejected by a person, let’s say, because of a disagreement) can
evoke the conflict.

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During the conflict stress phase the epidermis or mucosa ulcerates on the area(s)
associated with the separation. The ulcerations are microscopic and usually go
unnoticed. With continuing conflict activity, however, the skin becomes dry, rough,
flaky, pale, and cold from poor blood circulation. Eventually, the skin begins to crack
causing fissures that may bleed. If an intense conflict persists for a long period of time,
the skin opens at the ulcerated area (for example: leg ulcers).

When a conflict arises?

‚I like sex but I still want to separate from penis/partner‛.

Or when you have sex and:

g pregnant.

- breaking.

A shock for a few seconds, but felt dramatically in that time, will be easily forgotten.

All these cases and many others show a conflict, which is a discrepancy between
reality and desire.

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NOTE: A separation from a home (place) is not a separation conflict in biological terms,
since it does not relate to the skin but concerns the ‚territory‛.


Healing symptoms are vaginal dermatitis with vaginal itching (pruritus) and pain
(hypersensitivity). If there is an inflammation, the condition is called vaginitis. Unlike
the discharge produced by fungal activity (candidiasis), the vaginal discharge is clear,
potentially with some light bleeding.

During HEALING PHASE 2, the condition normalizes, as there are no conflict relapses.

Mouth Herpes occurs when facing a conflict of

separation due to a feeling of disgust/displeasure.
In the genital area it is the same.
Genital herpes on the external genitals (vulva, labia, penis and scrotum) or in the
vagina are linked to a sexual separation conflict (loss of a sexual mate, sexual rejection,
unwanted sex, sexual abuse). The fear or suspicion that a sexual mate might sleep with
someone else can already trigger the conflict. Skin lesions on the genitals (male and
female) might be diagnosed as soft chancre (ulcus molle) or cancroid.

In conventional medicine, it is considered the ‚first sign‛ of syphilis.

"I had the proof with just a little herpes blister"- a very common statement that emerged
on the online media.

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Recently, something happened to one of our patients that proved to be a good

argument or example for this knowledge accuracy.

What happened was that my drinking straw had fallen from the glass I was holding, down on the
floor, and I couldn’t immediately pick it up because someone was ringing the doorbell.

When I returned, the straw was lying once again on the table - someone else had already picked it
up. I took the straw, placed it into my glass and started drinking. At that moment, the other
person said to me: "Don't drink with that straw because the cat had licked it!"

I shuddered and said: "Yuckkkk!" and immediately threw the straw aside [separation conflict: of
not wanting to have the straw touching the skin at this area].

I had the straw in the right corner of my mouth and that same evening my lip was already
swallowed and I felt the tension growing. The next day I had a herpes blister on the right lower

What is important to know is that the cat had never even touched the straw - but I realized this
only later, as the other person in the room revealed his prank on me.

I was shocked to finally understand the amazing psyche-brain-organ function works. I find this
really cool and thanks to the specialists team that made the research in this matter and made it
possible for me to know about it, I am now sharing this with you. It is really astonishing how
true it is, with all of its correlations between organs, the brain, and the psyche.

I will mention this example towards many other people and wish to spread the knowledge further
and beyond. “

Here are few more examples of situations which trigger a herpes condition:

 A woman would rather just cuddle. Her husband wants sex (activating her
conflict of not wanting sexual intercourse).

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 Following two bitter disappointments, a woman longs for a genuine partner, not
just somebody who wants sex (triggering her separation conflict of not having
the desired skin contact and resulting in degradation of epithelial tissue during
conflict stress phase). When she finds a real partner, she suffers from itching in
the outer genital area for one year (the same conflict healing-phase), due to the
restoration of the lost substance; the false diagnosis given by conventional
doctors for her condition was ‚vaginal fungus‚.

• A woman has been raped by a man during her teenage past. Since then, she has a
sex track with inflammation and itching of the external genitals (her brain
automatically restarts the healing-phase after sexual intercourse). Once she found
out and understood that her conflict was triggered by her teenage event, the conflict
healing phase stopped occurring.

Step IX: Past & Present tracks & Their Awareness

What is a TRACK?

Once we experience and ACTIVATE an emotionally distressing event (EMOTIONAL

CONFLICT), our mind is in a state of acute awareness. Highly alert, our subconscious
picks up all the DETAILS considered relevant in connection to the conflict situation
(acting like a RECORDING CAMERA). We call the imprints that remain in the
aftermath of a distressing event, CONFLICT TRACKS.

Why? To avoid the same conflict to happen again (survival function).

Tracks can have high emotional charge. In fact, feelings such as fear, or distress itself
can become a track. Other tracks stored in the biological memory are subtler, for
instance, a food ingredient or certain pollen.

The biological purpose of the tracks is to function as a warning signal in order to avoid
experiencing the disease again. In the wild, these alarm signals are vital for survival.
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Once we are in the healing phase and all of a sudden we encounter a track, either
through direct contact or by association, the original conflict is instantly reactivated.

Therefore IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO IDENTIFY all possible tracks which were

present at the INITIAL EMOTIONAL CONFLICT ACTIVATION and cancel them.

Each conflict relapse interrupts and therefore prolongs the healing process – on the
organ and on the brain level – leading to a chronic condition (hanging healing).
Persistent skin conditions (dermatitis and psoriasis) are examples of a hanging healing.
Like a healing wound that is torn open again and again, when conflict relapses, the
affected organ heals, but very slowly.

Tracks also have to be taken into consideration when we are dealing with recurring
conditions (examples are: recurring colds, skin rashes, diarrhea and hemorrhoids, and
so forth). Returning symptoms are always a sign that certain tracks, associated with a
particular conflict are still important, although the healing phase has been complete. At
that point, encountering a track WITHOUT BEING AWARE THAT IS A TRACK,
activates a quick replay of the Stress Phase with the conflict-related healing symptoms.
Therefore so-called ‚allergies‛ are always tracks signs.

NOTE: Dreams can trigger conflict relapses as well (nightmares, especially the ones
related to the same kind of distressing event).

A recurrent nightmare is perceived by our PSYCHE and our SOUL as a REAL EVENT
(they cannot perceive differently a real event from an imaginary one) - with similar or
same trauma effects and it ACTIVATES again THE EMOTIONAL CONFLICT. So, a
nightmare should be treated with extreme importance in understanding if the initial

In the light of the significance of tracks, so-called ‚allergens‛ (pet dander, pollen, foods,
etc.) are important warning signals. Contrary to the standard theory, antibodies do not,
as assumed, fight the allergen (based on the construct of an ‚immune system‛) but put

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the organism on the alert by restarting the conflict. For this reason white blood cells
start to produce ‚antibodies‛ (really a misnomer) as soon as the emotionally distressing
event occurs. Their sole purpose is to set off an alarm (the organ related symptoms) in
the event of an encounter with a conflict track. This is why an allergy test is ‚positive‛ if
the applied antigen, for example a certain food, happens to be a track.

We are able to explain why one and the same allergen, for instance a milk-track,
causes different symptoms in different people. It is the actual allergy symptom
(runny nose, red and itchy eyes, coughing, diarrhea, or a skin rash) that reveals the
nature of the original conflict.

Hence, we are not allergic to specific foods, cleaning agents, cosmetics, metals
(jewelry made of gold or silver), mold, or dust mites, but rather to what we associate
with it!

We can therefore also be ‚allergic‛ to a certain person, a specific location, or a particular

piece of music. Identifying the track(s) is of utmost importance, because only then, will
an allergy stop reoccurring.

Being aware that the conflict IS SOLVED and that the tracks are NO LONGER A
DANGER, we are able to achieve a complete healing of the chronic conditions.

It is crucial to understand and acknowledge the fact that almost all of us, no matter how
‚healthy‛ we consider ourselves, we have at least one or more active tracks which are
unconsciously manifesting. Therefore, we experience all sort of automatic reactions/
LIFE (like sneezing, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, all sort of allergies or intolerances)
making us believe that everything is OK, NORMAL and ‚IS JUST THE WAY WE ARE‛.

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STATE, which implies THE ABSENCE of all our symptoms and

Once you find yourself during herpes healing process, accept it and go on with it. In
case of a relapse or in order to avoid all possible relapses, you have to determine the
generating cause (find the cause or the track) and, if possible, resolve it in real life.

For instance, choose a sexually compatible partner, who is willing to fulfill one‘s sexual

Warts are the result of repetitive healing due to continuous conflict relapses. They
develop alone or in groups at the area of the skin that was associated with the
separation; they appear raised or flat depending on the intensity of the recurring

If the initial-disgust-conflict happened at the time of menstruation or ovulation and it

reappears every month in that given period, these factors activate unconsciously the
conflict as in the initial phase. In this case, menstruation and ovulation are self -
recalling the conflict.




anymore; YOU WILL STOP the power of that track triggering a further relapse/
activation of our illness.
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Step X: Accept & Closely Assist automated healing program





- THE FACT that the conflict cause has ceased, because the external factors generating it
are not manifesting anymore (‚THE DANGER IS SURPASSED‛, ‚I’m in no danger‚,
‚Past is past! ‚, the people which caused our emotional trauma are not present in our
life anymore, we get over the incident, etc.);

- THE FACT that the conflict is becoming IRRELEVANT to our existence, because the
internal factors generating it - OUR EMOTIONS or SUBJECTIVE MANNER of
PERCEIVING REALITY (being afraid, being ashamed, feeling abandoned, feeling
isolated, etc.) are SURPASSED;

This type of conflict closure is very tricky, due to the fact that until we will not
become aware and we are not detecting all its possible triggers, we have a
high possibility of reactivating them or falling into their relapses.


- YOUR AWARENESS and deep UNDERSTANDING of the fact that an event becomes
distressing based ONLY on YOUR SUBJECTIVE EMOTIONAL WAY of seeing and
feeling THE REALITY- that event;

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HAPPEN, DETACH without drawing any personal conclusion or grudge, THE FACTS
STOP AFFECTING YOU and the normal function of your body is undisturbed.

Once you accept the reality the way it is, your emotional active conflict is OFF, THE

Another advantage of your CONSCIOUSNESS and your LACK OF ATTACHMENT of

the present illness and its healing symptoms is the fact that you will experience LESS
AND MILDER symptoms as usual (called as conflict TRANSCENDENCE).

As well, throughout FINDING, DETACHING, thus CONTROLING all possible

TRACKS that were present at the time your emotional conflict was born and activated,

In order to avoid experiencing any herpes related condition, you must SEEK and FIND
the conflict that is recurring. The conflict must be solved starting at the psychic level, as
the real problem is the basis of the conflict.

For this, you must remember the element that you have experienced as a major mental
trauma, before the symptoms occurred. As soon as you will UNDERSTAND the reason
for suffering, you will be able to stop it the next time it happens, keeping in mind that
HERPES is actually the healing phase of the major distress stage. In this way it will not
empower another automatic healing program the next time you find yourself in the
same or a similar situation.

Now that the conflict is resolved, you have to go along with the healing process. In case
of a relapse, determine the conflict or track and, if possible, resolve it in real life.

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As well, in order to put your mind at ease and detach from any conflict waiting to arise
you can control your state of mind with the following empowering guiding thoughts,
according to your needs:

‚I don‘t have to if I don‘t want to! ‚

‚I‘ll do it when I feel like it! ‚

‚Erotic is nice but true friendship and satisfaction lie outside the physical realm! ‚

You can improve the quality of your life and prevent conflicts
from arising when you become conscious of your body,
thoughts and feelings.

Even when a shock has surprised you, becoming aware is the

way to stop the big storm.

Food is medicine - Improve Your Overall Health

After you have understood the real cause and healing process of your herpes condition,
your next move is to boost up your overall health, in order to full speed your healing
natural process. During this phase of the protocol you will focus on key vitamins,
supplements, and other dietary inclusions to supercharge your immune system. This
phase will last for about 20 days.

For the next week and a half, make sure to include the following foods in your diet. If
you make an effort to follow these guidelines for ten days you will find that your
immune system is functioning at full capacity.
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1. Milk and Dairy Products – These foods are a natural source of lysine, a key
amino acid that can strengthen your immune system to heal sores.
You can choose to drink 2 glasses of milk per day to get your daily dose of lysine
– one after breakfast and one in the evening, before bed.

2. High Vitamin C Foods – Foods that are rich in vitamin C will also help to boost
your immune system, helping it to mild the symptoms of the herpes virus. Aim
for 2 servings of citrus fruits per day (like oranges) and 2 servings of vitamin C-
rich vegetables (like broccoli, tomatoes, bell peppers, and green peas). Have one
serving of each at lunch and one at dinner.

3. Carbohydrates – Healthy carbohydrates will not only provide your body with
dietary fiber, but they will also help to support your immune system. Have one
meal of unrefined whole grain carbohydrates at least once a day – aim for 7
ounces of whole grain carbohydrates around lunch time, between 12:30 and 2:00

4. Protein – Meat and poultry products are full of healthy protein and natural
sources of lysine as well. Choose lean cuts of meat, aiming for about 3 ounces per

5. Healthy Fats – Healthy fatty acids and omega oils will help to keep your nervous
system in good health. Aim for 1,000 mg per day of omega 3 fatty acids.

What to Eat

The food a person is eating and digesting throughout the day is one of the most
important factors in overcoming any type of diseases. Understand the true meaning of

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the phrase, food is medicine. I suggest a locally grown, organic and anti-fungal diet for
overcoming your herpes condition for good. This would look a diet that is:

• Is totally sugar-free, gluten-free, casein free.

• Includes fermented foods and drinks to rebalance the good- bad firefighters.

• Provides minerals, which are depleted by yeast, pathogens, weak adrenals and
low immunity.

• Heals digestion. Poor digestion creates a vicious cycle of sickness.

Everything you eat has an effect on your immune system in one way or the other.
Foods high in vitamins, mineral and nutrients generally strengthen your immune
system. If your immune system is strong, your body will be able to heal in a faster and
balanced way.

One of the simplest ways to boost the immune system is through simple dietary
changes. Along with HSV Eraser program, you will boost your immune system by
eating foods that are rich in lysine and vitamin C. Balancing your diet with
carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats is also important.

Lysine is a type of amino acid that is found in a variety of natural food sources,
including dairy products. There are numerous studies that show the benefits of lysine in
boosting the immune system. Not only is lysine a very effective immune booster, but it
works very quickly as well. Conventional Medicine Studies related to herpes patients in
particular have shown that lysine supplementation is effective in reducing the
recurrence of outbreaks and in shortening the length of those outbreaks for both oral
herpes and genital herpes.

Some natural food sources for lysine include the following:

 Red meat (beef, 5 ounces per day  Poultry (chicken, 5 ounces per
cooked) day, cooked)

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 Cheese (Swiss/Gruyere or Edam

cheese, 4 ounces per day)
 Salty fish (Atlantic cod, 3 ounces
per day)
 Eggs (2 eggs per day, hard boiled
or scrambled)
 Nuts (pumpkin seeds, 2 cups per
 Legumes (white beans, 2 cups
per day, cooked, yellow beans, 2
cups per day, cooked, lentils, 1
and ½ cups per day, cooked)
 Soy products (soy, 1 cup per day,
roasted, dried frozen tofu, 2 cups
per day, soy chips, 2 cups per
 Spirulina algae (3.5 ounces per
 Fenugreek seed (2 cups per day,

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Vitamin C - Foods that are rich in vitamin C can help to boost the immune system in
general, also help to promote cardiovascular health. In terms of immunity, vitamin C
acts as an antioxidant that helps to keep the bones, blood vessels, and muscles healthy
and strong. In the digestive system, vitamin C helps to boost collagen production that
helps to hold the tissues together.

Some natural food sources for vitamin C include the following:

 Strawberries (one cup, sliced, per day)

 Blueberries (3 cups per day)
 Raspberries (2 cups per day)
 Cranberries (3 cups per day)
 Kiwi (1 fruit per day, about 2 inches long)
 Bell peppers (1/2 cup per day sliced, fresh, can be added to a salad)
 Broccoli (3/4 cup per day, chopped, cooked)
 Citrus fruits (1 medium orange, fresh, per day)
 Papaya (1/2 medium fruit, fresh, per day)
 Garlic (6 ounces per day, fresh)
 Spinach (4 cups per day, cooked)
 Pineapple (1 cup per day, chunks, fresh)
 Cabbage (1 and ½ cups per day, red cabbage, cooked)
 Mango (1 and ½ cups per day, sliced, fresh)
 Brussels sprouts (1 cup per day, cooked)
 Cauliflower (1 and ½ cups per day, cooked)
 Turnip greens (2 cups per day, cooked)
 Tomatoes (3 cups per day, raw, sliced)
 Winter squash (4 cups per day, cubed, cooked)

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Another supplement that can be beneficial in boosting your immune system is propolis
– a resin manufactured by bees. Propolis is loaded with flavonoids and antioxidants
that boost the body’s natural ability to fight. Numerous studies have shown that this
resin works faster and better than prescription antiviral medications, and it may also
help to reduce the pain associated with herpes sores.

Though lysine and vitamin C are extremely beneficial for the immune system, it is also
important that you follow a balanced diet including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Below you will find an overview of how these nutrients support the immune system:

 Carbohydrates – These play a vital role in our immune system’s proper

functioning. A deficiency of this nutrient may lead to impaired functioning of
this system. It can be found in whole grains, oats, barley, flour, sugar, and corn.
For people with herpes, it is best to avoid refined carbohydrates such as white
sugar and white rice, as it may contain high ratios of arginine. Arginine, which
like Lysine is another amino acid, has the property of prolonging the healing
process and should be avoided.

 Proteins – These can be found in meat, fish, and poultry

products. These foods are high in lysine. Both Lysine and Arginine are necessary
for the proper functioning of the body and they are both found in some foods.
Although you can’t live without either one, you should restrict intake of foods
that can contain more Arginine than Lysine. If both are in normal limits, Lysine
will be able to help your body heal faster.

 Fats – These include essential fatty acids and Omega 3 oils that are extremely
beneficial to our health. These are considered good fats that are critical in
maintaining the nervous system to be in good shape. Avoid foods that contain
hydrogenated oils, as they have trans-fats that are toxic and damaging to the

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body. Also, stay away from high-fat and processed foods.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes drinking plenty of water will help you
fight herpes naturally and efficiently.

Furthermore, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and engaging in regular exercise
are important as well.

 Stress – It is impossible to remove stress from your life completely, but there are
some simple things you can do to manage it. Try starting your day with 15
minutes of silent meditation and don’t forget to make time for yourself
throughout the day. Things like yoga, Tai Chi, and mindfulness exercises have
also been shown to reduce stress.

 Exercise – Keeping your body fit is an important aspect of total body health and
wellness. Just keep in mind that mild to moderate exercise is the best when it
comes to herpes. If you exercise too vigorously it could induce a stress response
in your body that could trigger an outbreak.

What NOT To Eat

In addition to increasing your consumption of lysine, Vitamin C, and other healthy

nutrients, there are certain foods you should avoid. The three main things you want to
avoid are sugar, processed foods, and alcoholic beverages. You should also keep an
eye on your intake of sulfites, arginine, and antibiotics.

 Sugar – Sugar has been shown to reduce the body’s immune response and it can
also interfere with the body’s ability to utilize vitamin C in the healing process.
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Additionally, sugar can impede the absorption of B vitamins, which are essential
nutrients in helping the body to manage stress.

 Processed Foods – Not only are processed foods loaded with artificial
ingredients, but they are low in nutritional value as well. Processed foods like
canned meat, bottled drinks, pre-packaged convenience foods, and snacks often
contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, flavors, and dyes that contain
sulfites. Sulfites contain sulfur dioxide that helps prevent spoilage and increases
shelf life. Though sulfites occur naturally in some foods, they are added to many
processed foods like baked goods, soups, chips, bottled beverages, and
condiments to delay spoiling.

 Sulfites– In addition to being found in food, sulfites can also be found in some
medications. Sulfites help to keep the drug stable thanks to their natural
antioxidant properties and they also help to keep injectable medications from
turning brown or losing their effectiveness. Many inhaler medications also
contain sulfites. Unfortunately, secondary reactions to sulfites are fairly common
and they can also have a negative impact on the immune system and the
digestive system. Although sulfites can act as a preservative or enhancer in food
and medications, they can also cause skin irritation and rashes, as well as
breathing problems, even anaphylactic shock.

 Arginine-Rich Foods – Foods like peanuts, almonds, gelatin, refined grains, and
chocolate contain an amino acid called arginine. Like lysine, arginine is an
essential amino acid, but you need to be wary of consuming too much. The
human body produces arginine naturally, so you should avoid eating too much
of it in the form of refined grains and the other foods listed above.

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 Antibiotics – Many doctors overprescribe antibiotics for minor illnesses. From

conventional medicine point of view, these medications might help to kill the
pathogenic bacteria, however they also kill off good bacterium that helps to
support healthy digestion in your intestines. About 80% of the immune system is
located in the digestive tract, so maintaining good digestive health is incredibly
important for boosting the immune system. It is also important to remember that
herpes is not a virus or a bacterium, so antibiotics will NOT help! Also, the more
antibiotics you take, the more bacteria will become resistant to them so they
won’t work.

 Alcohol –It is important to note that alcohol is nothing but empty calories – it
does not provide the body with any kind of nutrition. In fact, people who
consume excessive amounts of alcohol often lose interest in food and eventually
suffer from malnutrition. Balanced nutrition is very important for boosting
immunity, which is another reason to avoid alcohol.

On the following pages we prepared a suggestion of foods you should eat during
the first 10 days of the program. You will find ideas for 4 days’ worth of meals. You
can choose to use the exact recommended dishes, or you can pick at least two of them
and repeat them for several times up to 10 days. Starting with the next forward 10
days, you will have other meal suggestions.

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Day Schedule
Meal What to eat Amount How to eat
# time

1st Breakfast a. Milk or soy Milk: 1 glass For the fruit salad,

7am - 10am
milk don’t use whip cream
Fruit salad ingredients: 1 medium-sized orange, 1 cup of strawberries, 1
that comes in an
b. Fruit salad cup of blueberries or raspberries, 1 medium-sized kiwi and cream if you
aerosol can. Use only
natural ingredients.

1st Lunch a. Grilled Grilled chicken with salad: at least 5 ounces of chicken breast grilled, Make sure that
chicken with with salt, pepper. Salad: 2 cups of tomatoes and 3 cups of baby spinach, everything you use is
salad or soy salt, pepper if you want, olive oil, juice from a fresh lemon and pumpkin fresh and you eat
cheese and bell seeds to taste. vegetables and fruits
12:30pm- 2:30pm

peppers that are organic or

Soy cheese and bell peppers: at least 3 large orange bell peppers,
bought, if possible,
b. Fruit dessert washed, without seeds, filled with 1 part grated soy cheese mixed with 1
from a farmer’s
part boiled broccoli that is no longer warm, salt, pepper and other spices
to taste.

Fruit dessert: 1 cup of strawberries or 1 1/2 cup mango or 1 cup of fresh


1st Snack a. Honey or Honey: 2 ounces of honey with soy chips or not. The honey variety
pumpkin can be alfalfa,
Pumpkin seeds: roasted in the oven, 2 cups.
4 pm to 5 pm

seeds. avocado, orange

Milk: 1 glass. blossom, eucalyptus,
b. Milk or soy
fireweed, sourwood,
tulip poplar or

Copyright © 2017

1st Dinner a. Salmon and Salmon and broccoli: 1 salmon fillet of at least 5 ounces, grilled with no -
broccoli or additional oil, sprinkled with fresh lemon juice and spices to taste,

6 pm to 8 pm
salsa broccoli – ¾ cup chopped, boiled, added as a side dish.

Salsa: 2 cups of chopped tomatoes, ½ cup chopped green bell pepper, 1

cup of onion diced, ¼ cup minced fresh cilantro, 2 tablespoons of fresh
lime juice, salt and pepper to taste.

2nd Breakfast a. Milk or soy Milk: 1 glass The tomatoes for the
milk omelet side dish are
Omelet: 2 organic eggs, salt and pepper to taste, bell pepper 1 cup
optional. In case you
b. Omelet chopped. You can serve it with 1 or 2 fresh medium-sized tomatoes.
were wondering
about the milk… it’s
7 am to 10 am

not that important

how fat it is, it’s
important that it is
organic, natural milk;
so, when you are
buying it, aim for a
less processed type.

Copyright © 2017

2nd Lunch a. Red meat Red meat steak with vegetables: a 6 ounce boneless veal loin (about 11
steak with cm/4 inches in length), 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 large
vegetables or pinches of herbs de Provence or thyme, salt and ground pepper. Rub the
Mexican salad veal with the oil and sprinkle the herbs, salt and pepper. Put the veal in a
large cast-iron skillet over moderately high heat until browned, about 1
b. Fruit dessert
and ½ minutes per side. Transfer the skillet to the oven for about 8
minutes for medium. Add 1/3 cup of water to the skillet to bring to a boil
12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

over moderate heat, scraping up any browned bits. Add any exuded
juices from the veal and boil until slightly reduced, about 1 minute.

Vegetables are cauliflower, 1 cup, and Brussels sprouts, 1 cup, cooked,

served as side dish.

Mexican salad: 1 avocado – peeled, pitted and diced, ½ sweet onion,

chopped, 1 green bell pepper, chopped, 1 large ripe tomato, chopped, ½
cup chopped fresh cilantro, juice from ½ chopped cilantro, salt and
pepper to taste. Add everything to a medium bowl and gently toss until
evenly coated.

Fruit dessert: 1 kiwi

Copyright © 2017

2nd Snack a. Grapes Grapes: 2 cups of grapes (The grapes recommended here should be red, Remember that 1 cup
any of the following varieties: Alicante, Cabernet Franc or Cabernet, in cooking
b. Milk or soy

4 pm to 5 pm
Gamay, Malbec, Merlot, Muscat, Barbera, Corvina, Dolcetto, Molinara, measurements equals
Rondinella). 8 fluid ounces.

Milk: 1 glass.

2nd Dinner Grilled tuna Grilled tuna with basil pesto: 1 tuna steaks each about 8 ounces, ¼ cup As you might have
with basil pesto olive oil, 1 garlic clove, 1 cup of fresh basil leaves, 1/8 cup toasted pine noticed already, there
or Papaya nuts, ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Season are suggestions for
salad the tuna with salt and pepper and brush both sides with olive oil. Place it both your vegetarian
on a hot grill on each side for about 2 minutes for rare or 3 minutes for preferences, and you
well done. Put the garlic, basil leaves, pine nuts, salt and pepper into a also have an option if
6 pm to 8 pm

food processor. Add the rest of the oil while still blending. Transfer to a you are allergic to
bowl and stir with the Parmesan. Add the tuna and serve. milk.

Papaya salad: 3 cloves of garlic, 1 fresh green pepper, 3 green beans, cut
into 1 inch pieces, ½ large unripe papaya, peeled and cut into thin strips,
1 tablespoon of lime juice, and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds. In a food
processor, coarsely chop the garlic, chili peppers and green beans. Mix
the papaya and process into small chunks. Mix in the tomato and lime
juice. Process the mixture until soft and slightly chunky.

Copyright © 2017

3rd Breakfast a. Milk or soy Milk: 1 glass. -

7 am to 10 am
Coleslaw: 5 ounce coleslaw, 2 tablespoons diced onion. 2 tablespoons of
b. Coleslaw olive oil, ½ tablespoon of white vinegar, salt, poppy seeds. Combine
everything in a bowl.

3rd Lunch a. Roasted Roasted vegetables: 1 cup of cubed squashed butternut, 1 red bell pepper The roasted
vegetables – seeded and diced, ½ sweet potato, peeled and cubed, 1 Yukon potato – vegetables recipe is
12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

cubed, ½ red onion – quartered, 1 tablespoon freshly chopped thyme, 1 meant to suit all
tablespoon freshly chopped rosemary, 1/8 cup of olive oil, salt and preferences. It’s
pepper. Put the squash, bell pepper, potatoes in a medium bowl, while in slightly crunchy and
a smaller bowl stir together thyme, rosemary, olive oil, salt and pepper. it’s tasty and spicy.
Toss the vegetables until they are coated. Spread everything on a roasting So, bon appétit.
pan and roast for up to 40 minutes.

3rd Snack a. Roasted Roasted edamame: ½ cup edamame, 1 teaspoon olive oil and, depending
edamame on taste – powder with Parmesan or salt or paprika. Mix the edamame
4 pm to 5 pm

with the olive oil and one of the tastes you enjoy most –
b. Milk or soy
Parmesan/paprika/salt – and spread them on a tin foil baking sheet. Roast
in the oven for 20 minutes or until crispy.

Milk: 1 glass

Copyright © 2017

3rd Dinner a. Tomato soup Tomato soup: 2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced, 2 cups tomato juice, If you are allergic to
6 leaves fresh basil, ½ cup cream, salt and pepper. Place tomatoes and dairy products, just

6 pm to 8 pm
juice in a stockpot over medium heat. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree the don’t add the cream.
tomato mixture along with the basil leaves and return the puree to the
stockpot. Place the pot over medium heat and stir in the cream. Season
with salt and pepper.

4th Breakfast a. Milk or soy Milk: 1 glass. -

Scrambled eggs with beans, tomatoes and pesto: 2 eggs, salt, pepper, 1
b. Scrambled teaspoon of olive oil, ¼ cup grape tomato, halved, ¼ low-sodium canned
eggs with white beans, rinsed, 1/8 cup pesto, 2 slices whole-wheat organic bread
beans, toasted. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with 1 teaspoon of water and a
tomatoes and little salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-
7 am to 10 am

pesto or high heat. Add the tomatoes and beans. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Transfer to
Avocado on a plate. Heat a little olive oil, add the eggs and cook, stirring, until set, but
toast soft, 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with pesto and toast.

Avocado on toast: 2 slices of whole-grain bread, toasted, 1 avocado

sliced, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, salt, 1/8
teaspoon red pepper flakes. Top the bread with the avocado. Mash
avocado lightly with a fork. Drizzle with the oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle
with ½ teaspoon salt and the red pepper flakes.

Copyright © 2017

4th Lunch a. Strawberry Strawberry and baby spinach salad: 2 tablespoons of butter, ½ cup of -

12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
and baby pumpkin seeds, 4 ounces baby spinach, 1 cup of strawberries, stems
spinach salad removed. Melt the butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Cook the
pumpkin seeds. In a salad bowl layer the spinach leaves, strawberries
and seeds. Don’t put dressing on until you serve. For dressing, use lime
or lemon juice + olive oil.

4th Snack a. Roasted Roasted chickpeas: 1 cup of chickpeas, 1 teaspoon olive oil, garlic -
chickpeas powder, dried basil, ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes. Combine the
4 pm to 5 pm

chickpeas, oil and seasoning. Mix everything together until coated. Put
b. Milk or soy
the chickpeas on a tinfoil-lined baking sheet and roast them for about 20
minutes, until crispy.

Milk: 1 glass.

4th Dinner a. Orange mint Orange mint and jalapeno: 2 medium-sized oranges, 1/8 cup pine nuts, 6 This is a rather exotic
and jalapeno fresh mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon of jalapeno, finely recipe, yet very
chopped, salt to taste, a little olive oil. Preheat a small sauté pan on refreshing and very
6 pm to 8 pm

medium heat and toast the pine nuts until golden brown and fragrant tasty. If you are not a
(about 2 minutes). Transfer to a cutting board to cool. Cut the ends off the big fan of jalapeno,
oranges, slice the skin to remove. Cut each orange into thin slices, discard add just a little for
any orange seeds. Top oranges with mint jalapeno and pine nuts on a flavor.
serving platter. Sprinkle salt and some olive oil to taste.

Copyright © 2017

Continue your Healthy Daily Routine

By making healthy changes to your first 10 days routine you have boosted your
metabolism and improved your body’s ability to heal itself. The three key elements you
need to include in your healthy daily routine for the next 10 days are olive leaf extract,
plenty of water, and healthy supplements.

Take 500mg Olive Leaf Extract Capsules

Olive Leaf Extract – This powerful extract contains calcium carbonate and elenolic salt
acid, which is more commonly known as calcium elenolate. Dosage for this extract is
usually determined by oleuropein content. Olive leaf extract is known to provide a
wide array of health benefits but it has one more effective use. Recent studies show that
olive leaf fasten the cure of herpes outbreaks and also prevent from future outbreaks
with its natural antiviral properties. For the best result, Aim for two 500mg capsules of
olive leaf extract four times per day with meals for adults, or one 500mg capsule twice
per day for children. Try to space your doses out over the course of your breakfast,
lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Once you succeed in reducing your herpes infection,
you can lower it to two 500mg capsules twice a day with meals.

Drink Purified Water to Eliminate Toxins

Drinking a lot of water also has the added benefit of helping to flush toxins out of your
body, enabling it to achieve healthy and natural functions. It’s best to just drink purified
water and don’t overload yourself on black tea, coffee, and sodas because these drinks
may contain sugar or unnatural ingredients which can impede the detoxification
process. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day – the more, the better!

Copyright © 2017

Not only does water help to flush toxins from the body, but it also aids in nutrient
transport. Water is a natural lubricant that helps to soften your stools and prevents
constipation, and it also helps the kidneys to perform their intended function in filtering
wastes from the bloodstream and secreting them in urine. To get the maximum benefit
from water, drink distilled (or reverse osmosis filtered) water because it has been
purified to remove up to 99% of chemical toxins and other harmful substances.

Take Daily Supplements and Herbal Extracts

Eating foods that are rich in lysine and vitamin C is the best way to supplement your
body with these healthy nutrients, but it may not be enough. For the maximum benefit,
take 1,500mg of lysine daily along with 250mg of vitamin C. Lysine helps to boost
serum levels in the body that can help to improve your immune response, as can
vitamin C. In addition to these supplements you might want to consider some herbal
extracts like Echinacea and prunella vulgaris. Echinacea is a natural remedy shown to
help reduce the length and severity of the cold virus and prunella vulgaris has been
shown to help treat the herpes virus in particular. A specific type of edible mushroom
called Rozites Caperata, or the gypsy mushroom, has also been shown to have healing
properties effective in curing both types of the herpes virus.

You should also take Vitamin B supplements (100mg each for B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and
1,500µg of B12 daily). This will help to heal sores, reduce outbreaks, and sustain healthy
cardiac and cognitive function. These supplements will also help your body recover
from stress. Other supplements you might need are: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, folic acid,
Selenium and Zinc.

Consume Plenty of Natural Antioxidants

In addition to the foods and supplements already mentioned, you should include
plenty of antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to boost the immune system and fight
herpes. Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals that can cause cellular damage and

Copyright © 2017

accelerate aging. Natural food sources of antioxidants include leafy greens, parsley, soy,
garlic, green tea, carrots, whole grains, red grapes, tomatoes, apricots, dates, prunes,
artichokes, bean sprouts, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli, as well as fresh fruits like
blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, cherries, apples, raspberries, and plums.

It’s also recommended to add to your diet a glass of Organifi juice. Packed with plenty
of healthy ingredients, such as wheatgrass, matcha green tea, beets, mint, spirulina,
chlorella or moringa, this minty-tasted juice will help you turbo-charge your immune
system, flush toxins and xenoestrogens and balance your hormones, making it easier for
you to lose weight if this is one of your goals. To read more about Organifi and discover
its advantages, just click here: Tell me more about Organifi.

Reduce Stress with Relaxing Foods

You have already learned about the importance of reducing stress, for fighting any type
of so-called ‚diseases‛, but you may be surprised to learn that eating certain foods can
also help your body combat stress. B vitamins have a natural ability to boost the
nervous system, helping to produce a ‚feel good‛ hormone called serotonin that
encourages your mind and body to relax and to feel at ease. Some natural food sources
of B vitamins include dairy products, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms,
salmon, tuna, and poultry.

Below you will find an overview of some of the most important B vitamins:

 Vitamin B1 – Also known as thiamin, vitamin B1 plays an essential role in

cellular reactions and it helps prevent the formation of fatty deposits in the
arteries. This vitamin helps to support proper heart function as well as nervous
system function. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 may cause constipation, loss of
Copyright © 2017

appetite, weight loss, heart problems and gastrointestinal complications. Also, it

is an essential nutrient for treating Alzheimer’s disease, addiction issues, serious
mental illness, lead poisoning and an overactive thyroid.

 Vitamin B3 – Also known as niacin, this B vitamin is effective for treating

circulatory problems and high cholesterol. Lack of Vitamin B3 can cause
indigestion, fatigue, skin outbreaks and dry and rough skin. Deficiencies may be
due to alcoholism, cancer, inadequate protein intake and oral contraceptives for
some women. Vitamin B3 is critical for optimal circulation, heart health, and
energy production. It also promotes relaxation and is also used to treat
schizophrenia and other mental problems.

 Vitamin B12 – Also called Cobalamin, this B vitamin is the only vitamin that has
cobalt, an essential mineral. This vitamin is necessary for proper metabolism and
maintenance of the nervous system. It is also involved in the DNA’s synthesis
and for effective calcium absorption and helps the bone marrow cells to function
properly. Vitamin B12 also contributes to the storage and dissemination of foliate
in the entire nervous system. People with inadequate Vitamin B12 levels
experience weight loss, pale skin, weakness and psychological imbalance.
Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to brain damage, neuritis, anxiety, poor
appetite, and spinal cord degeneration for severe cases. All of the members of B-
Vitamin family possess unique properties, but they have one thing in common -
they occur naturally and are responsible for energy production from fats,
proteins and carbohydrates in our foods. B-Vitamins are also essential in our
energy cycle, as they support proper neurological and adrenals, cardiac and
cognitive functions, and help maintain the myelin sheath that protects your
nerves. They also help lower homocysteine levels and aid our body to cope with

Copyright © 2017

 Organifi Green Juice – A beverage very rich in bacterial acids and enzymes that
enable in-depth detoxification, boosts immunity, rich in antioxidants, and
enhances energy levels of the body. It also suppresses anxiety and depression, as
well as aids in weight loss. Click the text below or the image to go to the
presentation of this powerful super drink.



Copyright © 2017

For your next 10 days of HSV Eraser program, we prepared another list of suggested

meals. You can try all of them or pick at least 3, and repeat them for the time period.

For the diet part, you are not confined as much as you were during the first 10 days,

because you are now on a full supplement-mode. Eat whatever you like during the

day, avoiding, of course, the foods that were enumerated on the ‚NO list‛.

Start your day with breakfast and the following suggested meals. Besides taking

lysine, vitamin C and vitamin B supplements, as well as olive leaf extract capsules,

the main concern is to follow the rest of your metabolism boosting diet.

Remember: Drink water, as much water as possible, at least 2 liters a day that is a

little over eight 8-ounce glasses of water.

Copyright © 2017

Day Time What to eat Amount How to eat

1st Fruit salad Fruit salad: ½ peeled medium size orange, ½ cup fresh pineapple, ¼ chopped If you keep your fruits in the fridge for
7 am to 10 am

strawberries, ¼ cup blueberries, 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix them and serve. a couple of hours before turning them
Optional: 1 glass of
into a salad, the flavor will be more
Organifi juice.
intense on summer mornings.

2nd Morning cold Morning cold parsley soup: 1 medium leek (white and green parts only), 1 large This recipe can actually be cooked in

parsley soup bunch fresh flat leaf parsley (1/4 pound), 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 medium the evening and, if kept in the fridge,

zucchini (1/2 pound) peeled and cut into ½ inch cubes, salt, water. Chop the leek can last up to 4 days. You don’t need
Optional: 1 glass of
and wash in a bowl of cold water, agitating it, then lift out and pat dry. Cook to reheat the soup before serving.
7 am to 10 am

Organifi juice.
parsley stems and leek in oil over moderately low heat, occasionally stirring, until

softened, about 5 minutes. Add zucchini and salt and cook, stirring, 1 minute.

Add water and simmer, cover until zucchini gets tender for about 10 minutes.

Puree mixture in a blender with parsley leaves until smooth. Season with salt and

pepper. The recipe is for more than one serving. Eat only 1 medium-sized bowl.

Copyright © 2017

3rd Mushrooms and Mushrooms and toast: 8 cup olive oil, 1 garlic clove, 2 tablespoons of fat-leaf The best mushrooms to use for this

toast parsley leaves, chopped, 1 teaspoon thyme leaves, chopped, 1 /2 lemon, rind recipe are: shiitake, oyster and

finely grated, 2 large sliced mushrooms, stalks trimmed, 2 thick slices of whole- portabella. Though they are the most
Optional: 1 glass of
grain bread, 1 ounce Parmesan. Preheat grill on high heat. Combine oil, garlic, expensive, you won’t need a great
Organifi juice.
7 am to 10 am

parsley, thyme, lemon rind and salt and pepper in a small bowl. Place amount to cook this recipe.

mushrooms, stem side down, on grill tray with bread. Brush mushrooms with

olive oil. If you want, you can add some herbs. Grill for about 3 minutes. Turn

mushrooms and toast over. Brush mushrooms again, on the other side. Sprinkle

Parmesan on top. Grill for further 3-4 minutes, until the mushrooms are cooked,

the bread is toasted and the Parmesan is melted.

4th Caesar salad with Caesar salad with smoked salmon: 1/4 medium sized lettuce, 2 slices of whole- -

smoked salmon grain bread, 1 tablespoon of light mayonnaise, juice from ½ lemon, 1 teaspoon of

mustard, ¼ cup yogurt milk, 3 ounces of fire-smoked salmon, Parmesan cheese to

Optional: 1 glass of
7 am to 10 am

taste. Put some olive oil in a pan and then add the Parmesan cheese. When the
Organifi juice.
cheese turns golden, invert the cheese in a bowl to have the shape of its container.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Cut the toast in cubes and put in in the

oven until it becomes crispy. Put the salad in the cheese bowl. Add the salmon on


Copyright © 2017

5th Fennel salad Fennel salad: 5 ounces arugula, washed and dried, 1 small fennel bulb, thinly The pecorino cheese is strictly

sliced, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, pepper and optional, as some people might not eat
7 am to 10 am

Optional: 1 glass of
pecorino (only if you want it, not mandatory). Combine the arugula and the cheese.
Organifi juice.
fennel in a serving bowl. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper on top. Serve

with pecorino cheese.

6th Cucumber salad Cucumber salad: 1/8 cup red onion, chopped, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 and ½ cup If you like carrots, this salad could

of cucumber. 1/8 cup of finely diced red peppers, ½ teaspoon of sesame seeds, 1/8 work well with some extra chopped
7 am to 10 am

Optional: 1 glass of
cup rice wine vinegar, ¼ tablespoon of olive oil. Simply mix everything together carrots on top.
Organifi juice.
and enjoy!

Copyright © 2017

A reflection on healthy living

Man is a paradox, he wants to live longer and forever if possible but 90% of the things
he does will kill him sooner than later. People take care crossing the road, but when it
comes to what goes into their own bodies- ‚well I’m going to die anyway‛ …strange….

We really have nothing to do but make a choice. Do you want to live well? Then you
have to take the time to carve out a lifestyle that enables this. Most of what we suffer is
an accumulation of years of a bad lifestyle and it’s never too late to try to get back on

Why are there people in hospitals hanging on for dear life, hanging to every last hope?
Death is not a funny thing, especially when such pain could be avoided easily. If you
don’t make time for getting on a better way of life, you will SURELY make PLENTY of
time for drugs, doctors and hospitals.

It is never too late to start now, if you don’t want to be a slave to drugs which have
more negatives than positives. Research, make out time. You will enjoy your life more,
and this will be projected to others around you. If you have children, they will have a
solid foundation and imagine if this cycle keeps on, the whole planet will generally be
Copyright © 2017

Our lifestyle communicates a clear message about who we are and how we think.
Lifestyle is where we go, what we do and how we feel once we are there. Lifestyle is
how we dress, what we drive and the type of entertainment we choose to enjoy.

Lifestyle is a mixture of substance as well as style, refinement as well as intellect, and

emotional control in times of challenge, as well as emotional release in times of joy and

Everything about us is sending a message to others about our level of intensity as well.
The things we do, the things we say, even our appearance, suggests an inner attitude
about life. If we are spending more money on donuts than we do on books, that
suggests something about the sincerity of our desire for personal progress.

Whether we spend an evening in front of a computer screen or a TV screen, talking with

our children or having fun with our ‚pals from the office,‛ lifestyle is a function of
attitude and personal values. We can all afford to live better. It doesn’t take more
money to change how we live. It takes more deliberate thought and a greater
appreciation of the real values in life.

We live our everyday life completely immersed in our daily tasks, routines and
endless "to do's".

We get used to doing the same thing day after day, keeping our minds busy with
what's going to happen next. We become numb and start living a robotic life without
taking a moment to examine our lifestyle, our life purpose or even questioning if
what we are doing is truly meaningful.

Our bodies are temples; they are sacred and blessed.

The way we use them and what we feed them is a reflection of our relationship with
ourselves and others. For example: we know that eating meat every day could cause

Copyright © 2017

a lot of diseases including heart and colon cancer, but we continue eating it because
we enjoy the taste.

We also know that wanting to be in a relationship where love is not mutual is very
hurtful, yet we keep trying to make the relationship work because drama is exciting
and the ego does not like the idea of losing and not being wanted. Unhealthy diet is
as hurtful as being in an unhealthy relationship and both cases neglect self-love and a
healthy balance. "We can find our life balance when we are 100% true to our deepest
self and if our outside matches our inside."

Where do You Go from Here?

If you follow all the right steps and implement the HSV Eraser program, you can
experience long-term relief from your herpes outbreaks. It might seem too good to be
true at first, but once you’ve been symptom-free for a while, you will come to
understand the truth – that herpes CAN be cured!

Even if you stop experiencing symptoms, you may find that your herpes was a
dramatic episode of your life. It had a serious effect on your life for many years and it
may take some time to come to the realization that you are truly free. You may find it
helpful to network with other herpes patients in the form of a support group or online
community where you can share similar experiences. Your success in getting rid of your
herpes could even inspire others to do the same!

So take what you’ve learned here and apply it to your life. You’ll find it won’t take long
for you to start seeing a difference. Once you do, you won’t be able to stay quiet and
you will want to share the HSV Eraser with the world, which we encourage you to do!

Copyright © 2017


Just like any other illness or health issue, so called viral infections depend on a few
simple choices we decide to make. Starting from the way we choose our food to the way
we think and act. It’s as simple as that!

People usually think that illnesses are due to various bacteria and viruses!

Yes, indeed, there are several viruses and bacteria surrounding us and most of them are
essential and beneficial, but it only depends on ourselves whether we get sick or not,
suffer a long period of time or decide to get better.

Human bodies are incredibly clever and magical forms of life that have been endowed
with unbelievable abilities to survive and heal on their own. Once we start poisoning
our bodies and filling them with chemicals and unnecessary substances that only
destroy the self-healing powers, we also start getting sick.

Another big problem is that we have been talked into believing that all those pills and
drugs that are being presented to us by the big pharmaceutical corporations will
actually help us heal and treat our health problems. But guess what!

That’s nothing but a Big Fat LIE!

You probably already know but cannot manage to become aware of it, THEY are
feeding us poison at the supermarket, and they are advertising ‚healthy foods‛ filled
with toxins and chemicals meant to transform us and make us dependent on their
medicine and expensive treatments.

This is their way of controlling our lives, our health, our minds and our wallets most of

Too bad we have forgotten about the amazing HUMAN BODY and its ability to heal
as long as you cooperate and help it function properly.

Copyright © 2017

A little bit of healthy food, a little bit of exercise, a little bit of laughter and positive
thinking, a little bit of goodness and awareness are the easy steps to a long and healthy
life. This way you will be able to take back control over your body and mind.

Think about the millions of populations that have lived before us without therapies and
drugs. They simply relied on Mother Nature and the perfect cooperation with the
human bodies. Take a good look around and you will notice how magically powerful it

Than take a good look in the mirror and notice that the reflection in the mirror is the
only one able to heal and treat your health problems as well as living a long and happy

In reading this eBook you have received a wealth of knowledge about the herpes
simplex virus, its effects on the human body, and common treatment methods. You
have also learned the truth about what your physician did not tell you about this
disease. While many people with herpes assume that it is a lifelong illness, there is a
light at the end of the tunnel and it is the HSV Eraser. By following the protocol
outlined in this eBook you can heal your body from the herpes virus and experience the
freedom of long-term relief! So, if you are ready to take back control of your body and
of your life, start the HSV Eraser protocol today!

Good Luck And God Bless!

Copyright © 2017

Haven’t you been struggling with your weight, your low energy levels and that

feeling of discontent for far too long?

Organifi is a fresh, USDA organic juice, with a minty flavor, dedicated to those who
want to:

 detoxify their body

 increase mental clarity
 increase energy levels
 improve the health and aspect of skin, hair and nails
 boost their immune system

Copyright © 2017

Product endorsed by the HSV Eraser Program


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