Tea and Coffee Are The Two Most Common: Beverages Health

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and coffee are the two most common beverages in the world. They are widely believed to be
addictive and hazardous to health when taken in large quantities.

Comparison chart

Coffee versus Tea comparison chart

Coffee Tea

Part of plant Bean Leaf


Caffeine 80-185 mg per 8 ounce cup (236 ml) depending upon 15 - 70 mg per cup
Content the brew and the type of roasted coffee used

Types of Drip Coffee, Espresso, Brewed, Instant, Decaf Brewed, White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong
Consumption Decaf Instant, Plunger, Filter Tea, Black/Red Tea, Post
Fermented Tea, Yellow Tea,

Additions Sugar, Milk Milk, Sugar, Spices, Ginger,

Lemon juice, etc.

Origin Period 9th Century AD 2737 BC

Place of Ethiopia and Yemen Yunnan province of China, the

Origin Indian state of Assam, and
northern Myanmar

Largest Brazil, Indonesia, India India, China, Kenya


Largest USA India, China, Japan, United

Consumers Kingdom

Cultural Fast Paced Genteel

Coffee versus Tea comparison chart

Coffee Tea

Properties None of the ingredients in coffee have been associated Tea contains tannin and
related to with fighting disease or enhancing health. Research is catechin, which have been
Cancer still being carried out on whether the high content of associated with preventing
caffeine in coffee is a risk factor or not. cancer and heart diseases.

Binomial Coffea Arabica, Coffea Benghalensis, Coffea Canephora, Camellia sinensis, Camellia
Name Coffea Congensis, Coffea Dewevrei, Coffea Excelsa, assamica
Coffea Gallienii, Coffea Bonnieri, Coffea Mogeneti,
Coffea Liberica, Coffea Stenophylla

Serving Size 8 fluid ounces (236 ml) Depends on the size of vessel

Contents: Coffee vs Tea

 1 History of Tea vs Coffee

 2 Scientific differences between tea and coffee

o 2.1 Molecular composition

o 2.2 Caffeine content and effects

o 2.3 Medical differences between tea and coffee

 3 Lifestyle differences

 4 Popularity

 5 Prices

 6 References
Black Coffee and Tea with milk and cream

History of Tea vs Coffee

Both coffee and tea have legendary pasts, including wars that have been waged for access to these
products. Tea was discovered by the ancient Chinese ruler Shen Nong, when a fateful leaf fell into
his boiling water.

The history of coffee began much later and is believed to have been first cultivated in Arabia near the
Red Sea in 674 A.D. The story of Coffee dates back to the 1400s, when a Yemeni shepherd named Kaldi
noticed that his sheep began to act unusually frisky after eating berries from an unfamiliar plant.
Curious, Kaldi picked one and popped it into his mouth. Within a few minutes, he was as hyperactive as
a kid. He told of his discovery of this stimulator to scholars who used it to keep awake, and then
someone made a "tea" out of it ("tea" out of coffee fruits without the bean is still known in Yemen and
has a similar, but milder effect). The story says that then one day someone dropped a bean into the fire
by accident, and thus coffe was born. Mocha, an old yemeni port, was the first and for a long time the
only place to export coffee, hence the name "Mocca Coffee".

Scientific differences between tea and coffee

Tea and Coffee plants are members of the evergreen family. If allowed to grow naturally, both would
develop into fairly large trees. But both plants are kept trimmed to the height of a shrub, so they can be
manageably harvested. Both plants produce a drink whose flavor is subtly affected by the growing
conditions, such as soil condition, moisture, surrounding vegetation, etc. Both Coffee and Tea have been
naturally imparted with a chemical that provides stimulation, caffeine. Also, both drinks come from
dried versions of a part of the plant. Finally, both use very similar methods of preparation.

Molecular composition

Tea contains tannin, catechin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Natural fluorine and Polysaccharides. tannin and
catechin have been associated with preventing cancer and heart disease Coffee contains caffeine,
trigonelline, chlorogenic acid, phenolic acid, amino acid, carbohydrates, minerals, organic acids
aldehydes, ketones, esters, amines, and mercaptans. Some antioxidants in coffee have been associated
with fighting disease or enhancing health.

Caffeine content and effects

Tea: Tea has approximately 55 milligrams of caffeine per cup. Various teas contain different amounts of
caffeine. Green tea contains the least, about one-third the caffeine as black and oolong about two-thirds
as much. The caffeine in tea is said to increase concentration, and enhance the sense of taste and smell.
The effect of caffeine in tea usually takes longer to enter the blood stream than coffee therefore, seems
gentler to the system. About 80% of the caffeine in black tea can be removed easily at home. Coffee:
Coffee has approximately 125-185 milligrams of caffeine per cup. The caffeine in coffee is sometimes
associated with a lift followed by a letdown. The effects of the caffeine in coffee are immediate and
sometimes arouse feelings of anxiety known as "coffee jitters". Many varieties of decaffeinated coffees
are available on the market today. Note: Studies have shown that tea or coffee drunk in moderation
(two [it reported] cups of coffee a day and four or five cups of black tea) has no harmful effects.

Medical differences between tea and coffee

Coffee has just one real claim to fame—its caffeine content. Granted, caffeine is useful in
alleviating asthma by helping relax the airways in the lungs. (In fact, the stimulant was used for precisely
that purpose in Europe in the 1850s.) But that's about the extent of its practicality for health purposes.
By contrast, tea is known for its abilities to fight both cancer and heart disease. There are two types of
teas, black and green, which are essentially the same plant, Camellia sinensis. The difference is that
black tea leaves are fermented; green are not. Teas of both varieties contain polyphenols, a class
of flavonoids. These compounds function as powerful antioxidants that can protect your body from free
radical stress. The most notable of these is quercetin, well known for its ability to temper allergic
reactions and interrupt the oxidation of LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. Quercetin can also be very useful in
helping to fight and prevent cancer. Apples and onions are some of the other foods that contain
quercetin in high amounts. Green tea may prevent cancer, restrict blood cholesterol, control high blood
pressure, lower blood sugar, suppress aging, deter food poisoning, prevent and treat skin disease, stop
cavities, and fight viruses. Coming to Coffee, no strong results suggest that coffee may enhance health as
greatly as Tea does. But it does help in combating drowsiness, temporarily boosting athletic
performance, easing congestion due to colds and flu, preventing asthma attacks and enhancing the pain-
relieving effects of aspirin. So, one can safely conclude that Tea, especially Green Tea offers great health
advantages in long term over Coffee.
Tea vs Coffee: The Medical Mystery

For your heart: Research has proved that Tea is good for you heart since it decreases the serum
cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid. Tea also has antioxidants which will prevent the healthy
cholesterol from turning unhealthy and thus fatal to the heart.

Coffee, on the other hand, has a fat-like chemical, called cafestol, which increases the cholesterol level.
For those of you who drink decaffeinated coffee, the cafestol is not reduced by decaffeination.
Decaffeinated Coffee = coffee with caffeine removed (actually reduced to a large extent). However,
recent studies also show that coffee is good for preventing heart attacks. Caffeine
neutralizes endogenous enzymes which cause vascular congestion leading to heart attack. Studies have
shown that caffeine — an antioxidant — can increase brain function, lower the risk of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes, and reduce the risk or onset of cancer and Parkinson’s disease.[1]

Illnesses countered by tea and coffee

Cancer: Tea has an important component called EGCG and theaflavin which suppresses the enzymes

required for the growth of cancer cells. Remember, it only slows the process. Research is still being
carried out on whether the high content of caffeine in coffee is a risk factor or not.

Asthma: Theophyline is used for treating asthma. Caffeine has very similar properties to Theophyline
and helps in the stimulating the muscles by acting on the bronchial tubes. Coffee also constricts the
blood vessels in the brain and is thus used in the medication of migraine. People who habitually drink
coffee in the morning may develop a headache if they miss their morning coffee due to brain blood
vessel dilation. Tea having lesser caffeine does not help much.

Pregnancy: Those who drink more coffee during pregnancy are likely to find their babies to be nervous
and restless. Caffeine causes anxiety. Infact even tea should be avoided. A maximum of 3 cups of tea or
1 cup of coffee is allowed. After dinner: Tea also helps in digestion. It drives away the fatigue by flushing
the system. If you drink coffee after dinner, you will take more time to go to bed. Since coffee has higher
caffeine content, it is a stronger stimulant and increases the blood flow due to its central nervous
system stimulation. Because of the increased effect on heart rate, there is more blood circulation
through the kidneys (called clearance) and as a result, caffeine has a diuretic effect. Like Tea, coffee is
good for digestion too. It is good for people wanting to work late after dinner (students) to have coffee
instead of tea. Caffeine also stimulates histamine production and histamine in turn stimulates gastric
secretion, That is why sometimes excessive caffeine may result in indigestion or heartburn.

A European study of over half a million people in 10 countries published in July 2017 in the Annals of
Internal Medicine concluded that drinking coffee was associated with a lower risk of death from various
causes. According to the study, people who drank two to four cups a day had an 18% lower risk of death
compared with people who did not drink coffee. The effects did not vary by country so they are believed
likely to be universally applicable.

Very hot drinks may cause cancer

In June 2016, the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) published their research findings in Lancet Oncology which concluded that that drinking very hot
beverages, which they defined as anything above 149F (65C) is correlated with higher risk of cancer of
the esophagus.

The National Coffee Association recommendation is to serve coffee at 180–185F but most coffee shops
serve their drinks at about 10 degrees below that, which is still higher than the level the IARC found to
be linked with increased cancer risk.

In 1991 the IARC had labeled coffee itself as a possible carcinogen citing studies that linked coffee to a
higher risk of bladder cancer. However, there is more data available now than there was in 1991. In fact,
this latest study reverses the 1991 classification concluding that there isn’t sufficient evidence to classify
coffee itself as a carcinogen. People who drink more coffee seem to have lower rates of certain cancers,
including liver and endometrial cancers.[2]

Other Medicinal Uses

Medicinal uses of tea

1. To cure loose motions: Lemon tea with biscuits made of husk in two to three doses.

2. To decrease Obesity: Honey tea first thing in the morning.

3. To cure fire burns: Covering the burnt part with a cloth soaked in cold black tea [no milk, no
sugar] and replacing and repeating every half an hour.

4. To remove Phlegm in the body: Basil / black pepper / ginger tea

5. To cure windy troubles: After light lunch, take black tea [very little sugar and milk, if a must for
any individual to relish tea].

6. Tea as Skin-care Lotion: Apply strained tea leaves on face with very little sugar added to it and
leave it to dry. Then remove them by massaging face. After 15 minutes just wash face with
lukewarm limewater. This is also effective treatment to remove wrinkles from face.

7. To cure Lethargy and Sleepiness: A cup of hot black tea.

8. Tea leaves as Mosquito Repellant: Dried up strained tea leaves can be sprinkled on to coal
furnace or ‘Angithi’.

9. Use of tea leaves in gardening: Add strained tea leaves / powder to soil and it is very good
manure. It is being practiced by me with pronounced result for all kind of plants and especially
very good for flower plants.

10. Tea leaves solution as Beauty aid: Add a little of tea leaves water to henna soaked in water to
leave better marks on palm.
Medicinal uses of coffee

1. Extreme Cold condition: Adding a few drops of brandy in a cup of coffee cures all the congestion
in the lungs. This combination is especially good for persons suffering from pneumonia or

2. Coffee as energizer: When one is extremely tired and fails to get sleep, a cup of hot coffee mixed
with a spoon of honey will energize the body to relax it.

Lifestyle differences

Tea is a genteel beverage requiring preparation and time to sip. The pace is always slow, calm and
tranquil, the beverage soothing. On the other hand, the coffee culture can be fast paced and frantic.
Images of people in lines at the drive-through talking into microphones and driving around buildings to
pick up huge paper cups of the daily special come to mind.


Coffee is extremely popular in the United States. 63% of Americans consume coffee daily and the
average American drinks 23 gallons of coffee every year.[3][4]

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