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We can combine elements to form new molecules.

When we react elements to from new products, atoms rearrange

themselves by breaking old bonds and forming new ones.

Alkali metals, from group 1, react with water to from a base and
hydrogen gas.

Li2 + 2H2O = H2 + 2LiOH

Li = 2 Li = 2

H = 4 H = 4

O = 2 O = 2

We have to make sure all the atoms on the left are the same as the
right. This demonstrates that all of the reactants and the products are
equal and that no matter has been created or destroyed. It’s very useful
to do this for each equation.

In this example, you may need to add numbers before some reactants

K2 + H2O = _____ + ______

K = K=

H = H=

O = O=

In this example, you may need to add numbers before some reactants

2Na2 + H2O = 2 ____ + _______

Na = 4 Na =

H= H=

O= O =

We can also react elements to form acids. Often, this occurs with
hydrogen (group 1) and halogens (group 7).

H2 + Cl2 = 2HCl

H = 2 H = 2

Cl = 2 Cl = 2

Try this example yourself

H2 + F2 =

H = 2 H=

F = 2 F=

Now, we know that when we titrate an acid against a base, we get a slat
and water. A salt is usually a white, crystalline substance composed of a
group 1 metal and a group 7 halogen.

HF + LiOH =

H= H =

F = F =

O= O=

Li = Li =

4HCl + 4NaOH =

H= H=

Cl = Cl =

O= O=

Na = Na =

Another example is how we can react metals with acids

to form hydrogen gas and metallic-halogen compounds.

2HCl(aq) + Zn(s) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Aq means aqueous, it’s just something dissolved in a liquid

G means gaseous
S means solid
L means liquid

You can see in that reaction, when Zinc metal is added to

hydrochloric acid, the hydrogen atoms are replaced and zinc
now bonds with the chlorine.

Try this example below and add in numbers before of after

molecules to balance the equation

__HF(aq) + Al(s) → ______(aq) + H__(g)

H= H=
F= F=
Al = Al =

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