Gossip: (Grove of The Summer Stars - Infinite Possibility)

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(Grove Of the Summer Stars – infinite possibility)

December 2016
Dear ‘Grovers’

The photo is of the sun rising on Summer Solstice 2015 and, yes,
it’s nearly that time again! We’ll be celebrating Summer Solstice at
11am on Sunday 18th December so are there any OBODies out
there who would like to look after the ritual? Also, a reminder
that this is an ‘open’ ritual so please feel free to invite any friends
along who you think might be interested. Children are very
welcome and parents might like to bring a small gift for their own
and perhaps one extra so no child gets left out. We will need a
‘tree spirit’ to hand out the gifts. Children and minders are
usually invited to join our circle for eisteddfod and I’m sure Moira
and Tony can be persuaded to provide a story for them. Please
contact me if you’re willing to help in one way or another – ritual,
entertainment, child-minding, tree spirit, etc.
I’ll email the actual ritual out next week and it would be great to
have some names already assigned to roles!

DRUID CAMP – 19 to 24 January 2017
We now have 20 OBODies who have registered an interest in
attending Camp and I have so far received 10 booking forms – thank
you. If the rest of you could get your forms to me by mid-December it
would really be appreciated.

Please set aside some time after Summer Solstice feasting for a Camp
Meeting. This will really be the last time we have the opportunity
before Camp and there are important things to be discussed and
arranged. I suggest 2.30 or 3.00pm for the meeting. Please bring any
offers or requests for workshops under any of the four headings –
Head, Hands, Heart and Hallows. We’ll also need a Working Bee to
prepare the Camp site, workshop sites, etc, etc, but I think this year
we just had one the week before Camp and it seemed to work well. If
the front paddock needs serious mowing, etc. I’ll get Ross Bradey to
do it and pay him out of The Woolshed account.

HEAD, HANDS, HEART & HALLOWS (Air, Earth, Water & Spirit) is
our theme for Camp and a day has been assigned to each. The only
addition to the Camp Programme that is not on the one I sent you last
month is a wonderful offering from Theresa and Phil which I have
placed in Monday night’s eisteddfod - ‘Gold and Silver Thread – a
Concept of Deity’ - and they write:
“We could offer to lead an open philosophical discussion regarding the concept
of deity which would cover Head, Heart and Hallows. This is a topic we have
covered with the Southern Craft study group and was originally taught to us by
our HP Bob Lapworth. It is based on the idea that you either believe that your
connection to energy, the universe and everything comes through the
intervention and good will of God/Gods/Goddesses etc (Silver thread) or that
you believe that you directly tap into universal energy through your own will
and that the deities are metaphors or considered as revered and respected
ancestors and guides but not worshipped (Gold thread).
There is of course no right answer – people are free to believe what they believe
and this may change as they journey through life. We have found that it is a good
discussion to help people understand what it is that they believe. In the context
of the study groups we have this discussion before we do any energy work as the
purpose is for people to have their understanding before they begin to tap into
energy as part of a group or circle. For the Camp it would just be the
philosophical discussion to stimulate their thoughts on the matter.”

Another suggestion I have received is that we have an eisteddfod on

Friday night around the meanings for us of the lines within the
Druids’ prayer that we all dutifully speak at each ritual. Good idea I
thought but possibly a bit large for an evening eisteddfod but
wondered if we could perhaps take one of the lines. I would very
much like to explore the line, “… and in the knowledge of justice the
love of it”. Philip has recently written a bit about this on his blog and
this discussion could well follow on into Philip’s video talk the
following morning. I have also been reading about the social
philosopher Epicurus who has some very interesting things to say
about justice.

More input please!


This from Moira:

Dear Friends,
I just signed the petition “Save Radio NZ's Funding” and wanted to ask if you
could add your name too.
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the
better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Thank you!
P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It’s really easy –
all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

I’ve already signed!


This from Claire:

“You may already know about this situation and be a supporter, but just in case you
don’t know, and in case it’s something you might be interested in sharing…
The original email is below with various links, etc.
Kia ora koutou katoa
After two days in the High Court the case to fell Awhiawhi has been adjourned for
several weeks to consider new developments.
Awhiawhi is still protected by the court injunction during this time and is looking
healthy and well.
We will keep you updated with any further developments.
Thank-you for your continued support and feedback it is hugely appreciated. We are
very grateful for all your fantastic donations to our Givealittle.
Please continue to like and share our Facebook page, follow us on Instagram and
Together we can keep our Kauri Standing.
Nga mihi nui
Andrew, Winnie and the Save Our Kauri Trust


SerpentStar OBOD
We have been invited to have our own ‘New Zealand pages’ and last
month I asked if anyone would be interested in creating artwork for a
header. No response, so I guess no artwork! Maybe there is a
photograph that epitomises who we are as OBODs in Aotearoa New
Zealand? The next issue is Lughnasadh and it would be great to have
our own identity and a couple of articles by then – deadline 25
January. I’m happy to co-ordinate articles, photographs, etc. but you
need to send them to me!


The new bookcase has arrived!


Sunday 18th December at The Woolshed 11am
Summer Solstice, the longest day, arrives as the year is coming to an
end and the holiday season is about to begin, Although this is when
the sun’s light reaches its maximum, it is but the threshold of
summer. The crimson flowers of the pohutukawa fringe the
coastline, dancing against the blue sea.
Summer is also announced by the appearance of the star/spirit
woman Parearohi shimmering in the sky with her consort Rehua
(Antares, the red star in Scorpio). Rehua was sometimes also
referred to as the sun and people would say karakia to Rehua: Rehua
is the sun, and if he did not shine the grass and vegetation would die
and life would cease. This time of the light of Parearohi and Rehua is
also how The Grove of the Summer Stars got its name.

In the Druid tradition, these words are spoken:

We are met here on the shortest night of the year to celebrate the
zenith of the Mabon, the Sun-Child of the Druid tradition. We come
together to honour a great mystery – that every zenith contains its
nadir, as every nadir its zenith. And we come together too, to celebrate
the power of light and warmth and Summer. The sun which has
warmed and lighted us through the Wheel of the Year seems to stand
still for several days. This is the time of Great Light.

This is also the time of Kiwi Christmas – a Summer Solstice rather

than a Winter Solstice celebration in this part of the world. Let’s
make this a real family Summer Solstice. I’m hoping that as we did in
previous Summer Solstices, Moira and Tony with the help of the
children will have a wonderful story to enact as part of eisteddfod.
Please arrive by 10.45am. Bring any readings, songs, poems, music,
dances or stories which you feel are appropriate to this celebration of
light. Also bring food to share for a Solstice lunch. This is an ‘open’
ritual and all (adults and children) are most welcome.

PLEASE NOTE: The Quarter Festivals (Beltane, Lughnasadh,

Samhuinn and Imbolc) are for members of the Grove of the Summer
Stars only. The Sun festivals (both Equinoxes and both Solstices) are
open to all and we look forward to welcoming you.

Sunday 18th December at The Woolshed 3pm

Last chance to get things in order for Camp!

19 -24 January 2016 (Wellington Anniversary Weekend)

See more information above.
If you haven’t already done so, please let Pamela know if you will be
attending. pamela@thewoolshed.com

You are welcome to ‘pack in’ on Thursday 19 afternoon/evening but

will need to be responsible for your own evening meal.
Druid Camp is for members of the Grove of the Summer Stars only.
Wednesday 7th December
At Fidel’s Café on Cuba Street in the picnic table area Starting at
5.30pm. Wrap up warmly as we are outside. Hope to see you there.
Polly (mistresspolly@gmail.com)

Thursday 8th December

7-10pm at The Woolshed with Pamela Meekings-Stewart
Cost: $30
Each quadrant or Season/Element of the Second Grand Cycle of The
Wheel of Segais will now be addressed in its three segments with
sessions from 7-10pm on the first Thursday of each month. A session
each month will allow us to experience more directly the energies
and elements that are strongest at that time both within ourselves
and in the world around us.
Here are the dates for the next two in the Cycle:


Dec 8 Water/Air – (Agape)– Summer Solstice – - Integration

The increasing light of the sun shines strongly on our
commitment as our Empathy –Nurturance gains the
momentum of Intellect to move forward while honouring
that which has gone before, for the greater good.

Jan 5 Air/Water/Freedom - Future-Order integrated with

Past-Reflection. Heart begins to be tempered by Head.
The Freedom that comes with taking responsibility for
oneself. Affirming your own rightness in the universe.

These workshops are open to all – new people and ‘old hands’ with
those who have attended the First Cycle exploring deeper aspects of
the Elements and Seasons while ‘refreshing’ previous learning. So
the new people will benefit from the wisdom of the previous
‘Elementals’ and the previous ‘Elementals’ will get to do some sharing
of what they have learned with the newer ‘Elementals’! Ultimately
we are all learners and we are all teachers.
I am keen to build further on the basic understanding and philosophy
of The Four Elements/Four Seasons - for the good of ourselves, our
relationships, our dreams and plans, and our planet.  
Elementally Yours, Pamela
To register your interest please contact me at:
pamela@thewoolshed.com or 2399234 / 0272068876

Wednesday 14th December

7pm at The Woolshed. For women only.

Friday 13th January!

7pm at The Woolshed. For women only.


The Grove of the Summer Stars is your Grove. This Newsletter is
your newsletter. So please get involved! I will be sending GOSSip
out every month so if you have anything that you’d like to go in it,
send it along!


The Imbolc edition of the Australian OBOD magazine SerpentStar is
now available on line - https://serpentstar.wordpress.com/2016/08/02/375/
SerpentStar publishes four editions a year – Lughnasadh, Samhuinn,
Imbolc and Beltane. Guidelines for submissions are located
here: https://serpentstar.wordpress.com/about/

Our blog - https://summerstarsgrove.wordpress.com/. Always something

interesting to respond to or contribute. See Beltane buzzes from

You might also like to send your contributions to other blogs or

magazines. There is a blog – druidsdownunder.blogspot.co.nz:
“Druids Down Under has been set up for the purpose of exploring
Druidic spirituality in Australia. Through combining the inspiration
of our tradition in Druidry with the spiritual essence of the land we
live in, we aim to find a connection with the sacred landscape.”
Strange that it has a New Zealand blog address!
Druidic Dawn’s Spring/Fall Equinox issue of their free global
magazine, Aontacht, was published recently –
http://www.druiddawn.org/files/Aontacht - Volume 8 issue 2 pdf. Druidic
Dawn has been publishing Aontacht quarterly since 2008. The theme
for this issue is Death and Renewal.

Yours in the Awen /|\

Pamela (Modron)
2399234 / 0272068876 pamela@thewoolshed.com

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