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LHS Senior Project Proposal

Senior Capstone

Name: Karina Ortiz-Jimenez

This is also the outline for your paper.

Self-Biography (Bullets are fine!)

- I currently attend Lee High School.

- My current hobbies to do are volunteering, watching horror movies, and doing any new
activities with friends.
- I consider myself introverted but will go out of my way and uncomfortable to help/ aid
someone in something they need help with.
- I am the daughter of 8 siblings so being of help is always what I’ve grown up with, even
though I’m the youngest.
- My mom would trust me the most as she considers me to be the most responsible
and have “mom” instincts, this definitely was a pathway for finding my dream career.

Future Goals

My future goal is to attend Grand Rapids Community College, attending the Occupational
Therapy Assistant program for 2 years. I plan to attain my associate degree, and find a job in
preferably a hospital setting or a school environment, working alongside children!

Route you will take to achieve your future goals (Bullets are Fine!)

- Graduate high school

- Attend GRCC/Pediatrics Occupational therapy Assistant program
- Graduate with my Associate’s Degree.
- Apply/seek jobs that fit my ideal workplace (setting/staff/work-life balance)
- Work in a Hospital alongside children in the pediatrics unit helping them return to daily
activities/gain independence in behavioral health.
- Or working alongside children in schools.

Career Pathway Area of Interest:

- Health Exercises
Narrowed Career Focus:

- Occupational Therapy Assistant.

A community/work issue that can be solved with a particular skill set from your career

- In low-income areas such as ours, many children struggle in classrooms with

behavioral problems, due to home life. Helping children (or anyone) deal/cope with
their struggles in everyday situations with activities/ group with exercise group.
- Problems with health such as injuries or struggles that hold them back from
participating in school/daily life.

My potential hands-on will be:

*This will be where you will showcase what you created that addresses a community/work

- Making a video showcasing the benefits/resources one can access of having a

program in which the OTA provides multiple activities for behavioral health/problems
and ways to cope.
- This will be implemented in a school environment in the hopes to find a safe space for
children struggling.

My Name: ____Karina Ortiz-Jimenez__________________________

1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for your
Senior Project/Showcase? One personal interest I have in this topic is working with
children attentively and creatively in the hopes to help them. I have chosen this topic for
my Senior Project to bring light on how much children can benefit from having a safe
space to do anything express themselves and be content. Many children do not have this
option in a household, seen more with low-income families.

2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you look
for? Some research questions I have to seek are the basics first, the daily life of an OTA,
the pros and cons of the job, how is the work-life balance for the person. Some more
in-depth questions to seek are, what are some benefits the person has made on
children/patients, what are somethings an OTA job prepared them for, aspects that made
them improve a lot on, hardships OTA go through, etc. Resources I might look into are
personal experiences, online resources such as an OTA website, or healthcare site.

3. Who is a person/company (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this

field you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this
person/company? A person that can help me find more information on my senior project
is my Kent Career Technical Center (KCTC) teacher, Mrs. Khalouf. She currently teaches
Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapies in multiple ways apart from Sports
Medicine, such as Rehabilitation and Therapies. What I hope to gain from interviewing
Mrs. Khalouf is understanding the pros and cons of being an OTA and the advice she
would give anyone looking to go into a Health Exercise career.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight into
your topic? A situation/event that I can observe to gain insight would be maybe a school
that implements sort of the same idea, or videos demonstrating the same idea. As well as
interviews of OTA’s online to gain further insight on the matter of dealing with children.

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What assistance or
tools will you need to overcome them? Challenges that I might encounter are
visiting/experiencing to gain further insight for my topic in person due to COVID.
Researching/virtual exploration online is one of many tools that can help me overcome
these restrictions.

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project at
this time?
I currently do not have any questions as of now about my Senior Capstone Project,
definitely just want feedback on my idea for my possible hands-on project!

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