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ANSI/IEEE Std 168-1956

(Reaffirmed 1971)

IEEE Standard
Definitions of Terms
on Facsimile

Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 3 4 5 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA

_- Std 168-1956
Reaffirmed 1971

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard
Definitions of Terms
on Facsimile

Approved July 11, 1972

The American National Standards Institute

@ Copyright 1956 by

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part ofthis publication m a y be reproduced in a n y form,
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without prior written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standard
Definitions of Terms
on Facsimile

Committee on Facsimile
E;. R. MCCONNELL, Chairman 1955
H. BURKHARD, Chairman 1953-1955
R. J. WISE, Chairman 1951-1953
D. FREZZOLINI, Vice-Chairman 1955
A. G . COOLEY,Vice-Chairman 1953-1955
H. BURKHARD, Vice-Chairman 195 1-1 953

H . F. Burkhard M. F. Hodges M. P. Rehm

J. Callahan J. V. Hogan H. C. Ressler
C. K. Clauer 13. H. Klyce R. B. Shanck
A. G. Cooley L. R. Lankes G. S. Thompson
I. H. Franzel S. A. Lawson P. Turkeimer
D. Frezzolini K. R. McConnell R. J. Wise
J. H. Hackenberg P. Mertz K. Woloschak
F. Hester K. W. Pfleger C. J. Young

Standards Committee
W. R. Bennett P. J. Herbst K. R. McConnell
J. G. Brainerd Hans Jaffe H. R. Mimno
P. S. Carter Henry Jasik M. G. Morgan
P. S. Christaldi .4. G. Jensen C. A. Morton
A. G. Clavier J. L. Jones H. L. Owens
J. E. Eiselein J. G. Kreer, Jr. P. A. Redhead
A. W. Friend E. A. Laport R. Serrell
\’. H. Graham A. A. MacDonald R. M. Showers
R. A. Hackbusch Wayne Mason H. R. Terhune
H. C. Hardy D. E. Maxwell J. E. Ward
D. E. Harnett W. T. Wintringham

Definitions Coordinator

AM to FS Converter. See Transmitting Converter, Fac- Bandwidth, Facsimile. I n a given Facsimile System, the
simile. difference i n cycles per second between the highest
and the lowest frequency components required for ade-
Available Line. The portion of the scanning line which
quate transmission of the Facsimile Signals.
can be used specifically for Picture Signals.
Baseband. In a carrier (or Subcarrier) wire or radio upon the geometry of the optical system in which the
transmission system, the band of frequencies occupied material is used.
by the signal before i t modulates the carrier (or Subcar- Direct Recording. T h a t type of Recording in which a
rier) frequency t o form the transmitted line or radio
visible record is produced, without subsequent process-
ing. in response t o the received signals.
Note: T h e signal in the Baseband is usually distin-
guished from the line or radio signal by ranging over Drive Pattern. Density variation caused by periodic er-
distinctly lower frequencies, which at the lower end rors in the position of the Recording Spot. When caused
relatively approach or may include dc (zero frequency). by gears this is called Gear Pattern.
In the case of a Facsimile Signal before modulation on
Drum Speed. The angular speed of the transmitter or
a Subcarrier, the Baseband includes dc.
recorder drum.
BIack Recording. In an amplitude-modulatiorl system, Note: This speed is measured in revolutions per min-
t h a t form of Recording in which the maximum received ute.
power corresponds t o the maximum Density of the Rec- Dual Modulation. The process of modulating a common
ord Medium. In a frequency-modulation system, t h a t carrier wave or Subcarrier by two different types of
form of Recording in which the lowest received fre- modulation (e.g., ainplitude- and frequency-modulation)
quency corresponds to the maximum Density of the each convelring separate information.
Record Medium.
Echo. A wave which has beeii reflected a t one or more
Black Signal. T h e signal at any point in a Facsimile points with sufficient magnitude and time difference
System produced by the Scanning of a maximum Den- to be perceived in some manner as a wave distinct from
sity area of the Subject Copy. that of the main transmission.
Black Transmission. In a n amplitude-modulation sys- Effective Band (in Facsimile). The frequency band of a
tem, that form of transmission in which the maximum Facsimile Signal wave equal in width to that between
transmitted power corresponds t o the maximum Den- zero frequency and il!laximum Keying Frequency.
sity of the Subject Copy. In a frequency-modulation sys- Note: The frrqueiicy band occupied i n the trans-
tem, t h a t form of transmission in which the lowest mission medium will in gciieral be greater than the
transmitted frequency corresponds t o the maximum Effective Band.
-. Density of the Subject Copy.
Electrochemical Recording. Recording by means of a
Carbon Pressure Recording. T h a t type of Electrome- chemical reactioll brought about by the passage of
chanical Recording in which a pressure device acts upon signal-controlled current through the sensitized portion
carbon paper t o register upon the Record Sheet. of the Record Sheet.
Carrier Beat. The undesirable heterodyne of signals Electrolytic Recording. T h a t type of electrochemical
each synchronous with a different stable reference recording in which the chemical change is made possible
oscillator causing a pattern in received copy. Where by the presence of a n electrolyte.
one or more of the oscillators is fork controlled, this is
called Fork Beat. Electromechanical Recording. Recording by means of
a signal-actuated mechanical device.
Converter, Facsimile. A device which changes the type
of modulation. Electronic Line Scanning. T h a t method of Scanning
which provides motion of the Scanning Spot along the
Definition. Distinctness or clarity of detail or outline in scanning line by electronic means.
a Record Sheet, or other reproduction.
Electronic Raster Scanning. T h a t method of Scanning
Delay Distortion. See Envelope Delay Distortion. in which motion of the Scanning Spot in both dimen-
Delay Equalizer. A corrective network which is designed sions is accomplished by electronic means.
to make the Phase Delay or Envelope Delay of a circuit Electrostatic Recording. Recording by means of a signal-
or system substantially constant over a desired fre- controlled electrostatic field.
quency range.
Electrothermal Recording. T h a t type of Recording
Density (in Facsimile). A measure of the light-trans- which is produced principally by signal-controlled ther-
mitting or -reflecting properties of a n area. It is ex- mal action.
pressed by the common logarithm of the ratio of inci-
dent t o transmitted or reflected light flus. Elemental Area. Any segment of a Scanning Line of the
Note: There are many types of Density which will Subject Copy the dimension of which along the line is
-- exactly equal t o the Nominal Line Width.
usually have different numerical values for a given ma-
terial; e.g., Diffuse Density, Double Diffuse Density, Note: Elemental area is not necessarily the same as
Specular Density. T h e relevant type of density depends the Scanning Spot.
End-of-Copy Signal. A signal indicating termination of Framing Signal. A signal used for adjustment of the
the transmission of a complete Subject Copy. picture t o a desired position in the direction of line
Envelope Delay. T h e time of propagation, between two
points, of the envelope of a wave. FS to AM Converter. See Receiving Converter, Facsimile. -
Note: The Envelope Delay is measured by the slope
Gear Pattern. See Drive Pattern.
of the phase shift in cycles plotted against the frequency
in cycles per second. If the system distorts the envelope Grouping. Periodic error in the spacing of Recorded Lines.
the Envelope Delay at a specified frequency is defined
with reference to a modulated wave which occupies a Halftone Characteristic. A relation between the Density
frequency bandwidth approaching zero. of the recorded copy and the Density of the Subject Copy.
Note: T h e term may also be used to relate the ampli-
Envelope Delay Distortion. T h a t form of distortion tude of the Facsimile Signal t o the Density of the Sub-
which occurs when the rate of change of phase shift ject Copy or the record copy when only a portion of the
with frequency of a circuit or system is not constant system is under consideration. In a frequency-modula-
over the frequency range required for transmission. tion system an appropriate parameter is to be used in-
Note: Envelope Delay Distortion is usually expressed stead of the amplitude.
as one-half the difference in microseconds between the
maximum and minimum Envelope Delays existing be- Index of Cooperation, Scanning or Recording Line. In
tween the two extremes of frequency defining the chan- rectilinear Scanning or Recording, the product of the to-
nel used. tal length of a scanning or recording line by the number
of scanning or recording lines per unit length.
Facsimile (in electrical communications). The process, Note 1: T h e International Index of Cooperation (di-
or the result of the process, by which fixed graphic ma- ametral index of cooperation) is based on drum diameter
terial including pictures or images is scanned and the and is defined by the International Radio Consultative
information converted into signal waves which are Committee (CCIR). I t is l / times
~ the Scanning Line
used either locally or remotely to produce in record form Index of Cooperation.
a likeness (Facsimile) of the Subject Copy. Note 2.- For a scanner and recorder t o be compatible
Facsimile Signal (Picture Signal). A signal resulting the Indices of Cooperation must be the same.
from the Scanning process. Ink Vapor Recording. T h a t type of Recording in which -
Facsimile-Signal Level. T h e maximum Facsimile Signal vaporized ink particles are directly deposited upon the
power or voltage (rms or dc) measured a t any point in Record Sheet.
a Facsimile System. Jitter (in Facsimile). Raggedness in the received copy
Note: I t may be expressed in decibels with respect caused by erroneous displacement of Recorded Spots in
t o some standard value such as 1 milliwatt. the direction of Scanning.
Facsimile System. An integrated assembly of the ele- Kendall Effect. A spurious pattern or other distortion
ments used for Facsimile. in a facsimile record caused by unwanted modulation
Facsimile Transient. A damped oscillatory transient products arising from the transmission of a carrier signal
occurring in the output of the system as a result of a and appearing in the form of a rectified Baseband that
sudden change in input. interferes with the lower sideband of the carrier.
Nole: This occurs principally when the single side-
Facsimile Transmission. T h e transmission of Signal band width is greater than half the Facsimile carrier
Waves produced by the Scanning of fixed graphic ma- frequency.
terial, including pictures, for reproduction in record
form. Light Carrier Injection. The method of introducing the
carrier by periodic variation of the scanner light beam,
Flood Projection. T h e optical method of Scanning in
the average amplitude of which is varied by the Density
which the Subject Copy is flood-lighted and the Scanning
changes of the Subject Copy.
Spot is defined in the path of the reflected or transmitted
light. Magnetic Recording. Recordinl by means of a signal-
Fork Beat. See Carrier Beat. controlled magnetic field.

Frame (in Facsimile). A rectangular area, the width of Maximum Keying Frequency (Fundamental Scanning
which is the AvailadLe Line and the length of which is Frequency). T h e frequency in cycles per second numeri-
determined by the service requirements. cally equal to the Spot Speed divided by twice the Scan-
ning Spot X Dimension. h

Framing. T h e adjustment of the picture to a desired

position in the direction of line progression. Maximum Modulating Frequency. The highest Picture
Frequency required for the Facsimile transmission sys- Picture Inversion. A process which causes reversal of
tem. the black and white shades of the Recorded Copy.
Note: T h e Maximum Modulating Frequency and the
- Maximum Keying Frequency are not necessarily equal.
Picture Signal. See Facsimile Signal.
Ready-to-Receive Signal.A signal sent back t o the Fac-
Multipath. See Multipath Transmission.
simile Transmitter indicating t h a t a Facsimile Receiver
Multipath Transmission (Multipath). The propagation is ready t o accept the transmission.
phenomenon which results in signals reaching the radio
Receiver, Facsimile. The apparatus employed t o trans-
receiving antenna by two or more paths.
late the signal from the communications channel into
Note: In Facsimile, Multipath causes Jitter.
a Facsimile record of the Subject Copy.
Multiple Spot Scanning. T h e method in which Scanning
Receiving Converter, Facsimile (FS to AM Converter).
is carried on simultaneously by two or more Scanning
A device which changes the type of modulation from
Spots, each one analyzing its fraction of the total
frequency shift t o amplitude.
scanned x-ea of the Subject Copy.
Record Medium. The physical medium on which the
Noise. Any extraneous electrical disturbance tending
Facsimile Recorder forms an image of the Subject Copy.
to interfere with the normal reception of a transmitted
signal. Record Sheet. T h e medium which is used t o produce a
Nominal Line Width. The average separation between visible image of the Subject Copy in record form. T h e
centers of adjacent scanning or recording lines. Record Medium and the Record Sheet may be identical.

Overlap X. T h e amount by which the Recorded Spot X Recorded Spot. T h e image of the Recording Spot on the
Dimension exceeds t h a t necessary t o form a most nearly Record Sheet.
constant Density line. Recorded Spot X Dimension. T h e effective Recorded
Note: This effect arises in t h a t type of equipment Spot dimension measured in the direction of the recorded
which responds t o a constant Density in the Subject line.
Copy by a succession of discrete Recorded Spots. Note 1: By effective dimension is meant the largest
Overlap Y. The amount by which the Recorded Spot center-to-center spacing between Recorded Spots which
Y Dimension exceeds the Nominal Line Width. gives minimum peak-to-peak variation of Density of the
recorded line.
Phase Delay. In the transfer of a single frequency wave Note 2: This term applies t o that type of equipment
from one point to another in a system, the time delay which responds t o a constant Density in the Subject Copy
of a part of the wave identifying its phase. by a succession of discrete Recorded Spots.
Note: The Phme Delay is measured by the ratio of
the total phase shift in cycles to the frequency in cycles Recorded Spot Y Dimension. T h e effective Recorded
per second. Spot dimension measured perpendicularly t o the record-
ed line.
Phase Distortion. See Phase- Frequency Distortion. Note: By effective dimension is meant the largest
Phase-Frequency Distortion. Distortion due t o lack of center-to-center distance between recorded lines which
direct proportionality of phase shift to frequency over gives minimum peak-to-peak variation of Density across
the frequency range required for transmission. the recorded lines.
Note 1: Delay Distortion is a special case. Recorder, Facsimile. T h a t part of the Facsimile Re-
Note 2: This definition includes the case of a linear ceiver which performs the final conversiorl of electrical
phase-frequency relation with the zero frequency inter- Picture Signal t o an image of the Subject Copy on the
cept differing from an integral multiple of T . Record Medium.
Phasing. The adjustment of picture position along the Recording (in Facsimile). T h e process of converting the
scanning line. electrical signal to an image on the Record Medium.
Phasing Signal. A signal used for adjustment of the Note: See Direct Recording, Electrochemical Recording,
picture position along the scanning line. Electrolytic Recording, Electromechanical Recording,
Electrostatic Recording, Electrothermal Recording, Ink
Photosensitive Recording. Recording by the exposure Vapor Recording, Magnetic Recording, and Photosensi-
of a photo-sensitive surface t o a signal-controlled light tive Recording.
beam or spot.
Recording Spot (in Facsimile). T h e image area formed
- Picture Frequencies. The frequencies which result solely
from Scanning Subject Copy.
at the Record Medium by t h e Faaimilc Recorder.
Note: This does not include frequencies which are Reproduction Speed. The area of copy recorded per
part of a modulated carrier signal. unit time.

Ringing. See Facsimile Transient. Stagger. Periodic error in the position of the Recorded
Spot along the recorded line.
Scanner. T h a t part of the Facsimile Transmitter which
systematically translates the Densities of the Subject Start Record Signal. A signal used for starting the proc- -.
Copy into signal-wave form. ess of converting the electrical signal to an image on the
Record Sheet.
Scanning (in Facsimile). T h e process of analyzing suc-
cessively the Densities of the Subject Copy according t o Start Signal. A signal which initiates the transfer of a
t h e elements of a predetermined pattern. Facsimile equipment condition from standby to active.
Note: T h e normal Scanning is from left t o right and
Stop Record Signal. A signal used for stopping the
top t o bottom of the Subject Copy as when reading a
process of converting the electrical signal to an image
page of print. Reverse direction is from right t o left
on the Record Sheet.
and top t o bottom of the Subject Copy.
Stop Signal. A signal which initiates the transfer of a
Scanning Line 'Frequency. See Stroke Speed.
Facsimile equipment condition from active to standby.
Scanning Line Length. T h e total length of scanning line
Stroke Speed (Scanning or Recording Line Frequency).
is equal t o the Spot Speed divided by the Scanning Line
T h e number of times per minute, unless otherwise
stated, t h a t a fixed line perpendicular t o the direction
Note: This is generally greater than the length of the
of Scanning is crossed in one direction by a Scanning or
Available Line.
Recording Spot.
Scanning Spot (in Facsimile). T h e area on the Subject Note: In most conventional mechanical systems this
Copy viewed instantaneously by the pickup system of is equivalent t o Drum Speed. In systems in which the
the Scanner. Picture Signal is used while Scanning in both directions,
the Stroke Speed is twice the above figure.
Scanning Spot X Dimension. The effective scanning
spot dimension measured in the direction of the scan- Subcarrier. A carrier which is applied as a modulating
ning line on the Subject Copy. wave to modulate another carrier.
Note: T h e numerical value of this will depend upon
the tvpe of system used. Subject Copy. The material in graphic form which is to
be transmitted for Facsimile reproduction. .
Scanning Spot Y Dimension. T h e effective scanning
spot dimension measured perpendicularly to the scan- Synchronizing (in Facsimile). The maintenance of pre-
ning line on the Subject Copy. determined speed relations between the Scanning Spot
Note: T h e numerical value of this will depend upon and the Recording Spot within each scanning line.
the type of system used. Synchronizing Signal (in Facsimile). A signal used for
Signal Contrast (in Facsimile). The ratio expressed in maintenance of predetermined speed relations between
decibels between White Signal and Black Signal. the Scanning Spot and Recording Spot within each scan-
ning line.
Signal Frequency Shift. In a frequency shift Facsimile
System, the numericaI difference between the frequen- Tailing (Hangover). The excessive prolongation of the
cies corresponding t o White Signal and Black Signal a t decay of the signal.
a n y point in the system. Transmitter, Facsimile. The apparatus employed to
Simple Scanning. Scanning of only one Scanning Spot translate the Subject Copy into signals suitable for de-
at a time during the Scanning process. livery to the communication system.

Skew (in Facsimile). T h e deviation of the received Transmitting Converter, Facsimile (AM to FS Con-
Frame from rectangularity due t o asynchronism be- verter). A device which changes the type of modulation
tween Scanner and Recorder. Skew is expressed numer- from amplitude to frequency shift.
ically as the tangent of the angle of this deviation. Underlap X. T h e amount by which the center-to-center
Spot Projection. T h e optical method of Scanning or Re- spacing of the Recorded Spots exceeds the Recorded Spot
cording in which t h e Scanning or Recording spot is de- X Dimension.
fined in the path of the reflected or transmitted light. Note: This effect arises in that type of equipment
which responds t o a constant Density in the Subject
Spot Speed. T h e speed of the Scanning or Recording Copy by a succession of discrete Recorded Spots.
spot within the Available Line.
Note: This is generally measured on the Subjecl
Copy or on the Record Sheet.
Underlap Y. T h e amount by which the Nominal Line
Width exceeds the Recorded Spot Y Dimensim.

Useful Line. See Available Line. form of Recordingin which the lowest received frequency
corresponds to the minimum Density of the Record
Vestigial Sideband. The transmitted portion of the
sideband which has been largely suppressed by a trans-
ducer having a gradual cut-off in the neighborhood of White Signal. The signal at any point in a Facsimile
the carrier frequency, the other sideband being trans- System produced by the Scanning of a minimum Den-
mitted without much suppression. sity area of the Subject Copy.
Vestigial Sideband Transmission. That method of
White Transmission. In an amplitude-modulation sps-
signal transmission in which one normal sideband and
tem, that form of transmission in which the maximum
the corresponding Vestigial Sideband are utilized. transmitted power corresponds to the minimum Den-
White Recording. In an amplitude-modulation system, sity of the Subject Copy. In a frequency-modulation sys-
that form of Recording in which the maximum received tem, that form of transmission in which the lowest
power corresponds to the minimum Density of the Rec- transmitted frequency corresponds to the minimum
ord Medium. In a frequency-modulation system that Density of the Subject Copy.

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